Development Cooperation Handbook/Other Handbooks, Manuals, Tools

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The multimedia library of EuroAid  provides resources about development co-operation; a selection of audiovisual documents on selected projects and programmes; a catalogue of official publications in all of EuropeAid’s main fields of activity and geographical areas.

  • Sclavi Marianella, Larry Suskind, "Confronto creativo. Dal diritto di parola al diritto di essere ascoltati", et al., 2011
  • Cereghino Mario, Darsi il tempo. Idee e pratiche per un'altra cooperazione internazionale, EMI, 2008
  • Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite, Manuale per le Emergenze, Edizione italiana, giugno 2001
  • ECHO, Manual for the evaluation of humanitarian aid, 1999
  • Raimondi Antonio, Antonelli Gianluca, Manuale di cooperazione allo sviluppo, SEI Ed. 2001
  • Solint, Manuale operativo su Diritti Umani e assistenza umanitaria, Intersos , 2002
  • Pochettino Silvia, Berruti Alessandro, Dizionario del cittadino del mondo, EMI, 2003
  • Pettenella Davide e Pisani Elena, La valutazione dei progetti nella Cooperazione allo sviluppo, Cleup, 2006

Millennium Development Goals at Midpoint: Where do we stand and where do we need to go? See the site :

Peacebuilding Manual
On-line training manual


New opportunities of decentralised cooperation
This book is part of a design for a training course on policies and tools for decentralised cooperation of the Italian regions, with the objective of providing the officials responsible with cognitive, analytical and planning tools.

The Handbook presents a theoretical framework (theory and policies of decentralised cooperation), fact sheets on institutions - both Italian and international - and their programs (relevant institutions and their operational tools), a training course on design methodology (a simulation workshop for the realisation of the project) and an open source glossary on decentralised cooperation.

"Rome 2015" Project - As part of the initiatives promoted by the Municipality of Rome in the Citizens' Committee for Decentralised Cooperation, towards the end of 2004, an education program and awareness raising on the 8 Millennium Development Goals was undertaken. The MDGS are objectives the international community and all European Union member states, together with civil society, have decided to focus on, disseminating their content and taking on the relative commitments for the exercise of responsible citizenship.

The initiative was born in the wake of the Millennium Summit, convened by the UN in September 2000, when 189 heads of state and government gathered in New York to discuss the new global challenges; on that occasion, the challenge of Eight Development Goals (MDGs - Millennium Development Goals) was launched, towards whose achievement by 2015 all member states are committed. The groups involved on the ground (citizens, foreign communities, students and teachers in middle and secondary schools, and universities, trainers, members of local associations, cultural and social centres, religious institutions, Senior Centres), through several initiatives have played an active role in defining local actions necessary to achieve the goals and have contributed to defining the position of the Italian civil society, which will participate directly in the Special Session in New York in September 2005.

[[1]Italian government manual on sustainable development and environmental protection. The new model for environmental and sustainable development education. The priority of the environment, which is both local and global, should be taken by international and national society as the key to the overall planning of public policies and the governing of sustainable development of the entire planet. At the Rio de Janeiro Conference in 1992, sustainable development was presented as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development requires, then, in a practical way the need to reconcile two fundamental objectives for contemporary society: to protect ecosystems and promote sustainable socio-economic development.

[[2]] Gender Equality and Global Public Goods: Some Reflections on Shared Priorities A thinkpiece prepared by C. Mark Blackden for the OECD DAC Network on Gender Equality

[[3]] The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action

[[4]]- Donor approaches to governance assessments - March 2009 -

[5]] Global Education Guidelines - Concepts and Methodologies on Global Education for Educators and Policy Makers Developed by the Global Education Week Network in coordination with the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe

[[6]] Obiettivi del Millennio e Diritti Umani - Italian

[[7]] Working with the United Nations Human Rights Programme - A Handbook for Civil Society

[[8]] The Challenge of Capacity Development WORKING TOWARDS GOOD PRACTICE DAC Guidelines and Reference Series A DAC Reference Document OCDE The recognition that capacity development is a fundamental component of development and aid effectiveness and a key element in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), is what led the DAC Network on Governance (GOVNET) and the Learning Network on Capacity Development (LenCD) to their work on this publication. Individuals from both networks who have contributed to this major publication are too numerous to mention here, but their efforts are gratefully appreciated. The publication reviews 40 years of development experience and concludes that donors and partner countries alike have tended to look at capacity development as mainly a technical process, or as a transfer of knowledge or institutions from North to South. It explains how donors have often failed to recognize the critical importance of country ownership and leadership, and how they underestimated the importance of the broader political context within which capacity development efforts take place. It also offers invaluable guidance about how to think systematically through the capacity development challenge. The evidence suggests that what is necessary is a fundamental change in development practice, including focusing on capacity as an endogenous process, agreeing at country level on capacity objectives and monitoring outcomes from the perspective of the beneficiaries. Such changes could have a substantial impact on development outcomes.