XQuery/Basic Feedback Form
< XQuery
editYou want to gather feedback from visitors.
editA simple HTML form gathers suggested improvements and an email address. The suggestion is emailed to one of the authors and an acknowledgment sent to the submitter. Here the default send-mail client on the eXist implementation at UWE, Bristol is used.
XQuery script
editxquery version "1.0"; (: A simple Feedback form using the eXist mail module :) import module namespace mail="http://exist-db.org/xquery/mail"; declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml media-type=text/html"; let $comment:= normalize-space(request:get-parameter("comment","")) let $email := normalize-space(request:get-parameter("email","")) return <html> <head> <title>Feedback on the XQuery Wikibook</title> </head> <body> <h1>Feedback on the XQuery Wikibook</h1> <form method="post"> Please let us know how this Wikibook could be improved.<br/> <textarea name="comment" rows="5" cols="80"/><br/> Your email address <input type="text" name="email" size="60"/> <input type="submit" value="Send"/> </form> {if ($email ne "" and $comment ne "") then let $commentMessage := <mail> <from>{$email}</from> <to>kit.wallace@gmail.com</to> <subject>Wikibook Feedback</subject> <message> <text>{$comment}</text> </message> </mail> let $ackMessage := <mail> <to>{$email}</to> <from>kit.wallace@gmail.com</from> <subject>Wikibook Feedback</subject> <message> <text>Many thanks for your feedback - we appreciate your interest in this collaborative work.</text> </message> </mail> let $sendcomment := mail:send-email($commentMessage,(),()) let $sendack := mail:send-email($ackMessage,(),()) return if ($sendcomment and $sendack) then <div> <h2>Feedback</h2> <p>You suggested that the XQuery Wikibook could be improved by:<br/> <em>{$comment}</em>. <br/>Thanks for the feedback.</p> </div> else <p>Something went wrong - please try again</p> else if ($comment ne "") then <div>Please provide an email address so that we can let you know of progress on your suggestion.</div> else () } </body> </html>