DD-WRT/User interface

Selected settings


Services ⇒ VPN

Option Description
OpenVPN Enable: usage as server.
Start Type Start event of server. Recommendation: Wan Up. In few cases this do not work, then use System.
Config as Daemon or Text: Only the text input fields of this site are used, but no other settings of this site.
Network Possibility:
Netmask Possibility:
Tunnel Protocol Recommendation: UDP
Encryption Cipher Recommendation: AES-256 CBC
Advanced Options On Disable there are not visible the additional options. But the additional options are be considered regardless of this setting.
Public Server Cert Content of server certificate file.
CA Cert Content of file ca.crt.
Private Server Key Content of server key file.
DH PEM Content of Deffie Hellman file. Common name of file is dh.pem.
Additional Config If Config As is set to Server or GUI then additional settings are to be set here. Otherwise all options are to be set here.

On press "Apply Settings", there will be created internally the following files: openvpn.conf, ca.crt, cert.pem, dh.pem.