Australian Esoterica/MOS

« Australian Esoterica
Australian Esoterica Manual of Style
Contributing Authors Print Version

< Table of Contents Glossary >



Outline and Scope

  • Purpose: This book aims to realign European Neopagan seasonal practises in accordance with Southern Hemisphere seasonal changes, while at the same time offering a comprehensive guide to Neopagan philosophies for Australian followers of the faith.
  • Type of book: Comprehensive reference and self-study guide.
  • Target audience: Australian students of Neopagan philosophies practising within a study group or as a solitary discipline.
  • Scope: Some prior knowledge of the topic is required however definitions for all relevant terminology are located in the glossary. Application of Neopaganism as a nature religion. Philosophical and religious practises pertinent to Australian followers of The Craft. A short history of European Neopagan practises including how and why the theology is relevant in Australia. Correctly defining traditional Northern Hemisphere correspondences for the Southern Hemisphere. Australian bush medicine and food. Traditional spiritual practises and mythology of Australian Aboriginals (Aboriginal folklore and culture is considered Mesopaganism). The scope of this book will likely widen as development progresses, however all additions must essentially contain Australian sociocultural themes in relation to Neopaganism as core - this is because most other continents and peoples of the Southern Hemisphere have traditional cultural practises and beliefs of their own (such as Vodun). If you are unsure whether your planned contribution will fit within the scope of this book, please discuss your proposal on the discussion page.
  • Style: This book is written in British English and utilises flat structure for chapter organisation. Titlecase format is used for chapter titles and section headings. List explanations for all relevant terminology in the glossary. Navigational templates - {{User:PoizonMyst/Template:MystBookNav}} and {{toplink}} - should be included on each page for efficient browsing of the book. Please read this Manual of Style for more information about editing the Australian Esoterica book before making any significant contributions.

Style Guidelines

  • Language: British English.
  • Reading Level: Intermediate.
  • Chapter Organisation: Flat structure (example: Australian Esoterica/Chapter Title) so that chapters may be rearranged if required. Do not number chapter titles.
  • Heading Format: Titlecase - the first letter of important words in chapter titles and section headings are capitalised (example: Neopaganism in Australia).
  • Drop Capitals: Use the {{drop|D}} template for the first letter at the start of each page. Do not use the drop template for any further sections on the same page. Do not use the drop template if the page begins with a level 2 heading.
  • Jargon: List explanations for all relevant terminology alphabetically in the Glossary.
  • Resources: Reference all resources that you have used for your research in the Bibliography beneath the relevant chapter heading.
  • Authors: Don't forget to add your username to the list of Contributing Authors if you make any significant additions to this book.

Consistent Terminology


Directions - North, South, East, West and Hemisphere: In this book the first letter is capitalised for directions of the compass. This is also true when referring to specific hemispheres, with the first letter of both words capitalised - Southern Hemisphere or Northern Hemisphere.

Elements - Earth, Fire, Water, Air: When referring to the four elements, the first letter is capitalised. If a term is not used in this context then the first letter of the word should not be capitalised unless otherwise required to do so (such as the start of a sentence).

Neopagan or Neo-pagan: This book does not hyphenate the word Neopagan and capitalises the first letter. From Wikipedia: "Pagan" and "Neopagan", when capitalized, refer to religions, or members of a Pagan or Neopagan religion, "in the same way as one would describe a 'Christian' or a 'Jew'." [1] Neopagan and Pagan are defined as separate terms and must not be used interchanagbly.

Pagan: This book capitalises the first letter (see Neopagan above). Neopagan and Pagan are defined as separate terms and must not be used interchanagbly.

Sabbat and Esbat: This book capitalises the first letter. Never use the religious term "Sabbath" when referring to a Neopagan Sabbat festival. Also, the first letter for names of the individual Sabbat and Esbat observances should also be capitalised (such as Samhain or Mabon).

Seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter: This book capitalises the first letter of the four seasons.



The following templates are for use on pages of the Australian Esoterica wikibook. Sample syntax is provided to demonstrate how each template should be implemented. If you are still unsure how to utilise a template, please request the assistance of other contributors on the discussion page.

Book Navigation



Page Position: Top of each page

Sample Syntax:
{{User:PoizonMyst/Template:MystBookNav |BookName=[[Australian Esoterica]] |CurrentPage=Current Page Title |PrevPage=[[Main Page|Wikibooks Main Page]] |NextPage=[[Australian Esoterica/What is Neopaganism?|What is Neopaganism?]]}}

Renders As:

« Australian Esoterica
Current Page Title
Wikibooks Main Page What is Neopaganism?

< Table of Contents Glossary >



Page Position: Bottom right of page and end of sections

Renders As:

Chapter Stub



Page Position: Top of incomplete chapter pages below Book Navigation template

Renders As:




Page Position: Bottom of each page

Renders As:
See Categories at bottom of this page