WikiverSuite/Wikiversant/Gunport Builder Demo 1/Gunportless Broadside


Gunport Builder Software
Gunportless Broadside
Wikihigh Gunport
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This presentation was made possible by Wikiversal/WikiverSuite, which is made possible by your donation. Thank you for your support.
Wikihigh Gunport

Broadside Without Gunports

Do the following steps to create a broadside without any gunports, as shown on this page.

Step 1:From the Windows Start menu, run the program WikiverSuite >> Wikiversant
Step 2:From the Wikiversal tree view, double-click on and start the Gunport Builder program.
Step 3:Select the menu command [File >> New >> Add New Gunport].
Step 4:On config page 2, clear the Main Section input field and leave it empty.
Step 5:On config page 3, set border to be 3 dashed red with background khaki.
Step 6:On config page 1, press the Generate button.
Step 7:Copy the generated code over the target wiki page.
Step 8:Press the button Save Page.
Step 9:Get the full URL of the wiki page and show its final result in a better browser.