
Images edit

Installation edit

Documentation edit

files edit

JPG edit

The channels (color, zbuffer, alpha, diffusion, world, normal, stereoscopic) can be saved as compressed JPG file.

PNG edit

The channels can be saved as lossless PNG (with(out) alpha channel) file.

FRACT edit

Fractal parameters and settings can be saved as texteditor-readable fract file.

EXR edit

The channels can be saved as EXR (with(out) linear colorspace) file.

TIFF edit

The channels can be saved as TIFF (with(out) alpha channel) file.

PLY edit

A fractal (with(out) colors) can be saved as PLY file.

TXT edit

Settings can be saved as TXT file.

Coloring methods edit

Coloring concerning the fractal can be varied in the material editor. Properties like luminosity, transparency, specular reflection, roughness, reflectivity and iridescence can be set.