How to use a Motorola DVR/Using Tivo

How to use a Motorola DVR
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This page (and probably subpages) will contain general information on using the DVR (using the tuners, setting up and playing recordings, etc..) for those programmed with Tivo software.

Comcast began rolling out Tivo software, currently only in the Boston area, as an extra-cost option in December 2007. There is a $2.95/month extra charge, on top of the normal DVR fee. The software change requires a technician visit to monitor the upgrade, as there are issues with proper signal levels that must be confirmed first. The Tivo software uses the faster DOCSIS modem for communication instead of the OOB tuner.

As always, do NOT simply copy text or images from a manual! That is a copyright violation!!

Initial Software Version

Motorola Firmware Version 16.43 - Platform Built Sept 25, 2007

Middleware Version: 5.8.09

TiVo Software Version: TE-1.0.2-0021-01-01-001

Software Versions

TiVo Software Version: TE 1.0.3-0078-01-01-001

Middleware Version: 7.8.26

Reported Fixes: Dolby Digital on DCH style boxes. HD channel filtering bug, Suggestions not clearing on their own, single show recording issues, various background fixes

New Bugs: Slow recording scheduling, slow user interface

TiVo Software Version: TE 1.0.5-0085-01-01-001

Middleware Version: 7.8.26

Latest Software Version

TiVo Software Version: TE

Middleware Version: 2.2.17

Enable 30-second skip


Go to your TiVo Recordings list and play back a recording.

Enter the following key sequence on the remote control: Rewind, Slow, Fast Forward, Play, 3, 0, Advance

(The Advance key (aka skip-to-tick key) is the key that looks like ( ->| ) .) (Doesn't work on Tivo HD)

The user will hear 3 chime sounds to indicate that the 30-second skip backdoor has been successfully enabled. The user can enter the same key sequence again to turn off the 30-sec skip backdoor.

With the 30-sec skip backdoor enabled, and while in "Play" mode in Live TV, a recording, or an ON DEMAND program, pressing the Advance key ( ->| ) will jump ahead 30 seconds. While in "Fast Forward" or "Rewind" mode, pressing the Advance key will jump to the next tick mark on the trickplay bar.

If the set-top box is restarted, the 30-sec skip backdoor setting is not maintained. Following a restart, the user will need to enter the backdoor key sequence again to re-enable the 30-sec backdoor.
