Numbers are the basic of Mathematics. Strange that Hindi numbers are unorganized unlike Sanskrit and other Southern Indian languages. Like other Sanskrit derived/Indian languages, Hindi numbers also follow decimal format.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Numeral English Hindi Transliteration
0 Zero शून्य śūnya
1 One एक ēk
2 Two दो do
3 Three तीन tīn
4 Four चार chār
5 Five पांच pānch
6 Six छः chah
7 Seven सात sāt
8 Eight आठ āṭh
9 Nine नौ nau
10 Ten दश daś
11 Eleven ग्यारह gyārah
12 Twelve बारह bārah
13 Thirteen तेरह tērah
14 Fourteen चौदह chaudah
15 Fifteen पंद्रह pandrah
16 Sixteen सोलह solah
17 Seventeen सत्रह satrah
18 Eighteen अट्ठारह aṭṭhārah
19 Nineteen उन्नीस unnīs
20 Twenty बीस bīs

Hindi cardinal numbers up to 100 have no specific standardization. Up to 20, the numbers are unique. After that each tenth number (such as 30, 40 etc) is unique. The rest of the numbers take the form of prefix of incremental digit and the base of preceding tenth number. However these prefixes and bases vary slightly and in a random manner. Although the pattern isn't regular, don't worry too much. They're just slightly different and with some practice you'd soon get the hang of it. Here are the numbers from 21 to 100. Try to follow them and find any similar pattern.

Numeral English Hindi Transliteration
21 Twenty one इक्कीस ikkīs
22 Twenty two बाईस bāīs
23 Twenty three तेईस tēīs
24 Twenty four चौबिस chaubīs
25 Twenty five पच्चीस pachchīs
26 Twenty six छब्बीस chhabbīs
27 Twenty seven सत्ताईस sattāīs
28 Twenty eight अट्ठाईस aṭṭhāīs
29 Twenty nine उनतीस untīs
30 Thirty तीस tīs
31 Thirty one इकतीस iktīs
32 Thirty two बत्तीस battīs
33 Thirty three तैंतीस taiṃtīs
34 Thirty four चौंतीस chauṃtīs
35 Thirty five पैंतीस paiṃtīs
36 Thirty six छत्तीस chattīs
37 Thirty seven सैंतीस saiṃtīs
38 Thirty eight अड़तीस aṛtīs
39 Thirty nine उनतालीस untālīs
40 Forty चालीस chālīs
Numeral English Hindi Transliteration
41 Forty one इकतालीस iktālīs
42 Forty two बयालीस bayālīs
43 Forty three तैंतालीस taiṃtālīs
44 Forty four चौंतालीस chauṃtālīs
45 Forty five पैंतालीस paiṃtālīs
46 Forty six छियालीस chhiyālīs
47 Forty seven सैंतालीस saiṃtālīs
48 Forty eight अड़तालीस aṛtālīs
49 Forty nine उनचास​ unchās
50 Fifty पचास pachās
51 Fifty one इक्यावन​ ikyāvan
52 Fifty two बावन bāvan
53 Fifty three तिरपन tirpan
54 Fifty four चौवन​ chauvan
55 Fifty five पचपन pachpan
56 Fifty six छप्पन chhappan
57 Fifty seven सत्तावन sattāvan
58 Fifty eight अट्ठावन aṭṭhāvan
59 Fifty nine उनसठ unsaṭh
60 Sixty साठ sāṭh

Numeral English Hindi Transliteration
61 Sixty one इकसठ iksaṭh
62 Sixty two बासठ bāsaṭh
63 Sixty three तिरसठ tirsaṭh
64 Sixty four चौंसठ chauṃsaṭh
65 Sixty five पैंसठ paiṃsaṭh
66 Sixty six छयासठ​ chhiyāsaṭh
67 Sixty seven सड़सठ​ saṛsaṭh
68 Sixty eight अड़सठ aṛsaṭh
69 Sixty nine उनहत्तर unhattar
70 Seventy सत्तर sattar
71 Seventy one इकहत्तर ik'hattar
72 Seventy two बहत्तर bahattar
73 Seventy three तिहत्तर tihattar
74 Seventy four चौहत्तर chauhattar
75 Seventy five पचहत्तर pach'hattar
76 Seventy six छिहत्तर chhihattar
77 Seventy seven सतहत्तर sat'hattar
78 Seventy eight अठहत्तर aṭhhattar
79 Seventy nine उनासी unāsī
80 Eighty अस्सी assī
Numeral English Hindi Transliteration
81 Eighty one इक्यासी ikyāsī
82 Eighty two बयासी bayāsī
83 Eighty three तिरासी tirāsī
84 Eighty four चौरासी chaurāsī
85 Eighty five पचासी pachāsī
86 Eighty six छियासी chhiyāsī
87 Eighty seven सत्तासी sattāsī
88 Eighty eight अठासी aṭhāsī
89 Eighty nine नवासी navāsī
90 Ninety नब्बे nabbē
91 Ninety one इक्यानवे ikyānavē
92 Ninety two बानवे bānavē
93 Ninety three तिरानवे tirānavē
94 Ninety four चौरानवे chaurānavē
95 Ninety five पचानवे pachānavē
96 Ninety six छियानवे chhiyānavē
97 Ninety seven सत्तानवे sattānavē
98 Ninety eight अट्ठानवे aṭṭhānavē
99 Ninety nine निन्यानवे ninyānavē
100 (One) hundred (एक) सौ (ēk) sau

Once you have got through the numbers 1-100 the rest of the numbers are regular.

Another point to be noted in Hindi in case of cardinal numbers is that Hindi (and all other Indic languages) often use quantities like lakh and crore which are less common in English speaking countries. The opposite is true for quantities like million, billion (We are talking about the US billion which is 1 followed by 9 zeros, not the UK billion which is 1 followed by 12 zeros.), trillion etc.

Numeral English Hindi Transliteration
100 One hundred एक सौ ēk sau
1000 One thousand एक हज़ार / एक सहस्र ēk hazār
10,000 Ten thousand दश हज़ार daś hazār
100,000 Hundred thousand/One lakh एक लाख ēk lākh
1,000,000 One million/Ten lakh दश लाख daś lākh
10,000,000 Ten million/One crore एक करोड़ ēk karoṛ
100,000,000 Hundred million/Ten crore दश करोड़ daś karoṛ
1,000,000,000 One billion एक अरब ēk arab
10,000,000,000 Ten billion दश अरब daś arab
100,000,000,000 Hundred billion एक सौ अरब ēk sau arab



Hindi ordinals are a piece of cake once you are thorough with the cardinals. Only the first six ordinals are unique.[1]

English Hindi Transliteration
First (1st) पहला/प्रथम (१ला/१म) pahalā/prathama
Second (2nd) दूसरा/द्वितीय (२रा/२य) dusarā/dvitīya
Third (3rd) तीसरा/तृतीय (३रा/३य) tisarā/tr̥tīya
Fourth (4th) चौथा/चतुर्थ (४था/४र्थ) chauthā/chaturtha
Fifth (5th) पांचवां/पंचम (५वां/५म) pāṃcavāṃ/paṃcama
Sixth (6th) छठा/षष्ठ (६ठा/६ष्ठ) chaṭhā/ṣaṣṭha
Seventh (7th) सातवां/सप्तम (७वां/७म) sātavāṃ/saptama
Eighth (8th) आठवां/अष्टम (८वां/८म) āṭhavāṃ/aṣṭama
Ninth (9th) नौवां/नवम (९वां/९म) nauvāṃ/navama
Tenth (10th) दशवां/दशम (१०वां/१०म) daśavāṃ/daśama

As you would have noticed by now that in Hindi 'वां' acts just like 'th' in English which you can add to the end of cardinal numbers to form the corresponding ordinal numbers. If you're wondering about the irregularities of the second options, then let us just tell you that they are the Sanskrit ordinal numbers that are used often in Hindi. You just have to remember ten of them (for they sometimes appear in texts/speeches). After ten, any ordinal numbers you would encounter would be most likely in the general form of ordinal number+vāṃ

  1. Hindi Numbers