Georgia Water/Laws/Subjects

Statutes listed by Topic

Statewide Water Planning edit

1) Minimize withdrawals
2) Maximize returns
3) Meet instream and off stream demands
4) Water Quality
5) Statewide Planning Process

Geographic Specific Statutes edit

1) Coastal Development and Protection
2) Coastal - Navigation related laws
3) Metro Atlanta Region
4) South Georgia
5) Mountains

Business edit

1) General
2) Development / Construction
3) Manufacturing
4) Power and Energy
5) Mining
6) Navigation and Ports

Agriculture edit

Homeowners / Landowners / Residential edit

Natural Protection and Conservation edit

1) Fauna Protection
2) Flora Protection
3) Land Conservation

Recreation edit

Type of Water Resource edit

1) Surface Water
2) Navigable Rivers
3) Streams, Creeks, Small Rivers
4) Groundwater
5) Marsh, Estuary, Wetlands
6) All types

Sanitation edit

Planning edit

General edit