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Development of an Oberon System 3 for the DNARD Network Computer
Andreas Signer

Diploma Thesis Winter 1998/99
Supervisors: Pieter Muller, Prof. J. Gutknecht
Institute for Computer Systems, ETH Zürich


The goal of this diploma thesis was the development of a basic Oberon System 3 for the DNARD Network Computer. The system should boot over the network using standard Internet protocols and include development tools as well as basic Internet tools. A RAM-disk should be used for local storage. Optionally, floating point support and an adaption of the system to a 2-button-mouse should be implemented.


A running Oberon System 3 is available for the DNARD NC. The system is based on Native Oberon V2.3.2 and the Oberon-1-Compiler for the Ceres. It boots over the network using TFTP. Floating point support and the adaption to a 2-button-mouse have been implemented. An assembler has been added to the compiler in order to support low level programming. Important applications and network tools have been ported (including FTP, Telnet, Mail, Columbus, TextDocs, EditTools, Script, Desktops, etc.)

The author can be reached at

Report (in German).

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ETH Zürich: Institut für Computer Systeme, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zürich
Comments to Pieter Muller <>

March 2, 1999