Based on the intermediate framework recommended by the Global Carex Group (2021)[1] and Flora of North America.[2]
Subsectional grouping for sect. Ovales is from Hipp, Reznicek, Rothrock, Weber (2006).[3]
subg. Uncinia
Carex willdenowii (Willdenow's sedge) N4
Carex backii (Back's sedge) N3
Carex jamesii (James' sedge) N2-3
Carex juniperorum (Juniper sedge) N0
subg. Vignea
Carex echinata (Star sedge) N5
Carex interior (Inland sedge) N5
Carex atlantica ssp. atlantica (Wide-leaved prickly bog sedge) N5
Carex atlantica ssp. capillacea (Narrow-leaved prickly bog sedge) N
Carex exilis (Meager sedge) N4
Carex seorsa (Weak stellate sedge) N4
Carex sterilis (Dioecious sedge) N4
Carex wiegandii (Wiegand's sedge) N1
Carex canescens ssp. canescens (Typical hoary sedge) N5
Carex canescens ssp. disjuncta (Silvery sedge) N
Carex brunnescens (Brownish sedge) N5
Carex trisperma (Three-seeded sedge) N5
Carex billingsii (Billings’ sedge) N
Carex arcta (Northern clustered sedge) N1
Carex tenuiflora (Sparse-flowered sedge) N1-2
Carex deweyana var. deweyana (Dewey's sedge) N5
Carex bromoides ssp. bromoides (Brome-like sedge) N5
sect. Phaestoglochin - § Phaestoglochin - Carex spicata ssp. spicata (Spiked sedge) X
Annectens Clade
Carex stipata (Awl-fruited sedge) N5
Carex laevivaginata (Smooth-sheathed sedge) N5
Carex alopecoidea (Foxtail sedge) N5
Carex conjuncta (Soft fox sedge) N1
Carex diandra (Lesser-panicled sedge) N5
Carex prairea (Prairie sedge) N5
Carex decomposita (Cypress-knee sedge) NH
Carex vulpinoidea (Fox sedge) N5
Carex annectens (Yellow-fruited sedge) N5
Carex cephaloidea (Thin-leaf sedge) N5
Carex cephalophora (Oval-headed sedge) N5
Carex sparganioides (Bur-reed sedge) N5
Carex muehlenbergii var muehlenbergii (Muhlenberg's sedge) N4
Carex muehlenbergii var enervis (Muhlenberg’s veinless sedge) N3
Carex mesochorea (Midland sedge) N2
Carex aggregata (Glomerate sedge) N2
Carex leavenworthii (Leavenworth's sedge) N?
Carex praegracilis (Clustered field sedge) X-NA
sect. Physoglochin
§ Physoglochin - Carex alascana (Northern bog sedge) N1
sect. Macrocephalae
§ Macrocephalae - Carex kobomugi (Asian sand sedge) X-A
Rosea Clade
Carex rosea (Rosy sedge) N5
Carex radiata (Eastern star sedge) N5
Carex appalachica (Appalachian sedge) N5
Carex retroflexa (Reflexed sedge) N4
Carex texensis (Texas sedge) X-NA
sect. Cyperoideae
Carex sychnocephala (Many-headed sedge) N1
Carex scoparia (Pointed broom sedge) N5
Carex normalis (Greater straw sedge) N5
Carex tenera (Delicate quill sedge) N5
Carex echinodes (Prickly quill sedge) N1
Carex bebbii (Bebb's sedge) N5
Carex brevior (Short-beaked sedge) N5
Carex crawfordii (Crawford's sedge) N4
Carex festucacea (Fescue sedge) N4
Carex bicknellii (Bicknell's sedge) N3
Carex merritt-fernaldii (Fernald's sedge) N2-3
Carex molesta (Troublesome sedge) N2-3
Carex tincta (Tinged sedge) NH
Carex tribuloides (Blunt broom sedge) N5
Carex projecta (Necklace sedge) N5
Carex cristatella (Crested sedge) N5
Carex muskingumensis (Muskingum sedge) X-NA
Carex alata (Broadwing sedge) N4
Carex longii (Long's sedge) N
Carex albolutescens (Greenish-white sedge) N
Carex cumulata (Clustered sedge) N2-3
Carex silicea (Sea-beach sedge) N4
Carex hormathodes (Marsh straw sedge) N2-3
Carex straminea (Eastern straw sedge) N1
Carex foenea (Hay sedge) N5
Carex argyrantha (Silvery-flowered sedge) N4
Carex adusta (Lesser brown sedge) N1
subg. Carex
IS. sect. Secalinae - § Secalinae - Carex secalina (Rye sedge) X-EA
A. sect. Albae - § Albae - Carex eburnea (Bristle-leaved sedge) N4
B. Sect. Cryptostachyae
C. Decora Clade
D. Tristachya Clade
Flacca Clade -
Carex flacca ssp. flacca (Heath sedge) X-E
sect. Panicae
Carex aurea (Golden-fruited sedge) N5
Carex garberi (Elk sedge) N1
Carex tetanica (Rigid sedge) N5
Carex woodii (Wood’s sedge) N5
Carex livida (Livid sedge) N1
Carex meadii (Mead's sedge) N1
Carex vaginata (Sheathed sedge) N1
Carex panicea (Grass-like sedge) X-NA
Carex laxiflora (Broad looseflower sedge) N5
Carex gracilescens (Slender loose-flowered sedge) N5
Carex leptonervia (Nerveless woodland sedge ) N5
Carex blanda (Eastern woodland sedge) N5
Carex albursina (White bear sedge) N5
Carex ormostachya (Necklace spike sedge) N4
Carex striatula (Lined sedge) N1
Carex styloflexa (Bent sedge) N1
F. Fastigata Clade
G. sect. Pictae
§ Clandestinae - Carex pedunculata ssp. pedunculata (Long-stalked sedge) N5
H. Hirta Clade
Carex lacustris (Lake sedge) N5
Carex lasiocarpa ssp. americana (American woolly-fruited sedge) N5
Carex pellita (Woolly sedge) N5
Carex striata (Walter's sedge) N2
Carex houghtoniana (Houghton's sedge) N2
Carex trichocarpa (Hairy-fruited sedge) N4
Carex atherodes (Wheat sedge) N3
Carex hirta (Hairy sedge) X-E
Carex lurida (Sallow sedge) N5
Carex baileyi (Bailey's sedge) N5
Carex comosa (Bristly sedge) N5
Carex hystericina (Porcupine sedge) N5
Carex pseudocyperus (Cyperus-like sedge) N5
Carex schweinitzii (Schweinitz's sedge) N2-3
Carex retrorsa (Retrorse sedge) N5
Carex tuckermanii (Tuckerman's sedge) N5
Carex utriculata (Beaked sedge) N5
Carex vesicaria (Blister sedge) N5
Carex oligosperma (Few-seeded sedge) N3
Carex bullata (Button sedge) N1
Carex lupulina (Hop sedge) N5
Carex intumescens (Bladder sedge) N5
Carex grayi (Bladder sedge) N5
Carex lupuliformis (False hop sedge) N2
Carex frankii (Frank's sedge) N1
J. sect. Stylosae - § Phacocystis - Carex haydenii (Hayden's sedge) N2
Carex crinita (Fringed sedge) N5
Carex gynandra (Nodding sedge) N5
Carex torta (Twisted sedge) N5
Carex mitchelliana (Mitchell's sedge) N1-2
Carex aquatilis (Water sedge) N5
Carex lenticularis (Lakeshore sedge) N5
Carex emoryi (Emory's sedge) N1
Carex stricta (Tussock sedge) N5
Carex bigelowii (Bigelow's sedge) N2
Carex nigra (Smooth black sedge) N1
Incertae Sedis - § Anomalae - Carex scabrata
sect. Paludosae - § Paludosae - Carex acutiformis (I)
Vestita Clade - § Paludosae - Carex vestita (Velvet sedge) N5
sect. Scirpinae
§ Scirpinae - Carex scirpoidea (Canadian single-spike sedge) N1
Castanea Clade
Carex gracillima (Graceful sedge) N5
Carex aestivalis (Summer sedge) N4
Carex × aestivaliformis (False summer sedge) N
Carex davisii (Davis' sedge) N2
Carex formosa (Handsome sedge) N2
Carex arctata (Drooping woodland sedge) N5
Carex debilis var. rudgei (Rudge’s sedge) N5
Carex debilis var. debilis (White-edged sedge) N2
Carex castanea (Chestnut sedge) N4
Carex venusta (Dark-green sedge) N1
Carex × knieskerni (Knieskern’s sedge) N
Carex pallescens (Pales sedge) N5
Carex hirsutella (Hairy-leaved sedge) N5
Carex swanii (Swan's sedge) N5
Carex virescens (Ribbed sedge) N5
Carex bushii (Bush's sedge) N3
Carex caroliniana (Carolina sedge) N1
Carex hirtifolia (Pubescent sedge) N5
Carex polymorpha (Variable sedge) NH
sect. Griseae
Carex granularis (Limestone meadow sedge) N5
Carex crawei (Crawe's sedge) N2
Carex digitalis var. digitalis (Slender woodland sedge) N5
Carex abscondita (Thicket sedge) N1
Carex laxiculmis var. laxiculmis (Spreading sedge) N5
Carex laxiculmis var. copulata (Bright-green spreading sedge) N4
Carex platyphylla (Broad-leaved sedge) N5
Carex careyana (Carey's sedge) N1
Carex plantaginea (Plantain-leaved sedge) N5
Carex hitchcockiana (Hitchcock's sedge) N3
Carex glaucodea (Blue sedge) N2
Carex conoidea (Open-field sedge) N5
Carex grisea (Inflated narrow-leaved sedge) N5
Carex amphibola (Eastern narrow-leaved sedge) N1
Carex oligocarpa (Eastern few-fruited sedge) N4
sect. Collinsiae
§ Collinsiae - Carex collinsii (Collins' sedge) N1
Esquiroliana Clade (0)
sect. Chlorostachyae - § Chlorostachyae - Carex capillaris ssp. capillaris (Hair-like sedge) (N1)
Carex folliculata (Long sedge)
Carex michauxiana (Michaux's sedge)
Carex flava (Yellow sedge) N5
Carex viridula var. viridula (Green sedge) N5
Carex cryptolepis (Small yellow sedge) N3
R. Fulginosa Clade (0)
S. sect. Hymenochlaenae - § Hymenochlaenae - Carex cherokeensis (Cherokee sedge) NL
T. Hallerianae–Digitatae Clade (0)
U. Setigera–Haematostoma Clade (0)
V. Concinna Clade
§ Clandestinae - Carex richardsonii (Richardson's sedge) NX
W. sect. Acrocystis
Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania sedge) N5
Carex lucorum (Blue Ridge sedge) N4
Carex tonsa (Shaved sedge) N5
Carex rugosperma (Parachute sedge) N5
Carex umbellata (Parasol sedge) N5
Carex albicans var. albicans (White-tinged sedge) N5
Carex nigromarginata (Black-edge sedge) N1-3
Carex reznicekii (Reznicek's sedge) N1-2
Carex emmonsii (Emmons' sedge) N3
Carex novae-angliae (New England sedge) N4
Carex communis (Fibrous-rooted sedge) N5
Carex deflexa var. deflexa (Northern sedge) N3-4
Carex peckii (Peck's sedge) N4
Western America Clade (0)
Carex montana (Mountain sedge) X
X. Mitrata Clade - § Mitratae - Carex caryophyllea (Spring sedge) (X)