K3D JavaScript Canvas Library

CanvasK3D HTML5 JavaScript Library
Collaborative documentation
Documentation for Kevin Roast's http://kevs3d.co.uk/dev/canvask3d libraries.

The canvas K3D JavaScript programming library supports points, wireframes and polygons with depth-cue shading, simple animation with motion blur and texture mapping with a basic lighting model in three dimensions using HTML5 graphics. It does not require WebGL so it runs on most 2011 browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, and many smartphones and tablets. CanvasK3D is available under a BSD-style license, where the author asks for a link back to his site or a mention of his name.


  1. Introduction
  2. Tutorial
  3. Source files
  4. API Reference [needs controller section work and light source section]
  5. Glossary [empty]

See also

  • phoria.js - replacement for K3D written by the same author - now with full 3D camera, scene graph, particles, basic physics etc.

Also three.js has a canvas rendering for without web-gl.