FBtoC Documentation Project

The Wikibook project supports the development of the FutureBASIC programming language. FutureBASIC, also known as FB, is a compiled procedural BASIC dialect used to develop applications for Apple Macintosh family of computers.

If you would like to contribute energy to the FB Documentation Project, please read our Style Guide for FB Documentation.

Language Reference and Programming Guide


The Language Reference focuses on the FutureBASIC language and syntax. While programming is discussed, this is primarily to demonstrate the language syntax. The Programming Guide offers far more detail on accomplishing specific tasks. The Beginner's Guide is primarily concerned with how to use the FB IDE and compiling programs. It exists to explain the process of compiling applications, not as a replacement for the Programming Guide.

  1. The FutureBASIC Language   (13 Jan 2009)
    1. FB Syntax and Language Elements
      1. Variables
      2. Data Types
      3. Numeric Expressions
      4. String Expressions
    2. Screen Output
      1. Console Applications
      2. Command-Line Applications
      3. Command-Line Applications
      4. Working with Windows
    3. Files and Folders
      1. FSSpec (File Spec) Records
      2. FSRef Structures-- Modern Approach
      3. FSRef Structures-- Legacy Discussion
      4. CFURLRef Structures
      5. POSIX Paths (Not posted)
      6. Path Conversion Functions
    4. Print Commands
  2. A Beginner's Guide to Using FutureBASIC
    1. Editing FutureBASIC code
      1. The "Hello World!" Example: Compiling Your First Application
  3. Programming Guide for FB (and FBtoC)
    1. Carbon and Why it Matters
    2. Developing Structured Code
      1. Flow Control   (13 Jan 2009)
      2. Local Functions
    3. Event Driven Programming (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      1. Event driven Programming with Carbon Events (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
    4. Introducing User Interfaces
      1. Creating and Using Menus (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      2. Working with Windows (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      3. Working with Controls (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      4. Dialogs and Alerts (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
    5. Working with FIles and the File System
      1. Interaction with the Finder (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      2. Reading & Writing Files, Navigation-Services (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
    6. Manipulating Data
      1. Working with Text Values
      2. Working with Numeric Values
      3. Working with Dates
      4. Working with Arrays
      5. Working with Records
    7. Working with Graphics
      1. Drawing with Core Graphics (CG) (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      2. Drawing with OpenGL (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
    8. Printing from FutureBASIC (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
    9. User Interfaces
      1. NIB-based Graphical User Interfaces (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      2. Advanced Menu Programming (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      3. Complex Windows (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      4. Advanced Control Programming (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      5. More on Dialogs and Alerts (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
    10. Multimedia and FutureBASIC
      1. Sound and Music
      2. Videos and More
    11. Advanced Application Topics
      1. Text & Multilingual Text (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      2. Introduction to Core Foundation (CF) (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      3. Resources & Application Bundle (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      4. Preferences Files (CF-Prefs) (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      5. Threading in FB (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
      6. AppleScripting with FB (Not posted)   (13 Jan 2009)
    12. Other topics are also planned!
  4. Language Reference (Not every page of the complete LR is posted - yet!)
  5. Using FBtoC
  6. Beginners Guide to Programming Fundamentals
  7. Glossary of Terms



The FutureBASIC and FBtoC freeware projects can be located at: http://4toc.com/fb4/