LMIs in Control/Matrix and LMI Properties and Tools/Schur Stabilizability

LMI for Schur Stabilizability

Schur Stabilization is one method of ensuring that a controller can be made to stabilize a system. The following LMI is one that determines whether or not a system is indeed Schur Stabilizable, or having the property of being able to be Schur Stabilized.

The System


We consider the following system:


or the matrix pair (A,B). In both cases, the matrices  ,  ,  , and   are the state matrix, input matrix, state vector, and the input vector, respectively.

The Data


The data required is both the matrices A and B as seen in the form above.

The Optimization Problem


The goal of the optimization is to find a valid symmetric P such that the following LMI is satisfied.

The LMI: LMI for Schur stabilizability


The LMI problem is to find a symmetric matrix P and a matrix W satisfying:


Another LMI with the same result of finding Schur Stabilizability is to find a symmetric matrix P such that:




If the one of the above LMIs is found to be feasible, then the system is Schur Stabilizable and the Schur Stabilization LMI will always give a feasible result as well, in addition to a controller K that will Schur Stabilize the system.



A link to Matlab codes for this problem in the Github repository:



[1] - Schur Stabilization


[2] - LMI in Control Systems Analysis, Design and Applications

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[3] -Matrix and LMI Properties and Tools