William Shakespeare's Works/Comedies/Love's Labours Lost

Love's Labours Lost is a comedy written by William Shakespeare between 1595 and 1596. The plot revolves around the romantic misadventures of the King of Navarre, the Princess of France, his companions and her companions.



Dramatis Personæ

  • Ferdinand
  • Berowne
  • Longaville
  • Dumaine
  • Boyet
  • Marcade
  • Don Adriano de Armado
  • Sir Nathaniel
  • Holofernes
  • Dull
  • Costard
  • Moth
  • a Forester
  • The Princess of France
  • Rosaline
  • Maria
  • Katharine
  • Jaquenetta
  • Officers
  • Attendants
  • Others