World History/Contributors' Corner

Maps | Resources | Contributors' Corner

Welcome to the World History Project's Contributor's Corner. Contributor's corner is a place for contributors to discuss plans, ideas, and discuss development resources. There's no need to use the discussion page here-- just dig right in with comments!

Planning edit

Ideas edit

General Comments edit

Okay, I am not sure if this is the right place where I can say this, but I think you are doing a great job. This page is just what I needed. Please, go on with your work. Lissa el toro bravo español en españa desde tiempos muy remotos se leha adorado al toro(un ejemplo esta en las cuevas de altamira).despues los iberos siguieron adorando y lo adoptaron como un dios ,al ver la devocion que estos pueblos tenian al toro los griegos llamaron a esa zona la region de los tauros,y se cree que por hay habia minotauros.mas tarde esta devocion con la llegada de los romanos se combirtio en un espectaculo. mastarde,esto se perdio, pro en el siglo XVII algunos nobles empezaron a torear con el caballo(esta tecnica se llama rejoneo),luego la gente mas pobre lo imtaron a pie combiriendolo en el toreo.actualmente es un espectaculo muy completo extendiendose por mexico, españa, portugal,y al sur de francia.pero la verdadera alma del toro se encuentra en españa y si no se cuida se perdera.

The article on Ancient Civilizations does not at all include that of Mesoamerica, considered by anthropologists to be one of the five or six civilizations that developed de novo. The article on Cradle of Civilization does include Mesoamerica. The Ancient Civilizations article needs to be corrected.

Helpful Hints edit

Please use the term "Allied Powers" when referring to the US/UK/France in WWI and the "Allies" when referencing WWII. I always find that it helps to keep things clarified.

The page should be set so that when people write "World War Two" they are directed to this place, because it did not happen to me when I typed it. I had to type "World War II" to come here.

It would be better if the chapters are arranged according to themes (as specified in the AP Exam Course) rather than on the basis of regions. The regional subdivisions may be maintained as a part of the larger thematic chapter. For e.g. Instead of a chapter on each of the Classical Civilization, it would be better if all are treated under one large unit with comparing and contrasting each with the other in their respective subdivisions.

Page headings edit

The wikimarkup {{World History resources}} yields the standard page top.