Woodturning is an ancient craft which today is practiced by hobbyists and professionals alike, with a variety of tools and equipment. There are many different turning techniques and styles.

The objective of this Wikibook is to provide a single on-line reference source for information about the art and craft of woodturning.

Table of Contents


  1. Lathes
  2. Lathe Accessories
  3. Tools


  1. Safety
  2. Anchor, Bevel, Cut
  3. Spindle turning
  4. Bowl turning
  5. Hollow vessels
  6. Involuted turning
  7. Multi-axis turning
  8. Green wood turning
  9. Copy turning
  10. Embellishment
  11. Finishing


  1. Wood
  2. Wood species
  3. Abrasives
  4. Adhesives
  5. Finishes


  1. Salt and Pepper Shakers


  1. Woodturning organisations

Further reading

About this book

  1. How to help write this book
  2. Contributors