Wings 3D/User Manual/The Main Menu

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5.1 The Main Menu Figure 33. The main menu bar.

The Main Menu consists of logically organized functions that are generally global in nature throughout Wings3D, that is they apply to vertices, edges, faces and objects or general environmental settings such as user preferences and camera manipulation. The exception to this general rule is the Objects Menu, which contains functions relevant to objects only. The Main Menu items include File, Edit, View, Select, Tools, Objects, and Help. Each of these will be covered in this section individually. 5.1.1 The File Menu File Menu – General The File Menu contains file handling options, most of which are common to almost all applications, but some warrant a little discussion. Each option is described in its own section below. File | New (Ctrl-N) Default when starting the program, giving you a clear workspace to work in. When invoked later Wings will ask if you want to save your changes with the standard Yes, No, Cancel options. If you answer No Wings3D will delete all objects in a current workspace. File | Open (Ctrl-O) Will load a previously saved .wings model into the workspace. When invoked, Wings will ask if you want to save your changes with the standard Yes, No, Cancel options. If you answer No Wings3D will present you with a File Open dialog box. You can then navigate to your file and load it by typing in the name or double clicking on it from the list of available models. If you cancel at this point, 46 DRAFT 1.6