C++ Programming - Chapters List

  1. Introducing C++  
  2. Programming languages  
    1. Programming paradigms   - the versatility of C++ as a multi-paradigm language, concepts of object-oriented programming (objects and classes, inheritance, polymorphism).
  3. Comparisons   - to other languages, relation to other computer science constructs and idioms.
    1. with C  
    2. with Java  
    3. with C#  
    4. with Managed C++ (C++/CLI)  
    5. with D  
  1. The code   - includes list of recognized keywords.
    1. File organization  
    2. Statements  
    3. Coding style conventions  
    4. Documentation  
    5. Scope and namespaces  
  2. Compiler  
    1. Preprocessor   - includes the standard headers.
    2. Linker  
  3. Variables and storage   - locality, scope and visibility, including source examples.
    1. Type  
  4. Operators   - precedence order and composition, , assignment, sizeof, new, delete, [] (arrays), * (pointers) and & (references).
    1. Logical operators   - the && (and), || (or), and ! (not).
    2. Conditional operator   - the ?:
  5. Type casting   - Automatic, explicit and advanced type casts.
  6. Flow of control   - Conditionals (if, if-else, switch), loop iterations (while, do-while, for) and goto.
  7. Functions   - Introduction (including main), argument passing, returning values, recursive functions, pointers to functions and function overloading.
    1. Standard C Library   - I/O, string and character, math, time and date, memory and other standard C functions
  8. Debugging   - Finding, fixing, preventing bugs and using debugging tools.
  1. Structures  
  2. Unions  
  3. Classes   (Inheritance, Member Functions, Polymorphism and this pointer)
    1. Abstract Classes   including Pure abstract classes (abstract types)
    2. Nice Class  
  4. Operator overloading  
  5. Standard Input/Output streams Library  
    1. string  
  1. Templates  
    1. Template Meta-Programming (TMP)  
  2. Standard Template Library (STL)  
  3. Smart Pointers  
  4. Exception Handling  
  5. Run-Time Type Information (RTTI)  
  1. Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII)  
  2. Garbage Collection (GC)  
  3. Design patterns   - Creational, Structural and Behavioral patterns.
  4. Libraries   - APIs vs Frameworks and Static and dynamic libraries.
  5. Boost library  
  6. Optimizing your programs  
  7. Cross-platform development  
    1. Win32 (aka WinAPI)   - including Win32 wrappers.
    2. Cross-platform wrappers  
    3. Multitasking  
  8. Software internationalization  
    1. Text encoding  
  9. Unified Modeling Language (UML)