History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Radio Trade Annual of Australia/Issues/1937


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Front Cover





P.302 Who's Who in the Australian Radio Industry


A AARONS, Albert: Director Ef'lipse Itadio Pty. Ltd., MelboutTl8. Founded Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd., with nephey Saul, 1:12G . PriYate address: 279 Beaconsfield p,n·ade, l\Iiddle l'ark. Bom 24/5/1S92. AARONS, Saul C.: Director Eclipse Radio Pt0·. Ltd., Melhourne. Sa.leR Manage1·, Cori> f'tl D<erham Pty. Ltd., 1924. f.b.1P.s lVfan.n.g-er, Tunafone 'Yireless Pt)·. Ltd., 1925. Formed LC"lips<' Ha<lio \l'ith uncle., May, J92fi. Dorn .January} ]!100. Prj\' Rle achlrPsr-:: :: Vnnti("l' Htref"t-, V~l wood. ABRAHAMS, Louis: E<1ueate<l ctl .Nf elbonrne C11·nn1n1fU' Se:hool. Ser1·e<1 4 YEm·s with A.l.F. in Frailce. A Director of Neutrodyne Pty. Ltd., Radio Corporation Pty. Ltd., UniYersal Guarantee Ltd., Homecrafts Pty. Ltd., and a. utunber of other <'Ol11l)fl.nie:..;. l-Ias been associated with radio sinee 1922. Is n1ost inteJ·ested in flying· and has won a considerable nun1ber of tr'ophi es in this fielcl. In- 1 roc1ucecl the Astor Radio Landing · Ground Can1paign in 1~27- 2S, which "l,va::;: of considerable interest around the eountry nreas of Yietoria. '\Vas chief <'Xeeutive in Louis Cohen \VireleRS Co., which was the biggest tlistributor of radio parts in .A .. ustralia. rr~his con1pany eventunlly bought out Radio Corpora- 1 ion i.n 1930, and he is no'v Joint Managing Director of that company. ALBERTI, Jose: Director since inception of Zenith Radio Co. Ltd. , 37 Oxford Street, Padcling- ton. Becan1e associated with radio when founding the Acorn Pressed Metal Co. Ltd. Clubs: R.A.C.A., S.A.S.C., E.S.I.H.C. Pri1·ate address: 78 Lang· Road, c;entennial Parle Born SpRin, 10/10/'99. ALLEN, Arthur Robt.: General Ma.nag-er, Vesta Batter;• c.o., Pt,·. Ltd., Leichhardt, N.S.W. Pl'II'ate acl<lress: n nlaxlan<l Hoad, Bellen1e Hill, nne! Nollie Stre0t, 1\Inna Vale. t""'lubs: Legacy, Donnie Donn (;olf Club. ALLSOP, Rannond Cottam: Director and Chief Engineer, H.aycophone Lt<L, G2 Booth Street, .. A.nnandale. Fello'v Societ;· of Motor Eng·ineers, America, Councillo;· and 1\Iember, Institution of Radio Eng ·ineers (Aust. ). One of the early radio o'xperilnentt•rs iu ,A_nsiralia, con11nencing· in 1911. Serv0d in 1\l"aYal 'Transport SerYice aP radio operator during· Great \Var, also as laboratorY assistant in Na,Ta.l 'Vireles's \'\'orks at Rand"·ick. One of the first two to transmit short waYe radiophone to England . and America. In 1913 was apprenticed to Shaw "\Vireless Co. Con1111enced experilnents 'vith sound motion pictures in 1920. Fron1 heg·inning of broadcasting in Australia to 1~2Q constructed and operated 2BL-- 1 ~~n fonndecl Ra,·cophone Ltd. Pn\·ate acld1·ess: "Nalova" Chelmsford A\·enue, Lindfield J\T.S.\V. Married. Born Rand~ "·ick, March lll h , 1 Rn Recreation: Golf. · AN DE RSON, Hans Christian: Director, H. C. Anderson and Frantzen, Johnson Street, A lexandria, n1anufacturers of " 'ireless cabinets. PriYate address: 10 Sellwood Street, Brightonle- Sands, N.S."\V. AN DREW, Reginald Thomas: Principal Australian School of Raclio Engineeri11g-, "\Ven1bley House, Sydney. Assoc. I ."\V.T. (London). Principal Australian School of Radio Engineering· since establishment. Private address: 21 Medusa Street, Mosman. Married. Recreations: General Rporting. APPERL EY, Geo . (M.Inst. R.E., Aust.): l\Tanag·er of Comn1nnieationR, An1nlg;a1n a t n d \Vireless (A/sia) Ltd., Melholn'nP. Early training; and PXperi< eiwe t<elf'gTaphy, telephony nnd \Virelef.:.S with N.Z. Go,·t. Telegraphs. 1n0-1~n ·wireless Serviee of B1· i ti.sh Colonial GoYernm< ent. 1~13 joine<l A.>Y.A. 1914-1916 Chief of l\Iarconi "\Vireless SchooL 1 n16-191 fJ A.\Y.A .. \Vorl"s :\Ianag·er. l9H1- l923 A."·.A. Technical Superintendent and i / c Patent Dept. 1924, i/c Beam "\Vireless SerYice. Visite.cl England and the Continent of Europe in 1924 and again in 1933 on Bean1 \Vireless inYestigation. 1937 in Eng-land. Born 24th March, 1887. ARMSTRONG, Oscar ReginnJd: Secretan·, the E1·er Ready ro. (Aust.) Ltd., Harcourt Pde., Rosebery, N.S.\V. Ec1ucatecl S)·dney G1·ammar School. Joineel Ever R<eady Co. 7/ 1/'33. Prin; te address: 2 The Vanderbilt, Bennett Street, Bondi, N.S.\'i". Recreations: \Vrestling, ·walking and s"'in11ning·. Born 30/1/'04. ARNOLD, J.: Managing· Director Arnold and Beard Ltd., 632, Botany Road, Alexandria, New South \Vales. Born l\1ay 13, 1900. Came to Australia 1 !126: after bejng Proclnf'tion

Manager for \Villiams & Co.

Ltd., Eng-la.nd. Founded Arn<> ld & Nunn, Metal Spinners, in 1930 and converted the firm into limited company (Arnold & Beard Ltd.) in January, 1935. Recreations: 1\1:otoring· and surfing ·. PriYnte address: 35 Daintl'~ · Rtreet, lVIanly. B BAILEY, E. Gordon, 1\I.Inst. R.E. Aust., Assoc. I.R.E. America: \Vorks Superintendent Amalgamated \Vireless Vah·e Co. Ltd. Apprenticed to A.IV.A. in 1918. Yisited U.S.A. on be .. half of A.IV.A. in 1931 to study l'alve manufacture and follow - ing year supervised the installation of VRl\·e plant, Anlalg·an1- atecl "\Yireless YalYE' Co. Ltd., Ashfield. Visited U.S.A. again 1!135 - 36, returning l\Jay, 1~36. BAIN, J. \V. T>nncan, Superintendent Philco Radio and Television Corp. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Joynton A1·enue, vVaterloo. 'Vas with British Gen eral JTiteetric Co., in junior capacities in Sydney, ::;ul>sequently heea1ne Departmental 1\Ianager in Melbourne. Joined Kew System Telephones Pty. Ltd., llfelbourne in 1927, as Radio Sales lV[anag·er, subsequently handling their countr,· refrig·eration Hctivities as well. Appointed to present position, March, 1937. Pri,·ate address: 32 Pine Avenue. FiYe Dock, N.S."\V. Born 2114 / '04. S)•dney. BAIRD, "\Villiam Reginalcl, A.M.LR.E. (U.S.A.): AmaJg·amatecl "\Vireless (A/sia) Ltd., 47 York Street, S)·dne.l·, N.S.\Y. Joined A ."\V.A. Marine Senice, 1921. Transferred Coastal Radio Service in 192G, and later to technical section n'f Broaclcast ·ing Department. Transferred Head Office Engineering- Dellartlnent 1932. Private acldrE>RR: ii87 Old South Head Roacl, Rose Day. Bon1 Fren1antle, 1!)02. BAKER, \Viliam George, R.Sc., B . Eng., D.Sc. Eng.: SU11- 0-rintendent Technical Eng·ineering Section of Marconi School of "\Vireless. Gained ])pasThomson Scholarship for Physics, 1920. Graduated Bachelor of Science 1921 with UniYersitv l\feclal for Mathematics anc1 .Honours in .i\Iathenuttics and Physics. Graduated Bachelor of Engineering· 1923 with first class Honours. and UniYersity MedaL Became demonstrator in Physics in 1~23, and science 1·esearch scholar in 1923-4. Gained the V\Talter and E liza Hall Engineering Travelling Fello"·ship 1924-21. Entered General Electric Co.. U.S.A . . Research Laboratory, and B. T .H. co,·.'s Research Laboraton.·, Rtu~·by, E n g-land. lion. Lecturer, E lectrical Eng·ineering-, Uni\•ersity of Sydney, ln27. Research Fello"-~, broadcasting station 2FC 1927-28. Radio Research Officer' Council of Science and Indus~ trial Research, 1928-31. Joined Amalgamated "\Vireless 1931. Graduated Dr. of Science and Ene;ineering Sydney UniYersity 1[132 . Born 27th Ma• 1902, South Australia. BATES, Arthur V.: Facton· Superintendent, Lekmek Radio Laboratories. Commencecl career at L. P. R. Bean & Co. Ltd., in 1924, which was later incorporated in to Stron1berg-Carlson. Joined 'l'hom & Smith 1932. Joined Lel<mek Laboratories l\Iarch, 1936. PriYate acldre" s: 68 Clyde Street, Bondi. Hecreations : :D 1i~hing, tennis and swimming. Dorn 21 / 1/ '08. BEAM ES, Eric: Manager, Phthps Lamps A 'sia Lt<l., Ke,Ycastle Branch. Join~d Philips l'nd of 1930 and \\·ent to xo,·es Urns. in 1 fl3~ , returning· to Philips in 1~13-L Bdncated Peter~ han1 Sehool. Born l!JO;L Heerea tic:n-g·nrclening-. B EAN , Leslie Percival R eed, A.JVLI.KJ<;., }f.I.E.l>J. (U.S.A.). lVI. lnkt.R.J'J., A ust., Electrical Eng·ineer: C'hait~ n1an and l\{anaging Direc·tor, ~trmnberg-Carlson (A / Hin) Ltd., gst. 1~27, 72 "\Yilliam Stre~t. Snl ne)·, N.S."\V. Council!OI', N.S.\V. Chamber of i\Ianu fnetnres: Pt·es. Al,.trnlinn Radio l\Janufa.c turers' Pate11t~ Assn. Ltd.: Yin·-Pres. Radio and Telephone Manufacturers' Association: Vice-Pres. I.R.E. A u st. Born Melbourne, Yic., lth 1\Iay, 1884. Educated l\Ielhourne Technica.l 'College, 1\lelbourne, 'Tic., and 'Vest Au:-;tralian Uni 1·ersitL Perth, "\V.A. C'onnnenced career as il.n electrical eng·ineer in 1fl04 rWith Federal Puhlic Service, P.M.G. ·, Dept., and subsequently spe<'ialised in Telegraph an<l Tel~phone Eng-ineer ing-. ln 1 !107

-t.ppointecl Asf.5iRtant Engineer

fnr Country Lines, Y""ictot·ia. Jn 1nos appointed First Assixtnnt to Chief Electrical Engineer. Melbourne, Vic., and in 1!11~ Engineer for Lines, Perth. \Y.A. Appointed State Supenisin~· Eng·ineer in charge of Km·the1·1l Division of N .S.\V. 1DH. an<l for one year prioe to re~ig·ning in 1919 Acting· Deput,· Stat0 Engineer, Sydney, :1\'.S.\Y. Jn 19H found€'<! L. P . R. Bean & Co. Ltcl .. of \\'hi<'h he was Governing Dire~tor. Representing· Stromberg-Carlson Telephone

Manufacturing· Co. of Rochester, New Yorlc, U.S.A., and other A.n1eriean and Eng·lish concerns ln 1923 he established the first Australian factory for the mass · production of 'relephone apparatus. In the same year he, ,,·ith others, founded the first Australian Broadcasting· Station ~BL, and "'as ·chain11an of Directors for 5 years. This station being later absorbed by the Australian Broadcasting < ~ommission . In 1927 he enterNl into partnership with Stromherg ·-Carlson Televhone Manufacturing Co., of RochPstH. N.Y., U:-S.A., when the)· foun<1- <'<l the firm of Sti'omhe.rg·-Carl- 'on (Australasia) Limited. whir·h C'mnpany inC"orporated L. P. n. Bean & Co. LUI., hf· ht.•ing· appointee! Chairman and

i\ lallag·ing· Director of the new

<'Oncern. Clubs: Tattersall'" and R.A.C.A. Recreations: Golf and caraYanning. Home address: "Roehester,·• Orana A\'E'., J')'lnble, N.S."\V. B E A RD, · !>~<!win, H.F.I.LA., A.A.J.S., F.i'O.B.l\J., F. C. I.: Director and Secretary, Arnold & B~ard Lt<l., 632 Botany Roat1, A.lexanrlria., Rydne;v·. 14 ye.arf.\ ~rnnag-er, \V. G. Huth·waite & t 10., 'Yag·ga -\Vagg·a. In .Jan nary, l !'1:l5, joine.d Mr. Arnold and fonned : \.rnold & Bear<1 Ltd. Pri\·ate adclre:-;s: 13 Ja.n1E'f; SlrePt, 1\lanly. Reereations: now1s a.nd photogTa]lh.\~. Born .) U])· 2~, 1885. B E A RD, Ernest Gordon, }J.Inst.R.E. Aust.: Director Aee Ampli tiers Ltd., 10 GrosYeno1· Rtreet, Neutral Bay. 19H, joine(l R .N. for wireleRR "'ork; 1Hlfl. Chl'istiana. \i\r.T. Station, .Tan1aiea, experin1ental \YOrk R.l\.,... Signal School, Devonport. 1 ~20, transferred R.A.N. 1924- 2!), Chic:>f Engineer, United Distributors Ltd.: 1930, President vVireless Institute of Australia (N.S.\\' . Dil' .). 1931, Chief Engineer and l\1anaging- Director Aee A 1npli fiers. Built orig·ina.t 2GD ancl 2KY broadcasters. Patentee nf nun1erous inYenlions. PriYate address : 14 Dalkeith RITeet, Northbridge. Born

\fnrch, 1~n7 . Derh· Jo;ng·laml.

BEGG, Reginal<l H.· Pro11riel:m · "\Yillialn Beg·g· & Sons, 343 Little Collins Street, Melbou rne, C.l. B.E. (Ac1elaicle), F.S.A.S.l\J. (Adelaide), A.NLI.E. (Aust.). l\1en1ber Institution of Engineers of Australia. "Tas 'vith Australian M<ltal Co. Ltd., as A.sslstant gngineer; Strachan 1\furra.y and Shannon, Ltd., Eng ·i11eer a n d ~ianag·er; Director