Lucid Dreaming



This book attempts to teach the skills that can help you to have lucid dreams — dreams in which you know that you are dreaming. For the skeptical, lucid dreams have been scientifically demonstrated to exist. The ability to lucid dream will open your mind to a world of infinite possibilities as you become adept at taking control of your dreams.

We will start by explaining how lucid dreaming works biologically. Next, the book will prepare you for lucid dreaming by helping you to remember more of your dreams (dream recall). You will then learn a variety of ways of becoming, and staying, lucid. Finally, you will find suggested activities to try while in the dream world.



Before each target there is an image with a subjective indication of how complete that target is:

  Means that there is little information or the information there may not be reliable.
  Means that there is some information, but it's not very detailed or extensive.
  Means that much of the information is there, but it needs to be touched up or organized. This is still usable.
  Means that the information is basically complete. However, more detail can always be added.
  1.   Disclaimer
  2.   About dreaming
  3.   About lucid dreaming
  4.   Possible dangers of lucid dreaming
    1.   Alienation
    2.   Dissociation
    3.   Controversial: Accidentally encountering “spiritual” entities
    4.   Controversial: Creating bad habits or becoming a control freak
    5.   Controversial: Exhaustion
    6.   Controversial: Inability to stop
    7.   Controversial: Undesirable false awakenings
  5.   Similar techniques
  Improving dream recall
  1.   Preliminary
    1.   Waking up and getting to sleep
    2.   Reality checks
  2.   Techniques
    1.   WBTB
    2.   Autosuggestion
    3.   MILD
    4.   WILD
      1.   Eyelid Pattern
      2.   Hypnagogic Imagery
      3.   Counting
    5.   Incubating dreams
      1.   Chaining dreams
      2.   VILD
      3.   LILD
    6.   CAT
    7.   Tibetan methods
    8.   Other techniques
  3.   Other methods
    1.   Drugs
    2.   Food and drink
    3.   Gadgets
    4.   Software
  1.   Dream stabilization
    1.   Hand rubbing
    2.   Spinning
    3.   Slowing it down
    4.   Touching your dream
    5.   Trying to recover your waking memory and cognitive capacities
    6.   False awakening
  2.   Recovering from lost visuals
    1.   Autosuggestion
    2.   Visualising
  3.   Altering the dream
    1.   Changing the dream environment
    2.   Summoning objects into your dream
  4.   What you can do
    1.   Easy
    2.   Medium
    3.   Hard
  5.   Conclusion
  An alphabetical list of everything mentioned
Various posts from forums where people originally described their techniques
Other documents (FAQs, etc.)
  On the web and in print
A FAQ page for you to post any question you might have about lucid dreaming



In alphabetical order:

  • Evilshiznat has had a few lucid dreams.
  • Kaycee (cont) (talk) is a natural-born lucid dreamer who upholds a practical view on most things.
  • KirbyMeister has only had one lucid dream so far, re-organized the entire Appendices area, and is a total Spongebob freak.
  • r3m0t (cont) (talk) (15) has only had a few lucid dreams so far, but has written most of the information in the wikibook.
  • Sourcejedi has just come out of anonymous lurking to demonstrate his ruthless editing tendencies by trying to clean up someone else's botched rename. He also has far too brief lucid dreams.
  • Tharenthel (Talk) (Contribs) has had a few lucid dreams so far, and has done mostly reorganization.
  • Xgamer4 has had many lucid dreams. He made (if you can call it that) the FAQ page, and monitors the page.