Dialectical Behavioral Therapy/Borderline Personality Disorder

What is Borderline Personality Disorder? And, do I have to have this diagnosis to benefit from DBT?

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a label that mental health professionals use to describe the behavior of certain people who have serious problems in living. People with this diagnosis often experience stronger emotions than the average person, feel afraid or desperate more often, and frequently do impulsive things as a result. They may have problems getting and keeping good relationships because their feelings of anger or fear are so strong. People with BPD may think that others are trying to take advantage of them or have hurt feelings easily. Also, they may have feelings of emptiness or sadness inside that cause them to want to die or to find relief in self-harm. For some people with this diagnosis, these mood swings and the behaviors that come from them may make it impossible to live a good life.

Most people who have the diagnosis of BPD also have one or several other diagnoses. These often include a mood disorder (like, Bi-Polar Disorder or Depression), Attention Deficit Disorder, or others. Also, they may be on one, several, or no medications at all. There is no single medication that seems to be best for everyone with this disorder, and a wide variety of medications are prescribed. Sometimes people have to try out several different medications before they find the right single medication or combination that helps them the most. One rule that applies to almost everyone with BPD is that medication is not enough to help people get better and stay better. Therapy is also required in order to make satisfying and lasting life changes and to “get over” Borderline Personality Disorder.

Biosocial Model of Borderline Personality Disorder