Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Characters/Walden Macnair

Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter - Character
Walden Macnair
Gender Male
Hair color Black
Eye color Unknown
Related Family Unknown
Loyalty Lord Voldemort



Walden Macnair is a tall, strapping wizard, with a thin black moustache.

Role in the Books

Beginner warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.

Macnair is the designated executioner for the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, a committee in the Ministry of Magic. He is brought to Hogwarts School to execute Buckbeak.

Lord Voldemort, on his return from near-death, tells Macnair that he will soon have wizards to kill. There being no other Macnairs mentioned to date, we can assume that this is the same Macnair to whom we have already been introduced.

Macnair served as one of Lord Voldemort's envoys to the Giants, and it seems he helped to persuade them to join forces with the Death Eaters. According to Hagrid, Macnair got along well with the new leader of the giants due to both having bloodthirsty personalities.

He also fought in the battle in the Department of Mysteries where he was partnered with Avery, though it's unknown if the duo encountered Harry during the initial chase. He later took part in the battle in the Room of the Veil, where he strangled Harry in an attempt to force the prophesy from him. He was wounded by Neville Longbottom in the final battle when Neville poked Hermione Granger's wand through the eyehole in his Death Eater mask, allowing Harry to stun him.

Macnair was briefly seen at the end being defeated by Hagrid in the final battle by being thrown across the Great Hall.



It's unknown if this could be considered a strength, but Macnair seems to be one of the more violent Death Eaters. He is described many times as being willing to kill, even enjoying it.



Relationships with Other Characters


It is uncertain how Macnair gets along with other characters. He is one of the twelve Death Eaters at the battle in the Ministry, and he and Lucius Malfoy seem to know each other at that point. There is some indication that he and Malfoy have some connection with each other at the time Macnair is sent to execute Buckbeak.





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Greater Picture

Intermediate warning: Details follow which you may not wish to read at your current level.