Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...c5/2. Nf3/2...Nc6/3. d4/3...cxd4/4. Nxd4/4...Nf6/5. Nc3/5...d6/6. Bg5

Richter Rauser
a b c d e f g h
8a8 black rookb8 black kingc8 black bishopd8 black queene8 black kingf8 black bishopg8 black kingh8 black rook8
7a7 black pawnb7 black pawnc7 black kingd7 black kinge7 black pawnf7 black pawng7 black pawnh7 black pawn7
6a6 black kingb6 black kingc6 black knightd6 black pawne6 black kingf6 black knightg6 black kingh6 black king6
5a5 black kingb5 black kingc5 black kingd5 black kinge5 black kingf5 black kingg5 white bishoph5 black king5
4a4 black kingb4 black kingc4 black kingd4 white knighte4 white pawnf4 black kingg4 black kingh4 black king4
3a3 black kingb3 black kingc3 white knightd3 black kinge3 black kingf3 black kingg3 black kingh3 black king3
2a2 white pawnb2 white pawnc2 white pawnd2 black kinge2 black kingf2 white pawng2 white pawnh2 white pawn2
1a1 white rookb1 black kingc1 black kingd1 white queene1 white kingf1 white bishopg1 black kingh1 white rook1
a b c d e f g h
Position in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN)
Moves: 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. Bg5

Classical Sicilian Richter Rauser variation


Traditionally, in the Classical Sicilian, Black aims for ...e5 or ...g6. The Richter-Rauser (also spelt Richter-Rauzer) is a way for white to combat both of these ideas. It does not completely stop either of the ideas, but it does make them less desirable. ...g6 would weaken the defense of the Black knight on f6.

6...e5 in this position would be considered winning for White and detrimental to the Black position, as after White captures the knight with 7. Bxf6, Black has to choose between capturing back with the g-pawn, or with the Queen:

Option 1: Taking back with 7...gxf6 is the better of the two options according to engine analysis, although it comes with White gaining an outpost for its knight after 8. Nf5. Black could attempt to dislodge the knight with 9...d5, but this can be met with 10. Qxd5. Exchanging Queens immediately is not good for Black, as after 10...Qxd5 11. Nxd5, White is threatening to fork the Black King and Rook with Nc7+. Black is forced to exchange its Light-Squared Bishop with 11...Bxf5 12. exf5. Black then castles with 12...O-O-O, and White wins a pawn.

Option 2: Taking back on f6 with the Black Queen (7...Qxf6) is the worst of the two options and gives White double the advantage. White moves his knight with 8. Ndb5 threaten Nc7+, forking the King and Rook. Defending with the Queen isn't feasible, as White can simply place his other knight on d5 with a nice outpost, and c7 is weak again. If White attempts to defend with the King, with either 8...Kd8 or 8...Kd7, White can play 9. Nc7!!, sacrificing the knight, because if the Black King captures (9...Kxc7??) White can play 10. Nd5! forking the Black King and Queen.

However, it must be kept in mind this opening is fairly theoretical, and there are several playing options for both sides that can lead to a variety of positions.

Theory table


1.e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. Bg5

6 7 8
Richter-Rauzer main line ...

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