Development Cooperation Handbook/Stories/Diffusing Conflicts
⇒ playlist on Youtube
⇒ Lebanon 2 - Italian civilian-military cooperation
⇒ Episode 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development
Diffusing Conflicts
Project implemented by UNIFIL
Lebanon , November 2010
UN project, co-financed by the Ministry for External Affairs, Government of Italy

Not only do non-government organisations work in international cooperation projects; military personnel too are very active.
Although there is criticism concerning the employment of people, trained for fighting, in projects that aim at restoring peace, the United Nations encourages the participation of military units in activities of cooperation that require sophisticated expertise and strict discipline.
In November 2010, we went to South Lebanon to see the work being done by Italian forces along the country's border with Israel. The Italian forces were part of UNIFIL or the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
UNIFIL was created to help restore peace and security along Lebanon's border with Israel.
Besides acting as a buffer force between the Israeli army and the Hezbollah militias, the tasks of UNIFIL include clearing land mines and providing humanitarian assistance to the poor communities in South Lebanon.
While humanitarian work is sometimes carried out directly by military units working in bilateral or intergovernmental cooperation projects, development cooperation involves civil society organisations that are more experienced in involving local stakeholders for designing and managing projects. In Bint Jbeil, there is a huge waste disposal area where you can also find the debris of Lebanese buildings that were destroyed by the 2006 Israeli air attacks. Here, the Italian army, COSV, an Italian NGO working in the field of development and the agency of the Italian government for development cooperation, have together assisted the municipality of Bint Jbeil in building a waste treatment plant, introducing composting technologies and raising awareness amongst the local population on differentiated waste collection methods.
Video Clips
edit On Youtube ⇒ Diffusing Conflicts - playlist
⇒ Utilisation of collected resources for TV broadcast - playlist

Cooperation stories
editSee also
editMandating resolutions by the United Nations:
- Security Council extends UN force in Lebanon until 31 July, unanimously adopting Resolution 1655 (2006)
- Security Council extends United Nations force in Lebanon, unanimously adopting Resolution 1697 (2006)
- Security Council calls for end to hostilities between Hizbollah, Israel, unanimously adopting Resolution 1701 (2006)