Acing the SQE/Introduction



Acing the SQE is a helpful resource for those who want to become qualified solicitors in England and Wales. It provides practical advice and tools in preparing for the exam as well as applying for admission. The book also provides practical solutions to common questions and challenges faced during studying.

The book is intended for readers who have no prior knowledge of English Law such as non-law graduates from non-English speaking countries or countries whose legal system is not based on English common law.

The book's content is aligned with the nature of the SQE, which means that it does not discuss the historical evolution of the law through cases or statutes, nor does it concentrate on the possible future development of the law.

The administration of these assessments falls under the purview of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the regulatory body for the Law Society of England and Wales. The central aim of the SQE is to ensure that all prospective solicitors meet a uniform standard, irrespective of their backgrounds or prior qualifications. To achieve this, the SQE mandates that all candidates, regardless of their training methods or locations, take the same standardized assessment designed to maintain consistent threshold standards.

For the convenience and guidance of candidates and training providers, the SRA has issued the SQE Assessment Specification. This document serves the purpose of outlining the content and structure of the SQE assessments, along with explaining the SRA's intended approach to conducting the assessments. It also provides an overview of the assessment objectives and how these assessments align with the Statement of Solicitor Competence.



The SQE, introduced in September 2021, represents the novel pathway to qualification for aspiring solicitors and serves as one of the pivotal steps towards becoming a qualified solicitor.

This comprehensive assessment is divided into two components:

  • SQE1: Functioning Legal Knowledge (FLK): Comprising two assessments featuring a combined total of 360 single best answer multiple-choice questions.
  • SQE2: Practical Legal Skills: Involving 16 written and oral assessments designed to evaluate six essential practical legal skills, spanning a total duration of 14 hours.

Furthermore, every candidate must also complete a mandatory two years of Qualifying Work Experience alongside these assessments.

For further details regarding the SQE assessments, you can refer to the SRA website at

SQE1 Subjects


FLK1 covers the following subjects:

  1. Business Law and Practice
  2. Constitutional and Administrative Law and EU Law
  3. Contract
  4. Dispute Resolution
  5. Legal Services
  6. The Legal System of England and Wales
  7. Tort

FLK2 covers the following subjects:

  1. Criminal Law
  2. Criminal Litigation
  3. Land Law
  4. Property Practice
  5. Solicitors Accounts
  6. Trusts
  7. Wills and the Administration of Estates



The two FLK assessments are conducted as closed-book examinations and utilize computer-based, objective testing, incorporating single best answer questions. Each question presents a scenario along with five possible answer options, with only one being the correct choice. Each FLK assessment comprises 180 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and is divided into two sessions, one in the morning and another in the afternoon, each lasting approximately 2 hours and 33 minutes. In total, the SQE1 examination encompasses 360 questions and extends over a duration of approximately 10 hours.

Question Structure

The candidate is preparing to sit for the SQE 1. He took both the FLK1 and FLK2 sessions.

Which of the following must be done now?

A. Wait for the test result.

B. Study for the SQE 1 exam.

C. Enter the kindergarten.

D. Obtain a law degree.

E. Take an English language test.

An SQE 1 question comprises three components: the stem, lead-in, and options.



The stem serves as the factual basis or narrative of the question, providing all necessary information for candidates to respond accurately. The test writer strives to maintain brevity in both the stem and the overall question, focusing solely on testing the specific point at hand. The candidates need not make assumptions or inferences; all requisite facts are contained within the stem.

Lead In


The lead-in, which is highlighted in bold, it represents the concise query to be answered by the candidate. The test writer aim for clarity and brevity in formulating this part of the question.



In options, each SQE 1 question presents five choices, with only one being correct. Alongside the correct answer, the test writer provide four plausible distractor options. Notably, the options do not introduce new facts; instead, they draw solely from the information provided in the stem, reinforcing the importance of thorough comprehension.

SQE1 Date


SQE1 assessments are scheduled to occur annually in both January and July.

The SQE1 assessment dates in January 2024 will be January 15th, 16th, 17th 18th and 19th (FLK1) and January 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th (FLK2).

SQE Cost

  • SQE1: £1,798
  • SQE2: £2,766