Mirad Grammar/Mirad-English Dictionary
- Click on the search link below to search the 115,000+ word Mirad<->English Dictionary in either language direction. This search method invokes an external web program that is the most up-to-date.
- Once you are on the non-Wiki Mirad Dictionary query page, you can get back here by pressing the back arrow on your browser. You can also make the link a separate browser tab or window and consult it that way.
- Note that you cannot edit the dictionary. If you see a mistake, an omission, or have a suggestion for creating a new word or expression, you can leave me a message on this book's discussion page.
- Notice that in this external interface, the search direction is English->Mirad each time you search unless you specifically change it to Mirad->English.
- Notice also that seaches are exact matches unless you precede or follow the search term with the regular expression .*. For example, the input .*dib in the Mirad->English search direction will find every Mirad expression ending in dib. By the same token, red.*tion in the English-Mirad direction will find every expression that begins with red and ends in tion. Simply put, .* represents an stretch of unknown letters, spaces, or other characters.
- If you know regular (regex) expressions, other patterns like [^rl] (= not containing an r or l) can be used.