EverQuest/Frequently Asked Questions
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SOE Contact
editemail for bugs: eqtesting@soe.sony.com
SOE Customer Service email address: eqcs@soe.sony.com.
SOE Customer Service Tel.: 1-858-537-0898 - Monday through Friday, 9am-1:30pm and 3:30pm-6pm PST
editExperience Bonus
- Troll/Iksar -20%
- Ogre -15%
- Barbarians -5%
- Halfling +5%
- All other races are a 0% modifier including Vah Shir.
- Warriors and Rogues +5% xp modifier
as per:
Experience calculation
editIn order to calculate the experience gain a four step formula must be followed. -
(1) Calculate group bonus based on the number of PCs in your group
For N= 1 2 3 4 5 6 GB= 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.16
(2) HCB = 1; if ML < 55 or PL < 50 or PL-ML > 5
- HCB = 1.95 + ((ML - (PL-5)) * .13); otherwise.
(3) B = ML*ML*ZEM*GB
(4) XP = B * (PL + 5) / (S + (N*5)) * HCB
Where -
- ZEM = Zone Experience Modifier
- ML = Mob Level
- GB = Group Bonus (1)
- HCB = High Con Bonus (2)
- N = number of players in group
- S = sum of levels in group
- PL = player level
- B = Base mob xp (3)
- XP = EXP awarded to player (4)
AAXP is indeed calculated in the exact same way as normal experience above; however, whereas for normal experience the amount of EXP needed to gain a level gets higher every level, for AAXP you always need the same amount to get one(1) AA point. The amount of AAXP needed for one AA point is equivalent to leveling from levels 51 to 52.
Group Level Range Calculation
editWhat is the maximum level a player can group with and still receive EXP?
Note: Division is always rounded up.
For example, a lvl 46 can group with:
editBow Range and Damage Calculations
editTotal Range = Bow Range + Arrow Range Total Base Damage = Bow Damage + Arrow Damage
Haste Calculations
editThere are basically 4 types of haste. Only the maximum of each type will be added into your total haste.
- Type I: Item Haste (This includes tribute)
- Type II: Spell Haste
- Type III: Overhaste (Mostly bard, although some BST spells too)
- Type IV: Bard speciality overhaste.
Class Specifics
editHow many pets a Necro can have?
editNecro's start with a standard spell caster pet.
The combat ability to wake the dead, can raise one pet from one corpse.
The level 68 AA Army of the Dead which raises 3 pets at level 1, and has three more levels which add 1 pet each. Army of the dead and wake the dead are on the same reuse timer and can not be used at the same time.
Swarm of decay, a level ?? AA, adds one archer per AA level with a maxumum of three levels.
The Necromancer's epic clicky pet is a big red skeleton.
So in a battle a necro with all the AA's maxed could have 11 pets up at once as follows;
- 1 standard pet
- 6 army of the dead
- 3 swarm of decay
- 1 epic pet
The army of the dead, swarm of decay and epic pets despawn rather quickly and are "dumb" pets that are unable to be commanded. Suspend minion allows a pre-cast pet to be put aside for later use, the pet is not seen, nor can it be used.
Special Commands
editAudio Triggers
editAudio triggers are sound effects that are played when certain patterns appear in the chat window. You can make audio triggers to play any sound you want when something you want to be sure not to miss appears in the chat window. This might be /tells from specific friends, certain buffs fading, or any other event you can think of that has a text message associated with it. The window used to configure your Audio Triggers can be accessed via the EQ button -> Actions -> Audio Triggers.
There are a couple key ideas that make up Audio Triggers.
Audio Triggers are a collection of text patterns associated with a sound effect. The window shows a list of all active audio triggers. They are sorted by priority so that the first pattern that matches text in the chat window will be the one and only sound that is played. This allows patterns to be made, for example, "tells you" and "yourbuddy tells you" that may have different sound effects. The "Move Up" and "Move Down" commands allow you to control which patterns will be tested first.
Creating a new trigger is a simple matter of typing text in the "Pattern" field, selecting a sound in the "Sound" control, and pressing "Create".
The other controls include:
- Apply - changes the sound selected for the current pattern. Note that changing a pattern requires a new pattern to be made.
- Play - plays the currently selected sound again.
- Delete - delete the currently selected trigger.
Trigger Sets
Trigger Sets are similar to choosing a UI skin. Each trigger set represents a set of patterns associated with sounds that is stored on a per-character basis. You can switch trigger sets by selecting the drop-down control and selecting among the listed options. Unless you have installed custom Audio Trigger sets, you will only see the "default" entry.
Each trigger set is stored as a folder in the AudioTrigger folder in your EverQuest directory which can contain .wav files unique to that trigger set. The goal here is to provide a way for the player community to create and share their own Audio Trigger sets that people find useful for different classes or play styles, much like they have done for custom UI skins.
An example of a useful trigger set may be a set of patterns There are many possibilities. Due to the differences in play styles, there is no way to predict what settings people might prefer so the default settings are empty. We encourage players to discover and share ways to make this a fun part of their gameplay.
Notes on customizing Audio Triggers:
- Any .wav files found in the folder .\AudioTriggers\shared will be made available to all Audio Trigger sets in the Sound selection control. You will probably want to put most of your custom sounds in this folder, unless you are making custom Audio Trigger sets.
- Creating a new Audio Trigger set is similar to making a new UI skin. It's not complicated but it's not built into the UI. Create a folder in .\AudioTriggers\NewTriggerSetName and put any .wav files specific to this trigger set in there, and you will be able to start using the new trigger set the next time the program is started.
- User settings for each Audio Trigger set can be found in .\userdata\AT_TriggerSetName_CharacterName_ServerN ame.ini. You can copy these files to other characters as needed. You will probably want to include a sample of this if you make an Audio Trigger set that you plan to share because this is what contains all the details on each specific trigger pattern and sound.
Here the link to a text to speech website that lets you download the wav file. You also get to choose the type of voice. http://public.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php
Veteran rewards
editVeteran rewards are bonuses given to long time players of Everquest. For every year of paid play time a new reward is unlocked. Some rewards are of dubious value and some are simply whimsical. To check which rewards you are entitled to, type > /played <.
- Year 1: Lesson of the Devoted-double experience - Buff slot - duration 30 mins - Reuse Timer 1 day
- Year 2: Infusion of the Faithful-maxxed stats and resists (to individual caps), slightly increased Runspeed - Buf Slot - duration 15 mins - Reuse Timer 1 day
- Year 3: Chaotic Jester-summons an halfling that randomly casts illusions, food (Lucy Link), drink (Lucy Link), can heal or give mana - duration 30 mins - Reuse Timer 1 day - As a matter of etiquette ask your groupmates if they would mind the Jester's presence.
- Year 4: Expedient Recovery-summons all corpses and gives 100% rez for all corpses with rez timers - Reuse Timer 7 days
- Year 5: Steadfast Servant-summons an imp that heals and casts an AC and Haste buff - duration 30 mins - Reuse Timer 1 day
- Year 6: Staunch Recovery - full health and mana recovery (mana not for Bards it seems though) - Reuse Timer ?
- Year 7: Intensity of the Resolute-Increased chance of crits - Duration ? - Reuse Timer ?
As of the Prophecy of Ro expansion(April 19th, 2006 patch message[1]), all reuse timers have been shortened by four(4)hours.
editA comprehensive list can be found at http://www.onlinegamecommands.com/everquest/everquestclasstitles.htm
To use titles, depress "Shift T" to bring up the title window. You may select both a prefix and postfix title. It is recommended that your complete title be kept as short as possible so other users can read your name.
editTo obtain a surname there is a minimum level requirement of 20. To change your surname issue the command /surname <name> which will submit your <name> to the same filter which approves first names. You can change your surname every 7 days.
Note: Petition a game master if your surname has roleplaying potential but is rejected by the name filer it is possible to have either a`, an ´ or other special characters in your surname.
NPC Questions
editFaction numbers
editAlly (+4) : 1450 to 2500
Warmly (+3) : 1100 to 1450
Kindly (+2) : 750 to 1100
Amiable (+1) : 150 to 750
Indifferent (0) : 0 to 150
Apprehensive (-1) : 0 to -150
Dubious (-2) : -150 to -750
Threateningly (-3) : -750 to -1100
Ready to Attack (-4) : -1100 to -2500
External links
edit- http://eqforums.station.sony.com/eq/board?board.id=Guides Game guides on the official EQ boards:
- http://forums.interealms.com/shaman/showpost.php?postid=345994&postcount=17 - excellent compiliation of skill modifiers of e.g. stun resists, attack rate etc.
- http://www.everquestroleplayers.com/ for the roleplaying fans. unsure if independent or IGE
- http://www.guildportal.com/ - unsure if independent or IGE
- http://mobhunter.com/ - EQ news
- http://eqinterface.com/ - EQ interfaces
- http://www.eqfashion.com/ - not updated anymore, unsure of owner, shows pics
- http://www.magelo.com/ - character mgmt. tool. premium service
- http://www.eqrankings.com/ - character leaderboards - lets you compare your character to others. good site
- http://lorenorrath.free.fr/ - EQ and Lore