History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Wireless Weekly/Issues/1925 08 28

Electronic Source Files


The National Library of Australia TXT file of this issue was used to create the baseline content for this issue:

Wireless Weekly (Aus) - 28 August 1925 - NLA

The WorldRadioHistory.com PDF of this issue can be referred to for further text correcting content in this issue:

Wireless Weekly (Aus) - 28 August 1925 - WRH

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Page



Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a newspaper.

VOL. 6. No. 18; Price — Threepence. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1925.

Cover Graphic: Stylised Shield containing advertisement text;

Advertisement: Amplion, Loud Speakers, For Better Radio Reproduction, Priced from 2 pound, See Special Window Displays and hear the Amplion Demonstrated

Featured Article: The Knock-out Crystal Receiver

Tags: Waverley Amateur Radio Club NSW, Photo

Inside Front Cover


United Distributors Ltd Ad


Our Navy is our first line of defence, and everything connected with it must be as near perfection as possible. CLYDE-UNITED BATTERIES are installed throughout the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAYY because they have satisfied rigorous tests in all weathers and under all conditions, proving themselves to be the best' batteries obtainable. They are specially manufactured by the Clyde Engineering Company, Limited, and are fully guaranteed. They are solidly constructed, ensuring long life, full ampere capacity and sustained voltage. Service bills are low, and the current is always there when most required. All batteries are enclosed in strong crates with handles. RETAIL PRICES. S 5 - -Capacity 6 Volt, 44 amp-hours £4/_/_ S 7 Capacity 6 Volt 66 amp-hours 4/15/- S 9 Capacity 6 Volt 88 amp-hours 5/5/- C 9 Capacity 6 Volt 120 amp-hours 6/6/- Cll Capacity 6 Volt 150 amp-hours 7/7/- Cl 3 Capacity 6 Volt 180 amp-hours . . 8/8/- ASK YOUR DEALER FOR CLYDE UNITED RADIO BATTERIES. UNITED DISTRIBUTORS LTD. (WHOLESALE ONLY.) 73 Clarence St., S4S ‘ Queen St., -Chesser St., 592 Bourke St., 26 Queen St., Sydney. Brisbane. Adelaide. Melbourne. Perth. Cr. Jervois Quay & Harris St., Wellington, N.Z. USE CLYDE UNITED BATTERIES FOR CAR. RADIO AND HOME.



New System Telephones Ad


oURAY ALL-GLASS SOCKET •= % R Low Loss Socket COUNTLESS tests have proved glass to be the most effective insulation available to Radio Experimenters. After exhaustive research VIRALON — a special glass of 100 per cent, electrical efficiency —has been developed, and is now almost exclusively used by the Experimenters abroad. Viralon Glass is heat resisting and moisture proof; it is unaffected by those influences that commonly make rubber derivatives, porcelain, and vitreous products so inefficient. Duray Sockets eliminate so called "tube losses" and cut down power losses. Ideal for "DX" work. Price, 9/- each. All dealers or direct from us. » ?8o Castle reach St Svoney Phone M 3230 Telegrams Newsysaost' 25-27 Oueens Bridge St. Melbourne Phone Cent 4 11130 telegrams newsvsaost R^on© BATTERIES PHILCO Drynamic Radio "A" and "R’’ Batteries have contributed largely to the success of Radio in America, and the large sales in this Country prove that they are ever increasing in popular favour. They represent that which Experimenters and Broadcast Listeners want —better value at no higher cost; and the fact that the advertised capacity is the actual ampere- hourage delivered to the set has established them in the confidence of, not only the Trade, but the Consumer also. The prices for "A" and "B" Batteries range from 54/- and 55/ respectively. Single two volt sections for building "B" Batteries at home are available at 5/- each. Made in Pressed Glass, Hard Rubber, or Mahoganised Cases, they are obtainable from all the better class dealers or direct from us. met



P. H. Clark Ad


QUALITY IF you want GOOD RESULTS you MUST use GOOD Component Parts ACME Condensers Transformers Pot-Rheos. Twin-Rheos. SAFETY Junior Lightning - Arresters Passed by the FIRE UNDERWRITERS WALNART Condensers Sockets Grid Leaks Switch Levers Wal nart Vernier Adjusters for Fine Tuning HILCO for LOwToSS MULTIFORMERS, VARIOMETERS, KRYSTLKOILS, VARIOCOUPLERS. Hilcoflex and Kits. Hilco Loloss Kits. Hilco Fixed Condensers are Guaranteed. A Full Range of First-Class Radio Parts is carried by W. N. BARTHOLOMEW, 380 Flinders Lane MELBOURNE A. M. PRATT & CO., Hayward Buildings, Charles St. (’Phone —Central 244) ADELAIDE COLIN CAMPBELL, City Buildings, Edward St. (’Phone—Central 2135) BRISBANE Agents for P. H. CLARK LIMITED 38-44 Carrington Street, Sydney (’Phone—City 8469) (Wholesale Only)



Western Electric Ad


VXS 3Hi ias a "UN/ 150 American stations logged by Tasmanian amateur using Weco valves c-% REDUCED PRICE WECOVALVES are now available from regular radio dealers, at 17/6 EXTRACT from a letter dated April 21, 1925, sent to Western Electric Coy. Ltd., London, by Mr. W. A. Smith, 37 Cascade Road, Hobart. " I am writing to you for the purpose of bringing before your notice some very interesting experiences I have had with a couple of your Wecovalves (white spots). I purchased these two little valves about six months ago to build a portable low loss receiver. This consisted of detector and one-step audio frequency amplification, and I received all Australian and New Zealand experimenters working t elow 100 metres at loud speaker str< ng h on a small loud speaker. Also, with phones, about 150 American Amateur Stations have been logged (between 70 and 90 metres). American Broadcas'ing Sta ion K.D.K.A. 63 metres quite a fair strength on small speaker. This set has been worked under all conditions. On the top of Mt. Wellington, 1466 ft. above sea level, these valves gave us some very fine results, Australian and American stations being received again, three pairs of phones being used. While on the mountain a heavy fog or mist came over and not having any cover for ourselves or the set we decided to continue experiments and note the effect moisture had on signal strength, the set, etc. Well, signal strength dropped considerably, but the valves oscillated freely while the induction coils were quite wet. I think, sir, this is quite a severe test and speaks highly for the Weco. Another test is that of robustness and after trying hard I am satisfied that these little tubes are very nigh unbreakable. On one occasion I placed them in my coat pocket and a little later forgetting they were in my coat took the coat out and shook it well. Remembering valves were in the pocket I at once tested them and found them to be quite undamaged. On another occasion a friend of mine was helping me test some transmitting circuits and chokes and in rushing along the test bench to reach the ammeter knocked the set containing these doomed valves on to the floor, a drop of 3 ft. 6 ins. Well a few remarks passed between us and my friend offered to stand the expense. ' Anyway,’ I said ' we’ll test them in case one is alright.’ ' Not worth your while,’ replied my friend. However, I tested them and found them both to be O.K. to my great surprise, and I think this wonderful for 'valves and it speaks well for the makers." Western Electric Company (Australia) L J. 192-4 Castlereagh Street, SYDNEY. And 588 Bourke St., MELBOURNE. Phone: City 336 and 356. Phone: Cent. 8336 and 8949. R 261 k

Anthony Hordern Ad


Before you Expend Money on Radio Equipment Consult Anthony Horderns' Wireless Experts. Your inspection of * the big display of everything that is new in the world of Wireless, is invited. (Wireless Second Floor) Anthony Hordern & Secs Limited, Brickfield Hill, Sydney Pbooe City 94. Bom 2712 G.P.O



Keith Stokes Ad


You can Log those Distant Stations too! WILL HELP YOU DO IT "RADIOKES" Honeycomb & Duolateral Coils The Standard Coil for Broadcast Receivers. ķ ĸ Mounted in Black Celluloid. Diamond Mesh " LO-LOS " Coils A True Low Capacity Coil. k k AXIAL Coils For Very Low Wave-Lengths. 8 Turns 16 S.W.G 2/- 10 Turns 2/6 12 Turns .2/6 15 Turns 2/6 20 Turns 18 S.W.G 3/- 25 Turns 3/- 30 Turns 3/- Your Dealer Has Them Keith Stokes Pty. Limited Montana House, 27 King Street, Sydney Distributors: Victoria and Tasmania, ALEX. MAIR & CO., Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Queensland. EDGAR V. HUDSON, Charlotte Street, Brisbane.



E. R. Cullen Ad


You Need the Convenience and Economy of a Home Charger It’s no joke dragging heavy batteries to a service station to be recharged, as anyone who has tried it knows. Why not invest in a home charger? It’s an investment that will save you endless inconvenience and that means economy in the long run. Charge your A battery at home with any of the following dependable chargers from your lectric light socket: — VALLEY CHARGER £lO 10 0 TUNGAR CHARGER 7 0 0 and. 10 0 0 PHILLIPS CHARGER 6 0 0 DEPENDABLE C.A.V. ACCUMULATORS. 44 AMPERE HOURS £3 0 0 66 AMPERE HOURS 3 10 0 80 AMPERE HOURS 4 4 0 VALVES. PHILLIPS VALVES— D 1 to D 5 and E 7/- D 6 . . . . 10/- B 6 17/6 "You Have My Word for It.'* E. R. CULLEN, latea ,.f. radio and Electrical Store 96 Bathurst St. Sydney TEL. CITY 869 & 2596 Special Attention to Country Orders



Publication Note


Wireless Weekly 12-16 REGENT STREET, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. ’Phones: Redfern 964 and 930. Official Organ of the New South Wales Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia, with which are incorporated the Affiliated Radio Societies and the Australian Radio Relay League. Editor: A. W. Watt. —The Editor will be glad to consider Technical and Topical Articles of interest to Australian Experimenters. All Manuscripts and Illustrations are sent at the author’s risk, and although the greatest care will be taken to return unsuitable matter (if accompanied by stamps), the Editor cannot accept responsibility for its safe return. Subscription Rates.—Twelve months (52 issues), 13/-, post free. Six month 8 (26 issues), 6/6, post free. Single Copies 3d. each, or post free 4d Advertising.—Advertising Rates may be had on application to the Advertising Manager. Copy must be in the hands of the Editor by the Friday preceding each issue. If copy is not received in time, the previous week’s advertisement will be repeated Agents in Great Britain.—The Colonial Technical Press Ltd., Dudley House. Southampton Street, Strand, W.C. 2. All accounts should be made payable to Publicity Press Ltd., 12/16 Regent Street, Sydney. ‘ ‘Wireless Weekly" is fully protected by copyright, and nothing that appears in it may be reprinted, wholly or in part, without special permission. The use of our articles or quotations from them for any purpose whatsoever is never authorised.



VOL. 6 No. 18 August 28, 1925 Editorial. THE whole world must be thrilled at the latest achievement of amateur radio, that of establishing direct wireless telephone communication from Sydney with the MacMillan expedition, at present in Greenland waters. Across the world these two amateurs —one situated in a pleasant suburb of Sydney, a stone’s throw from the heart of a great, city, with its teeming life, the others shut up in the narrow confines of a tiny cabin on the little vessel threading its way through the polar ice spoke to each other, and exchanged greetings. The Sydney amateur was 2YI, who has already done some wonderful work in the direction of long distance records. This particular stunt constitutes perhaps the most spectacular thing that has ever been done, if one may use that word spectacular with regard to radio. It is almost inconceivable that the human voice could be hurled across those thousands of miles from the Antipodes to the far north—yet it has been done and by an Australian amateur.

One can almost picture the operator in his shack on the "Peary," away in those lonely seas, isolated from civilisation, other than the life aboard the ship, yet with his finger on the pulse of the world—by amateur radio. It is literally uncanny to imagine the operator on that ship in the pack ice walking into his cabin after a contemplation of the Arctic solitudes, and hearing a voice from far off Australia. Every credit is due to 2YI, and it is no exaggeration to say that this latest achievement is the strongest vindication amateurs ever had. Between them, 2YI, 2CM, and 3BQ have placed Australia in a premier position in the amateur world. There is a very good lesson to be learned from the amateur long distance low power records, especially with regard to shipping. The old order is passing, and it can only be a matter of time before the present apparatus used at sea is replaced by something of greater utility—and more adapted to the ideas developed by the experiments in which it cannot be denied amateurs are playing a very important part. At the same time, the radio engineers of the big companies are evolving entirely new devices quite aside from communication such as radio compasses. Many of these things are adapted particularly to marine work and call for specialised study on the part of marine operators. The operator of the not far distant future, to handle properly the apparatus which will be installed on board ships for the increased protection of life and property, will have to qualify for an extremely high standard of efficiency. There is a tendency in some quarters to overlook this fact. Wireless is a progressive science requiring continued application—whether it be professional or amateur. As the amateur has qualified himself, so has the professional in the particular sphere in which he is engaged. Specialised work calls for specialised men—and this applies perhaps more to wireless than to any other science, by virtue of the rapidity of its advance.

ANOTHER example of the International character of broadcasting is afforded by the fact that reception of J4AA, a broadcasting station now operating in Japan, has been obtained by several of our country readers. In one particular instance almost the whole programme was received, and operatic and other musical items came through very clearly. In other cases, readers have reported that signals from J4AA have actually interfered slightly with the reception of 3LO. As nearly as we can gather, the Japanese station broadcasts on approximately 350 metres, but unfortunately no further particulars are available in Sydney at the moment. Before long, however, we expect to have these for publication. Meantime don’t fail to send us a report should items be received.



Amalgamated Wireless (A/asia) Ad


NELSLIDE Condenser A Real Condenser. New Ideas. New Features. Gives added efficiency in any circuit. Plates made of heavy Dur-aluminium, specially cross rolled to insure uniformity in thickness.

A —Movable Plates: Especially designed to separate low wave length stations.
B—Tension Spring: Phosphor Bronze; keeps rack in mesh with pinion, absolutely eliminating back lash; also compensating for wear.
C —Slide moves in accurately milled parallel grooves.
D—Back: Helical cut teeth; smooth running; pivoted on one end only.
E —Pinion and shaft are one piece; helical cut teeth, insuring smooth and noiseless operation.
F—Main Bearing: Relieved of all strain. Principle of floating automobile axle employed. Free from possibility of wear.
G —Contact Spring: Nickel silver; self-cleaning; insuring minimum series resistance.
H —End Plate: Made of heavy, specially rolled brass, highly polished, nickel finish.
I —lnsulators: Made of genuine bakelite; reinforced on both ends with heavy metal ferrules.

J —'Stationary Plates. Specifications: ĸ £l/10/- k £l/12/- ķ £l/18/6 As the Condenser requires a full turn of dial to operate it in its extreme capacities £ 4in. dial marked 0 200 graduated a full 3600 is used. Price, 6/6 extra. Ask your dealer for "Nelslide" Condenser special amaiedf!p!_Wii rele s s U u s t ra la s i a



W.I.A. N.S.W. Div.Inc.


Wireless Institute of Australia N.S.W. Div.Inc. Incorporating the Affiliated Societies and The Australian Radio Relay League HEADQUARTERS Royal Sociefys House 5 Elizabeth 5t SYDNEY N SW W.L. Carter, Hon. Sec. Box 3120 G.RO. Sydney Phone 82235 AJlßerrelt Publicity Officer

Monthly General Meeting. The monthly general meeting of the New South Wales Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia was held at the Royal Society’s Hall, 5 Elizabeth St., Sydney, on Tuesday, the 18th instant.

After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed, a letter from Mr. O. F. Mingay stating that he was leaving for England on the 28th, was read to members. Mr. Mingay is an old member of this Division of the Institute and for three years was the Honorary Treasurer. During the period of his association with this Division he has always taken the keenest interest in the work that has gone forward, and to the utmost of his ability he has been active in all the work of the Executive Council. His departure for England is greatly regretted by all members of this Division and he leaves these shores with the heartiest best wishes of all who knew him.

In responding to the hearty send off which was accorded to him at the general meeting, Mr. Mingay looked back to the time that he had spent with the wireless division in France, and he stated that he was working on short waves of 78 and 98 metres in 1917. He stated that he was perfectly convinced that the science of wireless would play a very important part in the next war, and he stated that, in his opinion, it was up to experimenters in this country to prepare themselves for any eventuality which might present itself. He expressed his intention of boosting Australia and Australian experimenters in the Old Country, and he put in a plea for experimenters to boost themselves to the utmost extent of their ability. Members who have accomplished anything in the way of new work, or record-breaking achievement, should make this known not only to their own fellow experimenters throughout Australia, but to the English and American press also. He . concluded by saying that in many ways he regretted severing his connection with the Institute, and hoped that it would be a temporary matter, and that he would soon be back again in our midst.

New Members. The following new members were elected unanimously at the meeting: L. M. Wilson, Corran, via Marsden, N.S.W., country member. G. S. Bongers, "Marmora," 7 Rawson St., Rock- dale, member. C. H. Clark, Old Customs House, La Perouse, N.S.W. associate member. Lecture. The lecture of the evening was by Mr. H. K. James on the subject of "The Mathematics of a Radio Circuit." Mr. James had a somewhat dry and difficult subject to handle, but the way in which he tackled the problem deserves the greatest credit. He dealt with the various formulae for inductance, capacity and wavelength, and also dealt with the question of alleged low loss sets. There is no doubt that this phase of wireless is not given anything like enough attention, and it would be far better if other experimenters made a point of dealing with every circuit mathematically. In this way he would be able to obtain the utmost value from his experiments and would not work aimlessly as in the majority of cases at the present time. Most work to-day, unfortunately, had been by rule of thumb method, but this should not be the true spirit of the experimenter. Mr. Gadsden, of the Victorian Division, congratulated Mr. James on his paper, and moved a very hearty vote of thanks to the lecturer for his work. This was seconded by Mr. Crouch, and carried by acclamation.

QRM. We want to know who are the armchair mechanics. Possibly they are only phantoms in the minds of armchair critics. 2CX has returned from the Perth Conference. He has benefited much in his health, but the work that has been accomplished there is the all important result of his trip. He was welcomed back to Sydney, and the amount of work that he has brought back with him, will keep the Executive Council busy for some time to come. Discussing the organisation of a certain activity of the Institute recently, a certain Executive officer stated that this matter wants to be as unwieldly as possible. He wondered why everybody laughed. Congratulations are offered to 2GQ on his recent accomplishment with 2LM.



W.I.A. Stations - 2JM - R. C. Marsden



On first entering the station one gains an impression of immensity and vastness. The writing of this article occupied the combined initiative of three Institute Councillors, exclusive of 2JM, and Mrs. 2JM passed various remarks concerning the Camera obscura state of things when 2JM sits in front of the set. "There was a young man named J.M., His feet he can't see Oh ah hem. So his wife with regret The Councillors met. The radio room at this station is indeed in keeping with the reputation of its owner. He has a lot of chaff to bear in connection with his personal appearance but a look over the station takes one's mind into some of the deeper avenues of Radio Research. One finds that the question of low loss receivers has their full share of attention from 2JM and his successes on the transmission side are in evidence from the gear assembled and in operation at the station. Two sides of the room are benched and on the side overlooking Rose Bay is arranged the transmitter and receiver whilst the walls bear much evidence of efficient radiation in the shape of QSL cards from everywhere. The transmitter consists of a saddleback arrangement designed to secure the shortest possible length of leads. Series feed loosely coupled Hartley System is followed throughout. Two 5-watt oscillators are employed. Average input varies from 16 to 19 watts, plate voltage 450 to 500 volts; radiation on short wave working approximates 250 milliamps, but varies according to the type of aerial at the moment in use. The receiver consists of the low loss type employing detector and one stage audio. The tuning elements are arranged to cover various wavelength bands using a variety of low loss tuning coils. D4, oscill audion and Phillips are used as detectors at will, as are 201A's and 24's as amplifiers. Cardwell condenser is employed and is specially adapted for shortwave reception. At present the aerial consists of a vertical 7/20 single wire, 87 feet long arranged with a Corona in the shape of a 9ft. circular prism. The counterpoise consists of six 3/20 wires arranged fan shape under the aerial. No earth is used in reception on short waves (under 9 metres) on account of the local QRM from power transformers, etc., in the vicinity.

Artarmon Radio Club


ARTARMON RADIO CLUB. This club, we are advised, has decided to close down. Attention is drawn to the advertisement in this issue, offering for sale their masts lately used by the Club.

Footnote: Have you got your Philco yet?



Out of the Silence


OUT OF THE SILENCE MACMILLAN GREETS "WIRELESS WEEKLY" READERS. On Friday, Aug. 21st, Phil Nolan, A2YI, worked the MacMillan North Pole Expedition ship "Peary" on 35 metres from 8.15 p.m. to 9 p.m. The following messages were exchanged:— Sydney, August 21. Commander MacMillan, "Peary" Greetings from ‘Wireless Weekly,’ Sydney.—(Signed) Watt, Editor. From "Peary" to Watt, Editor, "Wireless Weekly," Sydney:—"Many thanks for your greetings. Your 2YI pounds in within 12 degrees of the North Pole, louder and more consistent than any Canadian station. My compliments and best wishes to your readers."—(Signed) D. B MacMillan From "Peary" to "Wireless Weekly," Sydney:—"Greetings to your readers from the National Association of Broadcasters."—(Signed) McDonald. (Mr. E. F. McDonald is President of the Zenith Radio Corporation of Chicago (operating WJAZ), and is with the Expedition as aerial observer. He is also President of the National Association of Broadcasters which organised the big broadcast to Australia last April.)

Charles D. Maclurcan Ad


Telephone B 5925 CHARLES D. MACLURCAN Consulting Radio Engineer Pratten Building, 26 Jamieson Street, SYDNEY CALIBRATIONS

Round the Clubs


Round the Clubs The asterisk denotes clubs affiliated with the Wireless Institute of Australia ( N.S.W. Division).

STRATHFIELD AND DISTRICT RADIO CLUB.* The usual weekly meeting was held at the Club rooms, corner Albert Road and Duke Street, on Wednesday evening, the 19th inst., when Mr. A. F. Jacobs occupied the chair, after being absent for two weeks through illness. The attendance was very fair, and we had the pleasure of adding another member to the list. The correspondence for the evening was small and nothing could be definitely said regarding the Maclurcan Cup, as the Secretary had not received the results from the Institute. In appreciation of the services of Mr. K. Campbell, former Secretary of the Club, it was unanimously agreed upon to make him a life member. Members are advised that a slow Morse class for beginners again starts on next Wednesday evening, 26th, at 7.45 p.m. Mr. Lawrenson gave a very interesting lecture on the "Heterodyne Wave Meter" explaining the circuit, calibration, and its many uses, which proved very interesting and instructive to all of the younger members. On the previous Wednesday Mr. McFarlane of "Exide Batteries" gave a lecture on "Lead Batteries" in general and gave many useful hints in care and useage, also promising further advice on any difficulties met with. All members were very pleased with the lecture, and a hearty vote of thanks was expressed. The club can still accommodate a few more members, and inquiries addressed to the Hon. Secretary, 1 Mills Crescent, Burwood, will receive prompt attention.

THE LEICHHARDT AND DISTRICT RADIO SOCIETY - (2LH) Members of the Leichhardt and District Radio Society held their 139th general meeting at the Club-room, 176 Johnston St., Annandale, on Tuesday, August 18, 1925. The attendance was excellent, and after a number of formal business matters had been dealt with, Mr. F. J. N. Lett was called upon to deliver the first lecture of Syllabus No. 4. Mr. Lett had selected for his subject, "Valves and their Characteristics," and with the assistance of a Jewell Testing Instrument, kindly loaned for the occasion by Radio Distributors Ltd., succeeded in demonstrating in a very interesting manner the methods used for determining the characteristics of various type of valves when certain voltages were impressed upon their electrodes. As the various readings were taken, a note of them was made, and at the conclusion of the tests Mr. H. F. Whitworth undertook (Continued on page 14)

the work of plotting upon the blackboard curves of the valves which had been tested. The whole proceedings proved to be very interesting and instructive, and at their conclusion Messrs. Lett and Whitworth were accorded a very hearty vote of thanks by all present. Before the meeting closed Mr. L. Nordstrom presented the Society with a Morse key, buzzer and microphone for its use, and was thanked accordingly. Another matter discussed was that of the design of a pennant to be displayed by members of the Society, and members have been invited to submit suitable designs. The results should prove to be interesting. In common with kindred bodies the Society has received an appeal from the Sydney City Mission for assistance to instal a receiving set and loud speaker at its Alexandria-Waterloo Branch, and it has been unanimously decided to donate the sum of one guinea in response to the appeal. Details of Syllabus No. 4 appear below, and from them it will be seen that the Society will hold its 35th monthly business meeting next Tuesday evening, when applications for membership and other formal business will be dealt with. Mr. E. J. Fox will also deliver a lecture under the heading "The PI Circuit," and as the lecture promises to be as interesting as the circuit is popular, there should be a good roll-up of members to hear what Mr. Fox has to say. The printing of syllabus cards is under consideration, and if this is done they will be distributed to members at an early date. The results of the first quarter of the period covered by the Maclurcan Cup Competition show the Society to have attained third place on the list of competing clubs, and although fairly satisfactory it can be improved upon, and all are determined to make every effort to help place the Society higher on the list. Persons interested in the activities of the Society are invited to communicate with the Hon. Secretary, Mr. W. J. Zech, 145 Booth St., Annandale, from whom all information may be obtained. Syllabus No. 4, ending December 22, 1925. August 18th.—" Valves and Their Characteristics,"Mr. F. J. Lett. August 25th.—" Short Wave Work" Mr. W. A. Stewart. September Ist.—3sth Business Meeting. "The PI Circuit," Mr. E. J. Fox. September Bth.—"Commercial Methods of Testing Wireless Apparatus," Mr. Malcolm Perry. September 15th.—" The Construction and Polishing of Wireless Cabinets," Mr. H. W. Loomes. September 22.—" The A.R.R.L. and Morse Traffic," Mr. A. W. Watt. September 29th.—An Inter-club Debate. October 6th.—Third Annual Meeting, and Election of Officers. October 13th.—"An Improved Crystal Circuit," Mr. R. C. Caldwell. October 20th.—A Lecture (Selected). Mr. Phil. Renshaw. October 27th.—" The Condenser and Its Uses," Mr. Wm. J. Zech. November 3rd.—36th Business Meeting. "Magnetic Rectifiers," Mr. J. A. Alexander. November 10th.—Experimental Evening. November 17th.—" The Electronic Theory," Mr. F.

Basil Cooke, F.R.A.S. November 24th.—" The SBG Receiver," Mr. H. W. Loomes. December Ist.—37th Business Meeting. "The Growth of Crystals," Mr. J. R. Alexander. December Bth. "Reflex Circuits and the Principles Underlying them," Mr. W. Hamilton. December 15th.—" Storage Batteries," Mr. A. G. McFarlane. December 22nd.—Social Evening. THE ELSTERNWICK RADIO CLUB The question night held on August 17th proved most interesting and instructive, as is usual with such nights. The Vice-President, Mr. Mitchell (3JP) and Mr. Buck (3TM) explained in every detail the construction of the most suitable type of receiver for use on low wavelengths. Push pull amplification was also dealt with and while on this, much discussion arose on the operation of audio transformers. Reporting on a demonstration given to the Glenhuntly Methodist Young People’s Guild on August 10th, Mr. Mitchell stated that transmission that night by 3LO was over land line from Warrnambool, and the loud buzz which occurred in the line, marred the demonstration which otherwise was good. The next meeting will be held in the A.N.A. Hall on Monday, September 7th, at 8 p.m., when a lecture will be given on transformer operation and design. J. L. Yelland (Hon. Secretary). One of the chief obstacles to commercial organisation in isolated parts of the world is the absence of developed telegraph and telephone systems, giving facilities for rapid communication upon which frequently depends the success of a business venture. To overcome this difficulty, an increasing number of firms in various parts of the world are installing wireless apparatus to keep their branches in remote places in touch with headquarters. One of the latest commercial concerns to employ wireless communication in this way is the Royal Dutch Shell Group, who have installed Marconi equipment to enable their outlying properties in South America to maintain telephonic communication with the local headquarters. The transmitters in use have a power of i kW.; the receivers, which are of the Type RP 7, have five valves, and are self- contained in a teak which forms a travelling case should the be required for portable purposes.



Smith's Radio Store


SELLING OFF all accessories at less than cost to make way for our Complete Sets Igranic 3 Coil Mounts, Assembled 12/6 Igranic 3 Coil Mounts, Unassembled 7/6 Hoyt’s Ammeters and Voltmeters 7/6 Grid Condensers 1/6 United Condensers 1/6 W.E. Loud Speakers 19/9 3-inch Dials 1/3 10 ohm Rheostats 9d. 30 ohm Ajax Rheostats 2/3 400 ohm Potentiometers 3/- Repeater Phones 12 6 Frost Phones 12/6 Pliers, all kinds 1/3 Crystal Sets Complete 5/- SMITH’S RADIO STORE 3 Victoria Arcade ... Of>f>. Hotel Australia



Burgin Electric Co Ltd Ad


Australia’s Best by Test Kosciusko Conquered by Wireless Another Triumph for the " Burginphone " Wireless Receiver At Australia’s most elevated Hotel amid freezing temperatures, the Melbourne and Sydney broadcasting stations were received on a loud speaker all over the Ball Room of the Hotel Kosciusko. This was Never Before Accomplished AGAIN THIS PROVES THE SUPERIORITY OF THE BURGINPHONE' WIRELESS BROADCAST RECEIVERS Original letters containing undisputable evidence of the above facts are available for inspection at our office. Full particulars and literature supplied on request. Burgin Electric Co. Ltd. Wireless Manufacturers and Suppliers 340 Kent Street, Sydney

For Sale


3 VALVE 201 A, 3-Coil Circuit, Speaker. All parts complete. £l6. ‘ ‘ Glencra, ’ ’ Douglas Street, Randwick. FOR SALE, Phillips 8.2 ((Dull Emitter) Valve, perfect order, 10/6. Apply R. P. Reynolds, c/o Box 44, P. 0., Temora. WIRELESS MASTS.—2 Masts, 50 feet, all gear, 14 ft. spreaders. Used by the Artarmon Radio Club. Price £7. Tel., J 4832.

Esperanto News, Radio in China


Esperanto News RADIO IN CHINA. " Private radio enthusiasts do not appear to be encouraged by the Chinese Government, although, inspite of this, China is said to possess 20 privately owned broadcasting stations and have 5000 listeners, writes Dr. F. J. Williams from Tientsin to- a Sydney Esperantist. ‘‘In Peking the different legations have wireless sets. Of these the United States’ Legation, NPP, has the largest. NPP hears 2AC distinctly. Should any Australian amateur pick up this station, a eard to Mr. Nelson, United States’ Marine Corps, Peking, would be appreciated. "The Chinese Government has several stations, of which WCB communicates with the United States nightly. One paper in North China has a wireless installation and receives messages from Europe for publication. There is (or, at any rate, was before the recent trouble there) wireless broadcasting from Shanghai three times weekly. "In Tientsin and Shanghai there are amateur radio associations, members of which have distinguished themselves by logging various stations on the Pacific Coast of America, and arrangements are at present under way to establish two -way communication between China and the United States and vice versa. "On May 15th, ‘The Far Eastern Times,’ Peking, published the folio-wing item, showing that Esperanto organisations are not only represented all over the world, but actively supported:—"A Radio Exhibition, organised by the International Radio Association of China, was opened at Shanghai yesterday in the presence of a considerable gathering. Exhibits include all types of wireless receiving sets; transmitters of various kinds are also displayed. Many of the sets have been personally constructed by members of the Radio Association. There is also a varied selection of loud speakers. Of special interest were some of the ‘short wave’ receivers, by means of which Shanghai amateurs have recently been in touch with amateurs in U.S.A. Another remarkable exhibit is a complete crystal receiver of the dimensions of an ordinary matchbox. A masterpiece —the work of a well-known Chinese radio enthusiast —was a beautiful receiving set of the Hartley type, which has been built into a lovely old inlaid Ningpo cabinet. " Dr. Williams is an enthusiastic Esperantist, and states that, contrary to expectation, he has found Esperanto very useful to him in China, numerous schools, colleges, and universities teaching it.

GOVERNMENT RECOGNITION. Since the League of Nations issued a recommendation urging nations belonging to the League "to grant to Esperanto . . . the treatment and charges in force for a plain language in telegraphic and radio-telegraphic communications," several Governments have officially acceded. The latest are Switzerland and France, while Soviet Russia did so irrespective of membership to the League. In Great Britain and Brazil regulations have permitted Esperanto to be telegraphed at ordinary rates for a number of years.



Western Electric Co Ad


The Electro Link with 159 Uses. TRADE MARK IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. CLIX metal parts continue to be machine- turned from the best hard brass rod, but a special nickel-bathing process is now employed to increase CLIX high standard of efficiency, workmanship, and finish. The new skin of special nickel-silver alloy of high electrical conductivity ensures in CLIX a perfect fitting connection with a high frequency resistance of practically zero. This fact, in conjunction with the large area of contact surface provided with the minimum of capacitive metal in both plug and socket portions, gives CLIX its supremacy over every other form of plug, switch, or terminal. Solder all connections! Where you can’t, use CLIX! MANUFACTURED BY AUTOVEYORS LTD. Radio Engineers, Contractors a Exporters, 82-84 VICTORIA-ST., WESTMINSTER, London ENGLAND AGENTS FOR AUSTRALASIA : WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. (AUS) LTD. 192-4 Castlereagb St. p Sydney. And 588 Bourke St, Melbourne. Telephones, City 336. 355 & 356 Telephones, Central 8336 & 8949

Noyes Bros Ad


Brown Weight with cords only 6 ozs. / AT 35/- per pair, Brown, 4000 ohm, Featherweight Headphones are unsurpassed in real value. For tuning-in and for general use these English-made phones are unusually economical. For extreme sensitiveness to weak signals, Brown "A" Type Headphones should be used.

The newest] in loud speakers Brown Loud Speakers embody a radical and successful departure from accepted methods of construction. The sound waves are produced by a conical diaphragm of spun aluminium, vibrating from the centre outwards. How this increases tonal purity is described in Booklet No.3, illustrating Brown Phones and Loud Speakers, which will be posted on request. NOYES BROS. (SYDNEY) LTD. ’Phone: City 20, 3870 (6 lines); MW 1905 & B 7581. 115 CLARENCE ST., SYDNEY; 11 WATT ST., NEWCASTLE. PERRY HOUSE, ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE.

Special Transmission


SPECIAL TRANSMISSION A novel stunt will be put over from 2YB (Croydon Radio Club) on Saturday, August 29th, and Sunday, August 30th, at 7.45 p.m. and 10.30 a.m. respectively... A dictaphone record taken of a speech by a wireless officer of the U.S. "New Mexico" will be transmitted. The wavelength will be 250 metres.



Peto & Radford Ad


Britain’s BEST Batteries are the outcome of 35 years’ assiduous research by Peto & F^APFORP who now enable you to enjoy worriless wireless by means of their ‘Gravity Float" Batteries in which the little coloured floats indicate the state of discharge and warn you of the approaching necessity for recharge. For full particulars of these interesting batteries, write to our Factory Representative: John Arnold, Degraves Buildings, Degraves Street, Melbourne; and Box 1459, 30, Courtney Place, Wellington, New Zealand. Announcement of Peto & Radford {Proprietors: Pritchett & Gold and E.P.S. Company, Ltd.), 50, Grosvenor Gardens, Victoria, London, S.fV. 1.

Footnote: "What is a Double Seven?" "The worlds best valve."



Grodan Spider Inductance Ad


wodari, Spider Inductance Plug iivj Formers. Pad.N? 20766. M Mm 7* mmji Ml V romdi Turn?* D.cr. ipirc The cheapest inductance device offering to the wireless trade. No necessity to purchase high priced coils. Wind your own at less than half the cost. Fits all Standard Sockets. City Price : 1/3 Obtainable at all the Principal Radio Stores £ "Ecs" The latest Plug and Socket Terminal and Wander Plug. Four colors: Red, Blue, Green and Black Plug and Socket, 9d. Socket (only) 4d.



Economic Radio Stores Ad


YOURS FOR LOWER PRICES" K & C P 2 1 ype Phones -21/- Usually 33/6 Audio Transformers Ratio 3 to 1 21/- Usually 33/6 For a Few Weeks Only Brunet Loud Speakers 23/6 These speakers are adjustable and are equal to any £5 speaker on the market. Low-Loss Condensers "The Artcraft" .00035 .0005 15/. This is one of the best Low Lossers made. All brass. Specials s. d. Dials 3 inch 1 6 Buswire, per dozen 1 3 Vernier Adjusters, each .... 1 3 2 Coil fittings 3 9 3 Coil fittings 8 3 3 Coil Cam Vernier 11 6 Valves (English base) .... 39 Egg Insulators, per dozen .... 1 3 Engraved Terminals, per set . . 2 3 " Yours for Lower Prices " The Economic Radio Stores 28 Royal Arcade, Sydney Phone B SB9l



Humors of Radio


Humors of Radio DEAF GIRL LISTENS COCKY’S COMMENT. (By C. C. Faulkner, Director, Radio Bureau.) If one had eyes enough to watch all the listeners-in to the radio broadcast programmes, as much entertainment could be derived any evening as is to be had by hearing the programme itself. In a home in Turramurra, for instance, a small dog called "Nip" would be seen wearing ear phones. "He does love the radio, too," said his proud younggg owner "he does not like giving up the phones." A little girl at Goulburn carries her pet cockatoo to the loud speaker. Cocky listens attentively and when the radio stops, kisses the loud speaker, and enquires: "Hello yourself, would you like a drink?" Unluckily the announcer cannot hear him. The human interest side of broadcasting is further revealed in a letter written by a little deaf girl at Marrickville, to "Dear Sandman," one of the radio bedside story men: "I go to the school for the Deaf at City Road, Darlington. I have a dog named ‘Laddie/ He likes wireless concerts. When the wireless is loud he pricks up his ears and wonders where the noise is. My mother tells me what you say. I would like you to send me a message by wireless. My mother will listen and tell me on her fingers." "Father said to thank you for your tip, ‘Stand by your set’," wrote a young lady at Lidcombe to the Hullo Man. "He backed ‘Stand By’ when it won and was able to pay his license fee and buy me a pair of headphones. He was sorry ‘Stand By’ did not win the Cup, for he could have bought a valve set." A small boy sent the following missive: "It’s little Peter’s birthday on Thursday, and Aunt Jane is giving us a nice party. Poor little Charlie had two teeth out, so as the lollies won’t give him toothache at the party. Would you like to come, Uncle George?"

Appointed to Brisbane


APPOINTED TO BRISBANE Mr. T. Armstrong, who for over two years was attached to the Radio Inspector’s Office (Sydney), has been transferred to Brisbane as Radio Inspector, Prior to his departure a presentation was made to him by Mr. W. T. S. Crawford (Radio Inspector, Sydney), on behalf of the Radio Inspector’s staff and friends connected with the Telephone Engineering Branch. During Mr. Armstrong’s sojourn in Sydney, he was lecturer and instructor to the Wireless Section of the Postal Institute. He was extremely popular amongst commercial operators, experimenters, and dealers, and earned by his courteous attention to all matters, and by his pleasant personality, the very high esteem of all who came into contact with him. Mr. Armstrong has the secret of the perpetual smile, and Brisbane is fortunate in securing so popular a Radio Inspector.

International Intermediates


INTERNATIONAL INTERMEDIATES. A—Australia. B—Belgium. BE—Bermuda. BZ—Brazil. C—Canada and Newfoundland. CH—Chile. CR—Costa Rica. D—Denmark. E—Spain Espanol. F—France. G—Great Britain. H—Switzerland (Helvetia). I—Italy. J—Japan (provisional). L—Luxembourg. M—Mexico. N—Netherlands. O—South Africa. P—Portugal. Q —Cuba. R—Argentine. S—Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden). U—United States. From Q. S. T.

Radio and Hospitals


RADIO AND HOSPITALS. POOLING OF EXPERIENCE One of the disadvantages under which Australian hospitals labor at the moment is that many of them have not yet been equipped with radio. This is clear from a letter received by the Radio Broadcast Bureau from Mr. William Epps, Secretary of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. The Bureau had written to the hospital in regard to a suggestion made by the Agent General for Victoria, that all knowledge gained by experience in hospitals, should be pooled and broadcast throughout the Empire for the benefit of other hospitals. Mr. Epps placed the matter before the house committee of the R.P.A. Hospital, which came to the conclusion that the scheme could not yet be used profitably in Australia in view of the fact that many hospitals had not so far been provided with radio. Apparently something may be done on the line suggested by the Agent-General when each hospital has its own receiving set.

Footnote: Philco Drynamic for less worry and better results.



Footnote: The "New System" Phone is matched in tone.

Knockout Crystal Receiver


THE KNOCKOUT CRYSTAL RECEIVER By " Insulator" THE Crystodyne receiver described by the writer in this journal a few weeks ago met with such success that I thought I would build another with a view to bettering the Ciystodyne, if this were possible. This week’s receiver certainly has an advantage over the Crystodyne, inasmuch as it is much louder on the short wavelengths. For example, 2BL will be found to yield a little more volume than before; so will 2FC, for that matter. But I haven’t taken any great pains to make the Knockout particularly selective on the high wave-lengths. It will be noticed that provision is made for a loading coil to accommodate Farmer’s transmission. Brisbane and Melbourne folk, who are served only on the short wavelengths, will find this receiver ideal for their reception. The making of the Knock-out receiver presents very little difficulty to the average person. The tools required consist of a saw, a brace, and a few bits and a screwdriver—these tools being, as a rule, part and parcel of the average home. The materials required are few: — 1 Panel, 6 x 7 x 3/16. 1 23-Plate variable condenser. 1 Glass enclosed crystal detector. I Panel mounting plug. 4 Ecs or Clix sockets and 2 plugs. 2 Phone terminals. Front View 2 Radion or bakelite strips, 5 x 1 x 3/16. 4 ozs. 22 D.C.C. wire. 2 ft. Busbar. 1 Baseboard, 6 x 5 x \ in. 3 Woodscrews. The total outlay need not exceed 35/-, and considering the results achieved the set is worth the outlay whether you have a multivalve set or not. The panel I used was Radion, but a nice DRY piece of 3-ply shellaced and blackened with Ezywurk stove polish will suit the purpose quite well. In building the first- operation is making the coil former. This type of coil is quite new to- this country, but it is perhaps the most efficient coil yet produced for broadcasting purposes. Look at it in the back of panel view. Now gaze at the drawings, showing you how the formers are made. Easy, isn’t it? But exercise a little care and patience, and everything will be alright. Take one step at a time; lay it on the table, and with a rule and a darning needle mark off as shown. Lay the other strip along the top evenly, clamp in a vyee and carefully saw down the marks on one side. Turn over and saw down the other side. Don’t be in too big a hurry, else you’ll split the formers. Now cut out the portions necessary to make a halved joint. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to make a number of narrow saw cuts

It’s probably your "B" Battery. Get a Philco. and split off each portion as sawn. A rub with a file will smooth off. Next fit together to make a cross or an X, according to the way you look at it. If you have been a bit too generous in your measurements, don’t worry, as the wire will hold the halves together. This, of course, is your next process —the winding. Get someone to give you a hand here, and while he holds the reel of wire on a pencil you wind the coil. Start by slipping the wire into one of the slots nearest the centre and wind eight turns in these slots. Don’t break the wire, but cross over to the other side to the next nearest slot and wind a further eight turns in these slots. Take a tapping here —that is, hold the 16th turn close to the coil with one hand, and with the other draw a further 12 inches double and twist at the former, and slip across and up to slo-t three, where eight turns are wound —another tapping being taken here —and the wire is continued eight to the slot until 48 turns are wound on. Leave about 6 inches for connections. Once understood, this winding process is easy; you will soon find the knack of slipping the wire into the saw cuts and pulling tight as you go along. Leave the completed coil on the one side and lay out your panel. Mark it off on the back, using the rule and the aforesaid darning needle. First of all Sack Panel Wiring Diagram This Clearly Shows the Wiring draw a centre line down the whole 7 inches of panel. This line will act as a guide to the correct balancing of the panel. Now, inches from the bottom of this line make a mark. This is for the centre spindle of your condenser. Again, 2 inches above this provision must be made for your crystal detector. The plug for the loading coil is within £ of an inch from the top. Down one side and one inch apart four Ecs or Clix sockets are to be catered for, while two phone terminals want a position on the other side. Don’t forget three holes for the screws required to attach the panel to the baseboard. Unfortunately, not knowing the exact materials you intend using, I can’ give you the exact measurements, but a little initiative displayed on your part will help you along nicely. Mount all your components on the panel and screw the panel to the baseboard. Never mind your coil in the meantime, but using the busbar wire up as shown in the back of panel wiring diagram. This completed, the coil now comes into the play. Join the beginning of this coil to the remaining screw of the loading coil. The first tapping, that is the 16th turn, connect to the second top Ecs socket; the second tapping (24th turn) jo-in to the third top Ecs, while the end of the coil is connected to the bottom Ecs. Make a small bracket to support the

This may he use [?] as a template. coil upright as I have done, and your job is completed. Test o-ut now. Use a good piece of crystal and connect your phones. Test out on low waves, but putting a shorting plug in the loading coil plug. If a shorting plug is not available, simply join the two screws of the loading plug at the back of the panel. Queenslanders, Victorians, and Tasmanians don’t need this loading coil at all, so don’t include it; simply take the beginning of the coil to the top Ecs, and also the wire leading from the fixed plate of the co-ndenser through one side of the crystal detector. However, plug your aerial into the top Ecs and your earth into the bottom Ecs. Turn your condenser until you hear a signal or some music. Try to better the crystal point, and you will find excellent volume will result. Now put your aerial in the second Ecs and adjust the condenser. Now aerial into the third Ecs and note the result. Start again by plugging your aerial into the top Ecs, and earth into the second Ecs and re-tune. Leave the aerial in the top and bring your earth "down a peg," retuning all the time. Wangle about here for a while and note where the best results are obtainable. This principle is known as Auto coupling, and is most selective. Sydney people wishing to hear Farmer’s can do so by inserting a 150 turn coil in the loading plug. The volume of this little receiver is most surprising. Eight miles from 2BL and 12 miles from 2FC, this Knockout set could be heard on a loud speaker across a 12-fo-ot room. Mind you, I am not claiming this as a loud speaker crystal set. I mention this to illustrate the remarkable volume which is obtained from the Knockout receiver.



Footnote: It’s probably your "B" Battery. Get a Philco.



Footnote: It’s probably your "B" Battery. Get a Philco.

Radio in Schools


RADIO IN SCHOOLS. Lessons by Wireless. Lessons for school children are again being broadcast from Sydney for listeners-in throughout the State. The sessions commenced on Monday, 17th August, by Farmer’s (2FC), who, having become tired of waiting for the Department to re-institute the lessons by radio-, have again taken up the matter and are giving three educational sessions a week. On Mondays the lessons will be for the benefit of kindergarten children, on Wednesdays for primary children, and on Fridays for secondary children. Although the lessons will not be under the official control of the Department of Education, the Department is sympathetic with the scheme and has undertaken to give all the help required. The Radio Broadcast Bureau has received many communications from Parents and Citizens’ Associations and schools in the country expressing the hope that the lessons by radio will be re-instituted. It is expected that most country schools will now raise funds for the purchase of a radio receiving set.



Radio Photography


president Coolidge H.R.H. The Prince of Wales The transmitter that sent photos by radio from London to New York. Burgess Batteries for energizing the tubes are shown in the lower shelves of the cabinet. General view obtained through courtesy of the Radio Corporation of America. Captain Richard Ranger of the R.C.A., inventor of the apparatus, is seen placing film upon drum of transmitter. U. & U. Photos

Radio Photography The wonders performed by radio follow one another with such bewildering rapidity, each one being more marvellous than that preceding, that it seems only a short time until we shall have a cinema show produced all over the world simultaneously, and of happenings actually in progress at that minute. A short while back, some most interesting, and to say the least, successful experiments were carried out between English radio engineers and Captain R. Ranger, of the Radio Corporation of America. They consisted of the transmission by radio of the photographs of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and President Coolidge from London across the Atlantic to New York, and our illustrations, which were supplied by the local agents of the Burgess Battery Company, show a general view of the apparatus used and the results as received in New York.

Brandes Phones Ad


Brandes Phones are 27/6 In our issue dated Friday, August 21st a full page advertisement (page 7) appeared for Brandes’ Headphones, showing the price as 35/-. The correct price is 27/6, and we regret that this printer’s error has caused some little inconvenience to dealers handling this popular type of ’phones.

Footnote: The "New System" Phone is matched in tone.

RADIO IN CHURCH STATION PROPOSED. Rev. T. E. Ruth is considering a suggestion from a member of the Pitt Street Congregational Church for the establishment of a broadcasting station to assist in placing before the public the activities of the church. The proposal is that the church station shall have its own wave length and the Sunday Services, Bible Class meetings, Week Day Services and other meetings be broadcast. An annual subscription, it is suggested could be fixed, making the subscriber and adherent of the church with all the right of adherents during visits to Sydney. Mr. Ruth stated that although his sermons had frequently been broadcast he had not yet learned whether the proposal now made was practicable.



A "B" Battery Eliminator


Footnote: What is Philco going to do in Radio?

A "B" BATTERY ELIMINATOR By "Wireless Weekly" -OUITE a lot of troubles in a wireless set may be traced to the dry cell type of high tension or plate battery, which, no matter how good the make, eventually runs down, causing high resistance cells, which bring along howls, weak signals, and loss of distant reception. Most people are familiar with the warning signs of a run-down "B" battery, but the voltage is probably never read from the time the salesman reads it when sold until it is scrapped. With the accumulator type of "B" battery, of course, the story is entirely different, because it may be recharged when run down. To secure "B" voltage from the direct current lamp socket is a fairly simple matter without very complicated filter circuits, condensers, etc. Getting "B" voltage from the alternating current socket is quite a different matter, however, and it becomes necessary to rectify the current obtained —that is, to change it to direct current and to render that direct current just as steady and unruffled as possible. Most people are familiar with the so-called "hum" caused by alternating current. New transmitting stations, whether experimental or commercial, invariably suffer with it until they have experimented with various filter circuits. The device essential to altering the A.C. supply voltage to make it suitable for radio "B" voltage resolves itself into two distinct parts—first the rectifier, and secondly the filter. The rectifier changes the alternating current that flows in one direction and then in the other sixty times every second into a current that proceeds in one direction only. The rectifier, however good it may be, cannot produce a perfect, uniform, and steady current itself The rectifier gives a direct current composed of a very rapid succession of current impulses, which are all in the same direction. The mechanical rectifier is one which most readers are acquainted with. Here a vibrator is used which closes a contact every time the alternating current happens to be flowing in a direction which will charge the storage battery, but which opens the contact when the current starts to go the other way. This pulsating current is all very well for a storage battery charger, but to make it suitable for "B" battery work it must be ironed, rolled out, or steadied, and made to approach, as nearly as may be, the perfectly uniform current given off from a new "B" battery itself. To do this, the rectified current is passed through a filter in which the variations are smoothed out. The filter may be likened to the heavy fly-wheel on a gas engine. One may easily imagine what a jerky motion would result if a gas engine were run without its heavy fly-wheel, which steadies its motion through its inertia. The filter acts in the same way, too. When the pulsating rectified current gets a bit too strong, the excess energy is stored away in the filter, and when the pulses get weak the stored up energy is released to make up for the energy not coming through direct. The filter therefore tends to oppose sudden increases in the voltage of the rectified current, and by its power of absorbing energy temporarily also tends to prevent the rectified voltage falling too low. In radio we have at hand the most perfect rectifier known —the vacuum valve. The valve for our purpose may be of the two or three element type; the ordinary receiving type of valves were used by "Wireless Weekly," 201 A Radiotrons. The grid and plate terminals should be permanently joined together, as this has the effect of increasing the area of the rectifying surfaces, and is therefore quite an advantageous connection to use. Since the electrons in a valve pass only from the filament to the plate, we may be sure that the valve can permit current to pass in one direction only. It may be well at this point to clear up, to some extent, the old question as to which way current flows in an electric circuit. (See also back numbers of "Wireless Weekly" containing articles on "The Amateur’s Proficiency Certificate.") It was formerly assumed that current flows from positive to negative. The vacuum valve, however, reveals the fact that the electrons flow from filament to plate or from negative to positive. Hence it seems more than likely that the former assumption of current direction was wrong and that current really goes from negative to positive. However this may be, we can easily consider the "current" of electricity to go from positive to negative, and at the same time understand that the flow of electrons is in the opposite direction —negative to positive. Since the electrons go from negative to positive or from the filament to the plate in the case of rectified current in the rectifier valve, the current of electricity goes from the plate to- the filament. Hence we secure the positive tap from the filament of the rectifier and the negative from the plate. The plate, in our case, is composed of both the plate and grid of the valve in combination, and the con-

Footnote: Achievement ? Philco Drynamic!!

nection is taken from the centre tap of the H.T. winding. It may be easier to comprehend this direction of current flow if we stop to remember again that the flow of electrons in the valve is in the opposite direction, i.e., filament to plate. The valves may be lit by using A.C. in conjunction with a bell ringing transformer, many of which are on the market and are quite cheap. This bell ringing transformer consists of a primary winding of a great many turns of fine wire and a secondary of a few turns of heavier wire. The primary is connected to a flexible lead and adapter, which should be plugged into the electric light socket or power point. Some bell transformers are made with three and six volt tappings, others are built for 12 volts output for heavy gongs, etc., and care should be taken in purchasing. The smaller voltage one is the The Circuit Diagram ideal one for the job, as no rheostat is necessary, and a centre tap is automatically supplied by the 3-volt tap. With the filament lighting of the rectifier valves, we come next to the question of high voltage. This should be supplied by a transformer, which can be easily made at home. Several articles on the constructional data of transformers have appeared from time to time in this paper, so that beyond giving the necessary specifications for this one, no constructional details will be given here. Power, 40 Watts. Primary voltage, 240 volts 60 cycles. Primary turns, 1000 No. 22 d.c.c.; secondary, 1800 turns,, with tapping taken at the 900th turn (centre tap). Core dimensions, 4£in. x lsin. (inside winding space); core cross section, lin. x lin. The primary of the transformer is connected directly across the 240 volt line, but so high is its resistance and so great the (t reactance’ * of the combined primary coil and iron core to the passage of alternating current that the actual current consumed is a very small fraction of an ampere. The voltage of the secondary supplies the rectifier with current that the latter permits to pass only when in the proper direction, and which is then smoothed out in the filter before it is delivered to the battery terminals of the receiver. The filter is formed of two lots of three 2-mfd condensers connected in parallel either side of the choke coil. This is a coil of many thousand turns of fine wire wrapped upon an iron core, and it is the property of such coil so placed to oppose any sudden changes in the strength of the current passing through it. The secondary winding of an audio amplifying transformer makes an excellent choke. A heavy construction transformer should, however, be selected for this duty. Since 6-mfd condensers cannot be purchased, three condensers of 2-mfds each are shown connected in parallel. In case 2-mfd condensers cannot be found, six 1-mfd condensers may be used. It is easy to determine how many condensers are needed in parallel to make up the total of 6-mfd capacity used either side of the choke coil. Condensers in parallel are added arithmetically to Continued on page 26



Wiles' Wonderful Wireless Ad


It’s Easy to do Business with us! Our Mail Order Department is so organised that your order is despatched withii I! hours. We are so busy filling orders and our ideals in business are so high that we do not devote any time to fighting and bickering with our customers over adjitaents or anything. We want and we give a square deal. Ask the man who has dealt from us. SAVE MANUFACTURING COSTS and you will have a lot of FUN. Assemble your own set. There is a peculiar thrill after building and operating a Set of your own creation. By our easy method of building and operating you get more satisfaction than from a manufactured Set, because you know more about it. Price list of complete parts for "WONDERTONE" Home Construction Receivers. 1 Valve with Dry Cells £7 5 0 2 Valve with Dry Cells 10 6 0 3 Valve with Dry Cells 13 7 0 4 Valve with Dry Cells 18 13 6 5 Valve with Dry Cells 25 2 0 Illustration of completed 3 Valve Home Construction Receiver. 1 Valve with 40 ampere Hour Accumulator 2 Valve with 40 ampere Hour Accumulator 3 Valve with 60 Ampere Hour Accumulator 4 Valve with 80 ampere Hour Accumulator 5 Valve with 80 ampere Hour Accumulator £lO 4 0 13 8 0 16 14 0 20 14 6 27 15 0 Tested and guaranteed parts only are supplied, and include everything ready for assembling, such as Stained Maple Cabinet, Bakelite Panel Drilled and Engraved, A & B Batteries, Valves, Headphones, Solder, Screws and Aerial Equipment. LET ALL THE FAMILY HEM THE PROGRAMME ON THE LOUD !BAKER. Amplion Speakers. A.R.102 Dragonfly £4 | A.R.67 Gramophone Attachment £j A.R.35 Gramophone Attachment . £t§( A.R.11l Junior jjj i) A.R.114 Junior De Luxe.. j§ l( A.R.19 Dragon A.R.15 Music Master . . . . Magnavox M 4 £7| « Puravox iff Trimm’s Home Speaker . . . Concert Model MANHATTAN SPEAKERS Gramophone Attachment.. £l/1 Junior Speaker £J Senior Speaker £6/ WESTERN ELECTRIC. 4003 .. £li | 4004 Adjustable Diaphragm, £5 S DIO Floating Armature . . £l2 'I m Complete stocks of all Standarpdio Parts. New stocks continually arriving from oversea!l Send for Price List E 6, post free on request. Your own Set jewired by experts. Satisfaction Guaranteed ACCUMULATORS. C.A.V. in Vulcanite Case. 2 Volt, 40 Ampere Hour 20/- 4 Volt, 40 Ampere Hour 40/- 4 Volt, 60 Ampere Hour 47/- 6 Volt, 40 Ampere Hour 60/- 6 Volt, 60 Ampere Hour 70/- 6 Volt, 80 Ampere Hour 84/- Efesca (English) in Celluloid Case. 2 Volt, 40 Ampere Hour 17/6 4 Volt, 40 Ampere Hour 32/6 4 Volt, 60 Ampere Hour 42/6 6 Volt, 40 Ampere Hour 50/- 6 Volt, 60 Ampere Hour 62/- 6 Volt, 80 Ampere Hour 75/. B. BATTERIES. Every Ready with Wander Plug. 32 Volt, Type W.P.30 9/6 42 Volt, Type W.P.40 . 12/6 60 Volt, Type W.P.60 ’’ ‘ lB /_ 42 Volt, Type X.P.40, large capacity 21/- 60 Volt, Type X.P.60, large capacity 31/6 Efesca (English) with Wander Plug. 36 Volt, No. 195 9/6 60 Volt, No. 195 "'■'■■* ’■ 18/ . A & C BATTERIES. No. 126 Ever Ready, 4J, 3or Volts 2/9 No. 6 Columbia, Volts 3/- MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT 60 GOULBURN STREET If desired, goods can be forwarded per Value Payable Pi jit which means you can pay the postman at your door. Open Friday Nights mtil 9.30 p.m. Wiles’ Wonderful Wireless & Electrical Stores 384 Pitt Street, (near Goulburn Street) 56-60 Goullim Street (1 door fromm Street) Established ki 20 years. 23 Pitt Street (near Circular Quay)

Footnote: With "Philco" your set will go. find the total capacity, so that any combination such as a 2-mfd, a 3-mfd, and a 1-mfd might be used to secure a total of 6 mfds. Ordinary paper condensers enclosed in metal boxes such as are used in telephone work were used by "Wireless Weekly’’ in experiments carried out with this eliminator. It should be borne in mind that a condenser is capable of retaining a heavy electrical charge for quite a long time. Some paper condensers used in a rectifier of this pe holding the charge for ten or twenty minutes after the current is turned off. Quite a startling, though not a dangerous, shock can be felt sho-uld one’s fingers get across the "B" terminals accidentally while the rectifier is on the 240 line, but not connected to the receiver. This is a good test for your condensers, by permitting the rectifier to be connected to the line a few minutes without connection to the receiver, and then turning off the mains by means of the single pole double throw switch. A length of insulated wire is bared at the two ends and touched to the "B" minus and "B’’ plus, when a bright blue spark will snap across loudly if all condensers are O.K. If no' spark is obtained, test each individual condenser until the defective one is found. A Bradleyohm or Electrad Variohm may be connected in accordance with Fig. 1 to obtain sep- arate plate voltage for the detector. Additions tapping for various voltages may be made by con- necting an additional variable resistance and con- denser as shown by the dotted lines. A complete control of all voltages can be secured by placing a variable resistance, which is shown as optional, in the circuit diagram. A Few Don’ts. Don’t place the eliminator too close to the re- ceiver, if you want to get rid of all the hum. Don’t buy a bell ringing transformer that won’t supply at least half an amp on the secondary out- put terminals. Be sure the secondary has a centre tap or is easily altered to make a centre tap. Don’t be tempted to place a low tension wind- ing for the filaments on the home-made H.T. trans- former. The writer has had some, and it is impos- sible to eliminate all the hum from either a trans- mitter or a "B" battery eliminator when using a common transformer for converting both high and low tension voltages. Unless you are using a non-conductive coupled receiver, it will be necessary to place a 1-mfd con- denser in the ground lead, and any ground lead con- nected directly to the "A" battery should be re- moved. Non-conductively coupled receivers, viz., the ordinary 3-coil circuit (not the short wave 3-coil circuit where the "A" battery is directly earthed) may be operated with this eliminator without any change whatever.



N.Z. QSL. Here is some dope from ZIAF on Aussie trans- mitters: — "2BV has been heard calling N.Z. Good RAC note; sigs. R 4. "2GW is very similar in strength and note. "2BJ was heard on August 6th; sigs. QRZ, ripply note. "2RG has often been heard, pure, steady DC. "2HT heard R 6. "2HM was soon back on the air after the fire. Heard him on RAC. QSA, but hard to copy. "2TK was calling 4CM—sounded like a canary; pure DC. R 4. "2TM. RAC note. R 5. "3PJ. QRZ, but good DC note. "3BP comes in louder than many N.Z. stations. "3AD. Plenty of kick. "3HL. Wobbly DC. "3EF. The loudest Aussie on 40 metres. "4RB. Heard now and again. "SDA and SRM put over some fine signals. "6AM. Occasionally heard. "7GD. Good note; R 5. 7GH, QRZ. 7DX, O.K. Where are all the other 7’s?’’ ZIAF is G. W. Smithson, 39 Surrey Street, Pon- sonby. LIST OF CALLS HEARD BY ALLEN EVANS (Z2BJ) FROM 4th JUNE TO 9th AUGUST, 1925. Low Loss and 2A.F. N.Z.: I—AA, AE, AF, AG, AN, AO, AP, AR, AT AX, FQ. 2—AV, 81, BQ, BR, BX, GA, GJ, GR, XA. 3—AD, AE, AF, AL, AR, BQ, CF, CK. 4—AL, AM, AS. Australia: 2—GQ, GT, GW, HT, JM, JR, RN, UI, WS, ZN. 3—BQ, CB, RY, UI, UX, XO. 4—CK, CM, HB. S—AC, RM. 6—AM. 7—BH, GD, JB, PF. U.S.A.: IFX, 6UK, 6XD, 9TC. Special: KEL, KIE, KIO, NEDJ, NRRL, VIS, WIZ.



Neutron Crystal Ad


© ~

  • 54

TRADE /iAI RK She Worlds Grea test Radio Crystal Concert tested and Paroso fid... 115, GawlerPlace, Adelaide A Product of Neutron Ltd Sicilian House , Southampton Row, London w.ci



Footnote: What is Philco going to do in Radio?

Those Questions and Answers


Those Questions and Answers "The time has come, the Walrus Said, to talk of many things, Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, Of cabbages and Kings," and, ive might add to those immortal lines, "of Questions and Answers." With our loins girded up, and a section of four-inch armour plate held in front of us, we are going to deliver a solar plexus. Believe us, those queries take a lot of doing—more than you, readers, perhaps realise. Always excepting those from the country, where the average reader is quite isolated from sources of information, they refer to matters upon which satisfaction has been unob- tainable anywhere else. At times our query file has looked like a high stone wall—there seemed to be no getting over it. And here's a point worth stressing—in many cases one question alone has required over two hours to answer, quite aside from the dozens and dozens of technical drawings we send out every week, every one of which takes a whole lot of time. Now, all this time has to be paid for, and at present —let us hide nothing from each other — we're doing all the paying. Now, we don't ivant to make a profit out of this department. Just as long as we can cover the cost, or somewhere near it, everybody will be happy. On many occasions our answers to the questions sent in have proved of definite monetary value to the enquirer, and in hundreds of cases we have been able to set things right for those tvho have not been getting the best out of their receivers or transmitters. The trouble is that these query letters have increased to an enormous extent, and we've got to take a breather and see where we are. We can give a better service, but we are forced to im- pose conditions which you will admit are not excessive. Here they are: — A FEE OF 1/- MUST BE ENCLOSED WITH ALL TECHNICAL QUESTIONS, WHETHER YOU ARE A DIRECT SUBSCRIBER OR NOT. ONLY FOUR QUESTIONS CAN BE TAKEN AT A TIME. THIS IS NECESSARY TO ENSURE PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL QUERIES. This operates from now. Thank you!

A Short Term - Racist


A SHORT TERM. BUT OH, MY! " Hello, Mose, how long you all in gaol fo’?" "Three weeks." "What did you do?" "Jes’ killed mah wife." "An’ you all got only three weeks?" "Dat’s all. Den dey’s goin’ to hang me."

Wireless Personalities - E. G. Beard


Wireless Personalities MR. E. G. BEARD, Chief Engineer, United Distributors Ltd. BORN on March 12th, 1897, in the town of Derby, England, Mr. Beard is now only 28 years of age, and is, therefore, the youngest radio en- gineer in this country to hold down such a respons- ible position as that of chief engineer to a big or- ganisation like that of the United Distributors Ltd. He was educated in Derby, but after attending the secondary schools for some time he developed rheumatism and was laid up for twelve months. Recovering from his illness, a private tutor was en- gaged by his parents to coach him for the clerical profession. But theology and wireless did not agree, and the Church lost a son from the fold, much to the gain of the Radio profession. This happened to- wards the end of 1912, when young Beard became the proud possessor of his first receiving set, and he heard signals from Paris, using a piece of coal as a detector. After that the " Cloth" had no more attraction, and the budding engineer devoted him- self. entirely to mathematics and experiments. Mr. E. Q. Beard In 1912 he operated a transmitter and receiver. He was a member of the Derby Wireless Club, the first amateur organisation in England, and had the honour of being the youngest amateur experimenter in the country. The year 1913 saw him join up with the Royal Navy, and he worked his way up from boy to leading telegraphist. While in the service the Great War broke out, and Beard served his country with the Fleet in home waters, the Adriatic and the Atlantic. During these years there were many rapid changes in radio transmission and re-

Footnote: It’s probably your "B" Battery. Get a Philco.

ception, and Beard did some useful work for the ser- vice. After the war he was sent to a shore station at Christiana, in Jamaica, where he got his first tropi- cal shore experience. From there he returned to England, and was engaged in extensive experimental work aboard the depot ship Collingwood, stationed at Devonport. In 1920 he was transferred to the R.A.N., and arrived in Australia on the 6th May of that year. Served as P.O. telegraphist at the depot in Western- port, Victoria. Then came service on the Anzac, Platypus, and Adelaide. He finally left the service on the 3rd July, 1924, and joined the United Distributors Ltd. in the same month. Since then he has been actively engaged in experimental and research work for his firm, and now he has evolved a set which as a commercial proposition is ranked very high. Apart from wireless, Mr. Beard possesses few hobbies. He writes some very clever technical ar- ticles when time will allow, and perhaps some day he may write a text book on "How and Why not to do it. ’ ’ A tall man of few words, who possesses sound ideas, Mr. Beard is probably the foremost radio con- structional engineer in Australasia.



The Nelside Condenser


The Nelside Condenser The trend of the times in the manufacture of radio apparatus is for better mechanical and elec- trical construction, tending always for better re- ception. This has been incorporated in the design of a new variable condenser known as the Nelside, manufactured on very up-to-date lines, and em- bodying many new ideas. The plates are made of heavy dur-aluminium specially cross-rolled to insure uniform thickness. The movable plates are especially designed to separate lew wave sta- tions. A phosphor bronze tension spring keeps the rack in mesh with pinion, eliminating back lash and compensating for wear while the rack, which has helical cut teeth is pivoted on one end only. The main bearing, employing the prin- ciple of the floating automobile axle is relieved of all strain. The end plate is of heavy specially rolled brass, highly polished and nickel finished. The Electrical Testing Laboratories have made tests of this condenser as follows: General. This report gives the results of tests made on two variable air condensers for capacitance and phase difference. The condensers contained eleven plates and twenty-one plates respectively and will be referred to as such in this report. Test and Test Methods. The following tests were made: 1. Capacitance at maximum and minimum set- ting at 1,000 cycles per second. 2. Phase difference at radio frequency made on 21 plate condenser. The capacitance was measured by comparison with a standard air condenser using a bridge me- thod and a sinusoidal emf, having a frequency of 1,000 cycles per second. The phase difference at radio frequency was computed from the equivalent series resistance which was measured by the series resistance varia- tion method. Report No. 59689. RESULTS OF TESTS SUMMARY 1. Capacitance at 1000 cycles per second. Capacitance Condenser Setting Micro-farads 11 plate maximum 0.000245 11 plate minimum 0.000006 21 plate maximum 0.000488 21 plate minimum 0.000008 2. Phase Difference at Radio Frequency. Condenser Setting Wavelength Meters 21 plate Maximum 245 Phase Difference Minutes: Less than one minute. N. W. FIELD, In charge of Test. Approved by: H. KOENIG, Engineer, Electrical Laboratory. Date of Test: December 9th to 10th, 1924.

Radio and Stock


RADIO AND STOCK. £3OO On One Deal. An instance of the value of wireless is reported by the Radio Broadcast Bureau, an organisation re- cently formed in Sydney for the further popularising of radio. A stock and station agent who was studying the market prices and weather reports broadcast from Sydney came to the conclusion that the time was opportune for a quick deal in stock. He acted promptly, and the result of his early information was a net profit of £3OO in the day.



What they Say


Footnote: Achievement ? Philco Drynamic!! What they Say THIS LAD KNOCKS ’EM To the Editor. Dear Sir,—Just a few lines about "Cabbages and Kings’ ’ from a constant reader of your journal. I note that you bought an axe for readers who ask you silly questions about the origin of transmissions they only hear part of. This is a good idea on your part, but if you contemplate the purchase of an- other such instrument for the benefit of the Sydney ‘‘experimenter" who inform the daily press every time he hears KDKA, you can put me down for half expenses. It is a bit monotonous to read every night: "Mr. So-and-So, of , was again successful last night in bringing in KDKA on his 2-valve low loss set, etc., etc." Now, Mr. Editor, as I (and I suppose hundreds of others) can get this station on loud speaker every time they are on, using a set which is far from low loss and using only 3 valves, surely it’s nothing worth rushing into print about. All the praise is due to the station itself! Your series of articles on the Amateur Profi- ciency Certificate were just what was wanted. I speak from experience, having recently sat for this exam. The would-be candidate would need to know more abbreviations, though; also would have to state in what direction he intended to experiment. Does anybody know the QRA of A-BAC, as I didn’t know we had an eighth list? I heard him call CQ on 29/7/25 at 1955. I would also like the QRA of - IEG KFTJH es KFVM.—Best 73’s from "AMERTON." (KFVM was given quite lately. KFTJH is Luzon —apparently a ship. No record of the others. — Editor.)

Out of the West


OUT OF THE WEST. (To the Editor) Sir For some time past we have noticed during the night sessions of 2FC an intermittent "mushiness" which very much mars the modula- tion of that station. We have been in communi- cation with the manager of 2FC, but he informs us that ours is the only complaint of that nature he has received. Careful tests over a period of six months taken in Orange and district, Condob- olin, Blayney, and Nyngan on many different makes of sets ranging from one to six valves, disclose the same trouble (at night time only) whilst we have been informed that the same thing is experienced in Hungerford, Toowoomba, Mandurama, Parkes, and Forbes. This mushiness occurs at irregular intervals all through the night sessions, generally about every ten to fifteen minutes, and lasting about three to five minutes each time. It seems to cor- respond with the fading experienced from 3LO on the new short wave except that it is far more pronounced and is most unpleasant. None of this trouble was ever experienced from 3LO when on 1750 metres. The manager of 2FC sympathises with us in this difficulty, but tells us nothing to indicate that the trouble is not in that station, beyond send- ing us many copies of reports on the excellent day- light transmission, with which we agree. The matter is now at a deadlock as neither side is convinced, and we would be very glad if you would give us the aid of your very valuable jour- nal in this matter. We would be very glad if others of your readers would write either to you or direct to us if they experience the trouble com- mented upon. We know definitely from personal test that this is not experienced within about 100 miles of Sydney, but so bad is it in this district that broadcast listeners never attempt to listen to 2FC at night, but always tune to 3LO. Farmers (2FC) seem convinced that the "mushiness" is a natural phenomenon peculiar to the West, and if they are right, then we think it is one that presents a field for much research work, affecting as it does only the one station; but be- fore we commence to spend much time and some money endeavouring to discover the root of the trouble, we would very much like to know whe- ther other listeners in other parts of the country have ever noticed this trouble. We would deem it a favor if you could spare space in your deser- vedly popular paper for this appeal for reports. We do assure you that it is not a frivolous one, and it is affecting seriously the popularity of wireless in this district at least.—Yours faithfully O. B. GREEN and J. M. STANLEY (2JS) The Orange Electrical Works, Peisley St., Orange. 11th August, 1925.

To the Editor


To the Editor. Sir, —Re the number competition transmitted by station 2UE on Sunday, August 9th, I have been asked by several enthusiasts if I, as winner of the first prize, received it. I wish to state emphatic- ally, "Yes. " I was presented with a pair of New System headphones at Radio House, 619 George Street, Sydney, and signed receipt for them, which, no doubt, can be seen by anyone doubting the gen- uineness of the competition. Trusting you will find space to publish this in fairness to station 2UE. — Yours, etc., BERNARD L. GOODGER. "Goodwood," Royal St., South Randwick.



Mullard Ad


pans the World y How wonderful to listen to a fellow creature talking on the other side of the globe ! More wonderful to be able to reply to him. With Mullard Valves the first two-way connection between England and U.S.A., Australia, Argentine and New Zealand was established, and these valves that can pick up and give you this wonderful power of communication are just the standard Mullard Receiving Valves, obtainable from all dealers. Will they not give even more wonderful reception from your nearest Broadcasting Station ? Ask your dealer. Milliard THE • MASTER. ♦ VALVE Ample Stocks are carried bp the following houses: Messrs. A. BEAL PRITCHETT (Aust) LTD. (N.S.W.) 204 Clarence St., Sydney. (Vic.) 150 Queen St., Melbourne Messrs. PAROSO LTD. (S. ac W.A.) 113 Gawler Place, Adelaide Advt. The Milliard Radio Valve Co. Ltd., Balham, London, S.W. 12, England



Footnote: Philco Drynamic for less worry and better results.

Subscription Form


SUBSCRIPTION FORM I REALLY MUST! The most tragic phrase that man ever invented, but the one most commonly used. Usually, "I really must" ends in doing nothing, and in missing something we shouldn’t have missed. If you are really interested in the world of wireless —in the current news of broadcasting, amateurs, and of practical technical stuff—you can’t afford to miss a single issue of this paper. You can have it put in your letter-box regularly every week. Subscription Rates:—l3/- the year, 6/6 half-year. Post free. Don’t keep saying "I really must," but mail along the postal notes now—to-day. "WIRELESS WEEKLY," 12/16 REGENT STREET, SYDNEY. From Us to You Dear Mr. Club Member, — Just between ourselves, has it occurred to you that you are a most important individual? In the old days, before broadcasting came, ordinary John Citizen used to regard you as some sort of a crank monkeying about with this fool wireless business, spending hours and hours in your den when you should have been out enjoying yourself—like him. Nowadays, that same John Citizen has the bug himself, and realises that you know just a little about the game, and that the hours you put in on your experiments were not wasted. Appreciating this, the average man in the street is apt to accept whatever you say without question. Yet how many times have you said to him, "I never listen to broadcasting," as though it were something beyond the pale? Unconsciously, you see, you convey the impression that broadcasting isn’t worth listening to —you knock something which you admit you never listen to. Is that fair? What you really mean is that you are so absorbed with experimenting on short waves, and so on, that you haven’t got the time to listen to broadcasting. Isn’t that so? One night’s listening on the broadcast wavelengths will convince you that the quality of stuff being put out nowadays is GOOD. There’s no denying it. Listening-in every night all over the country there are thousands and thousands of people, and getting a great deal of pleasure out of it. Some of those people are condemned to the loneliness of an invalid chair; some, again, in hospitals; others away out in the solitude of the bush, where their only enjoyment is snatched out of the ether. In the city hundreds and hundreds of folk draw their fun from simple crystal sets. Broadcasting, you see, is doing a power of good, even though it doesn’t interest you. As we said before, your opinion often counts for a great deal with the man in the street, who is thinking about putting in a set. Next time, therefore, that you are in conversation with him, just forget that phrase, "I never listen to broadcasting," and tell him that a thing which has attracted over thirty thousand enthusiastic followers in this State alone must be worth while getting interested in. Don’t be a basher for broadcasting. Be a booster. Yours, etc., "WIRELESS WEEKLY."

2GQ Again


2GQ AGAIN. MR. G. BARLOW, who owns and operates station 2GQ, has recently been experimenting with the possibilities of duplex Morse work with long distance stations, and with the assistance of Mr. L. M. Wilson, Marsden (2LM), has established successful duplex working on the short bands, 2LM working on about 75 metres and 2GQ on 81 metres. Conversation (in Morse) was carried out for three- quarters of an hour on August 16t.h with hardly a hitch, after allowing for all necessary preparations, etc. The receiving was done without the use of an aerial at 2GQ, and the power used by 2LM was in the vicinity of two watts, as he was using dry cells for the high tension supply on his 201 A tube. Mr. Barlow was using 8.6 watts. The distance between the two stations is approximately 300 to 350 miles, air line. Conversation w r as broken whenever either party wished, without any more than the opening of the key and blocking each other in any part of the message being transmitted, etc., just in the man- ner of post office Morse transmission, and this test is, indeed, worthy of note considering the low power used by 2LM. 2GQ will be glad to co-operate with any other transmitter anxious* to try out duplex work, espe- cially on low power.



Footnote: What is Philco going to do in Radio?




2BL BROADCASTERS (SYDNEY) LTD. SERVICE. Call Sign, 2BL. Wavelength, 353 Metres. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25. Early Morning Session: B—G.P.O. clock and chimes. News and cables, early morning weather report, sporting events of the day, shipping and mails. 9—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Morning Session: 11—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Social notes and talks mostly about Sydney women- folk. 11.15 —Songs, orchestral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 11.30 —Chat on "The World of Art" by Mr. J. M. Prentice. 12—G.P.0. clock and chimes. Late weather report and forecast by courtesy of Mr. C. J. Mares, Government Meteorologist. Concert from the studio. 12.30 —Latest cables and Stock Exchange news. 12.45 —Musical numbers from the Studio. 2 G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Afternoon Session: 3—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Afternoon Concert from the Studio: Songs, orches- tral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 4—G.P.O. clock and chimes. 4.3o—Serial Story entitled "Brains Limited." S—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Early Evening Session: 6—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Pavilion Dinner Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. Cec Morrison. 6.30 —Uncle George and the kiddies. 7.30—A talk on "School Athletics" by Mr. H. Marks. 7.4s—Late stock, hides, and market reports by courtesy of Pitt, Son and Badgery. 7.50 —Close down. Evening Session: B—Classical8 —Classical Concert from the Studio, featuring Miss Pauline Harford-Foster, so- prano, Mr. Stanley Catlett, tenor, and Broadcasters’ Trio. 10.30—National Anthem. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26. Early Morning Session: B—G.P.O. clock and chimes. News and cables, early morning weather report, sporting events of the day, shipping and mails. 9—Close down. Morning Session: 11—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Social notes and talks mostly about Sydney women- folk. 11.15 —Songs, orchestral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 11.30—Chat on "The Musical Outlook" by Mr. J. M. Prentice. 12—G.P.0. clock and chimes. Late weather report and forecast by courtesy of Mr. C. J. Mares, Government Meteorologist. Concert from the Studio. 12.30 —Latset cables and Stock Exchange news. 12.45—Musical numbers from the Studio. 2—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Afternoon Session: 3—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Vocal and Instrumental Concert from the Studio, including the following:—Broadcasters’ Instrumental Trio, Miss Gwladys Edwards, dramatic soprano, and Miss Valerie Ison, soubrette. 4.30 —Serial Story en- titled ‘ ‘ Brains Limited. ’ ’ S—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Early Evening Session: 6—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Pavilion Dinner Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. Cec Morrison. 6.30 —Uncle George and the kiddies. 7.30 —Dr. G. McElhone, Vice-President of the Lawn Tennis Umpires’ Association, will speak on Australia’s prospects in the Davis Cup. 7.45 Late stock, hides, and market reports by courtesy of Pitt, Son and Badgery. 7.50 —Close down. Evening Session: B—Norman8 —Norman Campbell’s Drama tic Company. Miss Dorothy Ewbank and Mr. Bry- son Taylor in an operatic programme. The Dun- gowan Modern Dance Band, under the direction of Mr. C. J. Little. 11—National Anthem. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. Early Morning Session: B—G.P.O.8 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. News and cables, early morning weather report, sporting events of the day, shipping and mails. 9 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Morning Session: 11—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Social notes and talks mostly about Sydney women- folk. 11.15 —Songs, orchestral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 12—G.P.0. clock and chimes. Late weather report and forecast by courtesy of Mr. C. J. Mares, Government Meteorologist. Concert from the Stu- dio. 12.30 —Latest cables and Stoclt Exchange news. 12.45 —Musical numbers from the Studio. 2—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Afternoon Session: 3—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Afternoon Concert from the Studio: Songs, orches- tral, jazz and pianoforte music. 4—G.P.O. clock and chimes. 4.3o—Serial Story entitled " Brains Lim- ited. ’ ’ S—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Early Evening Session: 6 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Pavilion Dinner Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. Cec Morrison. 6.30 —Uncle Jack and the kiddies. 7.30 —A talk on " Baseball" by Mr. H. W. Turner, Vice-President of the Baseball Asso- ciation. 7.4s—Late stock, hides, and market re- ports by courtesy of Pitt, Son and Badgery. 7.50 — Close down. Evening Session: B—Concert broadcast from the Education Department. Artists include Mrs. W. J. Westbrooke, Mrs. Percy Butler (contralto), Mr. Ber-



Harringtons Ad


GILFILLAN RADIO PARTS Essentials of an Efficient Radio Set Unusual Excellence :: Reasonable Cost VARIO-COUPLER, LARGE SIZE. R 125 A, Plain winding. R 125 B, Bank winding. This instrument is supplied with the same winding arrangement as the smaller unit de- scribed as above, though it covers a broader wave length range and carries 15 taps. The additional taps make for very close tuning. Using a condenser of maximum and mini- mum capacities as shown below, connected in series in the antennae circuit, the follow- ing wave length ranges can be obtained:— R 125 A with internal winding in series with main primary coil. Wave length range approximately 180 to 340 meters, and can be doubled by connect- a condenser of .0001 MFD across vario- meter terminals. The Variometer is of moulded brown bake- lite, wound with a special brown cotton covered radio wire as on all other Gilfillan Radio parts, is equipped with split bronze bearings, and is of the highest efficiency. Overall Dimensions: Net Height. Diam. Thickness. Weight. R 675 4f in. 3§in. 3£in. 9ozs. RlOO 6£in. s£in. 4in. 22ozs. ES Photo and Radio Warehouses SYDNEY 386 George Street BRISBANE 93 Queen Street KATOOMBA, N.S.W., Katoomba Street MELBOURNE . . . . 266 Collins Street ADELAIDE 10 Rundle Street AUCKLAND, N.Z. . . 140 Queen Street WELLINGTON, N.Z... 42 Willis Street tram Flohm (elocutionist), Miss Peggy Alwyn (mezzo-soprano), Miss Margaret Jacobson, and Mr. George Veevers (baritone). 11—National Anthem. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28. Early Morning Session: B—G.P.O.8 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. News and cables, early morning weather report, sporting events of the day, shipping and mails. 9—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Morning Session: 11—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Social notes and talks mostly about Sydney women- folk. 11.15 —Songs orchestral, jazz, au(l pianoforte music. 11.30—Chat on "Modern Psychology" by Mr. J. M. Prentice. 12—G.P.0. clock and chimes. Late weather report and forecast by courtesy of Mr. C. J. Mares, Government Meterologist. Concert from the Studio. 12.30 —Latest cables and Stock Exchange news. 12.45 —Musical numbers from the Studio. 2 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Afternoon Session: 3—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Afternoon Concert from the Studio: Songs, orches- tral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 4—G.P.O. clock and chimes. 4.30 —Serial Story entitled "Brains Limited." S—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Early Evening Session: 6 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Pavilion Dinner Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. Cee Morrison. 6.30 —Uncle George and the kiddies. 7.45 —Late stock, hides, and market reports by courtesy of Pitt, Son and Badgery. 7.50 —Close down. Evening Session: B—Jazz Night by Cee Morri- son ’s Gloomchasers. Mr. Prentice will deliver his lecture entitled "Round the World." This will be illustrated by leading vocalists and instrumentalists. 11—National Anthem. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29. Early Morning Session: B—G.P.O.8 —G.P.O. clo-ck and chimes. News and cables, early morning weather report, sporting events of the day, shipping and mails. 9—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Morning Session: 11—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Social notes and talks mostly about Sydney women- folk. 11.15 —Songs, orchestral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 11.30 —Chat on "Health and Domestic To- pics" by Mr. J. M. Prentice. 12 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Late weather report by courtesy of Mr. C. J. Mares, Government Meteorologist. Concert from the Studio. 12.30 —Latest cables and Stock Ex- change news. 12.45—Musical numbers from the Stu- dio. I—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Afternoon Session: 2—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Musiehl programme from the Studio. Special sport- ing news. 5.30 —Close down. Early Evening Session: 6—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Pavilion Dinner Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. Cec Morrison. 6.30 —Uncle George and the kiddies. Evening Session: B—G.P.O.8 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Jeanette Pattison’s Concert from Beale’s Concert Salon. 11—National Anthem. SUNDAY, AUGUST 30. 11—Service from the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sydney. 3.30 —Organ Recital. 6.45- —Ser- vice from Palmer Street Presbyterian Church. 8.30 —From the Studio: Broadcasters’ Miniature Orches- tra. Excerpts from Mozart’s "Magic Flute" by Mr. Clem Williams, baritone, and Miss Nellie Chad- wick, soprano. (Programme Continued on Page 38)



Australian Wireless Coy Ad


A T LAST! The "Radiair REALLY GOOD RADIO RECEIVING SETS AT REASONABLE PRICES and on REMARKABLY EASY TERMS Cash Prices 1 VALVE SET £9 15 6 2 VALVE SET £l5 15 0 3 VALVE SET £2l 2 6 4 VALVE SET £27 12 6 5 VALVE SET £34 10 0 TERMS I O /o Deposit Balance Easy Payments These Sets are complete with Valves, Batteries Aerial, Insulators, Lightning Arrestor, Phones, etc., etc. Until you have heard the "RADIAIR" and experienced its ease of control, sharp and easy tuning, and reliability, you have not known the delights of REAL Radio Broadcast Reception. There is now no reason why every one of you should not have a good valve set. There is a "RADIAIR" for every purse. BATTERY CHARGING A SPECIALITY 20 9d. 60 1/6 30 1/- 80 1/9 40 1/3 DEMONSTRATIONS ARE A PLEASURE. All Accessories The Australian Wireless Coy. VICTORIA ARCADE Opposite Hotel Australia, Castlereagh Street, Sydney



Wm. Lambert Hamilton Ad


Wm. Lambert Hamilton Radio Specialist Bring your troubles to me. What I will do for you. I will remodel or re-wire your receiver, making every valve give of its best. Let me modernise your receiver. I will build you a set to suit your local conditions. I will answer any en- quiries immediately. My charges will be mod- erate. I will buy your compon- ents for you at ruling city prices and despatch them to you within 24 hours of re- ceipt of order. I will advise you as to the quality of the goods. This service is free. I am at your service in any radio wants. City address: VICKERY’S CHAMBERS, 82 Pitt Street, SYDNEY. Phone: 84543. Private address: 16a Ness Avenue, Dulwich Hill.

The International Radio Co Ltd Ad


The International Radio Co. Limited announce that the price of the De Forest valves has been reduced from 22/6 to 1 7/6. They may be had anywhere at this price.

Slingsby & Coles Ad


Why Worry about that point on your crystal set when you can obtain a large volume of sound with any old point with one of our amplifiers at a total cost of £3/10/o—com- plete with valve, A and B battery all ready to connect up to your set for immediate use. Listen in with com- fort and enjoy the pro- gramme. Slingsby & Coles 482 Pitt Street Under the Railway, opp. Marcus Clarks Loud Speakers and headphones repaired.

Howell's Ad


HOWELL’S Sale & Exchange C.A.V. Accumulators, 6 volts, 44 amps, and crate, £3/3/-. Buck’s Transformer, 12/6. .0005 mfd Variable Con- denser, 6/6. .001 mfd Variable Condenser, 7/6. 3 Plate, 5 Plate, 23 Plate, 43 Plate, 43 Plate with Ver- nier, half price. English Ebonite l/16in. to lfin. thick, £in. to 3/16in. Dilecto Bakelite, cut any size; also, Mahoganite. 19 Rarlow Street SYDNEY PHONE! M A 1133 OPEN TILL 9.30 FRIDAY NIGHT



Up to the Minute Progress in Radio QST A Magazine Devoted Exclusively to the Wireless Amateur. Published Monthly. Subscription, 20/- per annum, post free. Distributor for Australia: Phil Renshaw DAXTON HOUSE, 115 Pitt Street, Sydney Box 2816, G.P.0., Sydney.

N.S.W. Bookstall Co Ltd Ad


Valve Circuits The Two Best Books on the Subject. "Practical Wireless Valve Circuits, ’ ’ by Scott Tag- gart. Price, 3/6; posted, 3/8. "Alore Practical Valve Circuits, ’ * by Scott Tag- gart. Price, 4/6; posted, 4/9. The best house for Tech- nical Books. We carry the best se- lected stock of Wireless Books in Australia. N.S.W. Bookstall Co. Ltd. Corner Castlereagh and Market Streets, Sydney.



Mick Simmons Ltd Ad


SPECIAL Dutch Valves 77- Write for our New Radio Catalogue which gives circuits and Prices for all component parts Repeater Headphones - 21/- CALL AND HEAR OUR SETS AND LISTEN TO THE CLEAR RECEPTION. PRICES RANGE from £6 for a 1 valve set to £75 for a 6 valve set. RADIOTRON VALVES BAKELITE BASE 201 A an-d UV 199 17/6 Supertron 199 type Valve 157- Continental 201 A type, Bakelite Base 16/3 True Blue Valves 257- WINCHESTER "B" BATTERIES. 45 volts large capacity 26/- 22 h volts large capacity .... 137- All Makes Low-Loss Condensers Stocked 13 Plate Red Seal, .00028 at 35/- 17 Plate Red Seal, .00037 at 37/6 23 Plate Red Seal, .0005 at 39/6 43 Plate Red Seal, .001 at 40/- We have pleasure in announcing to our Radio Clients that we now stock all the latest Gramophone Records, H.M.V. Gramophones and Simolian Talking Machines. GENUINE BAKELITE Cut to all sizes and drilled free. Terms Arranged if Required ENQUIRIES INVITED FROM COUNTRY CUSTOMERS. Remember our Motto—Quality Consistent with Reasonable Prices Headquarters: HAYMARKET, SYDNEY THE WORLD’S GREATEST SPORTS STORE

Publicity Press Ad


Q.S.L. The meaning of the three letters QSL is: "Please give me a re- ceipt" or, in other words—" Send me an acknowledgement." There isn’t a trans- mitter on the air now who is not glad to get a report on his signals, whether they are phone or C.W. You can put every- thing you want to say on a Publicity Press QSL card. It takes only a minute to fill in and conveys all the information the trans- mitter wants. Over the last few months we have printed thousands of these cards for both transmitters and re- ceivers, among them 2UW, 2CX, 2BF, 2LM, 2WW, 4CK, etc. There is a QSL card for every pur- pose and they may be had either from stock or to suit individual tastes. Write, phone or call. Publicity Press Ltd. Printers and - Publishers - 12-16 Regent Street SYDNEY Phones Red. 964 & 930.



The a*tr?ct’ve dealer’s prono^ion— ‘‘New System." MONDAY, AUGUST 31. Early Morning Session: B—G.P.O. clock and chimes. News and cables, early morning weather report, sporting events of the day, shipping and mails. 9 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Morning Session: 11 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Social notes and talks mostly about Sydney women- folk. 11.15 —Songs, orchestral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 11.30 —Chat on "A Course in English Liter- ature" by Mr. J. M. Prentice. 12—G.P.0. clock and chimes. Late weather report and forecast by courtesy of Mr. C. J. Mares, Government Meteoro- logist. Concert from the Studio. 12.30 —Latest cables and Stock Exchange news. 12.45 —Musical numbers from the Studio. 2 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Afternoon Session: 3 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Afternoon Concert from the Studio: Songs, orches- tral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 4 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. 4.30 —Serial Story entitled "Brains Limited. ’ ’ s—Close5 —Close down. Early Evening Session: 6 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Pavilion Dinner Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. Cec Morrison. 6.30 —Uncle George and kiddies. 7 —A talk to boys and girls by Mrs. Mary W. Liddell. 7.30—A talk on "Football" by Mr. Frank Delaney. 7.4s—Late stock, hides, and market reports by courtesy of Pitt, Son and Badgery. 7.50 —Close down. Evening Session: B—Popular programme, includ- ing the Four Jays in harmony numbers, the Ahad Duo Steel Guitars, and well known vocalists. 11— National Anthem. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. Early Morning Session: B—G.P.O. clock and chimes. News and cables, early morning weather report, sporting events of the day, shipping and mails. 9—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Morning Session: 11 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Social notes and talks mostly about Sydney women- folk. 11.15 —Songs, orchestral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 11.30 —Chat on "The World of Art" by Mr. J. M. Prentice. 12—G.P.0. clock and chimes. Late weather report and forecast by courtesy of Mr. C. J. Mares, Government Meteorologist. Concert from the Studio. 12.30 —Latest cables and Stock Ex- change news. 12.45 —Musical numbers from the Stu- dio. 2—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Afternoon Session: 3 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Afternoon Concert from the Studio: Songs, orches- tral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 4 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. 4.30 —Serial Story entitled "Brains Limited." S—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Early Evening Session: 6—G.P.O. and chimes. Pavilion Dinner Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. Cec Morrison. 6.30 —Uncle George and the kiddies. 7.30 —A talk on "School Athletics" by Mr. H. Marks. 7.45 —Late stock, hides, and mar- ket reports by courtesy of Pitt, Son and Badgery. 7.50 —Close down. Peering Session: B—Broadcast8 —Broadcast from Beale’s Concert Salon, Mr. Clement Hosking’s Song Recital. 10.30 —Nationa 1 Anthem. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. Early Morning Session: B—G.P.O. clock and chimes. News and cables, early morning weather report, sporting events of the day, shipping and mails. 9 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Morning Session: 11—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Social notes and talks mostly about Sydney women- folk. 11.15 —Songs, orchestral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 11.30 —Chat on "The Musical Outlook" by Mr. J. M. Prentice. 12—G.P.0. clock and chimes. Late weather report and forecast by courtesy of Mr. C. J. Mares, Government Meteorologist. Concert from the Studio. 12.30 —Latest cables and Stock Exchange news. 12.45 —Musical numbers from the Studio. 2 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Close down. Afternoon Session: 3 —G.P.O. clock and chimes. Afternoon Concert from the Studio: Songs, orches- tral, jazz, and pianoforte music. 4—G.P.O. clock and chimes. 4.30 —Serial Story entitled "Brains Limited. ’ ’ S—G.P.O. "clock and chimes. Close down. Early Evening Session: 6—G.P.O. clock and chimes. Pavilion Dinner Orchestra, under the direc- tion of Mr. Cee Morrison. 6.30 —Uncle George and the kiddies. 7.45 —Late stock, hides, and market reports by courtesy of Pitt, Son and Badgery. 7.50 —Close down. Evening Session: B—Popular8—Popular and Dance Night from the Studio. 11—National Anthem. 4QG QUEENSLAND RADIO SERVICE. Wavelength, 385 Metres. SATURDAY, AUGUST 29. Studio Concert and Lennon’s Ballroom. Portion of to-night’s programme will be broadcast from the Studio of 4QG. Later, an hour’s jazz music played by Miss May Dobbyn’s Vice-Regal Orchestra will, by courtesy of the proprietors of Lennon’s Hotel, be broadcast direct from Lennon’s Ballroom. 7.55 Tune in signal. B—Steck Duo- Art Pianolo Selection, "Aloha Oe. " Soprano Solos —(a) "In the Great Unknown" (D’Hardelot), (b) "Homing" (del Riego), Miss Ivy Plane. Cornet Solo, "Parted" (Tosti), Mr. Frank Pforr. Basso Cantante Solo, "From Oberon in Fairyland," Mr. Marshall Law- rence. Violin Solo, "Hejre Kati" (Hubay), Mr. Scott MaeCalum. Basso Cantante Solo, "Asleep in the Deep." Cornet Solo, selected, Mr. Frank Pforr. 9—From Lennon’s Ballroom: An hour’s programme of dance music played by Miss May Dobbyn’s Vice- Regal Orchestra will, by courtesy, be broadcast direct by 4QG. 10—" The Sunday Mail" sporting news. Close down. SUNDAY, AUGUST 30. The complete evening service from St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church will be broadcast by station 4QG. The service will commence at 7.15 p.m. with an organ recital. Service proper at 7.30 p.m. The preacher: Rev. Jas. Walker. MONDAY. AUGUST 31. Tivoli Theatre and Studio Concert. Tivoli Thea- tre, Bto 810 p.m. and 9.30 to 10 p.m. Studio Con- cert. featuring Mr. Norman A. Cooling (basso), Miss Ruth Portrate (soprano), Miss Ailliff (contralto). Lecturette. "Care of the Eyes," by representative of the lnstitute. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. Studio Concert and Lecturette, 8 to 10 p.m. Studio Concert, featuring Miss Maye Hughes (so- prano), Instrumentalists, Miss Pat McOnigly ("soprano), Mr. J. B. Cloirec (baritone), Mr. George Wi’iiamsou ("tenor). Duets, Messrs. Cloirec and Wil-



Edison Swan Electric Co Ltd


A Valve for Every Purpose ķ A.R.D.E. Dull Emitter, works off single dry cell, 1.5 volts. Splendid detector and am- plifier. 15/- . . . . each A.R.06. 3 Volt DuH Emitter. For all - round ex- ceUence. Detec- tor and amplifier. 18/6 .. . . each EDISWAN o/ Jew Popular Types

  • ■4

Illlk I AR|| ! "-I m ĸ 1 U L " EDISWAN " means Durability STOCKED IN AMERICAN AND ENGLISH CAPS Leading Dealers ■Sell them^S- EDISON SWAN ELECTRIC CO. LTD. 58 Clarence Street, Sydney. 368 Little Collins Street, Melbourne. 102 Gawler Place, Adelaide. 32 Adelaide Street, Brisbane. liamsor* Lecturette on "Photography" by Mr. P. L. South, managpr of Kodaks. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. Popular Concert from Studio. Miss Clarice Cox (contralto), Major Marshall Lawrence (basso), Miss Nance King (soprano), Miss Hilda Cooper (contral- to), duets —‘Misses King and Cooper, Mrs. Robert Bell (soprano), Station 4QG Instrumentalists. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Aeolian Vocalian Night. A special programme arranged by the Aeolian Yocalian Company of Aus- tralia Ltd. Special Steck Duo Art excerpts, Mr. William Ashlin (tenor), Mr. W. G. McGrath (ban- joist), Miss McTaggett (mezzo-soprano). FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. "Queensland Radio News" Night. A special programme arranged by the editor of the "Queens- land Radio News," in conjunction with Brisbane’s gifted pianist, Mr. Erich John. 3LO BROADCASTING COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA PROPRIETARY LIMITED. Call Sign, 3LO. Power, 5 kilowatts. Wave Length, 371 metres. SATURDAY, 29th AUGUST. Morning Session (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.): 11 —Time signal. Express Train information. 11.3 —Musical items by the Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 12—Time signal. 12.1—Buckley and Nunn Orches- tra. 12.30—" Argus" and "Herald" news services. Reuter’s and the Australian Press Association cable news. 12.45 —Buckley and Nunn Orchestra. I—Tima signal. 1.1 —Buckley and Nunn Orchestra. 1.45 —- "Herald" and "Argus" news services. Stock Ex- change information. Weather forecast. River re- ports. 2—Close down. The station will be opened to give the results of the races of the Aspendale Racing Club’s meeting held at Aspendale Park, at, 2.30 p.m. Afternoon Session (3 to 5.15 p.m.): 3 —Time nal. Result of the second race at Aspendale Park. 3.1 —Musical programme by the Strand Theatre Or- chestra incidental to the pictures "Top of the World" and "South of Suva." 3.30 —Result of the third race at Aspendale Park. 3.33 —Strand Theatre Orchestra. 4.10 —Result of the fourth race at As- pendale Park. 4.l3—Strand Theatre Orchestra. 4.40 —Result of the fifth race at Aspendale Park. 4.43—Strand Theatre Orchestra. 5.15 —Close down. During the afternoon football results will be given as they come to hand, and all scores wilf be repeated at 5 p.m. along with the racing results. Evening Session (5.45 to 7.15 p.m.): 5.45— A1l sporting results, local, country, and interstate. 6 Children’s Hour: "Billy Bunny" stories by "Lady Greensleeves, " "Beauty and the Beast" and "The ('Programme Continued on 'Page 42)



David Jones Ad


AMPLION LOUD SPEAKERS. The New JUNIOR Small —but gives full tone & volume k Amplion Loud Speakers when associated with a suitable receiving set make wireless reproduction equal to the original Perform- • nee. The "i N ew " Junior Amplion AR. 11l is a loud speaker specially suitable for the home, combining remarkable volume and excellent tone. Price £4/4/- Use your Gramophone lor Wireless A With the Amplion Gramophone Adaptor, standard model A.R 67. you have no need for a loud speaker as your gramaphone takes its place. Price £3/5/- OTHER AMPLION SPEAKERS The " Dragonfly ’* Portable. £2 The Dragon." Price ... £8 The Music Master. Price, £9 DAVID JONES' For Radio Service —S 1 * DNEY

Amateur Notes


Amateur Notes By QTC. HERE is an interesting problem put forward by a well-known English amateur. If any of you fiends can put over a rational explanation, I am sure that "Wireless Weekly" will be pleased to hear about it, and perhaps 2CM will throw in the usual gumdrop for the best reply! Well, here’s the cross-word: This ham had a wireless set, and, lying close to the set but not connected to it in any shape or form, was a galvonometer. Now, at this time 2LO on 300 odd metres broke down, and, as is the common practice with broadcasting stations, com- menced to switch on and off his carrier. Now, after a time the aforesaid ham observed that whenever 2LO’s carrier was switched on, the needle of his gal- vonometer beat all speed records round the other side of the dial, and when the carrier was switched off the needle fell into place again. But here’s the rub —the galvonometer only behaved in this peculiar manner when the nearby receiver was tuned to 1600 odd metres! And why? How about that gumdrop? European stations have been coming in very well here of late. G-20D is bursting through well on the 40 metre band. Several other French and English men have been worked, and goodness only knows how many have been heard here and how many Aussies have got through to the other side. Verily, distance is no object to the man with the key. Has anyone heard VDM yet? QRA is the C.G.S. "Arctic," and she departed from Quebec on July Ist for the land of the midnight sun. VDM oper- ates on 20, 40, 80, and 120 metres, also with a 2 k.w. spark on 600 metres and a c.w. set on 2100 metres. It occurs to me that the operator will have quite a considerable amount to listen to when the Aurora Borealis flames coldly overhead —that sort of thing fairly breeds QRN. Z-2AE is putting out some nice stuff on about 39 metres; his kick is considerable, and he has a very nice note. Z-3AL turns out good sigs., too. He is one of the best of the Zedders, and a real experi- menter into the bargain. IAX and 2AV are also good. A-3JV, who has always been in the forefront, is back again after a few weeks’ rest. With a 250 watter pushing out intense signals, the Heaviside layer is considering the advisability of taking to Kruschen salts. A-3BM goes a long way towards helping the feeling along. 6AG is an A 6 who is getting his electrons over Australia Al, and very possibly further. His sigs. are QSA, FB, etc., and he has a very good QSB. The more transmitters in W.A., the better. We want them all!



United Distributors Ltd Ad


I The yorld’s Best [Condenser ith eleven definite [points of superiority Note these unusual advantages which make Quam Low Loss Condensers superior to all others: — 1. Lowest Loss—Pyrex end plate and method of mounting rotor plates, plus leakage path, make this the Lowest Loss condenser on the market. Pyrex is an ideal insulating material, because it does not absorb or attract moisture, and its smooth permanent surface prevents the collection of dust or filming of moisture. Pyrex is homogeneous and of a continuous uniform structure right through, so does not depend on surface glaze for its insulating properties. It is mechanically strong and light in weight, and has proven its worth in the world’s foremost labora- tories. 2. Vernier Control—using entire circumference of dial for tuning and logging 2 —l ratio. S. Due to Helical Cut Gears —which eliminate all backlash and make possible the smoothest opera- tion, and exact tuning. 4. Dial Mounting—Dial not mounted directly on rotor—hand pressure does not change capacity. 5. Dial Marking—Dial marked over entire circum- ference. 6. Grounded Rotor —eliminates body capacity. 7. Brass Frame —Insures absolute rigidity of con- struction. 8. Brass Plate—Nickel Plated and soldered in place, reduce resistance to a minimum. 9. Only Two Contacts on stator plates. 10. Soldering Lugs—for ease of assembly and perfect contact. 11. Actually shows less resistance than the labora- tory standard at Washington Bureau of Stan- dards. PRICES. 13 Plate .00025 £2 2 6 17 Plate .00035 2 5 0 25 Plate .0005 2 7 6 These prices include a specially designed Bakelite knob and dial combined. Ask your dealer to show you Quam Condensers. UNITED DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 72 Clarence St., Sydney. Edward St., Brisbane. 592 Bourke St.. Melbourne. 27 Chesser St., Adelaide. Queen St., Perth. Cnr. Jervois Quay and Harris St., Wellington.



Parsons & Whittemore Ltd Ad


McMiLLAN’S ARCTIC EXPEDITION w ķ THE WONDERFUL TRUE BLUE VALVES. Don’t let them say your Set is ‘‘like a bad gram- ophone. - ' Get True Blues to-day and hear the difference. THE LATEST 1925 PRODUCTION. HEATH CONDENSERS BUILT LIKE A WATCH. AT LAST A NON DIELECTRIC STRICTLY LOW LOSS CONDENSER. 16,000 SOLD IN WEEK ENDING JUNE 13th. u l! THE BEST BY TEST. In designing a receiver to bear the magic nam* of MARCONI. The Marconi Co., of Canada, after exhaustive tests, adopted the new HEATII Condenser. Ship- ments of these Condensers have just arrived. Prices, with mi- crometer, geared vernier, .001 39/6, .0005 84/-, .00025 31/-. Without geared vernier 7/- less. Without dials 4/- less. IMPROVE YOUR SET with Heath Non-dielectric Condensers. Heath’s are obtainable at Farmer’s, Radio House, Swain’s, Colville-Moore, Wiles, Miss Wallace. If your dealer cannot supply, write us— PARSONS & WHITTEMORE LTD. 30 Market Street, Sydney Alall Orders sent by V.P. Post. (Pay the Postman)

King of the Golden Eiver. " 6.45—" Herald " and "Argus" news services. Reuter’s and the Austra- lian Press Association cables. Closing Stock Ex- change information. Market reports. Weather syn- opsis. Market reports by the Victorian Producers’ Co-operative Co. Ltd.: Grain, chaff, hay, straw, jute, dairy produce, potatoes and onions. 7.15 —Close down. Night Session (7.30 to 11 p.m.): "Another-Ex- citing Night." Speakers: Mr. Frederick Chapman, A.L.S., Dr. J. A. Leach, D.Se., His Grace the Arch- bishop of Melbourne, Mr. Norman McCance. Pro- logue to the "Hunchback of Notre Dame." The Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra (musical direc- tor, Miss E. Gaunson). Mr. Edwin Grainger, bari- tone. Accompaniste, Miss Agnes Fortune. 7.30 Mr. Frederick Chapman, A.L.S., "Mornington Fossil Beach." 7.4o—Dr. J. A. Leach, D.Sc., "Birds of Australia—Whistlers and Shrike Thrushes." 8— Transmitted from the Auditorium, by permission of Electric Theatres Pty. Ltd.: Overture and Prologue to- "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." Auditorium Orchestra, overture, "Robespierre" (Litolf). Miss Stella Power, supported by the Lyric Choir of sixty voices, will render a beautiful vocal prologue. 8.15 — From the Studio: His Grace the Archbishop of Mel- bourne, Dr. Harrington Lees, will speak on the Cathedral Spires' Appeal. B.2s—The Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra, " Moszkowskiana " (Mosz- kowski). 8.37 —Mr. Edwin Grainger, baritone, "Be- douin Love Song’-’ (Pinsuti), "Little Northern Win- dow " (A. Bare). 8.45 —A special programme ar- ranged by Mr. Norman McCance. 10.45—The Buck- ley and Nunn Studio Orchestra, "Madame Butter- fly" (Puccini), request, 11—" God Save the King." SUNDAY, 30th AUGUST. Morning Session (11 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.): Morn- ing Service from the Salvation Army City Temple. 11—Opening Hymn, "Thou Shepherd of Israel and Mine"; Prayer, Envoy Hamilton; Company Song, Melbourne City Temple Songsters, "The Cross is Not Greater"; Scripture Reading, Mrs. Lt.-Col. Graham; Announcements; Offering; Band Selection, "Near the Cross"; Duet, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Graham; Ad- dress,, Lt.-Col. Graham, "Will God in very deed dwell with man?"; Benediction. Afternoon Session (3 to 4.30 p.m.): Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Service, Wesley Church, Central Mission. Chairman, Rev. J. H. Cain. 3 —Orchestral Selection (conductor, Mr. G. M. Williams); Hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light"; Prayer, Rev. J. H. Cain; Hymn, "Nearer, my God, to Thee"; Solo, Mr." J. M. Hill, "The Song of Thanksgiving" (Allitsen); Orchestral Selection; Solo, Mr. J. M. Hill, "Beyond the Dawn" (Sanderson); Announcements and Col- lection; Orchestral Selection; Address, Senator Mil- len, "The debt we owe to others"; National An- them; Benediction; Orchestral Selection. Evening Session (6 to 6.45 p.m.): 6—Children’s Hour. "Billv Bunny" stories by "Wallaby Bill": "The Court of Good'King Neptune," No. Ill; "The Tale of the Storm God." Night Session (7 to 10 p.m.): 7 —Service relayed from Scots Church, ColUns Street. Conducted by Rev. W. Borland, M.A., B.D. Organist and Musical Director, Mr. Mansley Greer. Hymn 365, verses 1,

2,6, 7,8, "Abide with me"; Prayer; New Testa- ment Lesson, Acts 2, verses 38-47; Psalm (Prose Psalter), 100; The Lord’s Prayer (the congregation uniting); Address, Padre Hayes, "Toe H in Aus- tralia"; two unaccompanied Cathedral Anthems by Tertins Noble; Motet (unaccompanied), "My Soul there is a country" (Sir Hubert Parry); Intimations and Offertory; Cantata, "The Song of Miriam" (Schubert); Hymn 20, "Now thank we all our God"; Benediction. Music and Melody from the Studio. Speaker, Mr. J. Howlett Ross. Artists: Mr. Lance Fairfax, baritone (by permission J. C. Williamson); Miss Nora McManus, soprano- (by per- mission J. C. Williamson); Mr. T. B. Davison, cor- nettist; Miss Agnes Fortune, pianiste and accom- panfste. 8.30 —Miss Agnes Fortune, "Novellette in F Major" (Schumann), "The Prophet Bird" (Schu- mann). 8.40 Mr. Lance Fairfax, baritone, "Vision Fugitive" (Massanet), "Here in the Quiet Hills" (Carne). 8.47 —Mr. T. B. Davison, cornettist, "Spring ong. " 8.57 —Miss Nora Mc- Manus, soprano, "The Old Flagged Path" (Arun- dale), "The Smoking Room" (Arundale). 9—Mr. J. Howlett Ross, in a series of Great Australians, ‘ 1 Daniel Henry Deniehy. ’ ’ 9.24 —Mr. Lance Fair- fax, baritone, "The Blue Dragoons" (Sanderson), "O Vecchio eor" (Verdi). 9.31 —Mr. T. B. Davison, cornettist, "Russian Elegy." 9.41 —Miss Nora Mc- Manus, soprano, "Thoughts" (Howard Fisher), "When I’m a Grown-up Lady" (Howard Fisher). 9.48 —"Argus" news service. 9.50 —Miss Agnes For- tune, pianiste, "First Arabesque" (Debussy), "Noc- turne in B Major" (Chopin). 11—" God Save the King." MONDAY. AUGUST 31. Morning Session (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.): 11 —Time signal. Express Train information. 11.3 —Musical items by the Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 12 —Time signal. 12.2 —Buckley and Nunn Orches- tra. 12.30 —"Argus" and "Herald" news services. Reuter’s and the Australian Press Association cables. 12.45 —Buckley and Nunn Orchestra. I—Time sig- nal. 1.1 —Buckley and Nunn Orchestra. 1.45 — "Herald" and "Argus" news services. Stock Ex- change information. Weather forecast. River re- ports. 2—Close down. The results of the pony races at Fitzroy will be given at the conclusion of each race. Afternoon Session (3 to 5.15 p.m.): 3 —Time sig- nal. 3.1 —Musical programme by the Strand Theatre Orchestra incidental to the pictures "Top of the World" and "South of Suva." 3.4o—Matron More- land will speak on "Infant Welfare." 3.55 —Strand Theatre Orchestra. s—" Herald" and "Argus" news services. 5.15 —Close down. The results of the pony races at Fitzroy will be given at the con- clusion of each race. Evening Session (6 to 7.15 p.m.): 6—Children’s Hour. "Billy Bunny" stories: "The Gingerbread Man," "Alice Through the Loo-king-Glass," "Stone Axe of Burkamukk. " 6.4s—"Herald" and "Ar- gus" news services. Reuter’s and the Australian Press Association cables. Closing Stock Exchange information. Market reports. Weather synopsis. Market reports by the Victorian Producers’ Co-oper- ative Co. Ltd.: Grain, chaff, hay, straw, jute, dairy produce, potatoes, onions, and furred skins. Night Session (7.15 to 11 p.m.): "A Musical Salad." Speakers: "Radiette," Mr. C. R. Long, M.A., Mr. Will Fyffe, famous Scottish comedian. The Brunswick City Municipal Band (Musical Director, Mr. H. Niven). Miss Clarice Norman, soprano; Mr. Melton Ritter, ’cellist; Mr. A. W. Clarke, humorist; Mr. John D. Sullivan, tenor. 7.ls—"Radiette" in a talk on the Australian Inland Mission, "Wireless for the Inland." 7.45 —Mr. C. R. Long, the Ro- mance of Australian History, Part III.: The found- ing and development of Victoria, early settlement. B—Brunswick City Municipal Band: March, "Na- mur" (Alford); Overture, "Light Cavalry" (Suppe). 8.16 —Miss Clarice Norman, soprano, "Still as the Night" (Bohm), "Our Little Home" (Coates). 8.23 —Mr. Melton Ritter, ’cellist, "An- dante" from No. 6 Concerto (Golterman), "Taran- tella" (Squire). 8.33 —Mr. A. W. Clarke, humorist, The Song Cycle, "Inspirations" (Henry), "The Body in the Bag." 8.40 —Brunswick City Municipal Band: Selection, "Coonland" (Bidgood); Waltz, "Irene" (Hume). 9 —Mr. Will Fyffe, famous Scot- tish comedian, in ten minutes of pawky humour, from his dressing-room at the Tivoli Theatre, by per- mission of Musgrove’s Theatres Ltd. 9.10 —-Mr. John D. Sullivan, tenor, "Flower Song"—" Carmen " (Bizet), "Questa o Quella" (Verdi). 9.l7—Bruns- wick City Municipal Band: Fantasia, "Fair Maid of Perth" (Volti); Intermezzo, "White Lillies" (Hume); Anthem, "Hail, Gladdening Light" (Wads- worth). 9.40 —Miss Clarice Norman, "To the Dance" (Lane Wilson), "Down Here" (May Brahe). 9.47—Mr. Melton Ritter, "Tre Giorni"— "Nina" (Pergolisi), "Rustic Dance" (Squire), "Hindu Song" (Rimsky-Korsakoff). 9.57—Mr. A. W. Clarke, "Up Came Bonzo " (Godfrey & Smith), "I Saw Peter Henry Home" (Scott). 10.4 Ar- gus" and "Herald" news services.. 10.10 Bruns- wick City Municipal Band: Fantasia, "D’ye ken, John Peel" (Greenwood). 10.20 —Mr. John D. Sul- livan, "Dear Love, Remember Me" (Marshall), "Little Holes in Heaven" (Hope). 10.27—Mr. Mel- ton Ritter, "Gavotte" (Gluck). 10.34-Brunswick Citv Municipal Band: Selection, "Sons of the Sea (Round); March, "The Middy" (Alford). 11— "God Save the King." TUESDAY, Ist SEPTEMBER Morning Session (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.): 11. Time Signal. Express Train Information. 11. d —Musical Items by the Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 12 noon —Time Signal. 12-1, ley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 12.30. Argus and "Herald" News Services. Reuters and the Australian Press Association Cable News. 12* 4£> —Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. I—lime Signal. I.l—Buckley and Nunn Studio Orches- tra. I.4s—"Herald" and "Argus’ News Services. Weather Forecast. River Reports. Stock Ex- change Information. 2.—Close down. Afternoon Session (3 to 5): 3 Time Signal. 3.1 —Musical Items, incidental to the pictures Top of the World," and "South of Suva ’ by the Strand Theatre Orchestra. 3.40 —Latest Fashions will be described in a Fashion Talk, by "Au Fait of Buckley and Nunn Ltd. 3.55 —Musical Items by the Strand Theatre Orchestra. 4.so—Miss Flora Pell, Supervisor of Domestic Arts, Education De- partment, "Domestic Economy." s—" Herald" and "Argus" News Services. 5.15 —Close down. ‘Programme continued on poge 46



Radio Distributors


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~ m ' cummwcmsciwEcrAM omm uu m eiMs sum £2O Free Insurance Flewelling Socket Cuts into the base of the prongs and ensures a perfect tube oontact always. Designed on perfect low loss principles, the sockets are sold for either standard or 199 valvee. At All Stores, 3/0 A Flewelling Q Low-Less Condensers are ruggedly constructed scientific instruments and elose to a laboratory instrument as it it possible ke commercial production. At All Stores, 32 6 0 Improves reception by eliminating leakage losses. You lose many- stations through leakage In the' antenna circuit. Make sure all radio impulses reaching the an- tenna reach your radio set. The Fil-KO- Lightning Arrester will help you, because its "umbrella" shield keeps dust, rain, «to., from the moisture-proof, hermetically sealed Bakelite insulation and prevents partial grounding of the antenna. All Stores, 10/- fil-KO-stat FII-KO-Stat filament control is absolutely free from all surface contact noises. This Is due to Its resit- | lent resistance unit being oushioned between twc heavy springs members, controlled by a metric threaded spindle. Fil-KO-Stat resistance element is not to be confused with that of carbon powder rheostats. It if over 70 per cent, metal lio substance, powdered Into millions of minute granules. Fil-KO-Stat has no dlsos to break or ohlp— **• wires —no adjustments to puzzle you. All BtorM, 12/6 fil-KO-leak The new variable hand calibrated grid leak that Ml for specified resistance and adjusted for beet reetilta. At All Stores, 12/0 VARIABLE GRID RADIO DISTRIBUTORS Broughton House, Cr. King and Clarence Sts., Sydney WHOLESALE ONLY



Radiotron Ad


RADIOTRON UV.199. A SMALL TUBE, BUT A BIG PER- FORMER. The new UV/199 is proving a mighty popular member of the Radiotron family, particularly for Portable Sets. Battery economy, long life, less activity, are the big points of Radiotron UV.199. If by accident it should be operated at too high a temperature, instead of burning out like other tubes, it becomes inoperative. When it becomes inoperative, it can be brought back to normal operation all over again by disconnecting the "B" Battery and lighting the filament for 20 minutes. For quiet operation, great ruggedness, uni- form operation, Radiotron UV.199 is un- surpassed. Ask for the Radiotron and look for the mark. AUSTRALIAN GENERAL ELEC- TRIC CO. LTD. C/r Wentworth Avenue & Goulburn St., Sydney; C/r Queen & Little Collins Sts., Melbourne; Box 487-H, G.P.0., Brisbane. Q.; Box 351, G.P.0., Adelaide, S.A.; Box 8, G.P.0., Newcastle West. Agents: Engineering Supply Co. of Aust. Ltd., C/r Edward and Charlotte Sts., Brisbane, Q.; Atkins (W.A.*) Ltd., 894 Hay St., Perth, W.A. Oliver & Oliver Pty. Ltd., Hobart & Launceston, Tas.



Evening Session (6 to 7.15): 6—Children’s Hour. Billy Bunny Stories by "Little Miss Kook- aburra," who will tell the story of "The Little White Cat" and the second instalment of the Dutch Twins—" Kit and Kat." 6.4s—"Herald" and "Ar- gus" News Services. Reuters and the Australian Pi.. ; Association Cable News. Market Reports. Weather Synopsis. Shipping Movements. Closing Stock Exchange Information. Market Reports, by the Victorian Producers’ Co-operative Co., Ltd.; Haymarket Sales (Sheep), Poultry, Grain, Chaff, Hay, Straw, Jute, Dairy Produce, Potatoes and On- ions. Night Session (7.45 to 11): Band, Vocal and Orchestral." Speakers: Mr. J. S. Rogers, 8.A., Dip. Ed. M. Sc., Dr. Loftus Hills, D.Sc., Rev. G. Nicholls, of St. Mark’s, Fitzroy. The Salvation Army Headquarters Staff Band (Conductor, Mr. R. Dutton), Bandsman Bruce Small, tenor; Lieuten- ant Saunders, baritone. The Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 7.45 University Extension Lecture; Mr. J. S. Rogers, 8.A., Dip. Ed., M.Sc., Senior Lecturer in Physics at the Melbourne Uni- versity, "The Work of Sir Ernest Rutherford." B —The Salvation Army Territorial Band: March, "Soldiers of Christ" (Marshall). B.s—Lieut. Saun- ders, baritone, "Down Here" (Brahe); "A Thought" Johnstone. B.l2—The Band, "Gems from Eli- jah" (arr by Hawkes). 8.22 —Vocal Quartette, se- lected. 8.27 —Cornet Solo, Mr. R. Dutton, "La Belle Americane." B.32—The Band, selection, "Songs of Ireland" (Streeton); B.4o—Bandsman Small, tenor, "One Fleeting Hour," "Mother Ma- chree" (special request). B.47—The Band, selec- tion from "Maritana" (arr. McAnally). 9—Dr. Lof- tus Hills, D.Sc., Popular Science. 9.15 The Band, "Meditation" (Rousso). 9.23—Lieut. Saun- ders, "Little Brown Cottage" (Dickson); 9.26 —The Band, "Hallelujah Chorus" (by request). 9.34 — Vocal Quartette, selected. 9.39 —Conductor R. Dut- ton, Cornet Solo, selected. 9.43—The Band, two choruses from "The Messiah," (a) "Worthy is the Lamb," (b) "Amen." 9.s7—Rev. G. Nicholls, St. Mark’s Church, Fitzroy, "The Problem of our Lads and Girls." 10.12 —"Argus" and "Herald" News Services. 10.15—The Band, "Two Hymn Tunes"; March, "Flag of Freedom." 10.24 —The Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra: "Musical Gems of Tschaikowsky" (Langey); "Humpty Dumpty’s Fun- eral March" (Brandas). 11—God Save the King. WEDNESDAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER Morning Session (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.): 11— Time Signal. Express Train Information. 11.3 Musical Items by the Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 12 noon —Time Signal. 12.1 —Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 12.30—" Argus" and "Herald" News Services. Reuters and the Aus- tralian Press Association Cable News. 12.45 Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. I—Time Sig- nal. I.l—Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 1.45 —"Herald" and "Argus" News Services. Wea- ther Forecast. River Reports. Stock Exchange Information. 2—Result of the first race, Yarra Glen and Lilydale Hunt Club Meeting at Moonee Valley. 2.4—Close down. 2.30 —Result of the second race, Yarra Glen and Lilydale Hunt Club Meeting at Moonee Valley. Afternoon Session (3 to 5.45): 3—Time Sig- nal. 3.l—Result of third race at Moonee Valley. 3.s—Musical Items, incidental to the pictures, "Top of the World" and "South of Suva," by the Strand Theatre Orchestra. 3.30 —Result of the fourth race at Moonee Valley. 3.40 —Sister Purcell, Vic- torian Baby Health Centres’ Association, "Mother- craft." 3.55 —Musical Items by the Strand Theatre Orchestra. 4.ls—Result of fifth race at Moonee Valley. 4.3o—Captain I. E. A. Crawford —"Am- erica To-day." 4.4s—Choral Evensong, transmitted from St. Paul’s Cathedral. 5.30—Fu1l results of the Yarra Glen and Lilydale Hunt Club Meeting at Mooney Valley. "Herald" and "Argus" News Services. 5.45—C105e down. Evening Session (6 to 7.15): 6—Children’s Hour. "Billy Bunny" Stories: "The Ginger-bread Man," "Alice through the Looking Glass," "The Stone Axe of Burkamukk." 6.4s—"Herald" and "Argus" News Services. Reuter’s and the Aus- tralian Press Association Cable News. Market Reports. Weather Synopsis. Shipping move- ments. Closing Stock Exchange iniormation. Market Reports, by the Victorian Producers’ Co- operative Co., Ltd.; Newmarket Sales. Cattle, Pigs, Carcase Meat, Grain, Chaff, Hay, Straw, Jute, Dairy Produce, Potatoes, and Onions. Night Session (7.15 to 11): "An Operatic Night". Speakers: Mr. A. E. Hyland, Railways Betterment Board, Mr. R. H. Croll, Captain C. H. Peters. Melbourne University Conservatorium of Music. The Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. Musical Director: Miss Bessie Gaunson; Miss Thel- ma Tiernan, ‘cellist; Miss Agnes Fortune, accom- paniste. 7.ls—Mr. A. E. Hyland, Chairman of the Railways Betterment Board: "Railways—their Origin and Development." 7.35—Mr. R. H. Croll, in an athletic talk, "Walking—Touring." 8 The Melbourne University Conservatorium of Music in excerpts from Opera, transmitted from the Mel- ba Hall: "Forest Scene" from "Hansel and Gretel" (Humperdinck): B.2s—From the Studio: The Buck- ley and Nunn Studio Orchestra: "Ballet Music" from ‘Faust" (Gounod). B.3s—From the Melba Hall: University Conservatorium of Music: Gar- den Scene" from "Faust" (Gounod). 9.lo—From the Studio: Captain C. H. Peters, "Books, Wise and Otherwise." 9.2o—From the Melba Hall: Univer- sity Conservatorium of Music: Scene from "Die Freischutz" (Weber). 9.4s—From the Studio: Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra: "Valse" (Mischa Levitski); "Cantilena" (Golterman). 9.55 —From the Melba Hall: University Conservatorium of Music: Scene from "Cavalleria Rusticana" (Mas- cagni). 10.20 —From the Studio: Miss Tasma Tiernan, ’cello solo, "Reverie" (Vieuxtemps); Buck- ley and Nunn Studio Orchestra, "Schubert’s Songs." 11—God Save the King. Note: "Argus" and "Herald" News Services will be given at 10.20 p.m. approximately. THURSDAY, 3rd SEPTEMBER Morning Session (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.): 11 —Time Signal. Express Train Information. 11.3 —Musi- cal Items by the Buckley and Nunn Studio Orches- tra. 12 noon —Time Signal. "Argus" and "Her- ald" News Services. Reuter’s and the Australian Press Association Cables. 12.15 Community Singing, under the auspices of the Community Singing and Concert Goers’ Association, trans- mitted from the Assembly Hall. I.4s—"Herald" and "Argus" News Services. Weather Forecast. River Reports. Stock Exchange Information. 2 —Close down. Afternoon Session (3 to 5): 3 —Time Signal. 3.l—Musical Items, incidental to the pictures "The Lady" and "The Wizard of Oz," by the Paramount

Theatre Orchestra, under the baton of Signor Vin- cent Ricco. 4.3o—Captain I. E. A. Crawford, "America To-morrow." 4.45 Musical Items by the Paramount Theatre Orchestra. s—" Herald" and "Argus" News Services. s.ls—Close down. Evening Session (6 to 7.15): 6—Children’s Hour. Billy Bunny stories by Little Miss Kooka- burra, who will tell the story for little tots first: "Whose Kitty are you?" and the 3rd instalment of "Kit and Kat," the Dutch twins. 6.4s—"Herald" and "Argus" News Services. Reuter’s and the Aus- tralian Press Association Cable News. Market Re- ports. Weather Synopsis. Shipping Movements. Market Reports by the Victorian Producers’ Co-op- erative Co., Ltd.; Newmarket Cattle Sales, Pigs, Grain, Chaff, Hay, Straw, Jute, Dairy Produce, Po- tatoes, Onions, Hides, Skins, Tallows. Night Session (7.15 to 11.15): "Dancing and Singing." Speakers: "Chiro," Mr. H. Wicken, Mr. P. A. Matthews, Mme. S. E. Soward. Tom Swift’s Embassy Band. Robert Keers and the Tivoli Or- chestra, Sonora Recital. Mr. J. A. Kenyon, hum- orist; Miss Jessie Irwin, soprano; Mr. O. S. Wil- liams, baritone. 7.ls—"Chiro," "Seven Ages of Feet," 6th Age. 7.30 —Under the auspices of the Federated Jewellers’ Association: Mr. H. Wicken, "Watchmaking, Part II." 7.4s—Under the auspices of the Health Association of Australasia, Mr. P. A. Matthews. B.—Robert Keers and the Tivoli Or- chestra, transmitted from the Tivoli Theatre, by permission of Musgrove Theatres Ltd. B.l6—Son- ora Recital of the latest and best records: 1. Over- ture, "1812 Overture," Royal Albert Hall Orches- tra; 2. Song, "How the King went forth to War," Theodor Chaliapin; 3. Violin Duet, "Concerto in D Minor," Fritz Kreisler and Efrem Zimbalist; 4. Song, "Carnevale di Venezia" Toti Dal Monte; 5. Song, "To the Forest," Peter Dawson; 6. Flute Solo, "Nightingale," John Lemmone; 7. Song, "Si- cilian Vespers," Luisa Tetrazzini. 8. Band Selec- tion "Peer Gynt Suite" (Anita’s Dance), Coldstream Guards Band. B.4s—Madame S. E. Soward, in her weekly French Talk: "Un conte de fee." 9 Tom Swift’s Embassy Band: "If you don’t, I know who will," "Flapper Wife," "Somebody loves you after all," "Hard-hearted Hannah," "Twilight, the stars, and you," "Because of you," "When the one you love, loves you," "Wildflower," "I wonder what’s become of Sally," "Dream rose of mine," "Let me linger longer in your arms, "Bambalina," "I like pie, I like cake," "Red Hot Henry Brown," "Marguerite," "Pal of my Cradle Days." During the intervals at the Embassy, the following order of programme will be observed: Mr. O. S. Wil- liams, baritone: "The Sweepers" (Elgar); "Sea Fever" (ireland); Miss Jessie Irwin, soprano, "The Wakening of Spring" (del Rieg), "A Love Note" (Rogers); Mr. J. A. Kenyon, humorists, "The other department, please," "I stopped, I looked, I listen- ed"; Mr. O. S. Williams, baritone, "Star of Eve (Wagner), "Pagan" (Lohr); "Argus" and "Her- ald" News Services. Miss Jessie Irwin, "Lacka- day" (Crampton), "Robin Song" (H. White); Mr. J. A. Kenyon, "In other words." 11.15 —God Save the King. FRIDAY, 4th SEPTEMBER. Morning Session (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.): 11 —Time Signal. Express Train Information 113 Musical Items by the Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 12 noon—Time Signal. 12.1—Buck- ley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. 12.30 —"Argus" and "Herald" News Services. Reuter s anu me Australian Press Association Cable News. 12.45 The Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra. I—Time Signal. I.l—Buckley and Nunn Studio Orchestra I. —"Herald" and "Argus" News Services. Wea- ther Forecast. River Reports. Stock Exchange Information. 2—Close down. Afternoon Session (3 to 5): 3—Time Signal. 3.l—Dr. Dumont Dunn, Ph.B., D.Litt., "Stars of the Literary Firmament—Byron." 3.ls—Musical it- ems, incidental to the pictures, "The Lady," and "The Wizard of Ox," by the Paramount Theatre Orchestra, under the direction of Signor Vincent Ricco. 3.4o—"Cinderella" in "General Home Top- ics." 3.ss—Musical Items by the Paramount Theatre Orchestra. 4.45—" Au Fait" of Buckley and Nunn Ltd., "Fashion Talk." s—" Herald" and "Argus" News Services. s.ls—Close down. Evening Session (6 to 7.15): 6 Children’s Hour, "Billy Bunny" stories: "The Ginger-bread man," "Alice through the Looking Glass," "The Stone Axe of Burkamukk." 6.45 —"Herald" and "Argus" News Services. Reuter’s and the Aus- tralian Press Association Cable News. Market Reports. Weather Synopsis. Shipping Move- ments. Closing Stock Exchange Information. Market Reports, by the Victorian Producers’ Co- operative Co. Ltd.; Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Carcase Meat, Grain, Chaff, Hay, Straw, Jute, Dairy Pro- duce, Potatoes, Onions. Night Session (7.30 to 11): "A Night of Mel- ody." Speakers: Dr. Loftus Hills, D.Sc., Mr. Herbert Browne, of "Wildflower," Mr. Frank A. Russell, Mr. R. H. Wilmot. Collingwood Citizen’s Band (Musical Director, Mr. F. C. Johnston). Miss Maisie J. Ramsay, soprano; Mr. Sydney Dickens, mouth-organ; Mr. Charles Pope, the Kolored Kom- edy Koon; Mr. Claude Schilling, baritone. 7.30 Under the auspices of the Develop Australia League, Dr. Loftus Hills, D.Sc., "Australia, the Key to the Pacific." 7.45—Mr. Herbert Browne, principal of the "Wildflower," will speak from his dressing- room at His Majesty’s Theatre, by permission of J. C. Williamson Ltd. B—Collingwood Citizens Band: March, "Collingwood"; Overture, Stradel- la. B.l2—Miss Maisie J. Ramsay, soprano; Porgi Amor" (Mozart); "Three Green Bonnets (d Har- delot). B.l9—Mr. Sydney Dickens, mouth-organ selection, "As we listen to the bands pass by. 8.34 —Mr. Frank A. Russell, "out of the Hurly Burly. B.49—Collingwood Citizens’ Band: Intermezzo, "Siziletti"; Fox Trot, "Felix Kept on Walking (re- quest) : Bass Trombone Solo, ‘‘The Drinking Son? (soloist, Mr. Lemeausier). „ 9 - 4 7" I ]^ r * mot, "Everyday Chemistry. 9.19, Mr. Charles Pope, "Lady Lou," "Grizzly Bear 9.26—Colling- wood Citizens’ Band: "Hymn Lead Kindly Light (request); March, "Sons of the Brave ; Gavotte, "Sunbeams and Shadows." 9.4o—Mr. Claude Schil- ling, tenor, "Eleanore" (Colendge-Taylor); The Wreath" (Rae). 9.47—Mr. Sydney Dickens, mouth- organ selection, "Annie Laurie" (with w ave effect). 9.52 —Miss Maisie J. Ramsay, soprano, Ave Maria, (Gounod); "Love is Kind" (A.L.). 9.59 Colling- wood Citizens’ Band: Selection, A Trovatore. 10 17—" Argus" and "Herald" News Services. 10.22 —Mr. Charles Pope, "Ragtime Life," Living Mod- erate." 10.29—Collingwood Citizens Band: Cor- net Solo: "An Old Fashioned Mother"; March, "St. Elmo". 10.41—Mr. Claude Schilling, tenor: "A Castillian Lament" (Del Riego); "So Fair a Flow- er" (Lohr). 10.48 —Collingwood Citizens’ Band, Grand Chorus: "Hymn to Music." 11—God Save the King.



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