Wings 3D/User Manual/Reference Guide to Hot Key Assignments

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DRAFT 1.6 99

� Section 5.6 Reference Guide to Hot Key Assignments WINGS3D USER MANUAL 5.6 Reference Guide to Hot Key Assignments Wings allows you to make your own hot key command. Similarly, by pressing Delete on a assignments. To do so select the operation command having a hot key, that hot key will you want to do, then with that operation still be removed. Of course Wings comes with a selected, hit the Insert key on your key number of hot key assignments already. The board, then hit the key or key combination following is a quick guide to the predefined you want to use as the hot key for that Wings hot keys.

Key Shift-Key Ctrl-Key Ctrl-Shift-Key Alt Alt-Ctrl-Key

A = Aim A = View | Frame A = Select | All (Verts, Edges, Faces, or Objects) B = Body Mode C = Vertex | Connect C = Edge | Connect D = Edit | Repeat D = Repeat Drag E = Edge Mode F = Face Mode G = Select | Edge Ring

I = Select | Similar I = Select | Inverse

L = Select | Loop L = Select | Region L = File | Merge O = Orthographic View N = File | New O = File | Open Q = tumble/track toggle in Mirai® and Nendo® camera modes. R = View | Reset View R = Reset OpenGL Q = File | Quit

S = Face | Smooth S = File | Save S = File | Save S = Body | Smooth T = Edge | Turn U = View | Auto Rotate V = Vertex Mode W = View | Wireframe X = X axis view X = -X axis view Y = Y axis view Y = -Y axis view

Z = Z axis view Z = -Z axis view Z = Edit |Z =Edit | Redo Z = Edit | Undo Undo/Redo

Tab = View | Workmode Tab = View | Smooth Preview

Tab = Numeric Entry if in Drag Mode.

100 DRAFT 1.6

� WINGS3D USER MANUAL Section 5.6 Reference Guide to Hot Key Assignments Key Shift-Key Ctrl-Key Ctrl-Shift-Key Alt-Ctrl-Key

Space = Select | Deselect

+ = Select | More + = increase of size/sphere of influence for several commands. - = Select | Less - = decrease of size/sphere of influence for several commands. F3 = Select | Previous Edge Loop

F4 = Select | Next Edge Loop

F5 = Select | By | Faces with | 5 or more

Bksp = Vertex |Collapse Bksp = Edge | Dissolve Bksp = Face | Dissolve Bksp = Body | Delete

Del = Vertex | Dissolve Del = Edge | Dissolve Del = Face | Dissolve Del = Body | Delete

2 = Edge | Cut | 2

3 = Edge | Cut | 3

4 = Edge | Cut | 4

5 = Edge | Cut | 5

6 = Edge | Cut | 6

7 = Edge | Cut | 7

8 = Edge | Cut | 8

9 = Edge | Cut | 9

0 = Edge | Cut | 10

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