Kannada/Printable version
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Kannada language is spoken in India predominantly in the state of Karnataka.
Native speakers of Kannada are called Kannadigas and number roughly 38 million. It is one of the 40 most spoken languages in the world. It is one of the scheduled languages of India and the official and administrative language of the state of Karnataka. The Kannada language is written using the Kannada script. Kannada is attested epigraphically for about one and a half millennia, and literary Old Kannada flourished in the 6th century Ganga dynasty and during 9th century Rashtrakuta Dynasty. With an unbroken literary history of over a thousand years, the excellence of Kannada literature continues to the present day. Works of Kannada literature have received eight Jnanpith awards and fifty-six Sahitya Akademi awards. Based on the recommendations of the Committee of Linguistic Experts, appointed by the Ministry of Culture, the Government of India officially recognised Kannada as a classical language. In July 2011, a centre for the study of classical Kannada was established under the aegis of Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) at Mysore to facilitate research related to the language.
Influence of Sanskrit and Prakrit
editThe sources of influence on Kannada grammar appear to be three-fold; Panini's grammar, non-Paninian schools of Sanskrit grammar, particularly Katantra and Sakatayana schools, and Prakrit grammar. Literary Prakrit seemed to have prevailed in Karnataka since ancient times. The vernacular Prakrit speaking people, may have come in contact with the Kannada speakers, thus influencing their language, even before Kannada was used for administrative or liturgical purpose. Kannada phonetics, morphology, vocabulary, grammar, and syntax show significant Sanskrit and Prakrit influence.
Some examples of naturalised (tatbhava) words of Prakrit origin in Kannada are baṇṇa derived from vaṇṇa, arasu (king), and from Sanskrit, varṇa (color), hunnime (new moon) from puṇṇivā, paurṇimā (full moon), and rāya from rāja (king). Kannada has numerous borrowed (tatsama) words such as dina, kopa, surya, mukha, nimiṣa, anna.
editOld Kannada
editThe oldest existing record of Kannada poetry in tripadi metre is the Kappe Arabhatta record of 700 AD. Kavirajamarga by King Nripatunga Amoghavarsha I (850 AD) is the earliest existing literary work in Kannada. It is a writing on literary criticism and poetics meant to standardize various written Kannada dialects used in literature in previous centuries. The book makes reference to Kannada works by early writers such as King Durvinita of the 6th century and Ravikirti, the author of the Aihole record of 636 AD. Since the earliest available Kannada work is one on grammar and a guide of sorts to unify existing variants of Kannada grammar and literary styles, it can be safely assumed that literature in Kannada must have started several centuries earlier. An early Extant literature|extant prose work, the Vaddaradhane by Shivakotiacharya of 900 AD provides an elaborate description of the life of Bhadrabahu of Shravanabelagola. Kannada works from earlier centuries mentioned in the Kavirajamarga are not yet traced. Some ancient texts now considered extinct but referenced in later centuries are Prabhrita (650 AD) by Syamakundacharya, Chudamani (Crest Jewel—650 AD) by Srivaradhadeva, also known as Tumbuluracharya, which is a work of 96,000 verse-measures and a commentary on logic (Tatwartha-mahashastra). The Karnateshwara Katha, a eulogy for King Pulakesi II, is said to have belonged to the 7th century; the Gajastaka, a work on elephant management by King Shivamara II, belonged to the 8th century, and the Chandraprabha-purana by Sri Vijaya, a court poet of King Amoghavarsha I, is ascribed to the early 9th century. Tamil Buddhist commentators of the 10th century AD (in the commentary on Nemrinatham, a Tamil grammatical work) make references that show that Kannada literature must have flourished as early as the 4th century AD. The late classical period gave birth to several genres of Kannada literature, with new forms of composition coming into use, including Ragale (a form of blank verse) and meters like Sangatya and Shatpadi. The works of this period are based on Jainism|Jain and Hinduism|Hindu principles. Two of the early writers of this period are Harihara (poet)|Harihara and Raghavanka, trailblazers in their own right. Harihara established the Ragale form of composition while Raghavanka popularized the Shatpadi (six-lined stanza) meter. The Vachana|Vachana Sahitya tradition of the 12th century is purely native and unique in world literature, and the sum of contributions by all sections of society. Vachanas were pithy poems on that period's social, religious and economic conditions. More importantly, they held a mirror to the seed of social revolution, which caused a radical re-examination of the ideas of caste, creed and religion. Some of the important writers of Vachana literature include Basavanna, Allama Prabhu and Akka Mahadevi.
Middle Kannada
editDuring the period between the 15th and 18th centuries, Hinduism had a great influence on Middle Kannada (Nadugannada) language and literature. Kumara Vyasa, who wrote the Karnata Bharata Kathamanjari, was arguably the most influential Kannada writer of this period. His work, entirely composed in the native Bhamini Shatpadi (hexa-meter), is a sublime adaptation of the first ten books of the Mahabharata. During this period, the Sanskritic influence is present in most abstract, religious, scientific and rhetorical terms. During this period, several Hindi and Marathi words came into Kannada, chiefly relating to feudalism and militia.
Hindu saints of the Vaishnava sect such as Kanakadasa, Purandaradasa, Naraharitirtha, Vyasatirtha, Sripadaraya, Vadirajatirtha, Vijaya Dasa, Jagannatha Dasa, Prasanna Venkatadasa produced devotional poems in this period. Kanakadasa's Ramadhanya Charite is a rare work, concerning with the issue of class struggle. This period saw the advent of Haridasa Sahitya (lit Dasa literature) which made rich contributions to bhakti literature and sowed the seeds of Carnatic music. Purandara Dasa is widely considered the Father of Carnatic music.
The Kannada works produced from the 19th century make a gradual transition and are classified as Hosagannada or Modern Kannada. Most notable among the modernists was the poet Nandalike Muddana whose writing may be described as the "Dawn of Modern Kannada", though generally, linguists treat Indira Bai or Saddharma Vijayavu by Gulvadi Venkata Raya as the first literary works in Modern Kannada. The first modern movable type printing of "Canarese" appears to be the Canarese Grammar of William Carey (missionary)|Carey printed at Serampore in 1817, and the "Bible translations into Kannada|Bible in Canarese" of John Hands in 1820. The first novel printed was John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, along with other texts including Canarese Proverbs, The History of Little Henry and his Bearer by Mary Martha Sherwood, Christian Gottlob Barth's Bible Stories and "a Canarese hymn book.” Modern Kannada in the 20th century has been influenced by many movements, notably Navodaya, Navya, Navyottara, Dalita and Bandaya. Contemporary Kannada literature has been highly successful in reaching people of all classes in society. Works of Kannada literature have received eight Jnanpith|Jnanpith awards and fifty six Sahitya Academy awards.
editThere is also a considerable difference between the spoken and written forms of the language. Spoken Kannada tends to vary from region to region. The written form is more or less consistent throughout Karnataka. The Ethnologue reports "about 20 dialects" of Kannada. Among them are Kundagannada (spoken exclusively in Kundapura), Nadavar-Kannada (spoken by Nadavaru), Havigannada (spoken mainly by Havyaka Brahmins), Are Bhashe (spoken by Gowda community mainly in the Sullia region of Dakshina Kannada), Soliga, Gulbarga Kannada, Dharawad Kannada etc. All of these dialects are influenced by their regional and cultural background Ethnologue also classifies a group of four languages related to Kannada, which are, besides Kannada proper, Badaga language|Badaga, Holiya and Urali.
Geographic distribution
editKannada is mainly spoken in Karnataka in India, and to a good extent in the border areas of neighbouring states Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Goa, as well as in sizeable communities in the USA, Europe, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Middle Eastern countries, Canada, Malaysia, Australia, the UK, and Singapore.
Official status
editKannada is one of the 23 official languages of India and is an administrative language of the State of Karnataka. It is also one of the six classical languages of India.
Writing system
editThe language uses forty-nine phonemic letters, divided into three groups: swaragalu (vowels – thirteen letters); vyanjanagalu (consonants – thirty-four letters); and yogavaahakagalu (neither vowel nor consonant – two letters: the anusvara ಂ and the visarga ಃ), The character set is almost identical to that of other Languages of India|Indian languages. The script itself, derived from Brahmi script, is fairly complicated like most other languages of India owing to the occurrence of various combinations of "half-letters" (glyphs), or symbols that attach to various letters in a manner similar to diacritical marks in the Romance languages. The Kannada script is almost perfectly phonetic, but for the sound of a "half n" (which becomes a half m). The number of written symbols, however, is far more than the forty-nine characters in the alphabet, because different characters can be combined to form compound characters (ottakshara). Each written symbol in the Kannada script corresponds with one syllable, as opposed to one phoneme in languages like English. The Kannada script is syllabic.
Obsolete Kannada letters
editKannada literary works employed the letters ಱ (transliterated 'rh') and ೞ (transliterated 'ḻ', 'lh' or 'zh'), whose manner of articulation most plausibly could be akin to those in present-day Malayalam and Tamil language|Tamil. The letters dropped out of use in the 12th and 18th centuries, respectively. Later Kannada works replaced 'rh' and 'lh' with ರ (ra) and ಳ (la) respectively. Another letter (or unclassified vyanjana (consonant)) that has become extinct is 'nh' or 'inn'. (Likewise, this has its equivalent in Malayalam and Tamil.) The usage of this consonant was observed until the 1980s in Kannada works from the mostly coastal areas of Karnataka (especially the Dakshina Kannada district). Now hardly any mainstream works use this consonant. This letter has been replaced by ನ್ (consonant n).
Kannada script evolution
editThe image below shows the evolution of Kannada script from prehistoric times to modern period. The Kannada script evolved in stages like:
Proto Kannada -> Pre-Old Kannada -> Old Kannada -> Modern Kannada.
The ProtoKannada script has its root in ancient Brahmi and evolved around c.3rd century BCE. The Pre-Old Kannada script evolved around c.4th century CE. Old Kannada script can be traced to c.10th Century CE. while Modern Kannada script came around c.17th Century CE.
editThe canonical word order of Kannada is SOV(subject–object–verb) as is the case with Dravidian languages.Kannada is a highly inflected language with three Grammatical gender|genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter or common) and two numbers (singular and plural). It is inflected for gender, number and tense, among other things. The first authoritative known book on Kannada grammar is Shabdhamanidarpana by Keshiraaja. The first available Kannada book is a treatise on poetry: Kavirajamarga. The most influential account of Kannada grammar is Keshiraja's Shabdamanidarpana (c. 1260 CE). The earlier grammatical works include portions of Kavirajamarga (a treatise on alańkāra) of the 9th century, and Kavyavalokana and Karnatakabhashabhushana (both authored by Nagavarma II in the first half of the 12th century).
Compound bases
editCompound bases, called samāsa in Kannada, are a set of two or more words compounded together. There are several types of compound bases, based on the rules followed for compounding Examples: tangaaLi, hemmara, immadi.
editAccording to Keshiraja's Shabdamanidarpana, there are nine gender forms in Kannada. However, in modern Kannada literature only three gender forms are used in practice: masculine, feminine, and neutral.
- Masculine Pullinga
Words that denote male persons are considered to have masculine gender.
- Examples: Shiva, Bhima, Rama, arasa 'king'
- Feminine Stree linga
Words that denote female persons are considered to have feminine gender.
- Examples: Parvati, Lakshmi, Saraswati, amma 'mother'
- Neuter Napunsaka
Nouns that do not belong to either of the above two classes are considered to have neuter gender.
Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) is written with the Kannada alphabet (ಕನ್ನಡ ಲಿಪಿ). It is an abugida of the Brahmic family. The Kannada and Telugu alphabets are essentially regional calligraphic variants of a single script. The form of Kannada was strongly influenced by stone carving, and therefore most of the characters are round with straight strokes/wedges. This script is also used to write the Telugu language, Tulu Language, Banada Language,onkani by the Konkani diaspora in coastal Karnataka. what is called for kagunita in English.
editKannada script has forty-nine characters in its alphasyllabary and is phonemic. The Kannada character set is almost identical to that of other Languages of India|Indian languages. The number of written symbols, however, is far more than the 49 characters in the alphasyllabary, because different characters can be combined to form compound characters (ottaksharas). Each written symbol in the Kannada script corresponds with one syllable, as opposed to one phoneme in languages like English language|English. The Kannada writing system is an abugida, with consonants appearing with an inherent vowel.
The characters are classified into three categories: swaras (vowels), vyanjanas (consonants) and Yogavaahakas (part vowel, part consonants).
The name given for a pure, true letter is akshara, akkara or varna. Each letter has its own form (ākāra) and sound (shabda); providing the visible and audible representations, respectively. Kannada is written from left to right.Kannada alphabet (aksharamale or varnamale) now consists of 49 letters.
Each sound has its own distinct letter, and therefore every word is pronounced exactly as it is spelt; so the ear is a sufficient guide. After the exact sounds of the letters have been once gained, every word can be pronounced with perfect accuracy. The accent falls on the first syllable.
editThere are fourteen vowels (swaras).
Kannada | ISO notation | IPA Notation | Unicode name |
ಅ | a | a | KANNADA LETTER A |
ಆ | ā | a: | KANNADA LETTER AA |
ಇ | e | e | KANNADA LETTER E |
ಈ | e | e: | KANNADA LETTER EE |
ಉ | u | u | KANNADA LETTER U |
ಊ | ū | u: | KANNADA LETTER UU |
ೠ | r̥̄ | ru: | KANNADA LETTER VOCALIC Ruu[1] |
ಎ | i | i | KANNADA LETTER AE |
ಏ | ii | i: | KANNADA LETTER AEE |
ಐ | ai | ai | KANNADA LETTER AI |
ಒ | o | o | KANNADA LETTER O |
ಓ | ō | o: | KANNADA LETTER OO |
ಔ | au | au | KANNADA LETTER AU |
editThe Yogavaahaka's (part-vowel, part consonant) include two letters:
- The anusvara: ಅಂ (am)
- The visarga: ಅಃ (aha)
editTwo types of consonants are identified in Kannada: the structured consonants and the unstructured consonants. The structured consonants are classified according to where the tongue touches the palate of the mouth and are classified accordingly into five structured groups.
Structured consonants
editThese consonants are shown here with the IAST symbols and the unicode name following.
voiceless | aspirate | voiced | aspirate | nasal | |
Velars | ಕ (ka) | ಖ (kha) | ಗ (ga) | ಘ (gha) | ಙ (nga) |
Palatals | ಚ (cha) | ಛ (chha) | ಜ (ja) | ಝ (jha) | ಞ (nya) |
Retroflex | ಟ (tta) | ಠ (ttha) | ಡ (dda) | ಢ (ddha) | ಣ (nna) |
Dentals | ತ (ta) | ಥ (tha) | ದ (da) | ಧ (dha) | ನ (na) |
Labials | ಪ (pa) | ಫ (pha) | ಬ (ba) | ಭ (bha) | ಮ (ma) |
See place of articulation for more information on tongue positions.
Unstructured consonants
editThe unstructured consonants are consonants that do not fall into any of the above structures:
ಯ (ya), ರ (ra), ಱ (ṟ) (obsolete), ಲ (la), ವ (va), ಶ (sha), ಷ (ssa), ಸ (sa), ಹ (ha), ಳ (lla), ೞ (ll) (obsolete).
editThe decimal numerals in the script are:
Kannada | Arabic numerals | ||
೦ | sonne | 0 | Zero |
೧ | ondu | 1 | One |
೨ | eraḍu | 2 | Two |
೩ | mūru | 3 | Three |
೪ | nālku | 4 | Four |
೫ | aidu | 5 | Five |
೬ | āru | 6 | Six |
೭ | ēḷu | 7 | Seven |
೮ | enṭu | 8 | Eight |
೯ | oṃbattu | 9 | Nine |
editWritten Kannada is composed of akshara or kagunita, corresponding to syllables. The signs for consonants may combine with the signs for vowels to form Typographic ligature|ligatures. Each kagunita corresponds to a syllable. In the table below the top row lists the vowels, and the leftmost column from row 2 down the consonants (actually represented by kagunita, namely that obtained by combining each consonant with the "neutral" vowel 'a'). The remaining cells contain the corresponding kagunita obtained by combining the consonant of that row with the vowel of that column.
Formation example:
consonant(IPA) | vowels sign(Vowel, IPA) | Kagunita | IPA |
ದ್ (p) | (ಅ, a) | ದ | da |
ದ್ | ಾ (ಆ, aː) | ದಾ | da: |
ದ್ | ಿ(ಇ, i) | ದಿ | di |
ದ್ | ೀ(ಈ, iː) | ದೀ | di: |
ದ್ | ು(ಉ, u) | ದು | du |
ದ್ | ೂ(ಊ, uː) | ದೂ | du: |
ದ್ | ೃ(ಋ, r<) | ದೃ | dr< |
ದ್ | ೆ(ಎ, e) | ದೆ | de |
ದ್ | ೇ(ಏ, e:) | ದೇ | de: |
ದ್ | ೈ(ಐ, ai) | ದೈ | dai |
ದ್ | ೊ(ಒ, o) | ದೊ | do |
ದ್ | ೋ(ಓ, o:) | ದೋ | do: |
ದ್ | ೌ(ಔ, au) | ದೌ | dau |
ದ್ | ಂ(ಅಂ, aṃ) | ದಂ | daṃ |
ದ್ | ಃ(ಅಃ, aḥ) | ದ: | daḥ |
ಅ | ಆ | ಇ | ಈ | ಉ | ಊ | ಋ | ಎ | ಏ | ಐ | ಒ | ಓ | ಔ | ಅಂ | ಅಃ | (no vowel) |
ಕ | ಕಾ | ಕಿ | ಕೀ | ಕು | ಕೂ | ಕೃ | ಕೆ | ಕೇ | ಕೈ | ಕೊ | ಕೋ | ಕೌ | ಕಂ | ಕಃ | ಕ್ |
ಖ | ಖಾ | ಖಿ | ಖೀ | ಖು | ಖೂ | ಖೃ | ಖೆ | ಖೇ | ಖೈ | ಖೊ | ಖೋ | ಖೌ | ಖಂ | ಖಃ | ಖ್ |
ಗ | ಗಾ | ಗಿ | ಗೀ | ಗು | ಗೂ | ಗೃ | ಗೆ | ಗೇ | ಗೈ | ಗೊ | ಗೋ | ಗೌ | ಗಂ | ಗಃ | ಗ್ |
ಘ | ಘಾ | ಘಿ | ಘೀ | ಘು | ಘೂ | ಘೃ | ಘೆ | ಘೇ | ಘೈ | ಘೊ | ಘೋ | ಘೌ | ಘಂ | ಘಃ | ಘ್ |
ಙ | ಙಾ | ಙಿ | ಙೀ | ಙು | ಙೂ | ಙೃ | ಙೆ | ಙೇ | ಙೈ | ಙೊ | ಙೋ | ಙೌ | ಙಂ | ಙಃ | ಙ್ |
ಚ | ಚಾ | ಚಿ | ಚೀ | ಚು | ಚೂ | ಚೃ | ಚೆ | ಚೇ | ಚೈ | ಚೊ | ಚೋ | ಚೌ | ಚಂ | ಚಃ | ಚ್ |
ಛ | ಛಾ | ಛಿ | ಛೀ | ಛು | ಛೂ | ಛೃ | ಛೆ | ಛೇ | ಛೈ | ಛೊ | ಛೋ | ಛೌ | ಛಂ | ಛಃ | ಛ್ |
ಜ | ಜಾ | ಜಿ | ಜೀ | ಜು | ಜೂ | ಜೃ | ಜೆ | ಜೇ | ಜೈ | ಜೊ | ಜೋ | ಜೌ | ಜಂ | ಜಃ | ಜ್ |
ಝ | ಝಾ | ಝಿ | ಝೀ | ಝು | ಝೂ | ಝೃ | ಝೆ | ಝೇ | ಝೈ | ಝೊ | ಝೋ | ಝೌ | ಝಂ | ಝಃ | ಝ್ |
ಞ | ಞಾ | ಞಿ | ಞೀ | ಞು | ಞೂ | ಞೃ | ಞೆ | ಞೇ | ಞೈ | ಞೊ | ಞೋ | ಞೌ | ಞಂ | ಞಃ | ಞ್ |
ಟ | ಟಾ | ಟಿ | ಟೀ | ಟು | ಟೂ | ಟೃ | ಟೆ | ಟೇ | ಟೈ | ಟೊ | ಟೋ | ಟೌ | ಟಂ | ಟಃ | ಟ್ |
ಠ | ಠಾ | ಠಿ | ಠೀ | ಠು | ಠೂ | ಠೃ | ಠೆ | ಠೇ | ಠೈ | ಠೊ | ಠೋ | ಠೌ | ಠಂ | ಠಃ | ಠ್ |
ಡ | ಡಾ | ಡಿ | ಡೀ | ಡು | ಡೂ | ಡೃ | ಡೆ | ಡೇ | ಡೈ | ಡೊ | ಡೋ | ಡೌ | ಡಂ | ಡಃ | ಡ್ |
ಢ | ಢಾ | ಢಿ | ಢೀ | ಢು | ಢೂ | ಢೃ | ಢೆ | ಢೇ | ಢೈ | ಢೊ | ಢೋ | ಢೌ | ಢಂ | ಢಃ | ಢ್ |
ಣ | ಣಾ | ಣಿ | ಣೀ | ಣು | ಣೂ | ಣೃ | ಣೆ | ಣೇ | ಣೈ | ಣೊ | ಣೋ | ಣೌ | ಣಂ | ಣಃ | ಣ್ |
ತ | ತಾ | ತಿ | ತೀ | ತು | ತೂ | ತೃ | ತೆ | ತೇ | ತೈ | ತೊ | ತೋ | ತೌ | ತಂ | ತಃ | ತ್ |
ಥ | ಥಾ | ಥಿ | ಥೀ | ಥು | ಥೂ | ಥೃ | ಥೆ | ಥೇ | ಥೈ | ಥೊ | ಥೋ | ಥೌ | ಥಂ | ಥಃ | ಥ್ |
ದ | ದಾ | ದಿ | ದೀ | ದು | ದೂ | ದೃ | ದೆ | ದೇ | ದೈ | ದೊ | ದೋ | ದೌ | ದಂ | ದಃ | ದ್ |
ಧ | ಧಾ | ಧಿ | ಧೀ | ಧು | ಧೂ | ಧೃ | ಧೆ | ಧೇ | ಧೈ | ಧೊ | ಧೋ | ಧೌ | ಧಂ | ಧಃ | ಧ್ |
ನ | ನಾ | ನಿ | ನೀ | ನು | ನೂ | ನೃ | ನೆ | ನೇ | ನೈ | ನೊ | ನೋ | ನೌ | ನಂ | ನಃ | ನ್ |
ಪ | ಪಾ | ಪಿ | ಪೀ | ಪು | ಪೂ | ಪೃ | ಪೆ | ಪೇ | ಪೈ | ಪೊ | ಪೋ | ಪೌ | ಪಂ | ಪಃ | ಪ್ |
ಫ | ಫಾ | ಫಿ | ಫೀ | ಫು | ಫೂ | ಫೃ | ಫೆ | ಫೇ | ಫೈ | ಫೊ | ಫೋ | ಫೌ | ಫಂ | ಫಃ | ಫ್ |
ಬ | ಬಾ | ಬಿ | ಬೀ | ಬು | ಬೂ | ಬೃ | ಬೆ | ಬೇ | ಬೈ | ಬೊ | ಬೋ | ಬೌ | ಬಂ | ಬಃ | ಬ್ |
ಭ | ಭಾ | ಭಿ | ಭೀ | ಭು | ಭೂ | ಭೃ | ಭೆ | ಭೇ | ಭೈ | ಭೊ | ಭೋ | ಭೌ | ಭಂ | ಭಃ | ಭ್ |
ಮ | ಮಾ | ಮಿ | ಮೀ | ಮು | ಮೂ | ಮೃ | ಮೆ | ಮೇ | ಮೈ | ಮೊ | ಮೋ | ಮೌ | ಮಂ | ಮಃ | ಮ್ |
ಯ | ಯಾ | ಯಿ | ಯೀ | ಯು | ಯೂ | ಯೃ | ಯೆ | ಯೇ | ಯೈ | ಯೊ | ಯೋ | ಯೌ | ಯಂ | ಯಃ | ಯ್ |
ರ | ರಾ | ರಿ | ರೀ | ರು | ರೂ | ರೃ | ರೆ | ರೇ | ರೈ | ರೊ | ರೋ | ರೌ | ರಂ | ರಃ | ರ್ |
ಱ | ಱಾ | ಱಿ | ಱೀ | ಱು | ಱೂ | ಱೃ | ಱೆ | ಱೇ | ಱೈ | ಱೊ | ಱೋ | ಱೌ | ಱಂ | ಱಃ | ಱ್ |
ಲ | ಲಾ | ಲಿ | ಲೀ | ಲು | ಲೂ | ಲೃ | ಲೆ | ಲೇ | ಲೈ | ಲೊ | ಲೋ | ಲೌ | ಲಂ | ಲಃ | ಲ್ |
ವ | ವಾ | ವಿ | ವೀ | ವು | ವೂ | ವೃ | ವೆ | ವೇ | ವೈ | ವೊ | ವೋ | ವೌ | ವಂ | ವಃ | ವ್ |
ಶ | ಶಾ | ಶಿ | ಶೀ | ಶು | ಶೂ | ಶೃ | ಶೆ | ಶೇ | ಶೈ | ಶೊ | ಶೋ | ಶೌ | ಶಂ | ಶಃ | ಶ್ |
ಷ | ಷಾ | ಷಿ | ಷೀ | ಷು | ಷೂ | ಷೃ | ಷೆ | ಷೇ | ಷೈ | ಷೊ | ಷೋ | ಷೌ | ಷಂ | ಷಃ | ಷ್ |
ಸ | ಸಾ | ಸಿ | ಸೀ | ಸು | ಸೂ | ಸೃ | ಸೆ | ಸೇ | ಸೈ | ಸೊ | ಸೋ | ಸೌ | ಸಂ | ಸಃ | ಸ್ |
ಹ | ಹಾ | ಹಿ | ಹೀ | ಹು | ಹೂ | ಹೃ | ಹೆ | ಹೇ | ಹೈ | ಹೊ | ಹೋ | ಹೌ | ಹಂ | ಹಃ | ಹ್ |
ಳ | ಳಾ | ಳಿ | ಳೀ | ಳು | ಳೂ | ಳೃ | ಳೆ | ಳೇ | ಳೈ | ಳೊ | ಳೋ | ಳೌ | ಳಂ | ಳಃ | ಳ್ |
ೞ | ೞಾ | ೞಿ | ೞೀ | ೞು | ೞೂ | ೞೃ | ೞೆ | ೞೇ | ೞೈ | ೞೊ | ೞೋ | ೞೌ | ೞಂ | ೞಃ | ೞ್ |
Kannada | Transliteration | English |
ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ, ಹೇಗಿದ್ದೀರಿ? | Namaskara, hegiddeeri? | Hi/Hello, how are you? |
ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ, ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿದ್ದೀರಾ? | Namaskara, chennagiddeeraa? | Hi, are you keeping well? |
ಶುಭ ಮುಂಜಾನೆ/ಶುಭೋದಯ | Shubha munjaane/shubhodaya | Good morning |
ಶುಭ ರಾತ್ರಿ | Shubha raathri | Good night |
Talking about oneself
Kannada | English Transliteration | English Translation |
ನನ್ನ ಹೆಸರು ಮಾಯ. | Nanna hesaru Maya. | My name is Maya. |
ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹೆಸರು ಏನು? | Nimma hesaru yenu? | What is your name? (formal/plural) |
ನಿನ್ನ ಹೆಸರು ಏನು? | Ninna hesaru yenu? | What is your name? (informal/singular) |
ನನ್ನ ಊರು ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು. | Nanna Ooru Bengaluru. | My native place is Bangalore. (More commonly worded as "I am from Bangalore.") |
This page or section is an undeveloped draft or outline. You can help to develop the work, or you can ask for assistance in the project room. |
Kannada | Transliteration | English |
ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹೆಸರೇನು? | Nimma Hesarenu? | What's your name? |
ಹೇಗಿದ್ದೀರಾ? | Hegiddira? | How are you? |
ಏನು ಮಾಡುತಿದ್ದೀರಾ? | Yenu Maaduthiddira? | What are you doing? |
Food and Drink
editKannada | Transliteration | English |
ಬೆಳಗ್ಗಿನ ಉಪಹಾರ | Belaggina Upahara | Morning Tiffin |
ಮಸಾಲೆ ದೋಸೆ ಮತ್ತು ಚಟ್ನಿ/ಸಾಂಬಾರ್ | Masale Dose matthu chatni/sambar | Masala Dosa and chutney/sambar |
ಚಪಾತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಚಟ್ನಿ/ಸಾಂಬಾರ್ | Chapathi matthu chatni | Chapathi and chutney |
ಪೂರಿ ಮತ್ತು ಸಾಗೂ/ಚಟ್ನಿ | Poori matthu saagoo/chatni | Poori and saagoo/chutney |
ಇಡ್ಲಿ ಮತ್ತು ಚಟ್ನಿ/ಸಾಂಬಾರ್ | Edli matthu chatni/sambar | Idli and chutney/sambar |
ಉದ್ದಿನ ವಡೆ ಮತ್ತು ಚಟ್ನಿ/ಸಾಂಬಾರ್ | Uddina vade matthu chatni/sambar | Uddina vade and chutney/sambar |
ಪಲಾವ್ | Palav | Pulav |
ಚಿತ್ರಾನ್ನ | Chitranna | Lemon Rice |
ಉಪ್ಪಿಟ್ಟು | Uppittu | Upma |
ಬಿಸಿಬೇಳೆಬಾತ್ | Bisibelebath | Bisibelebath |
ಶಾವಿಗೆ ಮತ್ತು ಚಟ್ನಿ | Shaavige matthu chutney | Noodles and chutney |
ಗಂಜಿ | Ganji | Ganji |
ಖಾರ ಬಾತ್ | Khara bath | Khara bath |
ಚೌಚೌಬಾತ್ | Chou chou bath | Chow chow bath |
ಮಧ್ಯಾನ್ಹದ ಭೋಜನ | Madhyanada Bhojana | Afternoon Meals |
ಅನ್ನ ಹುಳಿ | Anna Huli | Rice and Sambar |
ರಾಗಿ ಮುದ್ದೆ | Raagi Mudde | Raagi Balls |
ಅನ್ನ ತಂಬುಳಿ | Anna Thambuli | Rice Thambuli |
ಗಂಜಿ | Ganji | Ganji |
ಪಲಾವ್ | Palav | Pulav |
ಪಾನೀಯಗಳು /Drinks
editKannada | Transliteration | English |
ಆಪಲ್ ಶರಬತ್ತು | Apple Sharabatthu | Apple juice |
ನಿಂಬೆಹಣ್ಣು ಶರಬತ್ತು | Nimbehannu Sharabatthu | Lemon juice |
ಮಾವಿನಹಣ್ಣು ಶರಬತ್ತು | Maavinahannu Sharabatthu | Mango juice |
ಕಲ್ಲಂಗಡಿ ಶರಬತ್ತು | Kallangadi Sharabatthu | Watermelon juice |
ಅನಾನಸ್ ಶರಬತ್ತು | Ananas Sharabatthu | Pineapple juice |
ಕಸ್ತೂರಿ ಶರಬತ್ತು | Kasthuri Sharabatthu | Muskmelon juice |
ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ ಶರಬತ್ತು | Drakshi Sharabatthu | Grape juice |
ಮೂಸಂಬಿ ಶರಬತ್ತು | Moosambi Sharabatthu | Sweet lime juice |
ಕಿತ್ತಳೆ ಶರಬತ್ತು | Kittale Sharabatthu | Orange juice |
ಬೆಣ್ಣೆ ಹಣ್ಣು ಶರಬತ್ತು | Benne Hannu Sharabatthu | Butterfruit juice |
Kannada numbers
editEnglish | Transliteration in Kannada | |||
(Short scale Western) symbol | sankhye (galu) | Numbers in Kannada | ||
Zero | 0 | sonne | ಸೊನ್ನೆ | ೦ |
One | 1 | ondu | ಒಂದು | ೧ |
Two | 2 | yeradu | ಎರಡು | ೨ |
Three | 3 | mooru | ಮೂರು | ೩ |
Four | 4 | naalku | ನಾಲ್ಕು | ೪ |
Five | 5 | aidu | ಐದು | ೫ |
Six | 6 | aaru | ಆರು | ೬ |
Seven | 7 | aelu | ಏಳು | ೭ |
Eight | 8 | entu | ಎಂಟು | ೮ |
Nine | 9 | ombatthu | ಒಂಬತ್ತು | ೯ |
Ten | 10 | hatthu | ಹತ್ತು | ೧೦ |
Eleven | 11 | hannondu | ಹನ್ನೊಂದು | ೧೧ |
Twelve | 12 | hanneradu | ಹನ್ನೆರಡು | ೧೨ |
Thirteen | 13 | hadimooru | ಹದಿಮೂರು | ೧೩ |
Fourteen | 14 | hadinalku | ಹದಿನಾಲ್ಕು | ೧೪ |
Fifteen | 15 | hadinaidu | ಹದಿನೈದು | ೧೫ |
Sixteen | 16 | hadinaaru | ಹದಿನಾರು | ೧೬ |
Seventeen | 17 | hadinelu | ಹದಿನೇಳು | ೧೭ |
Eighteen | 18 | hadinentu | ಹದಿನೆಂಟು | ೧೮ |
Nineteen | 19 | hathombattu | ಹತ್ತೊಂಬತ್ತು | ೧೯ |
Twenty | 20 | ippatthu | ಇಪ್ಪತ್ತು | ೨೦ |
Twenty-One | 21 | ippattondu | ಇಪ್ಪತ್ತೊಂದು | ೨೧ |
Thirty | 30 | moovatthu | ಮೂವತ್ತು | ೩೦ |
Forty | 40 | nalavatthu | ನಲವತ್ತು | ೪೦ |
Fifty | 50 | aivatthu | ಐವತ್ತು | ೫೦ |
Sixty | 60 | aravatthu | ಅರವತ್ತು | ೬೦ |
Seventy | 70 | yepatthu | ಎಪ್ಪತ್ತು | ೭೦ |
Eighty | 80 | embatthu | ಎಂಬತ್ತು | ೮೦ |
Ninety | 90 | thombatthu | ತೊಂಬತ್ತು | ೯೦ |
Hundred | 100 | nooru | ನೂರು | ೧೦೦ |
Thousand | 1000 | saavira | ಸಾವಿರ | ೧,೦೦೦ |
Ten Thousand | 10000 | hatthu saavira | ಹತ್ತುಸಾವಿರ | ೧೦,೦೦೦ |
Lakh | 100000 | laksha | ಲಕ್ಷ | ೧,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
Ten Lakh | 1000000 | hattulaksha | ಹತ್ತುಲಕ್ಷ | ೧೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
Crore | 10000000 | koti | ಕೋಟಿ | ೧,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
Ten Crore | 100000000 | dhashkoti | ಹತ್ತುಕೋಟಿ | ೧೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
One Billion | 1000000000 | abja(shatkoti,mahaburdh) | ಅಬ್ಜ(ಶತಕೋಟಿ,ಮಹರ್ಬುಧ) | ೧,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
Ten Billion | 10000000000 | kharwa | ಖರ್ವ | ೧೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
One hundred billion | 100000000000 | nikharwa(Akshit) | ನಿಖರ್ವ(ಅಕ್ಷಿತ) | ೧,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
One trillion | 1000000000000 | Mahapadma | ಮಹಾಪದ್ಮ | ೧೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
Ten trillion | 10000000000000 | shankhu | ಶ೦ಖು | ೧,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
One hundred trillion | 100000000000000 | Jaladhi | ಜಲಧಿ | ೧೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
One quadrillion | 1000000000000000 | anthia | ಅ೦ತ್ಯ | ೧,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
Ten quadrillion | 10000000000000000 | madhya | ಮಧ್ಯ | ೧೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
One hundred quadrillion | 100000000000000000 | Padhe(mahā-śaṅku) | ಪ್ರಧೆ(ಮಹಾ ಶ೦ಖು) | ೧,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦,೦೦೦ |
Ten sextillion | 1022 | vṛnda | ವ್ರ್ನದಾ | ೧೦22 |
One octillion | 1027 | mahā vṛnda | ಮಹಾವ್ರ್ನದಾ | ೧೦27 |
Ten sexdecillion | 1052 | Samudra | ಸಮುದ್ರಾ | ೧೦52 |
One octillion | 1057 | ogha | ಒಘಾ | ೧೦57 |
One hundred novemdecillion | 1062 | ogha | ಮಹಾಒಘಾ | ೧೦62 |
English | Transliteration | Kannada |
house | mane | ಮನೆ |
storey | mahaDi | ಮಹಡಿ |
room | kONe | ಕೋಣೆ |
Zodiac Signs
Image/ಚಿತ್ರ | Zodiac/ರಾಶಿಗಳು | Transl. | Zodiac Signs |
Gloss/ಅರ್ಥ | Sign/ ಚಿನ್ಹೆ |
Dates/ ದಿನಾಂಕ |
Planet/ಗ್ರಹ (Symbol/ಚಿನ್ಹೆ) |
Element/ಅಂಶ (Symbol/ಚಿನ್ಹೆ) |
Polarity/ ಧ್ರುವೀಯತೆ |
Modality/ಕ್ರಮಬದ್ಧತೆ (Symbol/ಚಿನ್ಹೆ) |
ಮೇಷ | Mesha | Aries | The Ram/ ಟಗರು |
Mar 21 - Apr 19 |
Mars/ಮಂಗಳ ( ) |
Fire/ಅಗ್ನಿ ( ) |
Positive(+) | Cardinal/ಕ್ರಿಯಾತ್ಮಕ ( ) | ||
ವೃಷಭ | Vrushabha | Taurus | The Bull/ ಗೂಳಿ |
Apr 20 - May 20 |
Venus/ಶುಕ್ರ ( ) |
Earth/ಭೂಮಿ ( ) |
Negative (-) | Fixed/ಸ್ಥಿರ ( ) | ||
ಮಿಥುನ | Mithuna | Gemini | The Twins/ ಗಂಡು ಹೆಣ್ಣು (ಅವಳಿ) |
May 21 - Jun 20 |
Mercury/ಬುಧ ( ) |
Air/ವಾಯು ( ) |
Positive (+) | Mutable/ ಬದಲಾಗುವಂಥದ್ದು ( ) | ||
ಕರ್ಕಾಟಕ | Karkataka | Cancer | The Crab/ ಏಡಿ |
Jun 21 - Jul 22 |
Moon/ಚಂದ್ರ ( ) |
Water/ಜಲ ( ) |
Negative (-) | Cardinal/ಕ್ರಿಯಾತ್ಮಕ ( ) | ||
ಸಿಂಹ | Simha | Leo | The Lion/ ಸಿಂಹ |
Jul 23 - Aug 22 |
Sun/ಸೂರ್ಯ ( ) |
Fire/ಅಗ್ನಿ ( ) |
Positive (+) | Fixed/ಸ್ಥಿರ ( ) | ||
ಕನ್ಯಾ | Kanya | Virgo | The Maiden/ ಕನ್ಯೆ |
Aug 23 - Sep 22 |
Mercury/ಬುಧ ( ) |
Earth/ಭೂಮಿ ( ) |
Negative (-) | Mutable/ ಬದಲಾಗುವಂಥದ್ದು ( ) | ||
ತುಲಾ | Thula | Libra | The Scales/ ತಕ್ಕಡಿ |
Sep 23 - Oct 22 |
Venus/ಶುಕ್ರ ( ) |
Air/ವಾಯು ( ) |
Positive (+) | Cardinal/ಕ್ರಿಯಾತ್ಮಕ ( ) | ||
ವೃಶ್ಚಿಕ | Vrishchika | Scorpio | The Scorpion/ ಚೇಳು |
Oct 23 - Nov 21 |
Mars/ಮಂಗಳ ( ) |
Water/ಜಲ ( ) |
Negative (-) | Fixed/ಸ್ಥಿರ ( ) | ||
***ಧನು | Dhanu | Sagittarius | The Archer/ ಬಿಲ್ಲುಗಾರ |
Nov 22 - Dec 21 |
Jupiter/ಗುರು ( ) |
Fire/ಅಗ್ನಿ ( ) |
Positve (+) | Mutable/ ಬದಲಾಗುವಂಥದ್ದು ( ) | ||
ಮಕರ | Makara | Capricorn | The Crocodile/ ಮೊಸಳೆ |
Dec 22 - Jan 21 |
Saturn/ಶನಿ ( ) |
Earth/ಭೂಮಿ ( ) |
Negative (-) | Cardinal/ಕ್ರಿಯಾತ್ಮಕ ( ) | ||
ಕುಂಭ | Kumbha | Aquarius | The Water -bearer/ ನೀರು ಹೂಜಿ |
Jan 22 - Feb 18 |
Saturn/ಶನಿ ( ) |
Air/ವಾಯು ( ) |
Positve (+) | Fixed/ಸ್ಥಿರ ( ) | ||
ಮೀನ | Meena | Pisces | The Fish/ ಮೀನು |
Feb 19 - Mar 20 |
Jupiter/ಗುರು ( ) |
Water/ಜಲ ( ) |
Negative (-) | Mutable/ ಬದಲಾಗುವಂಥದ್ದು ( ) |
*** Ophiuchus (Kannada:ಒಫಿಯುಕಸ್) (November 29 to December 18) has sometimes been used in sidereal astrology as a thirteenth sign in addition to the twelve signs of the tropical Zodiac.[1][2]
edit- ↑ "About the Controversial 13th Zodiac Sign". cosmopolitan.com. 20 September 2016. Retrieved 20 September 2016.
- ↑ "Born under the sign of Ophiuchus?". earthsky.org. 16 August 2017. Retrieved 16 August 2017.
Noun: Naamavachakagalu or Hesarugalu. Ex: Manjunatha, Bengalooru, Karnataka.
English | Transliteration in Kannada |
Kannada |
eat | thinnu / unnu | ತಿನ್ನು / ಉಣ್ಣು |
come | baa | ಬಾ |
go | hogu | ಹೋಗು |
drink | kudi | ಕುಡಿ |
sleep | Malagu | ಮಲಗು |
read | odhu | ಓದು |
write | bari | ಬರಿ |
sit | Kulituko / kutko / kooru / kundru | ಕುಳಿತುಕೋ / ಕೂತ್ಕೋ / ಕೂರು / ಕುಂಡ್ರು |
stand | ninduko / nill(u) | ನಿಂತ್ಕೋ / ನಿಲ್ಲು |
ask | kelu | ಕೇಳು |
call | kare / kari | ಕರೆ / ಕರಿ |
do | madu | ಮಾಡು |
gulp | nungu | ನುಂಗು |
walk | nade / nadi | ನಡೆ / ನಡಿ |
run | odu | ಓಡು |
give | kodu | ಕೊಡು |
take | tagedko / tago | ತೆಗೆದುಕೊ / ತಗೊ |
shout | Kirachu / odaru | ಕಿರಚು / ಒದರು |
talk | matadu | ಮಾತಾಡು |
tell | helu | ಹೇಳು |
jump | egaru / jigi / kudi | ಎಗರು / ಜಿಗಿ / ಕುದಿ |
bend | baggu / baagu | ಬಗ್ಗು / ಬಾಗು |
push | Tallu / doodu / nooku / dabbu | ತಳ್ಳು / ದೂಡು / ನೂಕು / ದಬ್ಬು |
snatch | kitthuko / keelu | ಕಿತ್ತುಕೊ / ಕೀಳು |
look | nodu / kaanu | ನೋಡು / ಕಾಣು |
listen | kelisiko / aalisu | ಕೇಳಿಸಿಕೊ / ಆಲಿಸು |
English | Transliteration | |
Animal | prANi | |
Domestic animal | sAku prANi | |
Wild animal | kADu prANi | |
Elephant | Ane | |
Bird | pakshi | |
Rat | Heggana/Ili | |
Bullock | etthu | |
Female buffalo | eMMe | |
Camel | OnTe | |
Donkey | katte | |
Frog | kappe | |
Bear | karaDi | |
Horse | kudure | |
Sheep | kuri | |
Ox | ettu | |
Male buffalo | kona | |
Monkey | kOthi, kapi | |
Rhinoceros | gEnDamruga | |
Leopard | chirate | |
Deer | jinke | |
Wolf | tOLa | |
Fox | nari | |
Dog | nAyi | |
Hippopotamus | neerAne | |
Cat | beKKu | |
Goat | mEke | |
Rabbit | mola | |
Lion | simha | |
Pig | handi | |
Cow | hasu | |
Snake | hAvu | |
Tiger | huli | |
Zebra | hEsaragatte | |
Boar | Kadu handi | |
Fish | Meenu | |
Crocodile | Mosale |
English | Transliteration | Kannada |
Birds | hakki/pakshi | ಹಕ್ಕಿ/ಪಕ್ಷಿ |
Cock | hunja | ಹುಂಜ |
Crow | kaage | ಕಾಗೆ |
Duck | baatukoli | ಬಾತುಕೋಳಿ |
Eagle | haddu | ಹದ್ದು |
Hen | koli | ಕೋಳಿ |
Owl | goobe | ಗೂಬೆ |
Parrot | gili | ಗಿಳಿ |
Peacock | navilu | ನವಿಲು |
Pigeon | paarivaala | ಪಾರಿವಾಳ |
Sparrow | gubbacchhi | ಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ |
Stork | kokkare | ಕೊಕ್ಕರೆ |
Coucal | kembhuta | ಕೆಂಭೂತ |
Red wattled lapwing | tittiba | ಟಿಟ್ಟಿಬ |
Falcon | Lagada | ಲಗಡ |
Vulture | Ranahaddu | ರಣಹದ್ದು |
Woodpecker | Marakutaka | ಮರಕುಟಕ ಹಕ್ಕಿ |
Red-whiskered bulbul | Juttina hakki | ಜುಟ್ಟಿನ ಹಕ್ಕಿ |
Baya weaver bird | Geejaga hakki | ಗೀಜಗ ಹಕ್ಕಿ |
Swallows | Thale thirugina hakki | ತಲೆತಿರುಗಿನ ಹಕ್ಕಿ |
Jungle bush quail | Purule hakki | ಪುರುಲೆ ಹಕ್ಕಿ |
Ostrich | ಉಷ್ಟ್ರಪಕ್ಷಿ |
English . . . | Transliteration | Kannada |
Back | Benu | ಬೆನ್ನು |
Bone | moole/elubu | ಮೂಳೆ/ಎಲುಬು |
Cheek | kenne/ galla | ಕೆನ್ನೆ/ಗಲ್ಲಾ |
Chest | edhe | ಎದೆ |
Chin | gaddha | ಗದ್ದಾ |
Ear | kivi | ಕಿವಿ |
Eye | kannu | ಕಣ್ಣು |
Eyebrow | hubbu | ಹುಬ್ಬು |
Eyelash | kannu reppe | ಕಣ್ಣು ರೆಪ್ಪೆ |
Face | mukha | ಮುಖ |
Finger | beralu | ಬೆರಳು |
Foot | paada | ಪಾದ |
Fore Finger | toruberalu | ತೋರುಬೆರಳು |
Forehead | hane | ಹಣೆ |
Hair | koodalu | ಕೂದಲು |
Hand | kai | ಕೈ |
Head | tale | ತಲೆ |
Heel | himmadi, keelu | ಹಿಮ್ಮಡಿ, ಕೀಲು |
Knee | mandi | ಮಂಡಿ |
Leg | kaalu | ಕಾಲು |
Lips | thuti | ತುಟಿ |
Little Finger | kiruberaLu | ಕಿರುಬೆರಳು |
Middle Finger | madhyada beraLu | ಮಧ್ಯದ ಬೆರಳು |
Mouth | baayi | ಬಾಯಿ |
Neck | kattu | ಕತ್ತು |
Shoulder | Bhuja | ಭುಜ |
Nerve | nara | ನರ |
Nose | moogu | ಮೂಗು |
Palm | angai | ಅಂಗೈ |
Ring Finger | anaamika | ಅನಾಮಿಕ |
Skin | charma | ಚರ್ಮ |
Stomach | hotte | ಹೊಟ್ಟೆ |
Teeth | hallu | ಹಲ್ಲು |
Thigh | tode | ತೊಡೆ |
Throat | gantalu | ಗಂಟಲು |
Thumb Finger | hebbettu | ಹೆಬ್ಬೆಟ್ಟು |
Tongue | naalige | ನಾಲಿಗೆ |
English | Transliteration | Kannada |
Black | Kappu | ಕಪ್ಪು |
Blue | Neeli | ನೀಲಿ |
Brown | Kandu | ಕಂದು |
Green | Haseru | ಹಸಿರು |
Grey | Boodu | ಬೂದು/ನರುಗು |
Orange | Kitteli | ಕಿತ್ತಳೆ/ಪೀತ ರಕ್ತ |
Pink | Gulaabi | ಗುಲಾಬಿ/ಪಾಟಲ |
Purple | Nerali | ನೇರಳೆ/ಧೂಮಲ |
Red | Kempu | ಕೆಂಪು |
Violet | Nerali | |
White | Billi | ಬಿಳಿ |
Yellow | Haladi | ಹಳದಿ/ಅರಿಶಿಣ/ಪೀತ |
Days and Months
Days And Months in Kannada
editAs per Kannada the week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.
Lunar calendar days (14)
editPadyah (day 1), Bidhigay (day 2),Thadhigay (day 3), Chowthi (day 4), Panchami (day 5) Shashtee (day 6), Sapthamee (day 7), Ashtami (day 8), Navamee (day 9), Dashamee (day 10), Ekadashee (day 11), Dwadhashe (day 12), Traiyodashee (day 13), Chaturadashee (day 14) and Poornimay (full moon 🌝 ) or Aamavasyah New moon 🌚)— starts from top again.
editEnglish | Pronunciation | Kannada |
Day(s) | dhina(gallu) | ದಿನ(ಗಳು) |
Sunday | bhanuvaara/ravivaara | ಭಾನುವಾರ/ರವಿವಾರ |
Monday | somavaara | ಸೋಮವಾರ |
Tuesday | mangalavaara | ಮಂಗಳವಾರ |
Wednesday | budhavaara | ಬುಧವಾರ |
Thursday | guruvaara | ಗುರುವಾರ |
Friday | shukravaara | ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ |
Saturday | shanivaara | ಶನಿವಾರ |
Months in a year
editEnglish | Pronunciation | Kannada |
Month(s) | maasa(galu) | ಮಾಸ(ಗಳು) |
April | Chaitra | ಚೈತ್ರ |
May | Vaishaakha | ವೈಶಾಖ |
June | Jyeshta | ಜ್ಯೇಷ್ಠ |
July | Aashadha | ಆಷಾಢ |
August | Shravana | ಶ್ರಾವಣ |
September | Bhaadrapada | ಭಾದ್ರಪದ |
October | Aashvija | ಆಶ್ವಿಜಾ |
November | Kaarthika | ಕಾರ್ತೀಕ |
December | margashira | ಮಾರ್ಗಶಿರ |
January | Pushya | ಪುಷ್ಯ |
February | Maagha | ಮಾಘ |
March | Phaalguna | ಫಾಲ್ಗುಣ |
As per Kannada, the year starts from chaitra maasa (March/April month) which is also celebrated as Yugadi/Ugadi. This is inherited from the Hindu calendar, which is why the months don't match with the Gregorian calendar. When speaking in Kannada and you want to refer to a particular month, you can always use the English name of the month.
English | Transliteration | Kannada |
Directions | dikkugalu | ದಿಕ್ಕುಗಳು |
East | Poorva, MoodaNa | ಪೂರ್ವ, ಮೂಡಣ |
West | paschima, paDuvaNa | ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ, ಪಡುವಣ |
North | uttara, baDagaNa | ಉತ್ತರ, ಬಡಗಣ |
South | dakshina, tenkaNa | ದಕ್ಷಿಣ, ತೆ೦ಕಣ |
South-east | Agneya | ಆಗ್ನೇಯ |
South-west | Nairuthya | ನೈರುತ್ಯ |
North-west | Vayuvya | ವಾಯುವ್ಯ |
North-east | Eeshanya | ಈಶಾನ್ಯ |
Up | mEle | ಮೇಲೆ |
Down | keLage | ಕೆಳಗೆ |
Right | bala | ಬಲ |
Left | eDa | ಎಡ |
Backward | hinde | ಹಿಂದೆ |
Forward | munde | ಮುಂದೆ |
Here | illi | ಇಲ್ಲಿ |
There | alli | ಅಲ್ಲಿ |
Straight | nEra, neTTa | ನೇರ, ನೆಟ್ಟ |
Sideways | aDDaDDa | ಅಡ್ಡಡ್ಡ |
This Way | ee kaDe | ಈ ಕಡೆ |
That Way | Aa kade | ಆ ಕಡೆ |
English | Transliteration | Kannada |
shirt | angi | ಅಂಗಿ |
trousers | SarAyi | ಷರಾಯಿ |
lungi | lungi | ಲುಂಗಿ |
shoe | kera | ಕೆರ |
ring | ungura | ಉಂಗುರ |
English | Transliteration | Kannada |
Flower(s) | hoovu(gaLu) | ಹೂವು(ಗಳು) |
Arabian Jasmine | dunDu mallige | ದುಂಡು ಮಲ್ಲಿಗ |
Blue Water Lily | naidile hoovu | ನೈದಿಲೆ ಹೂವು(ಗಳು) |
Crossandra | kanakaambara | ಕನಕಾಂಬರ |
Cypress Vine | kaamalathe (kempu mallige) | ಕಾಮಲತೆ (ಕೆಂಪು ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ) |
Hibiscus | daasavaaLa | ದಾಸವಾಳ |
Jasmine | mallige | ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ |
Lotus | tavare | ತಾವರೆ |
Marigold | chenDu hoovu | ಚೆಂಡು ಹೂವು |
Rose | gulaabi | ಗುಲಾಬಿ |
Sunflower | suryakaanti | ಸೂರ್ಯಕಾಂತಿ |
Coral Jasmine | paarijaata | ಪಾರಿಜಾತ |
Champa | sampige | ಸಂಪಿಗೆ |
Oleander | kaNagile | ಕಣಗಿಲೆ |
Chrysanthemum | sEvantige | ಸೇವಂತಿಗೆ |
Skean | suragi | ಸುರಗಿ |
Crape Jasmine | nandi battalu | ನಂದಿ ಬಟ್ಟಲು |
Plumeria | dEva kaNagile | ದೇವ ಕಣಗಿಲೆ |
Dahlia | dEre | ಡೇರೆ |
Nerium Oleander | kaNagala hoovo | ಕಣಗಳ ಹೂವು(ಗಳು) |
Tuberose | SugAndha Raja | ಸುಗಂಧ ರಾಜ |
Traditional Kannada Dishes:-
Pronunciation | Kannada |
aalugaDDe bonDa | ಆಲುಗಡ್ಡೆ ಬೊಂಡ |
baadusha | ಬಾದುಶ |
bELe obbaTTu | ಬೇಳೆ ಒಬ್ಬಟ್ಟು |
bisi bELe baath | ಬಿಸಿ ಬೇಳೆ ಬಾತ್ |
chakkuli | ಚಕ್ಕುಲಿ |
chirOTi | ಚಿರೋಟಿ |
chitraanna | ಚಿತ್ರಾನ್ನ |
Coffee | ಕಾಫಿ |
daavaNagere beNNe dOse | ದಾವಣಗೆರೆ ಬೆಣ್ಣೆ ದೋಸೆ |
damrOT | ದಮ್ರೋಟ್ |
dhaaravaaDa pEDa | ಧಾರವಾಡ ಪೇಡ |
hOLige | ಹೋಳಿಗೆ |
iDli | ಇಡ್ಲಿ |
kEsari baath | ಕೇಸರಿ ಬಾತ್ |
khaara baath | ಖಾರ ಬಾತ್ |
kobbari miTaayi | ಕೊಬ್ಬರಿ ಮಿಠಾಯಿ |
kODubaLe | ಕೋಡುಬಳೆ |
kOsambari | ಕೋಸಂಬರಿ |
laaDu | ಲಾಡು |
maddooru vaDe | ಮದ್ದೂರು ವಡೆ |
majjigehuLi | ಮಜ್ಜಿಗೆಹುಳಿ |
mangaLooru bajji | ಮಂಗಳೂರು ಬಜ್ಜಿ |
masaale dOse | ಮಸಾಲೆ ದೋಸೆ |
meNasinakaayui bajji | ಮೆಣಸಿನಕಾಯಿ ಬಜ್ಜಿ |
mOsaru vaDe | ಮೊಸರು ವಡೆ |
Mysooru pak | ಮೈಸೂರು ಪಾಕ |
mysooru pak | ಮೈಸೂರು ಪಾಕ್ |
nippaTTu | ನಿಪ್ಪಟ್ಟು |
paayasa | ಪಾಯಸ |
palya | ಪಲ್ಯ |
pENi | ಪೇಣಿ |
puLiyogare | ಪುಳಿಯೋಗರೆ |
raagi roTTi | ರಾಗಿ ರೊಟ್ಟಿ |
Tambli | ತಂಬ್ಳಿ |
Tea | ಟೀ |
uppittu | ಉಪ್ಪಿಟ್ಟು |
vaDe | ವಡೆ |
uppinakayi | ಉಪ್ಪಿನಕಾಯಿ |
Group | English Common name | Transliteration | Kannada | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cereals & grains: |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lentils / Dhals / legumes :( whole beans are called Kaalu ಕಾಳು & split beans are calles Bele ಬೇಳೆ respectively.) | Bele & Kaalugalu |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
misc |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spices : |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cooking-Oil seeds, other nuts & seeds : |
ಕಡಲೆ ಪಪ್ಪು
English | Kannada | Transliteration |
Apple | ಸೇಬು | sebu |
Pear | ಮರಸೇಬು | Marasebu |
Avocado | ಬೆಣ್ಣೆ ಹಣ್ಣು | Benne Hannu |
Banana | ಬಾಳೆ ಹಣ್ಣು | Baale Hannu |
Chikku | ಸಪೋಟ | Sapota |
Custard Apple | ಸೀತಾಫಲ | Seethaphala |
Grapes | ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ | Dhraakshi |
Guava | ಪೇರಲ, ಸೀಬೆಹಣ್ಣು, ಚೇಪೆಕಾಯಿ | Perala, Seebe Hannu, Chepekaayi |
Muskmelon | ಖರ್ಬೂಜ | Kharbooja |
Mango | ಮಾವಿನ ಹಣ್ಣು | Maavina Hannu |
Moosambi | ಮೂಸಂಬಿ | Moosambi |
Orange | ಕಿತ್ತಳೆ | Kittale |
Pomegranate | ದಾಳಿಂಬೆ | Daalimbe |
Papaya | ಪರಂಗಿ | Parangi |
Pineapple | ಅನಾನಸ್ | Ananas |
Watermelon | ಕಲ್ಲಂಗಡಿ ಹಣ್ಣು | Kallangadi Hannu |
Jackfruit | ಹಲಸಿನ ಹಣ್ಣು | Halasina hannu |
Lemon | ನಿಂಬೆ ಹಣ್ಣು | Nimbe hannu |
English | Kannada |
Chair | ಕುರ್ಚಿ |
Bed | ಹಾಸಿಗೆ / ಗಾಧಿ |
Cot | ಮಂಚ |
Table | ಮೇಜು |
editkarnataka and Hindustani are the two major types of music, practiced in Karnataka
Leaves names
editEnglish | Transliteration | Kannada names of trees |
Tree(s) | mara(gaLu) | ಮರ(ಗಳು) |
Sacred fig (Bodhi) | arali | ಅರಳಿ |
Banyan | aala | ಆಲ |
Bamboo | bidiru | ಬಿದಿರು |
Banana | baaLe | ಬಾಳೆ |
Cashew | godambi | ಗೋಡಂಬಿ |
Jack Fruit | halasu | ಹಲಸು |
Rosewood | beete | ಬೀಟೆ |
Teak | thega | ತೇಗ |
Mango | mavina mara | ಮಾವಿನ ಮರ |
coconut tree | Thengina mara | ತೆಂಗಿನ ಮರ |
Cedar | Matthi mara | ಮಥಿ ಮರದ |
Teak | Saguvani | ಸಾಗುವಾನಿ |
Drumstick Tree | Nuggemara | ನುಗ್ಗೆಮರ |
Sandalwood Tree | Sriganadamara | ಶ್ರೀಗಂಧದ ಮರ |
Neem Tree | Bevinamara | ಬೇವಿನ ಮರ |
Tamarind Tree | Hunasemara | ಹುಣಸೆ ಮರ |
Golden Champa Tree | sampige mara | ಸಂಪಿಗೆ |
Curry Tree | karibevu mara | ಕರಿಬೇವಿನ ಮರ |
Arecanut tree | adaki mara | ಅಡಿಕೆ ಮರ |
English | Transliteration | Kannada | |
Relatives | nentaru | ನೆಂಟರು | |
Mother | amma, taayi | ಅಮ್ಮ, ತಾಯಿ | |
Father | appa, tande | ಅಪ್ಪ, ತಂದೆ | |
Son | maga, putra | ಮಗ, ಪುತ್ರ | |
Daughter | magalu, putri | ಮಗಳು, ಪುತ್ರಿ | |
Elder Brother | anna | ಅಣ್ಣ | |
Younger Brother | tamma | ತಮ್ಮ | |
Elder Sister | akka | ಅಕ್ಕ | |
Younger Sister | tangi | ತಂಗಿ | |
Grandfather | ajja, taata | ಅಜ್ಜ, ತಾತ | |
Grandmother | ajji | ಅಜ್ಜಿ | |
Maternal Grandmother | ammamma | ಅಮ್ಮಮ್ಮ | |
Husband | ganda | ಗಂಡ | |
Wife | hendathi, madadi | ಹೆಂಡತಿ, ಮಡದಿ | |
Father in Law, Paternal Aunt's Husband | maava | ಮಾವ | |
Maternal Uncle | Sodara maava | ಸೋದರ ಮಾವ | |
Mother in Law, Maternal Uncle's wife | atte | ಅತ್ತೆ | |
Paternal Aunt | Sodara atte | ಸೋದರತ್ತೆ | |
Son in Law | aliya | ಅಳಿಯ | |
Man's Elder or Younger Brother's son | [Sodara] Maga | [ಸೋದರ] ಮಗ | |
Man's Elder or Younger Brother's Daughter | [Sodara] Maghalu | [ಸೋದರ] ಮಗಳು | |
Man's Elder or Younger sister's son | Sodaraliya | ಸೋದರಳಿಯ | |
Daughter in Law | sose | ಸೊಸೆ | |
Man's Elder or Younger sister's Daughter | sodarasose | ಸೋದರಸೊಸೆ | |
Father’s Younger Brother, Mother’s Younger Sister’s Husband | chikkappa | ಚಿಕ್ಕಪ್ಪ | |
Mother’s Younger Sister, Father’s Younger Brother’s Wife | chikkamma | ಚಿಕ್ಕಮ್ಮ | |
Father’s Elder Brother, Mother’s Elder Sister’s Husband | doDDappa | ದೊಡ್ಡಪ್ಪ | |
Mother’s Elder Sister, Father’s Elder Brother’s Wife | doDDamma | ದೊಡ್ಡಮ್ಮ | |
wife’s Elder Brother | bhamaida | ಭಾಮೈದ | |
Elder Sister's Husband, Husband's elder brother | Bhava | ಭಾವ | |
Children | makkalu | ಮಕ್ಕಳು | |
Spouse’s elder sister, Elder brother's wife | attige | ಅತ್ತಿಗೆ | |
Husband’s Younger Brother | maiduna | ಮೈದುನ | |
Spouse’s Younger Sister, Younger brother's wife | Naadini | ನಾದಿನಿ | |
Male Friend | geLeya, snehitha | ಗೆಳೆಯ, ಸ್ನೇಹಿತ | |
Female Friend | geLathi, snehithe | ಗೆಳತಿ, ಸ್ನೇಹಿತೆ | |
Friendship | geLethana | ಗೆಳೆತನ | |
Orphan | Anaatha | ಅನಾಥ | |
Wife’s Sister's Husband. | Shadka | ಶಡ್ಕ | |
Husband's Brother's wife. | Vaaragitti | ವಾರಗಿತ್ತಿ | |
Great Grand Mother | Muthajji | ಮುತ್ತಜ್ಜಿ | |
Great Grand Father | muttajja/muthaata | ಮುತ್ತಜ್ಜ/ಮುತ್ತಾತ | |
Great Grand Daughter | Mari-mommagalu | ಮರಿ ಮೊಮ್ಮಗಳು | |
Great Grand Son | Mari-mommaga | ಮರಿ ಮೊಮ್ಮಗ | |
Grand Son | Mommaga | ಮೊಮ್ಮಗ | |
Grand Daughter | Mommagalu | ಮೊಮ್ಮಗಳು | |
Husband's Another Wife | Savati | ಸವತಿ |
English | Kannada Transliteration | Kannada |
Vegetable | Tarakari | ತರಕಾರಿ |
Beans /Green Beans | Hurali kaayi | ಹುರಳೀಕಾಯಿ |
Bitter gourd | Haagala kaayi | ಹಾಗಲಕಾಯಿ |
Bottle gourd | Sore kaaye | ಸೋರೆಕಾಯಿ |
Brinjal | Badane kaayi | ಬದನೇಕಾಯಿ |
Cabbage | Yele kosu | ಎಲೆ ಕೋಸು |
Capsicum | Donne Menasina kaayi / Dappa Menasina kaayi | ದೊಣ್ಣೆ ಮೆಣಸಿನಕಾಯಿ / ದಪ್ಪ ಮೆಣಸಿನಕಾಯಿ |
Carrot | Gajjari | ಗಜ್ಜರಿ |
Cauliflower | Hoo kosu | ಹೂ ಕೋಸು |
Chow-chow | Seemebadne | ಸೀಮೆಬದನೆ ಕಾಯಿ |
Coriander leaves | Kotthambari Soppu | ಕೊತ್ತಂಬರಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು |
Cucumber | Southe kaayi | ಸೌತೇಕಾಯಿ |
Curry leaves | Karibevu | ಕರಿಬೇವು |
Flat Beans | Avarekāyi | ಅವರೆಕಾಯಿ |
Garlic | Belulli | ಬೆಳ್ಳುಳ್ಳಿ |
Knol khol | GeDDee kosu | ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ ಕೋಸು/ನವಿಲು ಕೋಸು |
Ginger | Shunti | ಶುಂಠಿ |
Green chilli | Hasiru menasina kaayi | ಹಸಿರು ಮೆಣಸಿನಕಾಯಿ |
Greens | Soppu | ಸೊಪ್ಪು |
Lady's finger / Okra | Bende kaayi | ಬೆಂಡೇಕಾಯಿ |
Lemon | Nimbe hannu | ನಿಂಬೆ ಹಣ್ಣು |
Onion | Eerulli, Ullagadde | ಈರುಳ್ಳಿ, ಉಳ್ಳಾಗೆಡ್ಡೆ |
Peas | Batani | ಬಟಾಣಿ |
Potato | Aaloo gadde | ಆಲೂ ಗಡ್ಡೆ |
Radish | Moolangi Mulli | ಮೂಲಂಗಿ |
Pumpkin | Kumbal kaayi | ಕುಂಬಳಕಾಯಿ |
Raw plantain | Baale kaayi | ಬಾಳೇಕಾಯಿ |
Plantain Stem | Bale Dindu | ಬಾಳೆ ದಿಂಡು |
Ridge Gourd/Chinese Okra | Hīrekāyi | ಹೀರೆಕಾಯಿ |
Snake gourd | Padavala kaayi | ಪಡವಲಕಾಯಿ |
Sweet Potato | Genasu | ಗೆಣಸು |
Tomato | Tamtekayi, Tometo, Tomyato/Gore hannu | ಟಮಟೆಕಾಯಿ,ಟೊಮೆಟೊ/ಟೊಮ್ಯಾಟೊ/ಗೊರೆಹಣ್ಣು |
Coconut | Thengina kayi | ತೆಂಗಿನಕಾಯಿ |
Beetroot | Kanduberu | ಕಂದು ಬೇರು(ಕೆಂಪು ಮೂಲಂಗಿ) |
Cocina/Ivy Gourd | Tondekayi | ತೊಂಡೆಕಾಯಿ |
Elephant Yam | suvarna Gedde | ಸುವರ್ಣ ಗೆಡ್ದೆ |
Mushroom | Nayi Kode/Anabe | ನಾಯಿ ಕೊಡೆ/ಅಣಬೆ |
Mint leaves | Pudina soppu | ಪುದಿನ ಸೊಪ್ಪು |
Fenugreek leaves | Menthya soppu | ಮೆಂತ್ಯ ಸೊಪ್ಪು |
Spinach | palak soppu | ಪಾಲಕ್ ಸೊಪ್ಪು |
cluster beans | Chavalikai/Gorikai | ಚವಳಿಕಾಯಿ |
Malabar spinach | Basale soppu | ಬಸಳೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು |
Amaranth | rajgira | ರಾಜಗಿರಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು |
Bread fruit | Beru halasinakayi | ಬೇರು ಹಲಸಿನಕಾಯಿ |
Taro root | kesu gedde | ಕೆಸುವಿನ ಗೆಡ್ಡೆ |
Groundnut | sheng/kadle kayi | ಶೇಂಗಾಕಾಳು/ಕಡ್ಲೆಕಾಯಿ |
taciona/Cassava maragenasu ಮರಗೆಣಸು
Appendix A
Kannada (Dravidian)
editTranslation | Phrase | ITRANS transliteration | Pronunciation | Literal meaning | |
Kannada | ಕನ್ನಡ | kannaDa | (kanna Dah (‘D’ is with retroflex)) | ||
Hello | ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ | namaskAra | (namas kārā) | Salutations | |
Hello (informal) | ಏನು ಸಮಾಚಾರ | Enu samAchAra | (eh nu sa maah chaah rah) | What's up? | |
Good bye (when leaving) | ಹೋಗಿ ಬರುತ್ತೇನೆ | hOgi baruttEne | (hoe gee barut tey ney ('T' is retroflex)) | see you later | |
Good bye (when being left) | ಹೋಗಿ ಬನ್ನಿ | hOgi banni | (hoe gee bun knee ('T' is retroflex) | see you later | |
How are you? | ನೀವು ಹೇಗಿದ್ದೀರ? | nIvu hEgiddIra? | (nee voo hey gay id dee rah) | ||
What is your name? | ನಿನ್ನ ಹೆಸರೇನು? | ninna hesarEnu? | (ni nna he sa rE nu?) | ||
Please | ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು | dayaviTTu | (da yah viTTu ('T' is retroflex)) | With mercy | |
Thank you | ಧನ್ಯವಾದ | dhanyavAda | (dhan yah vaada) | Many thanks | |
Sorry, Excuse Me, Forgive Me | ಕ್ಷಮಿಸಿ | kshamisi | (ksha mi si) | sorry | |
That one | ಅದು | adu | (ah du) | ||
How much? | ಎಷ್ಟು? | eshTu? | (esh Tu ('T' is retroflex) | ||
English | ಆಂಗ್ಲ | aangla | (ahng lah) | ||
Yes | ಹೌದು,ಹೂ | houdu, huu | (how doo)(Huu(nasal)) | ||
No | ಇಲ್ಲ | illa | (ill ah) |