Georgia Water/Best Practices/Planning/Formulation

Plan Formulation Policy

"It is fundamental to the (USACE) planning process to investigate the full range of solutions to problems, and to develop comprehensive solutions to problems." Policy

Plan Formulation Methods


A Catalog of Potential Solutions to consider in formulating the composite plan has been developed by the Institute for Water Resources.

Plan Formulation Criteria

Completeness - "the extent to which an alternative plan provides and accounts for all necessary investments and other actions to ensure the realization of all planned effects." [1]
Effectiveness - "the extent to which an alternative plan alleviates the specified problems and acheives the specified opportunities, as specified in the planning objectives."[2]
Efficiency - "the extent to which an alternative plan is the most cost effective means of alleviating the specified problems and realizing the specified opportunities as established in the planning objectives, consistent with protecting the nation's environment."[3]
Acceptability - "the workability and viability of the alternative plan with respect to acceptance by state and local entities and the public and compatibility with existing laws, regulations and public policies."[4]

Plan Designations


This is a list of the types of plans identified in the federal (USA) legislation indicated Designations.

  • NED Plan - national economic development plan (P&G)
  • NER Plan - National ecosystem restoration plan
  • NED/NER Plan
  • LPP - locally preferred plan
  • LEDPA Plan - least environmentally damaging practicable alternative plan (US Clean Water Act)
  • Non-structural Plan (WRDA 86)
  • Reasonable & Prudent Alternative (ESA)
  • Environmentally Preferred Plan (NEPA)
  • No Action Plan (NEPA)

Plan Cost Allocation and Apportionment


The plan formulation includes the specification of "who implements what" and "who pays for what". The preferred USACE method of cost allocation is SCRB (separable cost-remaining benefits), adopted by interagency agreement (March, 1954) and reaffirmed by Water Resources Directory/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/ER 1105-2-100. (SCRB Method) "Cost allocation is the process of equitably distributing project costs among the project purposes." of Definitions



Plan Formulation Workshop by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources.