
The names of animals in Mirad all contain the letters p, meaning mobile, and end in the letter t for creature. The ordinal vowel in the stem relates to a geophysical domain, such as air, water, land, or combinations of these.
  • pot=animal
  • pyot=wild animal

  • pat=bird
  • pyat=bird of prey, raptor
  • piat=aquatic bird
  • pelat=flying insect
  • pet=land animal
  • pyet=reptile
  • payet=flying reptile
  • pelt=insect
  • peyet=worm
  • plet=marsupial
  • pit=fish
  • pyit=predatory or game fish
  • piit=crustacean
  • piyet=batrachian
  • peit=marine mammal
  • pyeit=mollusk
Note the following details from the above chart:
  • Stems of all flying creatures (except reptiles) end in -at
  • Stems of birds of prey or raptors end in -yat.
  • Stems of aquatic birds end in -iat.
  • Stem of flying insects end in -lat.
  • Stems of all land animals and non-flying insects end in -ot or -et.
  • Wild land animals end in -yot.
  • Less wild land animals end in -ot.
  • Less wild aquatic land animals end in -iot.
  • Domesticated land animals end in -et.
  • Non-flying reptiles end in -yet.
  • Flying reptiles end in -ayet.
  • Amphibians or batrachians end in -iyet.
  • Marsuplials end in -let.
  • Non-flying insects end in -elt.
  • Worms end in -eyet.
  • All sea and river creatures end in -it, especially fish proper.
  • Game or predatory fish end in -yit.
  • Crustaceans or shellfish end in -iit.
  • Marine mammals end in -eit.
  • Mollusks end in -yeit.
  • The feminine counterpart of animals is derived by following the last stem vowel with -y-.
  • The offspring of an animal is derived by suffixing -ud to the stem.
  • A small version of an animal is derved by suffixing -og to the stem.
  • A pet version of an animal is derived by suffixing -if to the stem.

Birds and Flying Creatures

  • pat=bird
  • apat=cock, rooster
  • apayt=hen, fowl
  • apyat=eagle
  • bapat=thrush
  • bepat=warbler
  • bipat=sparrow
  • epyat=vulture
  • fapat=raven
  • fepat=crow
  • fipat=magpie
  • gapat=ostrich
  • gepat=peacock
  • gipat=peafowl
  • ipat=turkey
  • ipayt=turkey hen
  • ipyat=kite
  • kapat=stork
  • sepat=quail
  • supat=lark
  • syapat=black grouse
  • syopat=pheasant
  • tapat=parrot
  • tepat=parakeet
  • uopayt=guinea-fowl
  • upat=goose
  • vapat=nightingale
  • vepat=canary
  • vetipat=skeptic
  • vipat=canary
  • vupat=chaffinch
  • yapat=pigeon
  • yapyat=falcon, hawk
  • yivtopat=free-spirit
  • yopyat=sparrowhawk
  • zapat=swallow
  • zepat=swift
  • pyat=raptor
  • apyat=eagle
  • epyat=vulture
  • ipyat=kite
  • lapyat=owl, wren
  • lepyat=screech owl
  • yapyat=falcon, hawk
  • yopyat=sparrowhawk
  • piat=aquatic bird
  • japiat=cormorant
  • jepiat=gull
  • kapiat=heron
  • kepiat=crane
  • kipiat=fleming
  • sapiat=swan
  • tapiat=penguin

Land Animals

  • pyot=wild animal, wild beast, beast
  • apyot=lion
  • apyot=lioness
  • bapyot=orangutan
  • bepyot=bear
  • bepyotud=cub
  • fipyot=gorilla
  • fupyot=bonobo
  • fyapyot=gibbon
  • fyepyot=lemur
  • fyopyot=chimpanzee
  • ipyot=leopard
  • iapyot=jaguar
  • iepyot=puma
  • iipyot=panther
  • tobupyot=werewolf
  • upyot=wolf
  • upyoyt=wolverine
  • yeapyot=jackal
  • yepyot=hyena
  • yipyot=tiger
  • yipyoyt=tigress
  • yopyot=fox
  • yopyoyt=vixen
  • bapot=monkey
  • bepot=chimpanzee
  • gapot=elephant
  • gapotud=baby elephant
  • gepot=rhinocerous
  • kapot=squirrel
  • kepot=polecat
  • kipot=badger
  • klapot=rat
  • kyapot=beaver
  • kyepot=ermine
  • kyipot=raccoon
  • kyopot=weasel
  • kyupot=ferret
  • sapot=hedgehog
  • sepot=porcupine
  • sipot=mole
  • supot=skunk
  • vapot=hart
  • vepot=reindeer
  • vipot=deer, roe deer, roebuck, stag, buck
  • vupot=chamois, fawn, chaffinch
  • vyapot=antelope
  • vyepot=gazelle
  • vyipot=elk, moose
  • vyopot=llama
  • vyupot=fallow deer
  • vapot=deer
  • yuapot=hare
  • yupot=wild rabbit
  • zapot=tortoise
  • zipot=zebra
  • vepot
  • pet=animal, land animal
  • tampet=pet, house animal, domesticated animal
  • yagbixpet=draught animal
  • ifpet=pet
  • apet=horse
  • aopet=gelding
  • apeyt=mare
  • apetud=foal
  • tapekapet=hobby horse, pommel horse
  • otamxwa apet=bronco
  • epet=bull
  • epeyt=cow
  • epetub=calf
  • eapet=buffalo
  • eopet=ox, steer
  • yagteyub eopet=longhorn
  • yogteyub eopet=shorthorn
  • fapet=camel
  • fapeyt=she-camel
  • fepet=dromedary
  • fipet=giraffe
  • fuyepet=cur, mongrel
  • ipet=ass
  • ipeyt=she ass
  • ipetud=donkey
  • klapet=mouse
  • lapet=llama
  • lepet=yak
  • upet=ram
  • upeyt=ewe
  • uopet=mutton, sheep
  • meb uopet=mountain sheep
  • yapet=hog
  • yapeyt=sow
  • yaypet=pig
  • yepet=dog, hound
  • yepeyt=bitch
  • potkex yepet=hound, hunting dog
  • yanmulxwa potnyanes yepet=mixed breed dog
  • yuxlen yepet=service dog
  • yipet=cat, feline
  • yipeyt=she-cat
  • tamyipeyt=tabby cat
  • yopet=goat, billy goat
  • yopeyt=nanny goat
  • meb yopet=mountain goat
  • yupet=rabbit
  • pyet=reptile
  • apyet=lizard
  • epyet=cayman
  • fapyet=grass snake
  • fepyet=slug
  • fipyet=leech, bloodsucker
  • ipyet=crocodile
  • kepyet=gecko
  • lapyet=boa, boa constrictor
  • lepyet=cobra
  • lipyet=viper
  • lopyet=snake, serpent
  • pyet=reptile
  • upyet=alligator
  • vapyet=snail
  • yopyet=iguana
  • payet=flying reptile
  • apayet=bat
  • epayet=vampire bat
  • piyet=batrachian
  • apiyet=toad
  • epiyet=frog
  • ipiyet=tree frog
  • plet=marsupial
  • aplet=kangaroo
  • eplet=koala
  • yuplet=hare
  • piot=aquatic animal
  • gapiot=hippopotamus
  • zapiot=turtle
  • pelt=insect, bug
  • apelt=spider
  • apyelt=scorpion
  • epelt=mite
  • fapelt=ant
  • fepelt=cockroach, roach
  • fipelt=locust
  • fupelt=snail
  • kapelt=louse
  • kepelt=woodlouse
  • kipelt=bug
  • kopelt=vermin
  • kupelt=black carpenter ant
  • pelat=flying insect
  • apelat=bee
  • epelat=wasp
  • fapelat=flea
  • fepelat=termite
  • fipelat=praying mantis
  • gapelat=sweat bee
  • gepelat=bumblebee
  • gipelat=honey bee
  • gopelat=hornet
  • gupelat=moth
  • gyopelat=mud dauber
  • gyapelat=yellowjacket
  • ipelat=horsefly, gadfly
  • lapelat=cockchafer, may bug
  • lepelat=beetle, scarab
  • lipelat=longhorn beetle
  • tapelat=cicada
  • tepelat=cricket
  • tipelat=grasshopper
  • tupelat=aphid
  • upelat=fly
  • yopelat=mosquito
  • yapelat=fruit fly
  • yepelat=sand fly
  • yipelat=dung fly
  • yupelat=blow fly
  • kapelat=gnat
  • kepelat=earwig
  • kipelat=lady bug
  • peyet=worm
  • apeyet=silkworm
  • epeyet=flatworm
  • ipeyet=tapeworm
  • upeyet=fluke
  • yopeyet=threadworm
  • yapeyet=roundworm
  • yepeyet=hookworm
  • yipeyet=earthworm
  • kapeyet=centipede
  • kepeyet=millipede
  • kipeyet=glowworm
  • kupeyet=ringworm
  • lapeyet=woodworm
  • lepeyet=cutworm
  • lipeyet=angleworm
  • lupeyet=inchworm


  • pit=fish
  • apit=trout
  • epit=perch
  • fapit=shad
  • fepit=bluegill
  • fipit=catfish
  • fupit=bass
  • gapit=minnow
  • gepit=perch
  • ipit=pike
  • lapit=ray, skate
  • lepit=turbot
  • lipit=salmon
  • lupit=sole
  • sapit=herring
  • sepit=barbel
  • sipit=anchovy
  • supit=gilt-head, sea bream
  • syapit=hake
  • syopit=sardine
  • tepit=turbot
  • upit=carp
  • vapit=eel
  • vepit=sea horse
  • yapit=gudgeon, stud
  • yepit=stickleback
  • yipit=whiting
  • yopit=tench
  • pyit=predatory fish
  • apyit=shark
  • bapyit=jellyfish
  • epyit=dolphin
  • ipyit=sperm whale
  • yapyit=swordfish
  • yepyit=tuna
  • yipyit=sturgeon
  • yopyit=jellyfish
  • yupyit=cod
  • piit=crustacean, barnacle, shellfish
  • apiit=lobster
  • epiit=crayfish, rock lobster, spiny lobster
  • ipiit=scampi, Dublin bay prawn
  • lapiit=crab
  • lepiit=squid
  • upiit=craw fish, crayfish
  • yapiit=shrimp
  • yopiit=prawn
  • peit=sea mammal
  • apeit=whale
  • epeit=seal
  • ipeit=sea lion
  • upeit=manatee
  • yopeit=otter, sea otter
  • pyeit=mollusk
  • apyeit=oyster
  • epyeit=mussel
  • ipyeit=clam
  • upyeit=octopus

Animal Noise Verbs

  • apader=crow, cock-a-doodle  <  apat (cock)
  • apatuder=cheep  <  apatud (chick)
  • apayder=cluck  <  apayt (hen)
  • apayeder=screech  <  apayet (bat)
  • apeder=neigh, whinny  <  apet (horse)
  • apelader=buzz  <  apelat (bee)
  • apyader=squawk  <  apyat (eagle)
  • apyoder=roar  <  apyot (lion)
  • bepader=warble  <  bepat (warbler)
  • bepyoder=growl  <  bepyot (bear)
  • bipader=whistle  <  bipat (sparrow)
  • eopeder=low, moo, bellow  <  eopet (ox)
  • eopetuder=bleat  <  eopetot (calf)
  • epader=quack  <  epat (duck)
  • epeder=bellow, moo, snort  <  epet (bull)
  • epeyder=moo  <  epeyt (cow)
  • epiyeder=rivet, croak  <  epiyet (frog)
  • epleder=wail  <  eplet (koala)
  • epyader=scream  <  epyat (vulture)
  • epyoder=growl  <  epyot (tiger)
  • fapader=croak  <  fapat (raven)
  • fapeder=grunt  <  fapet (camel)
  • fepader=crow  <  fepat (crow)
  • fipader=chatter  <  fipat (magpie)
  • fipeder=bleat  <  fipet (giraffe)
  • fyipader=chatter  <  fyipat (jay)
  • gapader=bleep  <  gapat (ostrich)
  • gapoder=trumpet  <  gapot (elephant)
  • ipader=gobble  <  ipat (turkey)
  • ipeder=bray, heehaw, he-haw, hehaw  <  ipet (donkey)
  • ipieder=chitter  <  ipiet (tree frog)
  • kepyeder=go to-key, make a gecko noise  <  kepyet (gecko)
  • klapeder=squeak  <  klapet (mouse)
  • lapeder=growl  <  lapet (llama)
  • lapyader=hoot  <  lapyat (owl)
  • lepelader=drone  <  lepelat (beetle)
  • lepyeder=hiss  <  lepyet (cobra)
  • lopyeder=hiss  <  lopyet (snake)
  • pader=chirp, tweet  <  pat (bird)
  • petyader=low  <  petyat (cattle)
  • poder=roar, bellow, shriek, howl, yell  <  pot (beast)
  • sapiader=cry  <  sapiat (swan)
  • tapader=parrot  <  tapat (parrot)
  • tapelader=chirp  <  tapelat (cicada)
  • tapiader=honk  <  tapiat (penquin)
  • bapyoder=gibber  <  bapyot (orangutan)
  • tepelader=chirp  <  tepelat (cricket)
  • bepyoder=growl  <  bepyot (bear)
  • upader=honk  <  upat (goose)
  • upeder=bleat  <  upet (ram)
  • upyoder=howl  <  upyot (wolf)
  • vapader=pipe, beep  <  vapat (nightingale)
  • vepoder=bellow  <  vepot (reindeer)
  • vyipoder=bellow  <  vyipot (elk)
  • yapader=coo, cuckoo  <  yapat (pigeon)
  • yapeder=grunt, snort, oink, squeal  <  yapet (hog)
  • yapeider=chitter  <  yapeit (platypus)
  • yeapyoder=howl, howling  <  yeapyot (jackal)
  • yepeder=bark, go arf-arf  <  yepet (dog)
  • yepyoder=howl with laughter, laugh, laugh like a hyena  <  yepyot (hyena)
  • yipeder=meow, mew, purr  <  yipet (cat)
  • yipyoder=growl  <  yipyot (tiger)
  • yiypeder=purr  <  yiypet (kitten)
  • yopeder=bray  <  yopet (goat)
  • yopeider=groan  <  yopeit (walrus)
  • yopyoder=yelp  <  yopyot (fox)
  • yupeder=drum  <  yupet (rabbit)
  • zapader=squeal  <  zapat (swallow)

Animal Movements

  • apeper=trot  <  ape(t) (horse) + per (to go)
  • apetigper=gallop  <  apetig (steed) + per (to go)
  • ipaper=strut  <  ipat (turkey) + per (to go)
  • klapeper=scurry  <  klapet (mouse) + per (to go)
  • lopyeper=slither  <  lopyet (snake) + per (to go)
  • patubaser=flutter  <  patub (bird's wing) + baser (to stir)
  • paper=fly  <  pat (bird) + per (to go)
  • patuper=flit  <  patub (bird's wing) + per (to go)
  • pelper=crawl  <  pelt (insect) + per (to go)
  • peper=ride  <  pet (land animal) + per (to go)
  • poteixer=sniff  <  pet (land animal) + (t)ei(b) (nose) + xer (to do)
  • peyeper=wiggle, insinuate, slither  <  peyet (worm) + per (to go)
  • piper=cruise, swim, navigate  <  pit (fish) + per (to go)
  • pitiyuper=fishtail  <  pitiyub (fish tail) + per (to go)
  • potuloxer=claw  <  pot (animal) + (t)ulo(b) (nail) + xer (to do)
  • potuloxer=claw  <  pot (animal) + (t)ulo(b) (nail) + xer (to do)
  • potkobier=poach  <  pot (animal) + ko- (secret) + bier (to take)
  • petyanbiker=shepherd  <  pet (land animal) + -yan (aggregate) + biker (to care for)
  • yupeper=hiphop  <  yupet (rabbit) + per (to go)

Animal Parts

  • apetayeb=mane  <  apet (horse) + (t)ayeb (hair)
  • apetayob=horsehide  <  apet (horse) + (t)ayob (skin, hide)
  • bepyotayob=fuzz  <  apet (bear) + (t)ayeb (hair)
  • gateib=trunk   <   ga(pot) (elephant) + (t)eib (nose)
  • gateupib=tusk   <   ga(pot) (elephant) + (t)eupib (tooth)
  • patayeb=feather  <  pat (bird) + (t)ayeb (hair)
  • patayebub=quill  <  pat (bird) + (t)ayeb (hair) + (t)ub (limb, appendage)
  • pateub=beak, bill  <  pat (bird) + (t)eib (nose)
  • patijayob=eggshell   <   pat (bird) + ij (start) + (t)ayob (skin, hide)
  • patikeb=gizzard   <   pat (bird) + (t)ikeb (stomach)
  • patub=wing  <  pat (bird) + (t)ub (limb)
  • patulob=claw   <   pat (bird) + (t)ulob (nail)
  • petayeb=coat, fur   <   pet (land animal) + (t)ayeb (hair)
  • piitayob=shell, scallop, conch  <   piit (crustacean) + (t)ayob (skin, hide)
  • pitayeb=scale  <   pit (fish) + (t)ayeb (hair)
  • piteab=fisheye  <   pit (fish) + (t)eab (eye)
  • piteab=fisheye  <   pit (fish) + (t)eab (eye)
  • poteob=jowl  <   pit (fish) + (t)eob (cheek)
  • poteuf=muzzle  <   pot (animal) + (t)euf (mouth covering)
  • poteub=mug  <   pot (animal) + (t)eub (mouth)
  • potieb=gill  <   pit (fish) + (t)ieb (lung)
  • potub=paw  <   pot (animal) + (t)ub (limb)
  • potulob=claw  <   pot (animal) + (t)ulob (nail)
  • tostub=antenna  <   tos- (sense) + (t)ub (appendage)
  • upatayeb=(goose) down  <  upat (goose) + (t)ayeb (hair)
  • vepoteyub=antler   <   vepot (reindeer) + (t)eyub (horn)
  • vyupotayeb=suede   <   vyupot (doe) + (t)ayeb (hair)
  • yipetayeyb=whisker   <   yipet (cat) + (t)ayeyb (small hair)
  • zapiotayob=turtle shell   <   zapiot (turtle) + (t)ayob (skin)

Animal Dwellings

  • apatam=chicken coop, henhouse  <  apat (cock) + (t)am (house)
  • apelatam=beehive, hive  <  apelat (bee) + (t)am (house)
  • apetam=stable  <  apet (horse) + (t)am (house)
  • bepyotam=den, bear cave  <  bepyot (bear) + (t)am (house)
  • fapeltam=ant colony, anthill  <  fapelt (ant) + (t)am (house)
  • patam=bird's nest, nest  <  pat (bird) + (t)am (house)
  • pattujem=roost, perch  <  pat (bird) + tuj- (sleep) + (n)em (place)
  • yapetam=pigsty, pigpen  <  yapet (pig) + (t)am (house)
  • yepetam=doghouse  <  yepet (dog) + (t)am (house)
  • yipyotam=tiger den  <  yipyot (tiger) + (t)am (house)
  • yupetam=rabbit hutch  <  yipyot (rabbit) + (t)am (house)

Horse Vocabulary

  • ab apet=on horseback
  • apet ebkyax=horse trade
  • apet ebkyaxut=horse trader
  • apet fyisyan=harness
  • apet meup=horse trail
  • apet pyexegar=horsewhip
  • apet=horse, equus
  • apeta=equine, horse-related
  • apetag=stallion
  • apetam=stable, horse stable
  • apetaob=horseflesh
  • apetaol=horse meat
  • apetap uzun=stirrup
  • apetapa=mounted, on horseback, equestrian
  • apetapa dep=cavalry
  • apetapa dopat=mounted soldier, horse soldier, mounted trooper
  • apetapa valdibut=mounted police, ranger, mounty
  • apetapek=horse race, derby
  • apetapekam=hippodrome, racetrack
  • apetapekmep=racetrack
  • apetapekut=horse racer, jockey
  • apetapen=horse riding, mounting, equitation
  • apetaper=mount a horse, get on a horse
  • apetaput=mounty, ranger, hussar, cavalier, chevalier, equestrian
  • apetaputa taz=equestrian statue
  • apetaputyan=cavalry
  • apetavyul=road apple, horseshit
  • apetayeb=horsehair
  • apetayebyag=mane, horse mane
  • apetayob=horsehide
  • apetaz=mustang
  • apetbixwa belir=horse-drawn carriage, buggy
  • apetbixwa kyispir=horse-drawn carriage
  • apeteb=horse head
  • apetebnuf=headstall
  • apetek=horse play
  • apeteken=horsing around
  • apeteker=horse around
  • apetekir=carousel, merry-go-round
  • apetibuj=horsetail
  • apetif=horsey
  • apetig=steed, stud, racehorse
  • apetiga=cursorial
  • apetigpekam=hippodrome
  • apetigper=gallop, run like a horse
  • apetikubil=horseshit
  • apetim=stall, horse stall
  • apetog=pony, colt, horsey
  • apetoyg=filly
  • apetpar=horse and buggy, horse-driven carriage, coach, hackney, carriage, buggy
  • apetparizbut=coachman
  • apetsim=saddle
  • apetsimaben=saddling
  • apetsimaber=saddle, saddle up
  • apetsimabwa=saddled
  • apetsimaper=get onto the saddle, hop on
  • apetsimoben=unsaddling
  • apetsimober=unsaddle
  • apetsimobwa=unsaddled
  • apetsimoper=get down from the saddle, dismount
  • apetud=foal
  • apetug=nag
  • apetuka par=horseless carriage
  • apetyafon=horsepower, horse-power
  • apetyafonuwa=horse-powered
  • apetyafonxwa=horse-powered, horse-driven
  • apetyem=corral
  • apetyen=horsemanship, equitation
  • apetyoyab=hoof
  • apetyoyaf=horse shoe, horseshoe
  • apetyoyafaben=shoeing a horse
  • apetyoyafaber=shoe a horse
  • apetyoyafam=blacksmith shop
  • apetyoyafut=blacksmith
  • apetyoyapen=trotting
  • apetyoyaper=gallop, trot, walk like a horse
  • domapetaput=mounted police, ranger, mounty
  • dopapetaput=ranger, horse soldier, mounted trooper
  • eapet=buffalo
  • eopetyan=cattle, livestock
  • eopetyan agxen=cattle-raising
  • eopetyan agxut=cattle raiser, cowboy
  • elyam apet=iron horse, locomotive, train
  • enapetbixwa belir=curricle
  • fizapetaput=knight, chevalier
  • fizapetaputan=knighthood
  • fizapetaputxer=knight
  • fizapetaputxwa=knighted
  • fizapetaputyen=chivalry
  • fizapetaputyena=chivalrous
  • ifekapet=hobbyhorse, rocking horse
  • inapetpir=troika
  • otamxwa apet=bronco
  • tapekapet=pommel horse, gym horse, long horse, vaulting horse
  • ummagelwa yapetyob=baked ham
  • yafonuwa bey apet=horse-powered

Animal Meats

taob=flesh taol=meat
yapet=hog yapel=pork
yapetzotib=hog's back yapetzol=bacon
yapetyob=hog's leg yapetyol=ham
yapetaob=hog's flesh yapetaol=sausage
eopet=ox eopel=beef
epetud=calf epetul=veal
apaytud=chicken apaytul=chicken
uopet=sheep uopel=mutton
uopet=sheep uopetikel=tripe
uopet=sheep u(ope)tayef=wool
apelat=bee apelatil=honey
apelat=bee apelatyel=beeswax
pit=fish pityel=fish oil

Animal Collectives

  • potyan=animalia, animal kingdom
  • potnyan=herd
  • petyan=flock
  • apelatyan=swarm of bees
  • fapeltyan=swarm of ants
  • peltyan=swarm
  • patayebyan=plumage
  • yipetudyan=litter, litter of cats
  • yopetyan=goatherd
  • patyan=flock of bird
  • apetaputyan=cavalry
  • apatyan=poultry
  • eopetyan=cattle
  • patijbwatyean=brood
  • yapetyan=swine
  • upyotyan=pack of wolves
  • yepetyan=pack of dogs, pack
  • yepetudyan=litter of pups
  • apayetan=cloud of bat
  • bepotyan=sloth of bears
  • fapetyan=caravan
  • pityan=school of fish
  • upatyan=gaggle
  • bipotyan=band of gorillas
  • apyotyan=pride of lions
  • bapotyan=barrel of monkeys
  • eopetyan=yoke of oxen
  • eopeteon=pair of oxen
  • klapotyan=colony of rats
  • lopetyan=nest of snakes
  • ipatyan=rafter of turkeys
  • apeityan=pod of whales
  • sapiatyan=bevy, bevy of swans
  • kapotyan=drawy of squirrels
  • yapetyan=drove of pigs
  • mimkupetyan=family of otters
  • apletyan=troop of kangaroos
  • yopotyan=skulk, skulk of foxes
  • gapotyan=parade, parade of elephants
  • yipetyan=chowder, chowder of cats
  • kipotyan=cete, cete of badgets
  • eatpetyan=gang of buffalo
  • zapiotyan=bale of turtles
  • lipyetyan=nest of vipers

Other Animal Vocabulary

  • poot=creature
  • pottun=zoology
  • pottuna=zoological
  • pottut=zoologist
  • potdem=zoo
  • potdemut=zookeeper
  • potkexer=hunt
  • potkexen=hunting
  • potkexut=hunter
  • potkexwat=prey
  • potkexwas=game
  • potpexer=trap
  • potpexen=trapping
  • potpexut=trapper
  • potpexwa=trapped
  • potpexar=trap
  • potnyan=herd
  • potnyaner=to herd
  • potnyanen=herding
  • potnyanut=herder
  • petyan=flock
  • petyander=to low
  • petyanut=shepherd
  • petyanuta=pastoral
  • petyanem=pasture
  • potnyem=animal cage
  • potnyember=to cage
  • potnyembwa=caged
  • pottojber=slaughter
  • pottojbam=slaughterhouse
  • pottojbut=slayer
  • potijber=spawn, breed
  • potijben=spawning, breeding
  • potijbwa=spawned, bred
  • potijbea=spawning, breeding
  • potijbwatyan=brood
  • patijber=hatch, lay an egg
  • patijben=hatching
  • patijbwa=hatched
  • patijbwat=hatchling
  • patijbam=hatchery
  • peltij=pupa
  • peltjasan=larva
  • prlyjesdsn=maggot
  • potagxer=breed, raise
  • potagxen=breeding
  • potagxut=breeder
  • potagxwa=bred
  • potif=pet
  • potifnam=pet store
  • potiftel=pet food
  • potifbeut=pet owner
  • potifdeym=dog park
  • potud=fledgling, yearling, cub
  • potyanar=yoke
  • potyanarer=yoke
  • potyanarwa=yoked
  • potyuf=zoophobia
  • potyufa=zoophobic
  • potsum=litter
  • petkobier=poach
  • petkobien=poaching
  • petkobiwa=poached
  • petkobiut=poacher
  • petmoper=to burrow
  • petmopen=burrowing
  • potayez=fur
  • potayez nuien=fur trade
  • potayezut=furrier
  • potayez-obkofwa=fur-lined
  • petbek=animal care
  • petbektun=veterinary
  • petbektut=veterinarian
  • patij=egg
  • anteyupet=unicorn
  • yufpyot=monster
  • tobupyot=werewolf