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Oberon Bibliography

Other bibliographies maintained by Oberon supporters:

Other documentation databases:

Oberon Books
  1. Programming in Oberon - M. Reiser and N. Wirth [PDF (10'256'384 B)]
  2. The Oberon System - M. Reiser - Out-of-print [PDF (15'861'860 B)]
  3. Project Oberon - The Design of an Operating System and Compiler - N. Wirth and J. Gutknecht [PDF (4'398 KB)]
  4. Compiler Construction - N. Wirth [PDF (597 KB)]
  5. Programming in Oberon (2004) - A derivative of Programming in Modula-2 (1982) - N. Wirth [PDF (432 KB)]
  6. Algorithms and Data Structures (1985) (Oberon version: August 2004) - N. Wirth [PDF (1'241 KB)]

[War02] J. S. Warford

Computing Fundamentals
The Theory and Practice of Software Design with BlackBox Component Builder [PDF (14'111'686 B)]
Verlag Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2002, ISBN 3-528-05828-5

[BrD02] Edited by M. Broy and E. Denert

Software Pioneers - Contributions to Software Engineering
with the transcription of a talk given by Niklaus Wirth on Pascal and its successors, at the Software Pioneers Conference.
Springer, Heidelberg, 2002, ISBN 3-540-43081-4. Order from Amazon.

[BGP00] Edited by L. Böszörményi, J. Gutknecht, G. Pomberger

The School of Niklaus Wirth - The Art of Simplicity
dpunkt.verlag GmbH, 2000, ISBN German 3-932588-85-1
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000, ISBN 1-55860-723-4
With preface by Tony Hoare.

[WiR92] N. Wirth and M. Reiser

Programming in Oberon - Steps Beyond Pascal and Modula
Addison-Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-56543-9
Tutorial for the Oberon programming language and concise language reference.

[WiR94] N. Wirth and M. Reiser

Programmieren in Oberon - Das neue Pascal
Addison-Wesley, 1994, ISBN 3893196579 - Translated into German by J. Templ.

[Rei92] M. Reiser

The Oberon System; User Guide and Programmer's Manual
Addison-Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-54422-9
User manual for the programming environment and reference for the standard module library.

[WiG92] N. Wirth and J. Gutknecht

Project Oberon - The Design of an Operating System and Compiler
Addison-Wesley, 1992, ISBN 0-201-54428-8
Program listings with explanation for the whole system, including the compiler for NS32000.

[HoH94] H. Haupt und O. Hess

Schatzkiste für Programmierer unter DOS und Windows, mit CD-ROM
Vogel Computer Presse GmbH, 1994, ISBN 3-825-91329-5

[Moe95] H. Mössenböck

Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2
Springer, 1995, ISBN 3-540-60062-0
Principles and applications of object-oriented programming with examples in the language Oberon-2.

[Moe98] H. Mössenböck

Objektorientierte Programmierung in Oberon-2
Springer, 3. Auflage - 1998, ISBN 3-540-64649-3

[Wir96a] N. Wirth

Compiler Construction
Addison-Wesley, 1996, ISBN 0-201-40353-6.
A disk provided with the book gives full listings of the Oberon-0 compiler and associated tools.

[Wir96b] N. Wirth

Grundlagen und Techniken des Compilerbaus
Addison-Wesley, 1996, ISBN 3-89319-931-4

[MLK97] J. R. Mühlbacher, B. Leisch, B. Kirk, U. Kreuzeder

Oberon-2 Programming with Windows
Springer, 1997, ISBN 3-540-62522-4

[Nik97] E. W. Nikitin

Into the Realm of Oberon: An introduction to Programming and the Oberon-2 Programming Language
Springer, 1997, ISBN 0-387-98279-5

[Kna97] M. Knasmüller

Oberon-D. On Adding Database Functionality to an Object-Oriented Development Environment
Schriftenreihe der Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz 22, 1997, ISBN 3-85320-898-3

[Szy98] C. Szyperski

Component Software - Beyond Object-Oriented Programming
Addison-Wesley, 1998, ISBN 0-201-17888-5

[FiM98] A. Fischer and H. Marais

The Oberon Companion: A Guide to Using and Programming Oberon System 3
vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 1998, ISBN 3-7281-2493-1
Out of print but see note about printing a legal personal copy in the second paragraph of Oberon/Beginning as a Novice.
Accompanying CD with executables for various platforms and sources.

[MMZ99] B. Marincek, J.L. Marais, E. Zeller

Oberon - Ein Kurzleitfaden für Studenten
Vieweg, 1999, ISBN 3-528-05691-6

[Hug01] K. Hug

Module, Klassen, Verträge. Ein Lehrbuch zur komponentenorientierten Softwarekonstruktion mit Component Pascal
Verlag Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2001, 2. aktualisierte Auflage, ISBN 3-528-15681-3

[Wir13] N. Wirth

Project Oberon (New Edition 2013). Originally published with co-author J. Gutknecht, 1992.

Some of these books can be found in the VLB (Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher) used by many booksellers in Europe. For example: Bücherinsel, Osiandersche Buchhandlung or Lehmanns Buchhandlung.

Chapter in book

[GuF99] J. Gutknecht and M. Franz - Oberon with Gadgets: A Simple Component Framework - PDF document in Implementing Application Frameworks: Object-Oriented Frameworks at Work - Wiley 1999

ETH Technical Reports

The Department Informatik, Institut für Computersysteme publishes freely available technical reports. Some of them are however out of print. Abstracts are available from the complete list of technical reports. Abstracts and full reports electronically available from there.

The reports dealing with Oberon are listed here, the latest publications appearing first.

[San99] M. Sanvido - A Computer System for Model Helicopter Flight Control; Technical Memo No. 3: The Software Core - Report 317, Apr. 1999

[Kot99] M. Kottmann - Software for Model Helicopter Flight Control - Report 316, Mar. 1999

[Wir99b] N. Wirth - An Essay on Programming - Report 315, Mar. 1999

[Wir99a] N. Wirth - A Computer System for Model Helicopter Flight Control Technical Memo Nr. 6: The Oberon Compiler for the Strong_ARM - Report 314, Mar. 1999

[Wir98] N. Wirth - A Computer System for Model Helicopter Flight Control Technical Memo Nr. 2: The Programming Language Oberon SA - Report 285, Jan. 1998

[Gut96] J. Gutknecht - Oberon, Gadgets and Some Archetypal Aspects of Persistent Objects - Report 243, Feb. 1996 and Postscript text also in Information Sciences, Vol. 93, no. 1-2, 65-86, 1996

[Sup94] J. Supcik - HP-Oberon (TM). The Oberon Implementation for HP 9000 Series 700 - Report 212, Feb. 1994

[Dis93] A. R. Disteli - Oberon for PC on an MS DOS Base - Report 203, Nov. 1993

[BCF92] M. Brandis, R. Crelier, M. Franz, J. Templ - The Oberon System Family - Report 174, Apr. 1992 - pdf document also in Software - Practice and Experience, 25:12, 1331-1366, Dec. 1995

[Lal91] S. Lalis - XNET - Supporting Distributed Programming in the Oberon Environment - Report 161, May 1991

[Moe91] H. Mössenböck - Differences between Oberon and Oberon-2 - gnu-compressed PS (re-published later as MoW91a) + The Programming Language Oberon-2 - gnu-compressed PS (re-published later as MoW91b) - Report 160, May 1991

[GPH91] R. Griesemer - On the Linearization of Graphs and Writing Symbol Files + C. Pfister (Ed.), B. Heeb, J. Templ - Oberon Technical Notes - Report 156, Mar. 1991

[Szy91] C. Szyperski - Write - An extensible Text Editor for the Oberon System - Report 151, Jan. 1991

[Mar90] J. L. Marais - The Gadgets User Interface Management System - Report 144, Nov. 1990

[Wir90a] N. Wirth - From Modula to Oberon - gnu-compressed PS (re-published later as Wir88a) + The Programming Language Oberon (Revised Edition 1.10.90) gnu-compressed PS (re-published later as Wir88b) - Report 143, Nov. 1990

[Fra90a] M. Franz - MacOberon Reference Manual - Report 142, Nov. 1990

[Fra90b] M. Franz - The Implementation of MacOberon - Report 141, Oct. 1990

[Wir90b] N. Wirth - Die Programmiersprache Oberon - Report 140, Oct. 1990

[Gut90] J. Gutknecht - The Oberon Guide: System Release 1.2 - Report 138, Oct. 1990

[Tem90] J. Templ - SPARC-Oberon User's Guide and Implementation - Report 133, Jun. 1990

[Moe90] H. Mössenböck - Coco/R - A Generator for Fast Compiler Front-Ends - Report 127, Feb. 1990 - Postscript and Postscript compressed

[Szy90] C. Szyperski - Network Communication in the Oberon Environment - Report 126, Feb. 1990

[Cre90] R. Crelier - OP2: A Portable Oberon Compiler - Report 125, Feb. 1990 - pdf and gnu-compressed PS Presented at the 2nd International Modula-2 Conference, Loughborough, Sep. 1991

[Gut89c] J. Gutknecht - The Oberon Guide - Report 119, Dec. 1989

[MTG89] H. Mössenböck, J. Templ and R. Griesemer - Object Oberon: An Object-Oriented Extension of Oberon - Report 109, Jun. 1989 - PDF document

[Gut89b] J. Gutknecht - The Oberon Guide - Report 108, Jun. 1989

[WiG88] N. Wirth and J. Gutknecht - The Oberon System - Report 88, Jul. 1988 - (re-published later as WiG89)


Server mastheads at dissertations and e-collection.

[Mul02] P. J. Muller - The Active Object System Design and Multiprocessor Implementation - Dissertation ETH Nr. 14755, 2002

[Osw00b] E. Oswald - A Generic 2D Graphics Interface with Object Framework and Applications - Dissertation ETH Nr. 13778, Dec. 2000

[Sup99] J. Supcik - ODEON - An Object-Oriented Data Model and its Integration in the Oberon System - Dissertation ETH Nr. 13161, 1999

[Qiu98] X. Qiu - Applying Object-Orientation to Developing Integrated Environments for Computer-Aided Control Systems Design - Dissertation ETH Nr. 12724, 1998 - Institut für Automatik Publication (soon)

[Ros97] R. Roshardt - Design und Implementierung einer offenen], modularen Robotersteuerung mit Oberon - Dissertation ETH Nr. 12296, 1997

[Kot97] M. Kottmann - Komponentenorientierte Modellierung und Simulation kombinierter Systeme - Dissertation ETH Nr. 12294 Institut für Automatik Publication No. 9, 1997 - ISBN 3-906487-02-4

[Lud97] S. Ludwig - Hades - Fast Hardware Synthesis Tools and a Reconfigurable Coprocessor - Dissertation ETH Nr. 12276, 1997 and Dissertation ETH Nr. 12276

[Dis97] A. R. Disteli - Integration aktiver Objekte in Oberon am Beispiel eines Serversystems - Dissertation ETH Nr. 12231, 1997

[Geh97] S. Gehring - An Integrated Framework for Structured Circuit Design with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - Dissertation ETH Nr. 12188, 1997 [PDF (2'442'247 B)]

[Ode98] M. Odersky - A New Approach to Formal Language Definition and its Application to Oberon - Dissertation ETH Nr. 12057, 1998

[Wec96] W. Weck - On Document-Centered Mathematical Component Software - Dissertation ETH Nr. 11817, 1996

[Mar96a] J. Marais - Design and Implementation of a Component Architecture for Oberon - Dissertation ETH Nr. 11697, 1996

[Som96] R. Sommerer - Integration of Online Documents - Dissertation ETH Nr. 11592, 1996

[Bra95] M. M. Brandis - Optimizing Compilers for Structured Programming Languages - Dissertation ETH Nr. 11024, 1995

[Tem94a] J. Templ - Metaprogramming in Oberon - Dissertation ETH Nr. 10655, 1994 - see also th10655 - abstract and PostScript.

[Cre94] R. Crelier - Separate Compilation and Module Extension - Dissertation ETH Nr. 10650, 1994 - see also th10650 - abstract and PostScript.

[Fra94a] M. Franz - Code-Generation On-the-Fly: A Key to Portable Software - Dissertation ETH Nr. 10497, 1994 - see also th10497 - abstract and PostScript. Published by vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich], 1994 - ISBN 3-7281-2115-0 Abstract

[Gri93] R. Griesemer - A Programming language for Vector Computers - Dissertation ETH Nr. 10277, 1993 - see also th10277 - abstract and PostScript.

[Szy92] C. Szyperski - Insight ETHOS: On Object-Orientation in Operating Systems - Dissertation ETH Nr. 9884, 1992 and vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 1992

Oberon papers in publications

Also refer to the papers published by the University of Linz, Austria as well as to their reports accessible by ftp[1] and to the publications of the former Distributed Systems Department of the University of Ulm, Germany.

In the following list, the most recent publications appear first.

[Hel01] M. Heller - Beyond C++ - BYTE Aug. 2001

[Fot01] M. Fothe - Problemlösen mit Oberon - Konzeption und Einsatz eines elektronischen Lehrbuchs - LOG IN 21 (2001) - Heft 2

[GuW00] J. Gutknecht, Wolfgang Weck (Ed.) - Joint Modular Languages Conference, JMLC 2000, Zürich, Switzerland, September 2000, Proceedings - Springer LNCS 1897, 2000, ISBN 3-540-67958-8

  • [Wir00] N. Wirth - The Development of Procedural Programming Languages - Personal Contributions and Perspectives - JMLC 2000, p. 1-10

[Hof00] M. Hof - Composable Message Semantics in Oberon - JMLC 2000, p. 11-25

[Gut00] J. Gutknecht - Oberon as an Implementation Language for COM Components: A Case Study in Language Interoperability - JMLC 2000, p. 119-133

[Osw00a] E. Oswald - Leonardo: A Framework for Modeling and Editing Graphical Components - JMLC 2000, p. 147-160

[Sed00] J. Sedlacek - Project C2 - A Survey of an Industrial Embedded Application with Native Oberon for PC - JMLC 2000, p. 186-196

[Mik00] V. V. Mikheev - Design of Multilingual Retargetable Compilers: Experience of the XDS Framework Evolution - JMLC 2000, p. 238-249

[Rea00] P. Reali - Structuring a Compiler with Active Objects - JMLC 2000, p. 250-262

[Mul00] P. Muller - A Multiprocessor Kernel for Active Object-Based Systems - JMLC 2000, p. 263-277

[Ree00] P. Reed - Building Your Own Tools: An Oberon Industrial Case-Study - JMLC 2000, p. 291-298

[Col00] H. Collingbourne - What Pascal's inventor did next - PC Plus, Issue 160, February 2000, p. 213-216 - Tutorial on POW! distributed on PC Plus SuperCD 160-A.

[WeR99] M. Weseloh and R. Rüdiger - Applying Modern Software Design Principles: A CAN Tool Based on Extensibility - Proceedings of the 6th international CAN Conference (iCC'99), Torino, Italy, 2nd to 4th November 1999 - Plain Postscript

[Saw99] G. Sawitzki - Keeping Statistics Alive in Documents - Sonderforschungsbereich 373 Quantifikation und Simulation Ökonomischer Prozesse, Berlin 1999 - HTML page

[Zel99] E. Zeller - Fine-grain Integration of Oberon into Windows using Pluggable Objects - 1999 - PDF document

[MiS99] Klaus Miesenberger and Bernhard Stöger - Oberon2Braille: Making the Oberon System accessible for the blind persons - CSUN (California State University, Northridge) 1999 Conference Proceedings (Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference) - HTML document

[Boe99] T. Börner - Betriebssysteme: Native Oberon für den PC - CHIP 3/99 - S. 131 - CHIP

[QSW98] Qiu X., Schaufelberger W., Wang J., and Sun Y. - Applying O3CACSD to Control System Design and Rapid Prototyping - Proc. 17th American Control Conference, Philadelphia, Jun. 1998

[HuK98] K. Hug, H. Ketz - Informatik-Grundausbildung für Ingenieure mit Oberon-2 - TEX, Die Zeitschrift der Fachhochschule Reutlingen, Heft 61, S. 53-59, Mai 1998

[KeH98] H. Ketz, K. Hug - Informatik-Grundausbildung für Ingenieure - Hochschuldidaktische Betrachtung und Erfahrungsbericht - Informatik und Ausbildung, GI-Fachtagung 98, Stuttgart, 30.3.-1.4.1998 Hg: Claus Volker - Berlin - Springer 1998 S. 52-62

[Lam98] J. Lampe - Depot4 - A generator for dynamically extensible translators - Software - Concepts and Tools (Springer-Verlag), Volume 19:2, 97-108, 1998 - Abstract

[HuK97] K. Hug, H. Ketz - Objektorientierung mit Oberon-2 in der Ingenieur-Grundausbildung - Informatik-Spektrum, Band 20, Heft 6, S. 350-356, Dez. 1997 - Abstract

[DoW97] G. Dotzel, W. Skulski - Oberon-2, a hi performance alternative to C++ - Computers in Physics, 11, 81, 1997 - PDF, formerly HTML document and gnu-compressed PS

[Sve97] S. Sverdlov - Big small Oberon language - PC Week Russia, No. 35, Sep. 1997

[Rue97b] R. Rüdiger - Programmierung Erweiterbarer Systeme. Eine Kurzeinführung in Oberon - Technischer Bericht, FH Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, Juni 1997

[Rue97a] R. Rüdiger - Aspekte der Auswahl von Programmiersprachen für die Lehre. Ein Diskussionbeitrag -- Argumente für Oberon als erste Sprache im Informatik-Studium - Technischer Bericht, FH Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, August 1997 - Plain Postscript

[Kna97c] M. Knasmüller - Oberon-D - 7th ECOOP Workshop for Doctoral Students in Object-Oriented Systems, Jyväskylä, Jun. 1997 - System Software Group papers

[Kna97b] M. Knasmüller - Adding Schema Evolution to the Persistent Development Environment Oberon-D - Department of System Software, Linz University, Technical Report 10, Jun. 1997 - System Software Group papers

[QSW97] Qiu X., Schaufelberger W. and Wang J. - Applying Object-Orientation to Developing an Integrated Environment for Computer-Aided Control System Design - IFAC Symposium on CACSD, 179-184, Gent, Apr. 1997

[Hre97] F. Hrebabetzky - Closed-Loop Control with Oberon - Software - Concepts and Tools (Springer-Verlag), Volume 18:2, 73-79, 1997

[Moe97] H. Mössenböck (Ed.) - Joint Modular Languages Conference, JMLC'97 Linz, Austria March 19-21, 1997, Proceedings - Springer LNCS 1204, 1997, ISBN 3-540-62599-2

  • [Kis97] T. Kistler - Dynamic Runtime Optimization - JMLC'97, p. 53-66

[SuN97] J. Supcik, M. C. Norrie - An Object-Oriented Database Programming Environment for Oberon - JMLC'97, p. 82-96 - Abstract and gnu-compressed PS

[Kna97a] M. Knasmüller - Adding Persistence to the Oberon System - JMLC'97, p. 97-111 - System Software Group papers; see also https://ssw.jku.at/Research/Reports/Report6.html

[RoS97] P. Roe and C. Szyperski - Lightweight Parametric Polymorphism for Oberon - JMLC'97, p. 140-154 - Postscript compressed

[Sch97] D. Scherer - A Messaging Architecture for Distributed Objects in Oberon - JMLC'97, p. 182-196

[Hof97] M. Hof - Just-in-Time Stub Generation - JMLC'97, p. 197-206 - System Software Group papers

[Gut97] J. Gutknecht - Do the Fish Really Need Remote Control? A Proposal for Self-Active Objects in Oberon - JMLC'97, p. 207-220 - Postscript text.

[DiR97] A. R. Disteli and P. Reali - Combining Oberon with Active Objects - JMLC'97, p. 221-235 [abstract] [plain] or [gnu-compressed PS Postscript]

[Ste97] C. Steindl - Reflection in Oberon - JMLC'97, p. 282-296 - System Software Group papers

[Zel97] E. Zeller - Seamless Integration of Online Services in the Oberon Document System - JMLC'97, p. 366-379 - gnu-compressed PS

[Fra97a] M. Franz - The Programming Language Lagoona: A Fresh Look at Object-Orientation - Software - Concepts and Tools (Springer-Verlag), Volume 18:1, 14-26, Mar. 1997 - pdf document

[Fra97b] M. Franz - Adaptive Compression of Syntax Trees and Iterative Dynamic Code Optimization: Two Basic Technologies for Mobile-Object Systems - Technical Report 97-04, Dept. of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, Feb. 1997

[GuF96] J. Gutknecht and M. Franz - Towards a Framework for Mobile Objects in Oberon - A Concept-Oriented Tour - Technical Report 96-55, Dept. of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, Dec. 1996

[DoG96] G. Dotzel and H. Goebel - Porting the Oberon System to AlphaAXP - ACM Sigplan Notices, 31:11, Nov. 1996 - HTML document

[BBS96] R. Back, M. Büchi and E. Sekerinski - Adding Type-Bound Actions to Action-Oberon - TUCS Technical Report No. 66, Abo Akademi University, Finland, Nov. 1996 - HTML document

[MoK96] H. Mössenböck and K. Koskimies - Active Text for Structuring and Understanding Source Code - Software - Practice and Experience, 26:7, 833-850, Jul. 1996 - System Software Group papers

[Fra96] M. Franz - Dynamic Linking of Software Components - IEEE Computer, 30:3, pp. 74-81, March 1997 and Technical Report 96-26, Dept. of Information and Computer Science, UCI, Jun. 1996

[FrK96] M. Franz and T. Kistler - Slim Binaries - Communications of the ACM, 40:12, pp. 87-94, December 1997 and Technical Report 96-24, Dept. of Information and Computer Science, UCI, Jun. 1996

[Wir96c] N. Wirth - Tasks versus Threads: An Alternative Multiprocessing Paradigm - Software - Concepts and Tools (Springer-Verlag), Volume 17:1, 6-12, 1996

[Saw96] G. Sawitzki - Extensible Statistical Software: On a Voyage to Oberon - Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5.3, 263-283, Sep. 1996.

[Mar96b] J. L. Marais - Extensible Software Systems in Oberon - Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 5.3, 284-298, Sep. 1996

[Rue96] R. Rüdiger - Programmierung Erweiterbarer Systeme. Die Oberon-Sicht - Technische Berichte Nr. 29: 1. Norddeutsches Kolloquium über Informatik an Fachhochschulen (26.-27. April), Juli 1996 Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik, FH Hamburg - Plain Postscript

[Kot96] M. Kottmann - Combined Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems using Oberon - Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on CACSD, Dearborn, 358-362, 1996

[Gut95b] J. Gutknecht - Oberon in Education - Modulator Tech Journal, 5:8, Jul. 1995 - HTML document

[n/a] First Joint Conference of GI and SI, GISI'95, Zürich, 21 Sep. 1995 - Abstracts

  • [Gut95a] J. Gutknecht - The Smart Document or how to Integrate Global Services - GISI'95

[Som95] R. Sommerer - Integrating Oberon Resources into the World-Wide Web - GISI'95

[Kna95] M. Knasmüller - Oberon Dialogs: A User Interface for End Users - GISI'95 - System Software Group papers; see also master thesis and research paper

[Mos95] B. Mösli - A Comparison of C++, FORTRAN 90 and Oberon-2 for Scientific Programming - GISI'95 - HTML document

[Hof95] M. Hof - A Run Time Debugger for Oberon - Department of System Software, Linz University, Technical Report 5, Aug. 1995 - Postscript compressed

[BFD95] C. Berthouzoz, P. Fabian, G. Dotzel - Extensibilité et persistance - L'Object: Logiciel, base de données, réseaux - Vol. 1, no. 2, juin 1995 - HTML document

[Fan95] G. Fankhauser - Oberon/F Component Framework - ComputerWorld Schweiz, 13. Apr. 1995 - HTML document

[Cre95] R. Crelier - Extending Module Interfaces without Invalidating Clients - Software - Concepts and Tools (Springer-Verlag), Volume 16:2, 49-62, 1995

[Fra95] M. Franz - Protocol Extension: A Technique for Structuring Large extensible Software Systems - Software - Concepts and Tools (Springer-Verlag), Volume 16:2, 86-94, 1995

[Pou95] D. Pountain - The Oberon/F System - BYTE 20(1), Jan. 1995

[ScD95] C. Schramer, G. Dotzel - Das OpenVMS Alpha Modula-2 und Oberon-2 Compiler Projekt - Deckblatt 12, 1994 and Ubaye's First Independent Modula-2 & Oberon-2 Journal, Jan 1995 - HTML document in German

[Tem94c] J. Templ - The Oberon Programming language - Dr. Dobb's SourceBook, Winter 1994 - Abstract

[Tem94d] J. Templ - Oberon vs. C++ - Modulator Tech Journal, 4:9, Oct. 1994 - HTML document

[Mar94a] J. L. Marais - Oberon System 3 - Dr. Dobb's Journal, Volume 19, 42-50, Oct. 1994 - Abstract

[Tem94b] J. Templ - Vergleich der Programmiersprachen Oberon und C++ - iX. Multiuser, Multitasking, Issue 9, 138-143, 1994

[Gri94] R. Griesemer - Detection of Side-Effects in Function Procedures - International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, CA, Technical Report TR-94-032, Sep. 1994 - Abstract, gnu-compressed PS

[Scu94] P. Schulthess (Ed.) - Joint Modular Languages Conference, JMLC'94 Ulm, Germany 28-30 Sep., 1994, Proceedings - Universitätsverlag Ulm GmbH, 1994, ISBN 3-89559-220-X

  • [TSP94] E. Templ, A. Stritzinger and G. Pomberger - Process Visualization with Oberon System 3 and Gadgets - JMLC'94, p. 13-20 - Postscript compressed

[NTH94] A. E. Nedorya, E. V. Tarasov and A. D. Hapugin - Restricted Multiple Inheritance - JMLC'94, p. 21-29

[Fra94c] M. Franz - Compiler Optimizations Should Pay for Themselves - JMLC'94, p. 111-121

[Bra94] M.M. Brandis - Building an Optimizing Compiler for Oberon: Implication on Programming Language Design - JMLC'94, p. 123-136

[Hof94] M. Hof - Post Mortem Debugger for Oberon - JMLC'94, p. 137-145 - System Software Group papers

[MuD94] P.J. Muller and P.J.A. de Villiers - Using Oberon to Design a Hierarchy of Extensible Device Drivers - JMLC'94, p. 147-158

[BGS94] E. Bugnion, M. Gitsels and B. A. Sanders - Object-oriented distributed programming in the Oberon-PVM environment - JMLC'94, p. 173-187

[Tra94] S. Traub - The Design of a Distributed Oberon System - JMLC'94, p. 189-200 - HTML document

[Dyk94] P. Dykstra - An O-O Functional Logic Language for the Oberon System - JMLC'94, p. 249-272

[Lam94] J. Lampe - An Oberon-Based Implementation Tool - JMLC'94, p. 303-312

[KiN94] B. Kirk and L. Nigro - A Distributed Architecture for Real Time, in Oberon-2 - JMLC'94, p. 325-366

[Gut94a] J. Gutknecht - Oberon - Perpectives of Evolution - JMLC'94, p. 395-406

[Mar94b] J. L. Marais - Towards End-User Objects: The Gadgets User Interface System - JMLC'94, p. 407-420

[ABV94] F. Arickx, J. Broeckhove, T. Van den Eede, L. Vinck - PC-Oberon: Native Oberon on the PC compatible (ISA) platform - JMLC'94, p. 471-480

[Dot94] G. Dotzel - Alpha AXP/OpenVMS Modula-2 and Oberon-2 Compiler Project - JMLC'94, p. 481-503 - HTML document

[GFO94] J. Gesswein, K. Froitzheim, R. Ondrus, O. Schirpf - Bringing the Oberon Language to the Macintosh - JMLC'94, p. 505-519 - HTML document

[GQS94] Glattfelder A.H., Qiu X., Schaufelberger W., and Reimann K. - Educational Simulation Software in Oberon - Proc. of the 3rd Symposium on Advances in Control Education, Tokyo, 107-110, Aug. 1994

[Nau94b] D. A. Naumann - Predicate transformer semantics of an Oberon-like language - Proceedings of the IFIP WG2.1/WG2.2/WG2.3 Conference on Programming Languages, 467-487, Jun. 1994

[ScQ94] W. Schaufelberger and X. Qiu - Control Engineering Courseware Development with Oberon - Proc. Int. Conference on Computer Aided Learning in Science and Engineering, Paris, 477-480, 1994

[QiS94] X. Qiu and W. Schaufelberger - Control System Design with Oberon - Proc. of the IEEE/IFAC Joint Symposium on CACSD, Tucson, 271-276, Mar. 1994

[PoS94] D. Pountain and C. Szyperski - Extensible Software Systems, Subtyping or Subclassing?, Inheritance or Delegation? - BYTE 19(5), 57-62, May 1994

[Gut94] J. Gutknecht (Ed.) - Programming Languages and System Architectures, International Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, March 1994, Proceedings Springer LNCS 782, 1997, ISBN 3-540-57840-4

  • [CoG94] D. Corney and J. Gough - Type Test Elimination using Typeflow Analysis - PLSA'94, p. 137-150 - Plain Postscript

[Fra94b] M. Franz - Technological Steps toward a Software Component Industry - PLSA'94, p. 259-281

[Rad94] A. Radenski - Is Oberon as Simple as Possible? A Smaller Object-Oriented Language Based on the Concept of Module Type - PLSA'94, p. 298-312 - HTML document.

[Nau94a] D. A. Naumann - On the Essence of Oberon - PLSA'94, p. 313-327

[LaS94] S. Lalis and B. Sanders - Adding Concurrency to the Oberon System - PLSA'94, p. 328-344

[Gut94b] J. Gutknecht - Oberon System 3: A Vision of a Future Software Technology - Software - Concepts and Tools (Springer-Verlag), Volume 15:1, 26-33, 1994

[Saw94] G. Sawitzki - A Portable, Object-Oriented Extensible Statistical Programming Environment Based on Oberon - Proceedings in Computational Statistics (Compstat 1994), 158-159, 1994

[Moe94] H. Mössenböck - Extensibility in the Oberon System - Nordic Journal of Computing, Vol. 1, 77-93, Jan. 1994 - Postscript compressed

[HeZ93] R. Henderson, B. Zorn - A Comparison of Object-Oriented Programming in Four Modern Languages - Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado - Technical report CU-CS-641-93, Jul. 1993

[Fra93a] M. Franz - Emulating an Operating System on Top of Another - Software - Practice and Experience, 23:6, 677-692, Jun. 1993 - PDF document

[Fra93b] M. Franz - The case for universal symbol files - Structured Programming, 14:3, 136-147, Mar. 1993 - PDF document

[Gut92] J. Gutknecht - Project Oberon: Make it as simple as possible but not simpler - OUTPUT Jubliläumausgabe, 38-44, Dec. 1992

[HeP92] B. Heeb and C. Pfister - Chameleon: A Workstation of a Different Color - Second International Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, Vienna - Springer LNCS 705. 1992, ISBN 3-540-57091-8

[Tem91] J. Templ - Design and Implementation of SPARC-Oberon - Software - Practice and Experience, 23:12, 197-205, Dec. 1991

[Mar91] J. Marais - The Gadgets User Interface Management System - Structured Programming, 12, 75-89, 1991

[MoW91a] H. Mössenböck and N. Wirth - Differences between Oberon and Oberon-2 - Structured Programming, 12:4, 175-177, 1991

[MoW91b] H. Mössenböck and N. Wirth - The Programming Language Oberon-2 - Structured Programming, 12:4, 179-195, 1991 - System Software Group papers

[Pou91] D. Pountain - Modula's Children, Part II: Oberon - BYTE 16(3), 135-142, Mar. 1991

[Pou90] D. Pountain - Oberon: A Glimpse at the Future - BYTE 15(2), 385-392, Nov. 1990

[WiG89] N. Wirth and J. Gutknecht - The Oberon System - Software - Practice and Experience, 19:9, 857-893, 1989

[MoT89] H. Mössenböck and J. Templ - Object Oberon - A Modest Object-Oriented Language - Structured Programming, 10:4, 199-207, 1989

[BPS89] G. Blaschek, G. Pomberger, A Stritzinger - Comparison of Object-Oriented Programming languages - Structured Programming, 10:4, 187-197, 1989

[Gut89a] J. Gutknecht - Variations on the Role of Module Interfaces - Structured Programming, 10:1, 40-46, 1989

[Wir89] N. Wirth - Designing a System from Scratch - Structured Programming, 10:1, 10-18, 1989

[Wir88b] N. Wirth - The Programming Language Oberon - Software - Practice and Experience, 18:7, 671-690, Jul. 1988 Note: A revised version appears in the Appendix A of Programming in Oberon and as HTML document

[Wir88a] N. Wirth - From Modula to Oberon - Software - Practice and Experience, 18:7, 661-670, Jul. 1988

[Wir88c] N. Wirth - Type Extensions - ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 10:2, 204-214, Apr. 1988

Background Papers

[Hen99] Gregor Henger - Technologiestandort Schweiz - Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 14 May 1999 - Oberon microsystems HTML document copy

[KeR98] K. Kelly and S. Reiss - One Huge Computer - Wired, Issue 6.08, Aug. 1998 - HTML document

[Ger99] B. Gerber - Ein digitaler Querdenker tritt ab - Tages-Anzeiger - HTML document 26 Mar. 1999


[Wir14] N. Wirth - Reviving a Computer System of 25 Years Ago

Web Sites

[Wir] N. Wirth - Niklaus Wirth

[Ree] P. Reed - Project Oberon, 2015-present

[Kel] R. Keller - Oberon

[Zn] H. Zinn - Component Pascal Collection

[comp.lang.modula2] - archive of comp.lang.modula2, includes early discussions of Oberon.

[comp.lang.oberon] - archive of comp.lang.oberon

[Ev] D. E. Evans - A resource for the Oberon-07 language

[GAUG] Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, GWDG - Oberon archive

[IAD] Иван Андреевич Денисов (Ivan Andreevich Denisov) - Catalog of Oberon Resources: Ru, Uk, En, De

[Rom] Romiras - Oberon Language revisions, beginning 1990-10-01

[Ram] Andres Ramos - Oberon Channel in Youtube

Unpublished documents

[Flo98a] P. Floyd - A discussion of Oberon - Jul 1998 - HTML document.

[Flo98b] P. Floyd - A description of Oberon-2 - Aug 1998 - HTML document

[n/a] ETH Students Projects - Projects grouped by semesters

[BrH98] R. Brega and M. Honegger - The Hard Real-Time Operating System for Mechatronics - ETHZ Institute of Robotics, Jun. 1998 - HTML document

[Bor94] A. Borchert - Report of Ulm's Oberon Compiler - Ulm's Oberon System Reference, Sektion Angewandte Informatik, Universität Ulm, 1994 - HTML document

[OMS97a] Oberon Microsystems Inc. - Component Pascal Language Report - HTML document

[OMS97b] Oberon Microsystems Inc. - Component Pascal - HTML document

22 Jan 2003 - Copyright © 2003 ETH Zürich. All rights reserved.
E-Mail: oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch

Homepage: http://www.ethoberon.ethz.ch/

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