History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Biographies/George Archibald Scott/Notes

George Archibald Scott - Transcriptions and notes


Key article copies


Perth Daily News publishes a marvellous biography of Scott

W.A.'S RADIO INSPECTOR. SOMETHING OF HIS SERVICE. Many curious minded people have asked, since wireless became the vogue "What qualifications has Mr. G. A. Scott for his position?" This probably comes of holding a position in which conflict with sections of the public is occasionally made. It is interesting therefore to know that Mr. George Scott joined the Imperial Naval service at the time of the late Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee and was attached to that service from 1897 to 1911. In February 1901 he made his debut in wireless at which time he was on H.M.S. Vindictive (of Zeebruge fame) when that vessel was doing duty as one of the escorting cruisers to His Majesty the King (then Duke of York) on his visit to Australasia in the s.s. Ophir to inaugurate the Australian Commonwealth. Those were the days of the ten-inch spark coil and the little receiving instrument known as the coherer. At that time the naval men prided themselves on the excellent results attained and although keeping in touch with the Ophir and other cruisers at distances up to 100 miles may not seem much in these more sophisticated days, it was an achievement in the early days of wireless science. From 1901 until 1908 Mr. Scott had the benefit of a thorough training in naval wireless telegraphy and in the latter year he came to Australia as Petty Officer Telegraphist on H.M.S. Pegasus and as his period of service in the Imperial Navy was due to expire before the fulfilment of the vessel's commission, he elected to sever his connection with the Navy and become a good Australian. On leaving in February, 1911 he came into contact with Father Shaw of the famous Randwick (Sydney) wireless station and entered the service of this well-known scientist. His experiences with Father Shaw ranged from New Guinea to King Island, Tasmania. Whilst at the Shaw station at King Island he applied for the position of operator at the Melbourne Radio station, and in March 1912 received notification that his application had been accepted. Here he commenced duties with the Commonwealth Radio Service. He remained an operator at Melbourne until July 1912 when he was selected by the then Engineer for Radio Telegraphy (Mr. J. G. Balsillie) to proceed to Brisbane to take over the construction of the radio station. When the Brisbane station was completed and in good working order he proceeded to Rockhampton and supervised the erection of the radio station at that centre. He then returned to the Brisbane station as officer in charge and remained there until July, 1918 when he was transferred to W.A. as Radio Inspector with the rank of Radio Lieutenant, the radio service having been taken over by the R.A.N. as a war measure. With the signing of peace he reverted to the P.M.G.'s Department, when everything pertaining to wireless was assigned to that Department. Since then he has occupied an office on the sixth floor of the G.P.O., which is replete with testing instruments and other wireless paraphernalia.[1]

Non-chronological material





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1912 01
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1912 05

Scott appointed as assistant operator at POM-VIM Melbourne, but not yet qualified for permanent appointment to the public service

COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. Melbourne, 17th May, 1912. THE following notification respecting staff changes, &c., is made in accordance with the Commonwealth Public Service Act and Regulations:— . . . POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Ex. Mins. 145, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158, 173 . . . Exemptions from the Provisions of the Act. G. A. Scott, Assistant Operator, Wireless Telegraph Station, Melbourne, not exceeding twelve months, from 18th March, 1912.[2]

1912 06
1912 07

Scott supervises the installation of the antenna mast for POB-VIB Brisbane

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Mast Erected at Pinkenba. On Saturday afternoon a big mast was erected on the site of the prospective wireless telegraphy station at Pinkenba. Careful and extensive preparations were made for getting the mast into position. The foundation for it was formed of concrete, and the mast itself measured 160 feet in length, and was constructed of Oregon planks. It weighed 18 tons, and after considerable work, was placed safely in position. Mr. Scott was the officer in charge, and the assistant was Mr. Munson.[3]

1912 08

Scott appointed officer-in-charge of POB-VIB Brisbane by John Graeme Balsillie

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. . . . SYSTEM IN QUEENSLAND. BRISBANE, Tuesday. The Commonwealth wireless expert (Mr. Balsillie) arrived in Brisbane from the south last night, and this morning visited the wireless station, which is now nearing completion, at Pinkenba. Mr. G. Scott has been appointed officer in charge, and the staff will include four assistants.[4]

1912 09
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1912 12

Scott commences work on establishment of VIR Rockhampton

WIRELESS STATION AT ROCKHAMPTON. Work in connection with the establishment of a wireless telegraph station in Rockhampton under the direction of the Commonwealth Government will be commenced on Monday next says the Rockhampton "Bulletin"). Mr. G. A. Scott, who erected the station at Brisbane, will supervise all the stationary work at Rockhampton. Mr. Scott, accompanied by two foremen, arrived from Brisbane this week, and has for the last two or three days been completing the preliminary work. A site on Athelstane Range, opposite the Convent High School, has been selected for the station. Two reinforced concrete buildings will be erected. The pole will be 100 feet high. It will be of two laminated corrugated planks 21in. square. Mr. Scott hopes to have the work completed in three months. The first connection will be with Brisbane; but through some delay in procuring a site at Townsville, it will be a little later before connection will be established with the north. The Rockhampton station will be available for receiving messages from ships passing up and down the coast. The cost for ordinary public messages will be 10d per word plus the ordinary land line charges.[5]


1913 01

Scott progressing well with the establishment of VIR Rockhampton

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. THE ROCKHAMPTON STATION. Good progress is now being made with the erection of the plant and buildings in connection with the wireless telegraphy station at Rockhampton on the site purchased by the Commonwealth Government some time ago, on The Range, opposite the Convent High School. The hauling of the huge mast, which will form the most conspicuous feature of the station, into position has just been commenced. A representative of the "Morning Bulletin," who visited the site yesterday, was afforded an opportunity of witnessing the work, and was courteously given some details concerning it by Mr. G. A. Scott, erectional engineer in charge. The mast referred to is no less than 100 ft. in length, and from top to bottom it is 21 in. square. It is composed of Oregon pine. Its core is made of five planks, each 15 in. by 3 in., and the lagging is composed of pieces 8 in. by 3 in. and 10 in. by 3 in. It is surmounted by a gaff 20 ft. long, to which the aerial wires are to be attached. The raising of this solid mass of timber into position is in itself an interesting operation to witness. Briefly the method adopted is as follows:— The wireless mast was laid in a horizontal position with one end resting on a concrete bed, walled in to a height of 4 ft. on two sides. Another mast, 60 ft. long and 21 in. square, was laid on top of this, and on this a third mast, 40 ft. long and about 12 in. square, was placed, the two smaller masts being used only for the purpose of erection. The smallest mast was then raised to an upright position. Banjo wires secure it to the second mast, and the second is secured to the wireless mast by the same means. The smallest mast is gradually lowered at right angles to the second mast, and as the latter moves, the wireless mast accordingly is also raised. A patent winch, strongly manned, is employed to haul the wireless mast into its upright position. At the base of the wireless mast there is a bed of solid concrete 6 ft. deep, with a surface 8 ft. square; and as soon as the mast is in position, the space between the walls above referred to will be filled in with concrete. Mr. F. Fraser is the foreman in charge of the mast. There are two small but very substantial buildings of reinforced concrete in course of erection on the ground. They are to be 13 ft. in height, and the walls of them are 12 in. thick. Inside the partitions are 9 in. thick. One building will contain the operating room, the transmitting room, and a motor room; and the other a room for a storage battery, the main engine room, and a living room for the officer in charge. Mr. J. Waite is the foreman in charge of the building works. The laying of the earth wires is well advanced, numerous trenches having been put down for them and the wires laid. Some idea of the plant may be gained from the fact that there are about seven miles of copper telephone wire used for this purpose alone. The aerial wires, which are suspended in two lots of four wires each from each end of the gaff on top of the mast, will take up another 5040 ft. of wire. It is proposed to put in four telegraph poles to act as slays for these wires. It is expected that the station will be completed by about Easter. It will be the third wireless station in Queensland, the other two being at Brisbane and Thursday Island. Other stations are in course of erection at Townsville and Cairns. These stations are estimated to be capable to receiving and transmitting messages reliably over a distance of 100 miles. What is the cost of erecting a station such as is being put up here it is difficult, to ascertain, but it is safe to say that it will run into something over £3000. At the present time it is finding employment for thirty-five men.[6]

1913 02
1913 03

Scott confirmed appointed as officer-in-charge of POB-VIB Brisbane

COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. Melbourne, 28th February, 1913. THE following notification respecting staff changes, &c., is made in accordance with the Commonwealth Public Service Act and Regulations:— . . . POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Ex. Mins. Nos. 32. 35, 38, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, Nos., 51, 52, 53, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, &c. . . . Queensland. Appointment without Examination or Probation. George Archibald Scott, who is not an officer of the Public Service, has been appointed Engineer Operator, Class E, Wireless Telegraphy Station, Brisbane, without examination or probation, with salary of £235, from date of commencing duty.[7]

1913 04
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Scott is required to resign from the PMGD Radiotelegraph Branch in order to join the the Royal Australian Naval Radio Service

POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Ex. Mins. Nos. 311, 312, 313, 316, 317, 318, 324, 325. Central Staff. Services Terminated. W. G. Chapman, Engineer Operator, Class E, Radiotelegraph Branch, Queensland (stationed at Brisbane), from 30th June, 1916 (resigned). G. A. Scott, Officer in Charge, Class E, Radio-telegraph Branch, Queensland (stationed at Brisbane), from 30th June, 1916 (resigned).[8]

Scott, details included in list of all Central Office staff Commonwealth public servants, as at August 1913 ?

Chief Electrical Engineer's Office. . . . "Radio-Telegraph Branch.

  • (Wireless Telegraph Stations) – Queensland.
  • Page No.: 22
  • Name: Scott, G. A.
  • Date of Birth: 7.6.82
  • Particulars of Service, &c.
    • Under State.
      • Office: N/A
      • Date of First Appointment: N/A
      • Division: N/A
      • Salary on Transfer to Commonwealth: N/A
    • Under Commonwealth.
      • Date of Appointment or of Transfer: 23.9.12
      • Work
        • Office.: Engineer operator (stationed at Brisbane)
        • Division: P
        • Class or Grade: E
      • Officer.
        • Class or Grade.: E
        • Subdivision.: 2
        • Salary (including Rent).: L235
        • Deduction for Rent.: Nil
        • Allowances.
          • District.: N/A
          • Miscellaneous.: N/A
        • Present Salary received from: 23.9.12[9]
1913 09
1913 10
1913 11

Scott boards the Mataram at Brisbane for Sydney

SHIPPING. . . . MATARAM AT BRISBANE. BRISBANE, Sunday.— Messrs. Burns, Philp, and Co.'s steamer Mataram, in command of Captain C. W. Bibbing, arrived here today from Singapore and Java via usual ports. Captain Bibbing reports that the Mataram left Singapore on October 28, and had light to moderate southeast winds and smooth seas throughout the voyage. The following is a list of the passengers for Sydney: Mesdames Elworthy, F. C. Smith, Phipps, Erzoy, McIlwaine, Birch, Kelsey, and Maguire, Misses McIlwaine (3), Bradshaw, Kelsey, Phipps, Lieut.-Col. Murray, Captains Pitlo and Erzey, Surgeon Sardiman, Rev. Birch, Drs. H. Tennant and A. E. Cox, Messrs. Elworthy, C. W. Lasher, F. Woolcombe, Melhuish, H. E. Martin, Phipps, W. Morris, V. Stack, R. Pickford, S. Barrow, F. J. Burgoyne, J. Hall, F. Cusack, A. J. Jolly, Maguire, G. A. Scott, H. S. Vickers, Masters Kelsey, Rodgers, Phipps (2), and Cahill. The Mataram brings 1451 tons of cargo, including about 400 tons of sugar, for Sydney.[10]

1913 12


1914 01
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1914 08

Scott, details included in list of all Central Office staff Commonwealth public servants, as at August 1914 ?

Postmaster-General's Department, Central Staff.

  • (Wireless Telegraph Stations) – Queensland.
  • Page No.: 6
  • Name: Scott, G. A.
  • Date of Birth: 7.6.82
  • Date of First Appointment: 23.9.12
  • Office.: Officer-in-charge (stationed at Brisbane)
  • Division: P
  • Class or Grade: E
  • Salary (including Rent).: L264
  • Deduction for Rent.: N/A
  • Allowances.
    • District.: N/A
    • Miscellaneous.: N/A
  • Present Salary received from: 1.1.14[11]
1914 09
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1915 01
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Scott included in list of Federal Public Servants for Central Staffs as at 30 June 1915 (Index)

INDEX TO LIST OF PERMANENT OFFICERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE ON THE 30th OF JUNE, 1915. . . . Index to List of Officers — Central Staffs — continued. Scott, George Archibald Page 31, Line 12[12]

Scott included in the List of Federal Public Servants for Central Staffs as at 30 June 1915 (Full Details)

Commonwealth Public Service.

  • Radio-Telegraph Branch, (Wireless Telegraph Stations.) . . . Queensland
  • Page No.: 31
  • Line on Page: 12
  • Name: Scott, G. A.
  • Date of Birth: 7.6.82
  • Date of First Appointment: 23.9.12
  • Office: Officer-in-Charge
  • Division: P.
  • Class or Grade: E.
  • Salary (including Rent): £264
  • Deduction for Rent: N/A
  • Allowances (District): N/A
  • Allowances (Miscellaneous): N/A
  • Present Salary received from: 1.1.14[13]
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1916 01
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1916 08

Scott, details included in list of all Central Office staff Commonwealth public servants, as at August 1916 ?

Postmaster-General's Department, Central Staff.

  • (Wireless Telegraph Stations) Queensland.
  • Page No.: 11
  • Name: Scott, G. A.
  • Date of Birth: 7.6.82
  • Date of First Appointment: 23.9.12
  • Office.: Officer-in-charge (stationed at Brisbane)
  • Division: P
  • Class or Grade: E
  • Salary (including Rent).: L264
  • Deduction for Rent.: N/A
  • Allowances.
    • District.: N/A
    • Miscellaneous.: N/A
  • Present Salary received from: 1.1.14[14]
1916 09
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1916 12

Index to Scott's resignation, together with much of the Radiotelegraph Branch required in order to join the Royal Australian Naval Radio Service

Services Terminated — . . . Postmaster-General's Department and Branches — Central Staff. . . . Brown, E. O., 2550, 2590. Burgoyne, F. J., 3193. Chapman, W. G., 1740. Chilton, G. F., 3407. Coffey, H. F., 1988. Crawford, W. T. S., 2590. Griffin, M., 1400. Hodson, V., 3195. Holloway, W. H., 1632. King, C. C., 1945. Leslie, J., 2950. Martin, J. M., 3195. Mayger, N. H., 2550. Meredith, C. G. B., 1988. Mortimer, M., 1945. O'Kelly, J., 2590. Pope, M. G., 3195. Reader, D. H., 1945. Scott, G. A., 1740. Taylor, E., 1826. Weston, G. J., 2550.[15]


1917 01

The newly established Royal Australian Naval Radio Service is populated, primarily from the PMGD Radio Telegraph Branch, including Scott, effective 1 July 1916

Department of the Navy. Ex. Min. No. 1. Melbourne, 11th January, 1917. NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. Royal Australian Naval Radio Service. Appointments, &c. HIS Excellency the Governor-General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the following appointments being made to the Permanent Naval Forces of the Common-wealth (Royal Australian Naval Radio Service), as from 1st July, 1916:—

  • Position; Seniority in rank.
  • To be Radio Commander —
    • Engineer Lieutenant Frank Gillespie Cresswell, R.A.N.; 1/7/1916.
  • To be Radio Lieutenants —
    • Arthur Frederick Newman; 1/7/1916.
    • George James Weston; 1/7/1916.
  • To be Commissioned Telegraphists—
    • William Tamillas Stephen Crawford; 1/7/1912.
    • Walter Moss Sweeney; 1/7/1912.
    • George Archibald Scott; 1/7/1914.
    • John Michael Martin; 1/7/1914.
    • Charles Edward Tapp; 1/7/1914.
    • Julian Leslie; 1/7/1914.
    • George Frederick Chilton; 1/7/1914.
    • Francis James Burgoyne; 1/7/1914.
  • To be Warrant Telegraphists —
    • James Joseph Wiseman Lamb; 1/7/1916.
    • Henry Freeman Coffey; 1/7/1916.
    • Sydney Trim; 1/7/1916.
    • Maitland Glen Pope; 1/7/1916.
    • Mark Mortimer; 1/7/1916.
    • William Hart Holloway; 1/7/1916.
    • D'Arcy Harold Reader; 1/7/1916.
    • William George Chapman; 1/7/1916.
    • Victor Hodson; 1/7/1916.
    • Neil Hubert Mayger; 1/7/1916.
    • Clement George Benger Meredith; 1/7/1916.
    • Frank John Claude Bridges; 1/7/1916.
    • Gerald Willis Walters; 1/7/1916.
    • Frederick James Henderson; 1/7/1916.
  • The following are appointed for temporary service:—
    • Name; Seniority in rank.
  • To be Commissioned Telegraphist —
    • William George Clarke; 1/7/1914.
  • To be Warrant Telegraphists —
    • Gordon George Phillips; 1/7/1916.
    • Ellis Henry Smellie; 1/7/1916.

Payment to Officers whilst Acting in Higher Rank.

  • James Joseph Wiseman Lamb, Warrant Telegraphist, and
  • D'Arcy Harold Reader, Warrant Telegraphist,
  • each to be paid rates of pay and allowances as for Commissioned Telegraphist on appointment, whilst temporarily acting in that rank; to date from 1st July, 1916.

Promotions. The following promotions are made in connexion with the Permanent Naval Forces of the Commonwealth (Royal Australian Naval Radio Service):—

  • Name; Seniority in rank.
  • To be Warrant Telegraphists (Acting) —
    • Charles Calvert King; Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist; 1/7/1916.
    • Sydney Claude Cusack; Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist; 1/7/1916.
    • Frederick Charles Mulligan; Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist; 8/9/1916.
    • Joseph Murray Johnson; Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist; 11/9/1916.
    • George Bailey; Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist; 11/9/1916.

J. A. JENSEN, Minister of State for the Navy.[16]

Scott appointed to the permanent Royal Australian Naval Radio Service as a Commissioned Telegraphist, noted in the Age

AUSTRALIAN NAVAL WIRELESS. APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS. The following appointments to the permanent Royal Australian Naval Radio Service were announced yesterday in the "Commonwealth Gazette":— To be Radio Commander.— Engineer Lieut. Frank Gillespie Creswell, R.A.N. To be Radio Lieutenants.— Arthur Frederick Newman, George James Weston. To be Commissioned Telegraphists.— William T. S. Crawford, Walter M. Sweeney, George A. Scott, John M. Martin, Charles E. Tapp, Julian Leslie, George F. Chilton, Francis J. Burgoyne. To be Warrant Telegraphists.— James J. W. Lamb, Henry F. Coffey, Sydney Trim, Maitland G. Pope, Mark Mortimer, William H. Holloway, d'Arcy H. Reader, William G. Chapman, Victor Hodson, Neil H. Mayger, Clement G. B. Meredith; Frank J. C. Bridges, Gerald W. Walters, Frederick J. Henderson. The following promotions in the service were also announced:— To be Warrant Telegraphists (Acting).— Chief Petty Officer Telegraphists Charles C. King, Sydney C. Cusack, Frederick C. Mulligan, Joseph M. Johnson, George Bailey.[17]

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1918 01
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1918 07

Scott promoted from officer-in-charge POB-VIB Brisbane to similar at Applecross

Mainly About People. "Franziska." . . . Mr. George Scott, officer in charge at the Pinkenba wireless station, has been appointed to the position of Lieutenant-Inspector in Western Australia of the Royal Australian Naval Radio service. Before leaving Brisbane he was presented with a smoker's silver outfit by his fellow workers. [18]

1918 08
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1919 01
1919 02

Scott promoted to position of Radio-Lieutenant in RANRS

NAVAL FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. THE Governor-General in Council has approved of the following:— . . . Royal Australian Naval Radio Service. Payment to an Officer acting in a Higher Rank.— Radio Lieutenant George James Weston is to be paid rates of pay and allowances laid down in the Naval Financial Regulations for Radio Lieutenant-Commander (on appointment) whilst temporarily acting in that rank, to date from 1st July, 1918. Promotions.— To be Radio-Lieutenant — Commissioned Tele-graphist George Archibald Scott, dated 1st July, 1918. To be Commissioned Telegraphists — Warrant Telegraphist Henry Freeman Coffey, dated 1st February, 1918; Warrant Tele-graphist Maitland Glen Pope, dated 1st February, 1918. To be Warrant Telegraphists (Acting) — Chief Petty Officer Tele-graphist William Jessop, dated 1st July, 1918; Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist George Henry Brown, dated 1st July, 1918; Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist Ernest Richard McDonough, dated 1st July, 1918; Chief Petty Officer Tele-graphist George Foot, dated 1st July, 1918.[19]

1919 03

Scott is belatedly commissioned as a Radio Lieutenant in the RANRS

News and Notes. . . . A somewhat belated, but deserved commission of Radio Lieutenant has been granted to Mr. G. A. Scott, Radio Inspector for W.A., now at the Naval Office, Fremantle. This promotion is very deserved as Lieutenant Scott is a most capable and painstaking officer, and in addition is well liked by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance.[20]

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1920 01
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1920 10

Report of Scott, member of the Coastal Motor Cycle Club, indulging in his past-time of motor cycle riding and taking out the first prize for best decorated motorcycle

Motor Cycling. COASTAL MOTOR CYCLE CLUB. On Saturday afternoon last the Club certainly excelled itself, and the promoters of the gymkhana held on the Oval cannot fail to acknowledge that efforts of members to give every assistance were worthy of commendation. Quite a goodly array of more or less artistically decorated motor cycles took part in the procession, and later put up some stunts on the turf, which, judging by the barracking of the onlookers, proved of exciting interest. For best decorated turn-out first prize was awarded G. A. Scott a second prize being granted J. Miller for best-kept machine. Honourable mention might be made of Joslin and Rutherford, who certainly gave the winner a close go, while the "Coons" with their "Sausage Mashine" created much mirth. In the ring Rutherford pulled off the obstacle race in good style from Gillespie, with Sinclair third and the nine-lap handicap proved a walk-over for Howson (2min.), the places being filled by Sinclair (½ min.), and Spiers (1min.). Sunday's run to the Serpentine Falls proved most successful, a party of four side-cars and six solo mounts, with several of the fair sex as passengers, making the trip. In beautiful weather a good day's outing was spent among the hills, the only drawback being the indifferent state of the roads particularly around Armadale. The return was varied with a detour to Mundijong, home being reached in the cool of the evening after a most enjoyable run. A "billy" run to Rockingham, where it is proposed to try out the alleged new road to Mandurah is booked for Sunday next, leaving the Town Hall at 10 a.m. With the approaching close of the Club's year, the annual election of officers is in hand for the next meeting, when members are urged to attend. Arrangements are also being made to close the current year with a bumper social evening to take place early next month. We know of a rider named Sc— Who for stiffness can beat all the lot, If he doesn't strike rain, He does in a chain, And his language makes Monday's air hot. Amongst others we know who are triers There's a member by name of George Sp—, Who does rather well. But'd do better still, If only he got decent tyres. "Joey," "Boonah" and "Gallip" Took the triplet out for a trip, Looking anything but clean On their "Sausage Mashine," They certainly gave the thing gip! — "The Sentimental Bloke."[21]

Scott upon disbandment of RANRS, returns to the federal public service, appointed to PMGD as Inspector 3rd Class

COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. Melbourne, 28th October, 1920. THE undermentioned notifications of Staff changes, &c., are made in accordance with the Commonwealth Public Service Act and Regulations:— . . . POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Central Staff. Ex. Min. No. 451. . . . The following persons have been appointed, without examination or probation, as shown hereunder, the appointments to take effect from the 28th October, 1920:— George Archibald Scott, Inspector 3rd Class, Clerical Division, £400 per annum, plus allowance of £45 per annum; . . .[22]

1920 11

RANRS disbanded and Scott terminated

DISBANDMENT OF R.A.N. RADIO SERVICE. THE Governor-General in Council has approved of that portion of the Permanent Naval Forces of the Commonwealth (Auxiliary Services), known as the Royal Australian Naval Radio Service, being disbanded on 28th October, 1920. Further, the appointments of the following officers of the Royal Australian Naval Radio Service are terminated on the disbandment of the Force:— Radio Commander Frank Gillespie Cresswell; Radio Lieutenants Arthur Frederick Newman, (Acting Radio Lieutenant-Commander) George James Weston, Donald Macdonald (Retired List), William Tamillas Stephen Crawford, and George Archibald Scott; Commissioned Telegraphists William George Clarke, John Michael Martin, Charles Edward Tapp, Julian Leslie, George Frederick Chilton, Francis James Burgoyne, Jack Bickley Stoyle, James Joseph Wiseman Lamb, Henry Freeman Coffey, Maitland Glen Pope, and Sydney Trim; Warrant Telegraphists Mark Mortimer, (Acting Commissioned Telegraphist) William Hart Holloway, Harold D'Arcy Reader, William George Chapman, Arthur Montague Howlett, Gordon George Phillips, Ellis Henry Smellie, (Acting Commissioned Telegraphist) Frank John Claude Bridges, Charles Edward Lemmon, Gerald Willis Walters, (Acting Commissioned Telegraphist) Charles Calvert King, Frederick Charles Mulligan, Joseph Murray Johnson, Austin Fletcher, Leonard Mowlem, Sydney Rolls, Ernest Richard McDonough, Allen Grafton Cox, John Henry Leverett, Hamilton Bennett Wolfe, William James John Wing, Louis Alfred Fontaine, Griffith Benjamin Evans, George Foot, William Jessop, George Henry Brown, and (Acting) Harold Roy Deneen. W. H. LAIRD SMITH, Minister for the Navy. (Ex. Min. No. 71.)[23]

1920 12


1921 01
1921 02
1921 03
1921 04
1921 05
1921 06
1921 07
1921 08

Scott appointed as Commissioner for Declarations (along with several other senior inspectors)

Statutory Declarations Act 1911. IT is hereby notified, for public information, that the undermentioned persons have this day been appointed by me to be Commissioners for Declarations under the above Act. R. R. GARRAN, Solicitor-General. 9th August, 1921. Postmaster-General's Department. James Malone, Esquire, Radio Service, Collins House, Melbourne, Victoria. William Tamillas Stephen Crawford, Esquire, care of State Engineer, General Post Office, Sydney, New South Wales. George Frederick Chilton, Esquire, Radio Station, Pinkenba, Brisbane, Queensland. George Archibald Scott, Esquire, Post Office, Fremantle, Western Australia. James Joseph Wiseman Lamb, Esquire, Radio Station, Townsville, Queensland. Julian Leslie, Esquire, Radio Station, Alberton, Adelaide, South Australia.[24]

1921 09
1921 10
1921 11

Scott wins trophy at Coastal Motor Cycle Club for introducing the most new members

Motor Cycling. COASTAL MOTOR CYCLE CLUB. A lively spirit of enthusiasm was apparent at the meeting held on Tuesday evening last, when a lengthy agenda paper contrived to hold interest until a late hour. Mr. Streat, of East Fremantle, was elected a full member, while the proposals of Messrs. J. W. Dunkerton, F. Callashaw and B. Woods were accepted for confirmation next meeting. Mr. R. S. Sampson, M.L.A., notified his acceptance of the position of patron to the club, and Messrs. W. A. Robinson and M. J. Bateman as vice-presidents evidenced their support with donations of generous cheques. It was decided that arrangements be made to have a group photograph of the club taken. In connection with the run made recently to the Lesmurdie Falls it was resolved that the responsible authority be written to with regard to the dangerous termination of the road there. To conclude last year's business, award was made of winners of trophies donated for (a) most popular member on runs during the year; (b) most consistent member at runs and meetings, and (c) member responsible for greatest number of new entrants, the allocation resulting in favour of Messrs. A. R. Farrington, J. H. Sinclair and G. A. Scott, respectively. For Sunday next a "billy" run has been arranged with Bedfordale as the destination. Members and friends are requested to meet as usual at the Fremantle Town Hall by 10 a.m. NOTES. Just murmur "Ax" to Joe, and he'll fit the final syllable with emphasis. What was Wally doing with a cartload of scrap-iron the other day? Not spare parts for the "X," surely! Jeff didn't appreciate the "hat-trick" played on him at last Saturday's smoke social — 'twas hardly cricket, anyhow. Heard that Jimmy's "Trusty" has been lately showing signs of resurrection — when does the T.T. make its debut, Jimmy? Bob's Bungalow-on-the-beach a very popular spot with the Coastals these days — and very nice too! Reggie would redeem his reputation in regard to an alleged wrestle with a restive "Pup." From all accounts it was a "triumph" for the canine. No longer "sentimental" — Stew the "Cynical Bloke."[25]

1921 12


1922 01
1922 02
1922 03
1922 04

Scott attends the funeral of local secretary of Federated Seamen's Union

OBITUARY. . . . THE LATE MR. JAMES WILLIAM PITTS. There passed away suddenly at Fremantle on the 19th instant a returned soldier in the person of Mr. James William Pitts. The deceased enlisted with the A.I.F. in South Australia, and for conspicuous service in the great war he was awarded the Military Medal. He was a prisoner of war in Germany, whence he escaped after two years with some valuable information for the Allies. During his residence at the Port and until quite recently Mr. Pitts was secretary of the Federated Seamen's Union. For seven years he resided in South Australia, and for the last two years he had been a resident of this State, where in so short a time he had made many friends. The esteem in which he was held was evidenced by the large gathering assembled at the graveside on Friday, the 21st instant. The cortege moved from Messrs. Arthur E. Davies and Co.'s Private Mortuary, and proceeded to the Fremantle Cemetery, where the remains were laid to rest in the Church of England portion. The Rev. E. S. Clairs officiated at the graveside. The chief mourners were:— Mesdames Bergland, Vine, Holland, Scott, McSharer, and Gunson. The pall-bearers were Mr. T. Houghton (secretary, Fremantle branch Federated Seamen's Union), Wor. Bros. C. H. Copperwaite, R.W.M., and E. M. Middleton (representing Kilwinning Lodge No. 849, S.C.), Bro. J. Parncutt (general secretary Grand United Order of Free Gardeners), Mr. H. C. Waddell (representing A.I.F. and R.S.L.), Warrant Officer Kennedy, and C.P.O. Searle (representing Navy), and Mr. G. A. Scott (representing Commonwealth Wireless Department). Wreaths were placed on the grave by the South Australian branch of the Federated Seamen's Union, the West Australian branch Federated Seamen's Union, the Grand United Order of Free Gardeners White Rose No. 4, Kilwinning Lodge No. 849, S.C., and many friends. Amongst those present were: Mr. F. Rowe (representing Fremantle Lumpers' Union), Mr. W. Sidebottom (Federated Carters and Drivers' Union), and Mr. D. Hynes (Harbor and Rivers Association). The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. Arthur E. Davies and Co., of Fremantle and Claremont.[26]

1922 05
1922 06

Scott at Coastal Motor Cycle Club meeting gives an account of a billy run to Glen Forest

Motorcycling. Wags at Williams. A Run to Rockingham. (By C.McC.) There was a good attendance at the last meeting of the Coastal Motor Cycle Club. Members present were Messrs. Spiers, Sinclair, Gillespie, Hodgson, Farrington (2), Dunkerton, Scott, Smith, Herrington, Maidstone, Hansen, O'Grady, Houston, Clive, and Russell. Word was received that Dr. Martell was indisposed and that therefore the lecturette which he was to deliver would have to be postponed till next meeting. This will take place at the Commercial Hotel as usual next Tuesday evening, at 8. A good attendance should result, as members are keenly interested in the subject of the lecturette, "First Aid to the Injured." Mr. G. A. Scott gave an account of the doings of the club during the billy run to Glen Forest, on the 11th inst. "Joe" related the occurrences on the Kalamunda trip on the 18th. He expressed mild disappointment that more riders did not turn up. Said he thought the absent ones had feared rain. "Fair-weather motor-cyclists!" growled a candid listener. "Rafferty," assisted at intervals by "Jimmy-Joe," then addressed the meeting on the subject of his and Booner's weekend at Williams. "The road through the ranges is the roughest I ever struck," he stated. "Got down into second gear when I came to six-inch deep gravel, big boulders, and terrible wheel-ruts. Booner came back and said I might as well take it "flat-out" because there was fifty miles of it ahead. The last thirty miles into Williams was good-oh! Booner borrowed an alarm clock at the Williams pub and set it for 4 a.m. He got up when it went off, and woke the whole town giving his 'bus a preliminary canter in the back yard. At last he lit out for Narrogin — said he'd be back by 8 o'clock. . . .[27]

1922 07
1922 08
1922 09
1922 10
1922 11

Scott takes out a first and a second prize in motor cycle competitions at the Labour Carnival

LABOUR CARNIVAL. Procession and Sports. Leaden skies which on Saturday morning presaged rain, were dispersed by strong winds, which enabled the committee of the Fremantle Labour Carnival to hold their second annual sports on the Fremantle Oval in sunshine during the afternoon. The attendance, however, was only moderate. This was disappointing, in view of the efforts made to present an attractive programme of sports. Among those present were the Leader of the Opposition (Mr. P. Collier, M.L.A.), and Messrs. A. McCallum, W. C. Angwin, J. Lutey, and G. Lambert, M's.L.A., and F. A. Baglin and G. Potter, M's.L.C. The sports gathering was preceded by a procession, which marched from the Trades Hall through the principal streets to the entrance of the Oval. One or two of the Labour leaders expressed their disappointment that so few unionists marched in the procession, and the president of one of the largest unions said that he thought that it was "absolutely disgusting" to see the lack of individual interest taken by unionists in the procession. "They will be on the ground all right, but as the procession passed through the streets I saw hundreds of our members lining the pavements." At the head of the procession was the Scottish Pipers' Band, whose national airs heralded the advance of the long line of units. Then came a detachment of firemen from the Fremantle station, who drove a motor ladder truck. Following were lorries upon which were erected huge banners portraying the emblems of the Lumpers' Union and the Coastal Dock Rivers and Harbours Union, each being accompanied by members of the union. The boys of the Clontarf Band filled the next place. Bringing up the rear, but constituting by far the greater portion of the procession, was a miscellaneous collection of trade vehicles, and two or three attractive displays of locally manufactured. A cabload of men from the Old Men's Home, invited to the carnival by officials of the union to which they had belonged in former years, also took its place in the procession. At the sports ground there were races for boys and old buffers, single and married ladies, bicycle and motor bicycle events, foot running, and trotting races. The bicycle racing provided several close finishes, and the riders experienced bumpy ground on portions of the track. An open handicap trot aroused interest. A maypole exhibition was staged by children from the State schools in East Fremantle, North Fremantle, Palmyra, Buckland Hill, and Beaconsfield (infants). On the east side of the ground competitions for youngsters were held under the supervision of Messrs. Sidebottom and Laidlaw. National dancing was carried out on a platform erected on a motor lorry. A marquee, filled with mothers and their babies, and scores of interested onlookers, was the scene of a baby show. The first award in the boys' section went to Ellis Caporn, whose parents live in South Fremantle and Baby Robson was awarded second prize. Babies Matson and Giles were the best of the girls. A special award was made in the case of twins, a boy and a girl named Naismith. The results of the events were:— Boys' Race.— O'Brien, 1; Collins, 2; Greenwood, 3. Old Buffers' Race.— J. D. Moss, 1; Houlahan, 2; C. Cordinly, 3. Single Ladies' Race.— Miss Jackson, 1; Miss Tangney, 2. Married Ladies' Race.— Mrs. Charlson, 1; Mrs. Cross, 2; Mrs. Marshall, 3. Open Handicap Trot, one mile and a quarter.— Thomas's Golden Breeze, 1; Christmas Beryl, 2; Golden Star, 3. Maiden Bicycle Handicap.— S. A. France, 1; H. F. Hutchinson, 2; R. S. Doust, 3. Motor Cycle Flag Race.— A. Gregory, 1; G. A. Scott, 2. Labour Carnival Handicap, 120yds.— J. Holman, 1; R. Hillbrick, 2; P. Smythe, 3. Labour Carnival Bicycle Mile.— S. A. France, 1; G. Scott, 2; H. F. Hutchinson, 3. Motor Cycle Novelty Event.— A. Gregory, 1; G. Spiers, 2. Tradesmen's Trot.— J. Booth's Teddy, 1; F. Powell's Macie, 2; W. Randford's Paddy, 3. National Dancing.— Highland Fling: Jean Cameron, 1; Avie Lennon, 2; Hazel Collett, 3. Irish Jig: Ivy Marshall, 1; Thelma Baudy, 2; Jean Cameron, 3. Sailor's Hornpipe: Avie Lennon, 1; Ben Oliver, 2; Ivy Marshall, 3.[28]

1922 12

Scott explains the new Wireless Regulations 1922

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. New Regulations. The new regulations, applicable to the administration and control of wireless telegraphy and telephony throughout the Commonwealth, are now available and copies may be procured from the Government Printer. The regulations took effect on December 1. The Radio Inspector for Western Australia (Mr. G. A. Scott, of Fremantle), stated yesterday, that the authorities desired to emphasise the absolute necessity for all wireless stations of any description being licensed and persons infringing the regulations are liable to heavy penalty, and their apparatus to seizure. At the same time, the department was anxious to encourage and to assist the genuine experimenter, but discrimination must be made between such persons and others who were merely interested in wireless for curiosity and entertainment; the latter class would be catered for by a broadcasting service to be inaugurated in the various States in the near future. It was stated that the regulations relative to such were being prepared, and that they would be issued later. Inspections of licensed stations would be carried out periodically by officers appointed by the Minister, and visits to premises, where it was suspected that unauthorised appliances existed, would be made in order to ensure that strict compliance with the act was maintained. Persons or firms catering for the wants of the wireless community would find interest in the regulations which provided that apparatus could be sold only to persons capable of producing evidence that they possessed a licence, or were about to obtain a licence. Mr. Scott stated further that purveyors of apparatus would have to keep a register for the purpose of showing all transactions. Every endeavour had been made in the compiling of the regulations to give a fair deal all round, and it was trusted that radio institutes and clubs, would accept them in the spirit intended, and render their assistance by contributing their best efforts toward the maintenance of good order and discipline, and thus help to avert chaos which must arise where the indiscriminate use of wireless telegraphy and telephony obtained and tended to stifle rather than assist the development of the science.[29]


1923 01
1923 02
1923 03

Scott urges wireless experimenters to postpone applications for licences until the new Wireless Regulations are passed

CONTROL OF WIRELESS. A Warning Note. Radio Inspector's Statement. In connection with an article that appeared in our issue of March 20, Mr. G. A. Scott, radio inspector for Western Australia, made the following statement yesterday:— "Firstly, it is desired to point out that whether the case of the "Boy with his kite" at North Perth is mythical or in the being, no licence is held for such form of aerial and owners of such apparatus lay themselves open to heavy penalty, and the possible confiscation of apparatus, and are virtually in the same category as the person using a firearm, motor or other vehicle without record or licence. "While the Controller of Wireless Telegraphy and his associate officers are at all times willing and eager to grant facilities to the genuine experimenter, discipline must be maintained among those interested in the science, if the chaos which has arisen in other countries by the indiscriminate use of wire-less, is to be avoided in the Common-wealth. It is toward this end that the deferred regulations in respect to "broadcasting" and their non-publicity to date is partially due. Australia is in the fortunate position of being able to frame these coming regulations upon the experiences of other countries, and, when such regulations are published, it is believed they will prove to be the best that can be devised. In the meanwhile, it becomes necessary, to discriminate be-tween the various applicants for licences — that is between the genuine experimenter and the person merely interested for the sake of hobby or "listener in." Those of the latter class are requested to refrain from proceeding with installation of apparatus, or making application for licence until "broadcasting" regulations are made known. By mutual understanding, and co-operation amongst the several bodies, i.e. wireless institutes schools of instruction, etc., coupled with generous facilities invariably granted by the controlling authority, much good will be accomplished, but "the unregistered boy and kite variety" will bring disaster both to himself and a splendid science in general if not curbed at the outset. The co-operation of all responsible bodies, and genuine experimenters is therefore asked in order that success in the future may be achieved."[30]

1923 04

Scotty features in a celebrity item about the Coastal Motor Cycle Club

MOTOR CYCLING. (By C.McC.) Next Sunday, April 15, all the metropolitan motor cycle clubs will conduct a monster combined "billy" run to Glen Forrest. The outing will take the form of a picnic sports gathering, and a big list of competitions has been arranged. There will be motor cycle events and a foot race for the interclub championship. Other events are as follows:— Sack Race, Novelty Relay Race, Cigarette Race, Thread-the-Needle Race, Jumbled Clothing Race, and Three-legged Race. Entry fees will be three-per race, and prizes will be awarded by the Indian Club. If the weather proves fine, and the excursion receives the support it deserves, the assembly of motor cycles next Sunday should prove the biggest ever seen in the road in Western Australia. The Indian Club is seventy strong, and there are forty financial members on the Coastal Club books. The W.A.M.C.C. and the Harley Club will also swell the crowd. Every coastal member should do his best to attend next Sunday. Those who possess speed as footrunners are specially urged to come. The Port must carry off that interclub championship. Last Sunday Messrs. Hodgson, Hankinson, Dunkerton, Aisbett, and Jasper Dunkerton journeyed to Bullsbrook and boiled the billy in approved picnic style. A thunderstorm which passed over Fremantle in the morning kept many at home. They must have regretted their timidity, for the day proved ideal for a run into the country. Ladies with the party were: Mesdames Hodgson, Hankinson, Dunkerton, and Aisbett. Rattles. Don't mention oil to McGlusky! The Norton likes a certain brand, but on Easter Monday it didn't get it! The dinkum oil is that McGlusky might have won the Handicap if he had used the dinkum oil! The club has forty paid-up members. Can we reach the half century this year? Ernie Legg's Brough is now in pieces — a hundred or more — and Ernie is polishing and repairing every one ready for next month's big reliability run. With stickfast bolts and nuts, and new o.h.v. gear, the B— rough is a certain winner of one of the half-dozen trophies! Who got wettest coming home in the rain from the hillclimb? Booner was muddiest — the B.S.A. had no mudguards! A rained-out magneto stopped Jasper's Triumph at the Perth Observatory, and he pushed it to Cottesloe Beach station. He certainly got wet, and so did Mrs. Dunkerton, sitting in the sidecar nursing the frame of Billy Riley's racer! Club Celebrities.— No. 8. Mr. G. A. Scott ("Scotty") has piloted a big X and sidecar for the past three years. Is on the club committee and has rarely been known to miss the fortnightly meeting. Knows about a hundred choice jokes and yarns. Can be heard at his best when imbibing a glass of — h'm! — milk and water, with Percy, in the lunch hour![31]

1923 05
1923 06
1923 07

Coastal Motor Cycle Club report mentions Scott

MOTOR CYCLING. Last Sunday the club conducted a billy run to Mundaring Weir. The weather was fine and fifteen machines and two cars made the trip. Those present were Messrs. Hodgson, Dunkerton, Scott, Aisbett, Eaton, Chambers, Mainstone, H. Farrington, Howson, Bold, Grady, Hankinson, jun. Melrose, Williams, Antoine Copley, Phillips, and Russell. There was a big crowd of people and vehicles of all descriptions at the Weir; at about 3 p.m. there were at least thirty motor cycles and as many cars parked in the clearing overlooking the big reservoir. An excursion train came in from Perth and added a hundred or two to the crowd. The country looked fine. There was a good growth of green grass, and great masses of wattle blossom on the trees aroused the admiration of everyone. After lunch all the motor cyclists strolled down to the Weir and viewed the overflow from the parapet on the top of the embankment, and at about 4 p.m. the riders left for home. Everyone enjoyed the trip, but on the outward journey the party became separated and delay occurred on account of the routes through Perth. This is a matter which has caused confusion before, and it should be easy to devise a solution of the trouble. On the way home, Mr. G. A. Scott discovered that he had left a double waterproof sheet in the parking space at the Weir. He would be greatly obliged if anyone who found the sheet would leave it with the secretary or at Shack's Garage, Fremantle. Next Sunday the club will conduct a billy run to the Ten-Mile Well, to commence in Point-street, near Shack's Garage, at 11 a.m. Football practice with the new club ball will take place on the cleared space at the Well. Roll up, boys, and get into form for the return match with the Indians! Someone removed a camera from Mr. E. Mainstone's car while it was standing opposite 18 Mandurah-road last Sunday evening. Mr. Mainstone will give a reward for information leading to the recovery of the camera.[32]

Scott announces impending availability of Wireless Regulations 1923

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . The Commonwealth Radio Inspector for Western Australia, (Mr. G. A. Scott) announces that the wireless telegraphy regulations, recently framed at the wireless conference held in Melbourne, are to be gazetted forthwith. All companies, firms, and persons interested in broadcasting and experimental wireless telegraphy and telephony, are requested to note that copies of the regulations will be available from the office of the Government Printer, Perth, in about 10 days. Intending applicants for broadcasting or experimental licences, should await the arrival of the regulations in order to ascertain under what conditions licences in future will be granted.[33]

1923 08

Report of Coastal Motor Cycle Club states Scott has acquired a new Gray car

MARKS. One of the cyclists said Bob Farrington had seven elbows. Reckoned he felt 'em all in the ruck on Sunday! Pa Hanky was on his own absolutely. Peeled off and battled in the centre like a youngster from start to finish. Hopped right in for his cut every time the ball came near. In the words of a barracker: "Good on yer, Hanky; your blood's worth bottlin', dinkum!" Some that we could mention hung modestly in the background when the captain picked a team, and reappeared when the game got going! Walky, what about borrowing you next time we play the Indians! Norm Salamons gave the coastal boys a football. Threatens to send in a big bill it they don't beat the though! Grady, Phillips, Howson Bros., and Joslin often showed brilliant flashes of combined play. That's the stuff that will beat the Indians! Andy Shack and Bob Farrington were a pair of terrors in the ruck! Ernie Mainstone's Chev., Bob Farrington's Dodge, Charlie Phillips' Citroen, and G. A. Scott's brand-new Gray — four cars in the coastal club corner last Sunday. Who's next for a car? Someone must keep the petrol and tyre companies going! September 9, the day of the championship hillclimb, will decide who's who in the West Australian motor cycling world. Remember the date, boys, Sunday, September 9. Next Sunday, the 19th inst., the coastal club will conduct a billy-run to Lesmurdie Hill on the Welshpool road, near Kalamunda. The run will commence at Shack's garage, at 10 a.m. Intending competitors in the hillclimb on September 9 should join in this run in order to see and get the measure of the hill. On Saturday, September 8, the club will attend the Parents' and Citizens' Fair at the Spearwood State school. Members should enjoy this short run and pleasant social afternoon. In the near future the club will conduct a social evening and dance in Fremantle. It will be a Ladies' Pound Night. The price of admission for gents will be 2/.[34]

At a meeting of WA Wireless Traders, Scott attends in an unofficial capacity but plays a major part nevertheless

WIRELESS BROADCASTING. Conference of Traders. A meeting of electrical traders and wireless radio importers of Western Australia was held on Friday afternoon, in the rooms of Home Recreations. Ltd., 935 Hay-street. Mr. C. P. Knapton (Kellogg Wireless Supply Co.) presided, and amongst those present were Messrs. W. E. Coxon (Coxon and Co.), Wishart (Wireless Supplies Co.), White (Charles Atkins and Co.), Unbehaun (Unbehaun and Johnstone), Truman (George Wills and Co.), H. C. Little (Little and Co.), Fontaine (Amalgamated Wireless Co.), Drummond (Westralian Farmers, Ltd.), Scott (Chief Commonwealth Radio Officer of Western Australia), Jackman (Ritchie and Jackman), B. Holt (president of the Wireless Institute of West ern Australia), McGillivray (Muir and Co.), and Hadley (secretary of the Subiaco Wireless Club). The chairman explained that the meeting had been called primarily to bring the wireless traders of Western Australia together to discuss the new Commonwealth regulations controlling broadcasting as affecting Western Australia, and, if necessary, to form an association similar to that of the wireless traders of Victoria, and also to assist generally in the development of wireless, telephony and broadcasting in this State. The great future of wireless in Western Australia was not limited to the mere broadcasting of musical concerts in the metropolitan area, but great benefits would accrue to the settlers in the far north and country centres from a utility service of news items and market reports, etc. Owing to misleading statements which had been made recently it would be essential for those present to assist in propaganda regarding the possibilities of wireless, otherwise there was a great danger of the public being deceived and consequently a setback would occur to the future development of wireless in this State. Mr. Scott (Chief Federal Wireless Officer of Western Australia) said that he was attending the meeting more in a private capacity than in an official one, and, consequently, his remarks were purely unofficial. He sketched the new regulations, and gave a considerable amount of valuable information to the meeting. He laid special stress on the fact that the juvenile experimenters had not been fully protected in the new regulations, and said that the juvenile experimenters of today were the wireless operators of tomorrow. He specially desired that those present when taking future action to develop wireless in Western Australia would make provision for the protection of the juvenile experimenters. Referring to the possibilities of wireless in the North-West and other outlying stations, he mentioned that a considerable amount of misunderstanding had arisen in the minds of many large station owners who were anxious to connect their various outlying stations with the main homestead. Under the regulations, as at present constituted, in many cases it would be necessary for the station owners to either apply for a land station licence, which would mean a considerable outlay in capital, or a broadcasting station to rebroadcast messages received from a broadcasting distributing centre. He had received notice to proceed to Melbourne to further consider the regulations, and would be pleased to address a meeting on his return, when he would most likely have much more information to impart. Mr. Truman spoke strongly in favour of the members forming an association to not only protect the interests of the trade, but also the interests of the public, and the development of wireless generally. He recommended that steps should be taken, if possible, to have the regulations amended to suit the Western Australian conditions. Although the regulations were quite suitable for Victoria and New South Wales, which were densely populated, they were not at all adaptable to this State. If necessary, their Federal representatives should he asked to bring the position before the notice of Parliament. Owing to the small population to work on, it was impossible for broadcasting companies to be formed which would give a return to the investors. There was only room for one broadcasting station, and this must be run by people who must be prepared to be philanthropic and not expect to make profit. As there were a number of firms who had considered broadcasting in Perth, he thought that the traders should amalgamate with them and form one broadcasting company, as losses could be written down under the heading of propaganda and advertising. He moved: — "That this meeting, representing the radio traders of Western Australia, form themselves into an association, called the Wireless Development Association of Western Australia." Mr. McGillivray seconded the motion. Mr. Wishart supported the motion, and referred to the steps which were being taken in Victoria by a similar association, which had been formed by the wireless traders of Melbourne. Mr. Coxon and Mr. White also spoke in support of the motion, which was carried unanimously. Mr. Knapton was elected president, and the following were chosen as a committee:— Messrs. Coxon, Wishart, Truman, McGillivray, and Cohen. The committee were asked to carefully study the regulations, etc., and prepare a report for a full meeting to be called at a later date. Mr. Holt (president of the Wireless Institute) addressed the meeting. He regretted that he could not take an active part in the association, which, he considered, would prove in the future to be one of the corner stones in the development of wireless broadcasting in Western Australia. At the conclusion of the meeting a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Scott for having attended, and hearty good wishes were extended to him upon his proposed trip to Victoria.[35]

Scott's new Gray motor vehicle attracts attention on the streets of Fremantle

TO THE POINT. . . . These last few days a remarkable amount of interest has been aroused by the very smart car which has made its appearance in the streets of Fremantle. A particular feature is its finish and general "spick-and-span" appearance. This is a Gray car for which Mr. G. A. Scott has been long and expectantly waiting. The performance of his Gray have given Mr. Scott more than the usual amount of satisfaction.[36]

1923 09
1923 10

Scott attends in his Gray car, the Coastal Motor Cycle Club's billy run to Red Hill

MOTOR CYCLING. (By C. McC.) Last Sunday the Coastal Club conducted a billy-run to Red Hill, about 28 miles from Fremantle, on the Toodyay road. The following club members attended the run:— J. Hodgson (Super Harley and s.c.), G. Hankinson (Harley and s.c.), G. Eaton (B.S.A. and s.c.), H. Harlock (Harley and s.c.), P. Aisbett (6 J.A.P. and s.c.), W. Chambers (Harley and s.c.), A. Russell (Super Chief and s.c.), C. Williams (Harley and s.c.), C. A. Bold (Douglas solo), and G. A. Scott (Gray car). The weather was nearly perfect and the road first class, except for Queen Victoria Street, Fremantle, the Causeway, and the street through Midland Junction. The party came to a halt part way up Red Hill, and boiled the billy near a sparkling stream that trickled over the rocks. The sun shone brilliantly, and after the succession of rough, wet Sundays experienced lately it was delightful to find the weather warm enough to make one seek a shady spot. The country looked nearly at its best, green grass grew thick almost everywhere, and large bunches containing many varieties of ferns, shrubs and wild flowers were gathered. The outward trip was fast and the party were able to spend several hours on the hill. At 3 p.m. the billy was boiled a second time for afternoon tea, and at about 4 o'clock the trippers set out for Fremantle. Only a few minor delays occurred, and everyone reached home safely before dark. A feature of the run during the lunch stop was the spectacle of cars and motor cycles of various makes climbing and attempting to climb Red Hill. Powerful cars were slowed to a mere crawl with steaming radiators, and some came to a complete halt. Red Hill is certainly "some" climb, and many motorists regard it as a stiffer proposition than Greenmount or Kalamunda. Messrs. Hodgson, Eaton, Williams, Aisbett and Bold, of the Coastal Club, made several successful climbs. J. Hodgson (super-Harley) was very fast. The machine he now rides was used by R. Charman in the Lesmurdie Hill climb last month, when he gained the W.A. big solo championship. It has now been definitely decided that the Coastal Club will assist at the Fremantle Labor Carnival on November 3rd next. Seven guineas in prizes will be awarded for the three events, as follows:— Flour and Apple Race, two guineas first, one guinea second; Flag and Lap Race, two guineas first, one guinea second; Sidecar Driving Test, one guinea first. Young sporting Coastal Club riders and sidecarists who possess driving skill are thus afforded an opportunity to show what they can do. Entry fees are only one shilling per rider per event, and these should be handed in to the secretary, Mr. A. Russell, at once, so that competitors names may be included in the programme now in course of preparation. The Coastal Club will meet next Tuesday evening at the Commercial Hotel, Fremantle. Don't miss the annual social, boys. It will be some stunt, believe us! ROUGH STUFF. Half way up three times and all the way up once — Jack Aisbett climbed Red Hill two and a half times! Reckoned he had to tune up the J.A.P. to carry the tea and sugar for the bucks' run on Saturday! Bert Harlock, Hanky and Scotty will come on the bucks' run if they can get away. Scotty's grey car made 'em look. Even the seasoned and complete side-carist, Pa Hanky, admired it. Cyril Williams has a first-class 1923 big Harley outfit with Bosch magneto, electric light and ampmeter. Cyril and Mrs. Williams never miss a club billy run. This is the class of rider that made the club, and the only sort that will keep it in existence. Joe's electric super-Harley record-breaker suits him down to the ground. Anyone who tries to dust Joe up on the road now will get a rude shock! Charlie Bold, Jerry Eaton, Russ, and Jack Aisbett haven't standardised on Harleys yet. But see what Charlie gets if he goes in for a sidecar. ASSOCIATION FIXTURES. Social and dance, Wednesday, 24th October, at North Perth Town Hall. Admission: Gents 2/-; ladies, refreshments. Flying half-mile speed event on Rockingham-Mandurah road, on Sunday 28th October. Six classes. Solos under 250 c.c.; solos and sidecars under 600 c.c., and one open to all events. All except the last race will be handicaps. Entry fee 2/6 per rider per event. Fees from Coastal members should be handed in to the secretary, Mr. A. Russell, as early as possible. On Saturday and Sunday next there will be a Coastal Club "bucks' run" to York, commencing at Shack's garage at 1.30 p.m. on Saturday. This will be a solo riders' picnic, but side-carists may participate if they bring a male passenger. Mr. A. Russell, who is on holidays, went to York yesterday, and will arrange for accommodation.[37]

1923 11

Scott's new Gray car again newsworthy

Motors and Motoring. . . . Recently a remarkable amount of interest has been aroused by the very smart car which has made its appearance in the streets of Fremantle, a particular feature being its beautiful finish and general "spick-and-span" appearance. This is a Gray car, for which Mr. G. A. Scott has been long and expectantly waiting. The performance of his Gray has given Mr. Scott more than the usual amount of satisfaction.[38]

Scott assists with the establishment of the Fremantle Radio Club

FREMANTLE RADIO CLUB. The wireless amateurs of Fremantle, have, for some time, realised that, to further their interests collectively and singly a club was needed. Some little time ago a meeting, with this end in view, was held, and the proceedings of a number of other radio clubs were discussed. At length the meeting appointed an executive, a secretary, and a treasurer. The executive and officers met at the home of Mr. G. Scott, Mandurah-road, South Fremantle, and drew up a code of rules to place before the next general meeting. Notices were sent out to all likely amateurs to be present, but it was realised that a number were missed, through not being known. The meeting was held in Mr. Lea Holt's office, in Henry-street, with Mr. Arthur Saxon in the chair. It was decided that the name of the club should be the Fremantle Radio Club, and that it should be affiliated with the Arts, Crafts and Science Society of Western Australia. A code of rules having been adopted by the meeting, it was decided that a receiving set should be obtained as soon as possible. The club is already indebted to one of its members (Captain Millington) for the donation of some very useful material, which will go far towards the receiving set in view. The next meeting of the club will be held in Mr. Lea Holt's office, Henry street, on Friday, November 16, and all who are interested in wireless or wish to become interested in it are extended a hearty invitation to be present.[39]

1923 12


1924 01

Scott taking the train to the Eastern States

OVERLAND PASSENGERS. The following passengers left Perth for the Eastern States by the Great Western express last night:— . . . G. A. Scott . . . [40]

Report on activities of Coastal Motor Cycle Club mention that Scott has written an article about his recent 1600 mile tour of WA for the West Australian Motorist and Wheelman

MOTOR CYCLING. (By C.McC.) On Sunday, December 23, the Coastal Club conducted a very enjoyable billy-run to the beach, via the well-known "Swithback Road." The run was well attended, although several club members were absent, having taken an early departure on Christmas country tours. The following riders were present: Messrs. E. Howson, Grady, Hodgson, Williams, Watson, White, Atkinson, Clough, C. Howson, Bryan, Smith and A. Hankinson. First place in the sealed-time competition was gained by Mr. G. Clough (Harley and double sidecar), with E. Howson (Sports B.S.A.) 2nd, and C. Howson (Triumph) 3rd. Leaders on points for the big annual club prizes are now as follows: E. Howson (Sports B.S.A.) .. 10pts. A. Atkinson (1 O.M. B.S.A.) .. 9pts. C. Howson (3½ Triumph) .. .. 6pts. It is interesting to note that Mr. G. C. Clough, who has only just joined the club and has attended only one billy-run, has already scored four points in the competition. Members cannot be too strongly urged that the club year is yet young and this competition is exceedingly open. However, as the weeks go by and the points gained by riders who attend regularly mount up it will require very brilliant competition work to enable late arrivals to draw up with the leaders. The moral is: Join the club now, and be in the running for these prizes and also the very many big awards available for competitions this year. It is very likely that the next event will be a petrol consumption test. This is a form of competition that does not require the energy and skill necessary in speed work. Anyone who is capable of cleaning and adjusting his machine can win. There will be substantial prizes, and points will count towards the annual awards. Three guineas donated by the editor of the "Motorist and Wheelman" will probably be allotted to the winner. The Coastal Club does not insist upon prize-winners accepting medals and cups. Clothes, petrol, etc., are barred; but a winner may purchase almost any useful and substantial article with prize-money. The next club meeting will take place at the Commercial Hotel, High Street, on Tuesday, January 8, the meeting having been postponed a week to avoid clashing with the New Year holiday. A rider may join the club by attending this meeting and getting a friend who is a member to nominate him. CHIPS. Booner's B.S.A has got 'em thinking. Ten points scored already. Looks as though he'll make it 110 before the year's done! Charlie Bold's brand new electric water-cooled Scott twin two-stroke was a centre of attraction on the White Lake's billy-run. A regular Rolls Royce motor bike — like a comfy two-wheeled car, in fact. Mr. G. C. Clough put up a record for a new member. Scored four points on his first billy-run with his big Harley and double sidecar. Our old friend Mr. G. A. Scott has just returned from a sixteen hundred mile tour in his brand new motor car. Scotty has a good camera and can wield a descriptive pen. The "Motorist and Wheelman" made a leading feature in its last issue of his "writeup" of the trip. Rumors are flying round that Andy Shack has bought a motor car. Hooray! Now there'll be somewhere to stow a first-aid outfit and solo boys' lunches on billy-runs.[41]

Scott explains the different classes of licences available under the Wireless Regulations 1923

WIRELESS REGULATIONS. An Official Explanation. Mr. G. A. Scott, Radio Inspector for W.A. writes:— "Kindly grant space in your "wireless" column to correct any misunderstanding which may have been created in the minds of the public, in respect to the issue of licences as set forth in the article by "Detector" appearing in "The Sunday Times" dated January 19. "The article referred to would appear to have been based upon conditions existing in Great Britain recently, and are not applicable to the regulations obtaining in the Commonwealth. "In order to rectify matters, it should be explained that two classes of licences concerning the public are:— 1, Experimental (a) transmitting and receiving, (b) receiving only; 2, broadcast. "The first class of licence may be granted to bona fide experimenters, radio clubs, and other bodies, who are in the position to satisfy the authorised officials as to their technical qualifications, and their ability to conduct experiments scientifically. Applicants for this form of licence should get into touch with the radio inspector, Post Office, Fremantle, who holds supplies of the necessary application forms, and is in a position to furnish all information required. "The second form of licence with which the public are concerned is a "broadcast receiving licence." These licences will be issued by the broadcasting company operating in Western Australia, to whom it will be necessary for persons to apply in respect to fees, etc., so soon as such broadcasting service comes into operation. Specially designed receivers will be available for this class of licence, and will be tested and sealed by Government testing officials, and will be responsive only to the wavelength of the broadcasting service for which they are designed. A proviso, however, exists in respect to the "genuine experimenter" who is desirous of "listening-in" to broadcast programmes. He may so do, without it becoming necessary to purchase a sealed broadcast receiving set provided that he pays the subscription to the broadcasting company, who will give a receipt for such subscription and endorse the receipt with the number of the experimental licence. "With regard to the inspection of licenced experimental plants, although the facts are generally understood by the older school of experimenters, I would like to state for the edification of others more recently granted licences, that time to time inspections as occasion permits are made to all licenced plants, either by the radio inspector in person, or officials of the Radio Institute who are authorised by the Government to act in the capacity of honorary radio inspectors, and as these visits are only practicable during business hours all licensees are requested to have their licences on exhibit in the room where their apparatus is installed, together with a descriptive diagram of the circuit in use, and any special note that would be helpful to the official inspecting the set. "For further information, persons interested in such matter should obtain a copy of the wireless regulations from the Government Printer, Perth, price 1/, and any matter not understood therein can be explained by the radio inspector."[42]

Scott assists Fremantle Radio Club to receive wireless concerts from Wally Coxon as part of Fremantle Uglieland Carnival

RADIOGRAMS. By LONG WAVE. . . . The Economic Stores have on exhibition a very fine five-valve set, the manufacture of which has been en-trusted to Craig and Co., Perth, reflecting great credit on this firm. The arrangement of the valves is as follows:— Three high frequencies,1 detector, and 1 low frequency; switches and jacks are provided for: (a) Detector only; (b) detector and 1 h.f.; (c) detector and two or 3 h.f.; (d) all above with or without l.f. A set of duo-lateral coils is provided, enabling the set to tune from 150 to 25,000, covering the local amateur band and all longwave stations in the world. An extra resistance is provided for dull emitter valves. The set is being made for Mr. R. Wilkes. As evidence of the interest wireless displays create among the general public, one has only to stand by this set for afew minutes and listen to the various remarks passed by people of all classes. "How's business?" "Pretty good, thanks" is invariably the answer you will receive to your question. Business is decidedly on the incline among our local dealers at present. A trip to the Wireless Supplies Co., Bon Marche Building, will endorse my statements. There one will satisfy one's curiosity to the full surrounded by sets and parts of all descriptions, most of which already bear the ticket "Sold" on them. Craig and Co., Brennans Arcade, have a fine display of radio goods, and it does the eye good to look at them. With Sandovers it is a case of "Step Inside, please!" But when one obeys the command one is amply satisfied with the components on show, the quality of the goods being A1. The show of Mr. W. E. Coxon, King Street, will also repay the passerby to stop, look, and listen. Mr. Coxon is a busy man, but he still finds time to give his unseen listeners the best in entertainment. "Here's to 6AG." An added attraction for patrons of the Fremantle Uglieland Carnival, in the form of wireless (receiving) concerts, will be held three nights weekly during the currency of the carnival, when specially arranged programmes will be transmitted from stations 6AG by Mr. W. E. Coxon. An Amplion loud-speaker will be used under the supervision of Messrs. G. S. Scott and J. Mais, of the Fremantle Radio Club. This is the sort of thing that helps to popularise wireless receiving, and every public exhibition should have as its special feature wireless concerts.[43]

1924 02

Scott returns to WA after visiting Melbourne to observe Sealed Set receiver testing

RADIOGRAMS. By LONG WAVE. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott returned from Mel-bourne some days ago, whence he had journeyed to inquire into the various methods proposed for adoption in sealing down listening-in sets. He states that altogether the course which has been set down by the Government for their inspectors to pursue is a liberal one, and it is only those who consider themselves "exceptionally clever" who would wish to try and tamper with their sets after being sealed.[44]

Reader is directed to Scott for a broadcast licence, despite 6WF not in operation

ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. . . . C.J.H. (Lomos): (1) Yes. Apply to Mr. G. A. Scott, Wireless Inspector, c/o G.P.O., Fremantle. The license will cost 10s. (2) So far, there are no broadcasting fees, but when the Westralian Farmers instal their station it will be necessary to pay a subscription. (3) Try Craig and Co., Brennan's Arcade, Perth; Unbehaun and Johnstone, Murray-street; or any of the wireless firms advertising.[45]

1924 03

Scott's new Gray motor vehicle still receiving attention in the press

Motors and Motoring. . . . Mr. Scott wireless inspector, ought to strike you as a very happy man, and if the truth were known one of the big reasons for his contentedness just now is the fact that he is getting a great deal of enjoyment out of his little new Gray car, which is fitted with Rapson tires. The car should assure economy in petrol consumption, and the Rapson tires should keep him free from tire troubles.[46]

Scott acting as Secretary of the Fremantle Radio Club

Fremantle. Another interesting and instructive evening was provided at the last general meeting of the above club on Friday, 21st inst., at the club rooms, in the Melbourne Steamship Co.'s offices, Fremantle. Six delegates were appointed to attend a conference convened by the Wireless Institute (W.A. division). The clubs' badges having come to hand were distributed among the members. Mr. Davis was elected a member of the club. At the conclusion of the general business the president (Mr. Stanley) gave a thoroughly instructive lecture, entitled "The Genesis of Electricity." The lecturer dealt very fully with the different forms of electricity and their production. Needless to say, the speaker was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks by the large number of members and visitors present. The next meeting of this club will be held on Friday next at 8 p.m., visitors being cordially invited. Intending members should communicate with Mr. G. A. Scott, 7 Mandurah-road, South Fremantle.[47]

1924 04

Scott advises West Perth Leederville Radio Club on necessary qualifications for a club station

LOCAL WIRELESS CLUBS. Jottings on their Doings. . . . West Perth Leederville. A special meeting of the West Perth Leederville Radio Society was held at the Leederville Fire Station on April 2. Messrs. Thomas and Wegg were elected an advisory committee, while, owing to the resignation of the chairman (Mr. Cracknell), Mr. R. Lawson was elected to the position. A decision was arrived at with regard to the club badge, and also concerning the club's experimental license. A letter was received from Mr. Scott, stating the qualifications necessary for official recognition, but the matter was left to the next committee meeting. Messrs. G. Lorden and A. Rodgers then made their report of the meeting with regard to the reaction problem held at the Central Fire Station, Perth. The report proved satisfactory, and the particulars will probably be made known at a later date. A suggestion was made with regard to a demonstration, and it was decided to leave this to the committee for discussion. Mr. Lorden moved that the club meetings be held every week, in consideration of the large amount of business at present on hand. The motion was passed, and in future meetings will be held every week as stated. It was suggested by Mrs. Lindsay that a club library be formed, with a view to helping the members with regard to technical literature. The idea was gladly accepted by members, Mr. Wegg being appointed librarian, and the necessary details being left for discussion by the committee.[48]

1924 05
1924 06

Scott attends a function to honour Coxon and Holt

WIRELESS ENTHUSIASTS. (Start Photo Caption) On Saturday week, a dinner organised by wireless enthusiasts was tendered to Mr. W. E. Coxon (6.A.G.) and Mr. B. M. Holt (President of the Wireless Institute of Australia, W.A. Division), at the Westralian Farmers' Buildings, Wellington-street. The function was highly successful. The gentlemen at the head of the table, reading from left to right, are Messrs. G. A. Scott, chief radio officer, W.A. Farmers; C. R. Knapton, Wireless Development Association; B. M. Holt; W. R. Phipps, chairman of the testimonial committee; W. E. Coxon; B. M. Murray, managing director, Westralian Farmers; C. Nossiter, M.W.IA.; and C. Thompson, "Western Wireless." (End Photo Caption)[49]

1924 07
1924 08
1924 09
1924 10
1924 11

Scott broadcasts a warning about the consequences of unlicensed listening

UNLICENSED LISTENING-IN. An Official Warning. The following announcement was made by Mr. G. A. Scott, Commonwealth Radio Inspector for Western Australia, from the W.A. Farmers' Broadcasting Station, Perth, last Thursday evening:— "Recently a notice regarding the licensing of broadcast receiving equipment was made through the Press. That notice has apparently not been seen by a number of people who are listening to broadcast programmes, because I am afraid (in fact, I am sure) there are a number of people listening at this moment who have not taken out licences. As probably many of you who have not done so are not aware of the necessity for having a licence, or of the purpose of licences, I will explain the matter more fully. "In the first place, it is required by law that every wireless receiver, or any apparatus capable of receiving wireless transmissions shall be licensed by the Postmaster-General before the receiving apparatus can be legally operated. This licensing of wireless equipment is an obligation which the Government is required to undertake by international wireless laws as well as by the Commonwealth Wireless Telegraphy Act. "Another object of licensing is in order to make arrangements convenient to the public for the collection of revenue for the companies who provide the broadcasting service. The provision of a satisfactory broadcasting service entails considerable expense, and the broadcasting companies must be assured of some revenue. The only source of revenue is a proportion of the fee charged for listeners' licences. The listener pays for the broadcast services which he uses, by paying a fee for his licence, and any person who listens in without having a licence is making use of a service which he has not paid for. He is indirectly assisting in reducing the quality of the programme, which he is anxious to see raised and maintained, because the quality and extent of the programme depend upon the amount of revenue received by the broadcasting companies. "Listening in without a licence is dishonourable, and is punishable by law. "The Postmaster-General is anxious to see broadcasting developed successfully and harmoniously throughout the Commonwealth. He realises with regret, however, that the revenue to which the broadcasting companies are entitled, and which is necessary for the maintenance of the services, is not forthcoming as readily as it should be, because some people still have not paid their licence fees. This attitude of indifference or law-breaking by listeners cannot but be regarded seriously, but before taking any of the drastic steps authorised by the law against offenders the department appeals to all concerned to realise not only the legal necessity for obtaining licences, but also the moral obligation of paying for services rendered. "I am sure that when this reasonable aspect of the matter is brought before those of you who have not previously seen it in that light there will be no further delay in obtaining a listener's licence, which is available with very little formality at all Money Order Post Offices throughout the State, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., and covers a full twelve month's from date of issue. It is therefore of little advantage for listeners to defer obtaining their licences till the New Year and running the risk of prosecution in the meantime. "I hesitate to add, in conclusion, that if it be still found, in spite of warnings, that some persons have not obtained licences, the Postmaster-General will have no alternative but to take action through the Police Courts to enforce the penalties authorised by the law."[50]

A local fumes against sealed sets and monopoly, Scott directly in the firing line

PUBLIC OPINION. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the views expressed by correspondents. Correspondents in future must write with ink, or send typewritten manuscript. Letters to the Editor written in pencil will not be published. WIRELESS TELEPHONE LICENCES. (To the Editor.) Sir,— Announcements in the Press have been delivered by Mr. G. A. Scott, Commonwealth Radio Inspector for Western Australia, from the W.A. Farmers' Broadcasting Station, we are notified. We have not been notified as to whether the W.A. Farmers is the headquarters of the Commonwealth Radio Inspector or not. Nor has the position relatively of Mr. Fisk nor of Mr. Basil Murray been made dear. Mr. G. A. Scott announces, apparently, that he represents the Postmaster-General's Department, and has a public notice to make which affects the success of broadcasting alike for companies (who deliver the goods, presumably) and for listeners. Apparently Mr. Scott, on an assumption, at once embarks upon a controversy which it is easier to raise than to settle or silence. Mr. Scott has not broadcasted or published "the Law" either in the Press columns or elsewhere, as far I know. There is a danger that the blessed official word "Regulation," which is "temporary in conjunction with a snippet of a section or sub-section," so dear to (some) official minds, will be muddlingly quoted to the public to panic pennies out of it on the plea of revenue. The postal officials of Australia, not all, but "some," have got into their heads the idea that they are the masters and not the servants or "aides" of the public. Hence from time to time a hectoring or bullying attitude like that of a bull frog "guggle guggle" is adopted towards the "nasty, unreasonable public." Of late we have seen a postal ukase as to letter boxes and actual refusal "by law and regulation" to deliver in Australia letters sent fully and over-post paid from London and elsewhere. The time of the postmen was quoted as the reason. The result has been the employment, on the ground of economy, of less postmen. The costs of telegraphic cables have been a monstrous extortion from the general public for years. The telephone system has been shockingly neglected, not by the public, which is always careless, collectively speaking, but by the officials, and particularly by those of the so-called management staffs. If Mr. Scott and Mr. Fisk and the gentlemen who have kept wireless telephony back all these years, some knowingly, some ignorantly, now say that Faraday's induction coils and their possible uses and users are to be licensed to provide State and Commonwealth revenue for private retailers of electric supplies or wholesalers either, wen, Mr. Scott will find that the law which he quotes is not there, and Parliamentarians, he will find, will not give and cannot give "by law" even the West Australian Farmers Government licence rights. We shall next, sir, be having a company demanding "revenue rights by law" from Government for extra rates for the smell of a pork chop sizzling in frying-pan or the burning of a W.A. oil rag in a tin. Government certainly performs no service here. It has broken down in this respect. Neglect of the telegraphic and telephonic systems by the G.P.O. is in evidence in our midst in the telephone box neglect and utter disregard by officials of the public conveniences herein. But Mr. Scott, like a bad logician, given another reason for use in the same syllogism, a collision of his train of thought. "Another object," says he, "is to collect revenue for the companies providing the broadcasting service." Now, a good concert may be "on" at Queen's Hall. I may not be able to go, yet would, if I could; yet, if I could hear, I might like to listen. Queen's Hall could wireless themselves. Why should I, whether I have Queen's Hall or not, have to pay, whether I like it or not, not only Queen's Hall, but W.A. Farmers and the Post Office officials? Suppose, too, W.A. Farmers begins to select my programmes for me? Gives me jazz and nigger American cigar-box music, when I want psalms, or sings psalms to me when I want to "blow the man down?" How is the quality (or even quantity) of the programmes to be maintained by W.A. Farmers or the G.P.O. officials as such either? Admittedly G.P.O. officials may be "whales" at good music; but the "6WF" will not give even them a look in "in their monopoly." If I cease to get a tobacco or a beer to my taste the particular licence for me ends with that ounce or bottle of ale — but I must hear by wireless "Hallo, hallo, 6WF cheerio!" How happy might tobacconists be were they allowed by law, in addition to the taxes on tobacco, which are paid on purchase, to charge a "time tax" on tobacco pipes, and, beside, for each smoke every time it occurred! How happy, financially speaking, would the retailers of amplifying ales and sympathetic stouts be if, in addition to the hope of having reasonable licences for their premises, they were enabled to charge "every time" cup or glass went "in liquidation" to lip? Hospitals, too, we are told, are to be managed by lottery now. And while prohibition is rampaging in such a way as to damage retailers and wholesalers and revenues all round — a "new way" out for finance is to be found by taxing wireless experts or induction experimentalists. Public revenue is to be collected by public prosecutions for private advertising companies. What are the international wireless laws? Where are they to be seen? How can they operate, say, as between Australia and Great Britain? What has the wireless telephony to do with Wireless Telegraphy Act? Telephony and telegraphy are not the same thing at all. But prohibition is the same thing all the world over — world without end, amen! "Listening in is dishonorable," says Mr. Scott — — "and," avers he, "is punishable by law." The fact is that the Ocean Cable and Telegraph Companies tied up from the general public telegraphic cables and their use for years. Invention has gone beyond them; they are trying to capture another invention or series of inventions to maintain their pristine pre-war prohibitionist charges. When all the question is examined, does Mr. Scott really suppose that it is the duty of the Postmaster-General to go round collecting, under threat of prosecution, revenue for private firms selling other men's inventions? Why, too, is "police court" threatened? If civil debt, the civil courts are available, and Crown debts, presumably, would go to Supreme or an Appeal High Court. How can Mr. Scott pretend that such legal powers exist at law or have ever been given by Parliament to protect private dealers in public conveniences? There is another aspect which I do not argue here. But the public know in general nothing as to arrangements with artists or originators of services or selections. The West Australian Farmers would be asking a monopoly of scientific experiments and results, and the choice of what to think, say, speak, or sing, etc., etc. Turning public convenience into penalties for private profit always breaks down in practice. The public could not give or grant or guarantee any such monopoly as this present suggestion of Mr. Scott, even if it desired to do so. If it did, it would withdraw it. We are surrounded (or most business men and businesses are) with myriad prohibitions, and the world in general, even internationally, is mortally sick of them all. Prohibitionists tell us we must not drink any mixture containing alcohol; that is bad for the stomach, etc. Persons interested in hospitals tell us we may gamble for those lotteries. The latest is to pretend that to hear Westralian Farmers' good or bad programmes the public is to be taxed by the G.P.O., which does, and proposes to do, nothing at all in the matter. Let us see the Act, the programme, and the price. The radio inspector, Mr. Scott, speaks of "dishonorable practices." Is he so sure that the Post Office as such is doing all it should honorably do as servants of the public at present? In point of fact, the West Australian Farmers are asking for the W.A. wireless monopoly of music and Belles Lettres, and demanding penalty licences! The public will think more than twice about that.— Yours, etc., CECIL OWEN.[51]

1924 12


1925 01
1925 02

Scott still promoting need for listeners to be licensed to avoid prosecution

"PENNY-A-DAY." ETHER-THIEVES WON'T PAY IT. DRASTIC ACTION CONTEMPLATED. Sheet upon sheet of foolscap; row upon row of name, address and details: in all, probably 400 names, some of which have been struck through. This file of papers was waved in front of a Pressman a few days ago, when he sought out the radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) to ascertain the position in regard to the unlicensed listener-in. The names with the blue pencil line through them have taken out licences, and no longer figure on the blacklist. It is pretty obvious that the department is advancing by slow stages upon the unlicensed listener-in. The Juggernaut of old took a lot of power to get it into motion, but once it started to move, it took equally as much power to stop it. Something similar appears to be the case with the Radio Department. It issued Press warnings; it followed them up with broadcast warnings. Then a few radio-sneaks were fined small sums, and a few days ago the fines were substantially increased. Mr. Scott indicates that the next move contemplated will be the confiscation of unlicensed sets. As practically any set is worth more than the licence fee (35s first year), it will be a severe blow to an unlicensed listener-in to have to forfeit his set. Mr. Scott pointed out that, the department did not wish to take action if it could be avoided, but everything in the power of the officials had been done to endeavor to have sets registered. Speaking of the plug-in type of aerial, he says that Customs Department figures showed the huge number of this type of apparatus which had been imported. When they added to this, the number secured from Eastern States' merchants, and those locally made, and subtracted the number held in stock by merchants here, it would be found that there were hundreds upon hundreds in use, many of which were unlicensed. Mr. Scott gave the warning that unless better results were shown in respect of licences applied for, the department would have no alternative but to take action whereby reception by this means would be blocked. This would only be done as a last resort, for in so doing it was realised that the innocent would suffer with the guilty. As a licence virtually cost an equivalent of approximately one penny a day, it was not too much to expect that those who had not so far taken out licences would immediately do so. Some of the misconceptions of the general public were referred to. Some people who had held and operated sets for some time past were under the impression that prosecution would immediately follow their application for a licence. Such was not the case, but if they continued to operate the set without being licensed, and were eventually detected, they could then not expect to escape punishment. Others, too, had put up the plea that as they were using no electric light with their plug-in aerials, no action could be brought against them. They forgot, however, Mr. Scott pointed out, that it was the programme which they were receiving, for which they were asked to pay. Many people, too, are under the misapprehension that a set can be borrowed and operated. In such cases the person who, without a licence, operates a set, is liable under the Wireless Regulations, and the person who lends a set to an unauthorised listener-in is also guilty of an offence. Mr. Scott wishes to make a final appeal for those without licences to take them out immediately. The granting of one is an easy process. A simple form giving name and address is all that has to be filled in and handed to a clerk in the Postal Hall of the G.P.O., and in return for 35s a licence is granted. It is certainly as simple as having a Money Order from the next counter.[52]

1925 03

Scott's Gray car again in the news

Motors and Motoring. . . . Mr. Scott, Wireless inspector of Fremantle who has been running a Gray car for some years recently thought he would inspect the inside of his engine, it being only fair to do so after such a long period of running. He was surprised to find that no overhaul was necessary beyond cleaning the heads.[53]

1925 04

Perth Daily News publishes a marvellous biography of Scott

W.A.'S RADIO INSPECTOR. SOMETHING OF HIS SERVICE. Many curious minded people have asked, since wireless became the vogue "What qualifications has Mr. G. A. Scott for his position?" This probably comes of holding a position in which conflict with sections of the public is occasionally made. It is interesting therefore to know that Mr. George Scott joined the Imperial Naval service at the time of the late Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee and was attached to that service from 1897 to 1911. In February 1901 he made his debut in wireless at which time he was on H.M.S. Vindictive (of Zeebruge fame) when that vessel was doing duty as one of the escorting cruisers to His Majesty the King (then Duke of York) on his visit to Australasia in the s.s. Ophir to inaugurate the Australian Commonwealth. Those were the days of the ten-inch spark coil and the little receiving instrument known as the coherer. At that time the naval men prided themselves on the excellent results attained and although keeping in touch with the Ophir and other cruisers at distances up to 100 miles may not seem much in these more sophisticated days, it was an achievement in the early days of wireless science. From 1901 until 1908 Mr. Scott had the benefit of a thorough training in naval wireless telegraphy and in the latter year he came to Australia as Petty Officer Telegraphist on H.M.S. Pegasus and as his period of service in the Imperial Navy was due to expire before the fulfilment of the vessel's commission, he elected to sever his connection with the Navy and become a good Australian. On leaving in February, 1911 he came into contact with Father Shaw of the famous Randwick (Sydney) wireless station and entered the service of this well-known scientist. His experiences with Father Shaw ranged from New Guinea to King Island, Tasmania. Whilst at the Shaw station at King Island he applied for the position of operator at the Melbourne Radio station, and in March 1912 received notification that his application had been accepted. Here he commenced duties with the Commonwealth Radio Service. He remained an operator at Melbourne until July 1912 when he was selected by the then Engineer for Radio Telegraphy (Mr. J. G. Balsillie) to proceed to Brisbane to take over the construction of the radio station. When the Brisbane station was completed and in good working order he proceeded to Rockhampton and supervised the erection of the radio station at that centre. He then returned to the Brisbane station as officer in charge and remained there until July, 1918 when he was transferred to W.A. as Radio Inspector with the rank of Radio Lieutenant, the radio service having been taken over by the R.A.N. as a war measure. With the signing of peace he reverted to the P.M.G.'s Department, when everything pertaining to wireless was assigned to that Department. Since then he has occupied an office on the sixth floor of the G.P.O., which is replete with testing instruments and other wireless paraphernalia.[54]

1925 05

Scott to meet with the newly formed Radio Transmitters' Association

TRANSMITTERS' ASSOCIATION. TO MEET RADIO INSPECTOR. A special meeting of the newly-formed Radio Transmitters' Association has been called for Wednesday night at the residence of Mr. A. E. Stevens, of 7 Ruth-st., North Perth. This organisation, although not numerically strong, is making up for this deficiency by its enthusiasm. New members are wanted, and any who are eligible are invited to attend. Members are of two classes: full members, holding transmitting licences, and associate members, those holding experimental licences. The purpose of Wednesday night's meeting is to meet the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), who, it is understood, had some information from Melbourne of special interest to experimenters, to impart. It is understood that whereas the control of short-wave working came from Melbourne, Mr. Scott has been delegated with certain authority which now makes application to Melbourne unnecessary. However, members will have the matter fully explained at the meeting.[55]

Scott is delegated authority to authorise amateur shortwave transmission

Good news has been received from the radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) by the secretary of the Radio Transmitters' Society. Formerly the allotting of the short waves to the transmitting amateurs was carried out by Melbourne, which meant quite a delay in obtaining approval. This task has now been handed over to Mr. Scott, and any amateur requiring permission to use the short wave band for transmission purposes should get in touch with the RI, who will gladly furnish full particulars and the wave length to be used.[56]

As previous

TRANSMITTERS' ASSOCIATION. VISIT FROM RADIO INSPECTOR. The Transmitters' Association held a meeting at the residence of the president (Mr. A. E. Stevens) on Wednesday night, which despite the inclemency of the weather was fairly well attended. The object of the meeting was to meet Mr. G. A. Scott, the radio inspector, who had received some information from Melbourne of interest to local amateurs. Mr. Scott stated that he had received permission from head office to grant provisional licences for shortwave working for periods of between three and six months, and that amateur transmitters who wished to operate on the short-wave band could be assured of having prompt attention given to their requests. Other matters referring to short-wave working which were of minor importance were also discussed.[57]

1925 06

Scott promoting shortwave authorisations

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . Several new local transmitters have been heard of late. 6BN (Mr. A. E. Stevens) is down amongst the short waves, and likewise 6CJ, who was heard the other night putting out a tremendously strong signal which should have no difficulty in reaching t'othersiders. 6WP has been heard on speech, and also records, but which, unfortunately, are not an improvement on 6WF. 6BO still complains he can't get higher up the scale than 60 metres, but says the last report it strength five. This must be a con-solation after burning out a 50-watter. 6AG is awaiting the arrival of high tension smoothing condensers that will stand a decent voltage. He says all his others have been punctured with the few thousand volts he uses, and we have been told the radiation climbs up to eight amps. Some efficiency there all right. Whilst on these notes the radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) wishes to remind all amateurs who are transmitting to make immediate application, specifying the wave length they wish to use for short wave work. As an early report is required by the controller, please treat this matter as urgent. It is requested that only one wave length be stated. Don't embrace the whole band.[58]

1925 07
1925 08

Scott reported as attending the annual dinner of WIA WA associated with federal conference

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . Amongst the gathering at the annual radio dinner we noticed Mr. A. McCallum, M.L.A. (Minister for Works), Professor Ross, radio inspector Scott, Mr. P. Kennedy (deputy State Engineer), Messrs. Knapton, Truman, Thompson, and a host of the well-known amateurs, including 6BB, 6MU, 6WP, 6AG, 6WP, 6BO, 6BN, and 6CJ. It was indeed a representative gathering, and a glowing tribute to the importance attached to the local amateur movement.[59]

1925 09

Scott about to take leave

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) shortly commences well earned recreation leave. The R.I. is an enthusiastic motorist, and during leave time makes for our beauty spots down among the tall timbers, and soon forgets all about the worries of a wireless. But we forgot, he takes a wireless with him.[60]

1925 10

Scott clarifies timing of AOCP and CPRT examinations

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . As confusion has arisen amongst amateurs regarding the period in which the A.O.P.C. and the Radio Telegraphists proficiency exams, are held, Radio Inspector Scott wishes us to make the position clear. Both exams are held quarterly, and the next period will be during December, Applications should, in the first instance, be sent to the radio inspector.[61]

1925 11
1925 12

In Scott's absence 6BO provides details of AOCP examination syllabus

WIRELESS NEWS AND NOTES. (By "Electron.") . . . LICENCE EXAMINATIONS. At the request of several readers who are desirous of preparing for the examination for an amateur's transmitting licence, the following copy of a typical set of papers is published as a guide for those who intend studying for this examination. The time allowed for the first paper is two hours, and comprises the following questions:— (1) Draw diagram of a two-valve transmitter adapted for C.W., buzzer modulated C.W. (I.C.W.) and telephony. Show source of primary power and apparatus for obtaining requisite H.T. supply and include aerial ammeter, plate milliameter and filament voltmeter in the circuit, 25 marks. (2) Draw diagram of a three-valve, receiver suitable for C.W. signals, 15 marks. (3) Explain the construction and functions of both high and low frequency chokes, 15 marks. (4) Define R.F. currents, electromagnets, grid leak, wavemeter and variometer, 10 marks. (5) State the chemical action which takes place in an accumulator when discharging. What makes an accumulator gas on completion of discharge, and how to get rid of alight sulphating in an accumulator? 15 marks. All these are compulsory, whilst any two of the following four questions may be answered:— What is meant by choke control method of modulation? 10 marks. What effect would the application of A.C. to the plate of a transmitting valve have and why? 10 marks. What is direct and indirect coupling in a receiving set? 10 marks. What is a synchronous rectifier? 10 marks. The second paper embraces traffic routine and the time allowed is one hour. All the questions are compulsory and comprise:— (1) Illustrate a test transmission with an experimenter in another State, also show a log entry of the test. 20 marks. (2) Give the meaning of the following signals, "QRP," etc., etc. 20 marks. (3) What do certain Morse signals indicate, 20 marks. (4) State what you know of the rules made by the department in order to avoid interference with other stations. 20 marks. (5) What is the international distress signal and maritime warning signal, also what action would you take if you heard either of these signals whilst engaged in making a test? 20 marks. Through the courtesy of Mr. A. E. Grey, who is acting as Radio Inspector during the absence of Inspector Scott, the above information has been obtained, but readers must observe the questions vary at each sitting. The fundamental principles of wireless telegraphy and telephony are, however, maintained. It was my intention to give a series of articles dealing with these examinations, but this is now impossible. However, prospective candidates will find the show articles which appear in these columns each Saturday very helpful in their studies. A valuable asset in the library would be a copy of the "Handbook on Valve Transmitters," by W. James, whilst, if possible, a copy of the P.M.G.'s Handbook would be helpful in preparing for the traffic routine paper.[62]

Scott returns from leave

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . Our genial radio inspector, Mr. G. A. Scott, has resumed official duties after recreation leave. The holiday was enjoyable spent in motor tours in the agricultural areas. Mr. Scott's pet aversions now are the country roads and static as heard after sundown.[63]

As previous but noting that Scott was relieved by 6BO-6AA Albert Edward Gray

MERELY ATOMS. FROM HERE AND THERE. . . . The radio inspector (Mr. G. Scott) is back on the job again, after a few weeks' holiday. He was relieved by 6BO during the holiday period.[64]

Scott hears the new Rugby longwave service

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott (Radio Inspector), found time from amongst his many duties to tune in Rugby. Successful loud speaker strength was had when only using one valve, and it was found the addition of low or high frequency was not necessary. Mr. Scott's results certainly give rise to the opinion that his set is functioning as perfectly as the most ambitious of us could desire.[65]


1926 01

Scott announces further extension in access for amateurs to the 40 metre band

The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) announces that the permits granted to amateur transmitters for the use of the 40 metre band have been extended to March 31. The requirements of the beam station will then be definitely known, and the whole allocation of wave lengths reviewed. There appears to be every indication of the 30-40 band being retained by the amateur.[66]

1926 02

An enterprising Channel Islands amateur uses Scott as QSL address, but gets the callsign wrong

THE AMATEURS. . . . The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) has received a Q.S.L card from an amateur located in the Channel Islands and addressed to Radio A6NO, West Australia. There is no official record of such a call sign being allotted to WA, and any local transmitter whose call sign closely approximates this, should scan his log and see if he was transmitting CQ's on 45 metres at 2 a.m. local time on January 8, 1926. Signal strength was reported at R4 by the English amateur.[67]

1926 03
1926 04
1926 05

Another detailed biography of Scott

Mr. G. A. Scott, the local Commonwealth Radio Inspector, has had an adventurous career in the realms of wireless. His present important position is the result of an intensely practical wireless training, coupled with a good deal of hard work. Mr. Scott made his debut in wireless in 1901 at which time he was attached to H.M.S. Vindictive of the Royal Navy, when that vessel was acting as an escort to the Ophir, which was bringing the present King to Australia to inaugurate the Australian Commonwealth. At that time the naval men prided themselves in keeping in touch up to 100 miles. From 1901 to 1908 he had a thorough naval training in wireless, and in the latter year he came to Australia. From then on his career has been meteoric — 1911 to 1912 saw him in the service of Father Shaw, the well-known scientist. His experiences here ranged from New Guinea to Tasmania. His appointment to radio telegraphist at Melbourne came in March of 1912, and in June of the same year he was entrusted with the erection of the Brisbane station. On completion of this he was in charge of the construction of Rockhampton radio. Both theses jobs called for outstanding ability, engineering practice and practical experience, and it is worthy of note that Mr. Scott was selected for this duty by the then engineer for radio telegraphy. Mr. J. G. Balsillie. July, 1818 saw him transferred to Western Australia as radio inspector, first located at Fremantle, and now at the G.P.O., Perth. In addition to being a thoroughly practical wireless man, Mr. Scott possesses a breadth of outlook which enables him to realise wireless is something other than a scientific novelty, and that the utilitarian aspect of radio embraces a nation-wide service, the advent of broadcasting considerably enhancing this aspect. Wireless enthusiasts in W.A. will find in him a real friend, willing to concede the fullest latitude the regulations will allow. He is ever courteous, and possesses the virtue of tact. Local wireless men should consider themselves fortunate in having as Radio Inspector a capable man who has been associated with radio practically since its inception.[68]

1926 06

Scott publishes a request to experimenters to supply details of their equipment

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), is desirous of obtaining details of the station equipments, circuit diagrams and nature of experiments carried out by those holding experimental licenses. In the case of transmitting stations it is necessary to give details of the power used, wave length employed and any two-way working which has been carried out should be enumerated. The above information is required for official record purposes, and the radio inspector would appreciate early attention by those who are concerned.[69]

1926 07

Scott receives a good response to his request for experimenters' equipment details

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) desires to express his appreciation to the transmitting amateurs who so promptly fulfilled his request for station details for official record purposes. It would have necessitated a good deal of time to gather all the necessary details first hand, and it is certainly pleasing to see this expression of co-operation manifest between the amateur and the controlling authority.[70]

1926 08

Scott announces the loss of the popular 35 metre band to amateurs

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) notifies that the short wave bands issued to amateurs have been realloted as follows:— 8 to 10 metres, 21 to 23, 32 to 33, 36 to 37, 85 to 95. This adjustment will come into operation from September 30 and remain in force until December 31, 1926. The rearrangement of the 32-37 metre band is due to the allotment to the Defence Department of the 35 metre wave length.[71]

1926 09
1926 10
1926 11

Salaries of all Third Division Officers reviewed, with modest increases

COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. OFFICERS OF THE THIRD DIVISION. The Governor-General, pursuant to sub-regulation (8) of Public Service Regulation No. 105, has on the recommendation of the Public Service Board of Commissioners altered the limits of salary to be paid as from the 1st July, 1926, in the offices shown in the following schedule and the salaries payable from that date to the officers occupying those offices, to the amounts shown therein, and where so indicated has fixed the dates on which increments following such alterations may be paid :— C. B. B. White, Chairman; W. J. Skewes, J. P. McGlinn, Board of Commissioners. Melbourne, 10th November, 1926. Schedule. . . . POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. CENTRAL STAFF.

  • No.: 798
  • Officer: Scott, G. A.
  • Office Occupied: Radio Inspector, Grade 3
  • Branch or Station: Perth
  • Limits of Salary from 1st July, 1926: 474-546
  • Salary of Officer from 1st July 1926: 546
  • Date of next Increment: 1.7.27
  • Remarks: Nil[72]

Scott attends valedictory to 6AM-5AM Peter Kennedy, prior to his departure for SA

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . A very pleasing function was carried out on Tuesday evening at the Civil Service Club, when a valedictory social was tendered to Mr. P. Kennedy (6AM) by members of the Wireless Institute. The toast of "Our Guest" was eloquently proposed by Professor A. D. Ross, and supported by Messrs. Coxon and Grey. During the evening Mr. Kennedy was presented with a handsome clock, and t was a happy inspiration of the chairman, Mr. B. Holt that Mr. Kennedy was asked to keep the clock set at West Australian time, making the token of esteem a reminder of Mr. Kennedy's Western Australian wireless associates. Mr. Kennedy, in responding, told many interesting anecdotes of his association with the wireless fraternity, and expressed his deep appreciation to the Wireless Institute for their gift. No matter what portion of the Commonwealth in which he was located, he said he would always keep the timepiece set at West Australian time. Mr. Coxon gave some reminiscences of wireless working, and the days of electrolytic breaks and rotary gaps brought back vivid memories to old timers. Mr. W. Phipps humorously described the tribulations the Wireless Institute had undergone in the design of a wireless pennant Mr. G. F. Knapton, in a forceful speech, deplored the fact that West Australia was losing a sterling man, and one of our most enthusiastic wireless workers. The toast of "The Radio Inspector" was also honored, and many eulogistic references were made to Mr. Scott's harmonious and cordial relations with the amateur bodies, and his liberal interpretations of the regulations. The singing of "Auld Lang Syne" concluded a particularly pleasant and happy evening.[73]

Scott announces extension to availability of amateur spectrum

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott (Radio Inspector), advises that the period in which experimenters may conduct transmissions within the limits of the following wave bands has been further extended until the 28th February 1927:— 8-10 metres; 21-23 metres; 32-33 metres; 36-37 metres; 85-95 metres. It is not yet definitely known which wave length will be utilised by the Beam stations, but in all probability there will be little or no curtailment of the above concessions, it will be necessary in any case for amateurs to keep strictly within their allotted quota as we learn a check of wave lengths will be regularly kept.[74]

1926 12

Scott taking leave to enjoy a motoring holiday

WIRELESS WEEK by WEEK. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott, our popular radio inspector, is now enjoying some well-earned recreation leave. Mr. Scott is an enthusiastic motorist and is making for the pleasures of the open road during his vacation.[75]


1927 01

Scott returns from leave after a motoring holiday in the SW of WA

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. Mr. G. A. Scott (Radio Inspector) has returned to his office, after a vacation, during which he motored through the beauty spots of the South-west.[76]

Scott announces impact of revised Wireless Regulations w.r.t. instalment payments

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY REGULATIONS. The Recent Amendment. The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) desires to invite the attention of broadcast listeners who obtain their licenses on the half-yearly instalment system, to a recent amendment of the Wireless Telegraphy Regulations. The amended regulation stipulates that any person who falls to pay the second half-yearly instalment on or before the due date shall be guilty of an offence against the regulations, and will be liable to prosecution. The maximum fine in case of prosecution is £20. It will be seen on reference to the license that the period covered by the license is 12 months and the payment of the second instalment must be made when it becomes due, whether the set has been dismantled or not. No license is issued for any period less than 12 months. The Postmaster-General's Department is anxious to remind listeners who may be concerned of this obligation.[77]

1927 02

Scott announces changes in amateur spectrum allocations

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) notifies that, in connection with experimental transmissions, the following wave lengths have been reserved for naval communication, particularly in connection with the cruise of H.M.S. Renown, and every care should be taken to ensure that no interference takes place:— 20 metres, 21.5 metres, 33.5 metres, 35 metres. The period during which experimenters are authorised to conduct transmissions within the limits of the undermentioned wave bands has been further extended to the 1st April, 1927:— 8-10 metres, 23 metres, 32-33 metres, 36-37 metres, 85-95 metres. The 21 and 22 metre wave lengths have been withdrawn, and are no longer available for use by experimenters.[78]

Scott attends conference of wireless interests in WA to adopt a common position for the Royal Commission 1927

BROADCASTING PROBLEMS. IS WIRELESS A PUBLIC UTILITY? A Conference Debate. Mr. J. Thomson (managing director of Westralian Farmers, Ltd.), presided over the gathering of representatives of wireless interests at the conference room of Westralian Farmers on Friday evening last when consideration was given to the case to be presented to the Royal Commission on Wireless when it visits this State. In opening the conference, at which were representatives of the Wireless Institute (W.A. Division), Wireless Development Association, Broadcast Listeners' League, Broadcasting Station, 6WF, State Forestry Department and Royal Society, Mr. Thomson said it was desirable to Wipe the Slate Clean of all that had passed and see if it were possible to formulate some plan whereby wireless might be made of greatest advantage to the people of Western Australia. The preparation of a case to be submitted to the Commission would be a big job and before they had gone far they would possibly have to give consideration to the appointment of a paid secretary or committee. Dr. J. S. Battye thought that the views of people in W.A. would diverge greatly from those held in the Eastern States. No doubt a great deal of attention and consideration would be paid by the Commission to the Eastern States' views and therefore it was necessary to make the Western Australian views as distinctly impressive as possible. If they Spoke With a Dozen Voices they would be lost in the tumult and would stand little chance against the concerted action of the Eastern States. They should find some means of agreement on broad questions, he thought. Mr. H. A. F. Bader complained that while wireless goods had to pay a heavy duty, there was a company in the Eastern States which had turned around and was dictating what the trader would have to pay, this despite the fact that the Federal Government owned over half of the shares in it. He contended that broadcasting throughout Australia, and particularly in W.A., should be made a public utility. So far as 6WF was concerned, some praised it, some half praised it and some censured it. In his opinion 6WF was doing all that was possible under the circumstances. The high licence fees had made many thieves of listeners. Everyone he thought should have an opportunity of sharing its educational value and if they could persuade the Royal Commission to proclaim broadcasting in W.A., A Public Utility it would be a benefit to wireless generally. Dr. Battye held that they should be imbued with two objects: (1) to do their best towards popularising and improving wireless in this State; (2) to assist the existing station out of any difficulties it may have gone in and so held in the achievement of the first objects. It might assist matters to learn something of the difficulties of the present station. Mr. C. Knapton spoke in favor of broadcasting as a public utility. Mr. Thomson referred to the genesis of the broadcasting station 6WF and of the realisation of the service it would be to the rural community. The Commission would have the effect of bringing together two antagonistic interests, those who considered the listening fee too high and those who considered it too low. "The directors of the Westralian Farmers, Ltd., do not care who owns the station provided it gives service. If some company would undertake to give equal or better service, no one would be more delighted than we would be in getting right out of it; but it must continue to give service as heretofore. It is interesting to you to know that I have had applications from broadcasting companies to take over the station, but invariably there has been the one stumbling block, that they will not guarantee the same service. As a company we have other interests in the State to consider and we can wink at a certain amount of loss in order to provide a service to the outback farmers, but a company with the sole view of making profit — and companies are not formed for philanthropy — would not be able to give the same service as is being given. I am inclined at the present moment to agree with the advocacy of the public utility; I do Not Favor the Idea of a Subsidy. An approach to the State Government for a subsidy is contrary to our tradition. Being a co-operative company the members depend on each other and we do not want to go to anyone else. We in Western Australia must get something from outside to carry on the station as it is required. He held that the Eastern States, which, had large financial returns, should be prepared to give way a little to help the other sections of Australia which were losing. The Commonwealth had said it could only make one charge for the whole of Australia. If so, it was only fair that the Commonwealth should protect those parts of the Commonwealth where broadcasting did not pay. At no time had the company limited the broadcasting department in its operations and the best of talent offering for the programmes had been secured. In a State like this, however, he was afraid there would always be a lack of novelty which appealed move than anything else to the listening public. They had been told that the wavelength was the stumbling-block. From their point of view it was not. In the daytime there was no doubt that the people were getting better reception than would otherwise be the case. They had recognised that at night time serious disabilities were apparent, due to atmospherics and it had been said that the Eastern States' stations with shorter wavelengths had greater freedom from atmospherics. Experiments Had Been Carried Out on a shorter wave and programmes were being put out for a portion of the evening on two wavelengths, 100 and 1,250 metres. He was hopeful that some benefit would result from that. He would like them to understand that any failure to satisfy had not been for want of trying and they had given the department every freedom to spend what it considered necessary. Therefore he saw little hope of increasing the popularity of wireless in the direction of reorganising the programmes. There were some things though which would help them, not to make money, but to lose less. One was mentioned by Mr. Bader; the royalties to Amalgamated Wireless. The Commonwealth was the major shareholder and if it was desirous of helping this State it was in a position to do so. The broadcasting station was in the position of the producer, and the listener, the consumer and the Commonwealth, he thought, should cut Amalgamated Wireless right out. There was a certain amount of justification, he thought, for the man who collected royalties. They were paying royalty to the publishing companies of Australia, who were operating on behalf of the holders of copyright of songs sung and of gramophone records played. The man who composed a song was entitled to something, but at the same time, the right place to collect it was from the publishing Company on the sale. This charge had been placed on them after they had accepted the Commonwealth's fixation of fee and they could not recoup themselves, while the Commonwealth gave them no protection. Last year they had had to contribute 14 per cent. for copyright; for the privilege of advertising someone's music in other words. So long as they could be assured of improving the Service to the Farmer, and even if they had to step out of the business, they would do so. Mr. R. Wilkes was of opinion that because of their other interests, Westralian Farmers, Ltd., had lost little, if nothing, on the broadcasting station. Discussing the possibility of a subsidy, he said the State or the Commonwealth might be prevailed upon to grant a subsidy or the total fees subscribed by listeners throughout Australia might be better divided. The only other alternative he could see was for the State or Commonwealth to take the station over converting it into a public utility. In order to popularise wireless in the country it would be necessary to have many relay stations distributed so that the working man who could only afford a crystal set would be able to listen. This would entail relay stations at such places as Katanning, Burracoppin, Kalgoorlie, Mullewa and the North-West. Mr. G. A. Scott, radio inspector, gave some interesting figures regarding sets in use and reasons for many cancellations. He blamed many of the "rubbishy sets" foisted on to an unsuspecting public by the traders in the early days of broadcasting, for the present condition of wireless in W.A. Mr. H. Truman suggested that more than one remedy should be submitted to the Commission. A public utility, to his mind, was but a subsidy in disguise. It was astounding to think that out of £144,000 paid by listeners £55,000 should have been swallowed up in royalties. An interesting solution had been put forward by Mr. Hayman, who had advocated that every station should be allocated £1,000 Per Kilowatt of power used, this sum to be paid from the pooled licence fees. The balance of the fees should be distributed on some equitable prorata basis. After some further discussion a committee, comprised of Dr. J. S. Battye, Messrs. R. Wilkes, C. Knapton, G. Hayman, H. Truman, H. A. F. Bader, A. E. Stevens, and W. E. Coxon, with Mr. Wilkes as secretary, was appointed to go into the schemes suggested, in detail and report to a further conference to be called.[79]

1927 03

Scott announces further extension of access by amateurs to certain frequency bands

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) desires it to be known that the period during which experimenters may be authorised, to conduct transmissions within the limits of the undermentioned wave length bands has been further extended to June 1, 1927, viz, 8-10 metres, 23 metres; 32-33 metres, 36-37 metres, 85-95 metres.[80]

Conference of WA wireless interests preparing a case for Royal Commission 1927, Scott attending

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . It now seems definite that the Royal Commission on Wireless will be visiting Perth at an early date, probably during next month. The local bodies who are interested in wireless are assiduously working the preparation of Western Australia's case, and they are to be congratulated for their untiring zeal and sacrifice of time, which in the case of the business members must be at no small inconvenience to them-selves. But our State has gained a reputation for solidarity and the views which are to be presented to the com-mission should meet with the unanimous approval of all concerned. De-tails of the various aspects have been threshed out at numerous meetings, and the final case will be the result of much hard work. It can be safely said the preparation of our case could not have fallen into better hands. The committee who have borne the brunt of the arduous work comprise Dr. Battye, Messrs. Wilkes, Truman, Coxon, Knapton, Hayman, Drummond, Stevens and Millet, and the experimental amateur organisations. The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) has also courteously attended the meetings. The above members are thoroughly representative of W.A.'s wireless interests, and our views will be placed before the commission, with the knowledge that they are satisfactory to all parties.[81]

1927 04

Scott gives evidence to the Royal Commission 1927

WIRELESS COMMISSION. STATE CASE PRESENTED. Subsidy or Government Control Advocated. The Royal Commission which is inquiring into wireless in Australia, comprising Mr. J. H. Hammond, K.C. (chairman), Sir James Elder, Mr. C. E. Crocker, and Mr. A. J. B. McMaster, with a secretary (Mr. Nance), continued the taking of evidence yesterday. . . . George Archibald Scott, a radio inspector in the Postmaster-General's Department, said that there was no extra licence required when a listener removed his set to another locality or premises. All that was required was permission to do so. A special licence (£10) was required from a person who puts in a loud speaker for the benefit of a number of people for direct or indirect profit. The department would not require a special licence in an ordinary boarding house. Asked whether he had found "dead" areas in Western Australia, witness said that he was recently in Southern Cross, where he was told that nothing could be picked up. Witness put up an aerial and he got full loudspeaker strength with a three-valve set on the 1,250 metre wave from 6WF shortly after 3 p.m. He picked up the Eastern States on the same set. To Mr. Wilkes, witness said that most of his time was spent in administering the broadcast regulations. It was very difficult to sheet home charges against unlicensed or "pirate" dealers.[82]

Scott gives further evidence to the Royal Commission 1927

WIRELESS COMMISSION. PERTH EVIDENCE CONCLUDED. Proposals and Explanations. The Royal Commission which is inquiring into wireless in Australia concluded, yesterday morning, the hearing of Western Australian evidence. Later in the day the Commission visited the Westralian Farmers' broadcasting station (6WF) and the Applecross wireless station, and in the evening left for Melbourne by train. The Commission will take evidence next in Brisbane, commencing on May 17. . . . Albert Edward Grey, telegraphist, gave evidence of having secured. successful results in getting Rugby (England). The beam station was, in his experience, as strong at Rugby, but not so consistent. George Scott radio inspector, recalled, said that all ships' operators he had made inquiries of spoke well of Rugby.[83]

Scott off work with an injured knee

PERSONAL. The friends of the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) will regret to learn that he is at present incapacitated as the result of an injured knee. It is likely that he will be absent from his office for at least a week.[84]

1927 05
1927 06
1927 07

Scott again announces a further extension in access to certain amateur bands

The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) advises that approval has been given to persons holding transmitting licenses to conduct transmissions within the limits of the undermentioned wave bands until September 30, 1927:— 8-10 metres; 28 metres; 32-33 metres; 36-37 metres; 85-95 metres.[85]

Scott conducts tests of blanketing interference from 6WF & 6WF SW to reception of Eastern States stations

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL . . . The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) on Tuesday evening last carried out a very important demonstration with regard to interference with the Eastern States which was said to exist when 6WF's short wave transmitter was in operation. A more exacting test could hardly be conceived as the Radio Inspector's aerial is almost in the shadow of 6WF. Nevertheless it was found that there was absolutely no interference with any of the Eastern States stations, but by reverting to the obsolete method of single circuit control a little interference was picked up. This was, however, deliberately done, and to prove that, with a proper loose coupled circuit, any interference from 6WF on either 1250 or 100 metres is entirely negligible on the Eastern States band. While on the subject of interference, it may mentioned that Mr. Scott is always anxious to receive complaints from listeners regarding interference. Very often listeners, especially in the country, suffer in silence from all sources of man-made interference when a communication to the Radio Inspector may be the means of clearing the matter up.[86]

1927 08
1927 09
1927 10
1927 11

Scott, details included in list of all Central Office staff Commonwealth public servants, as at November 1927 (Full)

Postmaster-General's Department, Central Staff.

  • Telegraphs and Wireless Branch
  • Page No.: 5
  • Name: Scott, G. A.
  • Date of Birth: 7.6.82
  • Date of First Appointment: 23.9.12
  • Office: Radio Inspector, Grade 3 (stationed at Perth)
  • Division: III
  • Scale of Salary: L474-546
  • Salary: L546
  • Deduction for Rent: N/A
  • Allowances: Nil
  • Present Salary received from: 1.7.26[87]

Scott included in list of federal public servants as at 30 June 1927 (Index)

INDEX TO LIST OF PERMANENT OFFICERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE ON THE 30th OF JUNE, 1927. . . . Name. Page. No. on Page. . . . Scott, George Archibald, 66, 5[88]

1927 12

Scott attends social gethering of the Wireless Development Association, advises that a relay station for WA was contemplated

WIRELESS DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION. A Social Gathering. The completion of the business of the annual general meeting of the Wireless Development Association on Tuesday evening last was marked by a social gathering of various wireless interests as the guests of the Development Association and also a friendly discussion of wireless in general, with special reference to the proposed establishment of another A Class station for Western Australia. Mr. H. Bader (president) in his address clearly outlined the present position and also the stimulus that would be given to the trade and wireless in general by the advent of another A station. Mr. Bader said his association supported the resolution for another A Class license, but made it clear that no specific company or broadcasting organisation bad been embraced. Mr. R. Wilkes (secretary), in a detailed speech, dealt with various aspects of broadcasting, and particularly the prosperous condition of the Eastern States trade and the general interest taken in wireless, citing the fact that 10,000 licenses were applied for in Victoria in one month alone. The application of 3LO or other interests for a W.A. license was welcomed. Competition, it was asserted, was good for everyone, and the wireless listener with a variety programme to choose from would be the gainer. Dr. Battye, responding on behalf of the toast of the Listeners' League, was firmly of the opinion that we should at least improve our present broadcaster, who had done spadework for broadcasting in W.A. under prodigious difficulties, before appealing to the East for additional broadcast services. Mr. C. P. Knapton recounted how some years ago the iniquitous sealed set regulations were successfully fought against by the trade and allied wireless interests in the same room in which the evening's social gathering was being held. The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), briefly discussing the broadcast situation, stated that one relay station for W.A. was proposed, but its location was not yet definitely decided upon.[89]


1928 01

Briefer biography than earlier published in 1925 and clearly the same source

Pertinent Paragraphs. . . . Radio pirates won't dare to look this man in the face. It's Mr. G. A. Scott, the Federal Government Radio Inspector for Western Australia, a demon on defaulters but a real friend of the genuine experimenter and one of the most capable wireless experts and pioneers in Australia. Joining the Imperial Navy at the time of Queen Victoria's Jubilee Mr. Scott who made his wireless debut in 1901 was attached to the H.M.S. Vindictive (of Zeebrugge fame) when she was one of the escorting cruisers of the Royal Ophir on which the present King and Queen travelled to Australia. In those days it was something of a performance to talk to the Ophir and the other cruisers at distances up to 100 miles; today the Jervis Bay at her docks in England has talked to Melbourne. Retiring from the Navy in 1911 he linked up with Father Shaw of Randwick wireless station and in March of 1912 joined the Commonwealth service as wireless operator at Melbourne Radio Station. During the war Mr. Scott came West as Radio Inspector and reverting to the P.M.G.'s Department after the signing of peace he has continued therein as a capable administrator and a well liked official.[90]

1928 02
1928 03
1928 04

Scott investigates interference to broadcast reception due to VIP Perth

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . MORSE INTERFERENCE. Apropos of some remarks which appeared on this page some time ago regarding Morse interference from the local station at Applecross, we learn several investigations have been carried out by the Radio Inspector, with his private sets. Whilst it can be assumed Mr. Scott is naturally in possession of a receiver which is far more sensitive than the average type of set, nevertheless not the slightest trace of interference could be discerned. A standard type of receiver built from our blue print diagram was also investigated, and this also gave negative results as regards Morse interference, and at the time 3AR, Melbourne, was being received. We personally investigated another case, and though VIP could be very faintly heard, it would need, a very critical ear to discriminate it as interference. Naturally there are some cases where sets are extremely broad in tuning, and we recollect hearing a four-valver which would bring in 6WF despite the fact whether the set was tuned to 200 or 2000 metres. In this case the fault, due to the wiring, was quite obvious, and on being rectified the set became extremely selective. If readers who experience any trouble from Morse interference write us details, we will be only too pleased to advise them as to remedial measures.[91]

1928 05
1928 06

Scott explains the reason for the high rate for messages to ships

NEWS AND NOTES. "The West Australian." . . . Radio Messages to Ships. Persons who have had reason to send radio messages to ships at sea have been puzzled by what apparently is an extraordinary anomaly in the charges for messages. They have found that they may send wireless messages from Australian ports to any Australian or New Zealand ship and to most foreign vessels trading in Australian waters, at a rate of 6d. a word, but for similar messages to the majority of British ships they are charged 11d. a word. Commenting upon the matter on Saturday the Radio Inspector for Western Australia (Mr. G. A. Scott) said that the Commonwealth authorities were in no way responsible for the higher charge imposed upon messages to British and certain foreign vessels. He said that before the control of wireless was transferred by the Commonwealth to Amalgamated Wireless, Ltd., the Government offered to reduce its coastal charge on wireless messages to Australian and New Zealand ships from 6d to 3d. a word, provided the shipping companies concerned agreed to reduce their ship charges from 4d. to 2d. a word. The Australian and New Zealand Shipping Companies agreed to do so, and accordingly the rates were reduced from 11d. to 6d. a word on radio messages sent to their vessels. Subsequently South African and a number of British shipping companies concurred in the new arrangement. More recently various foreign shipping companies conformed to the lower charges. The majority of British ships, however, including those of the Orient and the P. and O. lines, continued the higher ship rate of 4d. a word and consequently the rate for sending radio messages to those vessels remained at 11d. a word, which was the recognised international charge. Mr. Scott added that he understood the Postmaster-General's department was writing to the British administration with a view of bringing about a reduction in the rates on radio messages to all British ships.[92]

Scott gives evidence at prosecution for non payment of licence instalment

WIRELESS LICENCES. Obligations of the Act. Although broadcast listeners' licences may be paid in two half-yearly moieties, the licence itself covers a period of one year. From recent cases it would appear that many listeners in who pay the first half-year's portion consider they have the right at the end of six months to give up wireless and cancel their licence if they so desire. Such, however, is not the case, as was shown in the City Court this morning, when proceedings under the Post and Telegraphs Act, were taken against Harry Moran, residing at 4 Midgeley-street, Rivervale. Postal Detective Sampson, representing the Post and Telegraphs Department, prosecuted. Radio Inspector G. A. Scott said that defendant had taken out a wireless licence on June 22, 1927, and paid the first half-yearly instalment on that date. The second payment became due on December 27 of the same year, but as it was not forwarded, witness proceeded to defendant's house and was told that Moran had only intended to use his wireless for six months. The magistrate (Mr. A. B. Kidson, P.M.) imposed a fine of 15s with costs. Harry Beadle was charged with using a wireless set at his house in West parade, East Perth, without first having licensed it. Inspector Scott said that he visited defendant's residence, and found a two-valve receiver set with an outdoor aerial. There was no licence in use at the time, but Mrs. Beadle kept her promise of securing one next day. A fine of 40s with costs was imposed in this case.[93]

1928 07

Scott again promoting the need for broadcast listeners to take out licences for their sets

Broadcast Listener. (By "Chris T. L.") LISTENERS MUST PAY. Revival of Licences. The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), today made the following statement:— "For the privilege of listening into broadcast programmes persons with receiving installations are required to be in possession of a current broadcast listener's licence and heavy penalties are prescribed for failure in this respect. Licences are obtainable at all money order post offices throughout the State, and may be obtained either by personal application or by proxy. If it is not convenient to obtain a licence in this manner, listeners may send their fee and full name and address to the radio inspector, P.M.G.'s Department, G.P.O., Perth, whereupon a licence will be taken out and posted by return. "There is only one class of licence, an ordinary broadcast listener's, and the fee for operating within a radius of 250 miles from Perth is 24s a year, payable fully in advance; for all receivers situated outside a 250 mile radius, the licence fee is 17s 6d a year. "If a listener is desirous of temporarily transferring his set to give demonstrations at a show, bazaar or similar function, a form of permit should be obtained from the radio inspector, Perth, but it is pointed out that persons are not entitled to operate sets at two different addresses simultaneously. Like wise, permits are also issued which allow the use of sets on motor cars, or for weekend tours, holiday camps, etc. Prompt notification of all changes of address, must be furnished to the radio inspector."[94]

1928 08
1928 09
1928 10

Scott to undertake a tour of Katanning, Wagin and Narrogin to identify interference sources and pirates

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . RADIO INSPECTOR ON TOUR. It is officially announced by the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) that a tour will be undertaken this week of the Great Southern district embracing Katanning, Wagin and Narrogin. During his travels Mr. Scott will inquire into several aspect of the interference problem, notably power leaks, etc., which are said to exist in these localities. Incidentally, the unlicensed listeners will have his attention, and as the old axiom says "Forewarned is forearmed," so we recommend all pirates to immediately take out the necessary license as it may prevent the unpleasant consequence of Court proceedings. Complaints of interference will be welcomed by the Radio Inspector, especially from those who believe the interference is from external sources, but first make sure it is not your own set, or the alleged power leak is not an open grid circuit. The tour is the outcome of the Postal Department's efforts to improve the wireless position generally, and in appreciation of this, listeners are advised that a wireless license costs only 24s. per year, and the pirate does not beat the Government, but takes away the programme revenue from 6WF.[95]

As previous, tour underway

RADIOGRAMS. By AERIAL. . . . COUNTRY VISIT OF THE RADIO INSPECTOR. During the past week a tour of inspection of the Great Southern district has been undertaken by the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), and it is anticipated that a great number of difficulties regarding power leaks in many of the larger towns, which mar reception, will be satisfactorily settled through Mr. Scott's presence on the spot. During Monday and Tuesday of this week the inspector will be in Albany, and those who have reception troubles — that is, interference external to the set — will be welcomed in interviewing Mr. Scott, but it would be a wise provision to make sure you have a license first. Mr. Scott is an indefatigable worker in the interests of the broadcast listeners, and provided one has a genuine grievance you can count on a sympathetic hearing, and the necessary remedial advice.[96]

1928 11
1928 12


1929 01
1929 02

PMGD calls a conference of wireless industry in Perth to try to re-vitalise the industry, Scott attending

BROADCASTING. DECREASED PUBLIC INTEREST. Conference of Traders. It is generally acknowledged that wire-less broadcasting in this State, if not also in the Eastern States, is in the reverse of a flourishing condition. In the words of the chairman of a conference held in Perth yesterday, it is "dead now, or dying." The aim of the conference was a revival of interest in wireless. It was held in the board room at the G.P.O. and it will continue its discussions next week. There were present 18 traders in radio instruments. The Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. R. Roberts) opened the conference and then handed over the chairmanship to Mr. J. G. Kilpatrick (Superintendent Engineer of the department). Mr. Roberts, however, remained as a listener for nearly the whole of the proceedings. Messrs. G. A. Scott (radio inspector), W. E. Coxon (officer in charge of 6WF), and W. G. Chapman (officer in charge of Applecross station), also attended. Constructive Policy Sought. The Deputy Director welcomed members and pointed out that the conference was the first gathering of its kind, it was the Commonwealth Government's desire to provide in Australia broadcasting equal to that provided elsewhere. Co-operation between the public, manufacturers, traders, and the department was necessary. The geographical position of the State placed her at a great disadvantage. It was difficult to get variation in the broadcast programmes. The difference in time between east and west, atmospherics, and the State's small population were other factors operating against the complete success of receipt of broadcasting from the Eastern States. Nevertheless, it was considered that there was in this State a big field for the development of broadcasting. The department would welcome a constructive policy. The financial side of broadcasting in this State was unsatisfactory. The number of licences issued barely covered the cost of the present programmes. More licences would have to be obtained. Departmental officers had been struck by the great number of crystal sets used in Melbourne, and inquiries showed that the persons holding them were very well satisfied, although they only had the benefit of one station. He sought the assistance of the conference to popularise these small sets. If the conference could materially increase the number of licences it could go on to bigger things. "It is not the intention of the department, at this stage at any rate," Mr. Roberts said, "to enter the manufacturing field." Dealing with the first item of the agenda — "Use of crystal sets in city and suburbs" — Mr. Kilpatrick said there was very little interest in these sets in Western Australia. Experience in Victoria had shown that a large number of crystal set users later became valve set users. The department would like to know the views of traders as to the marketing and sales possibilities of a crystal set to cost about £3 or £3/10/. Mr. R. Wilkes said the experience of traders was that they could not sell a first class crystal set under £5 and at that price sales were almost impossible. The question of price, however, had nothing to do with the problem. The real point was, what programmes the listener-in was going to get. The results listeners now got were not commensurate with the outlay. The chairman suggested that persons ready to pay big prices for sets had, for the most part, already got them. What was wanted was to exploit the field of those who could not afford expensive sets. The main market to be exploited in this State, a speaker said, was that of the working man who could afford only £3 or £4 for his hobby. Material improvement of the programmes and a better range of stations for the listener-in were needed. Mr. Wilkes: The Government has been blocking us for years from getting other stations and the variety without which we cannot hope to build up wireless in this State. Crystal Sets Not Favoured. The conference gave no support to the proposal that efforts should be made to popularise crystal sets. "The days of the crystal set are gone," one speaker said. "It appears to be useless," the chairman said, "for the department to attempt to go on with the crystal set." There was a consensus of opinion that relay stations were essential to wireless progress. The third agenda item — "Possibilities of marketing cheap and efficient types of receivers" — moved Mr. Wilkes to remark: "Cheap sets are only a dream until the public is more interested." The selling costs of sets, he said, were exceedingly high. The chairman: It is pretty obvious that there is apathy in Western Australia with regard to wireless. It is dead now — or dying. Mr. J. R. W. Gardam suggested that marking of sets by the department is guarantee of their being efficient. The public apathy was largely caused by the junk that had been sold. The chairman expressed the view that this would not be practicable. Broadcasting of regular programmes from amateur stations, the next item, met with support from a majority, and a motion urging the department to encourage these programmes in every possible way, was agreed to. The general view appeared to be that by this means needed variety would be introduced. 6WF Wave-Length. Conference next considered the effect of reducing the wavelength of 6WF. Mr. Coxon, officer in charge of this station, said that under the present conditions in this State the circumstances were in favour of the long wavelength. It would be different if the country were served by relay stations and transmission in the city were intended for the city only. Reduction in the wavelength would result in disturbing the metropolitan listeners. Most of the sets in this State had been developed on non-selective lines. Unanimously the conference carried the following motions:— That pending the establishment of relay stations we recommend that the power of the short wavelength transmission be increased to 1,000 watts. That investigations be made of wavelengths between 50 and 150 metres, to see whether a more suitable wavelength than 104.5 metres can be obtained. "This wavelength question bristles with difficulties," the chairman commented. The consensus of opinion in the conference, it appeared to him, was that, subject to certain conditions, the wavelength should be reduced. Severe criticism of the 1,250 metres wavelength was uttered. It was decided: In the opinion of this conference the 1,250 metres wavelength could be improved upon, and conference recommends that experiments be conducted to find a more suitable wavelength for Western Australia. Country Difficulties. Mr. C. S. Baty said that the number of country towns where reception, by day or night was possible, could be counted on the fingers. That deprived the department of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of licences. If the electric light plants or post offices, or whatever caused the trouble, were "brought to scratch" people would buy sets. At present they could not work them. Hotels had offered to pay him up to £100 for a set which would give them only the racing results, if it could be worked, but he had had to walk away from the business. If a farmer bought a wireless set now he had no means of getting service, except in Perth. As soon as an electric light plant came to a town it became impossible to work a wireless set, and unless steps were taken immediately to deal with this problem the country as a marketing field would be out of the question altogether. "We have tried all sorts of experiments," Mr. Baty added. "It has got to be gone into by competent engineers." Mr. Wilkes, endorsing Mr. Baty's assertions, said that electricity plants caused serious interference. Traders had to send out to country towns a man to instal the set, investigate interferences and overcome them if possible, and this made the selling costs altogether too high. Traders ought to have the support of the department in overcoming these difficulties and the cost of experiments should be borne by the department. The chairman: I plead guilty to a certain amount of interference by post office plant in the past but I cannot accept it at present. With unanimity the meeting endorsed the following motion by Mr. Wilkes:— That prompt measures be taken by the department to have the interference to broadcast receptions in country towns, due to lighting plant disturbances, eliminated. A suggestion that there should be differentiation in licence fees on crystal sets compared with valve sets met with no support except from its propounder. Complaints from listeners of interference in reception by Applecross station were ventilated. A recommendation was agreed to that efforts be made to minimise the trouble. Educational Facilities. Conference affirmed its support of further wireless educational facilities, provided they did not interfere with the present regular broadcasting hours. "It has been my experience," said one speaker, "that when the educational talk is put on the set is switched off, or talking starts, or a game, of cards." Another maintained that so far the great value of wireless for education had not been realised. The chairman said that the Education Department had been approached in the matter and plans were being drawn up. The conference passed a motion to the effect that the issuing of dealers' licences be reintroduced and made compulsory, and that licences be issued only to dealers. Late in the afternoon the conference adjourned to Wednesday next at 11 a.m., leaving for consideration on that day a final and important item on the agenda — "The possibility of the success of a wireless campaign for the coming autumn and winter."[97]

1929 03

Scott conducts tests of interference to broadcasting by VIP, concludes that problem lies with listener but his superior advises further investigation to be undertaken in conjunction with AWA

BROADCASTING. CONFERENCE PROPOSALS. Publicity Department for 6WF. The conference of departmental officials and traders in wireless requisites which met last week at the G.P.O. to consider the disabilities under which broadcasting in this State is suffering and to concert means for a revival of public interest, resumed its sittings yesterday. The principal question awaiting its attention was the possibility of a successful wireless campaign for the coming autumn and winter. The need for publicity was unanimously conceded, and a motion was carried that at 6WF, the Perth station, a publicity department should be instituted. Mr. J. G. Kilpatrick (superintendent engineer of the department) was in the chair. Mr. G. A. Scott (radio inspector) and Mr. W. E. Coxon (officer in charge of 6WF) were in attendance, and the proposal was listened to by the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. R. Roberts). At the outset the chairman referred to the great loss that wireless and electrical engineering had suffered by the death of Mr. C. E. Crocker. Mr. Crocker had been a member of the Commonwealth Wireless Commission, he said, and had given worthy service to wireless and the profession generally. He asked those present to stand in silence for a moment, as a mark of respect. Mr. C. S. Baty, addressing himself to the general problem of reviving public interest, expressed the view that the department should extend the broadcasting hours, say from the beginning of April. They might start at 9.30 and run till 11, and then resume at 3.30 and go till 5. That would bring in a lot more licences. On Sunday there should be a longer afternoon session, say from 2.30 to 4.30, particularly, for the country, where Sunday was the day of the week for many people. Now they got very poor programmes. What he proposed would not cost a great amount of money. The Chairman: What would you suggest from 9.30 to 11 — musical items? Mr. Baty: Yes, or talks. It is not a matter of a tip-top programme but of something to fill in. Here we don't start till 12.30, when the day has half gone. Replying to a suggestion, Mr. Coxon said the station could not use news before 12.30. Mr. R. Wilkes: They get news at breakfast time in the Eastern States. Brighter Sunday Evenings. Mr. J. R. W. Gardam said the Sunday night programmes might be brightened up. They did not all want to listen to Mr. — and other "terrible people" talking. He did not know whether the law prevented the broadcasting of other matter before 8.45 p.m. Mr. Wilkes held that the sympathies of the Press should be enlisted forthwith, with a view to publicity. Instead of the "hobby" type of columns at present published they needed general articles to interest the public and induce it to make inquiries and buy sets. The lack of wireless matter in the local Press was lamentable. The chairman said he knew the editors of the daily newspapers were willing to assist in every possible way and they would publish suitable material if it was supplied. The difficulty was to get such material written. The chairman read a circular letter from A. G. Moffat detailing a proposal to issue, commencing in April, a monthly magazine of 16 pages devoted to wireless. Mr. Truman indicated unexplored avenues which might be utilised for broadcasting, such as information from the agricultural and other departments, and from scientific men in the various departments. Mr. Wilkes moved:— 'That a publicity department be created at 6WF. He maintained that the cost would be returned to the department tenfold. Mr. Baty seconded. The chairman said he was strongly in favour of publicity. It was a matter of finance. The suggested department, one speaker said, would cost at least £500 a year to run. That struck him as a big bite out of the fees that were received. Mr. Wilkes: The extra licences would cover the £500 easily. The Chairman: Will we get all these additional licences in view of all the disabilities that have been mentioned at this conference. After further support for the motion had been voiced it was carried, without dissent. Mr. Wilkes moved:— That a morning session be instituted, from 9.30 to 11.30, and that the Sunday afternoon session be extended to cover two hours, from 2.30 to 4.30. This was agreed to. Mr. Wilkes considered that those controlling the local station might exercise more ingenuity in publicity stunts on their own account. In the Eastern States they had had stunts such as broadcasting from an aeroplane or from the bottom of Sydney Harbour. The chairman agreed that they should put on any publicity stunts they could, but if all the stations were taken over in July, as had been announced, it was possible that they would receive definite instructions as to what to do. He thought they would be able to carry out stunts in connection with the Centenary celebrations. Mr. Coxon said that arrangements had been in progress for months for broadcasting from an aeroplane. They had been waiting for the new machines to arrive. Applecross Interference. Mr. Scott said that since the previous sitting of the conference he and another officer had made investigations in Claremont, where listeners were said to be suffering from interference by the Applecross station. They spent a day and a half on the task and visited 36 licensees. Of these 23 said they never heard Applecross, and 13 said they suffered from its interference. If anyone suffered interference on 1,250 metres it was his own fault. The trouble must lie in the listener's aerials. Mr. Wilkes said Mr. Scott's figures showed a very high proportion of sufferers, and a great deal more ought to be done to minimise the Applecross trouble. The chairman said it was proposed to arrange for tests by departmental officers and Amalgamated Wireless. The trouble could only be overcome by joint effort. At the close of the conference the Deputy-Director expressed to the traders his appreciation of their attendance and his conviction that good would result from their deliberations. He personally had taken the proceedings very seriously, and the decisions reached and the character of the discussions were being conveyed to headquarters in Melbourne. Before the gathering dispersed votes of thanks to Mr. Roberts and Mr. Kilpatrick were carried.[98]

Scott announces a successful stunt amateur broadcast from a steamer

STEAMER BROADCASTS. Sunday's Tests Succeed. Some months ago a musical programme was broadcast by an amateur transmitter, from the pleasure steamer, Emerald, while it was on the Rockingham-Garden Island run. On that occasion conditions were against satisfactory transmitting, but a second at-tempt made last Sunday was very successful. The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) today said that he had received letters from the country saying the programme had been quite audible at distances up to 300 miles. Atmospheric conditions were ideal for transmission.[99]

Scott announces latest licence statistics combining both experimental and broadcast licences

BROADCAST LICENCES. Increases for February. Figures concerning the issue of wireless broadcast listeners' licences in Western Australia and the Commonwealth for February were released by the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) today. Including experimental licences, there were 54 new issues in Western Australia and 244 renewals, making the total number of issued licences 298. With 53 cancellations the number in operation, at the end of February was 3820, showing an increase of one licence for the month. For the Commonwealth there was an increase of 2125 for the month. The new licences issued amounted to 5696, with 16,385 renewals, making the total number of issues 22,081. There were 3571 cancellations, and the total number of licences in operation at the end of the month was 291,289.[100]

1929 04
1929 05

Scott announces wireless statistics for the British Empire

WIRELESS LICENCES. British Empire Figures. The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) has supplied the following figures relating to wireless licences in the British Empire. In England and Wales the total is 2,416,400, representing a rate of 6.35 per 100; for Scotland the figures are 183,500, and 3.75; for Northern Ireland 28,150 and 2.24; for the United Kingdom, 2,628,050 and 5.70; for Irish Free State, 25,020 and 8.3; for South Africa (white population), 16,855 and 1.00; for New Zealand, 44,619 and 3.05, and for India, 5,983. In Australia the total increase in the number of licences for the month of April is 3197, New South Wales having accounted for 1390; Victoria, 1461; South Australia, 244; and Tasmania, 140; while there was a reduction of 23 in Western Australia and 15 in Queensland. New radio telephone stations are being installed at New Guinea for New Guinea Airways. The station at Lae will have the call sign VKW and that at Mau VKZ. Both will be on 107.1 metres.[101]

1929 06

Scott clarifies method of payment of licence fees by country listeners

Over the Ether. Wireless News, Tips and Comments. BROADCAST BREVITIES. By OBSERVER. The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) advises that "broadcast listeners resident in the country districts, who elect to forward cheques to the Radio Inspector, Perth, for licenses to be taken out on their behalf and forwarded to them by post, must add the necessary exchange to their cheques if the same are drawn on country branch banks." The license fee for Zone I. is 24/, to which the amount of sixpence must be added for exchange when details of the above paragraph are involved.[102]

1929 07

Scott promotes commencement of ABC1 programmes from 1 September 1929

BROADCASTING. New Service on September 1. "Notwithstanding the criticism that has been levelled at broadcasting in Western Australia," said the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) yesterday, "officials in control of the service in this estate have been gratified at the increasing interest taken in it during the past two months. During May the number of licences increased by 29 and for last month the increase totalled 91, making a total of 3,841 licences in force. There is every reason to believe that belated returns from country districts will result in a further increase in the number of licences for July." Referring to the scheme announced by the Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. H. P. Brown) to improve broadcasting in Australia, Mr. Scott said that statements had been made that Western Australia had been overlooked or neglected. On the contrary the tender form for the broadcasting contract showed that programmes would commence in Western Australia on September 1. Since the acceptance of the tender of Union Theatres, Ltd., he had not been advised of any alteration in this respect. Programmes presented by the Australian Broadcasting Company would commence in Sydney on July 17 and in Melbourne on July 22. Programmes for South Australia and Queensland would not commence until January 14 and 30 next respectively. The new service in Tasmania would not be inaugurated until December 14, 1930. From time to time, proceeded Mr. Scott, in an endeavour to improve broadcasting in this State and to render assistance to listeners, the local branch of the Wireless Department had circularised all listeners to ascertain what they liked and also the disabilities that they suffered. Recently over 2,000 circulars were distributed throughout the metropolitan area and suburbs to secure information concerning the most popular types of receiving instruments. Despite the fact that stamped and addressed envelopes were enclosed with the circulars, over 800 listeners failed to reply.[103]

Scott's announcement of the prior day is disputed by a commentator

CURRENT COMMENT. . . . The fear that Western Australia had been forgotten in the changing broadcasting situation is not wholly dispelled by the statement of the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) that the tender form, when it was printed, specified September 1 as the date when the change over to the national system would take place here, and that nothing has been heard since to the contrary. "The rest is silence." Commonwealth officials in this State were not notified — if indeed they have been notified now — of the acceptance of the successful tender, and the arrangements so far have been made without any discussion of the specific needs of this State. Any serious consideration of these would have raised such matters as relaying stations, alterations of the wave length to bring it within the international "belt," and "B" class stations as a means of providing programme variety. The unsatisfactory condition of the trade in wireless equipment is due in part to the fact that the whole body of manufacturing outside this State is concentrated on sets that are built for the 250-550 metre belt.[104]

1929 08

Immediately prior to commencement of ABC1 programmes on 6WF, Scott circularises licensed listeners to ascertain their views

BROADCASTING. Change Over at Week-end. WIRELESS EXHIBITION. The new era in broadcasting will commence on Sunday morning at 10.40 o'clock. This will be the first official transmission of 6WF on the new wave length of 435 metres, the transmissions on this wave length during the week being experimental. The church service from St. George's Cathedral will be given during the morning, and in the afternoon items by the R.S.L. Band will be interspersed with vocal offerings. The church service in the evening will be from the Trinity Congregational Church, after which a musicale arranged by Bert Howell will be broadcast from Ambassadors Theatre. Monday night is regarded as the real opening of the station, for to celebrate the taking over the Australian Broadcasting Company has arranged a special gala night. The proclamation of the new era in broadcasting will be performed from the wireless exhibition at Temple Court Cabaret at 8 p.m., following the official opening of the exhibition. The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) has circularised a number of listeners throughout the State, requesting that careful observation should be made upon the transmissions from the new station, and reports returned to him by September 7. He has asked for a faithful report to the best of ability, giving a comparison of conditions past and present. Under the heading of programmes appears the following questions: — "Do you consider the new programmes are an improvement?" "What items in the programme appeal to you personally?" Other questions have to do with the height and length of receiving aerial, type of receiving set used, whether volume of transmission is louder on 435 than 1250 metres or weaker, whether there is more interference on one wave length than the other, and whether fading has been experienced. Additional details asked for have to do with the distance and direction of receiving station from 6WF and height of receiver's position above sea level. Those who follow wireless happenings closely were pleased with the news today that the Federal Parliamentary Public Works Committee has recommended the Federal Government to connect Perth to the Eastern States with carrier-wave telephone. By this means, not only will ordinary telephone communication be possible, but it will be possible to conduct relays of the Eastern States' broadcasting stations whenever desired, and without having to risk interference from atmospherics or other causes, such as frequently mar rebroadcasts by radio. The introduction of this line will make possible also the transmission of photographs by wire, such as is now being introduced between Melbourne and Sydney. If the work is approved by the Federal Government it is only a matter of time before a picture of the finish of the Melbourne Cup may be printed in evening newspapers on the day of the race. [105]

1929 09

Scott conducts a survey of listeners to 6WF to ascertain reception on new wavelength

Wireless News. BROADCASTING. New Service Satisfies. (By "Radio.") . . . Departmental Inquiries. The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), who is desirous of ascertaining the effect of the new wave length and programmes, is circularising licensed listeners, who are asked to supply their views through the medium of the questionnaire. The questions are grouped under the four headings of programmes, location, transmission and type of receiver used. Listeners are asked to say if they regard the new programmes as an improvement, and to mention items in the programme which would appeal to them personally. They are asked to indicate the type of set used; the height and length of the aerial; whether in the case of a valve set, reaction is employed; in the case of sets having more than three valves, the function of the valves (radio frequency, detector, audio frequency, etc.), and whether the coils are honeycomb or wound on formers. The Radio Inspector would also like to know whether the volume is stronger or weaker on 435 metres and whether interference from extraneous noises is greater or less. Listeners are asked to compare the fading experienced and to briefly indicate the type of fading. Location plays an important part in reception and listeners are asked to give the distance and the direction of their residences from 6WF, the height above sea level of their sets and to state if their houses are surrounded by hills or trees. Replies to the questionnaire are asked for as soon as possible and by Saturday next at the latest.[106]

Scott presents prizes at annual dinner of WIA WA

THE BROADCASTER. What's Wrong with Radio. DISAPPOINTMENT OF 6WF. (By VK6FG.) . . . AMATEURS' ANNUAL DINNER. The annual dinner of the members of the Wireless Institute was held on Thursday night last and proved a great success. A number of the country and outer suburban members were unable to be present, but nevertheless the attendance was approximately 45. During the evening's entertainment that followed, the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) presented Mr. L. Wilson with the prize donated by Mr. W. Faraday for the best novelty set at the recent exhibition. Mr. J. Seabrook, who was awarded the prize for the best receiver, presented by Mr. Holt, was absent through illness. Occasion was also taken to present Mr. B. M. Holt, who had served for seven years as president, with a large striking clock and some silver servers for his wife. Mr. Holt suitably responded. Mr. W. Barber, an air guard station from Adelaide was also welcomed. Messs. David Lyle, A. Judson and Ted Scott provided the musical programme, while Mr. Dick Thomas mystified his audience with an ex-position of legerdemain. The announcement that final arrangements had been made to secure accommodation in the Y.A.L. building was greeted with enthusiastic applause.[107]

1929 10

Scott announces amendments to Wireless Regulations as a result of the Washington 1927 Conference

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . Wireless Operators' Certificates. The Radio Inspector in Western Australia (Mr. G. A. Scott) said on Saturday that an amendment had been incorporated in the wireless telegraphy regulations concerning wireless operators' certificates of proficiency. The new conditions were the result of the International Radiotelegraph Convention of Washington, which altered the qualifications required by operators. Certificates issued under the international regulations obtaining prior to the Washington Conference of 1927 would not be recognised as valid after December 31. The earlier certificates might be exchanged for certificates of equivalent value under the new regulations. If a certificate of higher classification were desired the operator would be required to undergo an examination. Information as to the examinations and conditions of exchanging and issuing certificates had been supplied to wireless schools and were also available for inspection at the radio inspector's offices in the different States. [108]

1929 11
1929 12




1930 01
1930 02

Scott publicises the syllabus for the AOCP examination

OVER THE ETHER. Wireless News, Tips and Comments. BROADCAST BREVITIES. BY KILOCYCLE. . . . TRANSMITTING LICENSE. Mr. G. Scott, Radio Inspector, 6th Floor, G.P.O., Perth, has kindly granted permission to publish the new examination syllabus for those amateurs desirous of obtaining their transmitting license. The new examination paper states the qualifications required of each amateur, under the "Radio Telegraph Convention of Washington, 1927." Qualifications Required. (a) An elementary knowledge of the working and adjustment of low-powered apparatus. (b) A knowledge of the principal abbreviations and regulations laid down by the Radiotelegraph Convention, as set out in the Handbook for Wireless Operators published by the British Postmaster-General. (c) Ability to transmit and receive correctly by ear at a speed of not less than 12 words per minute, five (5) letters being counted as one word. Syllabus. In order to qualify candidates will be required:— (a) To send on an ordinary Morse Key for five consecutive minutes at not less than the prescribed speed, five letters or characters counting as one word or group. The accuracy of sending the correct formation of the characters, and the correctness of spacing will be taken into account. (b) To receive and transcribe legibly, Morse signals at the prescribed speed from a double headgear telephone receiver ordinarily used for radio-telegraph reception. (c) To know the functions of the various pieces of apparatus used in low powered transmitters and receiving apparatus. (d) To know the most common faults in wireless transmitters and receivers, and the means usually taken to remedy them. (e) To know how to vary the transmitted power and the wavelength. (f) To know how to charge and test accumulators. (g) To possess a good general knowledge of Articles No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 11, No. 13, No. 14, No. 17, No. 22, No. 67, No. 69, No. 74, No. 76, No. 77, No. 78, No. 82, No. 83, No. 84, No. 86, No. 90, No. 93, No. 94, No. 96, No. 97, No. 98, No. 99, No. 100, No. 101, No. 102, No. 103, No. 104, No. 105, No. 106 and No. 107, and Appendices I. and III., and the following abbreviations in Appendix II. Three hours will be allotted for all papers.[109]

1930 03

Scott attends as an official guest the opening of station 6ML

NEW BROADCAST STATION. Opening of 6ML. "In the olden days books consisted of manuscripts prepared and read by monks. Music was almost the prerogative of the churches, and the public had no place in reading or music. The advent of printing brought about a change, greater ever than Caxton and Gutenberg ever expected. Broadcasting is doing in this 20th century what the advent of the printed book did in the 15th century." So spoke Dr. J. S. Battye when officially declaring broadcasting station 6ML open. This "B" class station was erected by Musgroves Ltd., of Lyric House, Perth, and operates with an output of half a kilowatt on 297 metres. The plant was installed under contract by National Musical Federation of Adelaide the owners of station 5KA the installing engineer being Mr. Edwin Ashwin. Introducing Dr. Battye, Mr. D'O. Musgrove traced the growth of the firm from 1923 and of its early interest in radio, and the long desire of the company to have a station of their own. "We have aimed at a high standard of music, and we shall endeavor to maintain it as long as we are on the air," he said. "We hope to contribute in no uncertain extent to the entertainment of the public who are fortunate possessors of wireless sets." He thanked Mr. Basil Kirke, of 6WF, on behalf of the Australian Broadcasting Company, for the floral horseshoe presented, and which was placed at the foot of the main microphone throughout the evening. Dr. Battye said that every endeavor to extend the use of wireless throughout this and the other States must have a definite benefit to the community at large. They had been taught at school that there were seven wonders of the ancient world, but during the last fifty or sixty years the development of the physical sciences, particularly electricity, had produced more wonders than the ancient world ever dreamed of. Such wonders had been absorbed into the life of the community and were now regarded as necessary. Of these, broadcasting stations had brought pleasure and education to the people, particularly to those people who by their situation were denied the advantages those living in the city enjoyed. At the conclusion of the official opening the guests of the evening were entertained to supper. Among those present were the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Colonel. S. R. Roberts), Dr. J. S. Battye, superintending engineer (Mr. J. G. Kilpatrick), Collector of Customs (Mr. H. St. G. Bird), radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), Mr. C. J. Shannon (representing directorate of the A.B.C.), Mr. Basil Kirke station manager 6WF), and Professor A. D. Ross. Many toasts were honored during the supper, the speakers generally stressing the point that, with two stations on the air the alternate programmes offered should prove an inducement to more people to become interested in radio. During the evening Mr. Musgrove, on behalf of the company, presented Mr. Ashwin with a gold tiepin as a memento of his visit, and also with a wallet of notes as an expression of satisfaction with the work of Mr. Ashwin and of felicity between the two parties.[110]

1930 04
1930 05

Scott identified as contact point to provide information on how to become a radio operator

ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. . . . "Looking Ahead" (Pemberton).— Particulars of how to become a radio operator can be obtained from Mr. G. A. Scott, the Radio Inspector, G.P.O. Buildings, Perth, and from the secretary of the Wireless Institute of Australia, Y.A.L. Buildings, Perth.[111]

1930 06
1930 07

Scott in Bunbury for a week, no doubt investigating interference complaints and unlicensed listeners

PERSONAL. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott, Radio Inspector, Perth, has been staying at the Prince of Wales Hotel for a week.[112]

Newspaper report indicates Scott kept busy prosecuting unlicensed listeners

Pertinent Paragraphs. . . . "FREE AIR" applies to your tyres but not to a radio set. It isn't everybody's air as some people imagine. And to listen in the regulations provide that set owners must have a license which costs 24/ a year. The chief radio inspector in this State is Mr. G. A. Scott (shown here). Well versed in the theory and practice of wireless he has proved well equipped for his job. Of late his department has been stirred to very keen activity to counteract the number of radio pirates who listen in without first taking out a license. The inspectors have been scouting round and a number of prosecutions have been laid. That pirates are going to get no more quarter than was shown to those who sailed under the Jolly Roger in the bad old days was demonstrated this week by three stiff fines and a promise of worse to come. And with Mr. G. A. Scott and his keen staff on the job and solicitor Nat Lappin prosecuting there's a lively time ahead.[113]

1930 08
1930 09

Scott promotes the ultimate cost of operating an unlicensed receiver

UNLICENSED LISTENERS. Country Operators Fined. The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) this afternoon received word from Katanning that charges against three persons of having maintained a broadcast listening set without a current licence were dealt with in the Katanning Police Court. Fines of £1, £2, and £3 were imposed, with costs of over £2 in each case. These are the first charges against country listeners for some time, and indicate that the department's policy of searching for wireless "pirates" is being strictly carried out.[114]

1930 10
1930 11
1930 12

Scott attends a meeting in Kalgoorlie of a group considering establish a wireless service there

BROADCASTING FOR GOLDFIELDS. PROPOSED LOCAL ENTERPRISE. The Kalgoorlie Municipal Council, at it's meeting on Monday night, appointed a special committee, consisting of the Mayor, Mr. B. Leslie, and Crs. Alman, Hunt and Manners, to meet representatives of a body of wireless enthusiasts to ascertain their exact views upon the suggested establishment of a lower-power broadcasting station in Kalgoorlie. The correspondence received by the council read as follows:— "Goldfields Wireless Supply, Kalgoorlie, December 15.— The above firm would like to solicit your assistance with a view to establish a low-powered transmitting station, here in Kalgoorlie. Unfortunately, we cannot give you much information at present, but Mr. Scott, Chief Inspector of Wireless for West Australia, is arriving on the 'fields in two or three days time to go into the matter fully and give us the necessary information. In the meantime we would like you to appoint a committee of two or three to meet us, and get full details after Mr. Scott's arrival. We hope that you will give this matter full consideration, and let us have a reply at your earliest.— We are, etc., Goldfields Wireless Supply, Jas. Boston, Manager." "Postmaster General's Department, Perth, December 10.— Jas. Boston, Esq., Goldfields Wireless Supply, 314 Hannan-street, Kalgoorlie.— With reference to your letter of the 12th November, to the Chief Inspector (Wireless), Melbourne, relative to broadcasting services, and subsequent correspondence. It is desired to advise, that I am visiting Kalgoorlie at an early date, in order to discuss the matter with you, and other interested parties. Briefly stated here, I should advise you, that my central office is anxious to render every assistance toward the proposal, to establish a local licensed broadcasting station; but at the same time point out that authorisation cannot be given for an experimental station— VK6VK to wit — to carry on as a broadcasting station under an experimental licence, and the object of my visit, will primarily lie, to ascertain if there is any likelihood of some local prominent persons and institutions (including the press), being interested enough in the venture of establishing a local low-powered station to serve the goldfields area, and one which the local people could regard as primarily their own station. Will you kindly go into this matter prior to my arrival, early next week, meanwhile, I am confering with Mr. Kirke, the manager of the Australian Broadcasting Company, in order to ascertain whether that company will be prepared to lend assistance.— Yours, etc., G. A. Scott, Radio Inspector." The joint interview took place between the parties at a late hour yesterday afternoon. The Mayor and Crs. Alman, Hunt and Manners were in attendance, as also Messrs. G. Richards, J. B. McNeill, J. Vincent and H. D. Golding. Mr. Scott, who had come to Kalgoorlie for the purpose of dealing with the matter, was present. The wireless deputation had really no definite proposals to make, beyond the fact that these goldfields were bereft of broadcasting facilities, and it was believed they ought to be put in the position of being level with the times in other parts of Australia. Mr. Scott, Radio Inspector of the P.M.G. Department in Perth, stated inter alia that the object of his visit was purely in an advisory capacity and if possible he would try to foster any scheme for the establishment of a low-powered broadcasting station at Kalgoorlie for the purpose of "servicing" the goldfields generally as it was recognised that the present broadcasting stations centred in Perth could not render an efficient broadcasting service for this district. During his remarks Mr. Scott expressed the opinion that it appeared to him that the original suggestion received by the department from some enthusiastic supporters of wireless in the community had been made without giving due consideration to the regulations and conditions as applicable to a broadcasting service. It was pointed out by Mr. Scott that whilst the people of Kalgoorlie had a most efficient an enterprising experimenter it was contrary to the Wireless Telegraph Act and regulations made thereunder and therefore the department could not authorise an experimental station to act as a broadcasting station. It was suggested by Mr. Scott that the matter was deserving of review and that the feelings of the public might be gauged by convening a meeting at an early date for a full discussion of the subject. He believed it to be most desirable from every standpoint that there should be a local low-powered station for servicing the eastern goldfields and a station which could be regarded by the public as their own. During the course of his remarks Mr. Scott assured the gathering that his central office in Melbourne was anxious to render every assistance to regard to any definite proposal to establish a local licensed broadcasting station of the above-mentioned nature and it was anticipated that at a near date the East West Telephone Service, which was upon the eve of opening, would be available shortly for the purpose of relaying programmes that were being furnished by the National Broadcasting Company in the several States. Prior to his departure for Kalgoorlie Mr. Scott stated he had interviewed the manager, Mr. Basil Kirke, of the National Broadcasting Station (6WF), in Perth, in order to ascertain whether or not that gentleman would be prepared to lend some assistance towards the project of establishing a station upon the goldfields by making certain programmes available. Mr. Kirke then expressed his entire willingness to make available representations to his managing directors in the eastern States that certain classes of programmes should be made available free of charge and that furthermore, subject to approval, he would be willing to visit Kalgoorlie and advise upon the layout of the studio, its fittings and general appertenances. Whilst time will not possibly allow prior to Christmas of anything of a definite kind being brought about he hoped his visit would bear fruit and he said his advice and services would be always placed at the disposal of any responsible committee that might be delegated to foster and finalise the scheme that had so far been outlined to the meeting. When members of the wireless deputation had admitted that they had only put forward their request in the light of a "feeler," in order to ascertain what support the council would give the project, even to the extent of providing a room for a studio, as well as other assistance, the Mayor remarked that the council could not possibly entertain any proposition that was, so to speak, in the air. He believed the other members of the council committee would endorse his statement that the deputation should formulate a definite scheme, and put it before the council. This would doubtless receive sympathetic consideration. He endorsed a remark by Mr. Scott that then a public meeting could be called, to ascertain the pulse of public opinion, in backing up the enterprise financially. The wireless deputation and the councillors agreed to this course being followed. The former said they would assent to Cr. Hunt's proposition that they should call upon the aid of the owners of all wireless sets on the 'fields, with the object of framing a scheme for the submission of all details to the council, preparatory to enlisting its support in calling a public meeting in furtherance of the project.[115]


1931 01
1931 02
1931 03
1931 04

Scott publicises need for radio receivers to cover future frequency ranges

Radio Inspection Branch, P.M.G.'s. Dept., G.P.O., Perth. FREQUENCY (WAVELENGTH) RANGE OF BROADCAST RECEIVERS. The Postmaster General's Department desires to bring under the notice of radio manufacturers, dealers, and broadcast listeners, the importance of broadcast receivers being capable of tuning to any wavelength between 200 and 545 metres (1,500 to 550 kilocycles). On several occasions during the past three years the Dept. had drawn attention to this matter, pointing out that with the extension of the services by the establishment of additional stations it became necessary to spread the broadcasting stations throughout the normal spectrum of wavelengths. Previously it had been found convenient to keep the stations on wavelengths not longer than 520 or lower than 250 metres (557 and 1,200 kilocycles respectively). Recent additions to the stations in various parts of the Commonwealth, however, have rendered it necessary to go outside those limits and eventually stations will be operating on wavelengths between 200 & 545 metres. At present stations are transmitting on wavelengths from 212 to 516 metres (1,415 to 581 kilocycles) and during the next year it is likely that those limits will be exceeded. Manufacturers are urged to ensure that the recognised frequency (wavelength) range of all receivers is incorporated efficiently in their products, and purchasers of sets are advised in their own interests to ensure that equipments obtained by them comply with these conditions, other wise they may find themselves in the position of having to alter their sets or obtain attachments to enable them to tune in particular stations. G. A. SCOTT, Radio Inspector, Perth.[116]

1931 05
1931 06
1931 07

Scott publishes correct technical specifications for new 6KG Kalgoorlie station

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . New "B" Class Broadcasting Station. Referring to a message from our Kalgoorlie correspondent, published yesterday, the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said that the wavelength of the new "B" class broadcasting station at Kalgoorlie, 6KG, would be approximately 246 metres (1,220 kilocycles), not 346 metres, and the power would not exceed 100 watts unmodulated input to the aerial, not 1,200 watts. The station will be operated by Goldfields Broadcasters, Ltd., and should be "on the air" during August.[117]

Scott publicises and oversights tests of two possible new frequencies for 6ML Perth

BROADCASTING. New Wave Length Tests. In connection with the change of wavelength which is to be made shortly, tests were conducted from broadcasting station, 6ML Perth between 10 and 11 o'clock last night on 341 metres. Owing to the increasing number of radio stations in Australia, the Postmaster General's Department has found it necessary to alter the wave length of 6ML from 297 metres, which is being used at present, to either 341 metres or 255.5 metres. The tests last night were made with a power of 50 watts, which is about one-tenth of the power normally used. The owners and operators of the station, Musgroves. Ltd., of Murray-street, Perth, announced that they would appreciate reports on the test transmission from listeners, particularly in regard to interference if any, from station 6WF. The dial reading for the wavelength of 341 metres is about 15 degrees higher than for 297 metres. The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) has, in order to ascertain the relative efficiency of the transmissions on 341 and 297 metres, arranged for observation to be carried out by competent listeners. Mr. Scott will be pleased to receive comments on the relative strength, of the signals, the quality of transmissions and the amount of interference from other stations. Observers are also asked to give a comparison of fading and distortion on both wavelengths. Further tests on 341 metres will be carried out from station 6ML tonight and tomorrow night between 10 and 11 o'clock.[118]

1931 08
1931 09

Scott attends the second anniversary party for 6WF nationalisation

ANNIVERSARY OF RADIO. 6WF Birthday Party. The second anniversary of the inauguration of the Australian Broadcasting Company's control of the local station 6WF was celebrated by a "birthday party" held at the studio last night. A distinguished guest was the Postmaster General (Mr. A. E. Green), who spoke hopefully of an early improvement in transmission from the station. He was making an earnest attempt, he said, to bring the local station into line with other stations in this respect. He had heard the broadcasting from station 6WF compared with that of the "B" class stations, but there was really no comparison, because, while the "A" class station relied on local talent for the bulk of its programmes, the other stations transmitted "canned music," recorded by the best bands and the best artists, and did not employ Australian talent. "Complaints have been received," he said, "about the difficulty of good reception. There are certain technical difficulties, but under present conditions it is impossible to get good reception. While drastic economies have been effected in the Department, and not a penny has been spent on extra mail services and the like, I have said that a new station must come to Western Australia from somewhere or other, and I intend to follow that up. (Applause). I am determined that, as far as most of the population of the State is concerned, they shall have a good service, and I shall see that the relay station at Katanning is made possible." The toast of broadcasting was proposed by Dr. J. S. Battye, who outlined the usefulness of broadcasting, and showed that it was a potential source of great value as a medium not only for pleasure and entertainment, but for education and for linking people in the back blocks of the State with its centres. He coupled the name of Mr. Basil Kirke with the toast, and spoke highly of the work Mr. Kirke has done for listeners in this State. Mr. Kirke, in replying to the toast, ascribed its success to the good local talent, the hearty co-operation of the University, the Education Department, and other public bodies, and to the efficient staff under him. Mr. C. P. Smith proposed the toast of the artists. He described broadcasting in this State as "a bonny, bouncing two-year-old, with a fine future." "But even the future of this bouncing child is not assured without assistance," he continued, "and so we look to the artists who give us the fine programmes we have heard for the last two years." Mr. Smith said that the local programmes compared very favourably with those broadcast by Eastern States stations. Professor A. D. Ross replied to the toast on behalf of the artists. An entertaining programme was provided for the guests, who assembled in the studio and watched a number of artists at their work. The items included instrumental, vocal, concerted and comedy numbers, and a one-act play presented by the A.B.C. Players. After the programme, music for dancing was provided by the A.B.C. Symphonic Dance Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Harold T. Newton. Among those present were:— Mr. A. E. Green, the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs, the Postmaster-General (Mr. S. R. Roberts), Mrs. Roberts and Miss Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Kirke, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Simpson, Dr. and Mrs. Battye, Professor and Mrs. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, the Italian Consul (Signor Citarelli), Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Marum, Mr. and Mrs. Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Smith, Mr. Ross Smith, Miss Ina Randell, Mr. and Mrs. Hearly, Mr. G. A. Scott, Colonel and Mrs. Roberts and Miss Roberts.[119]

Scott departs Perth for Kalgoorlie to conduct inspection of 6KG Kalgoorlie prior to commencement

PERSONAL. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott, the radio inspector, will leave for Kalgoorlie today to make an official inspection of the new "B" class broadcasting station, 6KG.[120]

Scott attends the opening of "B" Class station 6KG Kalgoorlie

BROADCASTING STATION. OPENING IN KALGOORLIE. POSTMASTER-GENERAL OFFICIATES. Before his return to the eastern States yesterday afternoon, the Postmaster-General (Mr. A. E. Green) opened the new goldfields "B" class broadcasting station, which has recently been erected in Kalgoorlie by a goldfields company. The Mayor of Kalgoorlie (Mr. B. Leslie), the District Postal Inspector (Mr. A. E. Perkins), the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), the manager of the station (Mr. R. Saunders), the engineer (Mr. E. Ashwin), and others interested attended the ceremony. The Mayor (Mr. Leslie) spoke into the microphone, and formally introduced the Postmaster-General to listeners-in. Mr. Green then broadcast his speech, stating that the opening of the station was of special interest to him. As Postmaster-General, it was his privilege to grant the licenses under which "B" class stations operated, and he was, therefore, in a position to assess their worth and acknowledge the excellent service which they gave. As a member of the Federal Parliament for the district which the station served he was glad to note every advance which made for the well-being of his constituents. He had had the pleasure of addressing electors of the Kalgoorlie district in person on many occasions, but 6KG would in due course secure for him a greater audience than he had previously addressed. To all those persons who already owned receivers, said Mr. Green, and were listening in, he sent the cordial greetings of the Commonwealth Government, and his own personal good wishes. He was glad the station had come to Kalgoorlie, because it would supply a long felt want to the goldfields. He was informed that there had been less than one hundred licensed receivers in the 16,000 persons who resided within 50 miles of the station. That was due to the fact that a service capable of reception on an average wireless set had not been available. 6KG had now become established, and he commended the enterprise of the company, which, he was sure, could rely on the enthusiastic co-operation of all goldfields citizens, without which it could not carry on effectively. The station could not fail to be of great value to the cities of Kalgoorlie and Boulder, and the surrounding district. In days gone by, the Golden Mile advertised itself by the wonderful wealth it gave to Australia. The new broadcasting station must now carry on the good work by telling Australia of the Golden Mile. The Kalgoorlie radio service, concluded Mr. Green, was conducted by means of a licensed or "B" class station, and was apart altogether from the national broadcasting service, which was maintained by the licence fees paid by listeners-in. At the same time, he would not like listeners-in who could not regularly receive the programme from the national stations, to feel that they derived no benefit from their licence fee. Portion of each fee was paid in patent royalties, and licensed stations were thus relieved from an obligatory which would otherwise make serious inroads into their revenue, and, in many cases, make their existence impossible. In addition to the ten national stations, there were about 40 licensed stations, such as 6KG, which depended upon advertising for their revenue.[121]

1931 10
1931 11
1931 12


1932 01
1932 02
1932 03
1932 04
1932 05
1932 06

Scott passes on report by amateur radio operator of message from lost seaplane

AN UNCONFIRMED REPORT. THE MESSAGE ON THE 'PLANE. SEARCH ALONG COAST. Perth, June 20.; A wireless message sent by the search party aboard the Wyndham Meat Works launch, which left Wyndham on Wednesday night last and arrived at the seaplane, on Thursday, night, was reported to the Commonwealth Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) on Saturday night as having been picked up in Perth by an amateur wireless listener, whose name could not be ascertained last night. The message was as follows:— "We reached the seaplane and found the following message on it: 'May 20 — Australia, today. Have left the plane in a float, using it as a boat, going in a westerly direction along the coast.— Bertram." The message from the launch also stated that an unsuccessful search for the aviators had been made along the coast as far north as Cape Bernier, until the launch was compelled to return to shelter owing to heavy seas.[122]

Scott publishes request for reports of reception of the Wyndham Meatworks launch searching for the flyers from the missing seaplane

Request to Amateur Operators. If any amateur wireless operator should succeed in picking up a readable message from the launch searching for the missing flyers, he is asked to communicate immediately afterwards with the Radio Inspector, Mr. G. A. Scott (telephone B6023 or FM1123) and the Commissioner of Police, Mr. R. Connell (telephone B1957 or B1929).[123]

1932 07

Scott announces latest broadcast receiver licence statistics, attributes increase to takeover of of 6WF by ABC1

RADIO LICENCES. The Year's Figures. The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) yesterday made available the broadcast licence figures for Western Australia for June and also for the year ended June 30. The following were the figures for June:— Renewals .. .. 713 New Licences .. .. 685 Cancellations .. .. 168 Total increase .. .. 517 There are now 12,678 listeners' licences in force in Western Australia, this being 3,534 more than there were this time last year. The following table shows the licences in force at the end of each of the last three years:— Year. Number. 1929-30 .. .. 5,755 1930-31 .. .. 9,144 1931-32 .. .. 12,678 In making the figures available Mr. Scott said that he was most gratified at the increase in the number of licences both for June and for the whole year. There was no doubt that radio had passed from the novelty stage to one of public utility and when the new transmitter for 6WF was completed and other licensed stations in the country were put into operation, there would doubtless be a further increase in the number of listeners' licences. On May 31, he added, the number of radio licences in force per 100 of population for Western Australia was 2.90 and that for Queensland, 2.97, and it was hoped that when the figures from the Eastern States for June came to hand, it would be shown that the ratio of licences in Western Australia would exceed that of Queensland. He also added that when the Australian Broadcasting Company commenced operations in 1929, the ratio for Western Australia was only 0.96.[124]

Scott attends a meeting of industry groups concerned about man-made noise interference to broadcast reception

THE BROADCASTER. INTERFERENCE WITH RADIO. Need for Elimination. (By VK6FG) Radio inductive interference has made itself so troublesome this winter that a conference of authorities concerned was called by the Radio Traders' Association a few days ago, to consider what were the best means of meeting the position. After discussing the matter the formulation of a small committee of experts was suggested with a view to obtaining a diminution, and where possible the total elimination of the trouble. It is well-known that radio inductive interference is one of the most difficult bug-bears of radio to trace down, but it can provide such interference that reception of even the most powerful nearby station is spoiled. Trouble of this kind is frequently ascribed to causes quite wrongly, and even amateur transmitters have been blamed on occasion for what has possibly proved to be a defective house-lighting switch or an electric light globe which makes bad contact in the holder. At the conference on Tuesday the president of the Radio Traders' Association (Mr. H. Howard) presided over Messrs. W. H. Taylor (general manager Tramways and Electricity Dept.), Mr. H. B. Edmondson (City Council Electricity Dept.), J. G. Kilpatrick (superintending engineer, P.M.G's. Dept.), G. A. Scott (radio inspector), Geo. Hayman (lecturer in physics, Technical School), A. Sampson, and representatives of the Radio Traders. It was stated that a good deal of the trouble was believed to come from the electric trams and other electrical supply services, but Mr. Taylor contested this, and pointed out the difficulties in the way of securing legislative control of the position. Mr. Kilpatrick explained how an amendment if effected to the Posts and Telegraph Act would involve tremendous expense upon the authorities, and suggested as a first means of overcoming the difficulty, the adoption by the power and lighting authorities of the measures laid down by the Standard Wiring Rules Committee. Mr. Edmondson advocated the formation of a small committee of experts with the object of preparing a course of action on definite lines with a view generally of obtaining a diminution and where possible the total elimination of radio instructive interference. Investigating Committee That some action is necessary, few listeners will deny. Recently serious complaints have been ventilated from both the Mt. Lawley and Nedlands Park areas, the interference affecting local reception, while it has been impossible to tune in the Eastern states. Of course, inability to tune in the other States because of the broadness of the wave at the transmitting station, or the inselectivity of the set must not be laid at the door of interference. It must not be forgotten that this trouble is not restricted to the city, for electrical equipment in some of the country towns is a prolific source of trouble. It is known that investigations by the radio inspectors' branch have been carried out at no less than 20 country towns in this State, apart from the host of local complaints which have been investigated. In a number of cases the cause has been located, but location does not always mean elimination, for there is no Act of Parliament to force an operator of electrical equipment to render it free of radio interference. It is seldom, however, that a person controlling electrical apparatus will decline to make the necessary adjustments — which usually only involve a few shillings expenditure — when the bother the apparatus is causing is brought home to him. As an instance of the goodwill experienced, it is learned that the York Council has ordered and is installing five suppressors of approved type for the power station, while the York Flour Mills are also equipping their machinery in similar manner. The listeners in that town are also making a collection among themselves and equipping all industrial motors in the town , with suitable suppressors. It has been considered advisable by the Municipal Council to have all future installations fitted with suppressing devices, in order that radio inductive interference troubles will be kept in check. If the nuisance is maintained at its present level it will soon be essential for the Radio Department to establish a special technical staff to cope with the flood of complaints which will come in. The department in this State had devoted much time to the curing of many of these radio ills, and, while it may do much, it must not be forgotten that a moral obligation falls on all councils and road boards to do their utmost to assist, for it is the ratepayers in those areas who are affected, and even in this town a number of radio enthusiasts have shifted their residence because of the presence of the nuisance. The formation of a committee to go into the question would appear therefore to be a reasonable method of attacking the difficulty. It is to be hoped that all of the interests concerned will be represented on this body, which can do much if animated with the community spirit to remove many of the radio listeners' troubles.[125]

Scott announces more comprehensive licence statistics, details of prosecutions of unlicensed listeners

RADIO LICENCES. The Year's Increases. A large increase in the number of radio listeners throughout Australia during the past year is shown in the figures which were made available yesterday. On June 30 this year the total number of listeners' licences in force in the Commonwealth was 369,936 compared with 331,969 the previous June. The following table shows the licences in force in all the States at the end of last June and at the end of June, 1931:— State .. June, 1931 .. June, 1932 New South Wales .. 122,748 141,745 Victoria .. 137,265 139,592 Queensland .. 24,216 29,060 South Australia .. 30,333 37,227 Western Australia .. 9,144 12,745 Tasmania .. 8,263 9,567 Total .. 331,969 369,936 During the last year the ratio of listeners to every 100 of population has increased in every State. The ratio for the Commonwealth at the end of June has in-creased to 5.67 from 5.12 at the same time last year. The ratio for Western Australia has increased until it is now the same as that of Queensland, 3.02. The following figures show the ratios for the last two years:— State June, 1931 June, 1932 New South Wales .. 4.91 5.63 Victoria .. 7.66 7.75 Queensland .. 2.55 3.02 South Australia .. 5.21 6.36 Western Australia .. 2.17 3.02 Tasmania .. 3.74 4.28 All States showed increases in the number of licences for June and the total increase for the Commonwealth was 6.164. The following figures are for the month ended June 30 for all the States:— State New Licences Renewals. Cancellations Increase for month N.S.W. .. .. 6.067 9.432 2,651 3,416 Vic .. .. 3.374 10,131 3,179 195 S. Aus. .. .. 1,958 2,463 546 1,412 Q'land .. .. 1,052 2,398 648 404 West. Aus. .. .. 685 717 174 511 Tas. .. .. 457 581 231 226 Totals. .. .. 13,593 25,722 7,429 6,164 In making the figures available the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said there was no doubt that radio in Western Australia was becoming more popular, and considering the fact that in Queensland there was a greater variety of programmes provided for listeners, as the number of stations was greater, the West Australian figures were creditable. In 1929, the number of listeners per 100 of population in Western Australia was only 0.9. Discussing the prosecutions of unlicensed listeners, Mr. Scott said that for the two months ended May 31 last there were 103 prosecutions throughout the Common-wealth. During May, 46 of these prosecutions brought in fines totalling £78 and costs totalling £28. There were 40 cases pending for June from November 1929 until the end of last May fines for radio prosecutions had totalled £5,979 and costs had amounted to £2,323.[126]

1932 08
1932 09
1932 10

Enthusiastic listener to amateur broadcasting voices concern at loss of amateur broadcast spectrum

AMATEUR BROADCASTS. To the Editor. Sir,— Those listeners who have enjoyed the programmes supplied by several experimental stations, outside the times when the commercial stations are on the air, will be greatly surprised and disappointed to learn that the Commonwealth authorities have now decided to withdraw permission for amateurs to broadcast on a wave length exceeding 200 metres. The reason given, I understand, is that the 200-250-metre band is becoming overcrowded owing to the number of commercial stations operating over that particular range. That reason may apply in the Eastern States, although it is difficult to understand how the experimenters could cause trouble even there, as they are only allowed to operate when the commercial stations have closed down, but in Western Australia there appears to be no reason at all for the Commonwealth Government's action, as there are no commercial stations using a wave length of less than 264 metres. Of course this may be altered when, and if, the Geraldton and Bunbury "B" class stations commence, but even then there should be room for the three or four amateurs broadcasting between 200 and 250 metres. These enthusiastic experimenters have gone to considerable trouble and expense to bring their stations on to the broadcast-band, and their efforts are enjoyed and appreciated by many listeners. The transmission of these stations is good, particularly so in the case of one or two, and the others are improving in this respect. They are crystal controlled and do not, like our "A" class stations, come in all over the dial, and, therefore, are not likely to interfere with the commercial stations, even if allowed on the air at the same time. As an appreciative listener, I wish to voice my protest against this action of the broadcast authorities, and trust that others will also make an effort to have the right to broadcast up to 250 metres restored to the experimental stations of this State.— Yours, etc., H.C.W.[127]

Further to previous, Scott announces amateur broadcasting use of 175-200 metres to be curtailed in line with international arrangements

AMATEUR BROADCASTS. Departmental Restriction. Referring to the letter from H.C.W. in yesterday's issue of "The West Australian" in connection with broadcasts by amateur stations after the closing down of the ordinary radio stations, the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said that the wave length channel between 175 and 250 metres was not a channel allotted to experimental stations by the International Radio-Telegraph Conventions, but was given to experimenters by the Commonwealth Government as an act of courtesy. Australia was the only country that had given this privilege to experimenters. "Although in Western Australia," he said, "there does not appear to be any obstacle in the way of experimenters using these wavelength channels, it must be remembered that the departmental determinations throughout the Commonwealth must be uniform in this regard. As there are now a large number of services other than broadcast, operating in and around these wavelengths for the full 24 hours of the day, the Postmaster-General's Department must for the present curtail these transmissions by experimenters. "The departmental ruling," he continued, "has not definitely placed a ban on experimenters using these wavelengths for broadcast music, but those experimenters desiring to conduct experiments must make application for permission, and each case will be considered on its merits, and those stations whom the department consider worthy of special consideration will again be able to provide programmes after normal broadcasting hours. But in the interim all stations must cease transmissions until approval has been obtained. "It might be mentioned," concluded Mr. Scott, "that amateurs in the Commonwealth have had this facility given to them for a number of years, but it is only the past few months that the experimenters in Western Australia have availed themselves of the opportunity to use it."[128]

1932 11
1932 12


1933 01
1933 02

Scott requests listeners to 6WF to complete a complex and time consuming questionnaire

WIRELESS NOTES. 6WF. QUESTIONNAIRE. DEPARTMENT'S APPEAL. Listeners Asked for Information. The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) is appealing to listeners in all parts of the State to supply his department with reliable and authentic information regarding the service area and reception conditions of the National broadcasting station in Western Australia. He, therefore, asks listeners to aid him by filling in and returning a report form, which may be obtained from him (together with a franked addressed envelope for the reply, which does not require the payment of postage), on application to his department at the G.P.O., Perth. It is the desire of the Postmaster-General's Department, Mr. Scott states, to provide a national service to the majority of the listeners in the State, and it is only by the co-operation of the listeners generally that the effectiveness of the National systems can be gauged. By reports such as the one listeners are now asked to fill in, any difficulties or deficiencies in the service generally can be investigated, and owners of sets will, therefore, be serving their own interests by writing in for report forms. For their information in completing them, the following notes have been supplied by the department:— Fading.— Should be described as "slight," "bad," or "very bad," with a reference indicating whether occurring at regular (R) or irregular (I) intervals. Distortion.— May be described in a manner similar to that set out for a description of fading. Relation between fading and distortion periods should be indicated. Strength of Signals.— (1) Hardly perceptible; no entertainment. (2) Weak; entertainment now and then. (3) Fairly good; programme received by close concentration. (4) Good; enjoyable entertainment. (5) Very good, perfect reception. Strength of Atmospherics.— The scale to be used should be enumerated as follows: —0. Nil. 1. Slight. 2. Moderate; would interfere with weak signals. 3. Strong, would interfere with all but strong signals. 4. Very strong; disturbance too strong to ensure satisfactory reception. 5. Fierce; impossible to receive a broadcast programme on account of atmospheric interference. (N.B.— Prefixed "I" signifies intermittent, while "C" denotes continuous atmospherics.) Local "Noise Level" (Preventible Interference).— The scale shown above in connection with strength of atmospherics could be used to supplement the ratio values used in describing "noise level." Type of receiver used:— State type of circuit and tuning stages and type and number of valves. Aerial and Earth.— Indicate if outside aerial and earth are used. The report asks for special particulars of the following three stations:— Old 6WF, on 435 metres; old 6WF, on 504 metres; and new station 6WF, on 435 metres. Observations on these are wanted for the early morning, the afternoon, and the evening and night sessions under the seven following headings:— Intelligibility (in per cent.), fading, distortion, strength of signals, strength of atmospherics, interference from machinery, and other remarks. Reports should also contain name of town, approximate airline distance from Perth, the type of receiver in use, whether an aerial and earth is used, and the observer's name and postal address.[129]

Scott announces WA licence figures for Jan 1933

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . Radio Licences. Wireless licences issued in Western Australia during January numbered 1,294, the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) stated yesterday. Of these, new licences ac-counted for 617 and renewals for 677, while there were also 100 cancellations. The total increase for January was therefore 517, bringing the complete number of licence holders in the State at the end of the month to 16,644.[130]

1933 03
1933 04

Scott's appeal for a scheme to moderate man-made noise falls on deaf ears

WIRELESS RECEPTION. Move to Minimise Interference. The Bassendean Road Board, at a meeting on Wednesday night, received a circular letter from the Perth radio inspector of the Commonwealth Wireless Department (Mr. G. A. Scott), stating that radio inductive interference to broadcast reception was very marked in Western Australia. He requested the board's consideration of a scheme — in conjunction with other municipalities and local governing bodies concerned — for minimising the interference. It was hoped, the letter stated, that a similar scheme to that in operation in South Australia would be adopted here. Particulars of this scheme were contained in the report of the radio inspector for South Australia, as follows:— The investigation of radio inductive interference in South Australia has been proceeding for some time, and in country districts, particularly where direct current is used, considerable interference with broadcast reception has been caused by motors which in the majority of cases, are run from the council's supply mains. The problem was a big one, and in order to cope with the matter successfully, the assistance of municipal authorities was sought. At Port Augusta, for instance, the municipal authorities, obtain their power in bulk from the Commonwealth Railways Department, and many motors, refrigerators and fans were in use in the town and residential areas. In addition to this, the Commonwealth Railways operated approximately 80 motors, many of which, on investigation, were found to be causing radio inductive interference. On being approached the municipal council took a great interest in the matter and passed a service rule which made it compulsory for the owners of rotating electrical equipment to fit radio inductive interference suppressors. This had a most remarkable effect, and every motor in Port Augusta, except one, has been fitted with a suppressor recommended by the Commonwealth Wireless Department. The municipality of Quorn passed a similar service rule, and in cases where motor owners do not readily take action as recommended by the department, the council serves a suitable notice on the consumer concerned, and in every case the trouble has been rectified. The action taken by Port Augusta and Quorn authorities is now being seriously considered by many other municipalities in South Australia, and we are hopeful that in the very near future similar service rules will be in operation at Mt. Gambier, Millicent, Moonta, Wallaroo, Kadina and Peterborough. The success which has attended the department's efforts in this direction is very gratifying, and we feel that, with the co-operation of the councils, the problem of interference in country towns has at last been solved. The board's electrical engineer (Mr. R. McKellar) said that most of the motors used in the Bassendean road district were of the induction type, and the only motors that caused trouble were the refrigerators, large fans, or any other commutator type of motors. The inductive interference of radio users in Bassendean would be greatly minimised if residents were to install suppressors, on any commutator type motors or other machinery which was likely to cause electrical sparks. The board decided to leave the matter in the hands of the electrical engineer, with a view to his remedying any matters likely to interfere with radio reception in the district. Discussion at Guildford. The question of the disability suffered by wireless listeners as a result of radio inductive interference was discussed at a meeting of the Guildford Municipal Council last night, following the receipt of a letter from the radio inspector of the Commonwealth Wireless Branch (Mr. G. A. Scott), in which it was suggested that the council, in conjunction with other local governing bodies, should adopt a scheme to prevent interference similar to that in operation in South Australia. The Town Clerk (Mr. L. Gibbons) said that owing to the fact that alternating electric current was being used at Guildford, interference to broadcast reception was not very serious in the locality. Occasionally the railway crossing wig-wag caused slight interference, but with the exception of the local fire authorities, no residents had complained to the council. He considered that the initiative for the introduction of a scheme to control inductive interference, if it was thought necessary, should be undertaken by the Government Electricity Supply Department, which possessed a highly qualified technical staff which appreciated matters connected with the question more fully than did members of the council. The council decided to leave the letter on the table for further consideration.[131]

1933 05
1933 06

Scott announces that WA listener licences about to exceed 20,000

Pertinent Paragraphs. . . . IN a few weeks, wireless licenses in Western Australia should reach the 20,000 mark. At the end of May, according to figures just issued by the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) the W.A. total was 19,450, an increase of 1167 over the previous month. The ratio per hundred of the State's population is now 4.6. The increase in the number of listeners in the last few years has been remarkable. Just under four years ago — Aug. 31, 1929 — when the West was taken into the national service, there were 3938 licenses in this State and 303,562 in the Commonwealth. Now the Australian total is 448,788 (April 30), and it's growing fast, with this State setting the pace for its neighbors.[132]

Claremont Municipal Council, another local council avoiding Scot's call for a common approach to interference suppression

RADIO INTERFERENCE. Bad Electrical Connections. Several possible causes of interference with radio reception were mentioned in a report, received on Monday night by the Claremont Municipal Council from its electrical engineer (Mr. E. H. Bindley), in consequence of a circular issued by the Commonwealth Radio Inspector in Perth (Mr. G. A. Scott) seeking the co-operation of local authorities in suppressing the interference. The report stated that disturbances in the atmosphere were due to bad electrical connections, many of which could be eliminated if discovered. These faults must not be confused with natural fading. The tramcars were, in the engineer's opinion, the worst offenders, but other troubles might be rectified if reported to the local electric light staff; there might be a loose connection or bad switch in a residence. The fitting of radio inductive interference suppressors would depend on the radio inspector's locating the interference. This would involve the passage of controlling legislation, placing all local authorities on the same basis.[133]

1933 07

Scott to visit Greenmount identifying sources of inductive interference

Greenmount. PROGRESS ASSOCIATION. . . . Radio Disturbances. Mr. G. A. Scott, radio inspector, advised that an inspection of the Greenmount district would be made at an early date.[134]

1933 08
1933 09

Scott announces strong increase in broadcast listener licences

WIRELESS LICENSES. Increase During August. Wireless licenses in Western Australia increased by 1101 during the month of August, according to figures released by the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) yesterday. New licenses that were taken out numbered 1246, but against this there were 145 cancellations. Renewals totalled 1611. The number of licenses in force throughout the State on August 31, was 22,530.[135]

1933 10

Scott has to postpone a meeting of Merredin listeners at short notice

Local and General. . . . Radio Interference. — Owing to unforseen circumstances the meeting of broadcast listeners-in convened for Monday evening lapsed. There was a fair attendance and an informal discussion dealing with local interference took place. Mr. Ken Duff, who convened the meeting, received the following telegram from Mr. Scott, Radio Inspector, Perth:— "Due unforseen circumstances technical conference officers unable address meeting tonight. Full detailed report interference Merredin being prepared for chairman Road Board and owners power supply. Regret inconvenience unavoidable.— Scott, Radio Inspector."[136]

1933 11
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1934 01
1934 02
1934 03
1934 04
1934 05

Scott provisionally promoted into his reclassified position

COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. PROMOTIONS — SECTION 50 AND REGULATION 109. THE following promotions are provisional and subject to appeal by officers to the Public Service Board, and, where consequent upon another provisional promotion, shall be dependent upon the latter being confirmed. Appeals should be lodged, either by letter or telegram, with the Inspector in the State in which the promotion is to be made, or, if the promotion is to be made in the Federal Capital Territory, with the Inspector at Canberra, within fourteen days of the date of this notification. An appellant shall forward his appeal direct to the Public Service Inspector. The grounds of appeal must be as prescribed in Section 50 of the Commonwealth Public Service Act, viz.:— (a) Superior efficiency; or (b) Equal efficiency combined with seniority. (N.B.— Where positions have been the subject of an Arbitration Determination, the salary scales shown are those prescribed by Determination.) . . . Postmaster-General's Department — continued. Western Australia.

  • Name: Scott, George Archibald
  • Present Designation and Station: Radio Inspector, Grade 3 (£474-£546), Third Division, Unattached
  • Position to which Promoted: Senior Radio Inspector, Grade 2 (£492-£564), Third Division, Wireless Branch. Office reclassified (P.S.B. Certificate No. 34/481)
  • Salary on Promotion: £534
  • Date of Promotion: 10.5.34[137]
1934 06

Scott attends the opening of 6AM Northam

NORTHAM WIRELESS STATION. Official Opening Ceremony. A clock chimed eight, a bell tinkled, an engineer nodded to the chairman, and wireless station 6AM, completed after months taken up in organisation and construction, was on the air. Controlled by Northam Broadcasters, Ltd., 6AM, a powerful "B" class broadcasting station, with, its transmitter situated four miles from Northam, was officially opened by the Lieutenant-Governor (Sir James Mitchell) at the studio in William-street last night. The general manager of General Theatres Corporation (W.A.), Ltd. (Mr. S. W. Perry) acted as chairman for the evening. Among others present were the managing director of Northam Broadcasters, Ltd. (Mr. Frank R. Whitford), the general manager in Western Australia for the Australian Broadcasting Commission (Mr. Basil Kirke), the president of the West Australian Chamber of Manufactures (Mr. C. A. Perry), the senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), the secretary of the Primary Producers' Association (Mr. H. Prater), the president of the West Australian Institute of Advertisers (Mr. W. Williams), the president of the Radio Traders' Association (Mr. A. Thomson), Messrs. H. Greig (West Australian Newspapers, Ltd.), H. S. Sibary (6PR), and F. Kingston (6ML). Introducing Sir James, Mr. S. W. Perry stated that the transmitting plant had been installed by West Australian engineers, wherever possible local material had been used, and the company had not had to go outside the State for its announcers. The transmitter was built on Reservoir Hill, and the top of the mast was 1,120ft. above sea level — higher than the highest point in the Darling Ranges — and good reception in the Avon Valley should be assured. "Even in bad times we make progress and so show our confidence in the future," said Sir James, when declaring the station open. His pleasure in being asked to open the station, he continued, was all the greater as it was erected near his own town. By keeping the farmers informed of any change in the world price of wheat and wool and other produce almost as it was taking place the station would be rendering them a great service. Apart from its business value, wireless had an important educational and pleasure-giving aspect. Although they might be unable to be present, people could still enjoy a church service, a concert programme or a description of the Melbourne Cup or other sporting event. By taking steps to provide the farmers with information of practical value to them, the company was doing a practical service to the whole community. "There can be no real or lasting prosperity until the position of the farmer is improved and a losing calling is made a profitable one," Sir James concluded. Mr. Kirke said that were the principles which had been applied to wireless adopted by business concerns there would be a brighter outlook in the world today. It was estimated that during the past five years £750,000 had been spent in this State on wireless sets and equipment, and there were now over 20 times the number of men gaining a permanent living from wireless that there were in 1929. The remarkable progress made was due to the co-operation of all associated interests, the public, and the Press. Goodwill messages from other stations and from the chairman of directors of Northam Broadcasters, Ltd. (Mr. Archer Whitford) to 6AM and from the directors to other stations were read. Presentations were made on behalf of the directors to Sir James and to Mr. Perry. After the opening ceremony, a concert held in the Northam Town Hall in aid of charity was broadcast. During the programme a presentation was made to the Mayor of Northam (Mr. O. Northey), and to the engineer-in-charge of 6AM (Mr. W. E. Coxon), and a short address was given by Mr. A. R. G. Hawke, M.L.A.[138]

Scott attends luncheon with all WA broadcasting royalty

REELERS' CLUB LUNCHEON. Following the success of Bankers' day at the Reelers' Club luncheon last week, the club decided to entertain each week a different section of the community. Yesterday the guests of the club at luncheon were executives of the broadcasting stations and humorous references to "synthetic" Test match descriptions and to the effect on picture theatre attendances of these broadcasts enlivened the proceedings. The president of the club (Mr. S. W. Perry), supported by the vice-president (Mr. J. Stiles), welcomed the visitors, who included Messrs. S. R. Roberts (Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs), G. A. Scott (Senior Radio Inspector), A. Thomson (president of the Radio Traders' Association), B. Kirke (6WF), F. C. Kingston, and B. Samuel, Paul Daly (W.A. Broadcasters. Ltd.), J. Grant (6PR), F. Whitford, and W. E. Coxon (6AM), and the editor of "The Broadcaster." Members also extended a welcome to Mr. T. D. Hunter, the overseas representative of Tullis Hunter and Co., Ltd., paper merchants, of Glasgow. Entertainment was provided by the managers of the five radio stations, each of whom was called on for a story, Mr. Ray Glenister, and Fred Nice's orchestra.[139]

1934 07

Scott undertaking preliminary promotion of man-made noise investigations in Wiluna

RADIO INTERFERENCE. (To the Editor.) Sir,— Re the letter, on the above subject, published in your issue of the 2nd inst, I sent a copy to the Post Master, Wiluna, who, in turn forwarded it to the P.M.G.'s Department, Perth. I have received the enclosed reply, which speaks for itself. May I suggest, through your columns, that Radio listeners in Wiluna, approach the Roads Board, to see if they can and/or will act in a similar manner to Albany and Collie. Between 6.30 and 7.30 p.m., 22nd inst, many Wiluna listeners were unable to listen to test cricket, owing to local interference. The Booklets mentioned are as follows:— (1) Instructions to Listeners. (2) For use of Licensed Wiremen. (3) For issue to Electrical Manufacturers, Power Supply and Electric Traction Authorities. Booklet No 1 informs listeners how to test their own receivers for faults causing interference. I have treated my own receiver, which appears to be working in good order, in fact although only using an aerial 20 feet high (which is not high enough for long distance reception), I have recently logged the following Australian and New Zealand stations at loud speaker strength:— 2CO, 2YA, 7ZL, 3AR, 5CK, 2FC, 6WF, 3YA, 5CL, 4QG, 3LO, 6PR, 3 MA, 4RK, 3UZ, 2GB, 2BL, 5DN, 3BO, 3HA, 2UE, 5PI, 4ZM, 3KY, 3SH, 2HD, 6ML, 4BC, 4TO, 3DB, 5KA, 2CH, 6KG, 2NC, 2SM, 5AD, 4BH, 2GN, 2KO, 3AW, 7UV, 6IX. Using a 40 foot mast I have received many British, European and other foreign stations. The receiver is of 8 valves.— Yours faithfully, G. A. MILLINGTON. P.O. Box, 319, Wiluna. 27th June, 1934. Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster-General's Dept., Wireless Branch. G.P.O., Perth. 6th June, 1934. G. A. Millington, Esq., P.O. Box 319, Wiluna. Dear Sir,— I am in receipt of your letter dated 31/5/34, addressed to the Postmaster at Wiluna, in regard to Radio Interference, and desire to inform you that the position at Wiluna has not been lost sight of by this office, and endeavours are being made for the officer associated with this class of investigation work to visit your centre at as early a date as practicable, for the purpose of assistance and rendering advice as to the necessary measures for overcoming, or minimising the trouble. Of course you know that there is no Law or Legislation governing the causes of "Man-made Interference," that is, Interference set up by industrial motor plants. The best that this Department can do, is to assist and advise, and if practicable, arrange for co-operative action on the part of all concerned. At present we are handling Albany and Collie, in which towns the Municipal Councils are introducing a By-law making it compulsory for all forms of Electric Rotating Machinery to be equipped with suitable Suppresser devices, and it is hoped at a later date, that the annoyance will be dealt with by State Legislation. Pending my ability to despatch an officer for the purpose mentioned, I am enclosing copies of instructional booklets dealing with the subject, and should be glad if you could approach responsible parties with a view to the formation of some co-operative movement, with a view to ensuring that some combined effort will be made, and that the expenses incurred by a visit of investigation will be justified. Further copies of booklets will be supplied if necessary, upon application.— Yours faithfully. (Signed) G. A. SCOTT. Senior Radio Inspector. Perth.[140]

Scott also to investigate noise sources around Geraldton

LOCAL AND GENERAL. . . . Radio Interference.— For some time past certain radio dealers of the town have been endeavouring to obtain assistance in the direction of the elimination of radio interference in and around Geraldton, and in a recent letter to Mr. A. G. Wheat one of the State radio inspectors (Mr. G. A. Scott) intimated that together with other towns Geraldton had been listed for a full radio inductive interference survey, which would be made as soon as an officer was available for that purpose. The inspector further stated that every endeavour would be made in the direction of having suppressors fitted to offending machinery operated by the Railway and Harbour Departments at Geraldton, it being suggested that this matter be brought under the notice of the member for the district. The letter also stated that the disabilities of the town were fully realised, the inspector concluding by intimating that in the near future it was hoped that legislation would be introduced to effectively deal with radio inductive interference in all parts of the State.[141]

1934 08

Scott the defendant in a noise nuisance action in court by neighbour

Fremantle Woman Annoyed by Radio Inspector's Radio. CLAIMING that her health had been affected by noises from a powerful radio and also a vacuum cleaner, deliberately placed so that they would be objectional to her, Mrs. Phoebe Scott, a widow, of Mary-street, Fremantle, brought an unusual action in the Fremantle Local Court today. The defendants were her next door neighbours, George Archibald Scott and his wife, Rosalie Elizabeth Scott. Mr. Scott is a Commonwealth radio inspector, but the parties, although of the same name, are not related. Plaintiff claims £25 damages, an injunction to restrain defendants from a continuation or repetition of the nuisance. Outlining the particulars of the claim, Mr. Hubert Parker, for the plaintiff, said that his client lived at 62 Mary-street, and that during December, 1933. to the present time, defendants each had constantly used or caused to be used, a radio apparatus and a vacuum cleaner in such a manner as to cause offensive noises to issue and proceed from their home. As a result, plaintiff had suffered considerable inconvenience and her ordinary physical comforts and healthy enjoyment of the premises she occupied had been interfered with. Her health was seriously impaired as a consequence, and had necessitated medical attention. Plaintiff gave evidence on the lines of her counsel's opening and said that she first had occasion to complain of the noises from defendant's home in July, 1932. This was caused by a powerful wireless set and she made a complaint to the deputy Postmaster-General. Her late husband was ill at the time and she interviewed the deputy P.M.G. in the presence of the defendant Scott. Scott admitted that she had cause for complaint, and remarked: "You have a parrot which my wife says worries her, and the loud speaker has been placed at the window in retaliation." Witness said that the deputy P.M.G. stated that it was a departmental set and he would not allow it to be used to annoy anyone especially a man who was ill. After her husband's death she was again annoyed by the wireless and made a further complaint. Soon after wards, she was harassed by a vacuum cleaner which was placed at the window. Following her return from England in December, 1933, she was again annoyed by the vacuum cleaner and later, the radio further troubled her. Mrs. Scott told her counsel that the vacuum cleaner would be switched on practically every day about 10.30 a.m. and would continue until sometimes as late as 4 p.m. with breaks at odd intervals for lunch and as other circumstances demanded. The cleaner was not being used in the ordinary way. Since the action had been started the nuisance had gradually abated, and during the past three or four weeks the cleaner had been used for only five or ten minutes each day. Cross-examined by Mr. F. G. Unmack for the defendants, Mrs. Scott said that before the defendants took up residence alongside them they were on most friendly terms, but "cooled off" twelve months later. She denied that she had attempted to interfere with the building of the defendant's residence, had complained to the Mayor of Fremantle (Mr. Gibson) or the contractor erecting the house. She claimed that the loudspeaker and vacuum cleaner had been purposely placed at the window to annoy her. The hearing is unfinished.[142]

1934 09

As previous, another report

ALLEGED NOISE NUISANCE. Neighbours Sued for Damages. Noises allegedly caused by a wireless loudspeaker and a vacuum cleaner resulted in an unusual legal action, the hearing of which was begun by Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M., in the Fremantle Local Court yesterday. The plaintiff was Mrs. Phoebe Scott, widow, of 62 Mary-street, Fremantle, and the defendants George Archibald Scott, radio inspector, and his wife, Rosalie Elizabeth Scott, who live next door to the plaintiff. Plaintiff alleged that during December, 1933, and until the present time defendants had each constantly used or caused to be used a radio apparatus and a vacuum cleaner in such a manner as to cause offensive noises to issue and proceed from their dwelling house and that such offensive noises had caused considerable inconvenience to the plaintiff and had materially interfered with her in the ordinary physical comfort and healthful enjoyment of the premises occupied by her, and as a result plaintiff's health had been, and still was, seriously impaired and had necessitated medical attention. A sum of £25 damages was claimed and an injunction was sought to restrain the defendants or their servants from the continuance or repetition of the injury or the committal of any injury of a like kind in respect of the same property. Mr. Hubert Parker, for the plaintiff, said that prior to December, 1933, complaints were made about the wireless. Subsequently there was an interview with the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs and the defendant, George Scott, admitted that the wireless was used for the purpose of getting even with the plaintiff, who kept birds. Since then the nuisance had become worse. A vacuum cleaner had been placed in such a position that it was only used to create a nuisance. The defendants were in the habit of having the vacuum-cleaner turned on with the nozzle outwards. In addition the wireless speaker was usually placed in such a way that it was facing the plaintiff's house. Since a summons had been issued against the defendants the noises had diminished greatly. In evidence plaintiff said she was a widow and lived at 62 Mary-street, Fremantle. She lived by herself, her husband having died in September, 1932. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, the defendants, were her next-door neighbours. The first noises complained of were caused by the wireless speaker in July, 1932. She went to see the deputy director of posts and telegraphs and subsequently in his presence had an interview with the defendant, George Scott, when Scott admitted that she had cause for complaint. Scott said, "You have a parrot, that my wife says worries her, and this loudspeaker is placed at a window to worry you." Mr. Parker: Where was the loud speaker placed?— At the kitchen window. Facing towards your place?— Yes. Continuing, witness told how she had interviewed the deputy director of posts and telegraphs, who had said he would not allow a departmental set to be used to annoy anyone. The noise of the vacuum cleaner coming from the kitchen window had started early in May, 1933. On May 22 she went away for a holiday, having been advised by a doctor to do so. Her nerves had been upset by the noise. The noise of the vacuum cleaner had continued nearly every day, until a summons was issued. Since the serving of a summons the noises had not been so bad and during the last three or four weeks the vacuum cleaner had only been on about five minutes each day. Cross-examined at length by Mr. F. G Unmack, for the defendants, the witness admitted that she had not been friendly with the defendants for some years. She denied that she was unfriendly with them at the time their house, was built or that the friction had arisen at that time. She had not complained to the contractor who built the house, or the Mayor of Fremantle (Mr. Gibson) or workmen employed on the job. Evidence was given by Mrs. Susie Brown, of Buckland Hill, a friend of the plaintiff, who said that on several occasions when she had visited the plaintiff the noises had given her a headache. The hearing was adjourned to September 10, at 10.30 a.m.[143]

As previous, further evidence

ALLEGED NOISE NUISANCE. Neighbours in Court. Further evidence in the case in which damages are claimed and an injunction sought by Mrs. Phoebe Scott, widow, of 62 Mary-street, Fremantle, against George Archibald Scott, radio inspector, and his wife, Rosalie Elizabeth Scott, was heard by Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M., in the Fremantle Local Court yesterday. After two witnesses for the defence had been called the case was further adjourned to next Wednesday. Mr. Hubert Parker (instructed by Messrs. Parker and Roe) is appearing for the complainant and Mr. F. G. Unmack for the defendants. Plaintiff alleged that during December, 1933, and until the present time defendants had each constantly used or caused to be used a radio apparatus and a vacuum cleaner in such a manner as to cause offensive noises to issue and proceed from their dwelling house and that such offensive noises had caused considerable inconvenience to the plaintiff and had materially interfered with her in the ordinary physical comfort and healthful enjoyment of the premises occupied by her, and as a result plaintiff's health had been, and still was, seriously impaired and had necessitated medical attention. A sum of £25 damages was claimed and an injunction was sought to restrain the defendants or their servants from the continuance or repetition of the injury or the commital of any injury of a like kind in respect of the same property. When the hearing was resumed yester-day, Thomas William Raine and John William Hinson said that on several occasions they had been in the vicinity of the houses of the complainant and the defendants and had heard the noise of the vacuum cleaner complained of. Raine said that on one occasion he had been inside the defendant's house and had seen a vacuum cleaner on the floor of the kitchen near an open window. On the table there was a cloth marked as though the cleaner had been standing on it. From the noise which he heard he concluded that the cleaner was in operation but not in use, and it was connected to the electric light socket. On another occasion he saw the cleaner standing on the table, turned on at full speed and without the flexible hose attached. Under cross-examination Raine said that he had suggested to the complainant that the matter warranted a prosecution. William George Warren, of 53 Mary-street, Fremantle, said that the noise had been partly responsible for his laying aside some drafting work on which he had been engaged. Mr. Unmack said that the defence was a denial of the allegations, at least in so far as the use of either of the instruments mentioned in the charge was in any way unreasonable or vexatious. He claimed that the plaintiff had been actuated by spleen and a desire to be unneighbourly. Leo Cecil Bott, assistant superintending engineer of the Postmaster-General's Department, said that in May, 1933, he went to the defendant's place as a result of a complaint against the use of a wireless set there. He understood that the set was what was known as a departmental set, and it was too heavy to be placed on a table. He conducted a test and decided that the instrument was not in a condition to be complained about. Norman Edward Turnbull, radio inspector, said that as a result of a complaint he went to the premises in February of this year. He found two wireless sets, one a departmental set, which was in a front room, and the other a shortwave set, which was in a room near the back of the house. He turned them both on at full strength and the result in the house was deafening. Outside, however, it was not objectionably loud, and when he went inside the complainant's house he could not hear it. He did not think that the wireless sets were in any way an interference.[144]

The Scott v Scott matter continues

ALLEGED NUISANCE ACTION. SCOTT V SCOTT. STILL UNFINISHED. The second installment of the Scott v Scott comedy-drama was presented in the Fremantle Local Court on Tuesday, and occupied the attention of the Court throughout the day's session. The witnesses for the prosecution were disposed of and the defence commenced, but no finality was reached, and the third "thrilling episode" will follow in due course. The action, which was adjourned from August 31, was brought by Mrs. Phoebe Scott, of Mary-street, Fremantle, who had the services of Mr. Hubert Parker, against George Archibald Scott, and his wife, Rosalie Elizabeth Scott, also of Mary-street, who were represented by Mr. F. Unmack. The plaintiff claimed that during December, 1933, and until the present time the defendants had each constantly used or caused to be used, a radio apparatus and vacuum cleaner in such a manner as to cause offensive noises to issue and proceed from their dwelling house, and that such offensive noises had caused considerable inconvenience to the plaintiff and had materially interfered with her in the ordinary comfort and healthful enjoyment of the premises occupied by her, and as a result, plaintiff's health had been, and still was, seriously impaired and had necessitated medical attention. In respect to this the sum of £25 was claimed as damages and an injunction sought to restrain the defendants or their servants from the continuance or repetition of the injury, or the committal of any injury of a like kind in respect of the same property. Thomas William Raine spent a happy hour in the witness box, engaged in a verbal duel with Mr. F. Unmack, towards whom he did not reveal a particularly friendly attitude. Mr. Unmack, however, has had some experience with various types of witnesses and was not seriously perturbed. To Mr. Parker, the witness related details of numerous and variously prolonged visits to Mary-street, in the vicinity where the alleged offence is said to have taken place. This amateur sleuthing commenced on May 21 and continued for a period of thirteen days. On the majority of occasions he was accompanied by a Mr. Hinson, while several times he was alone. His object was to investigate noises complained of by Mrs. Phoebe Scott — referred to during the case as Mrs. Plaintiff Scott, to distinguish her from Mrs. G. A. or defendant Scott and he took notes of the occurrences during his vigils. An outstanding feature of his observations was a loud humming or buzzing noise, resembling an aircraft in the distance, emanating from a window of Mrs. "Defendant" Scott's residence, while on occasions a wireless loud speaker made its presence very obvious. On one occasion, May 31, the vacuum cleaner — as he had discovered the source of the noise to be — was going full blast, while the wireless provided an accompaniment. The combination was particularly objectionable, as was the vacuum cleaner alone. Two visits were marked by special incidents. On May 29, witness went to the house of Mrs. "Defendant" Scott and knocked twice on the door. He stated that he wished to make some enquiries regarding some land, and was invited inside. In the kitchen he saw a vacuum cleaner, connected to a socket, but without hose attachment, standing on the floor. On a table near the window was a cloth which bore an impression as if the cleaner had been resting upon it. The second hand-to-hand encounter with the "enemy" was on June 2, when accompanied by Mr. Hinson, witness went up the right-of-way between the two houses, and looking through the kitchen window, saw the vacuum cleaner with the machinery in operation, standing on the table, with the nozzle pointing out the window. Mrs. "Defendant" Scott came into the room, and seeing the intruders, switched the cleaner off. As they emerged from the lane, she accosted them, and asked what they were doing there, saying that they were always hanging about. He told her — Mr. Unmack: A lie. Witness: I wouldn't put it like that. Mr. Parker: That's all right. You told her some cook-and-bull story about some land. Mr. Unmack then took possession of the witness. Are you ashamed of your name? — No are you? Did you tell Mrs. Scott that your name was Wilson?— I said it might be Wilson or it might be Smith. Did you tell her that your name was Raine?— I said there was some "rain" about. Mr. Unmack probed into the motives of the witness in talking such an active part in the case. Raine insisted that he had worked for the love of it, and some sharp exchange took place when the witness resented some of the questions and inferences of the counsel. The witness stated that his part was entirely voluntary, and it had been his suggestion that a prosecution would be advisable. The evidence of John William Hinson was largely corroborative of that given by the previous witness. He had also taken notes, but had only a copy of same in Court, and not being permitted to refer to them, was not so certain of his dates. To Mr. Unmack he said that he had no particular object in going to the vicinity. He understood that the walks were merely for exercise, but had taken notes at the request of Mr. Raine. He had supplied the time-piece for the purpose of these notes. William George Warren said that he lived at 53 Mary street, opposite the houses of the plaintiff and defendants. During May of this year he had noticed a noise which later he had been told was made by a vacuum cleaner. It appeared to come from the lane between the two Scott houses. It was a most unpleasant noise, and at times interrupted him in his work of drafting. He had had considerable experience of vacuum cleaners, and would say that the noise was not that of one in normal operation. After a brief cross-examination for this witness, the case for the complainant closed. The defence, stated Mr. Unmack, would be a complete denial of the allegations, at least, in so far as the use of either instruments in such a way as to be offensive, or apart from ordinary use, was concerned. He would show that unless an offence had been committed maliciously, there could be no award of damages, nor an injunction. Mrs. "Plaintiff" Scott was actuated by spleen, and he would describe her as a dominating, or would-be dominating, unneighbourly, neighbour. His first witness was Leonard Cecil Bott, an assistant engineer in the P. M.G. Department. The witness remembered a complaint being received in May, 1933, from Mrs. Phoebe Scott regarding a wireless set next door. He investigated, and tested the set which he found on the defendant's premises — a cabinet set which he found in a room adjoining the kitchen — at full strength. The volume of sound which came through the kitchen window was not sufficient to cause annoyance, and he reported accordingly. Norman E. Turnbull told of a similar visit in February, 1934. He found in the defendant's house a 7-valve console set, in a front room, and a four-valve short wave set in a back room. He tested both sets at full volume and found the sound deafening. Leaving the sets operating, he went to the house of Mrs. Phoebe Scott, and from there could not hear the sets. On his return, he found the defendants on the front verandah, where he had left them, and the sets appeared not to have been touched. To Mr. Parker witness admitted that it would have been possible for either of the defendants to have reduced the volume of the sets during his absence. He did not think, however, that either could have brought them back to full strength after he emerged from the plaintiff's house, as both were on the verandah. The short wave set required a certain amount of expert knowledge to manipulate. The hearing was adjourned to Wednesday, September 26, at 10.15 a.m.[145]

As previous

ANNOYED BY NOISE. Widow Seeks Injunction. DEFENDANT'S STORY. A DENIAL of allegations that a vacuum cleaner and a radio set had been operated in such a manner as deliberately to annoy the plaintiff, was given by George Archibald Scott, senior radio inspector, in the Fremantle Local Court today, when Mr. H. J. Craig, R.M., continued the hearing of an unusual action. Mrs. Phoebe Scott, a widow of Mary-street, Fremantle, is claiming that her health has been affected by noises from the radio and vacuum cleaner in the house next door, occupied by Scott and his wife, who are both joined as defendants. The parties are not related. Plaintiff, whose case is being handled by Mr. Hubert Parker, is claiming £25 damages and an injunction to restrain defendants from a continuation or repetition of the nuisance. TESTS MADE. Today, Scott outlined tests made last Sunday which showed that the noise of the vacuum cleaner could not be heard more than 30 yards from the house and was certainly not audible from distances given by witnesses for the plaintiff. He said the vacuum cleaner was acquired in 1928 and the first intimation of any complaint was in December, 1933. To his knowledge, neither the radio set nor the vacuum cleaner had been used in the kitchen in a manner to annoy plaintiff. The departmental radio set with which he had been supplied, always occupied a position in the dining room. "IRRITATION TACTICS" Witness recalled an interview which the (plaintiff) and the Deputy Postmaster-General had in July, 1932, regarding the radio set. He asked plaintiff if she had referred to the "irritation tactics" she had adopted and the nuisance created by a noisy parrot, but did not admit that his wife had retaliated by placing the radio at the kitchen window. Mr. F. G. Unmack is appearing for the defendant. The hearing is unfinished.[146]

Saga still ongoing

NOISE FROM WIRELESS SET. Offensiveness Denied. Evidence for the defence was given in the Fremantle Local Court yesterday in the case in which damages of £25 are claimed and an injunction sought by Mrs. Phoebe Scott, widow, of 62 Mary-street, Fremantle, against George Archibald Scott, radio inspector, and his wife, Rosalia Mary Scott, who are her next-door neighbours. Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M., is hearing the action. Mr. Hubert Parker (instructed by Messrs. Parker and Roe) is appearing for the plaintiff, and Mr. F. G. Unmack for the defendants. It is alleged by the plaintiff that during December, 1933, and until the present time, defendants had each constantly used, or caused to be used, a radio apparatus and a vacuum cleaner in such a manner as to cause offensive noises to issue from their dwelling, and that such offensive noises had caused considerable inconvenience to the plaintiff, and had materially interfered with her in the ordinary physical comfort and healthful enjoyment of the premises occupied by her, and, as a result, plaintiff's health had been, and still was, seriously impaired, and had necessitated medical attention. In addition to the damages claimed by the plaintiff she is seeking an injunction to restrain the defendants or their servants from the continuance or repetition of the injury, or the committal of any injury of a like kind in respect of the same property. George Archibald Scott said, in evidence, that ill-feeling arose for no apparent reason between the plaintiff and his wife and himself in 1928. The first complaint regarding the use of the vacuum cleaner was contained in a letter he received from Mr. Parker on December 20, 1932, although the vacuum cleaner had been in the house since 1928. He had brought a wireless set from his former residence, in High-street, to his present home, but had got rid of the set in March, 1933. A set was supplied to him by the Postal Department in February of that year. In July, 1932, he had a home-constructed three-valve set, and the volume was not sufficient to annoy anyone. Plaintiff's Bird. Further examined by Mr. Unmack, witness said it was not possible to use the large departmental wireless set at the kitchen window of his house, because of its weight, size, and the inability to use the aerial or earth. This set was in his front dining room. He had a shortwave set, which was in his room on the side of the house farthest from the plaintiff's home. He was present at an interview between the plaintiff and the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. R. Roberts), at which the plaintiff complained that he was annoying her with his wireless set. He asked the plaintiff if she had explained to Mr. Roberts about the nuisance caused by a bird kept by her. At the time he did not have a departmental wireless set in his house. He had not received a direct complaint from the plaintiff. The noise from the vacuum cleaner was barely audible on the roadway about 25 yards from his kitchen window. The noise of the two wireless sets, by test, was not sufficient to annoy the plaintiff in her To Mr. Parker: Witness admitted that he had gone to the plaintiff to complain about a bird she kept, which she described as a honeysucker, but he said she ignored him. The bird screeched "as and when required." The Magistrate: As required by whom? Witness: By the plaintiff. Witness explained that, if not tormented, the bird was all right. Margaret Thomas, a neighbour of the plaintiff, said she could not hear the vacuum cleaner or the wireless complained of from her house. At times she heard the plaintiff's birds, which made a funny noise. She had seen the plaintiff teasing the birds with a stick. Matthew Cowan said that he lived in the plaintiff's house in 1933. There was no reason for complaint about the defendant's wireless set. The plaintiff had three birds, one of which was a "bit screechy." Rosalia Elizabeth Scott denied having used the vacuum cleaner in a manner that would annoy anybody, or for that purpose. She had placed a wireless speaker on the kitchen table of her house, but it was not possible to place it at the window. Witness was under cross-examination when the hearing was adjourned sine die.[147]

1934 10

Scott chairs meeting of club formed to promote wireless listener licences

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . The Fifty Thousand Club. The fourth luncheon meeting of the Fifty Thousand Club will be held today at the R.S.L. luncheon rooms, at 1 p.m. The Chief Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) will act as chairman, and will give a short address as part of the proceedings. The club was formed several weeks ago with the object of stimulating interest in radio, and of increasing the number of licences in force.[148]

As previous, further detail

RADIO INTERFERENCE. Call for Federal Action. Plans to stimulate interest in broadcasting in Western Australia, by means of broadcast talks and newspaper articles and paragraphs, were announced at the fourth luncheon meeting of the Fifty Thousand Club, which was held yesterday at the Soldiers' Institute. The campaign will start in earnest early next month. The meeting unanimously passed a resolution "that the Postmaster-General's Department should be approached in an endeavour to have the Radio Act amended in order to provide a compulsory fitting of suppressors to eliminate radio induction interference." In support of the resolution it was pointed out that some form of amendment was necessary to empower municipalities to deal with a problem which was still spoiling satisfactory reception in some centres. Noise caused by electrical machinery installations was often responsible. In one place it had been found impossible to operate sets when the local power station was on. Legislation was a matter for the Federal Government. The speaker of the day was the Chief Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott). He, too, referred to the need for the co-operation of all parties concerned in helping to deal with the interference nuisance. He outlined the steps taken by his branch to eliminate interference in many parts of the State, by the provision of suppressors. Another trouble, which was largely due to public ignorance, was that caused by receivers of a regenerative type, generally of home manufacture. These problems were proving a difficult proposition with the small staff and equipment available to the department. Mr. Scott traced the growth in the number of listeners in the State from 3,844 in October, 1928, to approximately 36,000 at the present time. There was still, he said, great room for improvement in country districts, where 9,725 licences were in force at the end of September last, or a dwelling percentage of 16.9 per cent, compared with 25,543 licences in the metropolitan area, or a dwelling percent age of 52.4. The club's next luncheon will be held at Anzac House on Thursday, November 8.[149]

1934 11

Scott v Scott drawing to a close

Decision Reserved in Alleged Radio Nuisance Case. Decision was reserved by Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M., in the Fremantle Local Court today, in the action brought by Phoebe Scott, a widow, of Mary-street, Fremantle, against her next-door neighbors, George Archibald Scott and his wife, Rosalie Elizabeth Scott, claiming £25 damages for injury caused by nuisances arising from the defendants' radio apparatus and vacuum cleaner. George Scott is a radio inspector. Mrs. Scott also seeks an injunction to restrain defendants from a continuance or repetition of the alleged nuisances. She alleged that the machines had been deliberately placed and used to annoy her, and as a result she had suffered ill-health. Today two witnesses for the defence completed the evidence. Aubrey Victor Badger, motor-garage proprietor, and John Eric Johanson, electrical engineer, gave details of observations they had made at defendants' residence while the vacuum cleaner was running. They said that the noise from the machine could be heard faintly from a distance of 60 ft and not 40 yards as alleged by witnesses for Mrs. Phoebe Scott. When the evidence had been completed the magistrate, accompanied by Mr. Hubert Parker, who represented Mrs. Phoebe Scott, and Mr. F. G. Unmack, defendants' counsel, visited Mrs. Scott's residence for the purpose of tests being made with the radio and the vacuum cleaner. On their return to the court Mr. Parker sought leave to call evidence in rebuttal to show that the vacuum cleaner used today was not the machine one of his witnesses saw when he visited defendants' house, but the S.M. would not grant the application.[150]

1934 12

Scott loses the civil action, but only nominal damages awarded and court declines injunction

NOISY RADIO SET ACTION. Win for Plaintiff. "MALICE ON BOTH SIDES". RESERVED judgment in favor of Mrs. Phoebe Scott, a widow, of Mary-street, Fremantle, was given by Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M., in the Fremantle Local Court today in the action concerning an alleged nuisance by offensive noises, caused by the improper use of a radio set and vacuum cleaner. Mrs. Scott was awarded nominal damages to £2, with costs totalling £8 4s, but was refused an injunction against George Archibald Scott (Commonwealth radio inspector) and his wife, Rosalie Elizabeth Scott. Mr. Craig said that the relations between the parties, who are next door neighbors, had formerly been friendly, but the friendship cooled off for some unknown reason and it was impossible to avoid the conclusion from the evidence that some of the actions by the parties were induced by malice on both sides. "I am not satisfied that the use by the defendants of the wireless set, constituted any nuisance entitling plaintiff to relief," the magistrate said, "and I do not believe that her health was affected by the noises to such an extent that she was compelled on that account, as she says, to go for a six months' holiday. "There is no doubt that defendants believed plaintiff was adopting tactics with her parrot for the purpose of annoying them, but assuming she did, that would not justify defendants in creating a nuisance by noises to drown the din of the parrot. If the vacuum cleaner was not placed at the open window and allowed to remain there for hours on end for that purpose, or for the purpose of annoying plaintiff, I can see no earthly reason for its being there." "On the evidence I am bound to find," Mr. Craig concluded, "that Mrs. Rosalie Scott used the cleaner in an improper, unnecessary and unreasonable manner on repeated occasions. However, plaintiff has not suffered any specific injury or loss through the nuisance, and taking into account all the circumstances I think the justice of the case will be satisfied if nominal damages are awarded the plaintiff." Mr. Hubert Parker represented the plaintiff and Mr F. G. Unmack the defendant.[151]


1935 01

Scott offers advice to Metropolitan Local Government Association on receiver electrical consumption

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . Cost of Wireless. Approximately 55 per cent of the dwellings in the metropolitan area have wireless sets, states the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) in a letter to the Metropolitan Local Government Association. "Of the sets in the metropolitan area, approximately 95 per cent are of the all-electric type, and from statistics are estimated to consume 1,310 kilowatts of electricity an hour," the letter continues. "On an average daily use of five hours a set, the financial return to the electricity supply authorities would be about £33,000 annually." At the present time there are 37,406 broadcast listeners' licences current in this State. [152]

1935 02
1935 03

Scott tries to explain to Bunbury listeners why he is unable to directly eliminate interference

FROM DAY TO DAY. (By "Onlooker") The way in which wireless reception is interfered with in Bunbury has been the subject of many comments in the Press from time to time. As a matter of fact this has become worse, and bids fair to become still further worse as the town increases in Size, unless the Commonwealth Government takes such action as will compel the users of refrigerators and other motors to prevent their operation from constituting a nuisance, as militating against the pleasure of others, with wireless reception. I have been asked to publish certain correspondence which recently passed between a wireless enthusiast in Bunbury and the Department on this matter. The letter states that the resident in question is discontinuing his wireless license with much regret, as previously he enjoyed a great deal of pleasure from his installation, but the interferences at the present time from kelvinators and other sources made it impossible to go on, and he had not used the installation for some three months. He considered this indifference on the part of the Department a standing disgrace, as vast sums of money were collected from the public for licenses, and no effort seemed to be made to improve the matters, or give the public consideration for the money which they had outlaid. The correspondent went on to say that he was not alone in this complaint. Everyone in Bunbury with wireless receptions were experiencing the same difficulty. Many petitions had been forwarded on the same subject, and another was in course of preparating at the present time. He hoped that this would not meet with the same reception that was accorded to the others. No business institution would be able to get away with the neglect with which the Department treated the people from whom they collected so much revenue. Private concerns had to give service and proper attention to live. There, however, seemed no redress possible, and the only course open to the public was to cancel their licenses. This seemed a pity and a matter for regret. In other respects the Department went to considerable outlay to secure efficient service, and was to be congratulated upon some of the wonderful shows which had been transacted over the wireless. The unfortunate circumstance was that the Department stopped at that, and did not ensure their subscribers an efficient reception in other ways. Mr. G. A. Scott, the senior radio inspector, replied as follows: In reply to your letter in connection with aggravated interference caused through kelvinators etc., I would like to draw your attention to the efforts of the Department during the last three years to reduce in some way, interference in Bunbury. An inspector from this branch has on three occasions visited your town, and during his stay exhaustive investigations have been carried out on all electrical apparatus causing interference, and remedial measures have been suggested to the owners. During the early part of 1934 radio dealers in Perth subscribed and bought a number of suppressors, which were fitted, free of charge, to a number of offending machines in Bunbury. You must understand that, once this Department's recommendations for interference suppressors have been given, the elimination of the interference can only be brought about through co-operation between listeners and owners of offending apparatus. So far, this co-operation is lacking in Bunbury. It is proposed that an inspector from this branch will visit your town in the near future to endeavour to arrive at some satisfactory solution of your troubles." The foregoing letter is anything but satisfactory reading to those concerned. It is admitted that Inspector Scott has been very courteous in the matter, but very unhelpful. Perhaps it may be that the Departmental regulations are not sufficiently comprehensive to give the relief required. Then all that can be said is that they should be amended and strengthened. Radio entertainment has become more than a mere luxury in many homes. It has become a necessity, and the regret is that the Department is failing to go to the full length in providing that the clients of the Department shall be allowed the privilege of enjoying that for which they have paid, without hindrance, from other people who have put in electrical installations which militate against the pleasure of others. This is not as it should be, and indicates a spineless attitude on the part of the Department. It is understood that the Department contends that this responsibility should be assumed by others than themselves, and that they should be absolved from the necessity, of protecting their own clients. It is contended for instance that the Municipalities should urge that they be given the power to deal with this matter. The Municipalities on the other hand rightly contend that the difficulty is one that solely exists as between the Department and their clients whom they are in duty bound to protect. There the matter rests for the moment, and it is no credit to the Department that it should so rest. Apparently those at the head of the Department contend that it is evident that there is ultimate unpleasantness to be faced in this regard, and inasmuch as they are under political, and therefore, democratic control, they have not got the pluck to face the music. They have created a position and in the most cowardly way they urge that someone else should bear the odium, if there is any odium, of overcoming the difficulty.[153]

Scott provides a comprehensive description of the equipment that his team uses in locating man-made noise

RADIO SLEUTHS. How the Radio Inspector's Staff Helps to Keep the Ether Clear. How many of us, as we listen to our broadcast entertainment, realise the amount of work that has to be put in "behind the scenes," as it were, by men who never come into the public light — the men who "keep the wheels turning." These men not only include among their number, technicans and engineers but also the members of the Radio Inspector's Department. To keep an accurate check on licence figures and records of all licence-holders; to maintain law and order in the ether by means of regulations relating to station-operation (ship, land, broadcasting and amateur) and procedure; to bring to book unlicenced listeners; to attend to complaints from listeners regarding unfavourable reception and to keep the ether as clean as possible by doing their utmost in the war against radioinductive interference — all this is the work of the body of men (and women, too) working under the guidance of the Chief Inspector, Mr. J. Malone. In each State there is the local office with its Senior Radio Inspector and his assistants and in every case the little band of workers is constantly striving towards the goal of good radio for all. True, that goal may sometimes seem a very long way off, but nevertheless, the work goes on. The apparatus with which the inspectors and officers of the Department go about their work is interesting in the extreme if not because of the multiplicity of instruments used, because of the vast amount of work made possible, with ingenuity and skill, with the gear on hand. In the pictures illustrating this article are seen three of the instruments used by officers of the local Department when investigating complaints regarding faulty reception, oscillating receivers and radioinductive interference. INTERESTING INSTRUMENTS. The first of these, that on the left (top), is an interference analyser. This unit contains within its case, the necessary components and switch-gear to produce any one of 266 different forms of suppressor for radio-inductive interference. Such a comprehensive testing unit must surely be unique inasmuch as it allows so much work to be done with a minimum of trouble, only the operation of switches and plugs being necessary to bring into operation on the offending machinery or appliance, a vast number of suppressor circuits. Many different values of chokes (inductances) and condensers (capacitances) may be brought into use by the operation of the appropriate switches and by means of coding, the official "type number" for the suppressor in use, is shown. This means that as soon as the right combination of condensers and inductances is found, it is only necessary to read off the correct type number for the recommended suppressor and the owner of the appliance can go right ahead and silence his property. PORTABLE RECEIVING SET. The portable receiver used on the radio inspectors' journeys hither and thither among the listening populace is shown on the top right of the picture. It is a four valve battery operated receiver of English make with certain adaptations made by P.M.G. engineers to fit it more specifically for its job. All batteries are contained within the set's case and when packed ready for operation, it makes a very neat picture. A frame aerial is contained in the lid of this set and by swinging the set about on a swivel or by simply moving it on the ground, the direction from which oscillations from a badly-operated set are coming may be determined. Similarly, the direction from which come the crackles and bangs associated with unsuppressed machinery may be gauged by the use of this receiver. At the front of the two other pieces of apparatus and just below them, can be seen the second analyser. This contains the same switchgear and condenser-and-coil combinations as the one first described with the important addition of gear for analysing key clicks and key thumps in telegraph work. The requisite timelag and resistor-condenser networks for the suppression of this particular form of interference (this time interference the smooth working of telegraph systems) may be found on this unit. This last piece of equipment probably represents the ultimate in supression selection devices. Other instruments may be made up or invented for locating interference, but this method of finding the right supression combination for a given case is certainly the last word. NEW APPARATUS TO ARRIVE. Mr. G. A. Scott, Senior Radio Inspector said, in relation to further apparatus yet to arrive:— "New apparatus is contemplated within the year, in order to cope with the general advances being made in investigation work. "One of the most suitable types to date, on test, has been found to be the instrument manufactured by Siemens and Halske. In addition to this instrument, consideration has been given to an order for a Tobe-Deartschmoun Radio Noise and Fault Locator which is provided with an indicating meter to register noise intensity." Mr. Scott went on to say that so far, the orders had not been completed but that it was expected that before the year was out, certain additions to the local investigation gear would be made. (Start photo caption) Three of the portable units used by members of the Radio Inspector's staff. (End photo caption)[154]

1935 04

Scott provides a report on man-made noise in Kalgoorlie / Boulder

WIRELESS RECEPTION. RADIO INSPECTOR'S REPORT. In reports on wireless reception on the goldfields, which are read at meetings of the Kalgoorlie and Boulder municipal councils on Monday night, the senior radio inspector, Mr. G. A. Scott, stated that he considered the principal drawback for the reception of distant stations was the lack of signal intensity in comparison with the local noise level and that, with a reasonably high signal level, the reception throughout the district could be practically free of interference. In a report on electric equipment such as electric fans, refrigerators and electric traction in Kalgoorlie, which were the chief causes of interference, he said, that the principal faults with such equipment were due to lack of attention to dirt in the case of ceiling fans and similar industrial appliances, and in the case of electric traction to obsolete methods and the antiquity of the plant generally. It had not been found possible to have the owners affix suppressors, and it was thought that the heavy cost of installing a suppressor which would be of no direct benefit to the owner, and unwillingness to incur expense for the benefit of others pleasure and the fact that the machines were generally in good condition and that the disability was virtually inherent in all D.C. machinery, were the main reasons against the installation of noise suppressing devices. There was no widespread interference from the municipal power station — the area of interference was not greater than 100 yards from the station — and throughout the town the principal disability was lack of signal intensity rather than faulty electrical equipment. The municipality had agreed to instal a suppressor on a rotary converter used to supply alternating current for neon signs, which was causing a good deal of interference. At Boulder it was found that the intensity of noise level was higher than in Kalgoorlie, but that the radio inductive interference, due to the municipal electric light station, was negligible compared with that due to local industrial machinery.[155]

PMGD still struggling to reduce interference from man-made noise, hopeful commencement of 6WA Wagin will reduce the problem

RADIO STATIC NUISANCE. Legal Control is Needed. PROBLEM OF THE DEPARTMENT. AN expenditure of about £50, and the services of a departmental officer for six weeks were involved in an endeavor to correct the problem of local interference with radio on the goldfields, the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. H. Roberts) said today. He was commenting upon the discussion at the Boulder Municipal Council meeting on Tuesday night, when a report from the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) was read stating that the principal drawback for the reception of distant stations was the lack of signal intensity in comparison with the local noise level, and that with a reasonably high signal level, the reception throughout the district could be practically free from interference. Mr. Roberts said that if a signal had to be amplified 20 times in order to make it reasonably audible, it was obvious that other noises which were picked up by the receivers, such as atmospherics and man-made static, would also be amplified to the same degree. STATE-WIDE TROUBLE It was explained that the goldfields were not alone in their trouble. Indeed, as soon as the forthcoming Radio Exhibition is over, it is the intention of the department to despatch investigators to another district in an endeavor to locate and correct as far as lies in their power the interference difficulties. One difficulty was that even though a major portion of the trouble might be corrected, the remainder was still sufficient to cause interference warranting complaint. Cases were on record where investigators from the department had visited a district on no less than five occasions in an endeavor to eliminate interferences. One difficulty was that it had not been definitely determined what constitutional powers the Commonwealth had, Mr. Roberts continued. It would be remembered that last year a Bill was drafted in this State, to give the necessary authority to the local governing bodies to take appropriate action in the matter, but the Bill was not passed. If municipalities or road boards had power by regulation to control the trouble, much more progress might be made. If powerful stations were erected and people listened to them, the ratio of speech level to noise level would be such that interference would be negligible but if these people continued to tune for distant stations then, obviously, any noises picked up would be amplified to the same extent. It is hoped when the Minding station comes on the air that the difficulties so far as interference is concerned, of people in Bunbury, Albany and Collie areas will disappear. The position at Geraldton has been so acute recently that one firm has supplied a number of interference suppressors free, and has had them fitted, with the owners' consent, to machinery which was causing trouble to listeners," Mr. Roberts concluded.[156]

Scott comprehensively interviewed about his duties by a journalist

CAMPAIGN AGAINST INTERFERENCE. Difficulties of the Wireless Branch. REFERENCE to the important subject of radio inductive interference was made in an interview by the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), whose department, the Wireless Branch of the Postmaster General's Department, is at the present time busily engaged in a campaign through the country districts to minimise its effect. Besides discussing interference and pointing out the fact that his department had no power itself to enforce the fitting of suppressors to machines causing the interference, Mr. Scott mentioned another phase of his department's work, that of inspecting listeners' licences and prosecuting "pirates." The number of broadcast listeners' licences continued to show a marked increase each month, said Mr. Scott, and as better broadcast facilities became available in the country districts when the new stations were put into operation, licences from this source should soon be as many as those in force in the city and suburban areas. At the present time the biggest factor which militated against good broadcast reception in country towns was radio inductive interference from direct current machinery such as refrigerators, circular saws, hairdressing equipment, fans and other types of rotating electric devices. Despite the continued and intensive surveys that were continually being made by officers of the Wireless Branch, very little reduction in this disability had been noted; due, no doubt, to lack of interest on the part of owners of offending machinery as a whole, and their disinclination to purchase suppressor devices from which they would derive no monetary benefit. "It has been laid at the door of this branch," continued Mr. Scott, "that more could be done to assist listeners to obtain interference-free reception, but it must be understood that the department only acts in an advisory capacity and does not supply or fit suppressor devices to offending machines. The onus of fitting the suppressors permanently to machines lies with the owners, who, in the majority of cases, through absence of compulsory legislation, will not take any voluntary action to assist broadcast listeners in obtaining good reception. "The department welcomes constructive criticism, especially concerning radio inductive interference, in order that every phase of the question may be explored to the ultimate good of all. Catching Radio "Pirates." The licence inspection staff in Western Australia," added Mr. Scott, "has made extensive inspection campaigns throughout the metropolitan, suburban and country districts, and it is deplorable that so many people in this State see fit to "pirate" and steal their radio entertainment, which in the whole costs them approximately ½d. per day for a licence. "There will be no let-up on this phase of the activities of the Wireless Branch and those persons who are detected using a broadcast receiver without a current broadcast listener's licence, can expect heavy fines for which the wireless licence inspectors will press in each case. "In view of the publicity of past years, and that which is continually taking place, "ignorance of obligation" cannot be accepted as an excuse, but listeners who are temporarily in straitened circumstances due to sickness, or enforced causes outside their control, can always rely on a sympathetic hearing." THERE are six country districts in the State which have over 1,000 licensed radio listeners.[157]

1935 05

Scott has a minor win in Southern Cross

YILGARN ROAD BOARD. At the meeting of the Yilgarn Road Board held on April 12 there were present:— Messrs J. F. Worthing (chairman), J. B. Stacey (vice chairman), T. McMahon, W. E. Landon, J. Nunn, J. Barber, C. Beer, T. W. Green and N. F. Haynes (secretary). . . . The Wireless Inspector's report upon Radio interference was read. Decided on the motion of Messrs Stacey and Landon that inquiries be made from Messrs Prichard, W.A. Bank Chambers, Perth, regarding cost of necessary suppressors for the power house.[158]

1935 06

Scott on the ABC educational broadcasting committee in Western Australia

EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTS. New Features Arranged. The programme of broadcasts arranged by the educational broadcasting committee in Western Australia for the quarter beginning on Monday is probably the most interesting series of talks that the committee has so far prepared. Several new features have been introduced, and series of talks which proved popular in the past have been extended. The committee responsible for the programme consists of Sir Walter James, K.C., Chancellor of the University of Western Australia (chairman), Dr. J. S. Battye (pro-Chancellor of the University), Professor R. G. Cameron (executive officer), Professor H. E. Whitfeld (Vice-Chancellor of the University), Professor W. Murdoch (Professor of English), Professor A. D. Ross (Professor of Physics), Dr. R. Jull, and Messrs. W. Clubb, W. Somerville (chairman of the University Adult Education Board), G. A. Scott (radio inspector), Basil Kirke (Australian Broadcasting Commission), and C. C. Wicks (secretary). Discussing the new programme on Thursday, Professor Cameron said that a new series of three talks on "Life as I See It" would be given in August. The speakers would be Mr. T. H. Roberts (former president of the Guild of Undergraduates of the University of Western Australia), Mr. G. L. Burgoyne (of the editorial staff of "The West Australian"), and Mr. C. Hamilton (headmaster of the State school, Como, and vice-president of the Naturalists' Club). Dr. B. C. Cohen, who had recently returned from a trip to Japan, would give three lectures on that country. Mr. R. T. Hallo, a Perth merchant, who had also recently visited Japan, would give a talk on "Merchandising in Japan," with special reference to group factories, mass production and labour conditions in that country. Dr. J. L Armstrong, the recently appointed lecturer in charge of the botany department of the University of Western Australia, would talk on "The Connexion of Botany with Agriculture." "The History of Brewing" would be discussed by Mr. A. W. Jacoby, general manager of the Swan Brewery, Ltd., in a talk on September 9, and a series of three talks would be given by the Commissioner of Public Health (Dr. Everitt Atkinson) on July 2, August 6, and September 3, respectively. The subjects of Dr. Atkinson's talks would be "Immunisation against Diphtheria," "The Mosquito Menace," and "The Rat as a Carrier of Disease." Mr. J. Shearer, lecturer in physics in the University of Western Australia, who had recently returned to Perth after having spent eight months abroad, mainly in Sweden and Germany, would give two talks on Sweden and one on "The Museum at Munich, Germany." Two talks would be given by the Town Clerk of the City of Perth (Mr. W. E. Bold), one on "The Business Side of the City," and the other on "A Lighter Side of the City." Mr. J. K. Ewers would give three talks on Australian literature, entitled "The Background of Australian Literature," "Australia Discovered by Her Writers," and "Some Recent Outstanding Novels." The Rev. C. E. Storrs (sub-Warden of St. George's College, and a lecturer in the classics department of the University) would give two broadcasts on "Poems of Burning Youth." The Acting Director of Education (Mr. J. A. Klein) would give two talks on "Education in a Machine Age." On Friday evenings talks would be given by officers of the Department of Agriculture on topics of agricultural interest. Professor Cameron added that during the quarter further talks would be given in "The Day's Work" series, which was started some time ago. The new talks would be given by a motor car painter, a blacksmith, a superphosphate worker, a railway officer, a male hospital attendant, and a brewery employee. Further talks would also be given by members of the West Australian branch of the British Medical Association, and the West Australian branch of the Australian Chemical Institute. The educational talks would be given each night from 7.10 to 7.25 o'clock.[159]

1935 07
1935 08
1935 09

Scott attends an old time dance in a cast of thousands

GAY EMBASSY SCENE. Old Time Dancers' Happy Evening. Mrs. B. Richards' old-time dance at the Embassy Cabaret presented a very gay scene last Tuesday night. Among the dancers seen enjoying themselves and who brought along their parties were:— Hesdames Chas. Puttick, Elfgren, White, Templeman, D. Fort, J. Luff, J. W. Bargett, A. Jones, G. Carroll, W. Peters, Cardwell, Molan, C. L. Dawe, C. P. Musgrove, H. Bowman, Campbell, Stockwell, Kilburn, Waddingham, Ritchie, Boyd, Corrigan, Lillingston, Vivian, Harrison, Shaw, Winch, Bancroft, Williams, D. Gates, M. Oliver, J. Maher, Turner, G. Gallagher, R. Webb, W. Filear, A. Belicke, J. Robbing, Bert West, R. Wood, Evans, Chadwick, Basto, Halpin, Cottee. Misses Irene Nichols, Mona Magyar, Myrtle Oates, Dot Ellis, Edna May, Phyllis Dennis, Sylvia Harley, Grace Gillard, Joy Saul, Nellie Baker, Gertie Choyce, Nell Ryan, E. Keilar, Rita Divine, M. Collins, Dorothy Samuels, M. Walter, K. Virgo, M. Bonfield, B. Hall, F. Crocker, M. West, Mavis Baker, Betty Lynch, Sylvia Darch, Joyce McGuire, Edna Darch, Rose Gordon, Dorothy Darch, Jean Foss, Nell Loughridge, Ruth Adams, Dolly and Bernice Morris, Margaret Chadwick, Audrey Richardson, Vida Aitken, Marg Hall, Nell Caskey, Myrtle Rudinger, S. Swaine, Mavis Best, Jean Watson, Barbara Vigus, Dorothy Milner, Marina Webster, Marie Bein, Mabs Starrick, Merle Lambe, Bessie Fry, Hilda Kerr, Alma Angell, Anne Doyle, Eileen Byfield, Pearl Connery, Dorothy Bainbridge, Dot Lawrence, Clare McDonoghue, Myra Moller, Elsie Block, Francis Goodall, Mavis Gennoe, I. Islip, J. George, J. Morris, K. Kenworthy, Patricia Davies, Mabel Smith, Dulcie Glen, York, McPherson, Joyce King, Kilburn, Nancy Pickup, Leila Wood, Ruby Power, Eileen Smith, Olive Holtom, P. Jones, E. Simmons, S. Lennell, D. Edwards, J. McCallum, W. Johnson, Pat Singleton, L. Power, Valerie Shean, Valma Clarke, Nellie Whitehead, Poppy Shean, Marie McNicol, Mary Monro, Edna Morris, Eileen Murphy, Meda Sullivan, K. O'Sullivan, G. Deal, L. Green (York), Vera Lucas, Ivy Pearce, Iris Beard, Gwen Jones, Connie Hamlen, A. McNamara, V. Weaver, K. Gunson, Rene Cary, Jean Lawrence, Dorothy Burrows. Messrs C. H. Halse, Robert Allen, Chas Puttick, Elfgren, White, Davies, Boyd, Templeman, A. Jones, J. W. Gargett, D. Fort, C. Simpson, L. Young, G. Carroll, W. Peters, D. Curtis, G. A. Scott, B. Jackson, L. Pond, Ray Waters Bart, Mott, . . .[160]

Scott offers an alternative to payment in full for broadcast listener' licenses

War on Radio Pirates: Too Many Free Listeners. FREE listening is very prevalent in Western Australia, according to the senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), who stated today that his special staff of inspectors was responsible for the apprehension of approximately four people each day who were operating radio receiving sets without the necessary listeners' licences. "Belated renewals are causing the wireless branch considerable annoyance," said Mr. Scott. For the month of September about 200 licences are expected to lapse, and these consist mainly of belated renewals. Because of the increasing numbers of people who fail to renew their licences on the due dates, the department has been forced to regard them as cancellations, and in future will prosecute all listeners who do not possess the current authority to operate a radio set. For the radio enthusiasts who do not desire to pay their annual fees in a lump sum, a booklet has been issued in which 6d stamps may be placed. When the 21s worth has been entered, the book may be presented to any post office, where a receiver's licence will be issued.[161]

1935 10
1935 11
1935 12

Scott to visit Beverley to track down and eliminate man-made noise in the town.

LOCAL & GENERAL. . . . Radio Interference,— In reply to a letter recently forwarded by the Road Board, advice has been received that Mr. G. A. Scott, radio inspector attached to the wireless branch of the Postmaster General's Department, will visit Beverley early in the new year to investigate the problems associated with interference to broadcast reception from electrical equipment in the town. In preparation for this visit, Mr. S. A. Ford has compiled a list of users of electrical machinery, with details of the equipment in use, and this has been forwarded to the inspector. During his investigation the inspector will use special appliances to detect the source of interference, and will advise on the type of suppressor to be fitted to meet the conditions. The suppressors cost 7/6 each, and the success of the visit will depend on the willingness of machine owners to purchase these. As more and more people are using the radio, it is not anticipated that much opposition will be met with, particularly as Mr. Ford has offered to fit them free of cost.[162]


1936 01

Scott returns to work after leave

PERSONAL. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott, senior inspector of the wireless branch of the Postal Department, returned to duty yesterday after holiday leave.[163]

1936 02

Scott promotes state legislation to enable local government to compel interference suppression

RADIO INTERFERENCE. Preventive Legislation Wanted. The need for legislation to protect radio listeners from interference caused by electrical and other machinery was stressed at the last meeting of the South Perth Road Board. Many complaints of continual interference with radio programmes have been made at South Perth, and the road board recently requested the Metropolitan Local Government Association to try to remedy the matter. A letter was received at the meeting from the senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), through the Local Government Association, stating that at present the Commonwealth Government had only introduced compulsory legislation regarding radio inductive interference in the Federal capital territory. Due to the legal aspect of such legislation for individual States, the introduction of a Commonwealth statute had not been formulated. It was urged that the State Government should bring in legislation in this regard, and the suggestion was offered that it appeared more appropriate to work along these lines, if practicable. An amendment to the existing Electricity Act, empowering local government bodies to introduce a suitable bylaw to control interference would do much to overcome the position. Mr. H. A. Pilgrim said that the question was important, and he considered that the Road Board Association of Western Australia and the Local Government Association should be asked to join forces in requesting the State Government to take the action suggested by the chief inspector of radio. He considered it was a matter for action on the part of individual States rather than the Commonwealth. The board would be well advised to support the suggestions for some remedy was urgently needed as far as South Perth and other suburbs were concerned. The board deferred further action in the matter until its next meeting.[164]

Scott promotes use of paint on electrical fixtures to minimise radio noise

RADIO INTERFERENCE. Experiments in Brisbane. A special kind of paint recently imported from the United States and applied to high tension electric wires in Brisbane has met with success in minimising radio interference, according to a report received at the last meeting of the South Perth Road Board from the Senior Radio Inspector in this State (Mr. G. A. Scott). The report stated that conduction paint No. 608 was recently applied to the 30,000 volt high-tension transmission line from Ipswich-road, Brisbane, to Darra, traversing the residential areas of Graceville, Corinda and Sherwood. The line was of new construction and equipped with pin-type insulators. The whole of the route had been painted between the tie wires, conductor and top of the insulator with the exception of one corner pole which was still untreated owing to the regulations not allowing work on "live wires" at this high potential. A superheterodyne electric radio receiver was operated underneath the high tension line at a point one mile from the untreated corner pole and 20 feet from the line and observations showed that daylight reception was obtained from the Toowoomba radio station 80 miles away. The aerial input of the transmitter was 100 watts. Previous to the painting of the transmission line, the report continued, listeners were not able to obtain reception from other than local Brisbane stations. Reports obtained from listeners who had complained of interference showed that in every case there had been at least 50 per cent decrease in the noise. In the vicinity of the untreated corner pole interference was still being experienced. Arrangements were now being made to complete the painting at the first break in the service. It was estimated by the engineers of the Brisbane City Council, who co-operated with the Postmaster-General's Department and imported the paint, that the life of the paint would be about two years. Further observations were being made on the complete effectiveness of this treatment.[165]

1936 03

Scott to attend opening of new higher power transmitter at 6KG Kalgoorlie

Goldfields 500 Watt Station Opens. KALGOORLIE, Monday. At 8 o'clock tonight the Kalgoorlie licensed station 6KG will officially open its new High Fidelity transmitter at Parkeston, which has been licensed to transmit at 500 watts. The station was previously licensed at 100 watts. The opening ceremony will be performed by the chairman of the Kalgoorlie Road Board (Mr. W. Hall), while the Mayor of Kalgoorlie (Mr. E. E. Brimage) and the Mayor of Boulder (Mr. W. F. Coath) have been invited to attend. Another visitor at the opening ceremony will be the senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott). The programme, which will continue until midnight, will include special features by eight individual artists and a recital by the Goldfields Pipe Band. During the evening members of the station staff will be introduced over the air. Mr. H. Hicks, managing director of the station, said this morning that for the quality of transmission and effective coverage he was confident that 6KG could compare with any wireless station in Western Australia. The High Fidelity equipment was the most up to date that could be obtained, and tests had shown that the station could be heard effectively in Perth.[166]

As previous, report of the opening

GOLDFIELDS BROADCASTING. NEW TRANSMISSION STATION. OFFICIAL OPENING. The official opening of 6KG Kalgoorlie's newly installed high fidelity transmission station at Parkeston last evening marked another milestone in the history of Goldfields Broadcasters 1933, Ltd. Among those at the station were the State Radio Inspector, Mr. G. A. Scott, the District Postal Inspector, Mr. W. Dunham, and the Chief Traffic Manager of the Commonwealth Government Railways, Mr. Artlett. An idea of the efficiency of the new plant may be gleaned from the fact that last night broadcasts were made from the transmitter at Parkeston from Nos. 1, 2 and 3 studios in Hannan street and from the Railway Institute. The amount of work and equipment entailed in carrying out programmes of this nature is considerable, and it has been stated that at least no B class station in the State actually does the same amount of relays and live artist work that 6KG does. The opening last evening was a gala night for 6KG, and the broadcast continued until midnight. The celebration of the opening will be continued on the air throughout the month. At the new station a small party gathered to celebrate the event in festive spirit. The Goldfields Highland Pipe Band assisted in the entertainment. The managing director of Goldfields Broadcasters 1933, Ltd., Mr. F. P. Hicks, preceded the official opening with a few remarks in which he paid tribute to the competence of the technical staff of the company, who under the guidance of Mr. N. W. Simmons, were responsible for the construction and efficiency of the plant, which was designed and built on the goldfields. Reports, he said, from as far north as Onslow and Northampton, as far south as Esperance and Albany, and east to Rawlinna, and from the metropolitan area testified to the efficiency and quality of the broadcasts from 6KG. Previously they had broadcast to thousands of people, but radio had made such strides that now the number would be ten times as great. The plant was the first high fidelity transmission plant in the State. The programmes voluntarily contributed by live artists were of a high standard and the station was deeply grateful to all those artists. It was noteworthy that news had been received that a constant performer over 6KG, in the person of Mr. Ainslie Beecraft, had received an engagement with the Australian Broadcasting Commission in Sydney, and would be singing at the opening of the Radio Exhibition on Thursday evening at the Sydney Town Hall. It was gratifying that the local station had been able to assist him in some measure to attain that high honour. The station covered the whole of the State and was particularly well received in the metropolitan area, concluded Mr. Hicks. In declaring the new transmission station officially open, the chairman of the Kalgoorlie Roads Board, Mr. W. Hall, after apologising for the unavoidable absence of the Mayor of Kalgoorlie, Mr. E. E. Brimage, and the Mayor of Boulder, Mr. W. F. Coath, said that 6KG had put Kalgoorlie on the map as far as wireless was concerned. It had been a great boon to people in the outback areas of the State. Mr. Hall wished the company success in the new venture, and hoped that the B class station received the support and patronage that it richly deserved.[167]

1936 04

Scott approaches Northam Council for support prior to a major interference suppression campaign for the town

RADIO INTERFERENCE. MOVE FOR ELIMINATION. LETTER BEFORE COUNCIL. A letter from the senior radio inspector of the Postmaster-General's Department, Perth (Mr. G. A. Scott) was read at the meeting of the Northam Municipal Council on Thursday night. The letter stated:— "It is proposed at an early date to carry out an extensive interference survey of the electrical apparatus in your town, and I would be pleased to receive any comments or suggestions your council may desire to make, also to learn what measure of co-operation would be extended to us. It may be of interest to state that within the past year the methods involved in the suppression of interference have been radically altered. This is due to two primary causes; firstly the manufacture in Australia of a very different type of suppressor known as Chanex, and moderately priced at 7/6 for the majority of cases, and secondly the equipping of this branch with the latest type of testing apparatus so that definite proof can be given by meters as to whether the interfering apparatus has been effectively suppressed or not. "Naturally the success of our efforts is dependent upon whether the community, either listeners or motor owners, or both, are prepared to bear the cost of suppression, which as mentioned above, is most reasonable. We are prepared to spend some time in the town, and effectively test out every motor with and without a suppressor. The only condition attached to this is that the suppressor installation must be made by a licensed electrician. The question of payment to the electrician is a subject for discussion, as we accept no financial or other responsibility. However, we find in some cases the electrician is willing to do the installing for the discount on the suppressors to the trade, i.e., 33 1/3 per cent. This obviously is only considered as a business proposition where a large number of motors are covered; in other instances the council handle the matter on the same basis themselves utilising their own officers for the installation, and we find this plan works very satisfactorily. "In one large country town," the letter continued, "over a hundred suppressors were installed, and full co-operation was extended by the council. Small towns are also similarly co-operating. Should you desire preliminary talks on other aspects, an officer will be made available to discuss the matter at a meeting. We are very anxious to improve the reception conditions in your town," the letter concluded, "and feel sure that much can be done by the mutual co-operation of all concerned." Cr. Withnell moved that the communication be received and referred to the electric light committee. The motion was seconded by Cr. Pittaway and carried.[168]

Scott succeeds in his promotion of an Albany Listeners' Club

RADIO INTERFERENCE. LISTENERS' CLUB FORMED. A WELL ATTENDED MEETING. Sixty-five local radio listeners attended a public meeting in the Lower Town Hall last Friday evening to discuss ways and means of combating the inductive interference nuisance which is prevalent in Albany. As a result of the gathering a Listeners' Club has been formed and there appears to be every likelihood of definite steps being taken to make an improvement in the lot of the radio listeners in this town. The Mayor (Mr. J. W. McKeown) presided and in opening the meeting read a letter from the Chief Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) as follows:— Mr. D. Dewar, Albany, Dear Sir,— In reply to your letter of the 24th inst., I have to advise that the postmaster has been requested to make available a record of all licence holders in Albany. It is most probable that the information required will need to be copied by you. Regarding the collecting of monies to cover the cost of suppressors, I would suggest that you call a meeting and form a Listeners' Club, which would give you the required authority to collect. There are approximately 450 listeners in Albany and a membership fee of 2/- each would more than cover the estimated outlay for suppressor devices. In view of many abortive visits that have been made to Albany in the matter of interference it is quite impossible for this department to consider a further visit until a guarantee is given that the recommendations made will be carried out. It is also essential that the services of a licensed electrician be made available to carry out the necessary fitments, perhaps the local council would assist in this direction. Any further information required will be gladly furnished. Yours faithfully, G. A. SCOTT. Senior Radio Inspector, Perth, W.A. The Mayor stated that although he could not give any definite promise he felt certain that the Albany Municipal Council would give their full support to any scheme launched by the proposed Listeners' Club. Present also at the meeting were Councillors Carson, Gibson and Johns. The Mayor then called on the convenor of the meeting, Mr. Don Dewar, to address the listeners and explain to them his negotiations with the Chief Radio Inspector to make an attempt to clear up radio interference in Albany. Mr. Dewar explained the action of the suppressors that it was proposed to use. These had been tested with highly satisfactory results at the Radio Exhibition during the "Back to Albany" Celebrations. These contrivances had been used on rock drills, milk bar apparatus and various other electrical appliances and had immediately eliminated interference. The suppressors were of the latest type and their cost was not high. In the Albany district there were 450 radio sets in use, 304 of which were within the town boundaries. The Chief Radio Inspector had computed that the cost of eliminating inductive interference from all sources in the town would amount to £30. Should this sum be guaranteed by a Listeners' Club, the Chief Radio Inspector stated that he would supervise the installation of the modern suppressors to all the offending electrical apparatus in the town. To test the feeling of the meeting Cr. Carson said he would move that a Listeners' Club be formed in Albany. The motion was seconded by Mr. Coles. The latter spoke on the nuisance created by whistling caused by inefficient sets. A discussion more or less of a technical nature then ensued among various members of the meeting. Rising to a point of order Mr. F. L. Williams expressed himself in favour of the proposed Listeners' Club, but thought that before the matter of financing the cost of the suppressors was undertaken an appeal should be made to the owners of the offending motors and electrical appliances. It was really a matter that concerned the community as a whole. The speaker thought that the radio interference nuisance was akin to a person standing at a householder's front door and beating a kerosene tin. The wood merchant, the baker, the milk bar and motor garage proprietors and other tradespeople with electrical machines were really dependant on the radio owner for their livelihood. Even the Municipal Council gained the advantage of selling more electricity by the popularity of wireless. Mr. Williams thought that if these tradespeople would give careful thought to the matter they would realise that they were not giving the radio listener a fair deal and it was up to them to rectify the situation. The opinion expressed by this speaker met with the general approval of the meeting. The Mayor said that he fully agreed with the justice of the remarks of Mr. Williams, but as far as the Albany Municipal Council was concerned nearly £60 was spent on fitting suppressors on various apparatus in an endeavour to "put their house in order." Cr. Johns stated that the suppressors fitted to the motors at the Power House and also at various other locations around the town were obsolete compared with the latest type of suppressor it was proposed to use. These were 100 per cent efficient and should effectively deal with the situation. A suppressor of the latest type was exhibited at the meeting. This was suitable for a one horse power motor and cost 7/6. The question was raised that if the present situation could be effectively dealt with, what means could be adopted to deal with new electrical apparatus that might be installed. It was suggested that the Council might make some arrangements when connecting the apparatus to, the electricity supply. A listener asked what would happen if any of the owners of the electrical appliances refused to have suppressors fitted to their property. There was laughter when a voice promptly replied, "Shoot them." The Mayor then closed the discussion and put the motion to the meeting. It was carried unanimously. It was then decided to proceed with the formation of the Club. Mr. Don Dewar was elected Honorary Secretary and after considerable discussion it was decided that the joining fee be 2/6 per member. This fee is payable on enrollment. Every person present at the meeting enrolled as a member of the Club. Mr. G. Cole, of Pearl Photos, announced that he would donate £5 as a start towards the Club's finances. The Committee of the Listeners' Club was elected as follows:— Messrs. W. H. Carson, G. Cole, H. Day, C. H. Gibson and K. Collins. Mr. F. L. Williams was elected Honorary Treasurer. The Mayor of Albany (Mr. J. W. McKeown) consented to accept the position of President.[169]

1936 05

Scott again promoting the savings card approach to payment of broadcast listener licences

THE LETHARGY OF LISTENERS. "IT appears from the monthly analysis of licence figures that there is a great deal of laxity shown by listeners in renewing licences when they fall due," said the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) last week. "The figures for the month ended March 31 show that there were 454 cancellations. These are mostly licences that are overdue for renewal, and for the purpose of balancing the figures they have to be shown as cancellations, though practically all of them are 'potential renewals.' The persons concerned could actually be proceeded against, and if these licences were for motor cars, or guns, such action would quickly be taken. Little excuse exists for this position of affairs, especially as the Postmaster-General's Department has provided facilities for the easy renewal of licences in the form of a stamp-saving card. Any listener who is doubtful whether he will have the necessary 21/ (or 15/ in the case of country licences) when the time comes for renewal, may take advantage of the card system. Cards can be obtained at any post office in the State, and by fixing a 6d. stamp to the card each week the listener would find himself at the end of his year in a position to present the card at any post office, have the stamps cancelled, and be issued with a renewed licence." Visitors attending the exhibition may obtain renewal cards at the Postmaster-General's Department display stand. New stamps to the value of 6d. or more may be fixed to the card in the spaces provided, and when the card has stamps to the required value upon it, it will be exchanged for a renewed licence or for full payment for a new licence. The public are warned, however, that the card, even if it shows the required value in stamps, does not take the place of a licence, which must be obtained before a receiving set can be used. If, after certain stamps have been affixed, the owner of the card decides that he does not want a licence, the stamps will be repurchased by the G.P.O., but a discount of 10 per cent (minimum 2d., maximum 2/) will be charged.[170]

1936 06

Scott on his way to Kalgoorlie, Bert Grey acting in his absence

PERSONAL. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott, senior radio inspector, left last night by train for Kalgoorlie on departmental business. He expects to return on Monday. During his absence Mr. A. E. Gray [sic, Grey], radio inspector, will be in charge of the Wireless Branch, Perth. [171]

Scott congratulates Albany Radio Club on their efforts and promises a visit soon

Radio Interference. FITTING OF SUPPRESSORS. Mr. Don Dewar, Secretary of the Albany Radio listeners' Club, has received word from Mr. G. A. Scott, Chief Radio Inspector, that Mr. Norman Turnbull, Radio Inspector, may be expected to visit Albany towards the end of June or early in July to supervise the fitting of suppressor devices to electric motor and other electric rotating gear, as a means of preventing inductive interference. Mr. Scott informed Mr. Dewar that the Department was very busy dealing with interference problems, and it was not possible for Mr. Turnbull to visit Albany earlier. He expressed his pleasure with the progress of the Club, and congratulated it on its efforts to improve reception in Albany. He urged the Club to endeavour to bring all motor owners into line before Mr. Turnbull's visit, so that finality could be reached in suppressing interference.[172]

Scott attends WIA meeting

RADIO AMATEUR'S SUCCESS. MB. S. AUSTIN, an Amateur radio experimenter, of South Perth, was last night presented by the president of the Wireless Institute (Mr. C. Brown) with the "West Australian" Cup for the most outstanding work of the year by a local amateur. During one period of 24 hours he communicated with all the continents of the world on 10 metres with low power. The Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) is shown seated.[173]

As previous, further detail

RADIO AMATEURS' UNIQUE RACE. Unique in radio contests among amateurs in this State, four experimenters last night had a race to see who could the quickest make a transmitter and get it working. The winner took six and a half minutes. The competition was a feature of the annual dinner of the members, associates and students of the Wireless Institute of Australia, W.A. division, held in the Stirling Institute. The four contestants were placed in front of a table containing sufficient apparatus to build four transmitters of simple self-excited type, and the only tool allowed was a pair of scissors. Upon the word "go" they began the assembly, and the decision went to the assembler who first got current flowing into a dummy aerial. The contestants were Messrs. G. Wright, G. Moss (VK6GM), S. Austin (VK6SA) and V. Dook (VK6KB). Mr. Austin won very narrowly. During the evening the president's cup was presented to Mr. J. C. Park (VK6BB) and the "West Australian" cup for the most outstanding work of an amateur went to Mr. Austin for his research and experiments on 10-metre work, including a communication with all continents in the world within a period of 24 hours on that wavelength, and using very small power. The radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), who replied to the toast of "The Visitors," expressed his appreciation of the manner in which the institute had worked with his department and of the value to be gained by members who co-ordinated their efforts.[174]

1936 07

Scott advises that Turnbull's visit to Albany delayed

Radio Interference. INSPECTOR'S VISIT DELAYED. A further communication has been received by the Secretary of the Albany Listeners' Club, Mr. Don Dewar, from the Senior Radio Inspector, Mr. G. A. Scott, relative to radio interference matters. Mr. Scott advises that owing to heavy and unexpected pressure of work during Mr. Turn-bull's visit to the Eastern Wheatbelt, where he is dealing with interference problems, his trip to Albany, for the purpose of supervising the fitting of suppressor devices will have to be delayed. Mr. Scott says, however, that every effort will be made for Mr. Turnbull to arrive in Albany in approximately one month from the date of his letter, June 26.[175]

Scott announces current broadcast listener's licence statistics

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . Broadcast Listeners' Licences. A return made available yesterday by the senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) showed that, of the 50,074 broadcast listeners' licences in force in Western Australia on June 30, 35,689 were held in the metropolitan area, and 14,385 in the country. The ratio of licences to each 100 of the population in the metropolitan area was 16.5, as against 6.2 in the country. The occupants of 71 out of every 100 dwellings in the metropolitan area possessed licences, while the figure in the case of country dwellings was 25.1. The metropolitan area accounted for 71.2 per cent of the total licences.[176]

Scott announces that many WA towns are now interference free, but receives little support in Kalgoorlie

ITEMS OF NEWS. . . . Radio Interference.— The chief radio inspector, Mr. G. A. Scott, has informed the Kalgoorlie Municipal Council that the following towns in Western Australia have been made free of radio inductive interference: Cunderdin, Kellerberrin, Merredin, Southern Cross, Westonia, Wyalkatchem, Dowerin, Goomalling, Beverley, Koorda, Wickepin, Kondinin, Busselton, Kulin, Narembeen, Quairading, Meckering, Tammin, Mingenew, Three Springs, Mt. Barker and Northampton. Mr. Scott added that York, Carnamah, Geraldton and Collie had been made partially free, the interference being of only a minor nature, and that Albany would be made free of interference within approximately two weeks. When Mr. Scott's letter was read last night at the meeting of the council, the town clerk, Mr. C. E. Eccles, said that only one resident of Kalgoorlie had accepted the council's offer to instal suppressors at cost price.[177]

1936 08
1936 09
1936 10

Scott on leave, Bert Grey relieving

GENERAL NEWS. . . . Mr. G. A. Scott, senior radio inspector, is on annual holiday leave for three weeks. During his absence the radio inspector (Mr. A. E. Grey) will be in charge of the office.[178]

1936 11

The Scott v Scott matter enters a second act

KEROSENE TIN TATTOO TAKES NEIGHBORS TO LAW. Alleging that her next door neighbors had constantly caused offensive noises by beating a tin to annoy her, Mrs. Phoebe Scott, a widow, brought an action for special damages amounting to £52, against George Archibald Scott and his wife, Rosalie Elizabeth Scott, in the Fremantle Local Court today. The action came before Mr. J. F. McMillan, S.M., and, in addition to the damages claimed, Mrs. Scott sought an injunction to restrain the respondent from a repetition of the nuisance complained of. The parties, who are not related, are residents of Mary-street, Fremantle, and in 1934 figured in a similar action when the plaintiff in the present case claimed damages and an injunction in respect to an alleged noisy radio and vacuum cleaner. She was then awarded £2 damages, but no injunction was granted. In opening the case for the plaintiff Mr. Hubert Parker said that he would bring evidence to show that it was not a frivolous action on the part of Mrs. Phoebe Scott. It was difficult to procure evidence to prove the annoyance, but the plaintiff had been fortunate in securing a number of photographs relating to the tin-beating incidents. Plaintiff said that since March, 1935, she had been annoyed by noise created by banging an iron rod inside a kerosene tin. The noise had issued from the respondent's yard and it had occurred on four or five days' practically every week. She had frequently seen Mrs. Scott beating a tin, and her husband had been present on occasions. As a result of the noise she said her nerves had suffered and she was a victim of neurasthenia. She had endeavored to let portion of her residence as a flat and had tried to get boarders without success. She claimed this was attributable to her noisy neighbors. Witness produced six photographs which she said she had taken during six separate occurrences on tin banging. Cross-examined by Mr. L. Coleman, who was appearing for the defence, Mrs. Scott said she had never complained of the noise to the respondent. She did nothing to annoy the respondent, and it was untrue that she had deliberately burnt grass off in her property when respondent had washing on the line. "Fearful Din" Alfred Charles James, master butcher, told the magistrate he heard a tin being beaten while inspecting plaintiff's residence in January. He was seeking a flat, but while Mrs. Scott's house was suitable and the rent satisfactory, he refused to live there because of the noise he heard. "There was a fearful din," he said, "like a horse kicking a stable door." Alexander Bracks, foreman employed by Bunning Bros., said that during a visit to plaintiff's residence in April, 1935, he heard a tin being banged next door for about three-quarters of an hour. Earnest George Back, bricklayer, said that between April and May, 1935, he was working on a job about 70 or 80 yards from the parties. He had frequently heard a tin being banged in the respondent's yard. For the defence it was claimed that George Scott was away from home most of the day and was not involved in the alleged nuisance. It was claimed that plaintiff was a neurasthenic woman, and ever since living in the vicinity had written frivolous complaints to the Municipal Council and other authorities. "To Frighten Cats" Respondent, Mrs. Scott, had banged tins merely to frighten away cats. This act, however, only took place occasionally and not to the extent alleged. The case is proceeding.[179]

The Scott v Scott matter concludes with damages against George Scott

Widow Annoyed. NEIGHBORS ORDERED TO PAY DAMAGES. Mr. J. McMillan S. M. occupied the bench at the Local Court yesterday and heard a charge made by Mrs. Phoebe Scott, a widow, 62 Mary Street, Fremantle, who complained that she had been continuously annoyed by the deliberate banging of a kerosene tin by people living next door to her. The defendants were George Archibald Scott, a radio inspector, and his wife, Rosalie Scott. Mr. H. W. S. Parker represented complainant and Mr. L. Coleman (instructed by Mr. F. G. Unmack) represented defendants. Though having the same surname the parties are not related. After hearing lengthy evidence Mrs. Scott was awarded £25 damages and costs against the defendants and was granted an injunction restraining them from causing further annoyance. The bench in giving judgment said that where quarrels between neighbors were concerned it was not the practice to give heavy damages but rather to try and heal the breach. The same parties had appeared before the Court in a similar case previously when nominal damages were awarded but in this instance the magistrate said he proposed to award fairly substantial damages as the offence had, on the evidence, clearly been carried on for the purpose of annoying plaintiff, despite the warning that should have been realised following the first case. Mr. Parker, in outlining the case for the plaintiff said that the claim was for general damages on account of the effect of the noise on the health of the plaintiff and for a year's rent at £l a week which would have been recovered had there been no noise made. It was also asked that an injunction restraining the defendants from continuing the noise be granted. Action was taken against the defendants two years ago, he said, for using a vacuum cleaner to the annoyance of plaintiff but although damages of £2 were awarded no injunction restraining defendants from creating annoyance with the machine was made. The plaintiff claimed that this nuisance continued although it would not be included in the present damages claim which referred to the annoyance caused by the beating of a kerosene tin from the beginning of the present year. The plaintiff, in her evidence, said that the tin banging nuisance commenced much earlier than the date in the claim. It occurred every day in the week. On one occasion when a man and his wife, who were prospective lodgers called at her house, the tin banging commenced and a voice was heard "If you don't stop those birds from making a noise I will stop them myself". As a result of the noise made her prospective lodgers did not stay. Photographs were produced, which plaintiff said she had taken, purporting to show the tin being beaten by Mrs. Rosalie Scott. Plaintiff called evidence to show that the noise had been heard by a bricklayer working some distance away. One of the prospective lodgers also gave evidence. In defence it was maintained that the plaintiff was a neurasthenic woman, easily upset by trifling matters. There was no evidence against Mr. Scott but Mrs. Rosalie Scott did beat tins but it was for the purpose of frightening away cats which caused her annoyance by coming into her yard. Ever since plaintiff had built her house, it was alleged, she had been sending frivolous complaints to the council, police and other authorities, Several witnesses living in the locality gave evidence to the effect that they did not hear noise such as that complained of.[180]

1936 12

Scott concerned about the slowing number of licences

RADIO LICENCES. November Increase Only 391. During November the number of licensed radio listeners in the State increased by only 391, bringing the total in force on November 30 up to 54,443. The new issues during the month totalled 1,039, while there were 3,224 renewals and 648 cancellations. Discussing the licences yesterday the Senior Radio Inspector of the Postmaster-General's Department (Mr. G. A. Scott) said that, despite the approach of the Test matches and the fact that two new national regional stations were about to be opened, the increase in the number of licences was the smallest for a long time. In October the increase was 706, while in each of the four preceding months the increase was over 1,000. For November, 1935, the increase was 736. The cancellations, 648 — for the month were extremely high, continued Mr. Scott. In June, 1935, when the increase totalled 600, the cancellations were 690, but since then they had rarely exceeded 400 in any month. Included in the licences given as cancelled were those which had not been renewed, nor had the holders informed the department of their intentions. These comprised about 90 per cent of the cancellations. Persons who failed to renew their licences and continued to maintain sets in their homes were liable to prosecution. The department gave licence holders every consideration in the matter of renewals, added Mr. Scott. During the month before the licence was due for renewal, the licence holder was sent a card giving the date on which it was due, and if the licence was not renewed at the right time a further notification was sent the following month. In addition the department issued cards to which the licence holder could attach postage stamps to the value of 6d. or more. Thus a licence holder could save up each week and when the licence was due for renewal he would have sufficient stamps on the card to pay for the renewal.[181]


1937 01

Scott & Grey busy fighting interference in other regional areas unable to assist Geraldton

RADIO INTERFERENCE. DIFFICULTIES IN GERALDTON. DISCUSSION BY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. At the quarterly meeting of the Geraldton Chamber of Commerce held on Monday night reference was made by members to the difficulties encountered by owners of wireless sets in securing satisfactory reception in the town. The discussion was initiated by the secretary (Mr. A. C. Curlewis) who intimated he had been handed a copy of a letter written by the manager of the Geraldton branch of Dalgety & Co. Ltd. (Mr. J. Cummins) to the assistant radio inspector (Mr. A. E. Grey). In the letter Mr. Cummins had confirmed information previously conveyed to him by Mr. Grey that he would experience considerable interference to radio reception in Geraldton, and had also suggested, with a view to inducing users of motors to put suppressors or chokes on their machines, that the inspector make another visit to Geraldton as soon as was convenient. Mr. Curlewis read a reply received by Mr. Cummins from the senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) in which the latter intimated that it was impossible for him to send an officer to Geraldton at the present time as his department was busily engaged with interference in other country centres. The hope was expressed by the inspector that, with the arrival of new equipment shortly, he would be in a position to send along an officer, who would thoroughly investigate the position. In discussing the reply members expressed dissatisfaction at the inspector's statement that his department was busily engaged with interference in other country centres, remarking that it was the same old tale of Geraldton being relegated to the background and other localities being given preference. The secretary stated that interference to radio was so bad in Geraldton now that many people considered it was practically useless to own a wireless set. On the motion of Messrs Bott and Mountain it was decided to write to the senior radio inspector stressing the difficulties encountered in Geraldton, and pointing out that the size of the town and the number of listeners-in, in their opinion, entitled it to preference before the majority of other country centres.[182]

1937 02
1937 03

Scott attends the dinner of the AWA Radiola dealers' conference

RADIO CONFERENCE. Distributors Meet in Perth. Over 100 city, suburban and country distributors of the Fisk Radiola took part yesterday in a conference in Perth at the invitation of Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd., in association with Wyper Howard, Ltd., and Nicholsons, Ltd., West Australian distributors of the instrument. It was claimed that the conference was the largest radio gathering yet held in this State. The proceedings commenced with a luncheon at the Palace Hotel Mr. W. G. Chapman, West Australian representative of Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd., welcomed the guests, several of whom had come from far-distant parts of the State to be present. One, Mr. J. Kennedy, travelled from Broome to attend the function. Mr. H. R. Howard, managing director of Wyper Howard, Ltd., and Mr. E. Barker, of Nicholsons, Ltd., also spoke. Among those who attended was Mr. S. M. Brown, Victorian (Start Photo Caption) A section of the gathering at the second annual Radiola dealers' luncheon at the Palace Hotel yesterday.(End Photo Caption) sales manager for Amalgamated Wireless. Mr. Chapman read a message from the chairman of Amalgamated Wireless (Mr. E. T. Fisk), who is travelling to England on the liner Strathnaver. Mr. Fisk expressed disappointment at being unable to be present and sent his best wishes for a successful conference. He said that he regarded everyone present as personally, part of the organisation of Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd. and as sharing the spirit of the organisation, which was fraternal and truly Australian. A display of 1937 Radiola models was on view and each model was described in detail. Later the gathering went for a river trip on the Emerald. Last night the annual Radiola dinner was held at the Palace Hotel, 125 people being present, among them the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. R. Roberts), the Government Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), Messrs. B. Samuel, manager for W.A. Broadcasters, Ltd., F. Whitford, of Station 6AM, H. R. Howard, E. M. Barker and P. Waddell (Nicholsons, Ltd.) and H. S. Sibary, of station 6PR. Mr. Chapman presided and Mr. Howard proposed the toast of "The Visitors," Messrs. Roberts and S. M. Brown responding. During the evening community singing was held. The evening concluded with a programme of talkies, including several shorts and a film presented by Amalgamated Wireless, "Spanning Space," which described the growth and present activities in Australia of radio and other means of communication.[183]

1937 04

Scott patiently explains that listeners hiring sets must still take out licences

HIRE OF RADIO SETS. A Listener's Licence Required. The senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said yesterday that licence inspectors of the wireless branch of the Postmaster-General's Department were frequently locating receivers maintained by members of the public who were not in possession of a broadcast listener's licence, the result being the unpleasantness of police court proceedings. Some people were apparently under the impression that they need not take out a licence if they merely hired a radio receiver, said Mr. Scott. A licence was definitely required in such circumstances. He understood that these instruments were hired out on a weekly rental basis by at least one Perth firm. The hirers should make sure that they were covered by the necessary licence, which was obtainable at any post office. "Members of the public should not be under the misapprehension that the licence obtained by one party still applies when the set is hired out to another person," said Mr. Scott. "The broadcast listener's licence is a personal document, authorising the holder to install and maintain receiving apparatus for reception purposes. Under one licence, the holder can maintain six sets if he wants to, but another licence must be obtained if the set is transferred to another person."[184]

1937 05

Scott attends dinner of Stromberg-Carlson dealers in Perth

RADIO DEALERS. Stromberg-Carlson Dinner. Stromberg-Carlson radio dealers throughout the State were the guests of Musgrove's Ltd. (the local distributors) and Stromberg-Carlson (Australia) Ltd. at a dinner held last night at the Savoy Hotel. The managing director of Musgrove's Ltd. (Mr. M. D'O. Musgrove) was in the chair. During the day the dealers held their annual conference at the hotel. In proposing the toast of "The Dealers" last night, Mr. F. C. Kingston said that the Stromberg-Carlson dealers held the first dealers' conference in Western Australia. That took place in 1933. Since then other organisations had followed suit, but none of them had a more successful conference than that which had been held yesterday. "Radio is one of the greatest industries in Australia," said Mr. Kingston, "and an enormous number of people are associated with it. The dealers are the front-line soldiers of this great industry and without them it could never have assumed its present proportions. It gives us great pleasure to have dealers from practically every part of Australia with us once a year to discuss ideas and form our campaigns for the coming year." The toast was responded to by Messrs. J. W. Wanke (Katanning) and J. A. Bell (Meekatharra). The toast of "The Postmaster-General and the Broadcasting Stations" was proposed by Mr. H. B. Jackson. He said that, in his experience, there were very few misunderstandings in this State with the Postmaster-General's Department and he could never understand why people in the Eastern States could not get on as well with the department as people did here. "In the State," he said, "we always get on very well with the department and with Mr. Roberts, who administers the department here." Responding to the toast, the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. R. Roberts) said that the number of radio licences was increasing in this State, now being 58,501, and if the makers continued to produce first-class receivers, the total would reach 100,000. The secret of radio success was good receivers, as a good station could not give good reception unless the receiver was first-class. Referring to electrical interference with reception, Mr. Roberts said that when the department started its work of trying to eliminate interference, it had only one motor car to use, but now it had three. The department was willing to assist where it could, but the people in country towns also had to look after themselves and when the interference was cleaned up they should try to see that it did not occur again. The Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), who also responded to the toast, said in regard to interference, that it had been possible to do more in this State than had been done in other States because of the assistance which had been given to the department both by members of the radio trade and by suppliers of electricity in country towns. However, a lot more could be done with co-operation and understanding. He thought it was up to the electricity suppliers to co-operate in the work, as the electricity consumption had increased a great deal since the advent of radio, not only in regard to the consumption by the sets, but also because people sat up much later than they did previously to hear the radio programmes. The toast of "Stromberg-Carlson (Australia), Ltd.," was proposed by Mr. M. D'O. Musgrove and responded to by Mr. Tyler, the sales engineer of the company, who is at present on a tour of this State. The toast of "Musgrove's, Ltd.," was proposed by Mr. J. C. Forster (Korbel) and responded to by Mr. Musgrove.[185]

1937 06

Scott still fighting the good fight

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . Wireless Licences. Another warning to persons using unlicensed wireless receiving sets was issued yesterday by the senior radio inspector for Western Australia (Mr. G. A. Scott). The department, he said, was determined to proceed against all offenders, and it therefore behoved all persons in possession of listening-in sets to see that they were covered by a current licence. People were being prosecuted almost daily for neglect to take out radio licences. Fines on Tuesday last totalled £30.[186]

Bridgetown Power Station - Episode 1

CORRESPONDENCE. WIRELESS AND THE POWER STATION. To the Editor. Sir,— The enjoyment of radio broadcast programmes on short wave or broadcast bands having become impossible to receive with any clarity through the neglect of our electric light concessionaire to adequately suppress his noise factory situate in the heart of Bridgetown, may I use your columns to appeal to our civic fathers to take some action along the lines taken by Albany and Bunbury to remedy the defect. Repeated appeals to the concessionaire to suppress the machinery, having elicited no response, it remains for the ratepayers to insist and keep on insisting. I would suggest that the road board approach the concessionaire in an endeavour to induce him to rectify the position and, failing his compliance, to open a public subscription (not failing to canvass the concessionaire for a substantial subscription) and to enlist the aid therewith of some reliable firm to adequately suppress the source of the trouble. It will be remembered that some months ago the chief radio inspector visited Bridgetown and from the proceeds of a hastily organised appeal fitted suppressors to a number of electric motors. I am given to understand that until the advent of the radio inspector the concessionaire had in no wise endeavoured to suppress his machinery and that three pounds of the fund collected was expended on the concessionaire's plant. This, therefore, may be regarded as a very good investment, and shows an excellent return for the modest outlay of 4/ which was the concessionaire's donation towards the fund. When one considers that we, in Bridgetown, are not surfeited with enjoyments except listening in, and that many of us have gone to considerable expense in the way of better sets, and experimentation with various costly aerial systems, noise eliminators, etc., it is rather palling that one's whole enjoyment is spoilt by one offender. Were the power station a civic undertaking (as it should be), there would long ere this have been a hue and cry after someone's scalp, but apparently we shall go on suffering to the end of the concession. When that happy day arrives I fervently hope and pray we shall have become civic minded enough to insist that this smoky, noisy and unbeautiful edifice be removed as far as possible from the centre of the town".— Yours, etc., ODAS.[187]

As previous

STATE RADIO LICENCES. Increase to 59,462 in May. Broadcast listeners' licences in force in Western Australia at the end of May reached the impressive total of 59,462, despite the abnormally heavy number of cancellations — 553. New listeners secured 1,513 licences during May and renewals numbered 4,647. One new free licence was granted and 22 were renewed. The net increase of West Australian licences for May was 960. Disappointment at the dilatory fashion in which a great many listeners renewed their licences was expressed by the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) yesterday. Among last month's cancellations, he said, there was doubtless a considerable number of licences that would ultimately be renewed. Notwithstanding reminders by the radio branch three weeks before as well as after the due date, a growing number of people was failing to effect a renewal in the prescribed time. During April court proceedings had been instituted against 70 people who were using radio sets with out the necessary licence. The figures for last month would also be considerable and new prosecutions were being under taken.[188]

Bridgetown Power Station - Episode 2

Wireless and the Power Station. A DIRECT CONTRADICTION. To the Editor. Sir,— I should be grateful if you will allow me a small space in your paper to reply to your correspondent who signs himself "Odas." This communication is full of errors and inaccuracies, and displays great ignorance on the part of the writer. The radio inspector, Mr. Jewell, who visited Bridgetown a few months ago, is Inspector Turnbull's assistant. The chief inspector, Mr. Scott, has never visited Bridgetown on departmental business. Mr. Jewell was given every assistance at the power station, and expressed his thanks and appreciation for our help during his visit. He was directed to every possible source of interference, and practically every suppressor fitted, was installed by us free of charge. I am not ashamed of my donation to the fund, which happened to be all I had on my person at the time. It was more than requested, and I offered more if further funds were needed. The matter of suppressing the power station plant has been receiving attention for over six years, and the amount spent on condensers including many which have been burnt out, now exceeds £5. I have conferred with Mr. Turnbull on many occasions both in Perth and Bridgetown, on the matter of preventing interference here. Condensers were first fitted at the power station many years ago, according to his suggestions, and improvements have been made from time to time, as fresh knowledge of this difficult problem has come to light. At my request, Mr. Jewell, who called recently, tested every dynamo in the power station, each machine being switched on independently. Even in the engine room the sound detector showed very satisfactory results. "Odas's" statement that £3 of the fund collected was expended at the power station, is absolutely untrue. One condenser only was left, as it gave a better test on one machine than that already fitted. I do not think this item came from the fund at all. All the generators at the power house at present in use, run at speeds of 50 r.p.m., and under, and the commutators are always kept in perfect order. Does "Odas" understand that slow speed plants cannot "tap the ether" like higher speed motors? All the motors in the town have speeds ranging from 750 to 2000 r.p.m. This type of plant is more difficult to suppress and even when silenced will produce noise again if the commutators become dirty and neglected. The power station is always blamed for every noise that might be picked up, irrespective of the fact that there are numerous other sources of interference. We used to be blamed frequently for interference on Saturday afternoons and Sundays, when the power station was shut down, which was our practice until recently. On these occasions also I often used to find it impossible to listen on my own set, on account of excessive noise. Although the duty of suppressing plant may be a moral obligation, there is at present no act compelling any owner of plant to do so. The Commonwealth Government collects a very large revenue from listeners, and I agree with those who contend that this department should contribute to the costs of suppressing wireless interference. "Odas" displays great ignorance in electrical matters in his statement about moving the power station as far as possible away from the town. This would greatly amuse the Busselton council. They started up with a small plant right in the centre of the town. The next extension to the plant was built across the railway, by the pumping station, really quite a good site. Last year, at great expense, Busselton built a new power station, and installed new plant right back in the centre of the town again. We have done our best to assist listeners in every way, and still extend that spirit of co-operation. In the past we have made many tests for listeners who have had the good manners to approach us. Machines have been changed about at various periods to find which unit, if any, was offending. As Odas is evidently getting interference, we should be glad to help him trace it to its source. However, having made unwise and unjust statements, he will probably not have the courage to disclose his identity, and will therefore have to go on hoping and praying for assistance from the civic fathers.— Yours etc., G. H. RANDELL[189]

As previous

RADIO "PIRATES." DEPARTMENT'S PROSECUTIONS. Drive in Country Districts. A return made available by the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) yesterday shows that last month 28 persons in this State were convicted for not having been in possession of a current radio listener's licence, while 24 cases of the same nature were pending. Court fines and costs aggregated £65/13/. From November, 1924, to the end of last month 1,069 unlicensed listeners in Western Australia had paid £2,122/18/6 in fines and £590/5/6 in costs. The number of convictions throughout the Commonwealth during May numbered 344, bringing the total since November, 1924, to 14,847. The fines over the 13-year period had reached £26,156/2/ on May 31 last and the costs £8,430/11/10. Indicating piles of notices in his office addressed to 800 West Australian listeners, payment for whose licences was more than a month overdue, Mr. Scott said that the response to the repeated warnings given to the public was most disheartening and entailed a large amount of work which should be unnecessary. Unless listeners took heed of the Radio Branch's reminders the inspection staff would have to be increased. Three officers were at present in the country districts tracking down radio "pirates," and a large number of prosecutions were pending both in the country districts and the metropolitan area. If listeners attached a 6d. postage stamp each week to special cards available at every post office the stamps' value at the end of a year would exceed the cost of a licence.[190]

Scott attends 4th annual dinner of WIA WA and presents a trophy to mark his 20th year as a radio inspector

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. Fourth Annual Dinner. About 150 persons, mostly youths and young men and with only a small leavening of more mature leaders, attended the annual dinner of the West Australian division of the Wireless Institute of Australia held on Saturday at the University refectory. Nearly all those at the dinner were active wireless experimenters or undergoing training to qualify. In addition to metropolitan members there were present several country members, including three from Albany. The president of the division (Mr. C. W. Brown) presided. Giving the toast of "The Institute" Mr. G. A. C. Scott, chief radio inspector of the Postal Department in this State, said that he deeply appreciated the co-operation of members as well as the value of the work they were doing as individuals and as members of the institute. To mark his 20th year as radio inspector in this State he donated a trophy for annual competition. Responding to the toast of the visitors, Mr. J. Kilpatrick, superintending engineer of the Postal Department, told a number of entertaining stories of the early days of experiments in wireless, Mr. Kilpatrick having been a foundation member and a vice-president of the Victorian division of the institute. He recalled that the first section of retailers to handle wireless parts and receivers were hairdressers. During the evening trophies won in the preceding year were presented. These trophies included "The West Australian" cup, which was won by Mr. W. Weston, of Nedlands. From June 1, 1936, to May 31 last Mr. Weston exchanged greetings with 924 amateurs in over 34 countries.[191]

Norseman Pirates pay the price thanks to Scott's team

UNLICENSED RADIO SETS. Forty-four Cases at Norseman. Forty-four persons were charged in the Norseman Police Court yesterday with having operated receiving sets without holding a current listener's licence. Fines amounting to £78, with £12/2/ costs, were imposed. Mr. C. H. Anthony, an inspector of the radio branch of the Postmaster General's Department, prosecuted. The Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said yesterday that a considerable number of similar cases were listed for hearing at other country centres.[192]

Scott never short of statistics

LOCAL. . . . A return made available by the senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) shows that last month 28 persons in this State were convicted for not having been in possession of a current radio listener's licence, while 24 cases of the same nature were pending. He said that three officers were at present in the country tracking down radio "pirates," and a large number of prosecutions were pending both in the country and the metropolitan area.[193]

Bridgetown Power Station - Episode 3

Brighter Bridgetown To the Editor. Sir,— As a visitor to your beautifully situated town, I must express my admiration of a scenery equal to lovely Devonshire, and the Lake District of England (in the latter case of course omitting the water) this parenthesis perhaps is hardly fair in the present waterless state of Bridgetown. Considering the well established nature of the town and the affluence of its citizens, to my mind sufficient progress has not been made. When walking in the evening time the almost stygian darkness of your streets rather surprised me. Many less pretentious towns in the backblocks are better lighted. Reading your issue of June 4 I came across a letter over the nom-de-plume "Odas" which threw some light (evidently a previous item) on my foregoing remarks and subsequently I heard quite a lot about the lighting question. Visiting at a friends house one evening, seated by a glorious fire, I was to be treated to a radio programme of particular interest and one that we were all keen to hear. I was shocked and annoyed by the discordant recording, more than 50 per cent. being lost. My friends took the matter very calmly, saying they were used to it. Certainly they wore a very resigned expression. I have lately been touring Western Australia, and a worse reception I have never heard. It is a pity that the obduracy and selfishness of one person can ruin the pleasure of so many. "Odas's" suggestion of a public subscription might possibly meet the case. Every prospect of your charming town with its hills and dales, pleases my eyes, but my ears ache with your radios.— Yours, etc., "WANDERER."[194]

Scott warns the public to be wary of unauthorised persons canvassing for funds for suppressors

RADIO INTERFERENCE. UNAUTHORISED CANVASSING. Listeners Advised to be Cautious. The senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said yesterday that during the past few weeks he had received letters from wireless listeners in south-west towns stating that a man had called upon them requesting subscriptions to a fund with the object of providing suppressor units for the elimination of radio interference emanating from rotating electromotive machinery. He (Mr. Scott) knew of no person with authority to travel around the country in the way described, and listeners should be on their guard. Where complaints were received from country centres relating to interference from electrical machinery, Mr. Scott said, the policy of the radio branch was to suggest that the listeners concerned should form a listeners' league. The object of the league would be co-operation to purchase suppressor equipment in cases where the owners of machinery were not prepared to bear the cost themselves. The radio branch's advice was usually acted upon, the league, after its formation, appointing a responsible person as secretary, who would collect the necessary fees. "No person is authorised to travel around the country seeking funds for the purpose mentioned," said Mr. Scott. "Listeners should ask for credentials, and, if they became suspicious, report the matter to the police authorities for investigation."[195]

1937 07

Scott issues latest licence statistics

STATE RADIO LICENCES. Increase to 61,262. Last month the number of radio listeners' licences operating in Western Australia increased by 1,794 to 61,262. New issues totalled 2,189 and renewals 5,769, while the licences of 395 listeners were cancelled. Four new free licences were granted to blind persons, and 12 were renewed and one cancelled. The 1,794 new licences issued in June was the third largest number that has been recorded by the radio branch in this State. The record total of 1,927 was established in June, 1934, at the time of the Test matches in England. The Chief Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) considers that the increase in licences last month was brought about by the branch's campaign for the prompt renewal of licences and also by the increased activity of radio inspectors. Nevertheless, he said yesterday, the prosecutions of unlicensed listeners last month had totalled 96.[196]

Scott touts departmental success in bringing man-made noise under control

CAMPAIGN AGAINST INTERFERENCE. FOR a number of years satisfactory reception of broadcast programmes was practically impossible in many country towns on account of inductive interference caused by electrical motors and other appliances. For the past seven years, however, the Radio Inspector's Branch of the Postmaster-General's Department has been conducting an intensive campaign against interference until now it is claimed that most of the principal towns in the country districts are free from interference. Discussing the branch's effort to eliminate inductive interference, the Chief Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said that the excellent results which had been achieved had been due to the co-operation which the officers of the department had received from the people in the districts affected. The department was not in a position to supply suppressors to eliminate the interference and it had been found that the most satisfactory method was for the residents of the districts to be banded together in the form of listeners' leagues. These leagues worked in co-operation with the department and where owners of offending electrical equipment would not fit suppressors themselves, the listeners had paid for the fitting of them. During the 12 months ended June 30 last a total of 1,153 suppressors had been fitted in the different country districts. The department's officers had received a great deal of assistance from the country radio dealers in their efforts to locate and eradicate interference in the country. Two officers were continually at work on the interference elimination campaign, said Mr. Scott and they travelled thousands of miles each year around the country.[197]

Scott again explaining need for hirers of radio sets to hold licences

HIRED RADIO SETS. Listening Licence Compulsory. The senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said yesterday that he must again impress upon people who hired radio sets that they must take out a broadcast listener's licence. It was the practice of at least one firm in the city to hire out receiving sets on a weekly rental basis, and was the duty of those persons who hired the machines to make sure that they were covered by the necessary licence, which could be obtained at any post office. "The excuse has been advanced by some hirers of radio sets that they were under the impression that the hiring fee they paid embraced a licence," Mr. Scott added. "That excuse cannot be accepted. It is the hirer's own business to protect himself from prosecution. He should make himself sure of how he stands in the matter of a licence before he takes delivery of a set."[198]

1937 08

Scott rails against "joy-riding"

WIRELESS SETS ON TRIAL. "Joy-Riding" Not Permitted. A reminder to prospective purchasers of broadcast wireless receiving sets that the period of grace allowed by the Postmaster-General's Department for the purpose of trial and testing before taking out a listener's licence was three days in the metropolitan area and six days in country districts from the day when the set was first placed on the premises was issued yesterday by the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott). At the expiration of the period of grace, he said, all persons concerned must be in possession of a current listener's licence. The practice known as "joy-riding" by using a never-ending number of receivers purported to be used for trial purposes was not permitted.[199]

Bridgetown Power Station - Episode 4

Wireless Interference and Electric Lighting. To the Editor. Sir,— An abler pen than mine having disposed of the lighting aspect of Mr. James' voluminess and ??? ??? published in your columns of July 9 last may I have space to reply to the interference aspect. Mr. James claims a double system aerial such as his is practically noise-proof. Whilst I hesitate to disagree, and will admit that such an aerial may reduce interference, I maintain that under the conditions prevailing at the time of the letter such an aerial would not provide the noise free reception needed to enjoy a radio programme. It might suit Mr. James because we are not aware of how much interference he is prepared to suffer with his listening, nor does Mr. James amplify his statements and tell us what stations he can log on either band with reasonable clarity. Even very modest sets are capable of receiving 6WA, but B class stations were impossible. Mr. James "thinking" that the Power Station was not at fault, showed plainly that he had nothing relevant to the discussion that he was prepared to state. He made no mention of the suppression or non-suppression of the units there. Though being conversant with the generation of electricity one would imagine he could not help but notice during his visits whether the units were suppressed not that we should expect him to break any confidences as a result of such knowledge. I advise Mr. James to read my letter of even date to Mr. Randell and he will then know just how the Power Station was equipped. Regarding the advice to users of washing machines and vacuum cleaners and refrigerators. Had Mr. James obtained some knowledge beforehand of the work done by Mr. Jewell he would have found that the number of offending units practically negligible, and also that most of us are denied day time listening on account of our avocations, and consequently the washing machines and vacuum cleaners would not cause the trouble I complained of, these useful household implements generally being used in day time. Although I have disagreed with Mr. James' remarks heretofore, I am 100 per cent. with him on the subject of "The local authorities stipulating the monstrous figurement of some of the awkwardly shaped sticks constituting aerial supports." In this regard Mr. James cannot but agree that the authorities might be well advised to insist that these rulings apply to the poles and cables of the Electric Light Supply. In one case just across the footpath from a beautiful £7000 hall and public buildings we have the much discussed pole of the ratepayers meeting from which on either side, across the intersection and up Steere street it carries its burden of cables, the insulations of which having rotted away, hang in undignified festoons. Further up Steere street we arrive at the Power Station. Here two smoke stacks bare their heads Unfortunately the ravages of time, rust and smoke have gnawed one of these off at an acute angle, an unedifying sight we hasten to leave. As we continue up Steere street the festoons of rotted insulation greet the eye, and we turn up Gifford road. Just across the road opposite Mr. Chidgzey's beautiful new residence, the cables rag within a few feet of the ground, supported on the poles by a cross arm all awry. In Blechynden street it hangs precariously fastened to broken trees in eminent danger of falling to earth. Well might Mr. James say the time has more than arrived to amend these matters, and I sincerely hope something will be done about it.— Yours etc., ODAS Bridgetown.[200]

Bridgetown Power Station - Episode 5

Wireless and the Power Station. To the Editor. Sir,— Although Mr. Randell's direct contradiction to my assertion re the Power Station's delinquency in regard to radio interference was published on June 11 last, it is due to Mr. Randell's great love of the truth that I have not, re this, replied to him, but have waited to obtain unimpeachable verification of the facts relevant. My letter was plainly an appeal to our civic fathers and citizens, but as Mr. Randell elected to wear the cap it will be proved hereunder to have fitted. Mr. Randell said my letter displays great ignorance, and is full of unwise, unjust statements, also errors and in-accuracies. My first error I think anyone will dis-miss as a straw splitting peurility on Mr. Randell's part in that I averred that the Chief Radio Inspector visited Bridge-town, whereas it was Mr. Jewell, it would surely suffice that the gentleman represented the Chief Radio Inspector. I tender Mr. Randell my apology for having said that heretofore the Power Station was in no wise suppressed, yet Mr. Randall's admission of having spent over £5 in six years does not show any extraordinary zeal in the direction, nor have we any way of checking it, except-ing that our ears belied it. My statement that £3 of the fund spent at the Power Station was, I find, incorrect, and I again hasten to apologise. This should have read 3 only 2 x .5 MFD Chanex Suppressors, retail value 10/ each. This apology carries the necessity of Mr. Randall to brush his memory and correct his statement that one only was left at the Power Station, and one wonders why he did not make sure of the matter instead of thinking it did not come from the fund. Mr. Randall's gibe at my electrical ignorance was quite uncalled for. I am willing to admit it extends little beyond reckoning my monthly account at 1/ per unit and the fact that I am forced to pay meter rent of 1/ per month to mea the current he purveys, also the interest on my deposit of 10/ that he holds in perpetuity to say nothing of the use of this and his many other customers deposits which must egregate a very useful sum. The remarks re moving the Power Station are quite irrelevant and when the sentence has been served, Mr. Randall will not be the star in the picture, and we can doubtless find an electrical genius capable to deal with the subject. Mr. Randall states that at his request Mr. Jewell tested every dynamo in the Power Station, each machine being switched on independently and that even in the engine room the sound detector showed very good results." In this, Mr. Randall who elsewhere in his letter says I lack courage, lacked courage to say why these results were so good. Before Mr. Jewell tested the machines he fitted the suppressors necessary to obtain the boasted results. Mr. Randall is therefore persuading us into believing the machines were perfectly suppressed before the tests. Because the listeners' league funds were exhausted Mr. Jewell had to repossess the suppressors. Here indeed was Mr. Randall's chance to make good his boast that "further funds were offered if needed." The approximate cost of these suppressors was 55/. Mr. Randall adroitly made no mention of any recommendation made by Mr. Jewell, nor of any other communications or requests by any other body to suppress the plant, but leads us to believe that the Power Station was suppressed and therefore wrongly blamed. The official information on the whole subject I append hereunder: "Three Chanex 2 x .5 m.f.d. supplied by the Bridgetown Listeners' fund were fitted as follows: One 2 x .5 m.f.d. on 2 h.p. water pump motor; two 2 x .5 m.f.d. on 25 h.p. Clynich-Crompton 440 v. 12 k.w. generator. The suppressors recommended were as follows: 30? kw. generator, three 2 x .5 m.f.d. suppressors; ??? ??? and balancer, six 2 x .5 m.f.d. suppressors air compressors motor, one 2 x .5 m.f.d. suppressor. Mr. Randall was personally requested by Mr. Jewell to fit suppressors as shown above, and he was instructed as to the correct manner of fitting. Each and every machine was tested for interference after suppressors had been fitted for test, and results were satisfactory. After the tests the suppressors were removed, as funds were not available to purchase same. The only suppressors in use at the Power Station at Mr. Jewell's departure were those indicated in item 1. supplied by Listeners' League. In addition to the foregoing a communication carrying the recommendation was addressed to the local road board. I am deeply appreciative of Mr. Randall's kind offer to help me trace to its source, any interference I may get conditionally on disclosing my identity, but have no wish to trespass upon his generosity. Mr. Randall is as well aware as I that Mr. Jewell thoroughly cleaned up by far the greater number of interfering machines upon his visit, than enumerated herein being at that time responsible for the preponderant volume. I am sure my fellow listeners will agree that perhaps Mr. Randall's easiest course out of the pit he has dug by his reprehensible attempt to obfuscate us into believing him, at the time my letter was written, unworthily accused of the interference, would be for him to maintain his plant in such a manner as to give no cause for comment.— Yours, etc. ODAS Bridgetown.[201]

1937 09

Bridgetown Power Station - Episode 6

Wireless Interference and Electric Lighting. To the Editor. Sir,— I had no intention of breaking my silence on the above subject following Mr. Nelson's reply, and do so now not because I am interested in the controversy over the electric light question, nor because I hold any brief for the proprietor of the electric light supply. But an individual who styles himself "Odas" or should it be "O-Sad" has awakened out of a Rip Van Winkle sleep to continue throwing dust in the eyes of the general public. My first letter was written to show that much of the lighting complaints and wireless troubles can be rectified by a little oversight and practical help by consumers and listeners. I gave information from actual experience gained in the operation of power station plants and in installation and repair work. I haven't always been a clergyman. Because "Odas" shelters under the letter of Mr. Nelson, I take that is whom he indicates as "an abler pen." I regret that I must reopen that phase momentarily to show that Mr. Nelson's letter was full of inaccuracies. I am quoting from memory as I did not regard the reply worthy of putting on my file. For instance, Mr. Nelson regarded statements based on actual experience as "childish suggestion" and "an offence to good housekeeping." He quoted me as saying something about washing lamps. I said no such thing. I mentioned "shades" and everyone will agree that objects lying on a horizontal plane will collect dust, at least that is the experience of most people. Again Mr. Nelson quotes me as saying the system "could be improved." Why take a phrase out of a context and give it another meaning? It is often done to cover up one's own weakness, but it is not honest criticism. I made no comments on the management of the power station, that is not my business, hence I object to being misquoted. When Mr. Nelson ventured into the realm of electrical mathematics he revealed the obvious: his entire lack of knowledge of things electrical. For instance his use of the term "load" does not apply to "potential" or "voltage" as more commonly used. It has another application. Again, because the test revealed the voltage at his residence was 248 he jumps to the conclusion the voltage on the other side of the three wire system must be 192. How absurd, as I will show. Electrical calculations do not belong to the simple method of addition and subtraction. They belong to a far higher grade of mathematics. Mr. Nelson fails to tell us the base of his assumptions. First, what was the voltage reading at the Power Station switchboard at the time of the test? Second, what is the maximum voltage supplied from the switchboard to overcome voltage drop or line losses? Third, what percentage of "out of balance" was being carried by the balancers attached to the plant in operation? These and other questions may be asked. Of course they are known to practical men but not to the unwise. The mere mention of a "440 volt three wire system" is actually a "designation" and does not imply that actually only 440 volts is supplied from the switchboard. Other matters such as estranged friendships — a matter too sacred for controversy — and comments on management are not within the province of my first letter, hence I must pass them by. As for the other matters raised by "Odas" I will reply more direct. Why waste space over assumptions? I do not claim that the doublet aerial system will eliminate all noises, but I do claim that the P.M.G's neutralising aerial system will eliminate most of the interference problems. I am not prepared to tolerate any interference and do not get any. Before 6WA came on the air I used a 5 valve T.R.F. Circuit made by myself. This set was in operation when Mr. Jewell was in Bridgetown. On the Saturday in last December, that he was here, during the broadcast of the First Test match there was a certain interference which completely blotted out reception to some listeners. One person rang to enquire concerning my reception. I put him in touch with Mr. Jewell, who investigated the trouble, and found it was due to a tractor. On visiting my place during the search he expressed surprise at my clear and noise free reception. I showed him the aerial and the condensors and choke coils that I had installed, stating that these things could be procured and installed by every listener if they were interested sufficiently. Since 6WA came on the air I have reduced my set to an "all-wave" three valve Reinartz Circuit, and have no difficulty in logging dozens of stations though as a family pleasure we keep more to the stations which interest us most. I am aware of all that Mr. Jewell did but I have no hesitation in stating that there are still households who use household appliances at night times. As for "suppressing the power station" I do not visit that place as a pimp or private detective. I know the position there, but what business is it of mine to disclose matters that come under my observation? I challenge "Odas" to justify his right in disclosing too, the personal transactions of any power user in the matter of business without that power users consent. Is there no such thing as business confidence? But having lone so I want to ask a few questions. Who are the members of the Listeners League? What is the amount of the funds raised and the names of the subscribers? What is the amount of expenditure and to whom were suppressors given or on whose appliances were they fitted? I subscribed to something in this direction and was one that offered to give more if needed, also that Mr. Jewell was asked by me to fit them free of charge if necessary and I, with the help I understood then available, would collect from other listeners the amount needed to cover the cost. Guarantors were available. So as one of the supposed league I demand in the name of others, that having already supplied information in one case, that the full details of every case be now supplied. But to revert back to power stations. Does "Odas" really believe that the Chanex condensors he mentioned are capable of suppressing large power units? Isn't it absurd to talk about .5's doing a job at the source when on our sets and eliminators we use 8 mfd's and 2 mfd's? Again, is he aware that electric light mains are carriers of all kinds of interferences from many sources, and that household appliances and small motors, because of the greater speed, have a wider range of radiation than the slower speed power generators? Mr Jewell may be a well qualified radio inspector, but I question his qualifications to determine that Chanex condensers are the means of suppressing power units such as an electric light generator. If the report that "Odas" quotes is Mr. Jewell's official recommendation then my opinion is justified. If the proposer amendment to the Municipal Act in relation to wireless interference, becomes law, then "efficient suppression" will only come through a far more costly and serviceable equipment than small condensers. I have proved this by tests applied in many places. As for instructing Mr. Randell how to fit a Chanex condenser, well to say the least, the suggestion is laughable and ridiculous. As for the rest of the comments by "Odas" particularly his attack on Mr. Randell and the lighting system in general they are not my concern, but may I say, it ill behoves a man to use a "nom-de-plume" to make dastardly at tacks on another who naturally because of his association with a public contract, must come under reasonable public criticism at various times. I have only appreciation for those who on any question are trying to awake public interest and who desire thereby to improve things, but I do ask that sureness of facts are better than hasty assumptions. As for the lighting supply, I understand that the road board has made a suggestion of an expert to report on the scheme and so I think "sub judice" further comments should be reserved. As for myself I have no intention of continuing a controversy and only reply on this occasion to remove some wrong impressions.— Yours, etc., FREDERICK E. JAMES.[202]

Bridgetown Power Station - Episode 7

Readers' Viewpoint. WIRELESS INTERFERENCE. To the Editor. Sir,— I am not at all surprised that your voluminous contributor, "Odas," should lack the courage to sign his real name to his attacks on me. He is evidently one of those amiable characters who love to stab in the dark. Among decent people, there is a very plain and simple word to describe the man who, assailing another man's reputation, hides under the veil of anonymity. I have no desire to interfere with anyone's simple pleasures, and if this valiant gentleman really finds enjoyment in making and repeating, statements which he must know perfectly well to be unfounded, I am reluctant to interrupt his carnival of mendacity. But this reply is submitted in case any innocent persons might be deceived by his inventions. "Odas" states that I gave 4/ to the listeners fund. I offered more, paid the cost of fitting practically all the suppressors supplied, and gave a considerable amount of personal time. No further call was made and no suppressors were repossessed, in fact the secretary still has one in stock. "Odas" himself contributed the sum of 2/ to the fund. For the benefit of readers who, unlike "Odas," have some regard for the truth, I may add that the machinery for completely eliminating all interference, by electrical equipment and other agencies, with wireless reception, has yet to be invented. In the present state of our knowledge of these still somewhat mysterious matters, we have simply to do the best we can, any problems concerning wireless still awaits solution. Fine brains all over the world, are at work on them. Most of the trouble, I need scarcely say, has nothing whatever to do with the power station. But "Odas" who recently established himself quite near here, is one of those simple souls who love to find a scapegoat and blame that unfortunate animal for all their vexations. If an earthquake were to devastate Bridgetown, "Odas" would be found amid the ruins loudly proclaiming that it was all due to disgusting mismanagement at the power station. Suppose I, in my turn, were to conceive a violent aversion to the soft drinks which the inhabitants of Bridgetown are so foolish as to consume; suppose I were to attribute the recent hailstorm to the vile quality of our lemonade; suppose I were to accuse our sodawater of causing whatever sickness there may be in the town; suppose I were to write to the press (signing myself "Poisoned"), maintaining that we shall never get good prices for our apples till we insist, and keep on insisting that our ginger beer should be made with cleaner water; what would you say? You would say, would you not, that I had soft drinks on the brain? Well, your contributor has the power station on the brain, which is at least equally preposterous. "Odas" has not accepted our humble offer of co-operation in the matter of improving his reception. The public will probably agree, therefore, that his attacks are prompted more by vindictiveness than a desire to get better results on his wireless.— Yours, etc. GERALD H. RANDELL.[203]

Bridgetown Power Station - Episode 8

WIRELESS INTERFERENCE. To the Editor. Sir,— Mr. G. Randall's reply to my letter with the facts stated as being "official information" having elicited no admission or denial I shall be glad if you will now publish these facts in their entirety together with the copy of the letter to the local road board, that your readers may determine whether I warrant Mr. Randall's remarks viz: "But this reply is submitted in case any innocent persons might be deceived by his inventions." "For the benefit of readers who unlike "Odas" have some regard for the truth." The editor has viewed the originals of the following correspondence and can vouch for its validity:— From the P.M.G's. Department, Wireless Branch, Perth, 18th August 1937, to H. Baker, Esq., Bridgetown: "In reply to your communication of 14th June last and others of recent date, I am now able to supply information as requested. The matter has been discussed with Mr. Jewell and he advises, (1) Three Chauex suppressors 2 x .5 w.f.d. supplied by the Bridgetown Listeners Fund were fitted as follows: One 2 x .5 w.f.d. on 2 h.p. water pump motor; two 2 x .5 w.f.d. on 25 h.p. Clynoch-Compton 440 v. 12 k.w. generator. (2) The suppressors recommended were as follows: 30 k.w. generator, three 2 x .5 w.f.d. suppressors; 65 k.w. generator and balancer, six 2 x .5 w.f.d. suppressors; air compressor motor, one 2 x 5 w.f.d. suppressor. (3) Mr. Randell was personally requested by Mr. Jewell to fit suppressors as shown above and he was instructed as to the correct manner of fitting. (4) Each and every machine was tested for interference after suppressors had been fitted for test and results were satisfactory. After the tests the suppressors were removed as funds were not available to purchase same. (5) The only suppressors in use at the Power Station on Mr Jewell's departure were those indicated in item 1 supplied by the Listeners Fund. In addition to the foregoing, a communication was addressed to the road board in this connection, and copy of same is attached herewith. (Signed) G. A. Scott, Senior Radio Inspector," To the Secretary, Road Board, Bridgetown: "Regarding the recent visit of an Inspector (Mr. T. J. Jewell) to Bridgetown in connection with suppression of interference, he reports that negotiations were in progress between the road board and Mr. Randell of the Power House for suppression of the spare units as follows: (1) Six cylinder Gardiner 100 h.p. to 65 k.w. generator and booster, requires 6 Chauex 2 x 5 w.f.d. (2) 4 cylinder Gardiner 60 h.p. to 30 k.w. generator, requires 3 Chauex 2 x .5 w.f.d. (3) Air compresser h.p. 2, required 1 Chauex 2 x .5 w.f.d. The approximate cost of these condensers is 55/ (wholesale rates). Since the funds collected by the local Listeners' League would not cover this amount, complete suppression of the Power House was left in abeyance. I should be glad if you could advise what progress has been made in this direction. Thanking you for your very valuable co-operation. (Signed) G. A. Scott, Senior Radio Inspector, Perth." It may be that Mr. Randall in his calmer reflection may agree through these columns that his letter was hardly fair comment or criticism, and that publication of its facsimile in "The Blackwood Times" when hitherto the controversy has been confined to your columns, was not what is generally described as cricket.— Yours, etc. "ODAS" (H. Baker).[204]

1937 10
1937 11
1937 12


1938 01
1938 02

Mrs Scott holds an afternoon tea

Mrs. G. A. Scott entertained friends at afternoon tea at her home in Mary-street, Fremantle, last Friday, the occasion being a welcome home to Mrs. A. Russell, who has recently returned from a tour of the world. Other guests were: — Mesdames Angelo, Haigh, Hicks, Lemon, Pratt, Smith, Russell, H. Weldon and Miss Holme.[205]

Scott's duties made simpler by passing of Act requiring electric motors to be suppressed

RADIO INTERFERENCE. (To the Editor) Sir.— There is — if you will allow me the space in your columns, a piece of information I should like to pass on to listeners in the Bunbury district. It relates to inductive interference by electrical machinery to programmes received on all-electric radio sets. I have received from the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) advice that an Act covering inductive interference has been gazetted, and is now law. It makes the use of suppressors on all electric motors compulsory, and the necessary authority for enforcing the provisions of this Act have been delegated to the local authorities in the various country districts. This particular Act has not arrived before its time, especially in Bunbury, where radio entertainment is consistently spoilt for listeners, by the whine of innumerable kelvinators, vacuum cleaners, etc. It is to be hoped that now the local authority has the requisite power it will enforce an abatement of this very real nuisance, and it is up to owners of electric sets to give whatever assistance they can in helping to police this Act — Yours etc., "LISTENER."[206]

1938 03

Scott attends AWA conference and dinner

RADIO TRADERS. Conference and Dinner. Approximately 160 delegates from all parts of the State attended the annual Radiola conference and dinner, which were held yesterday and last night by Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia), Ltd., in association with its West Australian distributors, Nicholsons, Ltd. and Wyper Howard, Ltd. To attend the conference delegates travelled from as far north as Derby and Hall's Creek and from as far south as Albany. During the day the conference was addressed by the Australasian sales manager of A.W.A., Ltd. (Mr. W. J. Wing), who made a special trip from Sydney to be present. During the afternoon the delegates were entertained on a river trip on the steamer Emerald, and in the evening they were guests at dinner at the Savoy Hotel. After dinner they attended a performance of the Marcus Show at His Majesty's Theatre. In order to release the delegates and guests in time for the theatre, the speeches at the dinner in the evening were restricted to the loyal toast and the toast of the guests of the evening. The toast of the guests was proposed by Mr. H. R. Howard, managing director of Wyper Howard, Ltd., who extended a welcome to the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. R. Roberts), the manager of the Australian Broadcasting Commission in Western Australia (Mr. Conrad Charlton), the Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), the Acting Under-Treasurer (Mr. A. J. Reid) and the managers of the commercial broadcasting stations. Responding to the toast in a humorous speech, Mr. Reid said that it was one of those rare occasions on which a representative of the Treasury was honoured with a toast. Mr. Howard, in (Start of Photo Caption) Some of the guests at the annual Radiola dinner held at the Savoy Hotel last night. Left to right: Messrs. H. R. Howard, W. J. Wing, W. G. Chapman (chairman), the Deputy-Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. R. Roberts), Mr. C. Charlton, Mr. E. Barker and the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott). (End of Photo Caption) proposing the toast, had expressed concern that, with the hilarity that was present, he might be somewhat disturbed. He was, however, used to eating during considerable noise — he owned a wireless set. The State Treasury, he continued, looked upon the wireless industry as a fruitful source of revenue, as with so many sets being bought on time payment, there was a substantial contribution in the form of stamp duty. He himself had contributed in this direction. Supporting Mr. Reid's remarks, Mr. Roberts said that it would no doubt help the delegates in their sales of radio sets to know that tenders for the second national broadcasting station, to be erected on the post office building, had been accepted, and that delivery of the apparatus was to commence on June 21. This apparatus was being made abroad, but the mast would be made in Australia and steps would be taken to see that its erection coincided with the installation of the apparatus. The mast would be a landmark in the city, as it would reach 200ft. above the roof level and approximately 300ft. above the ground level. It was hoped that the station would be on the air in August. At the close of the dinner the manager in Western Australia for A.W.A., Ltd. (Mr. W. G. Chapman) made a short speech wishing the delegates every success in the coming year.[207]

Scott prepares for a cleanup of man-made noise in Carnarvon

RADO INTERFERENCE. Government Seeks Information. As a result of a petition, signed by the residents of Carnarvon, and presented to the Minister for the North-West. (Mr. F. J. S. Wise), in connection with radio inductive interference in the town, which included a request for the Government to take some action to lessen interference to broadcast receptions, correspondence has been received from Mr. G. A. Scott (Senior Radio Inspector), of Perth, requesting the Municipal Council to supply particulars of information of electric motors in the town. The letter which was received by the Town Clerk, read as follows:— Postmaster General's Department, Wireless Branch, Perth. "Through the Minister for the North-West representations have been made to this office for a radio inductive interference survey of Carnarvon with a view to eliminating or reducing the interference to broadcast reception. In order that quantity specifications for suppressors devices may be assessed, could you please supply this office with the undermentioned information in respect to all electromotive apparatus: (a) Type of machine, (b) Power or voltage input if possible. (c) Number of brushes. Such information is to include refrigerator motors, electric fans, electric drink mixers, electric hair clippers, vacuum cleaners and polishers, sewing machines etc." The Municipal Council advises that a census has been taken of all electric motors in the town and the information has been forwarded. It is anticipated that some action in connection with installation of suppressors will be taken in the near future.[208]

Scott receives kudos for interference reduction at Stromberg-Carlson conference

RADIO DEALERS MEET. Dinner and Smoke Social. Radio dealers from many parts of the State and others associated with the radio industry attended a dinner and smoke social tendered by Musgrove's, Ltd., and Stromberg-Carlson (Aust.), Pty., Ltd., to Stromberg-Carlson dealers at the Savoy Hotel, Hay-street, last night. Dealers were present from such widely separated places as Wiluna, Geraldton, Norseman, Kalgoorlie, Meekatharra and the metropolitan area. Others present included the managing director of Stromberg-Carlson, Ltd., Sydney (Mr. L. P. R. Bean), the Deputy-Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Mr. S. R. Roberts), the acting-manager of the Perth branch of the Commonwealth Bank (Mr. H. H. Smith), Mr. F. C. Kingston, a director of Musgrove's, Ltd., and Mr. E. C. Churchward (representing broadcasting stations). The managing director of Musgrove's, Ltd. (Mr. M. D'O. Musgrove) was in the chair. Proposing the toast of "The Dealers," Mr. Kingston said that dealers in Stromberg-Carlson radios were just as important as were the factory and distributing company. They were the "front-line soldiers" of the organisation. His company was proud to have in the West Australian dealers' organisation Mr. John A. Bell, of Meekatharra, who was leading in the Commonwealth-wide competition for the sale of Stromberg-Carlson machines, the prize for which was £100. Mr. Bell said that the increase in radio sales during the past year was due largely to the lessening of radio interference, for which work the public owed a debt of gratitude to the Postmaster-General's Department. Mr. Roberts and the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) were to be thanked for their co-operation in suppressing interference. The Superintending Engineer of the Postmaster-General's Department (Mr. J. G. Kilpatrick) said that the department proposed to erect two additional broadcasting stations in Perth, one an "A" class station to bring this city into line with the other mainland capitals of Australia, and the other a shortwave relay station to serve the North-West and the Northern Territory. In certain parts of the north reception was not good at times, but on the completion of these stations first-class reception should be provided. In regard to radio interference, the State Parliament had passed an Act which would probably lead to a solution of problems connected with interference. Proposing the toast of "Stromberg-Carlson," Mr. Musgrove said that Mr. Bean was an enthusiast and had shown great enterprise. He was not content to remain a representative of the American Stromberg-Carlson Company, and so negotiations were started three years ago, the outcome of which was that Stromberg-Carlson (Aust.) Pty., Ltd., was now almost entirely an Australian concern. Mr. Bean said there had been remarkable improvements in the radio industry in the past few years. This was instanced by the fact that the public of Australia now invested £6,000,000 or £7,000,000 in the industry annually. Recently when he went abroad and told people that there were 60 or 70 broadcasting stations in Australia they would hardly believe him. About 1,000,000 persons in this country had radio receivers and the industry employed tens of thousands of people.[209]

1938 04

Scott to send an inspector to Carnarvon to track down & eliminate radio noise from electrical machinery

Radio Inductive Interference. Visit Of Perth Official. The Carnarvon Municipal Council recently made representations to Perth to have radio inductive interference controlled, when they forwarded a list of the motor appliances operating in the town. As a result of their action in the matter an official from Perth will visit Carnarvon and conduct investigations. The following letter has been received from Mr. G. A. Scott, Senior Radio Inspector, of the Wireless Branch of the Postmaster-General's Department, Perth:— "I have to advise that arrangements are in hand to despatch an officer of the Wireless Branch of the P.M.G's. Department to assist in the clearance of radio inductive interference, by the m.v. Kangaroo sailing from Fremantle on May 16."[210]

Mrs Scott holds a bridge party farewell for Mrs Lemon

The Social Round. MRS. G. A. Scott gave a bridge party at her home in Mary-street, Fremantle, on Friday in honor of Mrs. C. Lemmon, who will leave with her husband shortly for Broome, where Mr. Lemmon will take up duties at the wireless station.[211]

1938 05

Scott waives communications prohibitions to assist in desert emergency

STRANDED IN DESERT. Distressed Truck Party's Wireless Call for Help. "SOS . . . SOS. This is a portable transmitter operating on a stranded truck calling for assistance. Will any station come in and endeavour to make contact . . . Calling Cloncurry, Kalgoorlie, Pt. Hedland, Wyndham, or any other station to make contact." This was a wireless telephone message intercepted by Mr. A. Taylor, operating the Australian Aerial Medical Services' Kalgoorlie base transceiver at Parkeston, yesterday afternoon. From further messages intercepted it was learned that four adults and two children are stranded on a truck with a broken rear axle, 210 miles north-east of Laverton. They have food and water sufficient to last them 14 days, but barely enough petrol to take them in to Laverton. The party consists of three men and a woman, all of whom are missionaries attached to the Australian Aboriginals Mission, and two children. They are Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and their two children, a Mr. Wade and another man whose name the operator was unable to obtain. It is understood the party left the Warburton Ranges mission last Tuesday morning for the Mt. Margaret mission at Morgans. The officer in charge of the Mt. Margaret Mission, Mr. Schenk, has been informed of the party's distress. He has wired to Perth for the necessary parts for the truck, and, when they arrive at Mt. Margaret, he will proceed to the truck. Indications are, however, that the party may be stranded for another five or six days. Mr. Taylor was operating the Australian Aerial Medical Services' Kalgoorlie base transceiver on his scheduled times, 6 a.m., 9 a.m., and 2 p.m. yesterday. He heard unintelligible signals during his morning watches, and, at 2 o'clock, was able to discern the text of the distress messages. He immediately replied, and stood by to hear the truck repeat its call. The caller said that his transmitter battery was failing, and, since his petrol was low, he considered it inadvisable to generate more power for his battery. The Warburton Ranges Mission also intercepted the distress call, and was repeating it. Mr. Taylor informed Mr. Shenk, who is in charge of the Mt. Margaret Mission, of the party's predicament. He then got in touch with the Warburton Ranges Mission, seeking further information. Nothing more was forthcoming. Mr. Taylor then informed Mr. G. A. Scott, senior radio inspector of Western Australia, in Perth, of the distress calls. Mr. Scott granted Mr. Taylor permission to endeavour to get in touch with the stranded party today, telling them that the Mt. Margaret Mission was obtaining the necessary truck parts. Although missionary stations are not actually in the circuit of the Australian Aerial Medical Services, they are in some cases using pedal transceivers similar to those used by the A.A.M.S., and have the advantage of working on the same wave lengths, thus facilitating A.A.M.S. groups in emergency.[212]

1938 06

Scott suggests formation of a Northam Listeners' League as a first step to resolving interference there

RADIO INTERFERENCE. The correspondence that was received at the last meeting of the Northam Municipal Council relating to the suppression of radio inductive interference in Northam contains suggestions that, if followed up, may be the means of solving a problem that has worried local users of wireless receiving sets for many years and that, periodically, has provoked considerable controversy. Interference with radio reception is particularly bad in Northam and in certain portions of the town there are times of the day, and night, when the receiving of wireless programmes is virtually impossible even with the most up-to-date equipment. The radio inspector of the Postmaster General's Department (Mr. G. A. Scott) suggests the formation here of a Listeners' League. This, he states, has been done in other towns with good results, the procedure adopted including the taking of a census of all electromotive apparatus in the town and a request to the owners of the apparatus that they have the necessary suppressors fitted to their plant. In the event of those who own offending electrical equipment refusing to pay for the suppression of interference caused by it, the Listeners' League collects from each member a nominal contribution from which the cost of the suppressors is met. It was decided by the council to refer the correspondence to the Northam Chamber of Commerce with the suggestion that it might consider the formation of a Listeners' League for the purposes indicated by the inspector, who undertakes, when the organization is complete, to send an officer and equipment to Northam to supervise the whole of the work of reducing radio interference in the town to an absolute minimum. Suggestions have been made that in Northam there has been a lack of co-operation with the Department — presumably on the part of the municipal council — in dealing with the question of radio interference. There is no evidence to support this contention, which may well be refuted by the argument that the co-operation of the council has never been sought. On the other hand there is some evidence of a desire by the council to have the disability from which radio users suffer removed. At a meeting in Perth on June 14, 1933, the Country Municipal Councils' Association discussed this question and decided to ask the Government to amend the Electric Lighting Act so as to give suppliers of electrical energy power to compel owners of rotating electrical equipment to fit radio inductive interference suppressors. The motion was carried on the casting vote of the chairman, who was the Mayor of Northam (Mr. O. Northey). Again, at a meeting of the executive of the association, held in Perth on July 21, of last year, it was decided to approach the Government with a similar request. The Postmaster General's Department, according to the chief radio inspector, is not prepared to accept any financial obligation regarding suppressor devices; it may have been a suggestion that the Northam council should undertake some financial responsibility in the matter and the council's refusal to do this that gave rise to the impression that the council was unwilling to co-operate with the Department. Expenditure of ratepayers' money on a project that concerns only a section of them, although, admittedly, an ever-increasing section, would not be warranted. It would be more equitable to suggest, having regard to the enormous resources there are to draw upon, that small grants might be made to listeners' organizations by the Australian Broadcasting Commission for the suppression of interference and like purposes. A radio club was in existence in Northam in 1933 and was formed largely as a result of a controversy over a proposal that owners of rotating electrical equipment that interfered with wireless reception should, be compelled to fit suppressors to their plant. It was contended by opponents of enforcement that it would be unfair to industry to make it obligatory upon users of electrical motors and similar machinery to render them interference-free merely for the benefit of those who were operating wireless sets for amusement. There was much to be said for this attitude. In the first place, the possession of wireless receiving sets was by no means as common five years ago as it is now. In 1933, there were some 400 radio licences in force in Northam; today there are about 760, an increase of nearly 100 per cent. in six years. Furthermore, the cost of fitting interference suppressors was greater then than now and might easily have involved considerable expenditure before anything approaching a satisfactory result was achieved. Today, according to the senior radio inspector, the cost of the "usual" suppressors is 5/- each. Having regard to the almost universal use of radio today and to the comparatively trifling cost of suppressing inductive interference, no valid objection could be made by owners of offending electrical equipment against this equipment being fitted with suppressors. In the absence of compulsion, however, a spirit of co-operation is required and the first step is the establishment of some organization.[213]

Party for Mrs Scott prior to Qld holiday

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. . . . In honour of Mrs. G. A. Scott, who will leave shortly for a holiday trip to Queensland and the other Eastern States, Mrs. A. Russell entertained last Thursday at a bridge party at her home in Yeovil-crescent, Bicton. Her guests included Mesdames Angelo, Weldon, Haigh, Pratt, Higham, Scott, Hicks, Smith, and Misses Herbert and Holm.[214]

Scott attends WIA WA annual dinner

RADIO INSTITUTE. Members' Annual Dinner. The annual dinner of the West Australian division of the Wireless Institute of Australia was held on Saturday night at The Tavern in London Court. There was a large attendance of members, reflecting the increase in membership from 150 last year to 220 this year. In proposing the toast of "The Institute" Mr. G. Hayman urged the authorities to grant radio amateurs more liberty in the transmission of messages. If, in the event of an emergency, the services of amateurs were required they would fill their roles much more quickly if this were done, he said. The president (Mr. C. Quin), in the course of his reply, said that the institute was doing everything in its power to bring under the notice of the authorities the activities of members and the trained service that members would be able to provide if the necessity arose. The toast of "Kindred Societies" was proposed by Mr. G. Moss and responded to by Messrs. M. Du Feu and B. Congdon, president and secretary respectively of the Subiaco Radio Society. Mr. C. Brown proposed the toast of "The Visitors" and the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) replied. During the evening the following trophies won during the year were presented:— West Australian Newspaper Cup (for the best results in the operation of an amateur transmitting station), W. Weston (6MW). Senior Radio Inspector's trophy (for general technical efficiency, including experimental work, and activity within the institute or a wireless club), tie between W. Weston and A. J. Wyle (6BW). G. Hayman Trophy (for the most novel piece of apparatus made during the year), G. W. Rann (6KO). President's trophy (for outstanding work on field days), tie between J. Parks (6BB), C. Brown (6CB) and C. Quin and G. W. Rann (6KO and 6CX). Each station was presented with a pennant. 6MW Trophy (for the most contacts established by an amateur station), T. Doddy (6WH). Lawrence Trophy (for the best performance by a student), J. C. Ewing. It was announced that Mr. C. Cohen, of Carlye and Co., had presented a cup for competition this year.[215]

1938 07

Scott gets kudos for assistance from Carnarvon Council

Municipal. CARNARVON COUNCIL. . . . RADIO INTERFERENCE. Correspondence was received from Mr. G. A. Scott, Senior Radio Inspector of the P.M.G.'s Department, in connection with the recent visit of Mr. Jewell, who conducted a survey and supressed radio inductive interference at Carnarvon. It was stated that several of the machines were in a bad condition and should be overhauled to ensure complete suppression, the owners having been advised in this regard. Also some of the steel mains and house wiring was in bad condition and should not be overlooked. The Department desired to record their appreciation of the co-operation afforded by the Council and the owners of the offending machinery, and particularly the valuable assistance afforded Mr. Jewell by the Mayor (Mr. Hammond) who personally made assistance and transport available for the benefit of the Carnarvon listeners. In a letter to the Department last week the Council expressed their appreciation of the work that had been carried out stating that the results obtained were very beneficial to listeners. It was also stated however, that the fleet of whalers operating off the coast was causing considerable inconvenience to receptions with their morse communications at night. The Council requested the Department to endeavor to have the interference dealt with through the responsible authorities. [216]

Scott still fighting the good fight against pirates

RADIO "PIRATES." UNPAID LISTENERS' FEES. This State's "Unenviable Record" A return issued yesterday by the senior radio inspector in this State (Mr. G. A. Scott) showed that for the month ended on June 30, 1,117 people had failed to renew their broadcast listeners' licences. "An unenviable record," he commented. "There are," he said, "1,117 listeners who sit at home on these cold winter nights, enjoying the cricket broadcasts and other programmes and who, probably through a lapse of memory, or some such reason, have failed to renew their licences within the period of one month. This abnormal number of non-renewals constitutes a record throughout the years of broadcasting and for which the average listener would be hard put to find a legitimate excuse when it is recalled that a "saving card" facility exists whereby renewal fees may be saved at the rate of 6d. per week. This "saving" method has been described, in the Press several times. "During June 60 persons in the State were proceeded against for not being in possession of a current broadcast listener's licence, the fines and costs resulting from these cases amounting to £126. It is a most unpleasant part of our duties, but there seems no alternative unless listeners become more "licence-conscious". Their assistance toward this end is requested." He said that during June new licences numbered 2,196, renewals 6,841, and cancellations, 1,117. The total number of licences in force in the State at June 30 was 71,446.[217]

Scott still having problems resolving interference in Northam

NORTHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. GENERAL MEETING. . . . Radio Interference. A copy of a letter sent to the Northam Municipal Council by the senior radio inspector of the Postmaster General's Department (Mr. G. A. Scott), and referred by the council to the chamber, was read. The letter requested information in connection with the suppression of radio interference in Northam. The chairman said that recently the Deputy Director of Posts and Telegraphs (Col. S. R. Roberts) and other officers of the department had visited Northam, and representatives from the chamber had attended a gathering in the Mayor's Parlour, when the telephone service and radio interference were discussed. Col. Roberts promised that we would have an investigation made with regard to radio interference and the letter to the council had confirmed this. He did not know that the chamber could do anything further until this officer came to Northam. Mr. Miller said that the department would not do anything now until it had a reply from the council to its letter, which had been referred to the finance committee. This committee would not meet until the following Thursday. Mr. Colless asked if it would not be wise for the committees appointed to discuss the letter. He also suggested that the chamber might invite representatives from the Licensed Victuallers' Association to be present as they were also interested. The secretary said that the chamber had not communicated with the department; the only letters received by the chamber were these passed on by the council. The chairman said that he thought a rather unfortunate statement made by the Mayor was that the council did not have the power to suppress radio interference. Geraldton had found a way and at Meckering a threat had been made to stop the power supply to a consumer unless a suppressor was fitted. Radio interference in the towns of Geraldton and Bunbury had been cleaned up. The people living in other parts of Northam did not realise what the people in the main street had to put up with. Mr. Phillips said that he thought the matter should really be one between the department and the council. The chamber was more or less subordinate to the council. Mr. Colless objected that the chamber was not subordinate to the council. They were nothing at all to do with them, he said. He moved that a meeting be arranged as soon as possible between the three representatives from the council and the three from the chamber, and that representation at that meeting be invited from the Licensed Victuallers' Association. The motion was seconded by Mr. Beer. The secretary said that he did not think there was any possibility of the council committee of three meeting the chamber committee until the letter had been considered by the finance committee of the council. The chairman said that he wanted the chamber to take an interest this matter and do everything it could but they should certainly bear in mind that the municipal council was the chief authority in the town. He did not want any friction and did not wish the council to think that the chamber was taking the matter out of its hands. Mr. Colless said that the chamber in the first place had invited the council to appoint a committee of three to discuss this matter with the committee of three from the chamber. The motion was carried. The chairman said that whilst Col. Roberts was at Northam a request had been made by the chamber of commerce representatives for a quicker trunk line telephone service. It was stated by Col. Roberts that the delay in obtaining a trunk line call during the business period was 2.23 minutes, whereas actually the delay was about 15 minutes. Undoubtedly the complaint had borne fruit, as for the whole period he had been in business he had not had such service as he had since the complaint was made. Quite a number of businessmen had told him of the wonderful service they were now getting. If this continued he did not think there would be any necessity for extra lines to Perth.[218]

Scott does his best to minimise interference in Carnarvon from shipping

Local and General. RADIO INTERFERENCE. In replying to the letter received from the Carnarvon Municipal Council recently concerning the inconvenience caused to local listeners as a result of morse signalling at night between the whalers operating off the coast of Carnarvon, Mr. G. A. Scott, Senior Radio Inspector of the P.M.G.'s Department, advised that the matter had been taken up with the consular authorities with the request that the signalling be reduced to a minimum.[219]

1938 08

Scott provides statistics on listeners

UNLICENSED LISTENERS. Five persons were prosecuted yesterday in the Busselton Police Court for operating receivers without broadcast listeners' licences, and fines and costs amounting to £12/1 were imposed. Figures made available by the Senior Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) show that between November, 1924, and June 30 last, 18,340 persons were prosecuted throughout Australia for similar offences, and that £32,154 in fines and £9,975 in costs was collected. Proceedings were taken against 1,531 persons in Western Australia, who paid £3,734 in fines and costs.[220]

Major opinion piece in a Northam newspaper about national broadcasting and inductive interference

BROADCASTING. Radio broadcasting has become such an important factor in the life of the community that it not sur-prising that the law under which broadcasting in Australia is organized and controlled should stand in need of amendment with the passage of time and with the growth of public patronage of broadcasting facilities. To meet this need the Federal Government is reported to be considering plans to bring the powers of the Australian Broadcasting Com-mission more up-to-date and will probably introduce a new Bill early in the next session of Parliament, which will re-assemble in September. During the week, in an article from Sydney, a special representative of "The West Australian" indicated some of the directions in which the existing law would probably be amended, and one of the first points mentioned was provision for an increase in the personnel of the commission by one member so as to facilitate a proposal to give each State representation. There are five members constituting the Commission at present and three of them are from New South Wales and two from Victoria. It is obvious that if the organization is to be made truly national, all States in the Commonwealth should be represented on the Commission. Western Australia has undoubtedly suffered through its remoteness from the centre of control in the matter of broadcasting, just as the same circumstances have prejudiced its interests in other directions involving Commonwealth jurisdiction and direct representation on the Commission would go far to remove local cause for complaint. It is proposed to re-constitute the Commission as a policy-forming advisory council and, in addition, to set up State Advisory Councils, whose chairmen will be the State Commissioners, and bring into existence State Advisory Committee, whose duty it will be to guide the Commissioners in the formation of policy on special subjects, including education, science and religion. The aim, it is reported, is to model the new Australian Broadcasting Commission on the British Broadcasting Corporation, which has created an organization of first-class efficiency. One feature that should be closely watched in the public interest, however, is the tendency for a national undertaking of this kind to accumulate huge re-sources, for which it has no immediate use, but for which it will be encouraged to find a use to justify the fee charged for listeners' licences. In Australia the licence fee is £1/1/-and of this amount the Broadcasting Commission receives 12/- and the Postmaster-General's Department, 9/-. The system under which broad-casting is at present organized in this country involves a degree of dual control and overlapping of responsibility that are not calculated to produce the best results. For instance, technical control of broadcasting is in the hands of the Postmaster-General's Department and, in consequence the Commission's powers are apt to be restricted in directions where efficiency in transmission or reception demands that it should take cognizance of technical details. A glaring instance of this ineffectiveness of dual control is the unsolved problem of eliminating radio inductive interference. A listener pays his fee of £1/1/-as a contribution toward the cost of the programmes that are provided for his information or entertainment. An elementary requirement, in return, is that he should be able to hear the programmes and it would appear to be a responsibility of the Commission or of the Post-master-General's Department, or of both of them, that he should be guar-anteed reasonably clear reception. Northam has long been notorious as a centre where radio interference is particularly bad and it is recognized that there are some portions of the town where reception is virtually impossible. What aggravates this condition for the unfortunate "listeners" who are affected is the fact that al-though the causes of the disturbance are known, there is no legal means of enforcing their suppression. In a recent communication to the Northam Municipal Council, the senior radio inspector of the Postmaster-General's Department (Mr. G. A. Scott) inquired, amongst other things, whether the Council would accept financial responsibility for the fitting of suppressors to offending electrical plant in the municipality. The council has not specifically answered the question because the problem of radio interference had been referred to a a joint committee comprising representatives of the council and the Northam Chamber of Commerce. When this committee met it decided to re-commend to the council that the Postmaster-General's Department be asked to send its engineers to Nor-ham to test for motors causing interference, and the council make available an officer to co-operate with the engineers and, with them, endeavour to induce owners of plant causing interference to have suppressors fitted. The council at its last meeting adopted this recommendation. The request is a reasonable one and it is to be hoped that the Department will view it in that light. There is no justification for expecting the council to accept financial responsibility for the fitting of suppressors, when the Postmaster-General's Department has received this year, as its share of the 800 listeners' licence fees paid in this town, approximately £360, to be applied, presumably, to the technical aspect of broadcasting which comes under its control.[221]

Scott about to transfer interference suppression activities to Northam

LOCAL AND GENERAL. . . . Radio Interference.— The senior radio inspector of the Postmaster-General's Department (Mr. G. A. Scott), in a letter submitted to the council on Thursday night, acknowledged receipt of a list of motor plants in Northam and stated that it was pleasing to note the co-operation which the council was prepared to render. At present they were engaged on the suppression of interference in the South-West and had given clearance at Mandurah, Pinjarra, Waroona, Harvey, Nannup, Busselton and Collie, and were now centring on Bunbury, which owing to its extensive nature and large number of motors was taking more time than was anticipated, but it was hoped to reach finality on about August 22, when suppression at Northam would be commenced. In the case of all the above-named towns the local governing bodies had taken over financial responsibility for the suppressors, recouping their outlay by adding the cost to consumers' power bills. This had proved to be much more successful and satisfactory method than relying on the individual owners of offending machines having suppressors fitted at their own expense. The letter was received. [222]

1938 09

Northam Council surveys other neighbouring Councils before adopting the Scott model for suppressor installation

RADIO INTERFERENCE. FITTING OF SUPPRESSORS. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. At the meeting of the Northam Municipal Council held on Thursday night the town clerk (Mr Geo. Christmass) said that following advice from the senior radio inspector of the Postmaster General's Department (Mr. G. A. Scott) that the cost of fitting suppressors to eliminate radio interference had been borne by local governing bodies and charged to consumers, he had written to several of the bodies mentioned by the inspector to ascertain the position. Five replies had been received. The town clerk of Bunbury (Mr. C. B. Vincent) stated that the cost price of all suppressors supplied by the chief radio inspector was passed on to the consumer, who was first consulted and expressed willingness to pay tor the suppressor. The amount was then shown on the ordinary monthly electricity account. It was not proposed, however, that the council should recoup the department until the suppressors were paid for by the consumers. The secretary of the Manjimup Road Board (Mr. J. Smith) advised that motors in the electric light station, which was controlled by the board, were fully suppressed at the expense of the board and no additional charge was made to consumers. About 18 months previously an inspector from the radio branch fitted suppressors to privately owned motors and in most cases the owners being themselves listeners, defrayed their own costs. A Listeners' League was started, the subscriptions to be used to pay for those owners who were not likely to pay for the suppressors, but this was never needed, as being listeners themselves they were just as anxious for a clear reception as others were. The town clerk of Collie (Mr. S. Simpson) stated that his council bought the suppressors and fixed them where required free of charge. The cost of the suppressor only was paid for by the owner of the motor. A demonstration to the motor owner usually resulted in him voluntarily agreeing to pay for the suppressor when it was fixed by the council. The secretary of the Preston Road Board (Mr. G. F. Palmer) advised that very few suppressors were required by them, and the cost, being so small, was met by the electric light account, and no recoup from the motor owners was asked for. The town clerk of Busselton (Mr H. Buer) stated that about two years ago his council, on the visit of the senior radio inspector, purchased in bulk at a reduced rate suppressors considered necessary for the municipality. Arrangements were made by the council for the installation at actual cost and on verbal approval being given by the motor owners the inspector then fitted the suppressors. Those who did not pay cash were charged on their sundry works account (installations, repairs, etc.). In a few cases individuals defaulted, but the net loss accruing to the council was very small compared with the advantages gained by the lack of interference. The Mayor said that the correspondence showed that, local authorities in other centres had not done entirely as the inspector had lead them to believe — that was to assume the whole responsibility for the cost of the suppressors. Furthermore, and this was the main point, they only fitted suppressors when owners of motors expressed their willingness to pay for them. He, the Mayor, did not think that any other method should be adopted in Northam.[223]

Scott fights the good fight in Meekatharra

Radio Interference. A communication was received from the Chief Radio Inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) notifying that he had to hand a complaint about radio interference in Meekatharra. The secretary said that inspections and tests had been carried out and as far as could be ascertained certain refrigerators were responsible for the interference. All the motors in the electric light plant were adequately suppressed. He understood a company who had machines installed locally would not permit them to be suppressed. The chairman recalled that the matter of radio interference was discussed at the Cue Conference 3 years ago, when it was decided that Parliament be asked to introduce legislation to control the nuisance. Radio played an important part in world affairs today and 80 or 90 per cent of the public either possess wireless apparatus or benefit from it in some way. To further radio, he suggested that the Board refuse to supply electric current to premises owned or tenanted by persons who refuse to suppress motors used by them. He considered that the Board should take such steps as a duty to the public. Mr. Lacy held the opinion that an Act existed controlling radio interference. It was finally decided to ascertain what steps could be taken to compel persons to suppress their motors and that the Board was prepared to do all within its power to further the usefulness of radio.[224]

1938 10

A methodology for interference suppression in Northam is finalised with input from Scott

RADIO INTERFERENCE. VISIT OF OFFICER. In a letter dated October 19, and read at the council meeting held on Thursday night, dealing with suppression of radio interference in Northam, the senior radio inspector for the Postmaster General's Department (Mr. G. A. Scott) stated that it was proposed to send an officer with the requisite equipment for an interference survey of Northam within a fortnight, and he would be instructed to call on the town clerk on his arrival. As the council appealed reluctant to take over the financial responsibility of suppressor costs, the department could only proceed along the lines of fitting those interfering sources whose owners voluntarily agreed to have them suppressed at their own cost. The inspector expressed thanks for the co-operation extended. The town clerk (Mr. Geo. Christmass) said that an officer of the department had called at the council office on Tuesday last and made arrangements with the municipal electrical engineer (Mr. W. H. Matthews) to have a man available for one day next week, as far as he knew at the moment. The letter was received on the motion of Cr. Miller, seconded by Cr. McCall. Later, in general business, Cr. McCall said that according to advice received the Bunbury council had obtained its suppressors from the postal department, installed them and charged the purchaser on his electric light account and did not refund the department the cost of the suppressors until it had collected it from the consumer. That seemed to him a very straight-forward way so long as the department did not ask them to pay for unsold suppressors before they were fitted. He moved that the question of the installation of suppressors be referred to the electric light committee for a report. The motion was seconded by Cr. Withnell. The town clerk said that he mentioned this matter to the officer on his visit and he said that there was no arrangement made with the Bunbury council though that might have been the back of their minds. There was a little trouble at the commencement in Bunbury but now the amount had been paid in full. He had told the officer that instructions would be given that suppressors were not to be fitted here unless the owner or consumer agreed to have them. The suppressors could then be charged for on the lighting account. The Mayor said that should meet the position and in view of the town clerk's explanation the motion was allowed to lapse.[225]

1938 11

Scott returns from Eastern States

MANOORA FROM EASTERN STATES. Coming from the Eastern States via Albany, the motor liner Manoora is expected to berth about 7 o'clock this morning at D shed, Victoria Quay. Following is the list of Passengers:— . . . G. A. Scott . . . [226]

1938 12

Scott's assistant receives kudos for his work in Northam

LOCAL AND GENERAL. . . . Radio Interference.— A letter from the senior radio inspector of the Postmaster-General's Department (Mr. G. A. Scott) was read at the council meeting on Thursday night. Mr. Scott stated that, as requested, he had forwarded care of the postmaster at Northam the following "Chanex" suppressor units: 24 Type H. 14 at 5/- each, total £6; 12 Type H. 11 at 2/6 each, total £1/10/-. The postmaster had been communicated with and requested, on delivery to collect the above amounts on behalf of the department. In regard to recent work carried out in Northam he desired to express his thanks for the co-operation extended by the council and engineering staff. There still remained several sources of radio interference at Northam, but the matter of their suppression was in hand and when the suppression units, which were now in course of manufacture, were available, it was intended to visit Northam again for the purpose of checking the installations. Cr. Miller moved that the report be received. Cr. Nicholson seconded the motion and said that he would like the council to express its appreciation to the officer who had visited Northam for the thorough manner in which he had done his work. The motion was carried. [227]

Mrs Scott celebrates her return to Perth after Australia tour with a bridge party

The social round. . . . MRS. G. A. Scott, who returned recently from a tour of Australia, was welcomed home on Friday at a bridge afternoon given by a number of her friends in Fremantle. Prizes for bridge were won by Mesdames J. Coram and J. Haigh.[228]

As previous, further detail

MRS G. A. SCOTT was guest of honor at a bridge afternoon in Mary-street, Fremantle, the occasion being a welcome home to Mrs. Scott, who has been touring Australia for the past six months. The guests were Mesdames Scott, Weldon, Higham, Dodd, Hicks, Angelo, Lane, McGovern, Angwin, Pratt, Chester, Rocke, Coram, Haigh, Lemmon, Howie, Sunnucks, and Misses Herbert and Holm. Prizes for bridge were won by Mesdames J. Coran and J. Haigh.[229]


1939 01
1939 02
1939 03
1939 04

Scott foreshadows State legislation to control inductive interference to Cue Listeners' League

WIRELESS INTERFERENCE. SUPPRESSION TO BE MADE COMPULSORY. Recently a meeting of the Listeners' League was held in Cue when it was decide to write to the Wireless Branch of the P.M.G.s' Department regarding the excessive interference experienced in Cue. As the result of this communication, the following letter has been received by Mr. N. H. Millar, president of the Cue Listeners' League: "As soon as the general circumstances permit, we will endeavour to carry out another survey of the Murchison District, possibly at a near date. At the moment the State Legislation for the compulsory suppression of interference is in the hands of the Crown Law Department in draft form, but it is contemplated that finality will be reached at a very early date, and the actual regulations be handed over to the Executive Council for gazettal. Clause 3 of the regulations (in draft form) reads: "3. No person shall instal, use, sell, manufacture or have in his possession any apparatus of any kind which causes or is likely to cause interference unless such apparatus is fitted with suitable suppressing devices to the satisfaction of an inspector authorised under these regulations." "When the regulations become law the above clause should prove very helpful to us all, and go far toward obviating the necessary for repeated visits by our officers to towns situated in all parts of the State, in addition to allowing those governing bodies who so desire (Municipalities and Road Boards) to introduce their own by-laws and prohibit the installation of unsuppressed equipment. Trusting the Listeners' League will appreciate that we will do our best to render further assistance as soon practicable. (Signed) G. A. Scott, Senior Radio Inspector, Perth."[230]

Local Radio magazine features G. A. Scott and his activities

Detecting Unlicensed Wireless Sets and Preventing Interference is the Job of Radio's Policeman This week The Broadcaster Studio Reporter takes us on another of his interesting visits — this time to interview "Radio's Policeman" Senior Radio Inspector, Mr. G. A. Scott. Some idea of the work done by Mr. Scott and his department, in finding unlicensed sets — all over the State — and their efforts to prevent interference, is given in this highly informative article. Don't miss it this week in The Broadcaster. Why are Community Concerts Popular? A reader of The Broadcaster has written a letter asking "Why are Community Concerts Popular?" and proceeds to analyse the concerts to discover their popularity. You will find this listener's views on page 24 this week — see if you agree with him. Other features include an article about Lotte Lehmann, visiting celebrity artist, the last of the series of articles, "How Wireless Began in Western Australia," and a short story entitled "Venom." There is news of a new series of community concerts, a radio short story competition, and a new season of Sunday evening concerts to be conducted by the A.B.C. Then there are all those popular regular features — cartoons, "People You Listen To" — "Good Things to Hear," a thrilling serial, shortwave, technical and sporting sections — all in your copy of The Broadcaster this week. On Sale Tomorrow AT ALL NEWSAGENTS. The BROADCASTER[231]

1939 05

Scott explains the proposed state legislation to control inductive interference

RADIO INTERFERENCE. CONTROL PROPOSED. State Regulations Framed. Regulations for the control of radio interference have been drafted by the State Electricity Advisory Committee and are now in the hands of the Crown Law Department. It is expected that they will be gazetted within a few weeks. The regulations were prepared in accordance with Section 25 of the Electricity Act, 1937, which states that the Governor may make regulations for the prevention of radio interference, authorising the inspection of premises in any part of the State from which radio interference is or is suspected of being caused. The committee consists of Messrs. F. Shaw, W. H. Taylor, F. C. Edmondson and W. H. Orr (secretary). The senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott) said yesterday that the regulations would not be a cure for all trouble. They were intended to deal with interference with what could be considered a reasonable signal and they would only apply to the broadcast frequency band from 550 to 1,600 kilocycles. It was not proposed to attempt to solve the difficulties associated with shortwave receivers or weak signals. Mr. Scott said that clause 3 of the regulations in draft form read:— No person shall install, use, sell or manufacture, or have in his possession any apparatus of any kind which causes or is likely to cause interference, unless such apparatus is fitted with suitable suppressing devices to the satisfaction of an inspector authorised under these regulations. When the regulations were gazetted, said Mr. Scott, this clause should prove very helpful. It should go far towards obviating the necessity for repeated visits by officers of the radio branch to towns in all parts of the State. It was proposed to allow municipalities and road boards, who so desired, to introduce their own by-laws and prohibit the installation of unsuppressed equipment.[232]

1939 06

Scott continues to pursue unlicensed listeners

RADIO PIRATES. Inspector's Tour of Detection. The senior radio inspector in this State (Mr. G. A. Scott) said yesterday that Mr. C. R. Anthony, one of the branch inspectors, had been visiting centres in the Great Southern districts during the past six weeks to detect radio pirates. As a result of Mr. Anthony's investigations, about 40 persons would be charged with having maintained receiving sets without a current licence. "In view of repeated warnings and the branch's continuous vigilance," said Mr. Scott, "it is remarkable how people still persist in imagining that they can evade their obligations." The radio branch was notified yester-day that fines and costs amounting to £26/14/ had been imposed on 11 unlicensed listeners, six of whom were convicted in the Wagin Police Court on Wednesday and five in the Narrogin Police Court on Thursday.[233]

Scott continues to pursue radio inductive interference

NEWS AND NOTES. . . . Radio Interference. The senior radio inspector in this State (Mr. G. A. Scott) referred on Saturday to the two main causes of radio interference that had been responsible for repeated visits by his staff to country districts. New electrical equipment, he said, was frequently installed without suppressor units, and suppressors fitted by officers of the radio branch had been removed by engineers associated with refrigerator companies, who periodically gave service to refrigerators in country districts. Mr. Scott emphasised that suppressors neither consumed electric current nor affected the motors of refrigerators. Any statement to the contrary, he said, was definitely misleading. High Winds. [234]

1939 07

Scott responds to questions of a transmitter providing illicit racing information

RACING INFORMATION. Suspected Use of Transmitter. The senior radio inspector (Mr. G. A. Scott), questioned yesterday about the suspected use of a private wireless transmitter to convey racecourse information from on or near metropolitan courses, said that he had not been officially approached on the matter. Therefore, no action was contemplated. No application had been made for a licence to erect or maintain a transmitter on or near the Helena Vale racecourse, nor was it likely that such a licence would be granted. Wireless experimental licences were only issued on the understanding that the applicant was engaged in research, or instruction in schools or teaching institutions.[235]

Scott maintains the good fight

Warning To Listeners. When a radio licence is renewed after the correct date has lapsed and the belatedness is discovered on checking, the listener is asked to send in his licence for correction. But most of them conveniently ignore this, said the senior radio inspector, significantly. Mr. G. A. Scott (the senior inspector) issued a warning today that licences have a currency of twelve