editPlease see the talk page for the status of this book. You may wish to visit the OpenSSL Foundation Wiki instead. (aka the OpenSSL wiki).
editOpenSSL is an open-source library for Transport Layer Security and general-purpose Cryptography.
editOpenSSL consists of two separate libraries: libcrypto and libssl. libcrypto is a general-purpose cryptography library which can be used alone. libssl is a TLS library which depends on libcrypto. OpenSSL also comes with an "openssl" command-line program, which can be used to exercise much of the functionality of the library from the command line.
editlibcrypto is the portion of OpenSSL for performing general-purpose cryptography, which can be used without libssl.
Introduction to libcryptoedit |
BIOedit |
EVPedit |
Keys and Certificatesedit |
Elliptic Curve Cryptographyedit |
Enginesedit |
More libcryptoedit |
editlibssl is the portion of OpenSSL which supports TLS, and depends on libcrypto.
Introduction to libssledit |
Configurationedit |
Certificate Validationedit |
More libssledit |
command line programs
editThe "openssl" command line program contains a variety of sub-programs.
TODO: document all of them!