Mirad Thesaurus/Geography

General Vocabulary

  • mer....planet
  • singon....feature
  • mersingontun....geography
  • mersingontuna....geographical
  • mersingontut....geographer
  • mel....soil
  • meel....terrain
  • oybmeel....subsoil
  • aybmeel....topsoil
  • yanmel....continent
  • yonmel....island
  • mem....land
  • memsan....land formation
  • memsingon....land feature
  • meam....region
  • meem....territory
  • meim....countryside, rural area, country
  • meum....district
  • meb....mountain
  • mebabem....mountaintop
  • mebgim....mountain peak
  • mebnod....mountain peak
  • mebkim....mountain slope
  • mepnab....mountain range
  • mebkum....mountain side
  • mebsyob...foot of the mountain
  • mebyob....foothill
  • mebzyeg....cavern
  • mebobem....mountain base
  • mebnyaunag....massif
  • mebnyad....mountain chain
  • meyb....mount
  • meab....hill
  • meabog....knoll
  • meabnod....hilltop
  • meabkum....hillside
  • meabkim....brae, hillslope
  • meeb....hillock, knob
  • meib....mound, hump
  • meub....fold, ridge, ripple