History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Radio Trade Annual of Australia/Issues/1933


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Front Cover


















Inside Front Cover - Mullard Ad


P.i - Mullard Ad


P.ii - Ever Ready Ad


P.001 - STC Ad


P.002 - Stromberg-Carlson Ad


P.004 - Tasma Ad


P.006 - University Radio Co Ad


P.007 - A. G. Davis & Co Ad


P.008 - Heiron & Smith (Salonola) Ad


P.009 - Title


THE Radio Trade Annual & DIRECTORY OF AUSTRALIA 1933


Compiled by the Staff of "Radio Retailer of Australia"

PRICE 10/- Post Free in Australia 12/6 Overseas ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The Publishers cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions, but every care has been exercised in the compilation of this book.


P.010 - Radiokes Ad


P.011 - Preface



This Radio Trade Annual and Directory (first edition) is presented to the Radio Industry of Australia in anticipation that it will be of material value in every direction. This publication fills a great and long felt want as it is the first of its kind that has been attempted in the Commonwealth.

The rapid progress of the Radio Industry in Australia has definitely warranted such an ambitious publication, and the reader will undoubtedly find that all this is substantiated in the hundreds of pages enclosed in this book.

The idea behind this Trade Annual is to centralise all necessary information, statistics and data that will be of any use to radio traders, manufacturers and distributors. Between the two covers of this book is information that has taken years to compile and is the result of many years of experience in the Radio Industry. The Listeners' Licence figures are treated in a most exhaustive manner and if properly considered by every radio trader and sales manager should prove of material value in the planning of an intelligent sales campaign and the conduct of future business.

No responsibility is accepted by the publisher for any errors or omissions, although every care has been exercised in the compilation. Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents are absolutely reliable and of material value and while in some instances it may not be absolutely complete, nevertheless this will be rectified as time goes on. Such a new idea and such a large Trade Annual could hardly be appreciated by some people in the Radio Industry, and therefore some particulars may have been omitted which will all be included in due course.

It is realised that in the first year of a publication of this nature, the contents of many things are entirely experimental, but it is believed that this first edition will be well received. Readers are invited to submit any ideas concerning the Radio Trade Annual throughout Australia that will tend to improve the publication.

Broadcasting activities are dealt with and as time goes on this section will become even more comprehensive and important because upon the broadcasting system including both "A" and "B" class stations depends the success of the entire Radio Industry in Australia.

Sincere thanks are extended to all those in the trade and to the P.M.G.'s Department for supplying, valuable information for inclusion herein.


P.012 - Harringtons Ad


P.013 - Trade Discount Ready Reckoner


P.014 - STC Ad


P.015 - 1932/1933 Calendar


P.016 - Ad


P.017 - Progress of the Radio Industry in Australia


The Progress of the Radio Industry in Australia.

The following resume of th~ progress of the radio industry in Australia is offered with a full realisation that very minor incidents and even soqie major · events may have been omitted. Ten years ago broadcasting was introduced in a very amateur fashion in Australia, but it is really twenty (20) years since the radio industry first commenced activities. Period 1912-1920. The Pioneers behind this movement which was destined to grow to enormous proportions were Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., under the direction of E. T. FISK who, in 1913, established a wireless factory in Underwood Street, Sydney, to manufacture· ship's transmitters and receivers. The outbreak of war called for the equipping of Australian Transports, and A.W.A. was immediately charged with this national responsibility. During the war, A.W.A. fitted every Australian transport with apparatus and also manufactured and installed similar apparatus on Japanese transports in the Far East and British ships in South Africa. These operations converted the manufacturing activities into a very substantial organisation which continued to expand when in 1922 A.W.A. took over from the Commomvealth Government the chain of 35 coastal stations .extending around Australia and _throughout the Pacific Islands. Wireless manufacture of some character was also .undertaken at ,R.A.N. Randwick Workshops, but this did not develop· successfully. Towards the close of the War (Sept. 1918) the first direct wireless message from England to Australia was received by E. T. FISK. This message was from Mr. W. M. Hughes, Prime Minister of Australia, who was in England, addressed to Sir Joseph Cook, Minister for Navy at the time. To those who had actual wireless, experience during the war that feat must stand out as one well worthy of mention. Naturally the rapid technical development necessary in such a gigantic World War compelled wireless progress at a rate unbelievable and · therq1ionic valves which were usEd in radio and telyphone development again came into use when the soldiei::s of all;,;armies were demobilised. . Amateur developm~μ.t partiCularly in . America, but als9; in Englandal;ld Australia for the period 1919-1923 was exceedingly rap~d. Recor~s show that broadcasting of speech and music as a private entertainment was engaged in in ' ~ngfand during the War when certain wireless units .were active in acquiring kno)Vledgefor military communication purposes. It will be remembered how radiotelephone conversations were carried on between Washington, U.S.A. and American Headquarters in France, but even that did not suggest itself as being a forerunner of Broadcasting as the 'V orld knows it to-day. Birth of Broadcasting. It is also on record that E . T. FISK gave the first public demonstration of broadcasting before the Royal Society of N.S.W. in Sydney during August, 1920. Not until October of that year were the possibilities of broadcasting appreciated in America wlien ·four persons met at the East Pittsburgh works of the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. of America That little gathering, destined to make radio history was the outcome of a suggestion by Engineer Frank Conrad, that the experimental radio station of the Company be utilised to transmit radio telephone messages in order that he could undertake experimental work on the apparatus at his home station. He remarked that the co-operations of all radio amateurs would be valuable in his work. This had already been proved months before quite by accident when during experimental transmissions the operator placed the microphone alondside a phonograph to relieve the strain on his voice. Then the late Harry P . Davis, VicePresident of the Company, suggested that the general public might be interested and it was unanimously decided to commence operations. Thus the first public broadcasting station was inaugurated with the call letters SZZ. One of the first items broadcast was. the Presidential election returns and the success made those closely in touch with the station realise the tremendous possibilities of radio broadcasting. Immediately steps were taken to develop this unique service. The Government's permission to broadcast every night was obtained and the call changed to K.D.K.A. December 21st, 1920, was the birthday of K.D.K.A. During this period A.W.A. was fully aware of what was going on and in October, 1920, Mr. Fisk arranged the first complete public broadcasting concert in Queen's Hall at Federal Parliament House, Melbourne. In J {l!J;luary, 1921, A. W .A. comu+enced a weekly broadcast. programme from their Melbourne station. During 1921, 1922 and 1923 various experimental tranGmissions by commercial and amateur interests gradually . developed, the reception being confinecl entirely to. radio enthusi?-sts in the official commercial, and amateur fields. Notable among amateur transmissions were those , conducted by C. D. Maclurcan (2CM), J. Pike, J. G. Reed, F. Basil Cooke, R. C. Marsden, Sid Colville and Jack :navis of Sydney and Mr. Culliver (3DP) Melbourne. During 1922 several electrical organisations entered the radio business and some ex-amateurs commenced to trade in radio parts. The very first radio exhibition was organised (by the Editor) for the Metropolitan Radio Club, and held in Congregational Hall, Sydney September 22nd, 23rd, 1922. The only incentive in those days for enthusiasts to buy radio apparatus was the amateur transmission carried out by such men as Maclurcan and others. Reluctance on the part of the Government to authorise a systematic broaQ.casting scheme compelled those commercially interested to encourage the amateurs. With valves at £2 and more, crystal sets around £10, variable conden8erR at 32/6, it was an expensive hobby,

Patent Position. The patent position also created considerable trouble and as A.W.A. was the only company who possessed any worth while and exploitable patents at that tim-e, they would not allow all and sundry to use such patents for monetary gain or otherwise until their interests were protected. Having spent many thousands of pounds in obtaining and developing those patents and as the pioneer organisation, their fight for recognition was really in self-preservation. Looking back over the past 10 years one can now appreciate their action although the writer was one of the leaders in opposing the then alleged monopolistic attitude of A.W.A. It was not to be expected that a group of Ireen business men would stand by while other people ent~red the radio trade for the purpose of making profits without having contributed orie penny towards its development. Early 1923 the Association for Developing Wireless in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji was organised by the late George A. Taylor and assisted by executives of several electrical and other Companies interested in exploiting wireless. It must be understood that George Taylor had no commercial interest in Wireless, but was moved by a motive of encouraging the best development of wireless in which he was a pioneer experimenter as far back as 1910 with some notable achievements to his credit. It is recorded that the first proposal for systematic broadcasting was made to the Prime Minister's Dept. by A.W.A. on 27 /7 /1922, when the Company indicated its desire to establish a broadcasting service in all States. On 1/11/1922 the Company formally applied for permission to establish the stations but again other interests objected to A.W.A. being given the sole right to commercialise such a service and agitated for a conference of all interested parties which was convened by the P.M.G. and held in Melbourne on 24/5/23. The Sealed Set Scheme. This conference was about the most representative conference ever held in radio circles in Australia. It was opened by the Hon. W. G. Gibson, PostmasterGeneral, who intimated that the Government was prepared to give earnest consideration to any practicable scheme propounded by this conference of radio interests. Just at this time E. T. Fisk arrived back from England where he had studied the British situation and also that in America in relation to broadcasting. Mr. Fisk laid before the conference a scheme which was adopted with very minor alterations and became known as the Sealed Set Scheme. It was proposed that a set would only pick up a particular station or stations for which the listener paid the fees ·as charged by the broadcasting stations for the service that was received and transmitted. In Sydney Station 2FC charged £3/3/0 per annum, 2BL charged 10/-, 3AR Melbourne charged £3/3/0, and 6WF Perth charged £4/4/0. Considerable discussion ensued at this conference but in the absence of any other practicable scheme the Sealed Set idea was adopted, but not without misgivings on the part of several people who doubted the efficacy of the proposition. The Federal Government drew up regulations which were issued on the 1/8/23, and among other things contained a provision that station licern;ees could make their own charge for subscription by listeners who had sets suitable only to the wave length of the particular station whose service was received. Station 2SB, later altered to 2BL, commenced its service 13 /11 / 2:3. Station 2FC Sydney commenced service 5/12/23, Station 3AR Melbourne commenced 26/1/24 and 6WF Perth 4/6/24. For some months this sealed set scheme was persevered with but technical difficulties in the early stages of the scheme aroused such opposition that it finally defeated itself. The failure of the Sealed Set Scheme was evident by the fact that on 31st July, 1924 there were only 1206 licenses in the Commonwealth, 906 in N.S.W., 187 in Victoria, 74 South Australia, 23 Queensland, 16 Tasmania.) At end of August, 1924, when the new scheme doing away with Sealed Sets was introduced, and permitting open sets to receive all stations the licences increased up to 8,688 in one month. The next month they jumped to nearly 17 ,000, then 22,000 then on to 31,000 until December of that year licenses were 38,336. This proved that the public were not prepared to be tied down to a Sealed Set Scheme and only receive one particular station, but it may be justifiably claimed that had the sealed sets been ready for delivery to the public when the scheme was introduced or in a week or two it might have been accepted and working O.K. Another New Scheme. New Regulations issued 17 /7 /24 provided for the issue of two classes of broadcasting station licensesClass " A " and Class " B ". Two Class " A " licenses were authorised for N.S.W., two for Victoria, mainly owing to the fact that the stations were already in existence in those States. In all the other capital cities only one Class " A " station was permitted, but the Regulations provided that additional relay stations for the purpose of serving distant country licensees could be arranged for by the owners of existing " A " Class stations. In 1924, when stations were operating on long-wave lengths--2FC 1,100 meters, 3LO 1,720 meters, and 6WF 1,200 meters, country reception was possible almost throughout 24 hours of the day. Five valve sets were selling in 1924 for £65, a loud speaker, horn type for £9, a two valve set for £35. As there were " B " Class Stations operating on the 250 to 500 meter band and "A" Cla:;;s Stations on the 1,000 to 2,000 band, broadcast receivers had to be fitted with change over switches or some tuning device to permit of both bands being receivable. Practically all of the sets sold in Australia in those days were made in Australia certainly not under conditions such as exist to-day in 1933. Station 2FC was opened on 5th December, 1923, designed, manufactured, and operated by A.W.A. It was owned and controlled on the programme side by Farmer & Co. Ltd. 3LO was also built by A.W.A., and commenced service on the 22/7 /1924. The first gigantic radio and electrical exhibition was held in the Sydney Town Hall under the auspices of the Wireless Institute of Australia, N.S.W. division, December 1923, and was a huge success. Pioneer Traders. The following were exhibitors in that pioneer commernial exhibition; Amalgamated Wireless (Aust.) 1933 RADIO TRADE ANNUAL OF AUSTRALIA Page Nineteen Ltd., Australectric Ltd., Australian General _Electric Co. Ltd., Bean, L.P.R. & Co. Ltd., Bennett & Wood Ltd., Biden & Roberts, British General Electric Co . Ltd., Broadcasters Ltd., Burgin Electric Co., ColvilleMoore Wireless Supplies, Continental Radio and Electric Co., Edison-Swan Electric Co. Ltd., Falkiner Machinery Pty., Ltd., Farmer & Co. Ltd., Gibson Battle & Co. Ltd., Harringtons Ltd., Hecla Electrics Pty. Ltd., Hordern, Anthony & Sons Ltd., Jones, David Ltd., Lee, Fred. S. Ltd., New System Telephones Pty. Ltd., Noyes Bros. (Sydney) Ltd., Pickering & Godfrey ~td., Radio & Co. Ltd., Ramsay, Sharp & Co. Ltd., Umted Distributing Co. Ltd., Warburton, Franki Ltd., Western Electric Co. (Aust.) Ltd., Wiles, W. Harry," Wireless Press " Wireless Supplies Ltd. The type of receivers used about this period employed the well-known system of "Tune-Plate." or ." Tm~ed Anode" system of radio frequency amphficat10n with detector and two stages of audio amplification except where resistance-coupled or an attempt made at three or four stages of audio transformer-coupled which resulted in more noise and distortion rather than clear reproduction with quality. . . . The broadcasting system then m force, mcludmg the " A " and " B " Class stations, required that " A " Class stations derive their revenue from the listeners' license fees which in more populated 2,reas was 24/per annum under the zone scheme within 250 miles of an " A " Class station. The licensed listene~s' fees from July 24 up to July 25 war. 35/ - in zone 1, up to a radius of 250 miles from an" A" Class station of this 30/- was paid to the Broadcasting company and 5/- retained by P.M.G. Dept. for administration expenses. The licensee of " A " Class stations paid .Amalgamated Wireless certain fees for renting, maintenance, and technical operation of the station. From 1/8/25 to 31/12/ 27 the listener's fee was reduced to 27/6, of which 25/- was paid to the Broadcasting company and 2/ 6 retained by the Department. From 1/1/ 28 up-to-date the fee has been 24/of which 121- was paid to the Broadcasting company and now the Broadcasting Commission. No Fees for "B" Stations. The "B " Class stations have never participated in any · way whatsoever from the revenue derive.d fror_n listeners' license fees and therefore had to obtam their revenue by advertising over the air similar to the American scheme of broadcasting. That this scheme of "B " Class stations receiving revenue from advertising has proved successful lies in the fact that whereas there were only 12 stations in operation up till 1927, to-day there are well over 40 such " B " Class advertising stations. The first " B " station license was issued to station 2BE (Burgin Electric Co. Sydney), operatin.g on a .wavelength of 316 meters and service commenced ~mmed1~~e~y. Official records show station 2UE Electrical Utilities Supply Co. received its license on the s.ame ~ay as 2BE 7 /11/24 but did not commence service till 2?/1/25. In Victoria 3 UZ had been conducted as an experimental station for some years and received its official " B " Class license to operate on 322 meters on 6/2/~5, the service commencing 8/3/25. Station 3DB was licensed to operate on 255 meters 18/10/26 and commenced service on 21/2/27. Another Conference, 1926. In 1926 a Commonwealth Radio Conference was held in Sydney Town Hall, May 3rd, 4th, 5th under the auspices of the Association for developing wireless in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. This Conference was called to discuss the necessity for the appointment of a Royal Commission to investigate wireless in Australia and was representative of most of the interests associated \vith wireless in both the commercial and amateur spheres. The majority of the difficulties experienced in the development of wireless in the Commonwealth arose from the fact that the progress was so rapid that both commercial and Governmental authorities were not able to say definitely what was the best scheme and everything proposed was more or less of an experimental nature. Therefore, every year or so the deficiencies of the system in operation at the moment were brought to light and a new scheme suggested. The Royal Commission sat in numerous cities of Australia during 1927 to investigate broadcasting conditions. The , commission made certain recommendations involving among others the pooling of a portion of the licence fees of all States, with the object of guaranteeing a minimum revenue to the broadcasting companies in each State. The Commission's report was considered exhaustively by the Government and finally in October, 1927, the Prime Minister called a Conference of all the companies operating "A" Class stations. These broadcasting companies were unable to agree on any common scheme but the Government being determined to evolve an equitable proposition asked the companies to consider the matter exhaustively with the object of arranging for co-ordination between themselves so the larger States could help the smaller States in providing a satisfactory service throughout the Commonwealth. Despite the fact that negotiations continued along these lines for several months, the Federal Government found in LTuly, 1928 that still another scheme was necessary. National Scheme. AN ational broa.dcastino- service scheme was announced by the F6deral Govern~ent on 26/ 7/28 whereby one o~ganisation would cater for the National programmes for the whole of the Commonwealth while the tachnical services of the various sta.tions would be owned and operated by the Government whereby leaving the actual programme side of the National broadcasting in the hands of people who understood entertainment. A detailed scheme for the establishment of the National service was therefore introduced along the lines mentioned and tenders were called for the right to provide programmes through the various National s~ations for which the programme company would receive 12/- from ea.cl1 listener's licence fee. Of the balance 3/- would be paid to Amalgamated Wireles~ for ~attents. This scheme also provided for the contmuat10n and extension of the existing system of " B " Class stations with the control, so far as allocation the number of stations technical requirements of same, remaining in the hands of the P.M.G. Department. A system of Class " C " stations was also suggested, to be available for the transmission of publicity programmes sponsored by large advertisers. This part of the scheme did not materialise.

The assets of the variO{,'.S broadcasting Companies were finally acquired by the P.M.G.'s Department when . the various licenses expired, and utilised for the National .Broadcasting service. New Programme Suppliers. On 9 /5 /1929 tender a were invited for the provision of the broad~a.sting programmes in accordance with specified cond1t10ns and 8 tenders were received. The combined tender of Union Theatres Ltd., Fullers Theatres Ltd., and J. Albert & Son was accepted and those tenders formed the Australian Broadcasting Co. Ltd., which entered in to a contract with the Commonwealth Government for the provision of broadcasting programme services for a period of approximately 3· years ending 30/6/1932. The Commission. Early in 1932 the Commonwealth Government passed the Australian )3roadcasting Commission Bill which called for the appointment of a Chairman and four mem hers of the Board. These were announced bv the Postmaster-General, on May 24th. 1932. Chairin.an : Mr. Charles Lloyd Jones, ·Sydney. Vice-Chairman: Mr. Herbert Brookes. Melbourne. Members: Mrs. Claud Couchman (Melbourne), The Hon. R. B. Orchard, (Sy~ney), and Professor R. S. Wallace (Sydney Univers1ty). The Commission commenced activities of the ~ational Broadcasting service on July 1st, 1932 and JS at present controlling the situation. Radio Industry Grows. During the past 3 years broadcasting has developed to a most remarkable extent. The year 1932 witnessed the greatest activity in the Radio industry since broadcasting began. It is reliably estimated that over 120,000 radio sets and chassis were made in Australia during that year whereas in 1931 approximately only 42,000 receivers were made. Remarkable activity has taken place on the manufacturing side of radio and a large number of factories commenced operation during the past year or two and riding on the crest of the wave have been remarkably successful. In several instances factories only 2 and 3 years old claim to produce over 300 and up to 400 chassis per week for many months of the year. The most outstanding improvement in manufacturing circles has been the new factory of Amalgamated Wireless acquired in 1930 and located at Parramatta Rd., Ashfield. The floor space of 75,000 sq. feet was double that previously occupied in Knox St., Sydney. Even this huge floor space, has now been extended by an additional 40,000 ft. with 3 adjoining building.s. Up to the beginning of 1933 the manufacturing activities of A."\\T.A. included wireless receivers and transmitters but not valves. Very recently modern valve making plant has been installed and the factory is now engaged in production of Australian made valves but these will not he marketed for some months to come. S. T.C. Re-enter Radio. Another important move over the last two vears has been that of Standard Telephones & Cables 0Ltd., who re-entered radio manufacturing with much activity and success. This company is also responsible for the - erection of Australia's modern broadcasting stations located at 5CK South Australia, 2CO N.S.W., 4RK Rockhampton, Q., and 2NC Newcastle . 1:h~ rapid development on the receiving side of the ~·ad10 mdustry ~rought about by the improved technique m va~ves permitted of a corresponding rapid development I~ superh~ter?dyne receivers and the vast majority of radw factories m Australia have to some extent or other manufactured this modern equipment. Two of the leading organisations namely Amalgamated Wireless and ~tandard Tel~p~ones _d,id not manufacture superhets m 1932 but It is anticipated they wil1 do so this year (1933). Excessive valve development overseas · has placed Australia in an awkward position. On the one hand we are influenced very considerably by the American trend while on the other hand the British and Continental practice exercises some influence. The American radio influence has evidently been the stronger, maybe by reason of the most attractive methods employed in U.S.A. technical periodicals when presenting their case. The employment of long waves together with medium waves in the broadcasting receivers of Great Britain has made it rather difficult for the average radio manufacturer to follow British specifications. Another big factor was the relative standardisation of American valves and the reasonably small number of types as compared to the British multiplicity of types. But, even that order of things is being rapidly changed and despite the American claim to standardisation and an appreciation of trading difficulties with handling· a multiplicity of types, they appear to be releasing even more varieties than the British valve makers. In practically every instance Australian set manufacturers adopt the American valve as a standard equipment, to such a degree that whereas only · 66,000 valves were imported from Great Britian during the year 1932, nearly 20 times this quantity were imported into Australia during the same period, of which the majority came from America the balance from Holland. Import figures published elsewhere in this Annual support this statement. Dry Battery Activity. Battery. manufacture has also progressed to a remarkable extent. There are now two large battery factories in Sydney and at least four factories in Melbourne. Well over 500 additional hands have been . employed in the dry battery industry since the Commonwealth Government introduced prohibition of importation of foreign batteries. The Ever-Ready Battery Co., employed 48 hands in November, 1931, to-day they employ 215. The Widdis Diamond Battery factory in Melbourne has been extended very considerably and in addition have established a branch factory in Sydney. Australia's climatic condition added to the long distances . over which batteries must be transported and the varying temperatures to which batteries must be subjected compel a high standard of service from dry batteries. The country areas of Auxtralia are not developed with electric supply to any extent, and batteries are still in great demand. Loud speaker manufacture has also been established in Australia, a.nd to-day there are approximately 10 different brands of loud speakers being made in either Sydney or Melbourne. • - - •• , I ;! I

~ • • 193.61 RADW TRADE ANNUAL OF AUSTRALIA Page Twenty-one Components have lost their popularity as suc.h for the home builder.;' m&irket is small compared to the large market for compL...ite instruments. In fact the majority of business in acc;:ssories and components is done with semi-amateur professionals and the professional service man. Quite a lot of the apparatus sold to-day is for repl~cement purposes, which is assuming large proport10ns and must be recognised. It is estimated that 80% of the licensed wireless sets in operation in Australia to-day are definitely obsolete and fail to operate according to present day standards.

Future is Bright. The future possibilities of the radio industry in Australia show every promise of progress for many years to come. There are still over a mi1lion homes yet to be equipped with radio throughout the Commonwealth, and the bulk of the available market lies in the country

areas. \Vith the adYent of television which is pre dieted to be in operation in Australia within the next two years any thought of " saturation " is absolutely ridiculous. Price values have materially reduced over the last year or two with the smaller inanufacturer forcing the pace, and because of his small overhead expenses his entry to an industry at the most profitable and peak period ever experienced and no necessity to contribute towards the progress of the art and industry by way of laboratories and research activities, is able to produce cheap instruments and what is more switch from one model to another almost overnight. This is a phase of industry that will in all probability be always with us but everybody in the industry must acknowledge that the 15 to 20 leading people who manufacture and merchandise on a nationR.l basis at least in their respective States do definitely contribute something material to the advancement of the Australian Radio Industry.

P.024 - Photos ABC Members


P.025 - ABC


P.028 - Control of Wireless in Australia


P.030 - Wetless Condensers Ad


P.031 - List of Australian Broadcast Stations


P.032 - Technical Progress in Radio Broadcasting


Technical Progress in Radio Broadcasting. PoSTlVIASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT IN THE RADIO BROADCASTING AN ACCOUNT Olf THE ACTIVITIES OF THE FIELD IN AUSTRALIA. The ,principal technical functio~ with w~ich ~he P.lVI.G. 's Department is. ~harged m conn~ction :'.1th broadcastina is the prov1s1on of the techmcal services for the Nati~na1 Broadcasting syst,em. The p~ogrammes for this system are provided by the Anstrahan Broadcasting Commission. It is important that the reader should appreciate that the provision of technical services by the ~~partme~t involves very much more than merely prov~dmg Radio

Stations and the technical equipment reqmre~ for use

in broadcasting studios. Although the ra~io aspect presents itself to the public as the outstandn1:g feat~re of the service, it, in fact, involves no greater d1fficu~ties, nor quantities of plant and staff, than do other sectio~s, such as the provision of the great networks of spemal programme lines which frequently have to be set up for the relaying of programmes to every State on the Mainland. Research. For instance a necessary adjunct to the provision of technical services for broadcasting is s.ome adequate means . whereby technical developments m other countries may be continuously watched, w~ere ~ny such develop~ents giving promise of usefulness m ~h~s c~untry may be tested, and. where lo~al problems ans.mg m the engineering, operation or mamtenance of radio syste~s may be investigated. The. ~epartment has met t~1s need by gathering t~gether m.1ts Research Laboratone~ a group of Physicists, ~ngmeers'. and other officer.,; specially qualified for this type of work. Separate premises have been set aside to a~commod~te this staff and its equipment. These premises prov~de some 16,500 square feet of floor space, accommodatmg upwards of 40 officer~ continu<;msly engaged on t.he various problems relatmg to radio and the other eng.meering activities of the Department.; and housmg research equipment valued at approximately £23,000. In addition to the main Laboratories housed at 59 Little ·Collins Street, Melbourne, there ~re . two Field Laboratories used mainly for radio investigatio~s, One at Mont Park, and the other at Lyndhurst, bot~ m Victoria. This portion of the Depart.me~t's orgamsation dealing with broadcasting also mamtams close. contact with the Radio Research Board, a course designed to ensure the maxim11m of mutual assistance, and the avoidance of any overlapping. The bulk of the technical problems met with in ~roa~casting are basically similar to problems met ~1th m moden telephone engineering, and. are susceptible .to attack along the same lines and with the same e.qmpment as the latter. The association of the radio research and investigation work with the w_ork a~rea~y being done by the Department in connection wit~ its telephone and telegraph services·, the~efore, :;tvo1ded the unnecessary duplication of expensive ~q.~1pment, and brought to the radio work research fac1htie~ on a scale which would not otherwise have been possible. Fundamental Broadcasting Plan. An organisation having been establi~hed for the investigation of broadcasting problems it followed that it should be used first of all to prepare a fundamental plan upon which the· whole national broadcasting s~stem could be built up with the assurance that the ~lt~mate objective of placing high quality p~ogrammes w1th1~ the reach of listeners all over Australia would be achieved in the most economical manner. ··The necessity for a plan to ensure ordered development was obvious, but its preparation for a cou?try such as Australia was found to be a matter of cons1d.erable intricacy and difficulty. The scat~ered populat10n outside the principal cities mak~s :ery difficult .the planning of a service cap~ble of g1~mg to ev~ry hste~er at least one programme wit~out fa~mg , and with sufficiently high programme to noise rat10. . Such a plan was, however, prepared in 1929, an~ it was hoped to complete it within a five year pe:1?d. The first portion of the plan contemplated the prov1s10n of an efficient service to country areas, as the large cities were already provided with pr<?grammes, altho~gh some of the stations were equipped with apparatus which fell below modern standards. As an immediate step forward with the plan, therefore, tenders were called for the supply of five new stations to be known as regional stations, to be loca~ed in co~ntry centres, and to derive a large proportion of their programmes from the main metropolitan stations. Unfortunately the financial crisis made it necessary to cancel t_he orders placed for one of these Stations, and has smce considerablv retarded the further development of the N ationa1 System under the plan. Frequency Allocation. Another technical function of the Department is ~he allocation of the available frequencies of broadcastmg stations. . Under the Radio Telegraph Regulations f:amed by the Internat~onal Radio Convention of W.ashmgton, 1927, the frequencies allotted for broadcastmg purposes a~e those lying between 550 and 1,500 K.C./ sec., and :n certain instances 160 to 224 K.C./sec. To date, m Australia. use has only been made of the former band, which m~kes available some 91 channels to be s.hared by national arid license~ statio~s . The .allocation of frequencies of broadcastmg stat10ns re9.mres co~stant and careful consideration. Geographrnally adJacent stations must be separated sufficiently in the .frequency band to facilitate receiver design and avoid mutu~l interference, channels must be so allott~d as t~ avo:d heterodyne interference from broadcastmg sta~1ons m Japan, China, New Zea~and an~ ~the~ countries, and at the same time an equitable d1str1bution of frequency as between the various States of the Commonwealth has to be preserved. 1933 RADIO TRADE ANNUAL OF AUSTRALIA Page Thirty-three National Stations. Despite the difficulties resulting from the financial cr1s1s four new radio stations have been constructed, and brought into operation as follows:- Rated Station Location Date of Unmodulated Opening carrier in the aerial K.W.

2NC Newcastle, N.S.W. 19/12/30 2 4RK Rockhampton, Q 'Id. 29/7/31 2 2CO Corowa, N.S.W. 16/12/31 7.5 5CK Crystal Brook, S.A. 15/3/32 7.5 In addition, a . new transmitter has been provided to · replace the obsolete plant at Station 6WF, Perth. The new station, which is located 7 miles from the city, and was opened on 14/12/32, operates with an unmodulated carrier power of 3.6 K.W. in the aerial. This power is capable of 100% modulation. The old plant, which was -situated in the centre of the City of Perth, has been dismantled. Its unmodulated parrier power was 0.9 K.W. capable of only about 25% modulation. The equipment for the new station was designed by the Engineers of the Department, and manufactured in the Department's Workshops in Melbourne. Wherever possible, whenever a new Station is installed field strength studies of the radiation are made. Extensive measurements of this kind have been made on the Melbourne Stations, Station 2CO, Corowa, and Station 6WF, Perth. These studies enable the effectiveness of the stations to be correctly estimated, and also provide valuable data for use in connection with the extension of the system, and the selection of sites for future stations. In addition to the work just described, a considerable amount of reconstruction work has also been done on the other National Stations in the Capital Cities-resulting in increased depth of modulation and generally improved quality and reliability. In most cases also serious danger hazards have been eliminated by the re-arrangement of equipment, and the provision of safeguards within the stations. Broadcasting Studios. The Studios providing the programmes to be broadcast over the national stations are located in each State in the Capital City. Even when the programme to be broadcast originates and is picked up at some point outside the studio, as, for instance, in the case of a race or sports meeting, it is passed to the Radio . Broadcasting Station through and under the control of operators in the studio. Each studio, therefore; acts as a collecting house for the programmes to be broadcast from the particular station which it serves. The choice of studios and their general design, and the supply of :fittings and furnishings, is a function of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, which, since taking control, has considerably improved the studio accommodation. The technical equipment for these studios is, however, proviged by the Department. This involves the provision . of microphone amplifiers and all monitoring and switching equipment. In the Department's Research Laboratories is carried out a continuous study of this class of sound transmitting and reproducing equipment, items such as microphones, loud speakers and electrical gramophone equipment being constantly under review. To facilitate studio reproductions, particularly rehearsal work, steel wire recording apparatus is at present undergoing test. The purpose of all of this work is to secure a continual improvement in the quality and naturalness of programmes, and to place at the disposal of the officers of the Commission responsible for programme production the latest and most effective technical facilities for use in connection with their work. Operation and Maintenance of Stations and Studios. The operation and maintenance of the national stations and of the technical equipment in the studios, with the exception of two rented stations and studios, is also carried out by the Department. In connection with this phase of its work, the Department was able to make very satisfactory and economical arrangements for staffing. The work involved is in many respects closely similar to and no more difficult than that carried out by the large technical staff of mechanics employed by the Department in connection with its telephone and telegraph services. This technical staff is therefore used as a pool from which can be readily drawn as required an adequate supply of officers already possessed of a considerable part of the necessary technical training and experience. From so large a staff it is also possible to select officers having a natural bent for radio work. The staff organisation is so planned also that the officers regularly employed on the broadcasting work are relieved when necessary by mechanics normally employed on telephone work. This system materially reduces the number of officers who would otherwise have to be retained solely on broadcasting work, and at the same time serves to build up a staff trained in that work. Of the stations now operating under the Department's control, all, with the exception of the four regional stations, 4RK Rockhampton, 2NC Newcastle, 2CO Corowa, and 5CK Crystal Brook, and the newly installed 6WF station at Perth, were constructed by or to the order of their original owners, and although very extensive alterations and improvements to them have been made by the Department since taking them over, nevertheless their equipment and arrangement is generally very dis-similar and far from standard. This adds very materially to the problems and costs involved in running them; In the design of new stations--including those just mentioned-very close attention is given to the question of standardisation and of ease in operation and maintenance. The work itself falls naturally into two divisions, that of studio operation and maintenance, and that of station operation and maintenance-although the officers employed on each class of work are mutually interchangeable and must possess an adequate knowledge of both classes . Briefly the officers attached to the studio technical staff are concerned mainly with the pick up, switching and production side of broadcasting work, while the station staff is concerned chiefly with transmission, operation and maintenance as affecting power radiation from the station.

In the studio, and outside it when items are to be picked up from some external point, the studio operators co-operate closely with the officers of the Commission in the selection of suitable types of microphone and their placement in relation to the artists and performers. To a very large extent. the quality and balance of the programme as finally tramimitted over the air is dependent on this work. Several types of microphone are in general use in the studios, each having characteristics which determine its suitability or otherwise for any particular class of work. Studio operators must possess a knowledge of these characteristics and an appreciation of the results which are obtained from each one when used to pick up different items of programmes under different conditions of placement. Another officer in the studio---the control operator---is required to monitor the programme continuously and to control its transmission to the radio station itf;elf. The differences in volume between soft (pianissimo), and loud (fortissimo) passages in a performance are sometimes very great, and it is the function of the control operator to ensure that these sounds do not fall below the limits of audibility in the receiver on the one hand, and on the other 'hand do riot ov:erload the transmitter at the broadcasting station; at the same time preserving the light and shade of the original performance. Special equipment in the form of level indicators is provided to assist the control operator in this work but here again the exercise of a considerable degree of care and judgment is necessary if a loss in quality of these programmes is to be avoided. The development of broadcasting work, calling for a continually varying type of programme, and variety of other associated work, has demonstrated the necessity for the highest possible grade of maintenance in connection with the technical equipment if the failure of apparatus and consequent interference with programmes is to be avoided. In the studios a special routine for testing amplifiers, batteries, valves, microphones and cables has been laid down. All items are tested at predetermined intervals and a system of fault recording has been evolved which enables special attention to be devoted to those items of equipment which are found to be most liable to fail in service. In addition to these routine tests an overall frequency test is made each morning by the control opera tor from the studio to the transmitter. On this test all transmission levels are adjusted and the circuits are prepared for the broadcasting work of the day. The work in the transmitting station has also been closely organised and routined. Each morning all motor generators-both high and low voltage- are thoroughly examined and cleaned, duplicate and standby equipment is given a trial run, and batteries are inspected and tested. Within the transmitter enclosure all high tension insulators, busbars and arresters are cleaned free of dust and their mechanical condition examined. ln particular, all failure alarms such as water flow, water temperature and overload relays are tested for effective operation. At specified intervals also the electrical characteristics of each valve in the station are measured to ensure that they have not deteriorated. In each station response measuring equipment is provided for the measurement of modulation depth and of station response over the transmission band from 35-SOOO cycles/second to ensure that so far as the station equipment is concerned there is no deterioration in the quality of transmission. An important phase of station routine which receives close attention is the maintenance of the correct station frequency. In each station has been provided measuring apparatus which enables it to be seen when the station is deviating materially from its assigned frequency. In addition to this in the Research Laboratories of the Department in Melbourne multi-vibrator equipm~nt is insta.lled which enables the frequency of any station to be measured with a precision of 50 parts in one million. Each week an accurate measurement of all stations is made with this equipment, and the engineering officers maintaining the stations are advised of the results . . Another matter of importance in t.he maintenance of . a reliable broadcasting service is the provision of spare parts and equipment for emergency purposes, and of tubes, etc., required to replace those r~~ching the end of their useful life. This h,as been organised. on a.·c,om· monwealth wide basis and standardised as far as <the diversity of the station equipment will permit. Such a course naturally makes for economy and an increased degree of reliability . . Studio and Station Programme Lines. · Main broadcasting studios are generally located well within . the city boundaries for the convenience of performers and as a central point to which can be sent programmes picked up at external points. A1'i against this it is generally desirable to locate the transmitting station itself, with its aerial system, outside the city boundary. There is, therefore, inthe majority of cases, a considerable distance between the studio and its associated station. This has to be bridged by a telephone line specially designed and corrected to make it suitable for the transmission without distortion from studio to station of musical and vocal items as well as speech. · To meet this requirement the Department has provided special metallic lines hav~ng properly designed amplifiers at the studio end and equalisers at the station end. The amplifiers enable the studio control operators to maintain the correct input of power to the line to ensure proper modulation .without overloading at the station. The line equalisers correct the tendency of the line to cause distortion of the programme by attenuating the high frequencies to a greater extent than the low frequencies. The equaliser for each line is designed separa.tely-the designs being based on special transmission measurements-and these special programme lines connecting together studios and stations, with their equalisers, transmit all frequencies from 35 cycles/sec. up to above 5,000 cycles/sec. with negligible distortion. Pick-up Lines and Equipment. A fundamental feature of the broadcasting organisation is the use of the studio associated with each station as a central collecting and control point for the various items making up the complete programme. This applies equally to items produced in the studio or at some external point. In the latter case recourse has to be had to telephone lines to connect the pick up equipment, I t .., 1933 RADIO TRADE ANNUAL OF AUSTRALIA Page Thirty-five consisting of microphones and amplifiers, to the studio control equipment. When items have to be frequently picked up at the same point permanent pick up lines are established connecting that point w·ith the broadcasting studio. All these lines pass through the test room of the Central trunk exchange, although they are not switched at that point. This practice is convenient from the plant viewpoint as it great1y facilitates the use of ordinary telephone Jines for pick up purposes and thereby makes for economy and flexibility. It also enables the highly specialised and expensive testing equipment provided at the ·trunk test room to be _used for testing and maintaining them. As already pomted out, the pick up equipment used is dependent on the c]ass of ·programme. In the case of speech the carbon microphone (Reiss type) is generally used, while in ~he case of music higher quality micr.ophones of the movmg coil or condenser types are employed. In providing staff for pick up work, the Department follows the same practice as in the case of the stud~os and stations, i.e., it draws selected officers from its mechanical staff normally engaged on telephone work. In this way it has secured and can maintain a rese:ve of staff adequately trained in all classes of broadcastmg work from pick up to station duties. Relayed Programmes and Programme Lines. One of the outstanding features of the operation of the National Broadcasting system is the very extensive and continually increasing use made of items or programmes relayed over suitable land lines to a number of broadcasting stations. This practice makes for economy in the provision of programmes and e~ables items of special merit or interest to be made available beyond the locality or State in which they originate. As the public body operating the telephone system of the Commonwealth and also supplying the technical service for the National Broadcasting System, the Department is in a particularly favourable position to co-ordinate the use of lines, equipment, and staff for the dual purpose of providing the country's normal telephone service and providing service for the relaying of broadcast programmes. . At the present time use is made of the trunk hne system every night for the relaying of , proprammes between at least two and very often four stat10ns. In the relatively common-place case of a programme relayed between main stations in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, and the four regional stations at Rockhampton, Newcastle, Corowa and Crystal Brook, a total length of over 2,600 miles of trunk line-of a capital value in excess of £170,000-is involved._ If such a relav were extended to Perth, as sometimes happens, anvadditiorml 1,630 miles of line would be us~d and the capital value-for line plant alone-would nse to something of the order of £300,000. . . The problem of providing this class of service is rendered. more complex by the fact that a telephone line as ordinarily arranged is not suit-able for the transmission of vocal items or music, although it can be used for relays involving only speech. Telephones lines are designed to transmit frequencies lying between 300 cycles/sec. and 2,800 cycles/sec.- a band of fr.equencies which give satisfactory telephone conversation. ~he relaying of vocal it.ems or music, however, reqmres the transmission with a comparatively flat characteristic of frequencies from about 50 cycles/sec. up to at least 5,000 cycles/sec. and preferably higher. To meet this requirement special programme transmission amplifiers and line equalisers have been. provided at terminals and repeaters on the trunk Imes, and are subtituted for the equipment normally connected on those lines whenever a musical programme is to be transmitted. Very considerable expenditure has been incurred by the Department in providing this special equip~ent, ~nd apart from the inevitable demand for contmuou~ Ifi?.provement in the quality of the programmes ~ransmitted, a fair degree of completeness has been achieved except in the case of the line between Adelaide and Perth, which is as yet suitable only for the transmission of speech. Equipment will, however, be installed during the ~rst half of 1933 which it is expected will enable musical programmes from the Eastern Stat~s to be r~layed f_or broadcasting in Perth. This eqmpment will consISt of a special uni-directional carrie! telephone chann~l transmitting in the direction Adelaide to Perth. It will transmit a band of frequencies approximately 8,000 cycles wide, and will probably be the first of its kind in the wor:.ld. To reduce the cost, the existing carrier telegraph repeaters in use along the 1,630 mile~ of line between Adelaide and Perth have been modified by the Department's engineers to en.able them to transn:;it satisfactorily the higher frequencies used by the spemal carrier system. In this way the provision of ~uch expensive equipment at each of seven repeater stations along the line has been a voided. A feature of this portion of the technical services not generally appreciated, is the extreme.ly close. cooperation necessary between officers arrangmg the Imes and adjusting the equipment on the actual programme transmission circuits between States, the officers operating the control equipment at the various. studios, and, in order to av.oid serious interference with the trunk telephone service, the Department's telephone tr~ffic staff. The first two groups of officers are essentially one group insofar as control is concerned, with exactly similar technical training, experience, and general o:itlook. All three groups are in continuous touch with each other in the course of their ordinary work, and they have at their disposal the wh?le r~sources of the telephone and telegraph system with, m many cases, special telegraph order wir~s to en~ble them to ~rrange the setting up and alterat10n of h.nes an~ eqmpment. But for this, the problem of ecurmg satisfactorY: programme relays would be extre~ely difficult: an~ failures resulting from the complexity of the or~amsation w?uld almost inevitably occur from time to time. Especially would this be so in the more intricate cases where relays are concurrent or follow each other at very short intervals, and extensive re-arrangement of lines and equipment has to be made in the minimum of time. The problem is moreover .frequently ~omplicated by the requirements of the hce1:1ced .stat1011;s (B class) among which there is a rapidly mcreasmg demand for programme relaying facilities sim~lar to th?se provided by the Department for the nat10nal service. While considering this portion of the technical_ services provided by the Department for the N at10nal Broadcasting System, it is of interest to note that permanent programme transmission lines have been pro-

station in capital cities. These permanent lines total approximately 935 miles in length, and with their special equipment involve a capital cost of about £65,000. Short Wave Service. During recent months there has been considerable activity in connection with short wave work directed towards the picking up and re-broadcasting of programmes from overseas. The British Broadcasting Corporation has inaugurated an Empire short wave broadcasting service from Daventry, England, and efforts are being made to improve reception to the stage where the programmes from overseas will afford items of high quality and interest for broadcasting over the national system in Australia. A number of very successful re-broadcasts of special items from overseas have in fact already taken place. In the case of a number of speech broadcasts, the London-Australia telephone service has been successfully used. This short wave work is being carried out at the Department's experimental short wave stations at Lyndhurst and Mont Park, Victoria. Services to Licenced Stations ( B. Class). The licenced stations (otherwise known as " B " class) make a constantly increasing use of the Department's trunk line service for relaying special items and programmes between stations. These stations are in general, separate and independent entities but there exists-usually between city and country stations, or between stations situated in different States-mutual arrangements and understandings out of which arise the demand for relayed programmes. The technical requirements to be met in the case of these relays are the same as in the case of the relays between national stations, i.e., special high quality channels have to be provided for the transmission of musical. items. The rapid increase in the demand for relay lines for both the national and the licenced stations combined with the requirements of the ordinary trunk telephone service has resulted in a number of cases in insufficient programme channels being available, and the Department is now planning the provision of additional channels of this type between the capital cities by means of special carrier systems somewhat similar to that to be installed between Adelaide and Perth. These special systems are of only recent development, and have in fact been designed only in consequence of the Department's demand for . equipment of this nature.

P.105 - Who's Who in Radio


Who's Who in Radio

  • AARONS, Albert.- Director, Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. Founded Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd. 1926.
  • AARONS, Saul C.- Director, Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. Sales Manager, Corbett Derham Pty. Ltd., 1924. Sales Manager, Tunafone Wireless Pty. Ltd., 1925. Formed Eclipse Radio with Brother May, 1926. Born January, 1900.
  • ALLSOP, Raymond C.- Chief Engineer, Raycophone Ltd., Trafalgar St., Annandale, N.S.W. M. Inst. R.E. Aust. Licensed experimenter, 1911. Radio operator War Zones, 1916-1918. Laboratory assistant Royal Australian Navy Wireless, Randwick. Considerable short wave experience telegraphy and telephony, Engineer i/c. Constructed and operated 2BL (13/11/23) from beginning of broadcasting to the taking over by Commonwealth Govt. (22/7/29).
  • ANDERSON, Maurice J.- Sales Manager, Paramount Radio Manufacturing Co., 301 Castlereagh St., Sydney. Commercial Degree A.A.I.I. Amateur exp. till 1929, various radio activities till 1931, joined Paramount Radio at inception. Private address: Bondi. Recreations: Tennis, Motoring, Camping, Ice Skating. Born, March 3rd, 1904.
  • ANDERSON, Oswald, General Manager Station 2UW, Born Sydney, educated for the most part in Victoria. Began business as junior law-clerk, Melbourne, after three years of law joined T. & G. head office, Melbourne. Served eleven years and occupied many positions of trust, culminating as Chief Superintendent northern part of N.S.W. In 1913 during a visit to England was appointed Chief Demonstrator by Hopkinsons at the Music Exhibition, Olympia. After this associated with many important music functions in England, and during stay there, composed and published some twenty-odd songs, some of which obtained considerable popularity. Returned to Australia, 1915, as representative of English Music and Piano firms, and for next three years, as Concert Entrepreneur for Peter Dawson concerts for the 1916/1918 tours. Joined Palings Ltd., 1919, Departmental Manager Concert Promotor and Executive. First actual participation in Radio Broadcasting, 1923, when organised first broadcasts from a public hall in Australia. With assistance of Mr. Ray Allsop on electrical side, experimental programmes (to which every artist of note in Sydney contributed) were broadcast for many weeks, and this was the small beginning of Paling's station. First commercial association with broadcasting, Dec. 1923 as Manager Farmers (2FC) Broadcasting service. In 1928 appointed Manager 2FC Ltd., 14/8/28 when 2FC and 2BL were merged into the N.S.W. Broadcasting Co. Appointed N.S.W. General Manager. When the Australian Broadcasting Co. was formed, 1929 to provide National programmes, he was again appointed Manager for these extended activities, from which he resigned in March, 1930 to take over the general management of Station 2UW. Is an executive of Federation of Broadcasting Stations, an advisory councillor of Teachers' Conference, and an associate of N.S.W. Musical Association.
  • AUSTEE, Alexander H.-Manager and Chief Announcer, North-Western Tasmania Broadcasters Ltd., Ulverstone, Tas. Entered Radio, 1925, Leviathan Ltd., Melbourne. Organised first series Community Singing, on North West Coast of Tasmania. Studied Radio Engineering. Musical Knowledge. Private address: Risby Street, Ulverstone. Recreation: Bowls, Born, 1900.
  • AUSTIN, Ernest A.- Director, Essanay Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. Four years A.I.F. Entered Radio 1921. Works Manager, Radio Corporation, 1925-1928. Formed Essanay Ltd., with Mr. Sweeney, 1928. Born, June, 1880.
  • APPERLEY, Geo.- Traffic Manager, Beam Wireless, Amalgamated Wireless (A'sia) Ltd., Melbourne. Early training and experience telegraphy, telephony and wireless with N.Z. Govt. Telegraphs. 1910-1912 Wireless Service of British Colonial Government. 1913 joined A.W.A. 1914-1916 Chief of Marconi Wireless School. 1916-1919 A.W.A. Works Manager. 1919-1923 A.W.A. Technical Superintendent and i/c. Patent Dept. 1924, i/c. Beam Wireless Service. Private Address: 409 Glen Eira Rd., Caulfield, Victoria. Born, 24th March, 1887.
  • BADGERY-PARKER, E. R., Publicity and Sales Promotion Manager, Philips Lamps (A/sia) Ltd., 69 Clarence St., Sydney. Served several years active service A.I.F. After the War appointed General Manager W.N.T. Avery Ltd. for New Zealand in 1927 joined Philips Lamps Ltd., Australian born, 1897.
  • BAYLEY, Ernest K.- Engineer, Radio and Electrical Department, Henry G. Small & Co., Melbourne. B.E.E. Melbourne University. Junior Member Institute Engineers, Australia. Member Constitutional Club. Educated Wesley College, Melbourne, later obtained Degree Electrical Engineering after four years, Melbourne University. Associated with State Electricity Commission Vic. 1923 to 1925. Spent two years with B.T.H. Rugby, England. Returned Australia, 1927, joined staff Johnson and Phillips as technical assistant until 1930, then present company. Private address: "Tintern," 2 Redan St., St. Kilda, Melbourne. Recreations: Tennis, Golf.
  • BEAN, Leslie P. R.- Managing Director, Stromberg-Carlson (A/ sia) Ltd., 72 William Street, Sydney. A.I.E.E., Mem.I.E.E. (U.S.A.) M.Inst.R.E. Aust. 1904-1919 Electrical Engineer on staff of P.M.G.'s Department. 1919, resigned from Public Service, visited America, returned 1920, founded L. P. R. Bean & Co. Ltd., visited overseas, 1922-23, again in 1926-27. Returned Australia 1927, formed Stromberg-Carlson (A/sia) Ltd., (incorporating L. P. R. Bean & Co. Ltd.), Councillor of Institution of Radio Engineers, Australia. Born 1884.
  • BEARDSMORE, Gordon C.- Manager, Radio and Hardware Department, David Jones Ltd., Sydney. Councillor, Lawn Tennis Association, Councillor Hard Courts Assn., Vice President Western Suburbs Hard Courts Assn. Started in electrical trade with F . S. Lee. Later with Lawrence & Hanson, from there to Ramsay Sharp & Co., later to Smith's Radio Store, then started with Harringtons Ltd. and later became Radio Manager. Private address: "Heathbank," Pyrmont St., Ashfield. Recreations: Tennis, Golf, Football. Born, 15th November, 1901.
  • BEGG, Reginald H.- Proprietor, William Begg. & Sons, Melbourne. B.E., Diploma of Electrical Engineering; Associate Member, Institute of Engineers; ~ellow S.A. School of Mines; Diploma of Applied Science, Adelaide University. Educated St. Peter's College and Adelaide University. Member of Electrical staff, Adelaide Tramways, 3 years, Assistant Engineer, Australian Metal Co., Melbourne, 2 years, Engineer and Manager Electrical Machinery Business of Strachan, Murray & Shannon, Melbourne, 8 years. Director Lascelles Parrington Ltd., Melbourne, 5 years. Private address: 7 Henderson Ave., Maloeru S.E.4 Victoria. Recreation : Golf and Swimming. Born 31st March, 1889.
  • BELL, Ronald A.- Proprietor, R.C.S. Radio, 12 City Road, Sydney. Engaged in Radio & Electrical Engineering since 1919. Joined United Distributors, 1919. Electrical fitting with Ferguson Palm Ltd., Sydney. Later with Stromberg-Carlson Laboratory, then i/c test dept. Airzone Ltd. Rejoined Stromberg-Carlson in designing, testing equipment etc. Private address : 29 Woodland St., Marrickville, N.S.W. Recreation: Angling and fish breeding. Born, 13th January, 1902.
  • BLUNDEN, Godfrey.- Editor, "Wireless Weekly," Wireless Newspapers Ltd., 60/66 Elizabeth St., Sydney.
  • BOTTEN Herbert William, Radio Manager Mick Simmons Ltd. Sydney. Electrical test-room Adelaide Tramways, 1915. Served A.I.F. Palestine, Signals. 1915-1919. Joined wireless industry, 1922 appointed present position, 1924. Born 9/1/1895.
  • BRASH, Alfred F.- Mng. Dir. M. Brash & Co. Propy. Ltd., 108-110 Elizabeth St., Melbourne C1. Clubs: Naval and Military, Victoria Golf, Sorrento Golf. Educated Cumloden College & Melbourne University. Amateur Welter-weight Boxing Champion of Victoria, 1906. Served with B.E.F., Italy, 1916-1919. Rank: Captain. Private address: "Lindfield," Mandeville Cr., Toorak. Born, 2/8/81. Recreation: Golf.
  • BROAD, Archibald Dubour.- Secretary Victorian Radio Association, Queen St., Melbourne.
  • BROADHURST, Benjamin. Proprietor and Manager, University Radio Co., 22 City Rd., Sydney. Commenced own business with father (soft goods manufacturing 1920). Commenced Radio activity, 1927. Private address: 71 Bruce St., Brighton-le-Sands. Born 5th Oct. 1904. Recreations: Motoring and Swimming.
  • BROKENSHA, Albert F.- Gen. Mgr. R. S. Sampson Brokensha Co. of 971 Hay St., Perth, printers and publishers of "The West Australian Wireless News and Musical World." With printing and publishing industry past thirty years. Past fourteen General Mgr. present position. . . .
  • BROOKER, Vivian M.- Mgr. and Technical Dir. Broadcasting Dept., Findlay & Wills Broadcasters Pty. Ltd., Launceston, Tas. M. Inst. Wireless Technology (London), M. Inst. R.E. (Aust.) A.I.R.E. (America). Joined staff Amalgamated Wireless, 1917, served 3 years Indian Service. 1920 Long Wave experimental station Koo-We-Rup International observation duty. Operated first commercial short wave station between London and Sydney, November, 1926. Joined Engineering staff, A.W.A., 1927. Private address: "Mandalay," Prospect Hill, South Launceston, Tasmania. Recreation: Reading. Born, 11th Feb., 1899.
  • BROWN, Andrew F. O.- Secretary, Electrical and Radio Association, N.S.W., Grace Bldg., Sydney. Assistant Secretary Electrical Association, 1923. Appointed Secretary 1928. Recreations: Tennis, golf. Born 25/6/1903.
  • BROWN, H. P., M.B.E., M.I.E.E.- Director-General Postmaster-General's Department; Commonwealth Offices, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne.
  • BUCHANAN, N. H.- Chief Technician Zenith Radio Co., 37 Oxford St., Paddington, N.S.W.
  • BUCKLEY, Vincent James.- Radio Sales Mgr. Bloch & Gerber Ltd., 46-48 York St., Sydney. Private address: "Beuna Vista," Pacific Pde., Tamarama Bay, Bondi.
  • BURBURY, Eric Alfred.- Engineer B'casting Dept., Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., Sydney. M. Inst. R.E. Aust. Joined A.W.A., 1914, Marine Service. Koo-We-Rup Experimental Station, 1920. 3 months Marconi Works, Chelmsford, England, 1921. 2FC, 2SM and A.W.A. Laboratory since. Private address: 8 Norton Av., Vaucluse. Born, 20/4/94. Recreation: Tennis and Swimming.
  • BURROWS, Alan Owen.- Proprietor, Miss F. V. Wallace (Wireless Shop), 6-8 Royal Arcade, Sydney, N.S.W. Was President Waverley Radio Club. In present business 6 years. Ex-radio correspondent for "S.M. Herald" and "Sun." Visited America, 1928, to study radio position. Private address : 51 Shepherd Rd., Artarmon. Born, 5th Feb., 1901. Recreations: Journalism and Literature.
  • BENNETT, A. E.- Managing Director, Station 2GB, Adyar House, 29 Bligh St., Sydney. Commenced business, Sydney, 1922, Public Accountant, A.C.A. (Aust .) August, 1926, established Broadcasting Station 2GB of which he is Managing Director, broadcasts each morning, 10 a.m. along lines of Australian Citizenship. Founded "Who's for Australia" League. Later became Vice-President of "All for Australia" League.
  • BAKER, Arthur W.- Designing Engineer, Commonwealth Moulding & Electric Company, 240 Princes Highway, Arncliffe. N.S.W. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer. Private address : Chandler Ave., Rockdale, N.S.W. Born, 1893. Recreation: Fishing.
  • BOLAND, Francis Hamilton.- Electrical Engineer, Technical Dept. Philips Lamps (A/sia) Ltd., 69-73 Clarence St., Sydney. 1915-1918 Dept. of Elec. Engr. & Physics, Sydney Technical College. 1918-1922, attached Dept. of Physics Royal Military College of Australia. Proprietor Electrical Business, Canberra, 1923. Joined Philips Ltd., 1927. Born, 6/1/1888.
  • CAREY, Alfred J.-Sales Mgr. Radio Division, New System Telephones Pty. Ltd., 276-278 Castlereagh St., Sydney. Private address: 15 Coogee St., Randwick. Born, 18/8/03.
  • CHANDLER, John Beals.- Mgr. J. B. Chandler & Co. Ltd., 43 Adelaide St., Brisbane. Clubs: Golf and Rotary. Founded 4BC Broadcasting Station, Brisbane. Private address: Swann Rd., Taringa, Brisbane. Recreation: Golf.
  • CHILTON, Robert Ralph . Engineer University Radio Co., 22 City Rd., Sydney. A.Inst.RE. (Aust.), Ph. C., M.P.S. Member Radio Society of G.B. Diploma W.I.A., Member A.R.R.L. Apprenticed to electrical engineering trade. Graduated in pharmacy Sydney University. Practised two years in pharmacy then took up research work in television. Appointed chief-instructor Australian Radio College, 1931. and superintendent of same 1933. Private address: Chilton Ave., Wahroonga. Born 9/10/1907.
  • CLARKE, William G.- Supt. Coastal & Island Radio Services, Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., Sydney. Served O.I.C. Brisbane, Townsville, and Perth Radiotelegraph Stations, 1912-1920. Radio Inspector, Territory of New Guinea, 1921. Completed changeover, New Guinea Radio Service from Commonwealth Control to A.W.A., 1922, and remained in charge until 1927, when transferred to A.W.A. Head Office, Sydney, as Superintendent Radio Services. Private address: "Delmonte," 146 Carrington Road, Randwick. Born, 5/6/84. Recreations: Motoring and Surfing.
  • COCHRANE, Arthur Stanley.- Senior Announcer, Council of Churches B'casting Station 2CH, 77 York St., Sydney. Degrees, etc., Nil, except claim to being "The biggest storyteller" in the Commonwealth. Born at an obscure little town in Victoria, Violet Town which can claim no distinction, except that Kelly Gang of Bushrangers operated around its peaceful glades. Educated at local school, and showed no great proficiency at anything except reading. Was always a shining example in this respect, and fostered it, probably by instinct knowing that he would be a Radio announcer when he grew to man's estate. The greater part of his life was spent in Melbourne. Came to Sydney in 1914, and joined Farmer & Co. Ltd., with whom he spent several years. When radio burst upon the astounded World, the company secured the first "A" class b'casting license. An announcer was advertised for, and while 240 odd applicants were being sifted, he was used as a stop gap. Eventually the practically unknown position was offered him, and he accepted, with some misgivings, and so became wedded to the microphone. The union has been a very pleasant one, and in spite of the concentration and exacting nature of the work, he thoroughly enjoys it. It really does not matter about the date of his birth, for as long as he is allowed privilege of conducting his beloved Children's Storytime, he shall never grow old, for the little ones keep him young. Recreations: Radio announcers have no recreations, but the little breaks that he has between Studio Sessions, he spends with his favourite authors, amongst whom Dickens reigns supreme. At the same time he takes a keen interest in all sport, though not. indulging in any of them.
  • COLLOCOTT, Harold.- Branch Mgr. Adelaide Dept., Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd. Entered radio industry, 1923. 1926, joined Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd. 1928, apptd. Sydney Mgr. 1930, apptd. Adelaide Mgr.
  • COLVILLE, Sydney.- Proprietor Colville-Moore Wireless Supplies, Rowe St., Sydney. Licensed operator (experimenter) since 1911. Call sign XQF. First started experiments in Q'ld. Founded Q'ld W.I.A. Honorary position in P.M.G.'s Dept. during war. Took up flying in 1927, for radio development work on 'planes. Appointed Radio Commissioner to Siamese Govt. in 1928. Carried out technical work for British Govt. and various other Govts. in the Pacific. Radio Instructor, Aero Club N.S.W., built Aero Club stations 2FA and 2FB. Honorary Lieutenant Instructor in Navy League. Business in Rowe St., for 11 years. Recreations: Flying, Navy League development.
  • COURT, T. P.- Design Engineer, Standard Telephones and Cables (A/sia) Ltd., Sydney. Commenced wireless experimenting 1910. Served R.A.N. Transport Service, 1915-1919. Designed and built 3UZ and 3AR (1923-1924). Joined S.T.C. 1925.
  • CRAIG, Douglas.- Sales Production Mgr., Mead Mfg. Co., 1 Crown Lane, Woolloomooloo. Graduate Marconi School Christchurch, N.Z. 15 years in Radio. Swains Radio Dept. 1923-1930. Suttons Ltd. Stock and Service Mgr. 1931. Mullard Valves, Outside Representative, 1932. Private address: Drysdale Court, Imperial Ave., Bondi. Born, 4/10/1900. Recreation: Fishing.
  • CRAWFORD, W. T. S.- M.Inst.R.E.Aust., Senior Radio Inspector, Sydney.
  • DARE, Eric.- Gen. Mgr. The Mullard Radio Company (Aust.) Limited, Head Office, 35 Clarence St., Sydney. Educated Napier Boys High School. Won Junior University Scholarship. Amateur radio transmitter, 1912-13. Left New Zealand at outbreak of War and enlisted A.I.F., 1915. Attached to General Headquarters for Wireless, British Army, 1916, transferred to A.I.F. Headquarters (Wireless), Commissioner Lieutenant Pilot A.F.C., 1918. Attached No. 4 Squadron, later with Army of Occupation in Germany. Joined Experimental Dept. (C.A.V.) C.A. Vandervell, Acton, London, 1920. Proprietor and Editor first broadcasting programme paper in Commonwealth "Wireless Daily." With Philips, 1926 to June, 1930, as Technical-Commercial and Advertising Manager. taking over Mullard in August, 1930. Private address: 17 Streatfield Rd., Bellevue Hill. Born N.Z., 17th Feb., 1897. Recreations: Swimming and Amateur Wrestling.
  • DANIEL, Frederick Trevor Production Mgr. Commonwealth Moulding and Electric Co., 240 Princes Highway, Arncliffe, N.S.W. B.Sc. A.M.I.Mech. E.F.C.L. Born, 1903, Recreations: Tennis, Surfing.
  • DAVIDSON, George Robert.- Sales Mgr. Radio Dept., H. Hecht & Co., 38 Carrington St., Sydney. Educated at North Sydney High School. 6 years in motor trade. Joined Radio Industry, 1928. Private address: 3 Thompson St., Mosman. Born, 7/7/03. Recreations: Tennis and Swimming.
  • DAVIES, Frederick George Scot.- Sales Mgr. Raycophone, Harringtons Ltd., 386 George St., Sydney. English Representative Scientific Lighting. "X" Ray and Hospital Shadowless Lighting appliances. Western Electric. Since Introduction Sound Reproducing apparatus to Australia. Also Director Publicity for that Company for 2½ years. Private address: "Deganury Lodge," Glencoe Rd., Woollahra. Born, 10/3/99. Recreations: Dogs, Shooting, Golf, Tennis.
  • DAVIS, Albert George.- Sole proprietor A. G. Davis & Co., Wembley House, George St., Sydney Fellow Australian Institute of Secretaries. Associate-Chartered Institute of Secretaries (London). Associate Association of Accountants of Australia. Justice of the Peace N.S.W., Queensland, South Australia. 17 years practising as Accountant and Secretary. 5 years Distributor radio sets and accessories. Recreations: Motoring, Literature, and Music.
  • DAVIS, Darelle.- Proprietor Darelle Products, 9 Brisbane St., Sydney. Returned to Sydney to resume residence after 10 years in Hollywood California. Private address: 1 Ithaca Rd., Elizabeth Bay. Born, 1888. Recreations: Motor, Yatching, Fishing and Skating.
  • DEARMAN, Reginald Vincent.- Chief Accountant, Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., Sydney. Associate Member-Commonwealth Institute of Accountants. Educated, Fort St. High School. Accountancy, 1st place N.S.W. Institute, June 1924, Final Accounts. Joined Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., January, 1924. 3½ years as Melbourne Accountant. War Service, Enlisted January, 1916. Active Service abroad with 9th Field Company Australian Engineers, A.I.F., (Awarded M.S.M.), July, 1916 to end of War. Private address: 20 Selwyn St., Artarmon. Born, 2/8/1897. Recreations: Tennis, Fishing, Swimming, Gardening.
  • Den HERTOG, A.- Managing Director, Philips Lamps (A/sia.) Ltd., 69 Clarence Street, Sydney.
  • DICKIN, Albert Joseph.- Man. Dir. F. Dickin Ltd. 18 Lords Rd., Leichhardt. 4 years President of Furniture Mfrs. Assoc., Justice of the Peace 10 years. Started business of F. Dickin Ltd., with the late Mr. Dickin Senior in Pitt St., Sydney on Oct. 1st., 1889. Became Man. Dir. on March 13th, 1920. Toured world in 1928, investigating latest methods of cabinet manufacture. Private address: 213 Harrow Rd., Bexley. Born 26/7/71. Recreations: Golf, Motoring.
  • DUFFY, John.- Director and Manager, The Duffy Radio Co. Ltd., 18-20 Martin Place, Sydney. (Regd. Office). Associate, Inst. R. E. (U.S.A.) President Harringtons Radio Club. Chief Engineer, Experimental Radio and Television Station VK2HR Waverley. Commenced Radio as hobby, June, 1920. Four years Service and Radio Manager Horne Recreations, Four years Wholesale Radio Manager, Harringtons Ltd. Designer of Duffy Short Wave Transposer. Formed Company to Manufacture Short Wave and Television apparatus, Feb. 1933. Designed and operated equipment for Shortwave Rebroadcasting of Anniversary Day or "Head of River Regatta" with Station 2UW Sydney. Private address: 16 Stanley St., Waverley. Born, 3rd, June, 1907. Recreations: Swimming and Tennis,
  • DUKE, Alan S.- Proprietor Alan S. Duke Pty. Ltd. 486 Bourke St., Melbourne. R.A.C.V.. Commenced in Electrical Industry, Siemens, 1912. Considerable experience in Electrical and Radio Industry. Formed own Company March, 1931. Chairman Wholesale Radio Association, 1929-30. 1st President Victorian Radio Association, Oct. 1931 and 32. Chairman Exhibition Committee, 1930-31-32. Born, Jan. 1897. Recreations: Tennis, Swimming.
  • DUNN, Charles, Radio Manager Noyes Bros. (Sydney) Ltd., Clarence St., Sydney. Born in England. Joined Union Cable Co. Ltd., Dagenham, 1901. Australasian Manager Union Cable Co. Ltd., 1910-1914. Returned England appointed Secretary Union Cable Co. till 1920. Left for Australia, appointed Queensland Manager Noyes Bros. (Sydney) Ltd., 1921-1929. Then appointed Sydney Radio Manager. Prominent member trade association. Honorary Treasurer Electrical Radio Association, N.S.W.
  • DWYER, Stanley G.- Secretary, Stromberg-Carlson (A/sia) Ltd., 72 William Street, Sydney. Trained in Accountancy, 1915. Present position, 1929. Born 3/6/96.
  • EVANS, Clive Walter, General Manager, Widdis Diamond Dry Cells Pty. Ltd., 119 Hawke St., West Melbourne, since 1922. Visited overseas on three occasions in Diamond Battery interests. Served in A.I.F. Air Force, previously trained in electrical engineering.
  • FISK, Ernest Thomas.- Mng. Dir. and Chairman of Dirs. Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. F. Inst. R.E., A.M.I.E. (Aust.) M. Inst. R.E. Aust. Born at Sunbury-on-Thames, near London, 1886, joined Marconi Co., 1905. Trained and worked in all branches wireless engineering and operating in England, America and other countries. 1909, went to Arctic icefields, demonstrated possibilities of wireless with Newfoundland Sealing Fleet. 1910, on board s.s. "Otranto" exchanged messages with H.M.S. "Powerful" in Sydney Harbour, when "Otranto"

was 200 miles North-west of Fremantle, a distance of 1800 miles -a record in those days. Came to Australia, 1911, as representative of Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. Amalgamated Wireless incorporated, 1913, appointed General Manager with a seat on the Board, three years later became Managing Director. In September, 1918, received first direct wireless telegraphic messages transmitted from England at his station at Wahroonga, N.S.W. August, 1920, gave first public demonstration of broadcasting at Royal Society of N.S.W., Sydney. The establishment of the Beam Wireless Service between Australia and England was largely due to his experimental work and his consistent advocacy with both British and Australian Governments for the adoption of his plans for the service. Wireless Telephone Service between Australia and Homeland mainly due to his experimental work. The prestige of Amalgamated Wireless as one of the foremost wireless companies of the world is due to the broad vision and high executive ability of Mr. Fisk who during the past 20 years has developed wireless in Australia and the Pacific from a national point of view. Mr. Fisk is considered the foremost wireless authority in Australia.

  • FREEDMAN, Allan Harris.- Sales Mgr., Stromberg-Carlson A/sia Ltd., 72 William St., Sydney. Yale University, B.Sc. Pilot Radio & Tube Mfg. Co. (U.S.A.) 5 years. 1929 present position. Born, 23rd March, 1902. Recreation: Fishing.
  • FACER, Reginald.- Director Efco Mfg. Co., Ltd., Princes Highway, Arncliffe. Studied Analytical Chemistry, Sydney Technical College, 6 years. Metallurgist, 1917-20. Commenced with father in business of Efco Mfg. Co., Ltd., 1920. Born 12/4/1898.
  • GERBER, Eugene.- Chairman of Dirs. Bloch & Gerber Ltd., 46-48 York St., Sydney. Private address: 22 Eastbourne Ave., Clovelly. Born, July 10th, 1880.
  • GODLEY, William.- Mgr. Radio Division (resigned February, 1933) Harringtons Ltd., Sydney. First Chairman Wholesaler Section Erda. On leaving school, entered Admiralty Hydrographic Survey Branch, and as a cadet served four years surveying service in British Columbia. Followed by three years in North Queensland and two years in N.W. Australia. Later, a year was spent on Photographic Survey of countries around Mediterranean. Joined Harringtons Ltd., 1912, and had considerable executive experience. Following on country representation, was branch manager Adelaide

four years, Brisbane two years and General Manager New Zealand, five years. Returned to Head Office as Sydney Manager in 1928. Private address: 49 Tunstall Ave., Kensington. Born, January, 1882. Recreations: Photography, Gardening, Golf. Educated Tottenham Grammar School, London.

  • GILMOUR, Norman Stanley.- Proprietor, Lekmek Radio Laboratories, 75 William St., Sydney. M.Inst. R.E. Aust. and Vice-President of the Institution, Millions Club. Amateur Experimenting 1910, Telegraph Branch P.M.G.'s Dept. till 1915, Engineer P.M.G.'s Dept. (N.S.W.), 1915-1922. 1922-1927 Director L.P.R. Bean & Co. Ltd., 1927-31 Director Stromberg-Carlson A/sia Ltd. 1931, founded Lekmek Radio Laboratories. Born, 25/9/1890. Recreations: Swimming and Tennis.
  • GOSLING, Alex.- Director R. W. Reynolds Ltd., 200 Chalmers St., Sydney.
  • GREENLEES, Robert James.- Works Manager, Don Electrical Co., 112-16 Salisbury Rd., Camperdown. 1909 assistant electrician. Operating until 1915. Active service, 1915, as signaller Australian Field Artillery. wounded France, 1918. While convalescent, 1919, studied at Regent St. Polytechnic College, London, Telegraphy and telephony. 1920, secured electrical fitters' certificate, Sydney Technical College. In employ of O'Donnell, Griffin & Co . till 1930, first as fitter, then leading hand, and later shop foreman. Appointed present position, 1930. Obtained radio mechanic Certificate, Marconi School, 1931. Private address: 4 Reims St., Fivedock. Born, 17/12/1895. Recreations: Billiards and Cricket.
  • GREENWOOD, J. Russell, Electrical Manager, Anthony Hordern & Son, Limited, Sydney. Chairman, Electrical and Radio Development Association, N.S.W.
  • GRIME, Stanley M.- Assistant Mgr. Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. A.M.I.E. (Aust.) M. Inst. R.E. (Aust.). Apprenticed to electrical engineering, connected with private electric light companies, 1909, appointed City Council Workshops, 1916 appointed Works Manager A.W.A., 1922 visited large works in England and on Continent, 1928 appointed Assistant Manager A.W.A., 1931-2 visited U.S.A. as preliminary to establishment of valve manufacturing industry in Australia. Chairman of Radio & Telephone Manufacturers Assoc., etc.
  • GROENEVELD, Y. B. F. J.- Chief-engineer Thom & Smith, 55 Dowling St., East Sydney. E.I. (University DELFT, Holland) M. Inst. R. E. Aust. Member NEDERLANDSCH RADIO GENOOTSCHAP. 1920

lecturer Aero and Hydrodynamics Delft University. 1923 Lecturer Radio Telegraphy and Telephony (Delft University). 1925 research department, Philips Radio Laboratories, EINDHOVEN (Holland) engaged in general radio research and design, 1928 chief engineer supervising design, production, and testing. 1930 arrived in Australia to establish Radio factory for Philips Lamps (Aust.) Ltd. 1932 joined Thom & Smith, Chief-engineer.

  • HARDY, John.- Advertising Mgr. and Buyer R. W. Reynolds Ltd., 200 Chalmers St., Sydney. Private address: 2 Wentworth Rd., Strathfield. Born, 12/8/03. Recreations: Tennis and Swimming.
  • HARDY, Walter.- Manager and Proprietor Hardy's Radio Store Royal Arcade, Sydney. In radio since 1921. One time member of Kensington Radio Club as Secretary and later President. Hon. Sec. W.I. 12 months. Designs all sets for own business and supervises construction. Private address: Woniora Rd., Hurstville. Born, 24/12/1900. Recreations: Tennis, Swimming and Shooting.
  • HARRINGTON, John E.- Retail Sales Mgr. Raycophone Radio Sets, Harringtons Ltd., 386 George St., Sydney. Educated Sydney University. Interested in radio since the earliest days, both on experimenting and merchandising sides. Made an extensive post-war visit to America, England and Continent on Radio and other business activities of Harringtons Ltd. Born 20th June, 1902. Recreations: Literature, Music, Golf.
  • HEALY, Clarence P.- Chief Engineer, Airzone (1931) Ltd. Australia St., Camperdown, Sydney, N.S.W. Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Melbourne. Graduate Electrical Engineering, Melb. Technical School and Melbourne University. Engineering assistant Victorian Railways, Engineering Instructor in Victorian Senior Technical Schools, Head of Engineering Dept. Collingwood Technical School, Examiner of Radio Patents Commonwealth Patents Office for 12 months prior to joining Airzone Ltd. With Airzone Ltd. since Jan. 1930. 12 months active service with Australian Flying Corps. Private address: 7 Merley Rd., Strathfield, N.S.W. Born, 7th Oct., 1898. Recreation: Tennis.
  • HOBDEN, Hillstead Inigo.- Radio Manager, Eastern Trading Co. Ltd., 155 Clarence, St., Sydney. Member Millions Club. Private address: 9 Denman St., Hurstville. Born, 1893. Recreations: Golf, Motoring.
  • HOMEWOOD, Walter B.- Dir. & Sales Mgr. Airzone (1931) Ltd., 16 Australia St., Camperdown, Sydney.
  • HORNER, Ernest Albert.- Mgr. Radio-Electric Works Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., Parramatta Rd., Ashfield. Born Auburn, N.S.W., Apprenticed electrical fitting Tramway Workshops Randwick, March, 1908. Employed by various firms as armature-winder electrical and mechanical fitter. Later rejoined R. & T. Dept. as electrical, loco. steamshed and mechanical fitter. Two years in testing division of Dept. Joined A.W.A. 1918, later Assistant Manager of Works. Appointed Works Manager, 1923. Visited England and United States in 1926, to study manufacture and again visited England in 1932-3 on A.W.A.'s behalf.
  • HORTON, George Harry.- Man. Dir. G. H. Horton & Co. Ltd., 66 City Rd., Sydney. Member Rotary and Tattersalls Clubs. Director E. F. Wilks & Co. Ltd. Private address: "Roycroft," 20 New South Head Road Vaucluse. Born, 1886. Recreation: Golf.
  • HOSKING, A. P.- Sales Mgr. Amalgamated Wireless Valve Co. Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. M. Inst. R.E. Aust. (M.S.B.M.) Dept. Posts & Telegraphs, South Africa, 1906. Beira Mashonaland and Rhodesian Railways, 1911 Dept. of P. & T. Rhodesia, 1913. Joined South Africa Field Telegraph & Postal Corps at outbreak of war, 1914, engaged war service. Australian Coastal Radio Service, 1916. R.A.N. Service, 1916. Coastal Radio, 1922. A.W.A. 1922, Interstate Sales Manager. A.W.A. Valve Co. on formation, 1932. Recreation: Golf, Fishing, Swimming.
  • HULL, Allan Galbraith.- Technical Editor "Wireless Weekly" Wireless Newspapers Ltd., 60 Elizabeth St., Sydney. Associated with brother Ross A. Hull since 1920, in general radio activities. Technical Editor "Wireless Weekly" since July, 1930. Private address: 69 Baroona Rd., Northbridge. Born, 5/4/05.
  • HOOKE, Lionel Alfred.- Deputy General Mgr., Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. M.I.R.E. (America) M. Inst. R.E. (Aust.) M.S.B.M. Joined Amalgamated Wireless, 1913, and in 1914, joined Shackelton's Polar Expedition. On return, commissioned in New Zealand Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, served as commissioned officer in submarine chasers and armed rescue tug patrol. Transferred as pilot to Air Force, subsequently commanding Air Station at Bude. On return to Australia appointed Melbourne office, A.W.A., and later became Melbourne Manager. Transferred to Sydney as Assistant Manager and became Deputy General Manager A.W.A., 1925. 1930-32 travelled Europe and America for A.W.A. investigating world's development in radio. Born, 31/12/1894.
  • IRVINE, Charles T.- Radio Sales Mgr., Radio Dept., A. G. Healing Ltd., 167 Franklin St., Melbourne. Commenced in Radio 1927. Appointed Sales Mgr. 1929. Born, 26/7/04.
  • JACK, James Paterson.- Station Engineer, Sport Radio Broadcasting Co. Ltd., 99 Currie St., Adelaide S.A. 2nd Class Washington Certificate. Commenced study radio, 1916. Employed by Marconi Company London, 1917. Left Marconi Company, 1925, to continue radio engineering in New Zealand, 1925 to 1932 interested in short wave work and broadcasting. Appointed present position, January, 1932. Private address: Box 709F G.P.O. Adelaide, S.A. Born, 3/6/1900.
  • JENNINGS, R. H. J., Sales-Manager Thom & Smith, 55 Dowling St., East Sydney. Engaged in electrical industry many years and with British General Electric Co. Radio Manager and later Engineering Representative. Visited continent and England 1926. Joined Thom & Smith, November, 1932. Private address 42 Bradley's Head Rd., Mosman. Recreations: Golf, Tennis and Yachting. Born 27/7/1903.
  • JOHANSSON, Nils Alfred.- Radio Engineer, Beale & Co. Ltd., Trafalgar St., Annandale. Bachelor Science, A. Inst. R.E. (America), M. Swedish Inventors Society. M. Radio Technical Society (Sweden). Formerly of Western Electric Radio Research Dept. (Bell Telephone Laboratories), Swedish Telefunken Co. and allied organisations. Private address: " Trearne," Mitchell St., Bondi. Born, 25/9/1895.
  • JOHNSON, J. Murray.- Maintenance Engineer Coastal Radio Amalgamated Wireless (A/ sia) Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. M. Inst. R.E. Aust. Served apprenticeship with Morris Bros., General Engineers, Sydney. 1911, joined Australasian Wireless Company, engaged erectional work high power stations Sydney and Perth. 1912, joined Commonwealth Radio Service, engaged erectional work at Geraldton and Broome Stations to end of 1913. 1914, transferred to operating staff and stationed at Esperance, Geraldton, Darwin and Adelaide stations. 1923 transferred to Engineering Dept. A.W.A., Sydney. 1932, Appointed present position. Private address: 93 Arabella St., Longueville. Born, 24/11/89.
  • KINGTON, Hubert.- Editor "The Queensland Radio News," 101 Douglas Chambers, Adelaide St., Brisbane, Q'ld Member of C.T.A. Club. Joined staff Queensland Radio News, 1925; appointed Editor, 1930. Joined bedtime story staff at Station 4QG as "Professor Sherbert," 1928 (still broadcasting). Executive officer of several radio and musical organisations. Country representative Messrs. Harringtons Ltd. prior to 1925. Private address: Ithaca St., Kelvin Grove, Brisbane. Recreations: Tennis, Reading and Music.
  • KNOCK, Donald Brader.- Radio Engineer. Member Flying Corps Association of Australia. Decoration 4th Order of St. George, Russia, 1919. Native of Manchester, England. Educated Wigan Grammar School. Commenced study of radio whilst apprenticed as mechanical engineer. Served in Royal Naval air Service, Observation and Transport in Middle East and Russia. Engineer afloat P. & 0. Co., 1921-23. Technical Sales representative Sterling Telephone Co. British Empire Exhibition, 1924. Engineer with B.B.C., 1925. Sales-Engineer Amplion (Australasia) Ltd., 1927. Technical Editor "Wireless Weekly" and "Radio", 1928-29. Radio Engineer i/c SW Telephony installation Wyndham Meatworks, 1930. Foundation Technical Editor Radio Monthly, 1932. Factory Representative "Radiovision" (Australasia) Ltd., 1932-33 and now Short Wave radio consultant and manufacturing engineer. Owner-operator experimental radio station VK2NO. Private address: 102 Nelson Bay Rd., Bronte, Sydney, N.S.W. Born, 1899. Recreations: Radio, Motoring, Swimming.
  • LARKINS, Frederick William.- Publicity Manager, Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. Associate of Commonwealth Institute of Accountants. Associate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries Holder of Diploma in Economics & Commerce (Sydney University). Joined Australasian Wireless Co. Ltd., as Accountant July, 1912, appointed Accountant to Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd. on formation July, 1913, until 1923 when he took over duties of Publicity and Advertising Manager on the creation of that section of A.W.A. Activities.
  • LEVENSON, Joseph.- Proprietor Levenson's Radio, Pitt St., Sydney. 27 years in business in Pitt St., 7 years in radio. Private address: 36 Allison Rd., Kensington. Born, April, 1882. Recreations: Business literature.
  • LEVINGS, Stanley B.- Workshop Mgr., Werring Radio Co., 213-215 Queensberry St., Carlton N3. In radio trade for five years. Private address: 5 Verdun Grove, Regent. Born, 24/2/12. Recreations: Radio and television experiments.
  • LINCOLN, Reginald.- General Mgr., Sport Radio B'casting Co. Ltd., (Station 5KA), Currie St., Adelaide S.A. Associated with Radio since 1924, in Eastern States. Appointed Manager Station 5KA in June, 1932. Private address: 81 Fifth Ave., Joslin, Adelaide. Born, June, 1893.
  • LONG, Henry Charles.- Proprietor, United Radio Distributors, Pomeroy House, York & Barrack Sts., Sydney. 7 Raymond Rd., Neutral Bay.
  • LOVETT, Leonard.- Owner Radio & Electrical, 81 Bathurst St., Hobart, Tas. Served apprenticeship with Hutchinson & Co. Hobart. Enlisted for active service, Aug. 1914. Returned Dec. 1918. Employed at Electrolytic Zinc Co.'s works 12 months, then commenced own business in Electrical Business. One of the first to enter the Radio field in Hobart. Private address: 37 Alexander St., Hobart, Tas. Born, 1894. Recreations: Tennis, Fishing.
  • MACLARDY, William John.- Broadcasting Company Manager, London Bank Chambers, 18 Martin Place, Sydney. Founded and Edited "Wireless Weekly," Sydney, 4/11/22. Served in A.I.F. Established 2BL Broadcasting Station September, 1923. Managing Director of 2BL until 1927. Born, 3/10/1892.
  • MACKINNEY, Valentine H.- F.S.M.C. Born Bayswater, London, 1884. Trained in electrical engineering, specialised in optical research. Several years assistant to Professor Ayrton at City & Guilds College, South Kensington, London. Also assistant at Northampton Institute. Responsible for conversion of House of Commons, London, from gas to electricity. Foundation member of Illuminating Engineering Society, London prior to War, while engaged with Holophane Ltd., London. Arrived in Australia, 1914, on behalf of Holophane Ltd. Joined Philips Lamps (A/sia) Ltd., 1927. Australasian Radio Sales Manager.
  • MANLEY, Patrick Joseph.- Mng. Dir. Speakers (Australasia) Limited, 70 Clarence St., Sydney. Commenced Victorian Railways, Telegraphy and Telephone Division. 2nd Lieut. Signal Engineers, 1912-14. A.I.F. Signals 1915-1919, Captain Artillery Signals. 1919, Marine Wireless operator. 1923, sales dept. Amalgamated Wireless. (Visited overseas twice on radio business.) 1927, Amplion (A/sia) Ltd., General Mgr. and Director. Founded Speakers (A/sia) Ltd., 1930, with position of Mng. Dir. Private address: "Orielton," Ocean St., Woollahra. Born, 11/9/1894. Recreations: Army signals (Captain 1st Cavalry Signals).
  • MALONE, James J.- Mem.I.R.E., Chief Inspector Wireless, Postmaster-General's Department, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne.
  • MARSHALL, Donald.- Proprietor and Gen. Mgr. Paramount Radio Manufacturing Co ., 301 Castlereagh St., Sydney. Commenced radio with Messrs. Grose & Daniels and later on own account Founded "Paramount Radio Mfg. Co." May, 1932. Experimenting since age of 12. Had charge of Fultegraph outfit when first brought to Australia. Private address: Carlingford Born, 16/4/11. Recreations: Tennis, Motoring, Flying.
  • MARTIN, Walter Jeffrey.- Manager, Broadcasting Dept., Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. Washington Convention Certificate of Proficiency. Joined Marine Staff Amalgamated Wireless, 1912. Chief Wireless Officer several years, R.M.S. "Niagara," and R.M.S. "Aorangi." May, 1922, published first daily newspaper on "Niagara," that vessel being first British ship in Pacific with own paper. Operated first marine short wave transmitter, breaking world's records by communicating with England, South Africa and South America from the Pacific. 1925, appointed Manager of Wireless Press Dept., September 1931, appointed present position, also acts as Advertising Manager Station 2SM, Sydney. Private address: Manar Flats, Macleay St., Potts Point. Recreations: Tennis, Golf, Motoring.
  • McDONALD, Arthur Stephen.- Chief Engineer & Assist. Mgr. Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. M.Inst.R.E. (America) and M.Inst. R.E.Aust. Born Castle Donnington, now Swan Hill, Vic. Educated at Public School and Melbourne Technical College. Served apprenticeship in Melbourne engineering firm. Joined Electrical Engineer's Branch P.M.G.'s Dept. 1909. 1911, transferred to Radio Section, and for some years engineer-in-charge of installation of Coastal Radio Stations throughout Australia. On outbreak of War transferred to R.A.N. and engaged in engineering designs. Later appointed inspector R.A.N. Workshops, Randwick. The War over transferred to old position in P.M.G.'s Dept. On transfer of Coastal Radio Stations to Amalgamated Wireless, 1922, appointed Chief Engineer of A.W.A. Following year went to England and Continent made intensive study of broadcasting and trans-ocean telegraphy, visiting the principal broadcasting and high-power stations in England, France and Germany. Since return, in charge of technical activities of A.W.A., including experimental short wave telegraph-telephone working and overseas telephony. Councillor Institution of Radio Engineers.
  • McEWAN, George Augustus.- Indoor Mgr. C. Winkworth & Son Ltd., 337 George St., Sydney. Member Dee Why Golf Club. Educated Randwick High School. Spent 3 years in S. Australia in piano trade. Continental Player Co., Sydney for 3 years. Joined Winkworth's Manager Gramophone Dept., 1923. 1926, took charge radio dept. Private address: Mowbray Rd., Chatswood. Born, 29/6/1900. Recreations: Golf, Motoring, Swimming.
  • McNEILL, Thomas Albert Edward.- Chief Engineer, Council of Churches B'casting Co., 2CH, 77 York St., Sydney. 1st Class P.M.G. Certificate, 1918. With Marconi Co., London, Nov. 1918-July, 1927, marine operator. With 2BL Broadcasters Sydney Ltd., and N.S.W. Broadcasting Co., operator Nov. 1927, to July 1929. With P.M.G. Dept. (Broadcasting Division) supervisor 2BL studio, July 1929-0ct., 1931. Appointed Chief Engineer 2CH Oct., 1931. 2CH successfully opened Feb., 1932. Private address: 80 Glenayr Ave., Bondi. Born Feb., 1901. Recreations: Tennis, Cricket.
  • MEAD, Maxwell.- Proprietor Mead Mfg. Co., 1 Crown Lane, Sydney. Attended Sydney University for LLB. Degree associated with 2FC and 2BL orchestra's and A.B.C. for a number of years. Member of Melba Williamson Grand Opera Co., 1928. Commenced Radio Manufacture, 1931. Private address: Shelley Beach, Manly. Born, 27/12/05. Recreations: Swimming and Tennis.
  • MINGAY, Oswald Francis.- Managing Editor and Proprietor "Radio Retailer of Australia," and "Radio Trade Annual," 15 Castlereagh St., Sydney. M.Inst. R.E.Aust. Honorary Secretary Institution Radio Engineers Australia, A.Inst.R.E. (America), Millions Club. Secretary Radio Retailers Assn. Telephone Dept. 10 years. Served A.I.F. Signals 4½ years. In charge reconstruction Charleroi Telephone System (Belgium) after Armistice. 9 months attached British P.O. Resigned from P.O. 1922, appointed Radio Manager, later Director, Burgin Electric Co. Ltd. till, 1925. Radio Manager (N.S.W.) Harringtons Ltd., 1925-6. Managing Director Mingay's Wireless Mfg. Ltd., 1926-27. Radio Mgr. Suttons Ltd. (N.S.W.), 1928-29. Founded Australian Radio Publications, 1930. Principal Australian Radio College, 1930-1933. Private address: 19 Woodside Ave., Lindfield, N.8.W. Born, 1/7/1895.
  • MITCHELL, George.- Manager Radio Section Martin de Launay Ltd., Sydney & Newcastle. Marconi School of Wireless. Associated with Martin de Launay Ltd., fourteen years. Private address: Hall St., Bondi.
  • MITCHELL, Stanley Cyril.- Gen. Mgr. Commonwealth Moulding & Electric Company, 240 Princes Highway, Arncliffe, N.S.W. Alderman of Rockdale Municipal Council. Electrical Engineer by profession. 12 years master builder. Alderman, Rockdale Municipal Council. Private address: 240 Princes Highway, Arncliffe, N.S.W. Born 1892. Recreation: Fishing.
  • MOORE, Eric Boston.- Sales Mgr., Kriesler Radio Co. Ltd., 2-4 Levy St., Chippendale, Sydney. Connected with Motor Industry for many years. Branches into sales organisation with P. & R. Williams Bros. Ltd., 1925, as District Superintendent remained till 1927. Joined A. G. Healing Ltd., 1927, executive staff and in 1929, took over Management Radio division, N.S.W. 1932, joined Kriesler Radio Co. Ltd., Sales Manager. Private address: Fiddens Wharf Rd., Killara. Born 20/10/1901. Recreations: Tennis, Motoring.
  • MOORE, Eric J. T., Chief Engineer, Stromberg-Carlson (A/sia) Ltd., 72 William Street, Sydney. Educated at Armidale College and Sydney High School. Qualified Royal Naval Examination Electrical Engineering, 1917. 1910, 1911, with Telefunken Company, erecting station A.A.A. 1911-14, P.M.G. Telephone Department. 1914-16, Wireless Operator, Australian Transport. 1916-19, Lieutenant, Royal Naval Air Service. 1923-26, Manager Farmer and Company Ltd., Radio Section, 1926-32, Stromberg-Carlson & Company, Rochester, U.S.A. 1932, returned Australia, present position. Born 12/7 /1894.
  • MOORE, Joseph Sheridan.- General Manager, Hazell & Moore Ltd., 36 Campbell St., Sydney. Articled in Accountancy profession since schooldays. Practised as Chartered Accountant, F.C.A. (Aust.) now on retired list, until 1924, when with brother Mr. E. R. Moore and partner Mr. E. J. Hazell, founded present Company, Hazell & Moore Ltd. Private address: 71 Warners Ave., Bondi. Born 27/12/1895. Recreations: Golf, Swimming, and Motoring.
  • MORAND, Daniel Francis.- Radio Manager, Harringtons Ltd., 386 George Street, Sydney. Tattersalls Club. 14 years Systems expert, W. C. Penfold Ltd., 1912-26. General Manager in Australia for N.Z. Redwood Forests Ltd., 1926-28. Appointed General Sales Manager, Western Electric Co. Ltd., 1930. And later in charge of credits and sales. Appointed present position, February, 1933. Private address: Hercules St., Chatswood. Recreations, golf, surfing. Born 25/1/1887.
  • MORGAN, Sydney.- Mng. Dir. 3KZ B'casting Co. Pty. Ltd., 64 Elizabeth St., Melbourne. Member Victorian Institute of Advertising. Associated with advertising activities in Melbourne since, 1917. Dec. 1930, one of founders and Director of 3KZ station. Appointed Mng. Dir., June, 1932. Private address: 19 Nirvana Ave., East Malvern. Born, 1900. Recreations: Tennis, Swimming.
  • MORSE, Percival Algernon.- Advertising Mgr. "Australian Radio News," Sydney. Advertising Manager, "Brisbane Daily Mail," 1919-1923. Advertising Manager, "Wireless Weekly," 1928-1933. Private address: 48 Kareela Rd., Cremorne. Born, 15/4/92. Recreation: Trout Fishing.
  • MUIR, David Temple.- Secretary Wireless Newspapers Ltd., 60-66 Elizabeth St., Sydney. Associate Federal Institute of Accountants.
  • MULHOLLAND, John Leonard.- Melbourne Manager, Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., Melbourne Rotary Club, Melbourne. President Victorian Radio Association (1932/33). Wireless Officer, s.s. "Katoomba" 28th August, 1911, also served in other ships until appointed Sydney Inspector, A.W.A., February, 1914. N.Z. Manager, July, 1915, until July 1920. Traffic Manager Marine Dept., 1920-22. Assistant Manager A.W.A. Head Office, 1922. Melbourne Manager since April, 1928. Private address: 179 George St., East Melbourne. Born, 19/4/91. Recreations: Golf, Tennis, Bridge.
  • MURRAY, Gilbert Lang.- Mng. Dir. The Mullard Radio Company (Aust.) Ltd., 35 Clarence St., Sydney. Royal Automobile Club. Tattersall's Club. Australian Golf Club. Appointed Mng. Dir. Mullard Radio Company (Aust.) Ltd., at inception of company May, 1931. Mng. Dir. of Scott & Holladay Ltd., 35 Clarence St., Sydney. Has travelled throughout Australia and New Zealand on numerous occasions and made business trips abroad in 1915, 1920, 1921, 1929, and 1932. Private address: Royal Automobile Club of Australia, 89 Macquarie St., Sydney. Born 13th Apr., 1889. Recreations : Golf and Tennis.
  • MACLURCAN, Charles Dansie.- Aust. Representative A.O. Cossor Ltd. (Gt. Brit.), 26 Jamieson St., Sydney, Assoc. I.R.E. (America). Foundation Member Wireless Institute Australia, 1910. President 5 years. Original pioneer experimenter, 1910. Commenced regular Sunday Broadcasts, experimental nature 1400-400-250 and ultimately down to 20 metre wavelength. Transmitted Josie Melville's Broadcast, 1923. By arrangement with A.W.A. as a result of experimental activities sailed on S.S. "Tahiti," 1924 to investigate possibilities of low power transmission on 200 metres between Australia and America, results entirely satisfactory. Continued further experiments in short waves and in 1925, proved the success of 20 metre daylight transmission to England on low power. In 1926 and 1927 communicated with all countries on low power short wave amateur apparatus, Visited England and the Continent, 1927-8 and again in 1929. Appointed Australian Representative for Cossor Valves, 1929. Private address: Agnes St., Strathfield, N.S.W. Born, 1891.
  • NEWMAN, Sydney Moreton.- Radio Engineer, Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., Sydney. Joined A.W.A. Engineering & Research Staff, 1920; associated with following developments: First regular broadcasting service in Australia, 1921. First telephony tests to New Zealand, 1922. First S/W telegraph tests between England and Australia, 1923. First S/W telegraph tests between Australia and England, 1924. First S/W telephony tests between England and Australia, 1925. First S/W telegraph tests between Sydney and Pacific Islands, 1926. First S/W Empire broadcast tests, 1927. First S/W telephony tests between Australia and England, 1928. First S/W telephony service between Australia and England, 1930. First S/W telephony service between Australia and New Zealand, 1930. Private address: 11 Kissing Point Rd., Turramurra, Sydney. Born, 1898. Recreations: Golf, Tennis, Motor Competitions.
  • NORVILLE, Charles Henry.- Partner, Breville Radio Braefield Bldg., Bourke & Liverpool St., Sydney. M. Inst.RE. (Aust.) A.I.R.E. (America) Cadet Engineer N.S.W. Railways, 1917-1922. Testing Engineer, N.S.W. Railways Laboratories, 1922-1931. Radio Engineer, Philips Lamps (A/sia) Ltd., 1931-32. Co-partner Breville Radio, 1932-33. 4 years Councillor Wireless Institute of Australia. Hon. Treasurer Institution of Radio Engineers Australia. Private address: 11 Hollywood Crescent, Willoughby. Born Feb., 1902.
  • O'BRIEN, William J.- Partner, Breville Radio, Braefield Bldgs., Bourke & Liverpool Sts., Sydney. Commenced study of Wireless at Marconi School Melbourne in 1918. Obtained Wireless Operators Certificate and went to sea for about six years on British and American ships. Spent 5 years in America, Sales Manager for wholesale Radio houses. Returned Australia, 1929. Manager Radio Dept., Suttons Ltd., and later Sales Manager for Thom & Smith. Commenced above business in Nov., 1932. Private address: "Talofa," Ravenswood Ave., Randwick. Born Aug., 1899.
  • OSWIN, G. L.- Radio and Sales Manager, Heiron & Smith (Salonola) Ltd., 105 King St., Sydney. Born Tasmania. General Manager Australian Wireless Co. Present position 3! years. Private address : 60 Awaba St., Mosman. Recreations: Snooker and General Sport.
  • PARKINSON, Ernest Collins.--Works Production Superintendent, Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., Born Dec., 28th, 1898, Keighley, Yorkshire, England. Educated Salt High Schools, Saltair, Yorkshire, Apprentice J. Parkinson & Son, machine tool makers, Shipley. 5 years Bradford Technical College. Jig and tool machine tool designer, J. Parkinson & Son, 1919-23. Sub-Lieut. R.N. Kit Balloon Section. Active service on convoy work North Sea and Mediterranean. Arrived Australia, 1923. 9 months machine tool designer, Purcell Eng. Co., Auburn. 9 months mechanical draughtsman, Commonwealth Portland Cement Co., Portland, N.S.W. 1924-1929 in charge water meter Department and special machine design, Clyde Eng. Co., Granville. 1929, joined A.W.A. as Works Production

Superintendent. Private address: 28 Birnam Grove, Strathfield. Born, 28/12/1898. Recreation: Cricket.

  • PARRY, William.- Managing Director, Heberholds, Dry Batteries Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. In electrical business, 1909-1924. Dec. 1924, entered Radio Trade. Jan. 1932, founded Heberholds Dry Batteries. Born Jan. 1888.
  • PARMITER, Ernest Albert, Governing Director, Acorn Pressed Metal Co. Ltd., 46 Maithieson St., Camperdown, N.S.W. Arrived in Australia, 1909, served First Light Horse, A.I.F. and Indian Mule Corps, Warrant Officer. Joined Ausmetoy Ltd., 1920, as Works Manager. Founded present company, September 1930. Private address: 27 Thorn St., RYDE. Recreations: motoring, shooting, surfing. Born 27/1/1891.
  • PHILLIPS, William H. C.- Marine Superintendent, Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., Sydney. M.Inst. R.E.Aust. Appointed telegraphist Queensland railways, later transferring to Postal Dept. Joined A.W.A. December, 1911, as marine operator. During war served on s.s. "Katoomba." Returned to Australia, 1919, later becoming Marine Inspector for A.W.A., appointed Marine Superintendent, 1924. Private address: 9 Ocean St., Kogarah. Born, Cairns, N.Q., 12/3/92.
  • PLOWMAN, Claude.- Mng. Dir. Airzone (1931) Ltd., 16 Australia St., Camperdown, Sydney.
  • PRICE, John Clarey.- Proprietor own business, Perry House, Elizabeth St., Brisbane. A.M.I.E. (Aust.). Commenced radio in Brisbane, 1922. Telephone Engineer P.M.G.'s Dept., 1913. Studied Electricity City and Guilds, London. Born, Oct. 5th, 1884. Recreation: Fishing, golf.
  • PRENTICE, John M., (Uncle Jack) Chief Announcer 2UW. Born in Victoria, obtained scholastic training at Ballarat and Melbourne University; began life on father's farm. Graduated to commercial and journalistic career in Victoria and elsewhere. Spent three years in Public Service. Started with 2BL, 1924, and has served as announcer or guest announcer in the four principal cities of New Zealand, in Hobart, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth. Musical director of 2UW since 1928 and talks on Foreign Affairs at least twice weekly. A globe-trotter with a taste for strange places and queer languages, and also served with distinction in the World War, receiving two decorations, including Order of the Crown of Belgium, and mentioned twice in despatches. Has a wide knowledge of music and a recognised authority on Wagnerian music-drama as well as being a first-class exponent of the modernists such as Debussy and Ravel. In private life Mr. Prentice is an omnivorous reader of biography, memoirs and political history, and has mastered most of the war literature in two or three languages. Mr. Prentice is sufficiently cosmopolitan to feel equally at home in Sydney, Cairo, London or Paris, and yet remains at heart a thorough going Australian with a great belief in the future of the Commonwealth.
  • RAZ, Otto.- Director, Bloch & Gerber Ltd. 46-48 York St., Sydney. Private address: 14 Russell Ave., Lindfield.
  • READ, Leonard Leo (Uncle Ben 4QG.)- Managing Dir. Printers and Stationers Dept. The Read Press (Pty.) Ltd., Adelaide St., Brisbane. Served 8 years apprenticeship, W. H. Wendt & Co., Printers, Brisbane. Salesman, Jackson & O'Sullivan, 2 years, 1918-1919. In business on own account over 12 years. Entertained Children at 4QG for 7 years most of that period in an honorary capacity. Private address: Robinson Rd., Eagle Junction. Born, 18/10/1894. Recreations: Golf, Fishing and Reading.
  • REES, M. W.- Mng. Dir. Smith Sons & Rees, 30-32 Wentworth Ave., Sydney. Royal Automobile of Aust. C.T.A. Founded own business under name of M. W. Rees Ltd., 1917. August, 1920, a fusion of interests with S. Smith & Sons (M.A.), London was effected and Mr. Rees became Mng. Director of the combined concern. Private address: 37 Bundarra Rd., Bellevue Hill, Sydney. Recreations: Motoring and golf.
  • RENSHAW, Phil.- Supervising Engineer, State Monier Pipe Works, Bond St., Sydney. A.M.I.E. Aust. M. Inst. R.E. Aust. Educated Fort St. Model School. Commenced wireless experimenting, 1910. Joined W.I.A., 1911. Held office continuously for 21 years Hon. Secretary for 12 years. Radio Experimenter 2DE. Has never professionally associated with Radio but engaged in Civil Engineering since 1907, when he started as a lad with Gummow Forrest & Co. Ltd. Private address: "Waimea," 6 Lord St., Roseville. Born, 3/11/1891. Recreations: Motoring, Surfing, Bridge, Fishing.
  • REYNOLD, J. Howard.- Sales Mgr. R. W. Reynolds Ltd., 200 Chalmers St., Sydney. Club. C.T.A. Private address: 46 Beresford Rd., Strathfield. Born, 11/6/1910. Recreations: Swimming and Tennis.
  • REYNOLDS, Robert W.- Mng. Dir. R. W. Reynolds Ltd., 200 Chalmers St., Sydney. Studied Electrical Engineering and Chemistry Perth University. 1923 Joined Sir George Julius' Laboratory. Founded firm of R. W. Reynolds. 1924. Private address: 8 Moore St., Strathfield. Born, 1895. Recreations: Motor driving, Golf and wireless.
  • ROSE, Frederick Antoine.- Factory Mgr. Beale & Co., Trafalgar St., Annandale. Assoc. M. Inst. C.E. Private address: 25 Denning St., Coogee. Born, 1884.
  • SALMON, S. J.- Director & Manager, The Lawrence and Hanson Electrical Co . Ltd., 172 William St., Melbourne. Active interest in Radio Trade Organisations in Victoria since inception. Recreations: Golf.
  • SANDEL, Otto.- Proprietor, Otto Sandel's Radio, Oxford St., Woollahra, N.S.W. Member R.C.A.A. Light Car Club. Sydney Bicycle & Motor Club. Commenced in radio, 1922. Secured Amateur Operator's license. Later changed to "B" class license. Owned and operated Station 2UW for approximately six years, (three years as amateur, and three years as "B" Class). Formed 2UW into limited company in 1927, and later sold to Palings' Ltd. Started in Woollahra as retailer and retail manufacturer. Won Wakefield Cup (motoring) for 1931. Private address: 281 O'Sullivan Rd., Bellevue Hill. Born 2nd Oct. 1905. Recreation: Motoring.
  • SCHULTZ, Leonard N.- Engineer in Charge, Theosophical Broadcasting Station Ltd., 29 Bligh St., Sydney. M. Inst.R.E. Aust. Commenced in radio 1921 with Radio Company Ltd., Loftus St., later joined United Distributors Ltd., as testing experimental engineer for a period of three years during which was employed on construction and testing of original 2KY and 2GB. Toured U.S.A. and Europe, 1928. Studying broadcasting. Returned and joined 2GB as Engineer in Charge, since then rebuilt 2GB throughout, also built and installed 4BH Brisbane. Private address: "Billabong," Lagoon St., Narrabeen. Born, Sept. 24, 1906. Recreation: Flying.
  • SCOVELL, Alexander J. W.- Chairman of Directors, Widdis Diamond Cells Pty. Ltd., 119 Hawke St., West Melbourne.
  • SCOVELL, Alexander McKenzie.- Manager, N.S.W. Widdis Diamond Dry Cells Pty. Ltd., Dalgety Rd.; Millers Point, Sydney. Joined Widdis Organisation, 1927. Appointed Manager Sydney Factory, 1932. Born, June 22nd, 1910.
  • SEARSEN, Edward Michael.- Radio Sales Mgr., Electricity Meter Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Joynton Ave., Waterloo. Graduated from marine service to radio sales. Private address: 63 Henrietta St., Waverley. Born, 16/2/1901.
  • SHAW, Ernest Heywood.- Founder and editor of "The W.A. Wireless News." Joined staff of R. S. Sampson Brokensha Co., prior to 1929. Published the "West Australian Wireless News & Musical World," Sept., 1929. Mr. Shaw is editor, Technical Editor and Advertising Manager. An experienced radio experimenter, dating back to days of old "Quench Gap Spark Transmitters." Enlisted at Blackboy Hill, W.A., 1914, saw service on Gallipoli as an original Anzac, thence to France, where later he was detailed to special service, returning to Australia in 1920.
  • SHORE, Francis Thornell.- Sales Mgr. Radio and Electrical Dept., A. J. Aucher Ltd., 14 Spring St., Sydney. Overseas Factory Representative Radio, Electrical and Motor lines. Private address: "Bellevue," Morra Cres., Randwick. Born, 23/7/1900.
  • SIMPSON, Alfred John.- Instrument Design Engineer and Partner Express Universal Instrument Co., 5 Tinana St., Haberfield, N.S.W. Stromberg-Carlson, 1924. Private address: 5 Tinana St., Haberfield. Born, 28/6/10. Recreations: Motoring, Shooting.
  • SLADE, Charles William.- Radio Engineer, Proprietor, Croydon Radio, Lang St., Croydon. Holds English P.M.G. Certificate 1st Class. 15 years radio experience in British Navy, 1909 to 1924. 3 years Technical editor of "Wireless Weekly," 1925 to 1928. Radio and Technical Editor Daily Telegraph, 1928-1929. Radio Engineer Keogh Radio Ltd., 1929-1930. Commenced business at home, speciality - Superheterodynes, Private address: Lang St., Croydon. Born, 22/5/1894.
  • SMALL, Charles A.- Chief Technician Radio & Service Dept., Henry G. Small & Co., 374 Post Office Place, Melbourne, C.1. Experience, Engineering Course, Swinburne Technical College. Metropolitan Vickers Elec. Co. Carroll & Grunden. Auto & Electrical Engineers. Electric Equipment Manufacturers, Sth. Melbourne. Private address: 313 Riversdale Rd., Camberwell, Victoria.
  • SMALL, Henry G.- Manager, Henry G. Small & Co., 374 Post Office Place, Melbourne C.1., A.M.I.E. Aust. A.S.T.C. Lie. A.S.E.C.V. Educated Kalgoorlie. West Australian School of Mines. Swinburne Technical College. Experience Kalgoorlie Municipal Electric Light Station, Kalgoorlie Light and Power Corporation. Melbourne Electric Supply Co. British Insulated & Helsby Cables. Electric Railway Dept. Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd. Private address: 16 Rathmines Rd., Auburn, E.3., Vic.
  • SMITH, John Edwin, partner, Thom & Smith, (TASMA) 55 Dowling St., East Sydney. 1912-16 apprentice electrical instrument maker Western Electric London, 1916-23, telephone experimental shop Siemens Bros. London. 1924-29 Foreman tool-room, Stromberg-Carlson (Sydney) 17/12/29 founded Thom & Smith with Mr. Fred. Thom, Private address Jamieson Ave., Manly. Recreations, Golf, Fishing, Surfing.
  • STEWART, Frederick Harold, M.P.- Governing Director, 2CH Broadcasting Co., 77 York St., Sydney. Won Federal Parramatta Election, 1930, promoted to Cabinet rank within 8 months. 20 years an officer of N.S.W. Railways. Resigned to undertake subdivisional and transport activities culminating in development of the Metropolitan Omnibus & Transport Co. of which founder and governing Director. Director Associated Newspapers Ltd. A founder & Chairman of Australian National Airways. Chairman N.S.W. Woollen and Felt mills. Private address: 223 Burwood Rd., Burwood. Born 14/8/84. Recreation: Bowls and music.
  • SWEENEY, Walter.- Director, Essanay Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. M.I.R.E. U.S.A. Engineer Marconi Co., 1907-1912. W/T. P.M.G.'s Dept. 1912-1916. W/T. Inspector Navy, 1916-1917. A.I.F. 1917. Representative in Australia for Radio Communication Co., 1924-5. Formed Essanay 1928. Born, Jan., 1887.
  • TAIT, J. M.- Radio Mgr., British General Electric Company Ltd., 104 Clarence St., Sydney. Member I.R.E. (Aust.) Educated Sydney Grammar School. 5 years Dalgety's Ltd. Joined British General Electric Co., Jan., 1920 as assistant and later in charge of Telephone section. Sent to England, 1925, for general experience at Peel Conner Telephone works, Coventry. Returned Sydney, 1926. 1931, in charge of Radio & Telephones Dept. Born. 11/12/1899.
  • TAYLOR, John Peebles.- Sales Mgr.-Commonwealth Moulding & Electric Company, 240 Princes Highway, Arncliffe, N.S.W. Served in A.I.F. Engaged in Radio selling and advertising for past 14 years. Private address : 7 Poate Rd., Centennial Park, N.S.W. (Major Army Signals). Born, 1895. Recreations: Tennis and Surfing.
  • TAYLOR, John T.- Gen. Mgr. 2CH Broadcasting Co., 77 York St., Sydney. Commercial experience with H. J. Heinz Co., U.S.A. in different states of Australia. Joined present Company at inception (Feb. 1932) as Adv. Mgr., appointed Gen. Mgr. October, 1932. Private address: 18 Kulgoa Rd., Bellevue Hill. Born 1904. Recreations: Golf, Surfing.
  • THOMAS, Oscar.- Manager, Radio Dept., F. Tritton (Pty.) Ltd., 260 George St., Brisbane, Q'ld.
  • THOM, Frederick William Parkes, partner Thom & Smith (TASMA), 55 Dowling St., East Sydney. Mem. Inst. R E. Aust. Assoc. I.R.E. (U.S.A.). Councillor Institution Radio Engineers, Australia. Apprentice electrical fitter 27/1/20-25/3/25, A.W.A. 1925-1929 production and radio engineer Stromberg-Carlson, Aust. Ltd. 17/12/29 founded with Mr. J. E. Smith, the firm Thom & Smith. Private address 9 Bancroft Ave., Roseville, recreations, Golf, Surfing, Fishing. Born 11/7/1904.
  • THORRINGTON, Albert Leonard.- Advisory Service Engineer Express Universal Instrument Co. 5 Tinana St., Haberfield. M.I.R.E. (Aust.) Associated with radio since, 1923, commercially since 1925. June, 1932, formed Express Universal Inst. Co. Private address: 14 Harrington St., Marrickville. Born 15/8/06. Recreations: Photography, Motoring.
  • TRACKSON, Philange S.- Mng. Dir. Trackson Bros. Ltd., 157-159 Elizabeth St., Brisbane. Assoc. M.I.R.E. (Aust.) Assoc. M.I.E.E. London. Private address: "Norvic," 102 Racecourse Rd., Ascot, Brisbane.
  • TREE, Ernest E.- Proprietor, Tree Radio-Electric Co., 128 Willoughby Rd., Crows Nest. Assoc. M. Inst. R.E. Aust. Captain Singer Car Club N.S.W. Councillor Radio Retailers Assn. N.S.W. Born, 1904.
  • TURNER, Arthur Rex.- Mgr. Radio Dept., E. F. Wilks & Co. Ltd., 124 Castlereagh St., Sydney. R.A.C.A. Aust. Motor Yacht Squadron. R.M.Y.C. 13 years in E. F. Wilks & Co. Early 1926 went to England and Continent (9 months) returning as manager Radio & Phonographs Dept. Private address: 16 Buena Vista Ave., Clifton Gardens. Born, 1/3/02. Recreations: Motoring, Golf and Speed Boat Racing.
  • VAUGHAN, Clifford Walter.- Manager, Don Electrical Co., 112-16 Salisbury Rd., Camperdown. Joined O'Donnell, Griffin & Co., 1921, apprenticed as electrical fitter in 1922, technical representative from 1927 till 1928, assistant to Works Manager, 1928 till 1930, transferred to Don Electrical Co. in 1930 as Manager. Private address: 182 Queen St., Ashfield. Born, 21/7/07. Recreations: Tennis and Billiards.
  • WADHAM, Kevin.- Mgr. Radio Dept. & Electrical Dept. A. G. Healing Ltd., 151-159 Pirie St., Adelaide. Member W.I.A. VK5KW. Civil Service (3 years). Production department Paroso Ltd., Radio Manufacturers & Dealers Adelaide. Later transferred to Melbourne Branch as country organiser and general sales work. Returned to Adelaide when Melbourne Branch sold out to Louis Coen. Left this Company after 2 years and commenced with H. C. McKenzie & Co., radio dealers, leaving after period of 2 years to enter business on own account. Joined present company, March, 1927 in capacity of Manager of Radio Dept. Recently taken over new Electrical Dept. Private address: 83 Moseley St., Glenelg S.A. Born, Oct., 1904.
  • WALKER, Harold Christie.- Consulting Accountant, Company Manager & Secretary, "London Bank Chambers," 18-20 Martin Place, Sydney. Assoc. Commonwealth Institute of Accountants. Was one of the first to engage in radio trade in Australia as General Manager, Harringtons Ltd. Took prominent part in early organisation of trade, chairman of Radio Interests Ltd. assisted materially in securing Royal Commission, re Radio and settling royalty question satisfactorily Visited America, 1929-30, on return appointed Managing Director, Harringtons Ltd., and Raycophone Ltd. Resigned, 1932, to commence practice as Consulting Accountant and to organise several Radio manufacturing activities. Private address: 99 Bellevue Rd., Bellevue Hill, Sydney. Born, 7th Dec., 1889. Recreations: Golf.
  • WALTER, R. P.- General Manager, Ever-Ready Co. (Grt. Brt.) Ltd., 40 Marshall Street, Sydney.
  • WELSH, Charles O.- Director since 1931. Eclipse Radio Pty. Ltd. Born, March, 1892.
  • WETLESS, A. P. J.- Proprietor, Wetless Electric Manufacturing Co., 281 King Street, St. Peters. Electrical Engineer, Specialised in condenser manufacture since 1923.
  • WILSON, John Francis.- Secretary & Assistant Manager, Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ltd., 47 York St., Sydney. A.C.I.S., Member Inst. R.E. Aust. Educated St. James College and Sydney University. Joined M.W.T. Co . in 1909, as Marine Operator. Engaged on construction work and ship fitting in Brazil, Sth. Africa and Canada. Joined Australian branch in 1911, and been with A.W.A. since inception of Company. Appointed Secretary A.W.A. in 1917 and Assistant Manager in 1918. Recreations: Tennis, Swimming.
  • WINKWORTH, Leslie Herbert.- Director, C. Winkworth & Son Ltd., 337 George St., Sydney. Committee Carnarvon Golf Club, Hon. Sec. Barrier Reef Big Game Fishing Club. Life Member Haberfield Rowing Club also Union Old Oarsmen, Associate Member Royal Zoological Society, Marine Life Section; Haberfield Music Club Committee. Educated Sydney Boys High School. Commenced business career with Makower McBeath Pty. Silk Merchants. Joined father in business, 1912, as Piano Importers. 1919, entered into control of business on retirement of C. R. Winkworth (father) with brother Herbert C. Winkworth as partners. Traded as O. Winkworth & Son. Pianos Players Gramophones. In 1924, became Director of new Company C. Winkworth & Son Ltd. Nominal Capital £50,000. In 1925 opened 337 George St. Extended also Annandale premises twice. Increased capital to £100,000. Travelled America, Europe, England, Canada, 1926, for new agencies. Private address: "Kowong," Crescent St., Dobroyde Point, Haberfield. Born, 1892. Recreations: Music, Game Fishing, Marine Life. Zoology Golf, Flying, Shooting, Boxing, Australian Art, Rowing.
  • WING, William, J. J.- Sales Mgr. Amalgamated Wireless (A/sia) Ud., 47 York St., Sydney. Born and educated in England. Joined Marconi School, England, 1911. Operator s.s. "Empress of Ireland," and a number of White Star and Allan Liners. Joined Commonwealth Radio Service, 1913, served in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Thursday Island, and Cooktown Radio Stations. Joined Commercial side of A.W.A. 1923, and appointed Sales Manager, 1924. Has been prominently associated with radio trade organisations.
  • WINTER, William Francis.- Director Heberholds Dry Batteries Pty. Ltd., Melbourne. Entered radio in 1922. 1931 visited Great Britain and Europe to investigate battery situation. 1932 Formed Heberholds. Born, 1903.
  • WERRING, Oscar Carl.- Proprietor, Radio Dept. Werring Radio Co., 213-215 Queensberry St., Carlton N.3. Private address: 874 Burke Rd., South Camberwell, S.E.6. Phone Haw. 4875. Born. 3/8/1906. Recreation: Billiards.
  • WHITE, Frederick Richard.- Works Mgr. Raycophone Ltd., Cr. Booth & Trafalgar Sts., Annandale. 8 years Electrical Trades & Diploma Course Sydney Technical College. 14 years Amalgamated Wireless in following positions:- 5 years apprenticeship. 3 years Assistant Engineer. 3 years Assistant Works Manager. 9 months Acting Works Manager. Works Manager James Manufacturing Co. (New Systems Telephones) 3 years Works Manager Raycophone. Private address: 5 Abbotslee Flats, Warners Ave., Bondi. Born, 1900.
  • WODELL, Frank E.- Manager Radio & Electrical Dept., Hazell & Moore Ltd., 36 Campbell St., Sydney. Balgowlah Golf Club. 6 years wholesale leather business 20 years motor car business. 10 years of which were as employee of General Motors, 3 of which were as Australasian Representative. About 4½ years in Sydney Radio with 3½ years Interstate Sales Ltd. as Managing Director, one year as Departmental Manager of Hazell & Moore Ltd. Private address : "Clybucca," Wanganella St., Balgowlah. Born, 8/3/1883. Recreations: Golf, Motoring, Trout Fishing, and Camping.
  • WYLES, David Grieve, M. Inst. R. E. Aust., Mem. I.R.E. (U.S.A.) Served engineering apprenticeship Forwood, Down & Co. Ltd., joined Amalgamated Wireless, 1914. Visited Europe, Great Britain, 1922-23, investigating radio behalf A.W.A. Appointed Chief Engineer Station 2BL Sydney, 1925. Later appointed engineer National Electric Co. N.Z. Joined Philips Lamps (A/sia) Ltd., Sydney as technical manager, 1929.