Futurebasic/Language/Reference/syserror function
(Redirected from Futurebasic/language/reference/syserror function)
Fuck s helpful info on topic
editsystemErrorCode% = SYSERROR
editThis function returns the value of the SYSERROR
variable, which is an internal variable that FB uses to store the MacOS result codes from disk i/o operations.
usually returns toolbox result codes, it also returns three error codes that are unique to FB. These are:
Example: -9999 The file number used was outside of the legal range. Example: OPEN "I",#-1000-8888 The program attempted to open a file using a file number that was already in use. Example: OPEN "R",#1,"Test" OPEN "R",#1,"Something Else" -6666 An illegal open type was used. Example: OPEN "XYZ",#1,"Test"
See Also
editSYSERROR statement; ERROR function; ON ERROR