
FBGetSystemNames$ function edit

FBGetSystemNames$ edit

Function edit

✔ Appearance ✔ Standard ✔ Console

Syntax edit

name$ = Fn FBGetSystemName$(nameType)

Revised edit

April, 2003 (Release 8)

Description edit

This function returns the computer name or the user name according to the nameType parameter. nameType is one of the following constants: _FBComputerName, _FBLongUserName or _FBShortUserName.

To make this routine available to your program, you must include the header file "Util_ComputerNames.Incl".

Example edit

Include "Util_ComputerNames.Incl"
Print "Computer Name:";;¬
   Fn FBGetSystemName$ (_FBComputerName);""""
   Print  "Long  User Name: """;¬
   Fn FBGetSystemName$ (_FBLongUserName);""""
   Print  "Short User Name: """;¬
   Fn FBGetSystemName$ (_FBShortUserName);""""

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