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Mersu is an ancient Mesopotamian confection made primarily from dates and pistachios, often enjoyed as a sweet treat. This dessert has roots dating back to the Sumerian civilization, with references found in historical texts and archaeological findings.



● 1 cup of dried dates

● 2 cups of raw pistachios

● 1 tablespoon of melted butter



1. Prepare the Dates and Pistachios

Cut the dried dates into halves and transfer to a medium bowl. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the dates and cover with tin foil or a lid. Let the dates sit for 30 minutes. In the meantime, shell 2 cups of pistachios and grind the nuts into a fine powder using a blender. Set aside.

2. Mix the Ingredients

When the dates are ready, drain the water (leave a little water for easier mixing) and add a cup of pistachio powder and the melted butter to the bowl. Using a fork, potato masher, or mortar and pestle, grind the ingredients into a smooth mix.

3. Roll the Balls

Using your hands, roll the mix into 12 balls and coat each ball with the remainder of the pistachio mix. If you prefer smaller candies, you can make around 18 balls. Transfer the rolled Mersu to the fridge to chill before serving.