Georgia Water/Best Practices/Planning

Best Practices in Water Resources Planning

Overview of Planning


In general, planning is analysis to identify a "best" set of actions to attain a more desirable future for someone (some intended beneficiary). Planning analyses vary in scope, scale and level of detail, according to:

  • who is the intended beneficiary (ex: a country, a community, a business, an individual)
  • what types of future conditions are desired
  • what range of actions will be considered for attaining the future conditions.

Generic Problem to be Solved


In general, planning analyses are initiated because someone (possibly the intended beneficiary) perceives that planning is needed. That is, someone perceives a "problem" (that the future condition is not likely to meet expectations) or someone perceives an "opportunity" (that the future condition could be better if some actions were taken).

Generic Planning Issues


Types of Planning

  • Energy planning
  • Transportation planning
  • Recreation planning
  • Biodiversity planning
  • Forest planning
  • Food planning
  • Economic planning
  • Urban planning
  • River basin planning
  • State water plans
  • Water supply
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Water quality and nonpoint source management
  • Flood management and storm damage reduction
  • Navigation
  • Fish and Wildlife
  • Recreation
  • Hydropower generation

