Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/Every Material Known to Man/Misty Globe

This is a strange misty globe, it looks cool when animated.

Misty Globe (Click to enlarge)

This could be used as a mystical crystal ball etc. etc.

Material Window edit

R: .60
G: .60
B: .60
R: 1.00
G: 1.00
B: 1.00

Shaders Window edit

Ref: 1.00
Spec: .50
Hard: 50
Amb: .50
Emit: .70

Map to Window edit

Alpha: clicked once

Col: clicked once

Texture #1 edit

Texture Window
Type: Clouds
NoiseSize: .350
NoiseDepth: 2
Nabla: .025
Default: clicked
SoftNoise: clicked
Color Window
Al: 1.00
Poss: 1.00
R: .777
G: .793
B: .919
Bright: 1.00
Contr: 1.00

Texture #2 edit

Texture Window
Type: Clouds
NoiseSize: .50
NoiseDepth: 2
Nabla: .015
Default: clicked
SoftNoise: clicked
Color Window
Al: 1.00
Poss: 1.00
R: .768
G: .892
B: .755
Bright: 1.00
Contr: 1.00

Animation edit

  1. The animation on this sphere uses a procedural texture,
  2. Make sure that you are at frame 1
  3. First go to the material buttons and hold your cursor over them.
  4. Press the "i" button on the keyboard, and select "Ofs" from the dropdown menu
  5. Advance to frame 200 and insert another key vertex.
  6. In the IPO curves, got to the Curve menu, go to Interpolation Mode, and select "Linear"
  7. In the IPO curves, got to the Curve menu, go to Extend Mode, and select "Extrapolation"
  8. In the list along the right side of the IPO curve screen, select OfsX, and press tab on the keyboard
  9. Right click on the second vertex and drag it up to about .2
  10. In the list along the right side of the IPO curve screen, select OfsY, and press tab on the keyboard
  11. Right click on the second vertex and drag it up to about .3
IPO Screenshot