Aymara/Printable version


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see you tomorrow
Where are you from?
Mist's place
To eat ok
suma manq'aña



  • Brother - jilata
  • Girl - imilla
  • Mist - urpu
  • Lightning - q'ixuq'ixu
  • Ice - chhuilunkhaya
  • Hailstone - chhijchhi
  • Otros
  • Flag - wiphala



  • First : nayriri, nayanquiri
  • Second : payiri, payanquiri
  • Thirth : quimsiri, quisanquiri
  • Fourth : pusiri, pusinquiri
  • Fifth : pheskeri, pheskanquiri
  • Sixth : sojjtiri, sojjtanquiri
  • Seventh : pakallkori, pakallkonquiri
  • Eighth : quimsakallkori, quimsakallkonquiri
  • Ninth : llätunquiri, llätuncanquiri
  • Tenth : tunquiri, tuncanquiri


  • 1% - Sapa patakat maya
  • 2% - Sapa patakat paya
  • 3% - Sapa patakat kinsa
  • 4% - Sapa patakat pusi
  • 5% - Sapa patakat pishka
  • 6% - Sapa patakat suxta
  • 7% - Sapa patakat paqalqu
  • 8% - Sapa patakat kinsaqalqu
  • 9% - Sapa patakat llatunka
  • 10% - Sapa patakat tunka
  • 21% - Sapa patakat pä tunk mayani


Aymaran Alphabet or Aymaran Transliteration is an variant of Latin alphabet. Aymaran alphabet are composed with 32 letters, that is:

Aymaran Alphabet
Capital Letter Small Letter IPA Description
A a [a] It is pronounced according to International Phonetic Alphabet. It is same as "i" in high in English, but not longer and not diphthongized.
Ch ch [t͡ʃ] Like cheap in English.
Chh chh [t͡ʃʰ] It is an aspirated consonant.
Chʼ chʼ [t͡ʃʼ] It is an eyective consonant.
I i [i] Like cream in English, but not longer.
J j [h] Southern Aymara (Tacna, Puno and Moquegua).

[x] Central Aymara (Bolivia, Chile and Argentina).

Like hot in English.

Like the Spanish j.

K k [k] Like the Spanish k.
Kh kh [kʰ] It is an aspirated consonant.
[kʼ] It is an eyective consonant.
L l [l] Like the Spanish l.
Ll ll [ʎ] Like in Spanish llave
M m []
N n []
Ñ ñ []
P p []
Ph ph [] It is an aspirated consonant.
[] It is an eyective consonant.
Q q []
Qh qh [] It is an aspirated consonant.
[] It is an eyective consonant.
R r []
S s []
T t []
Th th [] It is an aspirated consonant.
[] It is an eyective consonant.
U u []
W w []
X x []
Y y []
Ä ä []
Ï ï []
Ü ü []


Personal pronouns

  • Singular
    • I (exclusive [sender + | receiver ]) = Naya
    • I (inclusive [sender + | receiver + ]) = Jiwasa
    • You = Juma
    • He / She = Jupa
  • Plural
    • We (exclusive [I and other(s) without you]) = Nayanaka / Nänaka
    • We (inclusive [I, you and other(s)] = Jiwasanaka
    • You = Jumanaka
    • They = Jupanaka

Possessives pronoun

  • Singular
    • My (exclusive) = -ja
    • Your = -ma
    • His / her = -pa
    • My (inclusive) = -sa
  • Plural
    • Our (exclusive) = -nakaja
    • Your = -nakama
    • Their = -nakapa
    • Our (inclusive) = -nakasa


  • extraordinaria - supay


  • to have : -nītwa
  • to be : -wa
    • I am a teacher : Nayax yatichirïtwa
  • -nni
    • There's pasturage : qullchanni
  • drink : lima
    • I drink : umtwa


  • until : kama
  • Behind : qhipha