Wikijunior:The Elements/Neptunium

Shows the position of Neptunium on the periodic table.
Neptunium's symbol on the Periodic Table

Neptunium is an element with atomic number 93, standing between plutonium and uranium. It also has the symbol "Np" and an atomic weight of 237u.

What does it look, feel, taste, or smell like? edit

Neptunium is a hard, ductile and radioactive metal. It has a silver colour which tarnishes when it is exposed to air.

Where did its name come from edit

Neptunium was named after the planet Neptune.

How was it discovered? edit

Neptunium was first discovered in 1934 by Italian scientist Enrico Fermi. Fermi found you could create neptunium by bombarding uranium with neutrons which would cause the uranium to be unstable and then split into two elements, one is neptunium.

What are it uses? edit

Neptunium is fissionable, which means it can be used to create weapons such as nuclear bombs. However, neptunium still requires more studies to maximize it uses.

Is it dangerous? edit

Neptunium is an incredibly dangerous actinide metal to contact due to its radioactivity.

Facts edit

Density: 11.48 ounces per cubic inch (19.86 grams per cubic cm).
Phase at room temperature: solid.
Melting point: 1,191 degrees Fahrenheit (644 degrees Celsius).
Boiling point: 7,052 F (3,900 C).
Most common isotope: Np-237.