Wikijunior:The Elements/Magnesium

Shows the position of Magnesium on the periodic chart.
Magnesium's symbol on the Periodic Table

Magnesium is a metal that burns brightly.

What does it look, feel, taste, or smell like?

A small piece of magnesium.

Magnesium as a metal is silver-white and lightweight. It is pictured here in a stick, but it also comes in powder form. Surprisingly, it can be bought by the average person, usually for medical reasons. Magnesium is also softer than other metals. If you've ever tried to bend a metal spoon (these are usually made of steel, a very strong metal) you probably couldn't. If that same spoon was made of magnesium, you could easily bend it. It doesn't smell like anything on its own, because metals don't really smell like anything. The smell you think of when you think of metals is because of a reaction between the oil on your hands and the metal.

Magnesium is a solid at room temperature. It becomes dull or discolored when reacting with oxygen in the air. This process is known as tarnishing. When exposed to water, magnesium produces hydrogen gas.

Magnesium burns with a bright white light.

Magnesium in crystalized form.

How was it discovered?


In 1755, the chemist Joesph Black experimented with magnesia alba (magnesium carbonate) a treatment for digestive disorders. His work was important for chemistry, but he did not determine that magnesium was an element.

Sir Humphry Davy electrolytically isolated pure magnesium metal in 1808. He passed an electric current through a mixture of magnesium oxide and mercuric oxide. The process was called electrolysis. The result was separation of pure magnesium metal from the mixture.  

Where did its name come from?


The element magnesium was named by English scientist Sir Humphrey Davy. He named it after the Magnesia region of Greece on the Aegean Sea. The area has numerous mineral deposits rich in magnesium.  

Did You Know?

  • Magnesium is the eighth most abundant element.
  • 1.3 kilograms of magnesium can be found in every cubic kilometer of sea water.
  • Magnesium is used in marine flares and fireworks to produce a brilliant white light.

Where is it found?


Magnesium as a pure metal is not found in nature. Magnesium oxide (MgO) is found in the Earth's crust. Magnesium is not directly mined from magnesium oxide. Instead, it is primarily extracted from magnesium-rich minerals such as dolomite and magnesite.

Magnesium is the third most common mineral dissolved in ocean water, after chloride and sodium. Much of the magnesium used in the United States is extracted from sea water.

Magnesium can be found in green vegetables, especially darker green ones. This is because chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants, contains magnesium.

What are its use?


Magnesium is necessary for all living cells. It is used to help our body make molecules like DNA. Plants also use magnesium as a part of chlorophyll for photosynthesis. In the human body magnesium helps maintain strong bones and a healthy heart.

Magnesium burns very bright white. In the old days, magnesium could be used as a light source and was used to create the flash for cameras. Now, it is used in some fireworks. It is also used to make incendiary bombs.

Since magnesium is one-third lighter than aluminum, it is combined with other metals to make missiles and aircraft. Many automakers use magnesium alloys in their vehicles. Some car batteries use magnesium.

Magnesium alloys are made with aluminum, silicon, manganese, zinc, and copper. They are suitable for making devices such as cameras, mobile phones, and laptop computers.

Magnesium alloys are used for bicycle frames, wheels, and pedals. They provide strength and a smooth ride.

Magnesium is also used for construction. It is known as one of the lightest metals that can be used for construction.

Some magnesium compounds are important for health care. Magnesium oxide (MgO), also called magnesia, is used in some stomach antacids. Magnesium is also used to make Epsom salts, which is used to treat minor skin abrasions and soothe sore muscles.

A magnesium compound creates the light producing ability of creatures such as fireflies. This ability to produce light is called “bioluminescence”.

In agriculture, magnesium-based fertilizers are used to enhance crop yields. They replenish magnesium lost from the soil and promote healthy plant growth.

Is it dangerous?


Magnesium is highly flammable, and the bright light it gives off can damage the eyes. Never place it in fire, as it burns at an EXTREMELY high temperature, and never throw it into an acid which might cause the release of flammable hydrogen gas. Keep it away from children.



Ducksters. (2024). Chemistry for Kids: Elements - Magnesium. Retrieved from

Kiddle Encyclopedia. (2024 November 7). Chemical compounds facts for kids. Magnesium.

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Kreier, F. (27 May 2024). How do fireflies light up? Live Science. Retrieved from

McMahon, M. (21 May 2024). What is magnesium? Retrieved from

ScienceStruck. (n.d.) Who discovered magnesium? Let’s find out. Retrieved from Who discovered magnesium? Let’s find out.

Wedraw Studio. (n.d.) Magnesium Chemical Elements—Periodic table/properties and uses! [Video]. YouTube.

Accessed December 16, 2024.