Georgia Water/Laws/Natural Areas Act

Georgia Natural Areas Act, O.C.G.A. §§ 12-3-90

General Description


The Georgia Natural Areas Act (1996) authorizes the Department of Natural Resources to identify areas in the State of Georgia which are of unusual ecological significance, and to secure the preservation of such areas in an undisturbed natural state. The purpose for such acquisition is to allow scientific study of the property, to educate, to "serve as examples of nature to the general public," and to "enrich the quality of our environment for present and future generations."

"Natural Area", defined


As defined by the Act, “natural areas” are tracts ofland in their natural state that are to be set aside and permanently protected or managed for the purpose of preserving natural plant or animal communities, rare or valuable members of such communities, or any other natural features of significant scientific, educational, geologic, ecological, or scenic value.



Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division

