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Southperry Armor Store

Item Price
White Undershirt (M) 10
Undershirt (M) 50
Grey T-Shirt (M) 50
White Tank Top (F) 50
Yellow Cotton Shirt (F) 50
Green Cotton Shirt (F) 50
Red-Striped Top (F) 50
Blue Jean Shorts (M) 50
Brown Cotton Shorts (M) 50
Red Mini Skirt (F) 50
Indigo Mini Skirt (F) 50
Red Rubber Boots 50
Leather Sandals 50

Lith Harbor


Lith Harbor Department Store

Item Price
Red Potion 50
Orange Potion 160
White Potion 320
Blue Potion 200
Mana Elixir 620
Dex. Potion 500
Speed Potion 400
Magic Potion 500
Warrior Potion 500
Sniper Potion 500
Apple 30
Egg 50
Meat 106
Orange 100
Lemon 310
Arrow for Bow 1
Arrow for Crossbow 1
Return Scroll to a Town 400
Return Scroll to Lith Harbor 500

Lith Harbor Weapon Store: Armor

Item Price
Brown Leather Hat 500
Red Bandana 1000
Black Headband 450
Green Headband 450
Yellow Headband 450
Blue Headband 450
Black Swimming Cap 800
Blue Swimming Cap 800
Red Swimming Cap 800
White Bandana 2000
Metal Gear 3000
Blue One-lined T-Shirt (M) 3000
Orange Sporty T-Shirt (M) 3000
Pink Starry T-Shirt (F) 3000
Pink Starry Shirt (F) 3000
Red-Striped T-Shirt (F) 3000
Blue Cargos (M) 1000
Grey Trainer Pants (M) 2800
Ice Jeans 4800
Faded Jeans 4800
Red Rubber Boots 50
Yellow Rubber Boots 50
Blue Rubber Boots 50
Leather Sandals 50
Bronze Aroa Shoes 5000
Brown Aroa Shoes 5000
Green Aroa Shoes 5000
Blue Dorothy Shoes 10000
Red Dorothy Shoes 10000
Brown Dorothy Shoes 10000
Square Wooden Shield 2000
Subi Throwing Star 500

Lith Harbor Weapon Store: Weapons

Item Price
Sword 50
Hand Axe 50
Bat 50
Karl Sword 3000
Double Axe 3000
Fruits Dagger 1000



Perion Weapon Store: Weapons

Item Price
Karl Sword 3000
Sabre 6000
Viking Sword 10000
Cookrie 10000
Illoon 20000
Gladius 40000
Field Dagger 7000
Flat Dagger 10000
Iron Dagger 22000
Battle Axe 6000
Misthil Axe 20000
Fire Jack 40000
Mace 6000
Iron Mace 10000
Fusion Mace 22000
War Hammer 40000
Wooden Sword 3000
Two-Handed Sword 12000
Clutty 22000
Metal Axe 3000
Iron Axe 10000
Two-Handed Axe 22000
Buck 45000
Wooden Hammer 3000
Metal Hammer 6000
Square Hammer 10000
Pickaxe 10000
Monkey Wrench 20000
Spear 3000
Fork Spear 7000
Pole Arm 3000
Iron Ball 8000
Phantom 12000
Nasty Mop 24000

Mr. Smith: Gloves

Item Price
Juno 15 Leathers
1 Steel
1000 Mesos
Steel Halfglove 2 Steels
2000 Mesos
Venon 40 Leathers
2 Bronzes
5000 Mesos
White Halfglove 2 Steels
10000 Mesos
Bronze Missel 3 Bronzes
2 Steels
15 Screws
20000 Mesos
Steel Briggon 30 Leathers
4 Steels
30 Screws
30000 Mesos
Iron Knuckle 50 Leathers
5 Steels
40 Screws
40000 Mesos
Steel Brist 3 Steels
2 Diamonds
30 Dragon Skins
45 Screws
50000 Mesos
Bronze Clench 1 Moon Rock
8 Bronzes
2 Golds
50 Dragon Skins
50 Screws
70000 Mesos

Mr. Smith: Glove Upgrades

Item Price
Steel Missel 1 Bronze Missel
1 Steel
20000 Mesos
Orihalchon Missel 1 Bronze Missel
2 Orihalcons
25000 Mesos
Yellow Briggon 1 Steel Briggon
3 Topazzes
30000 Mesos
Dark Briggon 1 Steel Briggon
1 Black Crystal
40000 Mesos
Adamantium Knuckle 1 Iron Knuckle
4 Adamantiums
45000 Mesos
Dark Knuckle 1 Iron Knuckle
2 Black Crystals
50000 Mesos
Mithril Brist 1 Steel Brist
3 Mithrils
55000 Mesos
Gold Brist 1 Steel Brist
4 Golds
60000 Mesos
Sapphire Clench 1 Bronze Clench
3 Mithrils
5 Sapphires
70000 Mesos
Dark Clench 1 Bronze Clench
2 Diamonds
2 Black Crystals
80000 Mesos

Mr. Smith: Materials

Item Price
Processed Wood 10 Tree Branchs
Processed Wood 5 Firewoods
Screw 1 Steel
1 Bronze

Mr. Thunder: Refined Minerals

Item Price
Bronze 10 Bronze Ores
300 Mesos
Steel 10 Steel Ores
300 Mesos
Mithril 10 Mithril Ores
300 Mesos
Adamantium 10 Adamantium Ores
500 Mesos
Silver 10 Silver Ores
500 Mesos
Orihalcon 10 Orihalcon Ores
500 Mesos
Gold 10 Gold Ores
800 Mesos

Mr. Thunder: Refined Jewels

Item Price
Garnet 10 Garnet Ores
500 Mesos
Amethyst 10 Amethyst Ores
500 Mesos
AquaMarine 10 AquaMarine Ores
500 Mesos
Emerald 10 Emerald Ores
500 Mesos
Opal 10 Opal Ores
500 Mesos
Sapphire 10 Sapphire Ores
500 Mesos
Topaz 10 Topaz Ores
500 Mesos
Diamond 10 Diamond Ores
1000 Mesos
Black Crystal 10 Black Crystal Ores
3000 Mesos

Mr. Thunder: Helmet Upgrades

Item Price
Yellow Metal Gear 1 Metal Gear
1 Topaz
300 Mesos
Blue Metal Gear 1 Metal Gear
1 Mithril
500 Mesos
Metal Koif 1 Bronze Koif
1 Steel
500 Mesos
Mithril Koif 1 Bronze Koif
1 Mithril
800 Mesos
Steel Helmet 1 Bronze Headpiece
1 Steel
500 Mesos
Mithril Headpiece 1 Bronze Headpiece
1 Mithril
800 Mesos
Steel Full Helm 1 Bronze Full Helm
2 Steels
1000 Mesos
Mithril Full Helm 1 Bronze Full Helm
2 Mithrils
1500 Mesos
Iron Viking Helm 1 Bronze Viking Helm
3 Steels
1500 Mesos
Mithril Viking Helm 1 Bronze Viking Helm
3 Mithrils
2000 Mesos
Steel Defender Helm 1 Bronze Defender Helm
3 Steels
1500 Mesos
Mithril Defender Helm 1 Bronze Defender Helm
3 Mithrils
2000 Mesos
Mithril Sharp Helm 1 Steel Sharp Helm
4 Mithrils
2000 Mesos
Gold Sharp Helm 1 Steel Sharp Helm
4 Golds
4000 Mesos
Gold Burgernet Helm 1 Iron Burgernet Helm
5 Golds
4000 Mesos
Orihalcon Burgernet Helm 1 Iron Burgernet Helm
5 Orihalcons
5000 Mesos
Great Red Helmet 1 Great Brown Helmet
3 Garnets
8000 Mesos
Great Blue Helmet 1 Great Brown Helmet
3 Sapphires
10000 Mesos
Mithril Norman Helm 1 Steel Norman Helm
5 Mithrils
12000 Mesos
Gold Norman Helm 1 Steel Norman Helm
6 Golds
15000 Mesos
Mithril Crusader Helm 1 Bronze Crusader Helm
5 Mithrils
20000 Mesos
Silver Crusader Helm 1 Bronze Crusader Helm
4 Silvers
25000 Mesos
Old Steel Norman Helm 1 Old Bronze Norman Helm
1 Moon Rock
7 Steels
30000 Mesos
Old Mithril Norman Helm 1 Old Bronze Norman Helm
1 Moon Rock
7 Mithrils
30000 Mesos

Mr. Thunder: Shield Upgrades

Item Price
Mithril Tower Shield 1 Steel Tower Shield
10 Mithrils
100000 Mesos
Adamantium Tower Shield 1 Steel Tower Shield
1 Adamantium
100000 Mesos
Silver Legend Shield 1 Wooden Legend Shield
1 Moon Rock
15 Silvers
120000 Mesos
Adamantium Legend Shield 1 Wooden Legend Shield
1 Moon Rock
15 Adamantiums
120000 Mesos



Regular Sauna

Item Price
Red Potion 50
Orange Potion 160
White Potion 320
Blue Potion 200
Mana Elixir 620
Apple 30
Egg 50
Meat 106
Orange 100
Lemon 310
Pure Water 1650
Unagi 1100
Return Scroll to Sleepywood 600
Arrow for Bow 1
Arrow for Crossbow 1
Subi Throwing Star 500

Chrishrama: Warrior Shoes

Item Price
Silver War Boots 2 Silvers
1 Steel
15 Leathers
10 Screws
10000 Mesos
Gold War Boots 2 Golds
1 Steel
15 Leathers
10 Screws
10000 Mesos
Dark War Boots 1 Black Crystal
2 Steels
20 Leathers
10 Screws
12000 Mesos
Emerald Battle Grieve 4 Emeralds
2 Steels
45 Leathers
15 Screws
20000 Mesos
Mithril Battle Grieve 4 Mithrils
2 Steels
45 Leathers
15 Screws
20000 Mesos
Silver Battle Grieve 4 Silvers
2 Steels
45 Leathers
15 Screws
20000 Mesos
Blood Battle Grieve 4 Garnets
2 Steels
45 Leathers
15 Screws
20000 Mesos
Steel Tigger 3 Steels
1 Opal
30 Leathers
20 Dragon Skins
25 Screws
22000 Mesos
Mithril Tigger 3 Mithrils
1 Opal
30 Leathers
20 Dragon Skins
25 Screws
22000 Mesos
Dark Tigger 2 Black Crystals
1 Opal
30 Leathers
20 Dragon Skins
25 Screws
25000 Mesos
Brown OS Boots 4 Adamantiums
100 Leathers
40 Dragon Skins
30 Screws
100 Croko Skins
38000 Mesos
Maroon OS Boots 4 Orihalcons
1 Diamond
40 Dragon Skins
30 Screws
250 Stirge's Wings
38000 Mesos
Blue OS Boots 4 Mithrils
1 Diamond
40 Dragon Skins
30 Screws
120 Malady's Experimental Frogs
38000 Mesos
Emerald Hildon Boots 1 Black Crystal
3 Steels
6 Emeralds
65 Dragon Skins
45 Screws
50000 Mesos
Mithril Hildon Boots 1 Black Crystal
3 Steels
6 Mithrils
65 Dragon Skins
45 Screws
50000 Mesos
Orihalcon Hildon Boots 1 Black Crystal
3 Steels
6 Orihalcons
65 Dragon Skins
45 Screws
50000 Mesos
Gold Hildon Boots 1 Black Crystal
3 Steels
6 Golds
65 Dragon Skins
45 Screws
50000 Mesos
Sapphire Camel Boots 1 Black Crystal
1 Moon Rock
8 Sapphires
80 Dragon Skins
55 Screws
60000 Mesos
Orihalcon Camel Boots 1 Black Crystal
1 Moon Rock
8 Orihalcons
80 Dragon Skins
55 Screws
60000 Mesos
Blood Camel Boots 1 Black Crystal
1 Moon Rock
8 Garnets
80 Dragon Skins
55 Screws
60000 Mesos
30 Leathers
15 Dragon Skins
20 Screws
20000 Mesos
Black Salt Shoes 2 Black Crystals
1 Topaz
40 Leathers
25 Dragon Skins
20 Screws
22000 Mesos
4 Garnets
40 Dragon Skins
35 Lorang's Claws
25 Screws
30000 Mesos
Gold Moon Shoes 2 Golds
1 Diamond
40 Dragon Skins
20 Wild Cargo's Eyes
25 Screws
35000 Mesos
Dark Moon Shoes 2 Black Crystals
1 Diamond
1 Dragon Skin
30 Drake's Skulls
30 Screws
40000 Mesos
Pink Gold-Winded Shoes 1 Rock of a Star
3 Golds
3 Garnets
60 Dragon Skins
40 Screws
50000 Mesos
Blue Gold-Winded Shoes 1 Rock of a Star
3 Golds
3 Sapphires
60 Dragon Skins
40 Screws
50000 Mesos
Purple Gold-Winded Shoes 1 Rock of a Star
3 Golds
3 Amethysts
60 Dragon Skins
40 Screws
50000 Mesos
Green Gold-Winded Shoes 1 Rock of a Star
3 Golds
3 Emeralds
60 Dragon Skins
40 Screws
50000 Mesos
Pink Ankle Boots 1 Rock of a Star
4 Golds
5 Orihalcons
70 Dragon Skins
50 Screws
60000 Mesos
Green Ankle Boots 1 Rock of a Star
4 Golds
5 Emeralds
70 Dragon Skins
50 Screws
60000 Mesos
Orange Ankle Boots 1 Rock of a Star
4 Golds
5 Adamantiums
70 Dragon Skins
50 Screws
60000 Mesos
Blue Ankle Boots 1 Rock of a Star
4 Golds
5 AquaMarines
70 Dragon Skins
40 Screws
60000 Mesos