C++ Programming/Chapters/Fundamentals/Summary

  1. The code Development stage: 70% - includes list of recognized keywords.
    1. File organization Development stage: 80%
    2. Statements Development stage: 80%
    3. Coding style conventions Development stage: 80%
    4. Documentation Development stage: 80%
    5. Scope and namespaces Development stage: 90%
  2. Compiler Development stage: 70%
    1. Preprocessor Development stage: 100% - includes the standard headers.
    2. Linker Development stage: 70%
  3. Variables and storage Development stage: 90% - locality, scope and visibility, including source examples.
    1. Type Development stage: 90%
  4. Operators Development stage: 80% - precedence order and composition, , assignment, sizeof, new, delete, [] (arrays), * (pointers) and & (references).
    1. Logical operators Development stage: 70% - the && (and), || (or), and ! (not).
    2. Conditional operator Development stage: 70% - the ?:
  5. Type casting Development stage: 80% - Automatic, explicit and advanced type casts.
  6. Flow of control Development stage: 80% - Conditionals (if, if-else, switch), loop iterations (while, do-while, for) and goto.
  7. Functions Development stage: 70% - Introduction (including main), argument passing, returning values, recursive functions, pointers to functions and function overloading.
    1. Standard C Library Development stage: 70% - I/O, string and character, math, time and date, memory and other standard C functions
  8. Debugging Development stage: 80% - Finding, fixing, preventing bugs and using debugging tools.