

  • fob=plant
  • fab=tree
  • faob=wood
  • fayeb=leaf
  • fayob=bark
  • feb=fruit
  • fib=trunk
  • fub=branch
  • fyob=root
  • fayeb=leaf
  • fayob=bark
  • vob=crop
  • vab=grass
  • veb=tuft, ear
  • vib=stem, stalk
  • vub=twig, blade, spring
  • vyob=tuber

  • vol=vegetable
  • vos=flower
  • voz=color
Words with the f...b pattern refer to plants, fruits, and nuts; those with the v...b pattern refer to grasses and cereals; and those with v...l refer to vegetables.

Plants, Fruits, and Nuts

  • fob=plant
  • fobtun=botany
  • fobtuna=botanical
  • fobtut=botanist
  • fobyextun=agronomy
  • fobyextuna=agronomical
  • fobyestut=agronomist
  • fobyexun=agriculture, farming
  • fobyexuna=agricultural
  • fobyexut=agriculturalist, farmer
  • fobyexam=farmhouse
  • fobyexem=farm
  • fab=tree
  • fabog=bush, shrub
  • fabogyan=shrubbery
  • fayb=vine, bush
  • fabyan=forest
  • fabyana=forest-related
  • fabyanut=forest ranger
  • fabyanaya=forested
  • faybyan=thicket
  • fabyanes=woods
  • faybyanes=brush
  • fabil=sap
  • faob=wood
  • faoba=wooden
  • faosyeb=barrel
  • faof=plank
  • faomek=pulp::
  • fayeb=leaf
  • fayebes=sprig, bud
  • fayeyb=leaflet
  • fayob=bark
  • feb=fruit
  • fel=fruit juice
  • fib=trunk, tree trunk
  • fub=branch
  • fuyb=small branch
  • fubes=shoot, twig
  • fyob=root
  • afab=apple tree
  • afeb=apple
  • afel=apple juice
  • afeb zen=apple core
  • afayb=tea plant
  • afayeb=tea leaf
  • afayel bay lifeb=tea with lemon
  • afayel magilfyeb=teakettle, teapot, tea urn
  • afayelfyeb=teapot, teakettle, tea kettle
  • afayelsyeb=teacup
  • efab=pear tree
  • efeb=pear
  • efayb=coffee plant
  • efeyb=coffee bean
  • efeyl=coffee
  • efeylfyeb=coffee urn, coffee pot
  • efeylsyeb=coffee cup
  • ifab=cherry tree
  • ifeb=cherry
  • ifeb zen=cherry pit
  • ifel=cherry juice
  • ifeyb=blackcurrent bush
  • ifeyl=blackcurrent juice
  • ufab=prune tree
  • ufeb=prune
  • ufel=prune juice
  • yofab=apricot tree
  • yofeb=apricot
  • yofeb zen=apricot pit
  • yofel=apricot juice
  • yafab=peach tree
  • yafeb=peach
  • yafeb zen=peach pit
  • yafel=peach juice
  • yefab=quince tree
  • yefeb=quince
  • yifab=walnut tree
  • yifeb=walnut, nut
  • yufab=hazelnut tree, hazel tree
  • yufab=hazelnut
  • alofayb=blackberry bush, mulberry bush
  • alofeb=blackberry, mulberry
  • dofab=conifer
  • dofaba=coniferous:
  • dafab=fir, fir tree
  • defab=pine tree, evergreen tree, conifer
  • defeb=pine cone
  • defebsan=cone shape
  • defebsana=conical
  • defaob=pine wood
  • defayb=everygreen bush
  • difab=yew tree, yew
  • dufab=cypress
  • dufaob=cypress wood
  • dyofab=cacao tree
  • dyofeb=coffee bean
  • dyofel=cocoa
  • dyofyel=chocolate
  • dyafab=cedar tree
  • dyafaob=cedar wood
  • fafab=palm tree
  • fafayeb=palm
  • fefab=date tree
  • fefeb=date
  • fifab=banana tree
  • fifeb=banana
  • fifeb fayob=banana peel
  • fufab=coconut tree
  • fufeb=coconut
  • fufel=coconut juice
  • fyofab=pomegranate tree
  • fyofeb=pomegranate
  • fyafab=fig tree
  • fyafeb=fig
  • kafab=olive tree
  • kafeb=olive
  • kafyel=olive oil
  • lafab=orange tree
  • lafeb=orange
  • lefab=mandarine tree
  • lafeb=mandarine
  • lifab=lemon tree
  • lifeb=lemon
  • lifel=lemon juice
  • lufab=grapefruit tree
  • lufeb=grapefruit
  • lufel=grapefruit
  • rafab=oak tree
  • rafeb=acorn
  • rafaob=oak wood
  • refab=beech tree
  • refeb=beechnut
  • rifab=chestnut tree
  • rifeb=chestnut
  • rifaob=chestnut wood
  • rufab=plane tree
  • ryofab=poplar tree
  • ryafab=birch tree, silver birch
  • ryafaob=birch wood
  • ryefab=locust tree, acacia
  • ryifab=sweet chestnut tree
  • ryufab=willow tree
  • ryuafab=weeping willow tree
  • ralofab=elm tree
  • ralofaob=elm wood
  • ralafab=linden tree, lime tree
  • ralefab=maple tree
  • ralefaob=maple wood
  • raleafab=sycamore, sycamore tree
  • sifayb=pepper plant, nigrum shrub
  • sifeyb=pepper
  • sifol=ground pepper, pepper
  • sufayb=raspberry bush
  • sufeyb=raspberry
  • syofayb=red current vine
  • syofeyb=red current
  • syafab=strawberry tree
  • syafeb=strawberry
  • vafayb=grapevine
  • vafeyb=grape
  • vafeybayob=grape skin
  • umvafeyb=raisin
  • vafeyb veeb=grape seed
  • vafil=wine
  • vafil faosyeb=wine barrel
  • vefayb=ivy plant
  • vefeb=ivy
  • ralafab=linden tree, lime tree
  • raleafab=sycamore
  • ralefab=maple, maple tree
  • ralefaob=maple wood
  • ralofab=elm, elm tree
  • ralofaob=elm wood

Grasses and Cereals

  • vob=plant, crop
  • vober=plant
  • vobem=plantation
  • voben=planting
  • vobut=planter, cropper
  • vobibler=harvest
  • vobiblun=crop
  • vobiblir=harvester, reaper
  • vobiblen=harvesting
  • vobyexer=farm
  • vobyexem=farm
  • vobyexam=farmhouse
  • vobyexut=farmer
  • tam vob=house plant
  • vab=grass
  • vabem=field
  • vabyem=yard, turf
  • vabyema=rural
  • vabam=barn
  • vabgobler=mow
  • vabgoblir=mower
  • vaob=hay
  • vaob nyuf=haystack
  • vabij=germ
  • vabyog=moss
  • yanvab=bunch
  • vabib=harvest
  • vabibler=gather, harvest
  • veb=tuft, ear, spike
  • veeb=seed
  • veeyb=grain
  • veel=legume
  • veeber=sow
  • veeben=sowing
  • veebir=seeder
  • veebwa=sown
  • vib=stem
  • umvib=straw
  • vub=twig, sprig, blade
  • vulob=thorn
  • vuloxer=prick
  • ovob=cereal
  • avob=wheat, corn
  • avul=bread
  • mozavob=buckwheat
  • yigavob=durum wheat, hard wheat
  • evob=rye
  • ivob=barley
  • uvob=brome grass
  • yovob=millet
  • yavob=hop
  • yavil=beer
  • yevob=rape seed, rape, colza, rapeseed
  • yivob=rice
  • yivil=sake
  • bilyivob=rice pudding
  • Kreolama yivob=Creole rice
  • motoza yivob=brown rice
  • yagveeyb yivob=long grain rice
  • yuvob=oat
  • alovob=sorghum, sorgo
  • favob=cotton
  • fevob=flax, linen
  • fivob=hemp
  • fuvob=jute, canvass
  • gavob=sunflower
  • gevob=corn, maize
  • Hinda gavob=maize, Indian corn, corn
  • veb bi gevob=ear of corn
  • yonpyexlawa gevob=popcorn, popped corn
  • givob=tobacco
  • givob ibren=tobacco harvesting
  • givob ibrut=tobacco harvester
  • givob mov=tobacco smoke
  • givob=tobacco
  • givobel=chewing tobacco
  • givobelen=chewing tobacco
  • givobeler=chew tobacco
  • givobelut=tobacco chewer
  • givobem=tobacco plantation
  • givoben=planting tobacco, tobacco planting
  • givober=plant tobacco
  • givobnam=tobacconist, tobacco store
  • givobnamut=tobacconist
  • givobut=tobacco planter
  • givobyexen=tobacco farming
  • givobyexer=farm tobacco
  • givobyexut=tobacco farmer
  • givofayeb=tobacco leaf
  • givofuf moviut=pipe smoker
  • givofuf=smoking pipe, pipe, tobacco pipe
  • givol=watermelon
  • givozyuf belar=cigar case
  • givozyuf goblar=cigar cutter
  • givozyuf mov=cigar smoke
  • givozyuf=cigar
  • givozyuv belar=cigarette case
  • givozyuv bexar=cigarette holder
  • givozyuv mov=cigarette smoke
  • givozyuv moviut=cigarette smoker
  • givozyuv mugnyem=cigarette case
  • givozyuv nyem=cigarette case
  • givozyuv=cigarette
  • givozyuvf moviut=cigar smoker
  • ibrer givob=harvest tobacco
  • magijber givozyuf=light up a cigar
  • magujber givozyuv=extinguish a cigarette, put out a cigarette
  • movier givob=smoke tobacco
  • movier givofuf=smoke a pipe
  • movier givozyuf=smoke a cigar
  • movier givozyuv=smoke a cigarette
  • nyuf bi givosesi=pack of cigarettes
  • ovgivoba=anti-smoking, anti-tobacco
  • puxrun belar bi givocesi=carton of cigarettes
  • teubixer givob=chew tobacco
  • yagnyem bi givosesi=carton of cigarettes
  • lavob=bamboo
  • levob=sugarcane
  • livob=lemongrass
  • luvob=reed, thatch
  • levob=sugarcane
  • livob=lemongrass
  • luvob=reed, thatch
  • pavob=sorghum
  • savob=fern, mushroom
  • sevob=thistle
  • sivob=nettle, stinging nettle
  • zevob=basil
  • zivob=thyme
  • zuvob=rosemary


  • ovol=bran
  • umvafeyb ovol=raisin bran
  • avol=green bean
  • aveel=dried been
  • eveel=lentil
  • ivol=pea
  • iveel=garden pea
  • uvol=broad bean
  • uveel=string bean
  • yoveel=chick pea
  • bavol=tomato
  • gyogobler bavol=slice a tomato
  • vaza bavol=green tomato
  • bevol=eggplant, aubergine
  • bivol=gourd, squash
  • buvol=cucumber
  • buvolyigz=pickle
  • byavol=artichoke
  • byovol=gherkin
  • favol=leek
  • fevol=onion
  • fayobober fevol=peel an onion
  • fivol=shallot
  • fuvol=garlic
  • gavol=pumpkin
  • gevol=melon
  • givol=watermelon
  • lavol=potato
  • pitlavol=fish and chips
  • fayobober lavol=peel a potato
  • level lavol=sweet potato
  • levol=beet
  • livol=radish
  • luvol=carrot
  • lyovol=turnip
  • lyavol=artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke
  • pavol=cabbage
  • apavol=white cabbage
  • epavol=Brussels sprout
  • ipavol=red cabbage
  • upavol=kale
  • yopavol=rutabaga
  • pavolyigz=sauerkraut
  • goblawa pavol=slaw
  • pevol=cauliflower
  • vavol=lettuce, salad
  • vavol yanmul=salad, mixed salad
  • vavolyeb=salad bowl
  • vevol=spinach
  • vivol=sorrel
  • vuvol=dandelion
  • vyovol=chicory, endive
  • vyavol=watercress
  • zavol=parsley
  • zevol=basil
  • zivol=thyme


  • vos=flower, blossom, bloom
  • vosa=floral
  • voser=flourish, bloom, flower
  • vosen=flourishing, blooming, flowering
  • vosea=blooming, flourishing, in bloom
  • vosog=floret
  • yanvos=bouquet
  • vosayeb=petal
  • vosnam=florist shop
  • vosnamut=florist
  • vosij=flower bud
  • vosijer=bud
  • vosijen=budding
  • vosijea=budding, in bud
  • jwavos=early bloom
  • jwovos=late bloom
  • nyovvos=bow, ribbon bow
  • teabvos=iris
  • avos=lily
  • evos=narcissus
  • ivos=poppy
  • uvos=rose
  • yovos=cornflower, blueberry
  • yavos=hydrangea
  • yevos=lilac
  • yivos=violet
  • yuvos=carnation
  • Hinda yuvos=French marigold
  • elavos=iris
  • elevos=primrose
  • elivos=chrysanthemum
  • lavos=lily of the valley
  • levos=jonquil
  • livos=geranium
  • lovos=daisy, marguerite
  • luvos=forget-me-not
  • lyavos=tulip
  • lyevos=dahlia
  • lyivos=pansy
  • otama lyivos=wild pansy
  • lyovos=hyacinth
  • otama lyovos=bluebell


Most color names in Mirad are derived from flowers, fruits, or other things in nature. The basic word skeleton is v...za.
avoza white avos = lily
evoza yellow evos = narcissus
ivoza red ivos = poppy
uvoza pink uvos = rose
yovoza blue yovos = cornflower
yavoza mauve yavos = mallow flower
yevoza lilac yevos = lilac
yivoza purple yivos = violet
yoivoza indigo yovos + yivos = blue violet
yuvoza marigold yuvos = marigold
lyuvoza vivid purple lyuvos = orchid
vaza green vab = grass
moza black mon = dark
eymoza gray eymon = shade
meza brown mel = dirt
dyofeza chocolate dyofel = cocoa
lafeza orange lafeb = orange
utayeza beige utayef = wool
kafeza olive kafeb = olive
lipiza salmon lipit = salmon
Dark versions of a color have the format vy...za, while lighter or -ish forms have the format v...yza, e.g.:
  • vaza=green
  • vayza=light green, greenish
  • vyaza=dark green

Other color terms

  • voz=color, hue
  • voza=chromatic
  • voza nogyan=chromatic scale
  • vozaber=apply color, color
  • vozaben=coloring
  • vozabwa=colored
  • vozaxer=colorize
  • vozaxen=colorization
  • vozaxwa=colorized
  • vozil=paint
  • vozilber=paint
  • vozilben=painting
  • vozilbwa=painted
  • vozilbun=painting
  • vozilbut=painter
  • vozil tayefar=paint brush
  • vozilober=strip of paint
  • voznaid=streak of color
  • vozober=strip of color
  • vozoker=fade
  • vozoken=fading
  • vozokea=fading
  • vozokaa=faded
  • vozuka=colorless
  • vozaya=colorful
  • vozika=colorful
  • voznadyan=spectrum, range of colors
  • vozyeldrar=crayon
  • vozyeldrun=crayon drawing
  • vozzyefmis=stained glass window
  • vozikxer=saturate
  • vozyanmul=color mix, blend
  • yovozteaba=blue-eyed
  • vazteaba=green-eyed
  • mezteaba=brown-eyed
  • vozdril=colored ink
  • ovoza=achromatic, colorless, transparent, plain
  • milvoz=water color
  • milvozdrun=watercolor (drawing)
  • milvoz tayefar=watercolor brush
  • eynvoza=mixed-color
  • fuvozer=stain
  • fuvozun=stain
  • aamula voz=primary color
  • anvoza=monochrome
  • glavoza=many-hued, multi-colored:
  • gelvoza=homochromatic, of the same color
  • hovoza?=what color?
  • Eta pur se hovoza?=What color is your car?
  • hyavoza=of every color
  • hyivoza=of the same color
  • hyuvoza=different-colored
  • hyevoza=of any color
  • hivoza=this-colored
  • huvoza=that-colored
  • kyavoza=motley, dappled
  • novozil=dye
  • novozilber=dye
  • novozilbwa=dyed
  • obvoz=undertone
  • oyvoza=pale, bland
  • patij avoz=egg white
  • patij evoz=egg yolk
  • tayevoz=hair color
  • tayevozil=hair coloring
  • teavoz=eye color
  • teavozil=eyeliner
  • teovoz=blush
  • teovozer=blush
  • teubob voz=lipstick
  • teuzvoz=timbre
  • vafilvoza=vinaceous, wine-colored
  • vixivozul=rouge
  • vooz=tint, shade, hue
  • voozber=tint, shade
  • voozbwa=tinted, shaded
  • tayevooz=hair tint
  • tooz=skin tone
  • atooza=pale
  • atoozer=grow pale
  • atoozat=a pale-skinned person
  • motooza=black-skinned
  • motoozat=a black person
  • matooza=white-skinned
  • matoozat=a white person
  • toz=hair color
  • atoza=albino
  • atozat=an albino
  • etoza=blond
  • etozat=a blond
  • aetozat=a bleach-blond
  • itoza=read-headed
  • itozat=a red-head
  • motoza=brunette
  • motozat=a brunette
  • avoza=white
  • vyaavoza=true white, pure white
  • avoyza=whitish
  • avyoza=bright white
  • gwa avoza=as white as can be
  • avozaxer=whiten
  • obavoza=off-white
  • Malyomavoza=Snow White
  • avozaxer=bleach, whiten
  • avozaxil=bleach
  • evoza=yellow
  • evoyza=yellowish
  • evyoza=bright yellow
  • evozaser=yellow:
  • ivoza=red
  • mefivoza=brick-red
  • elyamivoz=rust
  • elyamivozer=rust
  • tiibilivoza=blood red
  • yoybivoza=infrared
  • ivoyza=reddish
  • ivyoza=dark red
  • ivozaxer=redden:
  • uvoza=pink
  • uvoyza=pinkish
  • uvozaser=blush
  • teabuvoz=pinkeye
  • yovoza=blue
  • mamyovoza=sky-blue
  • mimyovoza=sea-blue
  • yovoyza=bluish
  • yovyoza: deep=blue
  • yovozboyk=bruise
  • yovoztiibila=blue-blooded:
  • yavoza=mauve
  • yevoza=lilac
  • yevozyena=like lilac
  • yivoza=violet, purple
  • yizyivoza=ultraviolet
  • yivoyza=purplish
  • yivyoza=deep purple, deep violet
  • bavoza=tomato red
  • livoza=lemon yellow
  • lafeza=orange
  • lafeyza=orangish
  • lafyeza=dark orange
  • maza=white
  • mayza=whitish
  • myaza=bright white
  • mazat=white person
  • mazaxer=whiten
  • moza=black
  • moyza=blackish
  • eymoza=gray
  • eymoyza=grayish
  • myoza=deep black
  • mozat=black person
  • mozaxer=blacken
  • maoza=black-and-white
  • meegvoza=slate-colored
  • meza=brown
  • meyza=brownish
  • myeza=dark brown
  • mezat=brown person
  • mezaxwa=browned, toasted
  • mogvoza=ashen
  • rifaza=chestnut
  • ryifaza=maroon
  • vaza=green
  • vayza=greenish
  • vyaza=dark green
  • vyapeza=beige